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‘I’ve Been Everywhere’
GROWING UP IN UTAH hiking was just how we got places, usually woefully underprepared. (Example: One summer in Logan, my roommate and I spent our time rambling around above Tony Grove looking for caves in the sinkholes up there. He’d tie off a climbing rope and descend until the rope ran out. I stood up hoping he’d get back out. It was pretty stupid).
But the point is, we didn’t say “let’s go hiking” it was more like “let’s go up to Desolation Lake” and a hiking trail was the way to get there. It wasn’t until I got older and got to know a lot of flatlander newcomers that I realized hiking was a “thing.” And, that having a water bottle, a light pack and layers was super helpful. Also a few “summit beers.”
Over the last decade, I have gone on a series of magazine assignments that took me to every corner of Utah. I explored the Mighty 5 National Parks during winter, hiking long ambitious trails in each, I followed photographer Austen Diamond on a whirlwind tour of Utah State Parks to capture morning sunrises and starry night skies and spent a week with a BLM archeologist on Cedar Mesa uncovering the mysteries of the ancient peoples whose cliff dwellings are found around every corner.
Yep, as the Johnny Cash song goes, “I’ve Been Everywhere” and hiking was how I got there.

I love showing newcomers and visitors around and helping them find their way. So, as summer approaches we highlight six essential hikes all around Utah (“Oh the Places You’ll Go,” page 36) to whet your appetite for exploration. And speaking of appetites, you’ll need fuel for the trail, so we also guide you to the best lunch spots around the city (“Love Your Lunch,” page 42).
Finally, we direct you to the easiest hikes ever—strolling through the crowd at the first festivals of the summer season (“Set Your Clocks to Summer,” page 17)—starting with Living Traditions in May.
If you’re sensing a theme here, you’re right. Welcome to the Outside Issue of Salt Lake magazine. It’s time to get out there and play!