Yoga classes in Dubai becoming popular amongst the elderly

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Yoga classes in Dubai becoming popular amongst the elderly

The fast developing and mechanized world has its share of troubles one of the most important being health issues. Since many people lead a largely sedentary lifestyle because of the benefits of machines, physical exertion today is at a minimum. This has led to many lifestyle related diseases like diabetes,

The modern man has thus embraced many kinds of exercises like aerobics, Pilates, kick boxing etc. All major cities and towns abound in gyms and health clubs which bring about a healthier individual. Together with diseases the hectic pace of modern life has brought about its share of stress and

This is where yoga as an exercise pattern comes into importance as it not only makes the body fit but also relaxes the mind and holistically creates a healthy mind in a healthy

Yoga is one of the most ancient form of exercise in the world. It is said to be almost five thousand years old and is derived from an observation of nature and natural phenomena. All the yoga poses or asanas are derived from observed natural phenomena like land forms, animals, bird, insects etc.

Hatha yoga is one of the most ancient form of yoga and mostly delineates the physical forms or asanas. The meaning of the word hatha can be derived in two ways. The first meaning is willful or forceful denoting the physicality of this branch as opposed dhyana or meditation.

The second meaning is derived from splitting the word into two ‘ha’ meaning the sun and ‘tha’ the moon thus together symbolizing the balance that can be found in nature. This branch of yoga prepares the body physically for meditation through exercises that align the skin, the bones and the

Every yoga session has a well ordered sequence and the end of each is done through a relaxation technique known as yoga nidra. This is a cooling down session after the physical exertion of the yogic poses. It brings about an integration of the exercises and relaxes the body and mind.

Essentially it refers to a period between sleep and wakefulness and this is achieved by the practitioner through lying flat on the back and slowly consciously relax each part

As each part is relaxed and the person reaches the top of the head an amazing sense of relaxation and well-being pervades the individual. It leaves him or her feeling refreshed and

Being one of the busiest cities in the world Dubai has its fair share of stress and noise. Yoga classes in Dubai are offered as a respite from all this. Many kinds of yoga are available, ranging from the more physical hatha yoga to the more

These classes are offered by well qualified trainers and are available in exclusive studios or as part of health clubs. They boast of an ambience that is soothing and brings about an

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