LOCAL: Alamo Heights, Monte Vista, Olmos Park, Downtown, King William, Southtown, Terrell Hills

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Medical guide pg.24

Getting you the up-to-date information about your local health care provider

Vol. 2, Issue 4


King William

Monte Vista


Terrell Hills


Residents, police in Terrell Hills reach compromise over dog pack


INSIDE your community

Instead of a full-time animal control officer, THPD will be trained to handle strays

pg.20 Facility provides wildlife rehab near Olmos Park


Rescued animals recuperate, then transfer to rural habitat




Illustration by Ray Scarborough

pg.18 Alamo Heights Girl Scouts join forces for cleanup, restoration project Campsite in Olmos Basin Park dates to 1940s, became forgotten over time

pg.12 Forums help NEISD plan 21st century classroom, growth Transforming the Future initiative involves community meetings, input by Ron Aaron Eisenberg

pg. 22 Terrell Hills resident is Alamo's biggest fan How Joan Headley’s passion for Texas history changed her life and brought her to shrine

fantastic deals

coupons INSIDE Discover the city through LOCAL deals from restaurants, retailers and services in your community, and save money while you do it! pg. 37


errell Hills — Worried at first they were barking up the wrong tree at City Hall, residents concerned about a pack of stray dogs are now working with police to include animal-control training for officers in the new budget.

The pack has killed pet cats, chased others and led one resident to maintain an email campaign so the neighborhood remained up to date on the situation. “Because of our voices and, unfortunately, the loss of many of our pets, we have brought this to (the

Pack continues on pg. 16

History a mystery for Brackenridge Park donkey barn Multimillion-dollar project will turn structure into zoo offices, education space by Eileen Pace

he team behind a multimillion-dollar project to turn the socalled donkey barn in Brackenridge

Barn continues on pg. 14

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