Mine Reclamation not all are abandoned
What’s reclamation?
Process of repairing negative effects of mining activities on the environment to return it to as close to natural state as possible1
How’s the
What’s the purpose?
To restore the viability and growing potential of soils so the quality function of landscape can improve to prevent negative impacts to soil, water, and air resources in and near mined areas2
3 process?
Preparation of land
Removal of unused equipment and infrastructure, landscaping and drainage control
Landscape inventory, mapping and plan reclamation design
Erosion & sedimentation control
Increase infiltration by soil Using fitoremediation such as contour renewal and making plant holes Leguminosae or bioremediation using
Soil control
Thiobacillus ferrooxidans
And utilization of exmining land for other purposes
Things to pay attention are4 Topsoil removal & storage
Overburden removal & placement
Coal processing waste
Plant selection
References: 1Sloss,
L. 2013. Coal mine site reclamation CCC/216. International Energy Association Clean Coal Centre, www.usea.org/sites/default/files/022013_Coal%20mine%20site%20 reclamation_ccc216.pdf 2006. Conservation practice standard—Land reclamation, currently mined land, www.nrcs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/stelprdb1253605.pdf I. A., Lange, E. and Cripps. J. 2015. Quarry reclamation in England: a review of techniques. JASMR Vol. 4, Issue 2. http://www.asmr.us/Portals/0/Documents/Journal/Volume-4-Issue-2/Legwaila-BW.pdf 4Indiana Department of Natural Resources Division of Reclamation. 2002. Citizen’s Guide To Coal Mining and Reclamation in Indiana. https://www.in.gov/dnr/reclamation/files/re-Guide_Coal__Mining_Reclamation.pdf All images are retrieved from: www.flaticon.com 2Natural Resources Conservation Service. 3Legwaila