Bachelor Thesis

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German University in Cairo Architecture and Urban Design Program Bachelor Thesis | Spring 2019

Salma Elbasty



German University in Cairo | Architecture and Urban Design Program Architecture and Building Technology


Salma Mohamed Elbasty 37-2356


Assoc. Prof. Thomas Loeffler German University in Cairo

External Examiner

Prof. Dr. Vicente Iborra Pallares Escuela Politécnica Superior Universidad de Alicante

Examination Date


Submission Date:



German University in Cairo | Architecture and Urban Design Program Architecture and Building Technology

This Is To Certify That: 1. This Thesis Comprises Only My Original Work Towards The Bachelor Degree. 2. Due Acknowledgement Has Been Made In The Text To All Other Material Used.

Salma Mohamed Elbasty 20.06.2019



1. Introduction Overview of the Whole Project Sequence of Method

05 05 06

2. Design References Site Urban Analysis Weather Analysis Site Limitations Cultural Dimension Space Program

07 07 08 09 10 11 13

3. Project Design Problem Definition Conceptual Development - Proposal 1 Conceptual Development - Proposal 2 Conceptual Development - Proposal 3 Final Proposal

15 15 16 17 19 22

4. Critical review on work and process


5. Conclusion and recommendations 35 6. References List of figures Bibliography

36 36 37

7. Appendix Project presentation sheets Model photos

38 39 43 4


Overview of the Project Scope

The Czech Republic has launched a student competition for its embassy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Tackling

many aspects of functionality, aesthetic, representation and energy efficiency, the most challenging aspect remains in the very dense and detailed space program, along with the variations in typology. The choice of using this competition as a thesis topic is to get exposed to a real- life project, with a background of the international competition procedures. The competition field is quite an important milestone to get exposed to as much national and international design challenges as possible, with regard to the context of the site and the respecting of it. The first question that is faced is“ What is an embassy in the point of view of the competition?” Unlike the stan-

dard thought that the embassy is an official building for all the foreign relations and functions, the embassy in our competition is a “Complex”. That means that it hosts a variety of functions, and preferably, a variety of separate buildings, to ensure the efficiency and the privacy of each and every building. The Official Embassy Complex should host: an official embassy building, a visa and consular building, the ambassador’s official residence, residence for the staff, and residence for the local workforce. The urban layout of the Official Embassy Complex should host a representative garden, a private garden for the ambassador and an outdoor area for the staff, with playgrounds and a pool for the residents.

to be an efficient embassy. It should provide convenient levels of privacy and openness, safety and hospitality, proximity and isolation. Throughout the semester, varied topics have been tackled related to all the formerly mentioned challenges.

The semester was kick-started with research about different embassies with different contexts, in order to identify better with the new typology of embassy buildings. This research has also aided in viewing solutions of how architects dealt with the many typologies in the same complex: some have chosen to keep them all in one building, others have chosen the design decision of making several pavilions. How the architects have expressed both host and hosting countries in an embassy building has also been noted. The varied concepts that have arisen due to this design challenge has given many inspirations as to which direction should the design process head forward to.

Figure 1: Flag of the Czech Republic.

The embassy should naturally be a state representation to the country that it represents, in our case, the Czech Republic. The embassy should also be quite

respecting to the hosting country, while referencing many of its qualities, which in our case, is Ethiopia. It is a physical representation of what the competition calls for: “a business card”. However, this also means it must have a rational layout and be extremely functional 5


Sequence of Method

The question remained: Where should the research and design phase start? The possibilities seemed vast and endless. On one hand, the cultural representation and the respect of the genius loci awaited on one side, the site conditions and regulations awaited on another side, and the space program has also been put on hold. Starting with the site basic regulations seemed the better choice to pursue. After the analysis and the noting of all the regulations, the concept phase was started to produce a relevant starting mass for the project to have a strong stance between the endless possibilities. Vast research about both countries, their cultures, their traditions, their buildings: all has been researched in the hopes of finding a common link that seemed relevant for both countries.

Figure 2: Embassy Complex Model.

The next phase was putting all the space program specifications in the masses. A very dense space program was put by the competition conditions, with many regulations, entrances and areas specified. They have also expressed their preference to some solutions over the other. As a brief example: they wanted the visa and consular building to be a separate entity and building away from all the other functions. Then came the phase of materials for the elevation and elevation design. Special care has been taken to fulfil all the safety requirements and the weather limitations, along with the availability of the materials in Addis Ababa. The materials chosen had to represent both cultures to a certain extent. The full details of the facade had to also be designed by drawing a highly detailed facade section in order to clearly show the facade concept. As a conclusion to this introduction, the project is complex in many ways, and to approach it in the correct way was not an easy or direct task. Many trials have been made in order to find a clear vision of the project and to produce an outcome that would be fulfilling to the requirements at hand. 6

Design References Site

Figure 3: Aerial Photo of Site.




