2 minute read
Studying Psychiatric nursing in Trinity College, Ireland, has given me the opportunity to attend Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland. Now, I am doing studies in Salo Clubhouse. Prior to this, I have only studied in treatment centres for people with mental health illnesses so I rarely got to see what can be available to people outside of these medical settings. Clubhouses were originally designed in New York as a way to shift their focus to their skills, social interaction and what they can achieve as opposed to just their mental health problem. Talking about and focusing on mental health is good but there comes a time when people want to move on from it. The clubhouse model of psychosocial rehabilitation allows members with a history of or on going mental illness to confidently re-join society and gain a sense of belonging, which mental illness can sadly take away from you. They can also help in preventing a mental health problem due to the positive
social interaction and activities available.
Due to the staff and members being equal here and the members looking out for me as much as I look out for them, I was at first confused about my role here as a psychiatric nursing student. However, I have now relaxed into just being part of the clubhouse and learning as much as I can. Talking to everyone here, supporting them and joining in on activities is enough and all they really want and need from me. I was trying to think of groups I could introduce and facilitate here but they have implemented so much already. For example, I wanted more mental health facilities in Ireland to have interactive theatre and I was so pleasantly surprised that they do it here in Salo Clubhouse. People can choose to open up about their private life and learn at their own pace and be praised for it. Even I, as the student, have felt the benefits from being here. After such a short time I feel very much part of the club house.
I have absolutely no doubts that an individual would benefit from being a member of a clubhouse. If people were able to welcome me so warmly, then they must have been warmly welcomed themselves. With love from Ireland! Moya Serena, Erasmus Student.
Olen lähihoitajaopiskelija ja suoritan toiseksi viimeistä harjoittelua Klubitalolla. Koulun olen jo suorittanut, mutta tämä ja viimeinen harjoittelu on jäljellä. Valmistun mielenterveys ja päihdetyön lähihoitajaksi alkuvuodesta. Myöhemmin opiskelen itseni lisäksi äänimaljahoitajaksi ja haaveilen myös kätilön työstä. Kokonaisvaltainen hyvinvointi on lähellä mun sydäntä. Olen pitänyt Klubitalolla olemisesta paljon. Tämä on ollut minulle uudenlainen paikka, todella mielenkiintoinen ja mukava. Pidän siitä, että kaikki ovat tasavertaisia keskenään ja jäsenet osallistuvat isolta osin perehdyttämiseen. Klubitalolla on ollut helppo olla alusta asti, ja minut on otettu hyvin vastaan. Heti alusta asti huomasin Klubitalon tärkeyden ihmisille.
Kiitos jokaiselle Klubitalolla tapaamalleni henkilölle. On ollut ihana tutustua teihin!
Hyvää joulua ja uutta vuotta! Tiia, lähihoitajaopiskelija