EYESIGHT A Quarterly Publication of The Eye Institute of Salus University Summer 2019 Volume 10, Issue 1
The Eye Institute Opens Satellite Office at University of the Sciences
he Eye Institute has established a satellite facility – the fifth of its kind on University of the Sciences’ Philadelphia campus to offer comprehensive eye exams, contact lens fitting and dispensing services to benefit USciences’ undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and staff as well as their families. The clinical space contains three new, fully-equipped exam rooms complete with electronic health records, a pre-screening area and a contact lens dispensing area, located in the Physician Assistant Studies Suite within the Integrated Professional
Education Complex better known as IPEX on the USciences campus, Room 254. Dr. Laine Higa serves as the main provider and see patients with Salus University Pennsylvania College of Optometry interns. “We’re very excited to partner with USciences for this oncampus optometry clinic,” said John Gaal, vice president of Clinical Operations at Salus. “Being able to provide comprehensive vision care, especially contact lens exams and fittings, to the students, faculty and staff at USciences will provide great additional experiences for our students.”
Chestnut Hill Reopens After Renovations
he Eye Institute (TEI) at Chestnut Hill recently completed renovations and equipment upgrades, which has allowed for better patient care. Phase one of the renovations included the installation of automated ophthalmic testing devices in five of the exam rooms. The new digital refractive technology, auto phoropters, will not only save time but will also make comparing old and new prescriptions easier. The new equipment will help better serve the patients and community of Chestnut Hill as well as benefit students of Salus University Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) who rotate through the clinical site and see patients. (cont. page 2)
IN THIS ISSUE: Satellite Office at University of the Sciences Chestnut Hill Office Renovations TEI’s School Vision Programs Contact Lens Exam and Tips