pg.09 New trail for hikers, cyclists coming to Olmos Basin Park Public hearings provided input for $700,000-$1 million project
Vol. 2, Issue 7
King William
Monte Vista
Olmos Park
up to
PROJECT Terrell Hills
Creative Chair-man:
Robert Rehm
your community
pg. 03 local commentary SUSAN YERKES Paralyzed artist, theater director turns challenges into triumphs pg.10 Backpack-meal program bridges hunger It’s like he has gap in AHISD, SAISD
no limitations. People can’t believe what he does. I think he is an angel. Seriously
Snack Pak 4 Kids operating in Alamo Heights, Mahncke Park Photo by Joshua Michael
NEW YOU Fitness (pg.13)
Ray Chavez
Photo by Josh Huskin
by susan yerkes
pg.14 Downtown garden is a 'little patch' of nature Produce grown in shadow of Weston Centre feeds locals
fantastic deals
coupons INSIDE Discover the city through LOCAL deals from restaurants, retailers and services in your community, and save money while you do it! pg. 26
obert Rehm never planned to be a hero. But that’s exactly what he is to a lot of people, and being paralyzed and in a wheelchair is not slowing down the artist and theater director. “Robert has always amazed everybody with his talent,” said Ray Chavez, veteran director of Cornyation, the yearly spoof on Fiesta traditions. “It’s like he has no limitations. People can’t believe what he does. I think he is an angel. Seriously.” Brilliant graphic designer, creative spirit, dedicated teacher and treasured friend – his
Triumphs continues on pg. 16
Aztec Theatre downtown poised for rebirth pg.03 Legendary bluesman
Buddy Guy coming to perform in March
Photo by Aiessa Ammeter