IET August 2022 Words of Life

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The Bible Day by Day May-August 2022

Copyright © 2022 The General of The Salvation Army ISBN 978-1-912981-43-4 e-book ISBN 978-1-912981-44-1 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Writer: Major Liz Chape Project editors: Major Trevor Howes and Paul Mortlock Cover design: Jooles Tostevin-Hobbs Typesetting: Just Composing Unless indicated otherwise, Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version – UK. Copyright © 1979, 1984, 2011 by Biblica !"#$%#&'()*+%#*,+-"*,&(.-/&%(0"1-%+'23(4*5&-1-6%7(%7-+-"*(8#6+(9:/&-6;%7(-* Great Britain in 1979 by Hodder & Stoughton, an Hachette UK company. Used by permission. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. The Salvation Army policy is to use papers that are natural, renewable and recyclable products and made from wood grown in sustainable forests. The logging and manufacturing processes are expected to conform to the environmental regulations of the country of origin.

Published by Salvation Books The Salvation Army International Headquarters 101 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4V 4EH, United Kingdom The Salvation Army International Trust is a charity registered in England and Wales (no. 1000566) whose sole trustee is The Salvation Army International Trustee Company, a company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales (no. 02538134) at 101 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4V 4EH. Printed and bound in the UK by Page Bros Ltd, Norwich NR6 6SA

Contents Abbreviations From the writer of Words of Life Being confident (Hebrews) Monday to Friday 2 – 6 May In a relationship with God (Genesis) Monday to Friday 9 – 13 May !"#"$%$&'!$()*+$,-+!$.!"' (John’s Gospel) Mondays to Fridays 16 – 27 May A deeper understanding A series for Pentecost by guest writer Captain Pamela Maynor Monday 30 May – Sunday 12 June Being humble (Genesis) Mondays to Fridays 13 – 24 June Jesus – truly humble (Matthew’s Gospel) Monday to Friday 27 June – 1 July Being ready (Romans with selected Gospel readings) Mondays to Fridays 4 – 22 July The character of God (Isaiah and Ezekiel) Monday to Friday 25 – 29 July Being vulnerable (selected Psalms, Gospel readings, Ruth) Mondays to Fridays 1 – 26 August In God’s presence (Isaiah 6) Monday 29 – Wednesday 31 August Saturdays and Sundays The weekend readings focus on prayers found in the Old and New Testaments Notes Index

Abbreviations CEV

Contemporary English Version © 1995 by American Bible Society, New York, USA.


Good News Bible © 1992 American Bible Society, New York, USA.


King James Version, public domain.


The Message © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2018 by Eugene H. Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group, in alliance with Tyndale House Publishers, Inc, Carol Stream, Illinois, USA.


New English Bible © 1961, 1970 Oxford University Press, Oxford, England.

NIV1984 New English Version – © 1979, 1984 by Biblica, Inc formerly )*+%#*,+-"*,&(.-/&%(0"1-%+'3(4*5&-1-6%7(%7-+-"*(8#6+(9:/&-6;%7( in Great Britain in 1979 by Hodder & Stoughton, an Hachette UK company. Used by permission. All rights reserved. NLT

New Living Translation © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc, Carol Stream, Illinois, USA. All rights reserved.


Revised Standard Version of the Bible © 1946, 1952, 1971 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. All rights reserved.


The Song Book of The Salvation Army © 2015 The General of The Salvation Army.


The Voice Bible © 2012 by Thomas Nelson, Inc, Nashville, Tennessee, USA. The Voicetm translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society, Houston, Texas, USA. All rights reserved.



