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“In order to be�er operate in the murky waters we o�en encounter, we are also u�lizing a LYYN T38™ Visual Enhancement Tool which helps to ’cut through’ turbid waters in order to improve visibility.“ Jeffrey Z. Snyder President SeaVision Marine Services

SeaVision Marine Services LLC Underwater Inspec�on in Lieu of Drydocking A LYYN™ user with a clearer vision At SeaVision Marine Services LLC, we perform a variety of underwater inves�ga�ons, such as hydrographic surveys, sidescan sonar surveys, marine magnetometer surveys, remote-operated vehicle inves�ga�ons, and bo�om sampling, in order to inspect places and things that are inaccessible to, or impercep�ble by, divers. Drawing upon nearly ten years of experience in marine opera�ons to support diving and salvage opera�ons, underwater surveys, and engineering design and Jeff Snyder construc�on projects, SeaVision can provide these services with value-added management solu�ons that help waterfront and marine clients to be�er manage their resources. When a hull inspec�on is required – such as the two inspec�ons of the outer hull of all sea-going vessels required every five years by the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) and the US Coast Guard (USCG) – the solu�on is normally an expensive drydock trip. One of these two inspec�ons can be carried out underwater while the vessel is afloat, a so-called Underwater Inspec�on in Lieu of Drydocking (UWILD) survey. Divers can o�en accomplish the task, but ROVs are ideal due to their thoroughness and detailed recordkeeping, not to men�on the speed with which inspec�ons can be carried out, which is becoming important due to the increasing number of ships that need to be inspected.

LYYN is a product company working on image enhancement to improve visibility in various applica�ons. Many years of research in the human vision system and imaging technologies lie behind the company’s technology. LYYN offers products and solu�ons based on a V.E.T. – Visibility Enhancement Technology – pla�orm. The technology can be applied to both s�ll and video digital images from most color cameras, in real �me and for postprocessing of previously collected material. V.E.T. improves visibility in many situa�ons, for example, fog, haze, snow, rain, dust, darkness, etc., as well as in underwater and medical applica�ons. For examples please visit our website:

Inspec�ons with an ROV do not require tagouts of intakes and ou�lows, nor are the safety regula�ons anywhere near as stringent as those when using divers. ROVs are not subject to physiological constraints – they can dive in water of any quality or temperature – to any depth required for hull inspec�on – for any length of �me and in sea condi�ons that would preclude the use of divers. However, divers have the advantage of being able to use tac�le feedback to feel their way around a project site. Armed with knowledge of the surroundings prior to a dive, and communica�on with the surface during a dive, it is possible for divers to overcome poor visibility and use their hands, and other parts of their body, to navigate around a project site.

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