LOCAL: Converse, Live Oak, Universal City, Windcrest November 2013

Page 1


Taking bytes out of crime

pg. 07 MyPD phone app gives citizens quick police access


Vol. 1, Issue 5

live oak

universal city




mayors re-elected Baxter, Suarez say economic, civic efforts reaffirmed

Windcrest, Converse What's

INSIDE your community

pg. 08 local commentary SUSAN YERKES JUDSON ISD Special Section INSIDE pg.11 I-35/FM 3009 work slows down to a crawl

Crews on interstate concentrate on completing work near The Forum

pg.12 Windcrest Light Up: Brighter, Bigger, Better

Christmastime a busy season for the Flinns

pg. 21 BUY: Sweet success Goodies, supplies for the baker at Over the Top Cake Supplies

fantastic deals

coupons INSIDE Discover the city through LOCAL deals from restaurants, retailers and services in your community, and save money while you do it! pg. 23

Illustration by Jeremiah Teutsch

Converse Mayor Al Suarez looks forward to another term.

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