2023-2024 Annual Report

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We stand as the voice of business, support our members’ success and champion community prosperity.

“As we look to the future, the spirit of collaboration and innovation will continue to propel us forward.”

A Message From Leadership

Dear Business Leader,

As we reflect on this past year, we have developed an even greater appreciation for Utah and all we have accomplished together. We have seen innovation, dedication and growth from all types of businesses, entrepreneurs and members in the public and private sectors. Utah’s economic success is a direct reflection of the unwavering commitment of our business community. Your role in shaping the success of Utah is invaluable, and for that, we thank you. Thank you for investing in the growth and success of this great state.

This annual report is a collection of efforts made this past year and a testament to the strength and vitality of our business community. We reached milestones together, forged partnerships and made a tremendous, positive impact on our economy. From small businesses to large enterprises, all have played a crucial role in shaping our community’s success.

Earlier this year, we introduced Utah Rising: A Free Enterprise Vision for Utah’s Economy. This plan, set forth by leaders in the business community, is focused on ensuring a prosperous future for all Utahns. With the experiences created in the past, ongoing initiatives and future endeavors, we are not just hopeful, but confident that Utah’s community will grow and improve.

As we look to the future, the spirit of collaboration and innovation will continue to propel us forward. We are not just building businesses; we are building a brighter, more prosperous future for the entire state of Utah and the Salt Lake Chamber remains committed to supporting our community every step of the way.

Thank you for your commitment to Utah’s growth. We look forward to another year of success with all of you.


Jeremy Hafen,


AboutThe Salt Lake Chamber is Utah’s largest and longest-serving business association. A statewide chamber of commerce with members in all 29 Utah counties, the Chamber represents the broad interests of the state’s 63,000-plus employers, which employ more than 1.4 million Utahns. This includes thousands of Chamber members and their employees.

We stand as the voice of business, support our members’ success and champion community prosperity.

Mission Core Values Core Competencies


Unlimited opportunity and prosperity.

• Advocate Policy

• Build Business

• Connect Community

Member Centered

We exist to serve our members.

Community Focused

We contribute to a flourishing community where all have the opportunity to thrive.

Common Ground

We serve as a trusted information source and convener of collaborative community partners.

Free Enterprise

We extol and support the virtues of America’s spirit of free enterprise.

Corporate Citizenship

We cultivate businesses as creators and stewards of the economic ecosystem.

The Salt Lake Chamber has been recognized by the United States Chamber of Commerce with a 5-Star Accreditation for its sound policies, effective organizational procedures and positive impact on the community.


Salt Lake Chamber


Sources of Funds

Membership | $2,964,000

Government Contracts | $5,139,000

Program Sponsorships | $3,988,000

Program Participation | $1,159,000

Other | $186,000

Total $13,436,000

Allocation of Funds

Payroll, Taxes & Benefits | $4,843,000

Office Expenses | $1,324,000

Program Contracted Services | $2,271,000

Program Marketing | $825,000

Other Program Operating Expenses | $1,815,000

Other Expense | None

Total $11,078,000


As Utah’s leading business advocacy organization, the Salt Lake Chamber is committed to championing the interests of businesses at every level of government — federal, state and local. We collaborate closely with our legislature, governor, mayors, city councils and congressional delegation to ensure that the voice of the business community is heard. Through initiatives, surveys, committee meetings and roundtable discussions, we gather valuable insights from you to help build a robust economy and a thriving community.

A Look Back…

Left to Right, Top to Bottom: 2024 Legislative Reception in the Utah State Capitol Rotunda. Dave Smith, Benjamin Brown and Lucy Andre Knight attend Captiol Club during the 2024 Legislative Session. Derek Miller presents Former Congressman Chris Stewart with a honorary plaque for his service to Utah. Derek Miller participates in a panel discussion on regulation at the ASU Avenues to Opportunity Policy Conference. Salt Lake Chamber co-hosts a Business Immigration Roundtable Discussion with the Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity and Clyde Companies, Inc. Senator Mike Lee discusses with Salt Lake Chamber members the Unshackle Act. 2024 Governor’s Mansion Reception.

Major Moments

Advocating for Utah’s Future: Business and Community Leaders Visit D.C.

The Salt Lake Chamber, with a dedicated group of business executives and community leaders, went to Washington, D.C., September 26-29, 2023, to meet with members of Utah’s congressional delegation to discuss the business community’s federal priorities for the upcoming year.

The priorities covered a range of topics from immigration and permitting reform to grid resiliency and fiscal responsibility. The Chamber works with our elected officials to be responsive to challenges and committed to securing prosperity for all Utahns.

The Salt Lake Chamber and its members are committed to sustaining Utah’s strong economy and the prosperity of its people.

Left to Right, Top to Bottom: Attendees of the 2023 Washington, D.C. Trip walk to meetings at the U.S. Capitol. Representative Blake Moore takes D.C. Trip attendees on a tour of the U.S. Capitol. Senator Mike Lee speaks to D.C. Trip attendees on the steps of the U.S. Capitol. Senator Mitt Romney discusses federal priorities with Board Chair Nathan R. Callister during the D.C. Trip.

2024 Legislative Session Embraces “The New Utah”

On January 12, 2024, the Salt Lake Chamber hosted the annual Utah Economic Outlook & Public Policy Summit with the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute to release its 2024 legislative priorities. The Chamber identified several priorities for public policy, chief among them being affordable housing, homelessness, water infrastructure and conservation and workforce development.

The Summit presents an unrivaled opportunity for attendees to gain insights into the future of Utah’s economy and the business community’s policy priorities. At this year’s Summit, government and business leaders discussed the changing times of “The New Utah” and what we can expect moving into the next decade. Experts shared best practices for working with elected officials during the legislative session and methods for finding common ground.

Over 45 intensive days, the Utah Legislature undertook the critical task of prioritizing the state budget and addressing key issues. Throughout this time period, the Chamber’s policy team worked relentlessly to champion policies that foster a thriving business climate and resilient communities statewide.

The Chamber team actively engaged with legislators, delivered expert testimony in committee hearings and provided research and analysis to shape informed policy decisions. The objective remained clear: to ensure Utah is strategically positioned to embrace challenges and seize opportunities of its rapidly growing economy.

2024 Legislative Reception.

To unleash the great opportunities that come with the type of unprecedented change Utah is experiencing, we must enact policy that supports Utah’s economy and its residents’ quality of life, by being deliberate about the policies we put our efforts towards.

2024 Legislation Session Highlight

Utah’s Business Community Asks Legislature to Support Gov. Cox’s Homelessness Appropriation Budget Requests

The Salt Lake Chamber and business leaders strongly urged the Utah Legislature to support Governor Cox’s comprehensive homelessness appropriation budget requests.

The budget, which supports Utah’s comprehensive statewide plan to address homelessness was developed in collaboration with state agencies and the support of hundreds of community leaders, including the Utah Impact Partnership. At a press conference held downtown, business leaders gathered to share the positive changes they’ve seen already.

While Salt Lake City bears a disproportionate burden of homelessness, this challenge does not impact the Capital City alone. Utah’s incidence of homelessness increased 23 percent last year. As a statewide business association, the Chamber recognizes this is a statewide challenge that requires a statewide solution.