Urban Analysis

Green Areas

Secondary Streets

Main Streets

Whole City

As formerly mentioned, the site has been the first aspect of the project to be tackled. To start with the analysis, the process has been a large zoom out on the scale of the city of Addis Ababa, zooming further in until the boundaries of the site. The initial analysis was a brief urban analysis to undertand the urban fabric of the city of Addis Ababa, whether it is dense or not, and the percentage of green in the city. This has a direct effect on many design decisions. The dense urban fabric could mean stronger safety measures required, and a lowered green percentage could mean it is necessary to provide a large percentage of green to the urban scape on site in order to compensate this lack.

Figure 4 ( Left ): Urban Analysis of Addis Ababa. Figure 5 ( Top Right ): World Map indicating both countries. Figure 6 ( Bottom Right ): Addis Ababa city map with site indicated.


The second analysis related to the city of Addis Ababa was the general weather condition. Addis Ababa is a Grassland Biome with an elevation of 2200m above sea level. The weather is classified as Subtropical highland climate according to the Kรถppen climate classification. Contrary to popular belief, the weather in Addis Ababa is not hot. The following figures explain all the weather conditions in Addis Ababa.

It could be concluded that the weather is more often than not in a rainy state, with a cloudy overcast in most other days. The temperature itself is neither hot nor cold. This information has been used to provide suitable elevations for the buildings in the complex.

Figure 7: Maximum Temperatures.

Figure 8: Average Temperatures and Precipitation.

Figure 9: Precipitation Amounts.

Figure 10: Cloudy, Sunny, and Precipitation days.


Weather Analysis



Site Basic Regulations As Quoted From The Competition Site Description:

Site Limitations

1. The northern and eastern boundaries of the plot (marked with a light blue line on the map) are, beside the fence, lined with a reinforced surface sewer draining mainly rainwater. 2. The southern boundary in its eastern part is formed by the walls of neighboring buildings (private residences, marked with a purple line on the map), in the central part by the free space of a blind alley. 3. It is presently used by a car service (marked light green and the letter “G” on the map), and in the western part, the plot borders on a road which currently serves as the main access road to the plot.

Map of the land

Marked with critical locations

Figure 11: Site Critical Conditions As Provided.

4. The most problematic is the western boundary directly bordering on school buildings (the fencing is thus partly formed by the peripheral walls of the school buildings)(on the map see “Š”). 5. There is an obviously illegal construction (corrugated plate-covered containers placed on top of each other of a building serving an unknown purpose, which is, moreover, located in the northwest recess of the site (marked dark blue on the map). 6. As the demolition of the illegal building is difficult to claim under local conditions, we recommend separating this part of the plot by an inner wall, build a road on it (marked brown on the map). 7. Use the newly formed plot for building a support facility and housing for so-called “local workforce”. A suitable location is in the western part of the plot/ and a parking for the embassy staff. 8. The plot would, at the same time, be “rounded” (in the southwest part a usable right angle would be created). 9. An own source of drinking water with sufficient capacity will be built on the plot – a well, the expected drilling depth is 200 m. 10. The only spatial regulation in the area is the limitation of the height of buildings up to 4 above-ground storeys. 10


The proposal provided has yearned to express the cultural nature of the context at hand. While researching about Ethiopia as a context, it was certainly evident that the Ethiopian nation is proud it has never been colonized. For 3 brief years, the Italians tried to colonize Ethiopia, drawing master plans and treating Ethiopia as a total Tabula Rasa (such as the master plan provided by Le Corbusier to the Italian colony)- totally neglecting the cultural and urban dimensions of the context.

Figure 12: Le Corbusier’s Vision for Addis Ababa.

Cultural Dimension

Figure 13: Aerial perspective of an exemplary Italian colonial neighborhood design in Addis Ababa.


In order to find a grid relevant to the culture of Ethiopia in order to maintain its chastity, research was made on several of the most culturally infested buildings there. One certainly stood out: The Rock-Hewn Churches of Lalibela. They are churches curved out of stone, built on a grid of 12x12x12, treating each church as a cube of stone, and subtracting the building out of it. These churches are now protected by the UNESCO, and they are certainly one of the most famously known landmarks of Ethiopia all around the world.

