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The Greek Star l The Voice of Chicago’s Hellenic Community

Periodical Serving Hellenism in America since 1904

The Greek Star l the week of December 5, 2013

Upcycling their way out of crisis Stratis Andreadis, co-founder of an innovative Greek company that upcycles old sails into fashionable bags, shares a story of entrepreneurship in turbulent economic times.

By Isabella Zampetaki How did the idea for upcycling sails

into bags come about? It all started last January, when I visited Corfu to teach at a local sailing club. A group of three students who were experimenting with making bags out of damaged sails showed me their work and asked if I could help promote their products in

Athens. I saw great potential in their idea and thus started to develop a more concrete plan. This led to the establishment of the Salty Bag company which was co-founded by Chryssa Calikiopoulou, Spiros Daikos, Panos Varouhas and myself. One particular aspect of the

process that we considered to be important was that we focus on collecting not only the damaged sails, but also the stories of the boats they traveled on. It is very sad to see old sails being buried or burned down

Living The Greek Star l the week of December 5, 2013

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SaltyContinued Bag...continued on page 27 from page 28

and the stories that they bear being lost forever. Salty Bag breathes new life into them and lets their stories travel on.

receives numerous orders from European customers who view Salty Bag as an authentic element of contemporary Greece. This audience then wants to Which are some of the most compelling discover more about Greece and the destinations behind the stories of sails that you have colnames of the bags. Each bag lected? is named after a lesser-known We have upcycled the sails Greek island or a spot that only of a boat that was built -with sailors plenty of have meraki (speThe crisis should not lead heard cial care) in us to a pessimistic state of of. For Lavrio in introversion but into becomexample, 1982. She ing conscious of the wealth of a personal is the only favorite resources that are available to half-toner to at the mowin a World us and into thinking of what we ment is can build with them. Championour most ship eleven versatile years apart Salty Bag in 1982 and 1993. More to the model yet, Askania. This bag is point, one member of its crew named after a tiny island south went on to win a gold medal in of Santorini, where outstanding the Olympic games and anpottery artifacts dating back to other to become the head coach the Neolithic Ages were disof the Emirates Team New covered. Only flight weary falZealand, that competed in this cons -and a few sailors- know year’s America’s Cup. Askania! Are Greeks interested in buying upcycled sail bags? We build a unique, handmade Greek product of high quality and this is something that people applaud by buying our bags, following us on facebook or even emailing us to share their enthusiasm about the idea. Our online shop

Being an innovative company that was born to the economic crisis, what lessons would you share with aspiring Greek entrepreneurs? The first two words that come to mind are righteous indignation. If you believe in your idea, you have to be stubborn as a mule to make it happen. I think that Greeks

are one of the most pessimistic nations in the world right now. At the same time, Greek society continues to be very conservative and many people are skeptic when it comes to innovative concepts. In the process of setting up business, we had to put a lot of effort into explaining what we were all about. What does Salty Bag convey as a Greek brand? For those who do not really know Greece, and who stereotype Greeks as lazy buggers plotting schemes to cheat the universe, Salty Bag is the evidence of healthy Greek entrepreneurship. The crisis should not lead us to a pessimistic state of introversion but into becoming conscious of the wealth of resources that are available to us and into thinking of what we can build with them. Resourcefulness and upcycling are deeply rooted in Greek culture. This applies to everything from architecture to food! Byzantine churches were built on the ruins of ancient Greek buildings. Greek cuisine has

a wealth of pie ingredients, more than any other European country, born out of the need to be resourceful in order to feed your family in difficult times. In our case, this translates into making bags out of sails and the amazing stories that they bear with them. What are your plans for the future? We will soon launch a cooperation with selected sailing clubs in the Mediterranean. We will collect their damaged sails, upcycle them into bags and return them to the sailing clubs for sale. The profits will then go into supporting their regattas and improving their level of services towards their members.

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› κείμενο:

Παναγιώτα Φούντα


«Φρέσκιες» τσάντες τύπου Κέρκυρας

Πραγματικά μυρίζουν θάλασσα. Άλλωστε, τα πανιά από τα οποία είναι φτιαγμένες έχουν πάνω τους αέρηδες και αλάτι από τις ελληνικές θάλασσες. Οι δημιουργοί των salty bags (αλμυρές τσάντες) χρησιμοποιούν παλιά πανιά, τα ανακυκλώνουν και με αυτά φτιάχνουν μια σειρά από «θαλασσόδαρμένες» τσάντες, για την πόλη και την παραλία, σακ βουαγιάζ, θήκες για υπολογιστές και κινητά, που φέρουν μαζί τους ιστορίες από ταξίδια, φουσκοθαλασσιές και τρικυμίες της Μεσογείου. Οι τσάντες και τα αξεσουάρ είναι χειροποίητα και όλη η διαδικασία παραγωγής τους πραγματοποιείται αποκλειστικά στην Κέρκυρα. Τα πανιά των salty bags μέσα από μία πορεία πολλών ετών πάνω σε ιστία, φτάνουν στα χέρια των τεσσάρων δημιουργών της εταιρείας. Αυτή η πορεία καταγράφεται και συνοδεύει την κάθε τσάντα με μορφή βιβλίου, ώστε ο κάτοχος να γνωρίζει την ιστορία της. Η κεντρική ιδέα πάνω στην οποία βασίζεται όλη η φιλοσοφία των τσαντών είναι αυτή του upcycling, δηλαδή την επαναχρησιμοποίησης υλικών για τη δημιουργία νέων προϊόντων, ενώ όπως λένε και οι ίδιοι οι δημιουργοί πρόκειται για μια “δεύτερη ευκαιρία για τους κουρασμένους ήρωες”. Μάλιστα, μέρος των εσόδων από τις πωλήσεις συγκεκριμένων μοντέλων, θα διατεθεί για να στηριχθεί η συμμετοχή Ελλήνων ιστιοπλόων στους Ολυμπιακούς του Ρίο!


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