2 minute read
So, when my friends at watersports brand Red Original laid down a challenge, the decision was made. They sent me their new Pro Change Robe EVO to test out and it’s such a serious bit of kit, I’d be ashamed not to use it properly, so here we go… Having asked around my friends who are passionate about winter swimming, I can now honestly say I cannot wait to give it a go. I’m hearing so many first-hand accounts of the sheer exhilaration when the cold water hits you, the sense of achievement when you power through that first cold blast, followed by the feeling of transcending to a new mental state of focus, calm and strength. So, now here I am, laying down my response to the challenge in black and white print: I’m in, 100%, no backing out!
While in true outdoor dad fashion I scour the long-range forecast for that perfect frosty morning, here are some pieces of essential preparation info I’ve picked up.
There are groups of devotees all over this region but check websites like wildswimming.co.uk to make sure your chosen hotspot isn’t illegal or unsafe. Some local lakes, such as Sale Water Park, have sessions open to everyone, while other locations, such as water company reservoirs, are strictly no-go. Is it just my own social media echo chamber, or is everybody in the UK into open-water swimming now? It feels like every day another of my friends pops up rosy-cheeked on Instagram extolling the benefits of a dip in a reservoir in midwinter. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve done my fair share of wild-water adventures, but usually the urge takes me when it’s a bit hot out and I fancy cooling off. But seeing everyone in their bobble hats and swimming cozzies yelling with delight at a frosty dawn dip has, at the very least, piqued my interest.
I’ve been given two pieces of advice. First, obviously never go alone and make sure everyone in your group is a competent swimmer. There are no lifeguards out there and you’re your own responsibility. Second, no matter how macho you think you are, never just jump in. When the cold water hits you, it makes you involuntarily gasp, which is, of course, a serious drowning risk. Inch in gradually!
What you nEed
It’s a truly inclusive sport and seems to attract every kind of people, not least because you don’t need loads of kit. Most of my friends just go in swimming costumes and a woolly hat – I reckon I’ll wear some sandals, just in case I tread on a knobbly stone – and, of course, there’s this fantastic dry robe I can’t wait to try. It’s got everything: waterproof and breathable outer shell; stretch side panels for privacy when changing outdoors; super-warm, moisture-wicking fleece lining; multiple storage pockets; long sleeves with cuffs; and a toggle hood. I’m ready for anything, now who’s joining me? www.redoriginal.com