The lands of Ethiopia also hold a large amount of rain. Subtractions all around the churches of Lalibela are made and as a religious dimension, women looking to get pregnant bathe in those subtractions which, according to their beliefs, would help them get pregnant. In order to maintain the cultural aspect in the design process, those two important dimensions were noted and used further on.

Figure 14: Aerial Photo Of One Of The Rock-Hewn Churches Of Lalibela.

Figure 15: Water Subtractions in Lalibela.


Cultural Dimension


Space Program

They briefly are broken down into: 1. Official Embassy Building ( 1300m2 ) - Entrance Spaces - Representative Spaces - Assembly Room - Office Sections ( A,B,C,D ) - Technical Rooms - Storages - Representative Garden - Indoor Garage - Space for Local Workforce 2.Ambassador’s Residence ( 380m2 ) - Private Apartment - Guest Studio - Representative Spaces - Office - Private Garden 3.Consular & Visa ( 150m2 ) - Waiting Area - Consular Department - Visa Department - Meeting Rooms - Offices - Archives 4.Embassy Staff Residence ( 700m2 ) - Apartment Typology 2+1 - Apartment Typology 3+1 - Apartment Typology 4+1 - Courier Rooms - Storages - Shared Outdoor Spaces 5.Local Workforce Building ( 200m2 ) - Social Flats - Shared Laundry Space

Czech Embassy in Addis Ababa

Indicative (maximum) bill of quantities


9 staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic + 3 local employees

Elaborated by: Datum:

Ing. Pavel Vydra - Asset Management Department 31-08-2018


The space program of the official embassy complex has been provided in great detail in the form of a bill of quantities ( B.O.Q ). Each building and function in the official embassy complex has been broken down into sub-divisions.

Room designation

Number of Number of Unit area (m2) Clearance (m) rooms x unit rooms area

Total area (m2)

Built-up area (m3)




Official part Entrance spaces 1 2 3 4

vestibule entrance hall + reception meeting room WC for visitors

3.00 1 1 2 1

4 15 16 6

0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0

40 15 20 56 180 12 9 30

entrance hall cloakroom representative lounge representative dining room for 30 assembly room for up to 150 people WC men, women office representative kitchen

1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1

28 8 25 25 20 16 30 20

1 2 1

25 25 16

1 1 1 1

20 20 6 6



Office section A 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 19

office WC / shower secretariat (common for items 13 and office office office meeting room room with copier + mail room

office office without windows tea kitchen shower + WC

28.00 8.00 25.00 25.00 20.00 80.00 30.00 20.00

28.00 8.00 25.00 25.00 20.00 80.00 30.00 20.00

18.00 25.00 9.00

18.00 25.00 9.00

20.00 20.00 6.00 6.00

20.00 20.00 6.00 6.00





Office section D 27 office Výstavba nových objektů - plochy a objemy

40.00 15.00 60.00 56.00 180.00 12.00 9.00 30.00


Office section C 23 24 25 26

40.00 15.00 60.00 56.00 180.00 12.00 9.00 30.00



Office section B 20 office 21 secretariat + archives 22 office

4.00 15.00 32.00 6.00


Representative spaces 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

4.00 15.00 32.00 6.00

2.80 1


Space Program 28 office 29 storeroom 30 room with copier + finance dept.

0 0 1

16 15 9

1 2 1

6 6 3

Common spaces 31 tea kitchen 32 WC 33 cleaning chamber

repre internal equipment food / cooled / frozen technical support material storage waste



power supply air-conditioning machine room boiler room replacement source backup battery - UPS workshop + storeroom

1 1 2 1 1

10 30 13 20 8

1 1 1 1 1 2

10 25 20 16 10 15



Residence Entrance spaces 58 59 60 61

10.00 40.00 26.00 20.00 8.00

10.00 40.00 26.00 20.00 8.00

10.00 25.00 20.00 16.00 10.00 30.00

10.00 25.00 20.00 16.00 10.00 30.00

16 16 14

16.00 16.00 14.00

Official embassy building total


Entrance spaces vestibule entrance hall - waiting room meeting room WC for visitors


4 25 16 6

4.00 25.00 32.00 6.00

4.00 25.00 32.00 6.00

Consular Section 53 54 55 56 57

archives receipt of applications office office WC + shower

12 12 16 16 12

12.00 12.00 32.00 16.00 12.00

12.00 12.00 32.00 16.00 12.00

Consular and visa building total + circulation 15% Výstavba nových objektů - plochy a objemy