We urge you to fund the appropriation to sustain improvements, such as increasing stable housing, better access to support services and preventing homelessness through early intervention. We also recognize that a comprehensive and effective solution requires that an increase in funding must be matched with an increase in enforcement of public safety laws.

- Excerpt from letter sent to the Utah Legislature

By The Numbers


Total Bills Watched by the Chamber 90% Success Rate of Priority Legislation

10 Designated Priority Bills by the Chamber

H.B. 13, Infrastructure Financing Districts , sponsored by Rep. James A. Dunnigan

H.B. 298, Homelessness Services Amendments , sponsored by Rep. Tyler Clancy

H.B. 410, Utah San Rafael State Energy Lab , sponsored by Rep. Christine F. Watkins

H.B. 465, Housing Affordability Revisions , sponsored by Rep. Stephen L. Whyte

S.B. 149, Artificial Intelligence Amendments , sponsored by Sen. Kirk A. Cullimore

S.B. 168, Affordable Building Amendments , sponsored by Sen. Lincoln Fillmore

S.B. 176, Child Care Services Amendments , sponsored by Sen. Luz Escamilla

S.B. 192, Higher Education Amendments , sponsored by Sen. Ann Millner

S.B. 211, Generational Water Infrastructure Amendments , sponsored by President J. Stuart Adams

S.B. 268, First Home Investment Zone Act , sponsored by Sen. Wayne A. Harper

Left to Right, Top to Bottom: Peter Cressy provides his keynote address at the 2024 Utah Economic Outlook & Public Policy Summit. Governor Spencer J. Cox receives the 2024 Economic Report to the Governor at the Utah Economic Outlook & Public Policy Summit. Derek Miller speaks at the press conference urging the Utah Legislature to support the Gov. Cox’s homelessness appropriation budget requests. Ginger Chinn speaks at the Utah Economic Outlook & Public Policy Summit.

Celebrating Excellence: Salt Lake Chamber Awards 2024 Legislative Business Champions

The Salt Lake Chamber proudly recognized the achievements of Utah legislators on May 15, 2024, with the presentation of the 2024 Legislative Business Champion awards. These awards honor those who have notably supported the Chamber’s priorities for building and preserving Utah’s business friendly climate during the 2024 General Legislative Session. This year, 72 lawmakers were honored with the Legislative Business Champion Award, which is bestowed upon those who supported at least 90% of the Chamber’s priority votes.

During the 2024 session, the Salt Lake Chamber diligently tracked and monitored 236 businessrelated bills. This year, an impressive 90% of bills, specially highlighted by the Chamber, passed the legislature.

Legislators of the Year Awards were presented to the following legislators:

• Sen. Kirk A. Cullimore – Recognized for his pivotal role in shaping business-friendly legislation, notably in the realms of artificial intelligence and housing.

• Rep. James A. Dunnigan – Honored for his leadership in infrastructure financing which facilitates new housing developments to meet growing demand.

The Chamber also extended special recognition to Amanda Covington, chief corporate affairs officer of The Larry H. Miller Company, who was awarded the 2024 Member Business Legislative Champion award for her significant contributions to legislative initiatives that foster community development and economic growth.

We recognize and appreciate the cohesive efforts from our business community and legislature, both focused on ensuring new laws help foster innovation and business success. Our appreciation extends to the collaborative efforts of bill sponsors, - Derek Miller, President & CEO legislative leadership and especially our stakeholder partners who helped advocate for bills, keeping Utah as the business-friendly place we know it to be. An achievement like this would not be possible without business leaders coming together in a show of strength for Utah’s continued success.

Left to Right, Top to Bottom: 2024 Legislative Business Champion Awards. 2024 Legislative Business Champions Breakfast Awards Ceremony. Derek Miller and 2024 Member Business Legislative Champion - Amanda Covington. Derek Miller and 2024 Senate Legislator of the Year - Senator Kirk A. Cullimore. Ginger Chinn and 2024 House Legislator of the Year - Representative James A. Dunnigan.


The Salt Lake Chamber offers a wide range of programs, trainings and tools designed to support business growth. Through events, webinars, town halls and professional development opportunities, we keep our members informed on critical issues and equip them with resources to address key business challenges. Our commitment is to help you strengthen your company and contribute to the economic vitality of our state.


Look Back…

Left to Right, Top to Bottom: Business Women’s Forum (BWF) Chair Kimberly Flores, BWF Past Chair Jennifer Goodwin and Speaker Paige Frame at the 2024 May BWF Luncheon. Governor Spencer J. Cox meets with the Utah Association of Chambers at the 2024 Winter Conference, hosted by the Salt Lake Chamber. Heidi Walker moderates a panel discussion on Exceptional Customer Service in 2024. Matt Groves presents on Cybersecurity for businesses. Derek Miller participates in a WTCUtah trade mission to India. Kathleen Bodenlos presents at the July 2024 Business Women’s Forum Luncheon.

Major Moments

Insights for Leaders: Roadmap to Prosperity Economic Dashboard

The Salt Lake Chamber, in partnership with the University of Utah’s Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute, releases the Roadmap to Prosperity Economic Dashboard to inform business leaders’ understanding of Utah’s economy. This tool prioritizes key data on the state’s economic outlook and actionable context for decision-makers.

The Dashboard is updated monthly, providing essential insights, tracking timely and leading measures, and sharing pertinent indicators. This provides leaders with critical and timely information to make informed decisions.

Take a look how things have changed over the course of a year:

Essential Insights from August 2023

I. Tight labor market conditions persist in Utah.

Utah employment continues to grow at impressive rates as more workers enter the labor force. Utah’s labor force participation rate ranks highest nationally, and the unemployment rate consistently remains among the lowest in the nation.

II. Inflation ticks up slightly but stays far below recent highs.

The Federal Reserve’s aggressive tightening policies helped bring inflation down from 9.1% to 3.0% from June 2022 to June 2023. Inflation increased slightly in July to 3.2% but remains low relative to last year’s highs.

III. Utah’s median home sales price increases steadily in summer months.

After peaking in May 2022, Utah’s median home sales price reached an 18-month low in January 2023. Yet home sales prices have climbed gradually in recent months, reaching an 11-month high in June 2023.

Essential Insights from July 2024

I. Utah annual employment growth accelerated to 2.8% while U.S. employment growth slowed to 1.6%.

Utah’s strong year-over employment growth increases the state’s ranking from 11th in May to 6th highest employment growth in July. Conversely, U.S. employment growth has slowed for four consecutive months.

II. Salt Lake City airport passengers reached a monthly high in June with nearly 2.6 million travelers.

Salt Lake City airport travel continues to rise. July 2023 set the previous record, yet increased demand and capacity continue to contribute to the airport’s increased traffic.

III. Year-over inflation fell to 2.9% in July.

After inflation upticks earlier in the year, inflation has fallen for four consecutive months, increasing expectations that the Federal Reserve will begin to lower the federal funds rate in coming months.

Utah Community Builders and the Salt Lake Chamber Release Fair Chance Hiring Guide

On January 8, 2024, the Salt Lake Chamber and Utah Community Builders released the “Fair Chance Hiring Guide,” a new resource for the business community to learn about hiring individuals previously involved with the justice system and make a positive impact on the lives of those seeking a second chance.

