Adc summer2013

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The ADC Communiqué Accuracy, Dependability & Commitment to Excellence Volume 4, No. 4

tried to fill that spot with other interesting items that I hope you will enjoy.

IN THIS ISSUE:         

July-Sept. 2013

From the Editor’s Desk Advance Preparations for any Vacation Emergencies Golden Agers Corner: Planning for Your Future Housing Needs Attorney’s Advice — No Charge Feedback on May/June 2013 Issue “What’s Really Your Opinion? Dawn’s Diary The Danger of Burnout What’s on Around Town this Summer Inspiration Corner

So happy reading, and if you’re travelling this summer – wherever your destination – enjoy your time away and be safe.



Always know two ways out, no matter where you are — home, work or play.

911 does NOT service all areas – make sure you know the emergency numbers of the area where you are.

Make two copies of your passport, other identification, immunization records and credit cards. The original and one copy goes with you and one stays at home with a family member or trusted friend.

Travel in pairs or groups.

Don’t forget your prescription medication/contact information for your doctor.

Provide a copy of your travel itinerary to someone at home (include daily schedule, booked hotels, contact info, etc.)

Aah! The long awaited, much loved Season of the Year is finally here — SUMMER 2013! This issue of the ADC Communiqué is the summer issue and will cover the three months of summer. When it returns in October it will be four (4) years since I’ve been publishing. I would like to thank all of my readers for their words of encouragement each time an issue goes out. The feedback has been wonderful. The month of June was such a totally busy month for me that I didn’t have time to search for someone to interview, so that segment of the Communiqué will be put on hold until the October/November issue. I’ve


Dawn Clarke


Attorney’s Advice — No Charge!

Have someone check on your residence regularly (check with your insurer for requirements). (Adapted from a Foreign Affairs Canada publication)

(The following advice has been reportedly circulated by a corporate attorney to the employees in his company. While we do not the identity of the attorney or his company, the advice given makes sense to me, and I thought you might find it useful. Maybe we should all take his advice!)


1. Do not sign the back of your credit cards. Instead, write “PHOTO ID REQUIRED”.

Planning for your Future Housing Needs

2. When you write cheques to pay on your credit card accounts, DO NOT put the complete account number on the ‘For’ line. Instead, put only the last four digits. (The credit card company knows the rest of the number, and anyone who might be handling your cheque, as it passes through all the check processing channels, won't have access to it.)

(This article is dedicated to ‘empty-nesters’ or seniors who want to downsize)

Get to know what home support services are available in your community, such as home care, meal delivery services, and transportation assistance.

If you are looking at a seniors’ residence:  Ask what services are included in the monthly cost and what services, if any, you can purchase at an additional cost.

3. Put your work phone # on your cheques instead of your home phone #. If you have a PO Box, use that instead of your home address. If you do not have a PO Box, use your work address. Never have your Social Insurance # printed on your cheques.

 Consider location and how easy it will be to get to community facilities such as churches, libraries, hospitals and community centres.

4. Place the contents of your wallet on a photocopy machine. Do both sides of each license, credit card, etc. You will know what you had in your wallet and all of the account numbers and phone numbers to call and cancel. Keep the photocopy in a safe place.

 Consider the availability of transportation for shopping, outings and medical appointments.  Have a lawyer or someone you trust review a service agreement or housing contract before you sign it.  Ask for information about the way a facility handles complaints and disputes.

5. Carry a photocopy of your passport when you travel either here or abroad. Do not keep the photocopy in the same place as your passport. If your passport is stolen or lost, you will be able to quickly access all the relevant details for reporting its disappearance.

 Get information about your rights as a resident or tenant before you move in.  Ask if there are limits on annual rent increases.


6. To limit the possible financial loss in case your credit cards and other vital documents are lost, keep the toll-free number and your card numbers handy where you can readily find that information, so you know whom to call immediately to report your loss situation so that card cancellations, etc. can take place promptly.

Interesting as usual — another great and informative interview.

7. File a Police Report immediately in the jurisdiction where your credit cards, etc., were stolen. This proves to credit providers you were diligent, and it is a first step toward an investigation (if there ever is one).

I always look forward to reading the Newsletter and you never disappoint. The interview with Miss Collins was excellent. She is a very interesting lady. The advice on tips, safeguards, road trips etc., was indeed sage. Keep up the good work.