Approach with vulnerability Remember, LORD/$0)#*$1*!-&$,!*20$-3+$4)5!/$6)*$&'!0$-*!$6*),$)6$)4+$75$89

HARRY HOUDINI is a name which brings to mind feats of escapology – the ability to get out of seemingly impossible situations. A particularly popular publicity stunt saw him strapped into a straitjacket and suspended from a crane or building while a crowd watched from below. He could free himself in 2 minutes and 37 seconds. Quite an achievement, but also incredibly dangerous. Houdini seemed to thrive on danger. Not so most of us. Physical danger is something to be avoided if possible. We do not want to feel vulnerable, because there lies fear and risk. These are very real emotions and most people do everything to avoid being in a position of such threat. There is a school of thinking these days which suggests that we need to ‘make ourselves vulnerable’ in order to grow, to reach our full potential. This is not referring to physical vulnerability but is about emotion, feelings. In being open and honest, there is the possibility of being hurt: not forming physical scars but inner, hidden scars. However, there is also the possibility of coming to know ourselves better when we are willing to be open about such things. This month we explore how God can work through our vulnerability. This is where we turn to our reading today. The author states ;-6(-**%#(1"*7-+-"*("!(&"*%&-*%66(,*7(,!<-1+-"*3(=%(#%1"5*-6%6( that he is sinful, too. There is trouble in his heart. But his understanding of who God is shows wonderful insight here, as he brings his emotion and fear to a God who is integrity and who is righteousness. >;%(?#-+%#(1,*(/%(1"*87%*+(-*(;-6("?*(@:&*%#,/-&-+'(/%1,:6%( God knows. He would have known even if the psalmist had not put it into words. However, it was important that he did so because, in speaking the reality of his life, he offers himself to 8*7(69-#-+:,&($,+:#-+'(in God. As we move through this month, can we do the same? v 1 VOICE


PRAYER ‘ !" #$ I will lift up my soul to You, Eternal One.’



Not failure For troubles without number surround me; my sins have overtaken me, and I cannot "!!:$;'!0$-*!$,)*!$&'-3$&'!$'-<*"$)6$,0$'!-+/=-3+$,0$'!-*&$6-<4"$><&'<3$,!$75$?@9

‘I HAVE not failed; I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.’ … ‘Many of life’s failures are people who did not realise how close they were to success when they gave up.’ So declared Thomas Edison, American inventor and businessman. Is the psalmist a failure? He states that his heart fails within him: ‘More guilt in my heart than hair on my head, so heavy the guilt that my heart gave out.’ Is that failure? It could well have become failure if he had not been able to recognise the sins which overtook him. But there is self-awareness here and so there is vulnerability in his approach to God. He knows he has failed(A(-+(-6(#%<%1+%7(-*( the feelings of his heart – but he does not want to become a failure. There is a difference. If the psalm were to end at verse 12 then failure may well have been the concluding sentiment. Many, many failings bring deep feelings of despair and guilt. However, brought to God, expressed and given to him, there is possibility of a fresh beginning. Edison’s 10,000 failures in invention could be mirrored in failures in our relationship with God and with others, but we learn from these breakdowns. Can we then rejoice in the learning that has taken place in the heart of the writer because it can be a mirror for our own state of heart? Verse 16 declares: ‘But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you.’ As Christians today we have the added knowledge of a Saviour who is constant and true. So, we can accept the words of Anna Belle Russell for ourselves: There is never a guilty sinner, there is never a wandering one, But that God can in mercy pardon, through Jesus Christ, his Son.17


SASB 896 v 4

We do not need to carry the fear of failure, the guilt of sin. God will not withhold his mercy. Let us come to him today and all days knowing these eternal truths.




Wholehearted! ;!-2'$ ,!$ 0)#*$ >-0/= LORD,= &'-&$ A$ ,-0$ *!40$ )3$ 0)#*$ 6-<&'6#43!""B$ 1<5!$ ,!$ -3$ #3+<5<+!+$'!-*&/=&'-&$A$,-0$6!-*$0)#*$3-,!$75$??9