The “Fair Chance Hiring Guide” provides steps and resources for employers to utilize when in the hiring process, such as reviewing and adapting policies to remove barriers, developing onboarding programs that provide training and support and sourcing talent from a variety of channels. In addition, the guide provides insights into the legal aspects of fair chance hiring, ensuring businesses operate within the bounds of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) laws, local ordinances and state regulations.

I am grateful for the opportunity Sunroc has given me to develop and pursue my full potential. This allowed me to grow from laborer to construction supervisor. Many companies only saw the criminal record and shut the door before they had a chance to consider my capability and my work ethic. Because Sunroc gave me the opportunity to create value through growth and development, I have and will continue to create value for the company as I help others develop and pursue their full potential.

- Fair Chance Hiring Guide Testimonial from James K., Construction Supervisor

Special Congratulations to Our Program Cohort Graduates

Diverse-Owned Business Accelerator

The Salt Lake Chamber launched the Diverse-Owned Business Accelerator with the Women’s Business Center of Utah in January 2023. The seven-week cohort program, sponsored by Bank of America and Semnani Family Foundation, is designed for diverse small business owners to enhance their skills, direction or strategy for their businesses.

Cohort attendees learned how to become more efficient, effective and successful in their business by establishing a business strategy roadmap and 90-day action plan, constructing a brand style guide, clarifying revenue streams and much more.

Fall Cohort of 2023

Milly Aponte, Always Smooth Waxing

Honeti Goma Madiata

Naima Nawabi

Gerardo Villena

Spring Cohort of 2024

Yeny Arones, N/A

Princess Bombyck, Juah Apparel

Rosmery Ceferino, Killa Nail Studio

Chris Chong, Law Office of Chris W. Chong

Juraj Chudy, Real Tyme Engineering LLC

Roger Cox, SoundsWrite

Rachael Curfew, Rachael Curfew Private Coaching

Carissa Devenport, Este Pizzeria Park City

Crystal Griffin, Coldwell Banker Realty Salt lake Sugarhouse

Nyesha Hamil, 11hauz

Olga Hernandez-Favela, N/A

Jonas Mitchell, High Tech Turbo

Ambir Moore, The Book Lovers Era

Idolina Quijada, SLCC

Maria Milagro Sandi, Jiiva

Stacy Smyth, Luna’s Kitchen

Jeanne Uwizeye, Thousand Hillis Artisans

Jessica Velazquez Rodriguez, Coldwell Banker Realty

Government Affairs Boot Camp

The Salt Lake Chamber held the Government Affairs Boot Camp in October 2023. The program is designed for new and experienced government affairs professionals, company executives and public policy advocates to learn how to improve their effectiveness and understanding of advocating in the state of Utah.

of 2023

Abby Arnett, Clyde Companies, Inc.

McKayla Caress, Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity

Silvia Castro, Suazo Business Center

Rachel Creer, Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity

Britnee Dabb, Housing Authority of Salt Lake City

Alysia Ducuara, Get Healthy Utah

Tami Fillmore, People4Utah

Morgan Hadden, Get Healthy Utah

Tricia Harris, Parowan Chamber

Jeff Hymas, Savage

Elizabeth Kimball, Wasatch Adaptive Sports

Spencer Lawson, Penna Powers

Ryan Mack, Visit Salt Lake

Tina Murray, Smith’s Food & Drug Stores

Mika Paulson, Integrated Companies

Donna Root, Nilson Homes

Rhiannon Scanlon, rPlus Energies

Robbyn Scribner, RizeNext

Kelly Stone, Mountainland Technical College

Todd Tanner, Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity

Alyn Toalepai, Pacific Island Chamber of Commerce (PICC)

Jace Woolstenhulme, Mountainland Technical College

Mindi Wright, Clyde Companies, Inc.

Left to Right, Top to Bottom: 2023 Government Affairs Boot Camp. 2024 Class of Leadership Utah helps sort at the Utah Food Bank during Community Service Day. 2023 Class of Leadership Utah visits the Delta Center, home of the Utah Jazz, during Arts, Sports & Entertainment Day.

Leadership Utah

Leadership Utah is the Salt Lake Chamber’s leadership program and is an exclusive experience for mid- and upper-level management professionals to gain insight into the opportunities and challenges facing our state and become more engaged leaders. The program was held from September 2023 to July 2024.

Class of 2024

Melissa Allen, Hilton Salt Lake City Center

Ryan Allen, Wells Fargo

David Andersen, UMB Bank

Judd J. Austin, Altabank

Hailey Black, WCF Insurance

Jeffrey C. Bramble, Fabian VanCott

Melanie Budge, Salt Lake Chamber

Liz Butler, Parsons Behle & Latimer

John Q. Cannon, Mountain America Credit Union

Brendon S. Charles, Hillcrest Bank

Katharine Combs, The Salvation Army

Michelle A. Conley, World Trade Center Utah

Dave Cox, University of Utah Health

Josh Creer, Wells Fargo

Andrea Dew, Utah Transit Authority

Russ Elbel, Select Health

Aspen English, World Trade Center Utah

Megan Engstrom, Women’s Business Center of Utah

Carl Foster, Swire Coca-Cola, USA

Alexx Goeller, Discovery Gateway Children’s Museum

Blake Green, Delta Air Lines

John J. Hamblin III, Larry H. Miller Company

Michelle Hill, Clyde Companies, Inc.

Ken Houting, WCF Insurance

Laura Ingersoll, Rio Tinto Kennecott

Miranda Jones Cox, Wasatch Front Regional Council

Denise Jordan, Utah Office of Tourism

Madison Keyser Williams, Utah Paperbox

Greg LaHue, CCI Mechanical, Inc.

Jared Larrabee, Savage

Jennifer Leaver, University of Utah’s Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute

Lydia Levin, Zions Bank

Dustin Lipson, Primary Children’s Hospital

Abbie Magrane, Enbridge

Tiffany Marquez, Salt Lake County

Lance May, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices

Rohit Nair, Rocky Mountain Power

Sarah Narjes, Mortenson

Brian Olsen, Zions Bank

Greg Olson, GROWL Agency

Tameisa Powers, Zions Bank

Colin Quincy, Intermountain Health

Matt Radke, Jacobsen Construction Company

Maile Resta, rPlus Energies

Ari Robinson, Loveland Living Planet Aquarium

David J. Saxton, North American Recovery

Daniel Stergios, Salt Lake County

Sophia G. Taddeo, Salt Lake Chamber

Amanda Tullis, Davis Technical College

William Wright, Salt Lake City Corp.

Brad Wyatt, FORVIS


The Salt Lake Chamber is dedicated to fostering peer-to-peer networking opportunities for business professionals in our community. From the traditional events like Business After Hours and ribbon cuttings to key initiatives such as Utah Rising and signature events like the Women & Business Conference and ATHENA Awards Luncheon, we offer numerous ways for member businesses to engage. These opportunities provide a platform for collaboration, ideasharing and finding common ground to strengthen our community.


