The "saltfineart" user's logo


Laguna Beach, United States

saltfineart + RAWsalt has two major areas of focus: Latin Contemporary, representing artists who live and work in Latin America from museum caliber to emerging & Emerging Global, artists who are breaking boundaries in all areas of contemporary art ranging from beginning to mid-career. From the street to the studio, the talent leads us.


GRAVITY // 1010

March 31, 2018

GRAVITY // Greg Price

March 31, 2018

Rawsalt 2018

March 25, 2018

saltfineart 2018

March 25, 2018

Rio de Janeiro

December 21, 2013

Visual Chronicles

August 29, 2012


December 29, 2011


February 26, 2011

saltfineart issue 1

February 26, 2011