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We don’t say “ladies who lunch” anymore. Although the label no longer implies white gloves and hats, and may not even include chicken salad, there’s still a whiff of the dated phrase here. Mainly it’s the difference between “just lunch” and gathering a group of longtime friends (of any gender) to talk about the good old days. It’s as much about the conversation as the cuisine. But it helps if you can get together at a spot that you actually went to in the “good old days.” Luckily, we have some places that fit the bill.
The Dodo Restaurant
Pretty much the SLC O.G. spot for the friends-who-lunch crowd. Yes. There is chicken salad (although the shrimp salad, served on a flaky croissant is our fave.) 1355 E. 2100 South, SLC, thedodorestaurant.com
This neighborhood spot in the Avenues is a haven that opens early for a regular coffee crowd and closes late for a regular dinner crowd. Lunch on its patio is the sweet spot. 1026 S. 2nd Ave., SLC, cucinawinebar.com
This French-inspired café is the perfect spot to catch up with the old gang and then bring home something from the bakery for new friends (kids). 250 S. 300 East, SLC, gourmandise.com