Look Back…

Left to Right, Top to Bottom: Salt Lake Chamber celebrates Navy Week with Rear Admiral Aaron C. Rugh and the Military Affairs Committee. Salt Lake Chamber President’s Ambassadors participate in the UMB Bank ribbon cutting.. Circle of Influence level members visits the Olympic Oval and US Speedskating team to discuss the 2034 Winter Olympics. 2024 Classic Golf Tournament first place team from SymbolArts. Equality Utah team hosts Business After Hours.

Major Moments

Empowering Women in Business: 47th Annual Conference Honors Leaders

On November 2, 2023, the Salt Lake Chamber hosted the 47th annual Women & Business Conference and awarded the prestigious 2023 ATHENA Leadership Award. This annual conference provides a valuable platform for furthering professional growth and fostering relationships in the business community.

During the luncheon, the Salt Lake Chamber presented the ATHENA Leadership Award to Amanda L. Covington, Chief Corporate Affairs Officer for The Larry H. Miller Company. This award is presented to an active member who demonstrates creativity and initiative in business, provides valuable service by devoting time and energy to improve the quality of life for others in the community, and assists women in reaching their full leadership potential.

In addition to the ATHENA Leadership Award, five women received the Pathfinder Award for their work to create new paths and promote the development and recognition of women in business. Recipients included:

• Lucy Cardenas, President & Owner, The Red Iguana Restaurants

• Natalie El-Deiry, Director of Immigration & New American Integration, Utah Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity

• Kaitlin Eskelson, President & CEO, Visit Salt Lake

• Deneiva Knight, External Affairs Director, Comcast

• Pauline Ploquin, President & Partner, Struck

Through her unwavering commitment to excellence and her tireless dedication to empowering women in leadership, Amanda Covington embodies the ATHENA spirit. She is a shining example of how creativity, initiative, and a passion for community can

- Derek Miller, President & CEO of the Salt Lake Chamber drive extraordinary change.

Left to Right, Top to Bottom: Vicki Varela and Derek Miller present Amanda Covington the 2023 ATHENA Leadership Award. 2023 Pathfinders and ATHENA - Natalie El-Deiry, Lucy Cardenas, Deneiva Knight, Amanda Covington (ATHENA), Kaitlin Eskelson and Pauline Ploquin. 2023 Women & Business Conference attendees. Closing Session Speaker Sui Lang L. Panoke at the 2023 Women & Business Conference. Opening Keynote Speaker Jacki Zehner at the 2023 Women & Business Conference.

Utah Rising: A Free Enterprise Vision for Utah’s Economy

Nearly 20 years after launching the Downtown Rising initiative in the heart of Salt Lake City, Utah’s business community has come together again to create a statewide economic vision. This vision – Utah Rising: A Free Enterprise Vision for Utah’s Economy – will be driven by proven principles while outlining opportunities for ongoing success and sustainable growth. Convened by the Salt Lake Chamber, in collaboration with the public and private sectors, Utah Rising will address critical issues with innovative and long-term economic solutions for all who call Utah home.

The initiative began in Summer 2023 when the Board and past chairs weighed in on the visioning project’s potential, followed by the Chamber conducting focus groups over the course of several months to gather insights on our community and culminated with a media roundtable on April 9, 2024.

At a media event, business leaders highlighted Utah’s economic history and the power of strategic business investments and collaboration – including the Salt Lake City International Airport, Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, Downtown Rising, the Utah Jazz and infrastructure improvements – to demonstrate that initiatives, driven by a blend of visionary foresight and practical execution, lead to sustainable development and economic growth.

The journey ahead is both exciting and essential. As business and civic leaders, we have a unique opportunity to shape Utah’s future — one that is prosperous, inclusive and reflective of the culture and values that have always elevated our state.

Utah’s vibrancy as a state is a direct result of our business and civic leaders choosing to engage, commit time and resources to building a better community and economy. I’m thrilled to be helping forge a new era of economic common ground.

The private and public sectors must work together on a vision that addresses the needs, challenges and opportunities in front of us to maintain Utah’s elite economy and elevate life quality for all Utahns.

- Natalie Gochnour, Director, University of Utah’s Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute

Left to Right, Top to Bottom: Chris McCormick speaks at the Utah Rising Media Roundtable. Spencer Eccles and Derek Miller highlight the importance of the initiative. Utah Rising media roundtable attendee.

Honoring Leadership: Salt Lake Chamber Recognizes Clark Ivory as 45th Giant in our City The Salt Lake Chamber honored Clark D. Ivory, CEO of Ivory Homes, as the 45th Giant in our City on April 25, 2024. This award, widely recognized as the most prestigious business award in Utah, honors those with exceptional and distinguished service, as well as extraordinary professional achievement.

In partnership with the Utah Community Builders, the Salt Lake Chamber also recognized Carol Hollowell, executive director of Switchpoint, with the 6th annual Lane Beattie Utah Community Builder Award. This award recognizes an inspirational individual who has gone above and beyond the call of duty to address critical community needs.

While I am honored to receive this special recognition, I have to point out that any accomplishments that we may have had are a result of a great number of community partners and Ivory team members working together to contribute to and uplift our broader community.

- Clark Ivory, 45th Giant in our City

Left to Right: Natalie Gochnour and Christian Gardner emcee the 2024 Giant in our City celebration. Derek Miller, Heather Brace and Jake Boyer present Carol Hollwell (second from right) the 2024 Utah Community Builder Award.
Left to Right, Top to Bottom: Nathan R. Callister, Christine Ivory, Clark Ivory and Derek Miller at the 2024 Giant in our City celebration. Carol Hollowell presents the 2024 Utah Community Builder Award. 2024 Giant in our City Clark Ivory accepts his award. University of Utah Marching Band plays at the 2024 Giant in our City celebration.

EDCUtah to Join the Salt Lake Chamber

On July 9, 2024, the Salt Lake Chamber announced that the Economic Development Corporation of Utah (EDCUtah) will be joining the Chamber organization. After careful consideration, the boards of both organizations agreed to move forward with a framework and process for EDCUtah to join the “family of teams” within the Chamber.

EDCUtah will maintain its name and brand and continue to perform as Utah’s premier statewide economic development organization. They remain Utah’s primary point of contact for site selectors and corporate decision-makers. EDCUtah will continue to offer quality business expansion and relocation services, best-in-class economic research and data, and partnerships with public and private sector organizations across Utah.

It’s an incredible opportunity to enhance the brand and mission of EDCUtah, as our organization will both add to and benefit from the Salt Lake Chamber’s large, statewide business base and community support.

Derek Miller and Scott Cuthbertson discuss EDCUtah joining the Salt Lake Chamber family.

The Spirit of the Olympics is Alive and Well in Utah

Salt Lake Chamber President & CEO Derek Miller joined the Utah Delegation in Paris, France, for the announcement of the Salt Lake City Winter Games in 2034. The Olympics not only celebrate the physical, mental and emotional stamina of athletes worldwide, but also demonstrate the power of unity and global collaboration.

