LOCAL: Hollywood Park, Hill Country Village, 78247, 78232, 78216 January 2014

Page 1


Transfer of city services from North Side facility irks some residents pg. 11 Valley View Link Center

Satellite Court no longer offering bus passes, permits, immunization records and more


Vol. 2, Issue 2



pg. 06 COP program recruiting ‘eyes and

ears’ on North Side; training starting What's

INSIDE your community

pg. 04 local commentary SUSAN YERKES BUY


Cellular on Patrol still strong after two decades, neighborhood leaders say

North Side Little League champions headed to SA Sports Hall of Fame In 2009, winning McAllister Park team became ambassadors for the city

by Arthur Schechter


early 100 athletes and dignitaries have been inducted into the San Antonio Sports Hall of Fame since its inception in 1995.

pg. 12 Alamo Olive Oil Co.

New store stocked with many flavors; tastings offered


pg. 13 The Great Taste Café

Offering an eclectic menu ranging from tamales to crepes

fantastic deals

coupons INSIDE Discover the city through LOCAL deals from restaurants, retailers and services in your community, and save money while you do it! pg. 15


Yet, in an era producing four Spurs NBA championships, never has a team been enshrined – until now. The honor in February goes to 12 plucky Little Leaguers from a North Side team. The road to the hall started in August 2009, when a dozen 12- and 13-yearold All-Stars assembled from McAllister Park’s American League – with nicknames such as “Bad Santa” and “Scary Donut” ­– evolved into the city’s boys of summer. The team enjoyed a magical playoff run, culminating in a trip to South Williamsport, Pa., and the Little League World Series. As ambassadors on and off the diamond,

Champions continues on pg. 08

pg. 10 NEISD program

works to keep homeless students in school District sees an increase in pupils without a permanent residence

Illustration by Jeremiah Teutsch

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