I Oct.2021-Feb.2022
internship dossier
internship in Portugal:
o u ent
he ain tas s per or e uring the internship in telier o or o oi ra Portugal ere the reali ation o o els or the present pro e ts o the stu io as ell as i ages uil ing an topograph se tions oreo er ar hite tural sur e as also arrie on or the pro e ts in the initial stage
Pro e ts
olla orate :
· esi ential o ple or artists reha ilitation o th entur a ilities lo ate in the heart o oi ra Portugal e o eling the ol uil ings into the uture resi ential a ilities or ing on the e elop ent o the ain plans an se tions as ell as the esign o the interior spa es inall as gi en the tas to ella orate a o el o the pro e t in or er to appre iate the ain hanges o the proposal
internship dossier
internship dossier
internship dossier
internship dossier
internship in Portugal:
o u ent
· ealth are enter the initial assign ent as to o an ar hite tural sur e on the present uil ing o the hea lth are a ilit ies lo a te in iran a o or o oi ra t too se eral isits to see the on ition o the stru ture an to easure he an re ise all the etails present in the preli inar r a i n g s o t h e u i l i n g hen as allo ate the tas o oing a o el o the present uil ing in or er to e l o p u r t h e r t h e p r o e t inal assign ent in this pro e t as to ra the se tions or the present uil ing
internship dossier
internship dossier
internship dossier
internship dossier
internship in Portugal:
o u ent
iennale position ala e i a e oi ra the ai as to esign the e position or the e le ati uil ing ala e i a e t s interior spa e is ell hara teri e or its e a u t i u l r i e a u l t s he ureau tea e i e to pla e a gri o o es in a or an e ith the longitu inal spa e o the pla e he goal as not to o pete ith the i portan e o the site as ell as a so e spa ial tension
internship dossier
internship dossier
internship dossier
internship dossier
internship in Portugal:
o u ent
this as a short ter or he purpose as to gather the a aila le in or ation a out the house o uinta e ar ag o an ela orate the ra ing plans ter ha ing the igital o u ent a o el as pro u e in or er to per ei e etter the olu etr o the onstru tion
internship dossier
internship dossier
internship in Portugal:
o u ent
n interior e hi ition in har ah preli inar thoughts or this pro e t the lients i n t spe i et a parti ular pla e he ureau as gi en so e etails a out the i ea the usto er as loo ing or an the ain o e ts that ere going to e e pose at the e position as assigne the ra ing o o els or se eral proposals in or er to sho the to the lients an start or ing ith the hosen one he urniture as esigne the a r h i t e t u r e u r e a u t e a
o u ent
internship dossier
internship in Portugal:
internship dossier
r p s
internship dossier
r p s
internship dossier
r p s
internship dossier
r p s
internship dossier
_ ite isits during construction phase
internship dossier
Exhibition of physical models the final ee s of the internship ere dedicated for the arran ment of an exhibition of the rea s or ome physical models ere reconstr cted and others ere in need of reparation he exposition as carried o t in Casa das Artes of ira nda do or o oimbra mon th e models selected se eral represented pro ects already exec ted hile others ere of pre io s pro ects for national and international architect re competitions
Atelier do Corvo r r
ite i
d re