Additionally, in the early morning hours of July 24, 2024, a crowd of thousands gathered in Washington Square Park to celebrate Salt Lake City’s selection as the host of the 2034 Olympic & Paralympic Winter Games. The energy and excitement to bring the Olympic Games back was palpable, with a drone display, activities and a live stream of the announcement

During the visit, Miller met with Paris Chamber of Commerce President Soumia Malinbaum to discuss how the business community supported and helped plan the Paris Olympics. He also joined the Los Angeles 2028 and Sydney 2032 delegations to hear best practices from a group that supported the Paris 2024 Olympics and focused on ensuring small and local businesses participated and contributed to the work done to prepare for and carry out the games.

With Utah’s world-class venues, vibrant economy and renowned hospitality, we are confident in our ability to provide a memorable and seamless experience for athletes, spectators and stakeholders from around the globe.
- Derek Miller, President & CEO, Salt Lake Chamber
Left to Right: Derek Miller met with a group from the Paris 2024 Olympics that focused on making sure small and local business participated and contributed to the work done to prepare for and carry out the games. Senate President J. Stuart Adams and Derek Miller at the IOC Host Announcement in Paris.


Downtown Alliance

The Downtown Alliance is dedicated to building a dynamic community that is the regional center for culture, commerce and entertainment. This past year the Alliance championed:

• Investment in quality residential, retail, public spaces and vitality nodes like Second & Second, Pioneer Park, Main Street and Gallivan Center.

• Support for the Utah Jazz’s long-term residency downtown.

• Improvements in Downtown street safety.

• The production of experiences to delight residents, workers and visitors.

Established in 1991, the Alliance represents more than 2,500 Downtown business and property owners. A special assessment on commercial properties helps fund the Alliance. The Alliance became a strategic partner of the Salt Lake Chamber in 2003.

Downtown Alliance Creates a Place for Everyone

This year, the Downtown Alliance’s achievements include producing more than 150 days of programming, including the ever-popular Downtown Farmers Market, deploying high-impact street Ambassadors, promoting downtown art and entertainment and convening our stakeholders for critical conversation on downtown opportunities. The Downtown Alliance are stewards and champions of Downtown Salt Lake City and committed to perpetually creating a downtown for everyone.

Farmers Market Bolsters the Community

The Downtown Farmers Market is a catalyst for neighborhood and economic development. In the 32 years since the Market began, the neighborhood has been revitalized with more than 1,000 residential units, 19 restaurants and five hotels. With 252,000 yearly shoppers, it is Utah’s largest community event.


The Blocks Arts District Animates Our Downtown

The Blocks Arts District values wild creativity and supports courageous innovation to animate downtown streets and stages. The organization develops audiences for Downtown art productions and cultivates emerging visual and performing artists. This investment in the cultural core of our state by Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County is attracting visitors and spending downtown.

By The Numbers

Downtown Street Ambassadors Provide Help to Those in Need

The 30+ Downtown Ambassadors walked more than 62,000 miles last year! They provide friendly, uniformed presence to promote safety and discourage criminal activity. They remove litter from public spaces, and, most importantly, they help people in crisis get the shelter, food and health care services they need.

Ambassadors hours worked 16 Utah counties represented Downtown Farmers Market Street Ambassadors

$11 Million Annual direct-toconsumer sales at Market 9,801 Number of resources provided to people in crisis

35% New Utah businesses 8,713 Visitors assisted

65% Women-owned businesses

25% BIPOC-owned businesses

1,311 Bags of garbage collected

The Blocks Arts District Promoting and Marketing

5,000 People attended 15 free summer concerts

2,143 Mentions in news and entertainment media

200+ Downtown arts performances and program promoted 273,800 Social media followers

150 Days of programming produced to animate Downtown

Utah Community Builders

Utah Community Builders is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and a program of the Salt Lake Chamber Foundation. Utah Community Builders creates a platform for businesses to engage in our most pressing challenges, harnessing the innovation and efficiency of the private sector to drive real progress on community issues affecting our businesses, workforce, families and all Utahns.

Utah Community Builders Hosts Master Classes on Mental Health in the Workplace

Utah Community Builders and the Salt Lake Chamber co-hosted two master classes focused on mental health in the workplace. The first on September 23, 2023, with presenter Stephanie Lyon, HR business development consultant for Stratus HR, was about elevating the employee experience and strategies to retain top talent. The second on February 8, 2024, with presenter Sentari Minor, vice president of strategy and chief of staff at evolvedMD, discussed the importance of employees’ mental health and ways to improve wellness in the workplace.

Utah Community Builders Discusses the Impact of Utah’s Benefits Cliff

On October 19, 2023, Utah Community Builders, the Sutherland Institute and Georgia Center for Opportunity hosted a special information session to discuss the impact the benefits cliff has on Utah families and businesses, as well as explore a custommade Utah benefits calculator that drills down to the county level and takes the first step in collaborating on solutions.

For more information about Utah Community Builders, visit slchamber.com/utah-community-builders.


Community Builders

Discusses the Importance of Good Mental Health Among Employees

On February 7, 2024, Utah Community Builders partnered with Get Healthy Utah and the Utah Worksite Wellness Council to host the 2nd Annual Utah Business of Health. The event was centered on prioritizing mental health in the workplace and featured a wide array of topics and speakers. This year’s keynote speaker was Domo Director of Community Engagement and DEI, Nikki Walker.

By The Numbers

844 Businesses/individuals served by resources & events

Utah Community Builders Explores Strategies to Tackle Workforce Challenges and Bolster the Community

On April 12, 2024, Utah Community Builders and the Salt Lake Chamber hosted a breakout session at the 2024 One Utah Summit focused on exploring out-of-thebox strategies to tackle our workforce challenges, such as fair chance hiring, familyfriendly policies and more.

6 New partnerships established

5 State of Good Podcast episodes released

Women’s Business Center of Utah

The Women’s Business Center of Utah (WBCUtah) is a federallyfunded 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, hosted by the Salt Lake Chamber, which provides women-focused technical assistance statewide helping business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs to start and grow their businesses through one-on-one advising and group and self-paced training. WBCUtah also advocates for “Buy Women Owned!” by hosting the Utah Women-Owned Business Directory, with more than 3,000 listings, at utahwomenowned.com.

Women’s Business Center of Utah Honors 2023 Entrepreneurs of the Year

Becca Hofmann, owner of BH Brand Co., based in Salt Lake City, and Gregan Gibson, owner of Greetings By Gregan, based in Washington, accept their awards as 2023 Women’s Business Center of Utah Entrepreneurs of the Year.

Women’s Business Center of Utah Celebrates International Women’s Day

Women gather for the annual International Women’s Day Celebration on March 8, 2024 at The Outpost, hosted by World Trade Center Utah and the Women’s Business Center of Utah.

International Women’s Day Celebration 2024.

By The Numbers

1,542 Utahns Served (unduplicated, in 26 counties, 98% increase!)

1,115 One-On-One Advising Sessions

Women’s Business Center of Utah Strengthens Legislative AppropriationsFunded Outreach Project

Allie Farnham, WBCUtah outreach coordinator, visits Ann Torrence, owner of Etta Place Cider in her newly opened mercantile in Torrey, Utah, as part of WBCUtah’s Utah Legislative AppropriationsFunded Outreach Project.

3,271 Attendees Trained (153% increase!)

Women’s Business Center of Utah Recognizes Diverse-Owned Business Accelerator Graduates

WBCUtah team members and guests celebrate graduates of the Diverse-Owned Business Accelerator program on March 28, 2024 at Salt Lake Community College West Valley Center.