25.00 36.00 4.00 20.00

25.00 36.00 4.00 20.00




324.00 48.00


apartment 2 + 1 apartment 3 + 1 apartment 4 + 1 courier flat 1 + kitchenette storeroom

165.00 225.00 190.00 50.00 48.00

165.00 225.00 190.00 50.00 48.00



160.00 25.00

160.00 25.00



2.60 3 3 2 2 8

55 75 95 25 6

Residential building of staff in total + circulation 15%


Building for local workforce Residential part MS

72 flat 2 + kitchenette, bathroom 73 facilities (dressing rooms, laundry)

2.60 4 1

40 25

Building for local workforce + circulation 15%

151.00 20.00


4.00 25.00 10.00 0.00


Residential part

2.80 1 1 2 1 0

25 36 4 20

4.00 25.00 10.00 0.00

Residential building of embassy staff

67 68 69 70 71

2.80 1 1 2 1

1 1 1 1

+ circulation 15%


Consular and visa building

49 50 51 52

4 25 10 12

Residence total

16.00 16.00 14.00


2.80 1 1 1

Private section


+ circulation 15%

representative lounge representative dining room for 16 storeroom representative kitchen

66 apartment 5 + 1 + min. 2 bathrooms

2.60 1 1 1

vestibule entrance hall cloakroom WC men, women Representative spaces

62 63 64 65


Spaces of local workforce 46 drivers 47 drying room, laundry 48 cloakroom and sanitary facilities

6.00 12.00 3.00


Technical support 40 41 42 43 44 45

6.00 12.00 3.00

Figure 16 ( Previous Page ): Page 1 of the B.O.Q Provided. Figure 17 ( Left ): Page 2 of the B.O.Q Provided. Figure 18 ( Bottom ): Page 3 of the B.O.Q Provided.


Storage falicities 35 36 37 38 39

16.00 15.00 16.00


Garage 34 number of cars

16.00 15.00 16.00







Project Design - Proposal Problem Definition

As formerly mentioned, the design process is quite challenging and the possibilities to start from are endless. The main problems lie in the

ability to efficiently represent both parties, decide on the mass and form, and fit all the detailed space program specifications in the forms. Fortunately, while the limitations enforced by the competition conditions may be limiting to some, they have also restricted the number of possibilities and paved an easier way to start with the project. In order to fulfil all the requirements, a step by step journey has been made to and from all scales. The site regulations, such as an offset for the buildings of minimum 10m away from the protective concrete wall for safety measures, have limited the distribution of the masses. The areas provided have limited the sizes of the masses and have asserted the importance of some buildings over the others. The design intention is to fulfil all the conditions provided to the very little detail. The safety issue is also quite important as Addis Ababa is a seemingly dense city, requiring the security measures to be strong. The offset for the buildings away from the main concrete wall clearly reinforces this idea. The topics of concealing the outdoor areas away from the public eye and away from any dangers is also something to put in mind. Some buildings need connections to others, other buildings need to be completely separated from others, these have all been followed according to the desires of the Czechs. The design process has not flowed smoothly however, it has gone through many phases and trials, and they have all been documented in the following pages, leading,finally, to the desired final proposal.


Conceptual Development Proposal 1



12651 m2

2834 m2

Figure 19: Existing Site Situation With Offset. 1.EXISTIN G 12651 m2

One of the most initial design proposals, the main goal here is to get better acquainted to the masses, the site, and to understand the functions and their relations to one another. The initial masses have come together as a sum of all the areas of functions combined and distributed using a grid to facilitate the process. The entrances and exits have been dictated by the conditions.




2.ROAD 2834 m2


Double Story Single Story




2834 m2



Figure 22: Axonometric Masses.

Double Story Single Story









Figure 20: Suggested Road on Site Indicated. 2.ROAD

Staff Residence


Parking Local Workforce

Residence Exit

Staff Parking

Visa Embassy Offices


Visa Parking

4.GRID 6X6



4.GRID Figure 21: Grid6X6 Applied on Site.

5.Figure DISTRIBU TION 23: Functions, Entrances and Areas Indicated on Site.


Conceptual Development Proposal 2

This design proposal is more mature than the previous one. The areas of each and every subdivision of masses is taken into consideration and applied in the masses in order to test their functionality and their relevancy to the space program provided.

The masses have been divided according to a grid that respects the local culture and tradition. The grid is derived from the grid that the churches of Lalibela are built upon. The proposal is a trial testing the feasibility of applying such a concept.

