LOCAL: Bracken, Cibolo, Garden Ridge, Schertz, Selma, November 2013

Page 1


Taking bytes out of crime

pg. 10 MyPD phone app gives citizens quick police access


Vol. 1, Issue 5


garden ridge





Cibolo voters opt for change What's


Four City Council members recalled or ousted

your community

pg. 04 local commentary SUSAN YERKES JUDSON ISD Special Section


pg. 14 CISD ponders next move after bond failure

Lack of specifics, regional divide doomed $451 million issue

pg. 15 Schertz council races snarled by vote tally errors Election Day gaffes by Comal elections office delays results

by will wright

pg. 25 BUY: Sweet success Goodies, supplies for the baker at Over the Top Cake Supplies

fantastic deals

coupons INSIDE Discover the city through LOCAL deals from restaurants, retailers and services in your community, and save money while you do it! pg. 27


IBOLO – Andre Larkins’ efforts to change the City Council during the past three months may have just altered the course of the city now that voters recalled two council members and ousted two more. On Nov. 5, in addition to the successful recall election and departures, voters also approved city charter amendments designed to streamline council operations, as well as a controversial ordinance banning alcohol sales within 300 feet of churches and schools.

Change continues on pg. 12

I-35/FM 3009 work slows down to a crawl pg.14 Crews

on interstate concentrate on completing work near The Forum

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