For more information about the Women’s Business Center of Utah, visit wbcutah.org.


President & CEO

Derek Miller, Salt Lake Chamber

Allison Behjani, Shareholder, Ray Quinney & Nebeker

Fisher, Utah Regional President, WaFd Bank

Board Chair

Nathan R. Callister, Market Executive, Head of Utah Commercial Banking, Wells Fargo

Judd E. Cook, Vice President & General Manager, Enbridge Gas UT ID WY

Vice Chair

Jeremy Hafen, President & CEO, Clyde Companies, Inc.

Amanda K. Covington, Chief Corporate Affairs Officer, The Larry H. Miller Company

Erin Barry, Vice President of Government Affairs, Merit Medical Systems, Inc.

Kaitlin Eskelson, President & CEO, Visit Salt Lake, The Convention and Visitors Bureau

Gochnour, Associate Dean, David Eccles School of Business and Director, Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute, University of Utah

Nate Foster, Managing Director, Rio Tinto - Kennecott
Richard “Dick” Garlish, President, Rocky Mountain Power
Clark D. Ivory, President & CEO, Ivory Homes
Kay Hall, EVP/CFO, Zions Bank
Rob Hitchcock, President & CEO, Select Health
Jonathan Hafen, Shareholder, Parr Brown Gee & Loveless

Erin Laney Barr, Managing Director, CBRE

David A. Petersen, President & CEO, O.C. Tanner Company

Ryan Starks, Executive Director, Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity

Matt Lyon, President & CEO, WCF Insurance

Gary B. Porter, Senior Vice President, Deseret Management Corporation

Linda Wardell, General Manager, City Creek Center - The Taubman Company

Dr. Donna L. Milavetz, Chief Medical Officer, Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Utah

President Taylor Randall, University of Utah

Sterling W. Nielsen, President & CEO, Mountain America Credit Union

Susan Robel, President, Canyons Region, Intermountain Health


President & CEO: Derek Miller

Board Chair: Nathan R. Callister, Market Executive, Head of Utah Commercial

Vice Chair: Jeremy Hafen, President & CEO, Clyde Companies, Inc.

Paul B. Ahlstrom, IsoTalent Inc

Lloyd Allen, Fidelity National Title

Tyler Allgaier, Pitted Labs

David Andersen, UMB Bank

Nathan Anderson, Union Pacific Railroad

Ben Anderson, Amazon

Mario Archaga, UPS

Jeremy Back, Homie

Max Backlund, Lumen

J. Michael Bailey, Parsons Behle & Latimer

Brenna Baker, L3Harris Technologies

Eddie Bangerter, Rocky Mountain Care

James Barlow, Building Zone Industries (BZI)

Jason Beardall, England Logistics Inc.

Allison Behjani, Ray Quinney & Nebeker

Marc Bennett, Comagine Health

Art Berger, Ray Quinney & Nebeker

Jan Bergeson, Ally Bank

Mark Bettilyon, Thorpe North & Western, LLP

Brook Bingham, REAL Salt Lake / Rio Tinto Stadium

Craig Bingham, PEG Companies

Brandon Blaser, Blaser Ventures

Jill Borst, Goldman Sachs & Co.

Jacob Bowman, American United Federal Credit Union

Tanner J.M. Bowman, M.I.T. Management

Nate Boyer, The Boyer Company

Jeremy Bradshaw, CommonSpirit Health

Steven Brosvik, Utah

Symphony | Utah Opera

Nathan Brower, Nature’s Sunshine Products Inc

Benjamin Brown, Fidelity Investments

Jim Brown, USANA Health Sciences, Inc.

Kristina Brown, Chevron U.S.A., Inc.

Ari Bruening, Envision Utah

Terry H. Buckner, The Buckner Company

Jonyce Bullock, Squire & Company, PC

Dr. James Bunger, RedLeaf Resources, Inc.

Alixandra Lewis Burrows,

LitJoy Crate

Josh Caldwell, Mortenson

Bryan Campbell, Wheeler Machinery Co.

President Elizabeth

Cantwell, Utah State University

Rob Carpenter, Altabank

Michelle Carroll, Mountainland AOG

Josh Case, Sundance View Holding Company, LLC

John Chachas, INYO Broadcast Holdings LLC

Rosie Chadha, GPMC, LLC

Brendon Charles, Hillcrest Bank

Bob Checketts, Kern River Gas Transmission Company

Carlton Christensen, Utah Transit Authority

President Clay Christensen, Mountainland Technical College

Josh Clark, Woodside Homes

Pete Codella, Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity

Sarah Comstock, Merit Medical Systems, Inc.

Tim Conde, Okland Construction Company

Judd E. Cook, Enbridge Gas

Judy Copier, iHeartMedia Inc.

Lew Cramer, Colliers


Bill Crim, United Way of Salt Lake

Scott Cuthbertson, EDCUtah

John Dahlstrom, The Wasatch Group

David Damschen, Utah Housing Corporation

Cecil Davis, TheraPharma

Scott Davis, MTS Mobile Staffing

Jorge L. Dennis, EnviroKleen L.L.C.

Lee B. Dial, Cowboy Partners

Sydnee Dickson, Utah State Office of Education

Quinn Dietlein, Hale Centre Theatre

Dean Kurt Dirks, David Eccles School of Business

President Beth Dobkin, Westminster University

Rebecca Dutson, The Children’s Center Utah

Aimee Edwards, BioHive

Gary Ellis, Jacobsen Construction Company

TJ England, CR EnglandGlobal Transportation

Brian Epperson, Target River

Kaitlin Eskelson, Visit Salt Lake, The Convention and Visitors Bureau

Leeza Evensen, Snell & Wilmer L.L.P.

Bahar Ferguson, Wasatch I.T.

Brady Fife, American Express

Marlise Fisher, WaFd Bank

Rick L. Folkerson, Ken Garff

Automotive Group

Earl Foote, Nexus IT Consultants

Nate Foster, Rio Tinto


Jason Fowler, Air + Sea International Freightlink

Jonathan Freedman, World Trade Center Utah

Jerry Frisch, Wasatch Container

Cynthia Gambill, Saprea

Chris Gamvroulas, Ivory Homes

Alberto Garcia, Google Fiber

Richard “Dick” Garlish, Rocky Mountain Power

Dave Gessel, UHA, Utah Hospital Association

Natalie Gochnour, University of Utah’s Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute

James Guemple, Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Utah

Jonathan Hafen, Parr Brown

Gee & Loveless

Kay Hall, Zions Bank

Branden Hansen, Bank of Utah

Ben Hart, Utah Inland Port Authority

Nate Hatch, Deseret Digital Media

Chris Hatch, Forza Commercial

Jason Haugen, Haugen RV Group

Ted L. Hill, Eide Bailly, LLP

Adam Hill, U.S. Bank

Matt Paul Hirst, CRS Engineers

Rob Hitchcock, Select Health

Matthew Holyoak, Malouf Companies

Tonya Hoopes, TMH Global Events, LLC

Tyler Hortin, Lion Energy

Scott Hughes, Hughes General Contractors

Ryan Humphreys, A Plus Garage Doors

Scott Hymas, RC Willey Home Furnishings

Whitaker Irvin, Q Hydrogen Solutions Corporation

Ally Isom, Clyde Companies, Inc.