Figure 24 ( Left ): Conceptual Diagrams and Massing. Figure 25 (Bottom): Site Plan.


ce Gar


Residen Entrancece Pedestr ian



Local Workforce Residence



Local WorkFo + rce Staff Entr ance



Visitors' Parking


r Garag


al Em


e For


al Em


r Resid







Official Building Embassy Entrance

and Co




Official Building Embassy Car Entr ance

Solid Waste CD + VD Entrance

Visa s' Visitor Parking



1;200 Elevation 2

Conceptual Development

Figure 26: Front Elevation.

Proposal 2

Figure 27: Side Elevation.

This proposal has focused on also distributing the water subtractions that represent those of the churches of Lalibela in order to make use of the excess rain water on site and provide an overall aesthetic experience. The proposal was a kick-start to the distribution of the functions.

Figure 28: Section A-A.


B Residen


ce Gar

ce Gar


Residen Entrancece Pedestr ian


App ms




App 3+1

App 4+1

App 4+1


Flat Courrie




















WC Represe Dining ntative Room


Cloak Room

Rep Kitchen .



y Roo




ce Hall

WC Represe Dining ntative Room

Rep Kitchen .



e For

A Officia

Visitors' Parking



e For

l Emb

assy Buil

A Officia

l Emb

l Support




Rep Lounge .

Local WorkFo rce


assy Buil





Meeting Room


Meeting WC Room WC


Official Building Embassy Entrance





Meeting WC Room WC


Office Official Building Embassy Entrance



Waiting Room




Official Building Embassy Car Entr ance

Solid Waste CD + VD Entrance

Meeting Room



Official Building Embassy Car Entr ance




Waiting Room





Visa s' Visitor Parking


Figure 29: Ground Floor Plan.





Local WorkFo + rce Staff Entr ance




Visitors' Parking







ce Ha


ce Hall

Rep Lounge .





App 3+1

Flat Flat


Local WorkFo + rce Staff Entr ance






Residen Entrancece Pedestr ian





Solid Waste CD + VD Entrance

Visa s' Visitor Parking


Figure 30: First Floor Plan.


Conceptual Development Proposal 3

Figure 31 ( Top ): Site Plan. Figure 32 ( Left ): Conceptual Diagrams.

This is the third and most elaborate proposal before the final proposal. It has focused on bettering the masses and the overall functionality, along with providing for the smallest area divisions in each function from the space program provided. Trials on the elevation design have also been made. Figure 33: Isometric View.


Conceptual Development Proposal 3

Figure 34: Elevation Trial.

Figure 35: Section B-B. Figure 36: Ground Floor Plan.

Figure 37: Staff Entrance.

Figure 38: Section A-A. Figure 39: First Floor Plan.


Conceptual Development Proposal 3

Figure 40 ( Top ): Model Photo. Figure 41 (Bottom): Model Photo.

The third proposal has been used to lead us to the final proposal. Changes have been made in some of the masses to provide a better quality to the users of the embassy complex. A small example of that is the staff residence building. In this proposal, it is a whole mass containing all the apartments that can be reachable using corridors. In the final proposal presented in the next pages, each apartment is given separate access in order to increase their feeling of individuality. The cantilevers tried out in this proposal have not proven to be efficient. They have been placed in order to create protected pathways underneath them. However, that could lead on the users into regions where no access is desired. Also, the cantilever in the entrance of the official embassy building that leads into the courtyard could lead the courtyard to be unusable. It would make it a pathway instead of a space where events and activities could be held. In the final proposal, this pathway has been closed in order to provide for a usable courtyard. To conclude, the critical analysis of all the previous proposals has led on the numerous decisions that have been taken into consideration to produce the final proposal. 21

The final proposal is the result of all the critical studies of the 3 proposals in the conceptual development. The 3 proposals all tackled different topics at different scales and levels of detail in different stages in the project. It has been then further developed using the analysis and research of the site and culture in order to become what it is now, the most elaborate proposal. This proposal is what has been chosen to enter the competition. Each and every small detail will be handled individually in the explanation of this proposal in the next pages, and the explanation would always refer back to the design aims, design requirements and limitations, and to the competition conditions. The final proposal has also gone into enough detail to provide drawings up to the scale of 1:20 in the form of a facade section. This shows the extent of detailing it has reached. The topics of safety, efficiency and spatial quality will all be addressed. The main perspective shown is that of the official embassy building, and, specifically, the official entrance to it. The competition conditions have gone as far as to request the placement of two flags at the entrance representative of both countries ( Czech Republic and Ethiopia) in order to indicate the presence of the building and its functionality.