But here's what is perhaps most important of all:

Ken L., Florida

8. Where these organizations exist, call the 3 national credit reporting organizations immediately to place a Fraud Alert on your name, and also call the Social Security fraud line number. (The Alert means any company that checks your credit knows your information was stolen, and they have to contact you by phone to authorize new credit.)

Thank you for the very interesting read. Your Newsletter gets better with each issue.

Elsa LR., Jamaica Great read as usual Dawn. I found the “Wise Advice” inspiring. You’re definitely ministering in a unique way. Erma C., Toronto

Novelette C., Toronto This was a great read. It was great to read about the fantastic contributions of a fellow Jamaican especially with our reputation in the broader society. Fantastic woman she is: Erma Collins. It is a well balanced Newsletter and I enjoyed the snippets of information and ‘spiritual snacks’.

If you are willing to pass this information along, it could really help someone that you care about.


Hello Rev Dawn: Your Newsletter for May/June was very interesting. I admire Erma Collins for being such a successful black woman — one of the most influential Jamaican-Canadians. Her dedication to give back to the community actually motivated me to start volunteering in my community. I also like the “some wise advice” section of your article and shared it with my daughter. Very enriching advice. Keep up the good work.

Hi Dawn: Your Newsletter is quite widely appreciated. The interviews of people who are so actively involved in their communities draws forth respect for such persons and more especially when it is the outgrowth of their Christian experience. As one who has had no travel outside of Canada and the USA, I am quite fascinated reading about the experiences of others. Albert C., Toronto

Joycelin D., Toronto


I like what you said in your letter: “never share your secrets with anyone, it can be destructive” — lovely. I love it.

in action, commitment, persistence and experience, not in tenuous opinions.

Shirley S., Toronto

It's fine to have strong opinions. Just make sure those opinions are not a substitute for an active, rich and meaningful life.

Most opinions are based primarily on what has already happened. There's a whole universe of possibilities that those opinions might fail to take into account.

Focus on the best of those possibilities, and work to make them real. Instead of being boxed in by opinions, be liberated by your creation of new and beautiful facts.

Hi Dawn: The Newsletter was interesting as usual and I really enjoyed “some good advice.” Grace B., Jamaica Great issue Dawn. Apart from all the life tips and survival guides, you should get yourself interviewed! Though some are familiar with your history, it bears retelling and would be of great interest to your readers.” Ian F., Toronto

(The Daily Motivator®, May 22, 2013. Copyright ©2013 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. All Rights Reserved.)

Hello Dawn: Thanks for sharing this issue of your Newsletter with me. I have read through and found it very informative as well as instructive. The content is wide-ranging and helpful. Many of the topics will live on and will help many of us in various ways. Of course, I found Erma’s interview intense and interesting, a multifaceted person indeed. Her life has covered a vast area of interests.


Joyce F., Jamaica


10:30 a.m. Dawn will be preaching at her church — Kipling Avenue Baptist Church.


Give consideration to the opinions of others. But don't let those mere opinions become your reality.

2:00 p.m. Dawn and her husband, Hugh, will be ministering at Kipling Acres Long Term Care Facility.

Opinions are valuable, and yet they are far from infallible. What really matters is not what someone else might think, but rather the way you choose to live your life.


Dawn and Hugh will be participating in the Annual Bus Trip sponsored by the Caribbean Seniors Social Club of Toronto. Destination: Bronte Creek, near Hamilton, ON.

Opinions are easy to adopt, to create and to discard. Yet the real substance of life is



2:00 p.m. Dawn and Hugh will be ministering at Leisure World Long Term Care Facility.

Burnout is recognized as real and is a current issue, whether you’re in the workforce or not.

Burnout costs businesses an estimated $12 billion every year in health claims, lost productivity and absenteeism.

“Stress” and “burnout” are often used interchangeably, but actual burnout is quite serious


Dawn and Hugh will be participating in the Annual Bus Trip sponsored by the Ladies’ Ministry of Kipling Avenue Baptist Church. Destination: Caledonia, ON. The day’s activities will include a Boat Cruise/Show and Luncheon. (See information on the last two pages of this Communiqué.) A few seats are still available.



2.00 p.m. Dawn and Hugh will be ministering at Kipling Acres Long Term Care Facility.

  


2.00 p.m. Dawn and Hugh will be ministering at Leisure World Long Term Care Facility.

