Why Genetic Counselling Is Important

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WHY GENETIC TESTING • Its also known as DNA testing. • It’s a range of tests carried out on

samples of DNA, taken from blood, hair or skin.

• A genetic testing can provide information

about a person's genes and chromosomes.

GENETIC COUNSELING • Genetic counselling helps you to

understand and use the results of the genetic testing to make life changing decisions.

• Genetic counsellors provide information

and support to families affected by the genetic disorder and they play an important role in providing expert genetic services.


TO DECIDE TO CHECK IT OR NOT • Genetic counseling discuss about the risks,

benefits and limitations of testing as well as the implications of genetic results for the patient as an individual and the family.

• It is based up on this information that you

are taking the decisions and some patients may opt to pursue genetic testing while others may choose to delay the knowledge of their carrier or diagnostic status.

SELECTING THE PROPER GENETIC TESTS • For this, they have to obtain three-

generation family histories, detailed medical histories.

• Then they review previous testing and

studies to assess the most appropriate genetic testing strategy for patients and families.

• Based on this, the type of genetic testing

is decided.

MENTAL SUPPORT SYSTEM • It can be devastating for the patient to

accept the disorder.

• A significant time is spent in pre-test as

well as post-test counselling sessions to prepare the patient and family for testing results and their implications.

• A Genetic counsellors are uniquely

qualified to help patients to understand the medical implications as well as the psychological impact this may have.

CONCLUSION • They can help to provide guidance and

resources for finding the most appropriate medical management and treatment options.

• It is really important to educate the

patients about their conditions.

• For genetic testing in Dubai:

http://www.fml-dubai.com/genetic-screen ing/

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