Final Proposal

Figure 42: Main Perspective.


Final Proposal

Concept Diagrams

In order to refrain from tainting the chastity of the Ethiopian lands, and to facilitate the design process of the embassy complex, the proposal provided a grid that is derived from the Ethiopian heritage. The grid used in the proposal is a 12x12m grid, inspired by the Churches of Lalibela in Ethiopia. Those churches are masses of 12x12x12, and they have been carved from those initial masses into the churches that are present now. The proposal treats the embassy complex in the same mannera whole mass with subtraction actions causing the resulted masses to appear. For a more delicate approach for an easier maneuvering, sub-grids were derived from the initial grid, breaking the grid into 6x6, 3x3, and 1.5x1.5 in order to maintain the same proportions. As a pleasant coincidence, the 6x6 grid has been proven to be the most efficient plantation grid. It has been used all around the embassy complex to provide for an outdoor experience and to provide a plantation concept for the representative outdoor areas.


GRID 12X12





Ethiopia is certainly proud of being the only African Country that has never been colonized. Its urban fabric has not been touched.

In order not to tarnish the urban fabric of Ethiopia, a grid of 12x12 was planned in accordance to the masses of the Churches of Lalibela in Ethiopia.

For an easier maneuvering, sub grids were used for a more delicate approach to the design process. Grids of 6x6, 3x3 and 1.5x1.5 are used.

The churches of Lalibela also have subtractions all around their perimeters. Those subtractions are filled with water, and they have been made to bathe women trying to get pregnant. As a reference to this ritualistic act, and to make use of the excess rain all around the embassy complex, water subtractions all around the site are provided and used for aesthetic pleasure.

Figure 43: Conceptual Diagrams.

Coincidentally, the 6x6 grid has been proven to be the most efficient plantation grid. It has been used to provide a well-balanced planting environment.

All around the churches of Lalibela, water subtractions have been made to bathe women trying to get pregnant. Rain is also excessive on site.

As a reference to this ritualistic act, and to make use of the excess rain, water subtractions all around the site are provided and used for aesthetic pleasure.


Final Proposal

Zoning Diagrams

Each separate building will be handled in detail: The embassy building is divided into 2 floors: -The ground floor is the representative space, providing access to invited parties. They can access the assembly hall, dining hall and the lounges. -The ground floor also holds the storage and the technical rooms. -The first floor is the private space, holding space for the 4 office sections, overlooking a courtyard. The visa and consular building is divided into two parts to accommodate the two functions respectively. -The visa section is a more public area, containing a waiting room and cubicles with windows to interview the applicants to the visa. -The consular section is a more private section, with offices and meeting rooms provided for the staff. The ambassador’s residence is divided into 2 floors. It is divided into two parts horizontally. -The section closer to the visa and consular building is the representative space, containing a lounge and a dining room. -The other section is the residence itself, providing a more private space for the ambassador’s family. -Both overlook a representative garden The staff residence is divided into two buildings, both holding almost the same flat types. -There are 2+1 flats, 3+1flats, 4+1flats, and courier rooms provided for the staff. -Each entity is individually accessed. - All overlook a garden specifically present for their use. The local workforce is divided similarly to the staff residence, with each flat being individually accessed.

Figure 44: Zoning Diagrams.


As formerly mentioned, the placement of the entrances, exits and functions are mostly dictated by the competition rules.

Final Proposal

Site Plan

The pedestrian entrances are as follows: Entrance 1: In the southern edge of the plot. Provides representative access into the official embassy complex. Entrance 2: On the southern left side of the plot. Only for the use of visa applicants. Positioned as far away as possible from all other functions. Entrance 3: In the western edge, for the use of the staff and the local workforce. Entrance 4: In the northern edge, for the ambassador’s use.

Figure 45: Site Plan.

The car entrances are as follows: Entrance 1: In the southern edge of the plot. Provides representative access into the official embassy complex and provides access to the embassy cars. Entrance 2: In the northern edge. Only for the use of the ambassador. The car exits are as follows: Exit 1: In the western edge of the plot. Provides representative exit into the official embassy complex and provides exit to the embassy cars. Exit 2: In the northern edge. Only for ambassador’s use.