Tom Jackson, Steel Encounters, Inc.

Tom Jacobson, Thomas N. Jacobson Law

Michael Johanson, Brigham Young University

Brooke Johnson, Ivanti

Devin Johnson, FirstMile


Patricia W. Jones, Women’s Leadership Institute

Natalie Kaddas, Kaddas Enterprises Inc.

Troy Keller, Dorsey & Whitney

Michael Thomas Kelly, Investment Science

Craig Kleinman, Purple Innovation, LLC

Deneiva Knight, Comcast Business

President Bruce Kusch, Ensign College

Erin Laney Barr, CBRE

Brent Lange, Thanksgiving Point

Trina Limpert, RizeNext

Duston Lipson, Primary Children’s Hospital

Shane London, Deseret First Credit Union

Jared Lucero. Reef Capital Partners

Matt Lyon, WCF Insurance

Adam Macklin, PNC Bank

Dan Marquardt, Management & Training Corporation (MTC)

Dr. Cameron Martin, Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions

Aubriana Martindale,

Smith’s Food & Drug Stores

Alan Matheson, The Point of the Mountain State Land Authority

Molly Mazzolini, Infinite Scale

Ian McDonald, The Larry H. Miller Company

Michele McKillip, Swire Coca-Cola, USA

Abby McLennan, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco / Salt Lake City Branch

Mayor Erin Mendenhall, Salt Lake City Corp.

Dr. Donna L. Milavetz, Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Utah

John Miller, Mark Miller Toyota

Ryan Miller, Dakota Pacific

Mike Moffitt, Gold Cross Ambulance Services

Elaina Morris, Ascend Hospitality Group

Steve C. Morrison, EMI Health

President Brad Mortensen, Weber State University

Matthew Moscon, Mayer Brown

Kate Moss, Bank of America

Beau Murchison, Alsco / Steiner Corporation

Mark Murdock, Gardner Group

Rod Nease, Sunbelt Rentals

Katie Neilson, Stay in Bloom

Dan Nelson, Leavitt Group

Sterling W. Nielsen, Mountain America Credit Union

Dave Nielsen, Beyond, Inc.

Joseph Nixon, Policy Impact Communications

Stephen Norton, bioMerieux

Jeff Olsen, Boart Longyear

Don Olsen, Cricut

Jim Olson, Utah Jazz

Greg Olson, GROWL Agency

Tami Ostmark, Hamlet Homes

Liz Owens, YWCA Utah

Jeff Palmer, Layton

Construction Company

Christi Palmer, Sallie Mae Bank

Chris Parker, Giv Group

Kevin Perry, Struck

David A. Petersen, O.C. Tanner Company

President Greg Peterson, Salt Lake Community College

Julie Peterson Burdett, Tiffany & Co.

Victoria Petro, Salt Lake City Council

Josh Pettersson, Wasatch Electric

Becky Pickle, Huntsman

Mental Health Foundation

Vanessa Pierce, New U Life Corp.

Duffy E. Pingree, Bear River Mutual Insurance Company

Walter J. Plumb, Plumb Holdings LLC

Gary B. Porter, Deseret Management Corporation

Nico Bamberger Priskos, InterNet Properties

Scott Pulsipher, Western Governors University

Luigi Resta, rPlus Energies

Martin Ritter, Stadler US Inc.

Susan Robel, Intermountain Health

Kathy Roberts, Switch Reward Card

Brad Robeson, Clean Machine, Inc.

Jorge Rodriguez, Sorenson Communications

Kevin Rork, Boeing Company

Keven Rowe, Buchalter

Adam Ryan, Delta Air Lines

Greg Sanders, SymbolArts

Nathan Savage, EnviroServe Inc.

Harvey J. Scott, Redmond Minerals

Daniel Sechrest, Nodal Power

John D. Shane, JP Morgan Chase

Mikhail Shneyder, Nightingale Education Group

Dave Smith, Penna Powers

Todd Smith, Moreton & Company

Michael Squires, UAMPS

(Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems)

Sally Steed, Deseret News

Troy Stevenson, America

First Credit Union

Sam Stoddard, Fragomen & SimpleCitizen

Adam Suess, REH Company

Shawn Teigen, Utah Foundation

Kevin R. Thomas, Young Automotive Group

Tracey Thompson, Vine


Dan Thomson, CHG Healthcare

Tara Thue, AT&T

Chris Tillack, MidFirst Bank

Keith Titus, MarketStar

Joe Tomon, Procter & Gamble Paper Products Co.

President Astrid Tuminez, Utah Valley University

Brent Uberty, BW Productions

Rich Umbel, Staker Parson Materials & Construction

Mike W. Vela, HKS Architects, Inc

Rob Walker, Kirton McConkie

Heather A. Wall, LDS


Linda Wardell, City Creek Center - The Taubman Company

Zac Watne, University of Utah Health

Scott West, PepsiCo Beverages

Nick Whiting, Chartway Federal Credit Union

Jody L. Williams, Holland & Hart, LLP

Morgan R. Williams, Blendyd Studios

Mayor Jenny Wilson, Salt Lake County

Randy Woodbury, Woodbury Corporation

Kristina Worton, Brighter Futures, Inc.

Becki Wright, Proximity

Jacki Zehner, ShePlace / SheMoney


Special Thanks to Our Chair & Investor Level Members


A Plus Garage Doors

Ally Bank

Alsco / Steiner Corporation



American Express

American United Federal

Credit Union

Ascend Hospitality Group


Ballard Spahr

Bank of America

Bank of Utah

Bear River Mutual Insurance Company

Beyond, Inc.



Blaser Ventures

Blendyd Studios

Boart Longyear

Boeing Company

Brigham Young University

Brighter Futures


Building Zone Industries (BZI)

BW Productions


Chartway Federal Credit Union

Chevron U.S.A., Inc.

City Creek Center - The Taubman Company

Clean Machine, LLC

Clearlink Technologies LLC

Colliers International

Comagine Health

Comcast Business

CommonSpirit Health

Cowboy Partners

CR England - Global Transportation


CRS Engineers

Dakota Pacific

David Eccles School of Business

Delta Air Lines

Deseret First Credit Union

Dorsey & Whitney

doTERRA International


Eide Bailly, LLP

EMI Health

England Logistics Inc.

Ensign College

EnviroKleen L.L.C.

EnviroServe Inc.

Envision Utah

Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco / Salt Lake City Branch

Fidelity Investments

Fidelity National Title


Forza Commercial

Fragomen & SimpleCitizen

Giv Group

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Google Fiber


Greenfield Development


GROWL Agency

Hale Centre Theatre

Hamilton Partners

Hamlet Homes

Haugen RV Group

Hillcrest Bank

HSK Architects, Inc.

Holland & Hart, LLP


Hughes General Contractors

Huntsman Mental Health Foundation

iHeartMedia Inc.

Investment Science

INYO Broadcast Holdings


IsoTalent Inc


Ivory Homes

Jacobsen Construction Company

JP Morgan Chase

Kaddas Enterprises Inc.

