Medical guide
pg.10 Getting you the up-to-date information about the latest trends in health care
Vol. 2, Issue 9
INSIDE your community
pg. 03 local commentary SUSAN YERKES
King William
Monte Vista
Terrell Hills
pg. 15 Alamo Heights Gateway project leads to calls for reforms at meeting Gallagher says he won’t be idle in District 10 seat
New councilman has long career in military, public service on North Side
Development continues to be sore subject for some by Nicole Lessin
LAMO HEIGHTS — The search for a resolution on a proposed mixed-use luxury apartment development may be on hold, but city leaders say the controversy shows reforms are needed to avoid similar conflicts in the future.
pg. 20 Opera Piccola aims to entertain the masses Contemporary and classic works sung in English
That view, voiced by Mayor Louis Cooper, arose from a sometimes heated discussion that resulted in a 3-2 vote by the City Council Feb. 10 to table approving a written form of a modified specific-use permit adopted at an earlier meeting for
Project continues on pg. 16
pg. 22 Gustology
New venue teaches patrons how to be their own mixologists
fantastic deals
coupons INSIDE Discover the city through LOCAL deals from restaurants, retailers and services in your community, and save money while you do it! pg. 26
pg.18 Field of dreams emerges from sodden Alamo Heights park Community rallied to erase more than $100,000 in damage after flood