Final Proposal

Figure 46: Ground Floor Plan. The ground floor plan shows the connections of the buildings with their direct urban context. The official embassy building is connected to the representative garden in the west and is connected to the courtyard it encloses. Both are used to host parties with invited personnels. The staff residence are provided with a longitudinal garden that contains greenery and water subtractions. They are also provided with playgrounds for small children, along with an outdoor pool and a tennis court. They have a ‘Tukul’ placed in order to have a connection with the culture they are part of. A ‘Tukul’ is a round mud hut with a cone-shaped thatched roof, which is usually found in Ethiopia. The visa and consular building also has a small garden in order to appeal and to invite visitors to both sections. The ambassador’s house has a representative garden for invited personnel and for private use along with a ‘Tukul’. There is a well placed in the center of the plot. 26

Final Proposal

Figure 47: First Floor Plan. The first floor plan mainly hosts the functions that are too private to be put on the ground floor and risk sharing with any of the other users of the official embassy complex. The official embassy building has an elevated section in order to host the most private section, the office parts (A,B,C,D). All the sections require a large percentage of security, therefore, the vertical circulation areas are locked and cannot be used for those who do not have access. Office section C requires the highest level of security between all the other sections, therefore it is required that it has an office with no windows at all and a separate sanitary room to accommodate this privacy level. There is a terrace provided for all the office users which overlooks the courtyard for a better spatial quality. The ambassador’s residence is also elevated to provide privacy for the ambassador and his/her family. All bedrooms and offices are placed in the first floor. The representative area in the residence also has a meeting room elevated for more secrecy. 27

Final Proposal

Elevations and Sections

Figure 48: Main Elevation.

Figure 49: East Elevation.

Figure 50: Section B-B.


Final Proposal

Elevations and Sections

Figure 51: West Elevation.

Figure 52: Section A-A.

Figure 53: Local Workforce Elevation.

Figure 54: Section C-C.


Final Proposal

Facade Details

The materials used in the elevation of the embassy complex respect the genius loci. The elevations are all exposed concrete. Concrete is one of the most abundant materials in Ethiopia, commonly used in the construction industry. Concrete is also used for safety in the extreme rare case of an attack on the embassy buildings and its facilities. The concrete, being exposed, allures to the genuinity of intentions. The concrete has vertical engraves in order to compliment the verticality of the wooden louvers used. They also help reinstate the verticality in the official embassy complex which is affected by the horizontality of the buildings. The louvers in the design are made of wood. Wood is also quite abundant in Ethiopia, having large forests of Eucalyptus trees in its natural geography. The wooden louvers are mainly used to provide privacy for the official embassy users in their different typologies. They are quite long to break the horizontality due to the official embassy complex being wide spread on a large site, along with the offset required, and the large concrete wall that circulates the whole complex. The wooden louvers could be rotated manually in order to provide total privacy. The windows themselves are all made of safety glass. The windows are all very long, around 4 meters in height, also to reinstate the verticality in the embassy complex lost by the horizontal spread of all the different functions and typologies. This large height provides a sense of monumentality all around the site, suitable for an embassy complex. Figure 55 ( Left ): Facade Section. Figure 56 ( Right ): Partial Elevation.


Final Proposal


The official embassy courtyard is present in the official embassy building. The functions around it are all representative. The lounges have a view to it, along with the dining hall and the assembly hall. Both functions need to be connected to an outdoor area, and in this case, it is this courtyard space. The window sizes are clearly monumental in this shot if you compare it to the human figures present. The louvers are also placed to provide the privacy the spaces need. The courtyard itself has planting placed, and in its correct center, there is a water subtraction - or rather a water pool, in order to refer to the cultural dimension of the Ethiopian lands and beliefs. The first floor hosts all the offices, and it is quite a pleasant spatial quality to have a view to this space. The other offices which do not overlook this courtyard have a view towards the representative garden which is also a pleasant view. There is a terrace in the first floor that can be accessed from a lobby beside one of the vertical circulation spaces It is provided for the staff that have their offices in the first floor, where they can take a break and also enjoy the view.

Figure 57: Official Embassy Courtyard.


Final Proposal


The staff residence is divided into two main buildings horizontally spread around the site. They are facing each other, so as a separation element in the middle, a narrow outdoor green area with water subtractions has been placed in order to provide a pleasant view and to physically and visually separate between both buildings. The water pools also, as formerly mentioned, enhance the cultural dimension of the concept. The end of this longitudinal garden leads towards the ‘Tukul’. The ‘Tukul’ is used as a representative element on site here and in the ambassador’s private garden. The circular mud structure is used to host small parties. Around it there are also playgrounds for small children, an outdoor pool for the staff and their families to use ,and a tennis court. Each and every apartment in the staff residence faces this garden. The entrances are from the back of both buildings, and each apartment has a separate entrance in order to enhance the individuality of their living space.