Ken Garff Automotive Group

Kensington Investment Company

Kern River Gas Transmission Company

Kirkland & Ellis

Kirton McConkie

L3Harris Technologies

Layton Construction Company

Leavitt Group

*This report reflects August 2023 - July 2024.


Lion Energy

LitJoy Crate

M.I.T. Management

Malouf Companies

Management & Training

Corporation (MTC)

Mark Miller Toyota


Mayer Brown

MidFirst Bank

Minky Couture

Moreton & Company


Mountainland Technical College

MTS Mobile Staffing

Nature’s Sunshine Products


New U Life Corp.

Nexus IT Consultants

Nodal Power

Northrop Grumman Corp.

Okland Construction


Parr Brown Gee & Loveless

Parsons Behle & Latimer

PEG Companies

PepsiCo Beverages

Pitted Labs

Plumb Holdings LLC

PNC Bank

Policy Impact


Primary Children’s Hospital

Procter & Gamble Paper

Products Co.


Purple Innovation, LLC

Q Hydrogen Solutions


Ray Quinney & Nebeker

RC Willey Home Furnishings

REAL Salt Lake / Rio Tinto


RedLeaf Resources, Inc.

Redmond Minerals

Reef Capital Partners

Regence BlueCross

BlueShield of Utah


Rocky Mountain Care

Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions

rPlus Energies


Sallie Mae Bank

Salt Lake City Council

Salt Lake Community College


ShePlace / SheMoney

Smith’s Food & Drug Stores

Snell & Wilmer L.L.P.

Stadler US Inc.

Staker Parson Materials & Construction

Stay in Bloom

Steel Encounters, Inc.


Sunbelt Rentals

Sundance View Holding Company, LLC

Swire Coca-Cola, USA

Switch Reward Card


Target River

The Boyer Company

The Buckner Company

The Children’s Center Utah

The Point of the Mountain

State Land Authority

The Wasatch Group


Thomas N. Jacobson Law

Thorpe North & Western, LLP

Tiffany & Co.

TMH Global Events, LLC

U.S. Bank

UAMPS (Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems)

UHA, Utah Hospital Association

Union Pacific Railroad

United Way of Salt Lake

University of Utah’s Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute


USANA Health Sciences, Inc.

Utah Foundation

Utah Inland Port Authority

Utah Office of Tourism

Utah State Office of Education

Utah State University

Utah System of Higher Education

Utah Valley University

Vine Lore

WaFd Bank

Wasatch Container

Wasatch Electric

Wasatch I.T.

Weber Basin Water

Conservancy District

Weber State University

Westminster University

Wheeler Machinery Co.

Women’s Leadership Institute

Woodbury Corporation

Woodside Homes

World Trade Center Utah

Young Automotive Group



Broadway Media, LLC

CHG Healthcare

Granite Construction Company


MHTN Architects, Inc.

Modern Display / Modern Expo

Myriad Genetics




Reliable Controls


SkyWest Airlines

Slalom, Inc

Thanksgiving Point

Thomas Arts


ABC4 Utah

Big-D Construction Corp.

Google, LLC

Ken Garff University Club

Les Olson Company

Loveland Living Planet


Morgan Stanley

NextEra Energy Resources

Nicholas and Company, Inc.

Nordstrom, Inc.

PMI Global Services Inc.

Verizon Bronze

Adobe Systems Inc.

American Preparatory Academy

Brandless Inc.

Caspian Agency


Consolidated Electrical

Distributors - Salt Lake


Cottonwood Residential

Cuisine Unlimited Catering & Special Events

CVS Health

Cyprus Credit Union


Edison House

Employers Council


Fortis College

Forvis Mazars

Foxley & Pignanelli

Go Pave Utah

Gold Cross Ambulance Services

Hank’s Garage

Hilton Salt Lake City Center

Hunter Douglas

Intermountain Business


InterNet Properties

Jerry Seiner Dealerships

KeyBank of Utah

KUTV / CBS - Sinclair

Broadcast Group

Lagoon Corporation

Lewis Bus Group



Mesa Moving and Storage

Nightingale Education Group

Nonprofit Development

Partners, Inc.

Nothing Bundt Cakes - SLC

Park City Mountain Resort


Process Curiousity LLC

R&R Partners

Radisson Hotel Salt Lake City Downtown

RAW-Energy, Inc.

REH Company

Rocky Vista University of College of Osteopathic

Medicine - Southern Utah

Roto-Rooter Services

*This report reflects August 2023 - July 2024.



Salt Lake City International Airport

Salt Lake City Public Library

Salt Lake Magazine

Sheraton Salt Lake City Hotel

Silvester & Company

Skyline Electric Company

SME Industries, Inc.

Snowbird Ski & Summer Resort



Southwest Airlines

STOUT Building Contractors

Thatcher Company


Utah Farm Bureau Federation

Utah Tech University


V School

VCBO Architecture, L.L.C.

VENETO Ristorante Italiano

Wasatch Security Awareness

Wayne County Business Association

West Valley City




Executive Team

Derek Miller, President & CEO

Heidi Walker, COO

Dan Brimhall, CFO

Dee Brewer, Executive Vice President & Executive Director, Downtown Alliance

Ginger Chinn, Executive Vice President, Public Policy & Government Affairs

Kabi Catalano, Executive Director, Utah Community Builders

Marisa Bomis, Director, Marketing & Communication

Salt Lake Chamber Team

Tara Baucom, Director, Events & Programs

Lindsay Riches, Director, Business Development & Strategic Partnerships

Lori Bodily, Manager, Accounting

Natalie Bowen, Manager, Public Policy

Katrina Kaddas, Manager, Events & Programs

Jenean Lindley, Manager, Executive Projects

Brooklyn Beierle, Graphic Designer

Melanie Budge, Program Development & Member Relations Specialist

Paul Iba, Business Development Representative

Grace Song, Accounting Clerk

Sophia Taddeo, Sr. Coordinator, Events & Programs

McKenna Newsom, Coordinator, Digital Media

Alex Yengich, Reception

Downtown Alliance Team

Jessica Thesing, Deputy Director, Downtown Alliance

Britney Helmers, Program Director, The Blocks

Carly Gillespie, Director, Urban Food Connections of Utah

Joshua Jones, Director, Communication & Marketing - Downtown Alliance

Nicole Mathews, Market Manager, Urban Food Connections of Utah

Merinda Christensen, Program Manager, The Blocks

Kristina Olivas, Program Manager, Urban Affairs

Kristen Lavelett, Manager, Business Development

Kai Henriksen, Coordinator, Operations

Chris Natalie, Coordinator, Operations - Urban Food Connections of Utah

Women’s Business Center of Utah Team

Ann Marie Wallace, State Director

Lisa Jensen, Program Manager, South

Connie Yengich, Program Manager, North

Sara Barstow, Manager, Business Advising

Molly Kohrman, Business Advisor & Community Outreach Facilitator

Leisa Wallace, Business Advisor & Instructor

Ashly Kulland, Digital Media Specialist

Megan Engstrom, Program Coordinator, North

Kylee Field, Program Coordinator, South

Allie Farnham, Coordinator, Outreach

Seantae Jackson, Coordinator, Outreach

*This report reflects August 2023 - July 2024.

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