A generally negative attitude Complete exhaustion Inability to concentrate Short temper Difficulty with healthy habits like exercise, diet and regular sleep General apathy Feelings of stagnation Lack of interest in social activities and being with others…and lots more.

So be very careful. When these symptoms occur, make sure you take appropriate remedial action!


(Adapted from a Canadian Mental Health Association & Statistics Canada publication)


Dawn and her husband, Hugh, will be ministering at Kipling Acres Long Term Care Facility.


Interested in Concerts?

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 2:00 p.m.

The following artistes will be in town over the summer:

Dawn and Hugh, will be ministering at Leisure World Long Term Care Facility.

Toronto’s own BLUE RODEO will be in town July/August The BEACH BOYS will be here for their 50th Anniversary Tour — August 18, Toronto, ON - CNE Fair.


Lately, as I’ve been speaking with several individuals, everyone seems to be complaining about how tired they are. BE CAREFUL OF BURNOUT! Here are some warning tips:

Not interested in Concerts but like to watch TV?


Here are a couple of ‘must sees’ for the summer:


On NBC you can watch CROSSING LINES — started on June 23 Canada’s version of THE AMAZING RACE on CTV — debuts on July 5.


What about live Theatre?

Gather from each day God’s sunshine blessings to the heart; Gentle gifts of beauty, just for you. Hold them in your memory, Wrap them carefully with love, and They will shine with joy forever new.

Stratford’s Summer Theatre features some of Shakespeare’s finest including: The Merchant of Venice, Othello, and other plays such as Angels in America and Anything Goes Do you like to just relax outdoors and read a book?

“Rejoice in the Lord and be glad, you righteous: sing all you who are upright in heart?

There are lots of parks where you can go and just sit and enjoy nature at its fullest, and Libraries galore to get your fill of books for free, if you don’t want to buy them. Also if you have a Kindle or Kobo just load them up and go.

Psalm 32:11


Do you enjoy Street Festivals? There are many free street festivals that you can attend, including the Scotiabank Festival (formerly Caribana) held the first weekend in August.



OUR ADVERTISING RATES ARE REASONABLE! Full page Half page Quarter page Business Card size

$50.00 $25.00 $20.00 $10.00

We look forward to helping you promote your business.


Grand River Lunch & Cruise Show Saturday August 10th 3 hour cruise + lunch + music show featuring “The Blazing Fiddles” Departure from Toronto and upon arrival in Caledonia at Grand River we begin our day in “The Landing” with a coffee and muffin and shopping in the large Craft Shop. Enjoy an interesting audiovisual presentation about the Grand River followed by a fabulous live Music Show with “The Blazing Fiddles.” We embark on a 3 hour leisurely cruise including a delicious roast beef lunch. During the cruise the Captain will offer a narration about the Grand River. Itinerary: 09:45 Pick up and departure from Church parking lot 11:15 Arrival in Caledonia at Grand River Enjoy coffee and muffin while browsing the Craft Shop Live Music show with “The Blazing Fiddles” 12:30 Board the boat for our luncheon cruise 16:30 Departure from Grand River Lunch Menu Includes: Home baked bread Garden salad Roast Beef with vegetables and mashed potatoes Home baked apple pie, tea and coffee

$99.00 per person including all taxes Children under the age of 12 years pay only $60.00 (proof of age required) Prices are per person including all taxes and fees. Prices based on minimum 45 paying passenger. Full payment is due at time of booking. Cancellation Policy is 30 days prior to departure date.

Sponsored by Ladies Ministry at Kipling Avenue Baptist Church 2240 Kipling Avenue (Kipling & West Humber), Toronto, ON |T. 416-742-9982 In Conjunction with 71 City View Drive, Toronto, ON Canada M9W 5A5 | T. 416-247-7349 | Fax: 416-247-9454|



Departure Date: SAT. AUG. 10th, 2013

Number of People Attending: _______________ Names of ALL People Attending: 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL AMOUNT IS $99.00 PER PERSON ______________________________________________________________________________ Amount per person will be AUTOMATICALLY charged to your credit card to secure your seat.





Credit Card Number: EXPIRY DATE: (mm/yy) CVC/CVV (3 digits t back of card): ______________________________________________________________________________ Name & Address on credit Card for Payment: NAME: Address: CITY: Home Tel: (


Cell Phone: (


Email Address: ______________________________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Cardholder Date Reservations can also be made by phone at 1866 869-443 or by emailing your reservations form to


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