Figure 58: Staff Residence Garden.


Final Proposal


This node is a common node between 5 of the main buildings and 4 of the main functions. It is a view through the car exit path of the official embassy cars heading towards the exit at the east. The buildings in view are the official embassy building ( nearest in the west) , the ambassador’s residence in the east, and the staff residence facing the road. The visa building is in close proximity, but is not shown in view. In this intersection of pathways and buildings, there is a well 200m in depth. The well is required to be an own source of drinking water. It has been placed in the center to highlight the great importance it poses to the whole official embassy complex. Trees and water subtractions shown are also used to separate visually and physically between functions. When absolutely necessary, walls are built in order to provide complete separation, such as in the case of the visa and consular building.

Figure 59: View of Well at Intersection.


Critical Review Work & Process Time certainly was a limiting factor in this design course. The areas of design interest are vast and varied, and if time would have been increased, major focus on other areas would have been added. To give a minor example, the concrete wall that encircles all the site would have been designed in a method that separates but is not uninviting to the passerby. That would have given the quality of mystifying the official embassy complex without exposing it completely to the public. Another aspect that the addition of time would have benefited is the addition of more passive and less active measures for energy efficiency and for an environmentally friendly building. The weather in Addis Ababa is neither hot nor cold, but adding energy efficiency measures would have bettered the indoor air quality of the spaces included in the design. Overall, the critique provided for the final proposal was on quite a positive note. The work process itself was organized to a great extent- it is generally normal to jump between stages and scales in order to have a clear view of how to initiate the design strategy and proceed in the design process in an efficient way.


Conclusion Recommendations As an overall conclusion, this project was quite a gratifying project in numerous ways. It was an introduction to the world of international competitions. It is my personal belief that it must be experienced at least once through out the educational journey. Most of those who joined this thesis project have submitted their final proposals to the competition website. The scope of the project was quite clear and feasible. Labelled as a real project, even in the competition website, it is a project that could be applied in reality, and not a conceptual topic that has been chosen for such a thesis. This adds a desirable edge to the thesis project. It is a project with an existing client and a well-thought space program done according to the needs of the client. The users of the official embassy complex are all not scenarios, they are explained through out the competition conditions, all the way to where they should eat or drink. The thesis project is a final milestone that does prove the ability to pursue architecture as a career. This project is the epitome of different tasks and fields of study combined into one. Thank you for taking the time to review the project.



List of Figures Figure 1, Wikipedia Figure 2, Author Figure 3, Google Earth Figure 4, Author Figure 5, Author Figure 6, Author Figure 7, Meteoblue Figure 8, Meteoblue Figure 9, Meteoblue Figure 10, Meteoblue Figure 11, Inspireli Figure 12, Failed Architecture Figure 13, TUDelft Global Studio 2015 Figure 14, Tripadvisor Figure 15, Eric Lafforgue Figure 16, Inspireli Figure 17, Inspireli Figure 18, Inspireli Figure 19, Author Figure 20, Author Figure 21, Author Figure 22, Author Figure 23, Author Figure 24, Author Figure 25, Author Figure 26, Author Figure 27, Author Figure 28, Author Figure 29, Author Figure 30, Author

List of Figures 05 06 07 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 10 11 11 12 12 13 14 14 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 18 18 18 18 18

Figure 31, Author Figure 32, Author Figure 33, Author Figure 34, Author Figure 35, Author Figure 36, Author Figure 37, Author Figure 38, Author Figure 39, Author Figure 40, Author Figure 41, Author Figure 42, Author Figure 43, Author Figure 44, Author Figure 45, Author Figure 46, Author Figure 47, Author Figure 48, Author Figure 49, Author Figure 50, Author Figure 51, Author Figure 52, Author Figure 53, Author Figure 54, Author Figure 55, Author Figure 56, Author Figure 57, Author Figure 58, Author Figure 59, Author

19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 31 32 33 36


Bibliography 1. Angelil, M., & Hebel, D. (2010). Cities of change: Addis Ababa. Basel: Birkhäuser. 2. Cherenet, Z., & Sewnet, H. (2012). Building Ethiopia. Addis Ababa: EiABC. 3. Neufert, E., Neufert, P., & Kister, J. (2012). Neufert. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 4. 5. 6. 7.



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