SASB 774 v 2


WHAT does a divided heart look like? The psalmist asks for God to grant him an undivided heart but does not expand for us this thought. He doesn’t seem to be speaking of a broken heart or unbearable sadness, but nor does he make clear in what way his heart is divided. In fact, although we may think of the heart as being the centre of emotion, in the thinking of the psalmist this would be more about his will and his thinking. This makes sense /%1,:6%(?%(1,*(6%%(;"?(,(7-@-7%7(,&&%5-,*1%("#(1"*<-1+-*5( thoughts would be uncomfortable, confusing and unfaithful. This is not the same as uncertainty regarding decisions we make in life – such as what college course to choose, where to live, which church to attend. These and others are important decisions which we hope to make wisely and even with the guidance of God. B;%*(?%(9#,'(!"#(+;,+(C:*7-@-7%7(;%,#+D(A(+;,+(1"*87%*1%( in the Lord – we are praying for insight, boldness and loyalty to the One whose name should be feared (that is, adored/revered/worshipped). B;"&%;%,#+%7( ?"#6;-9( 7"%6( #%E:-#%( 6,1#-81-,&( &-@-*5( A( giving up control of our thinking, will and life. But this does not mean that we give up responsibility for our words and actions. As human beings we are extremely vulnerable to saying the wrong words, to being neglectful when we should be diligent, to forgetting when we should remember and remembering when we should aim to forget. This is humanity in the raw. But we want to be so much more than this, so much better. And this is possible when we sincerely echo the psalmist’s prayer. When God gives us an undivided heart it is only because we have allowed him to do so, as the psalmist does in his fervent prayer. God does not force allegiance on us, he waits for our invitation. By praying for our own undivided heart we also make possible the words of Victor Ottaway: ‘And thus obtain that inward calm that makes of life a living psalm.’



Terror and comfort (')!5!*$+>!44"$<3$&'!$"'!4&!*$)6$&'!$E)"&$F<1'=><44$*!"&$<3$&'!$"'-+)>$)6$&'!$ G4,<1'&0:$A$><44$"-0$)6$&'!$LORD, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom A$&*#"&C$755$?D@9

WHAT a dramatic psalm this is! Here are words which speak of great peril – the fowler’s snare, deadly pestilence, +%##"#( ,*7( +;%( ,##"?( +;,+( <-%6( /'( 7,'3( ="##"#6( ,#%( #%!%##%7( to throughout the psalm. Even the positive and encouraging expressions suggest there are other things that could entrap and injure. Being guarded by the Lord’s angels means being raised above stones which could damage and hurt. So, there is real potential for harm. As we make this psalm our own today, what are we to make of its message for us personally or for our community? We know that there are people today who will die of illness or disease. We know there will be those who will suffer at the hands of powerful and ruthless people. We know there are those who feel crushed and oppressed. And there are good, committed followers of Christ who suffer too. There are real distresses to be found in our world, and today even you or someone you love may be suffering at the hands of another person. These are situations we will want to pray over and pray into. We must, however, allow the words to speak into our spiritual life. We can take a message of hope as the psalmist manages to strike a note of optimism and encouragement throughout. He brings a message which declares that being close to God also brings us into his own shelter and protection. This is good news as we live out our lives in what is sometimes – even "!+%*F(A( ,( 7-!81:&+( ?"#&7( ?;-1;( ;,6( +;%( 9"+%*+-,&( +"( ;,#$3( Can we reconcile the ongoing dreadfulness to be found in our world with the God who promises shelter and protection? We contemplate all of this in the knowledge that God is bigger and more gracious that we can imagine. Whatever occurs in our life we can say with Paul, ‘Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?’ … followed by an emphatic ‘No’!

Romans 8:35, 37




A God to rely on F!$><44$3)&$4!&$0)#*$6))&$"4<H=%$'!$>')$>-&2'!"$)5!*$0)#$><44$3)&$"4#,I!*$75$J9

ARE you blessed with the ability to fall asleep quickly, sleep 6":*7&'( ,*7( ?,G%( #%!#%6;%7F( H#( 7"( '":( 8*7( '":#6%&!( /%-*5( restless, unable to switch off and so enter a relentless cycle of 7%69%#,+%&'(?,*+-*5(6&%%9(/:+(I:6+(*"+(,/&%(+"(8*7(-+F(B%(G*"?( 5""7JE:,&-+'(,*7(6:!81-%*+(6&%%9(-6(*%1%66,#'(!"#(;%,&+;3(K%+(6"( many people around the world struggle with their sleep. This comment is just to note the global human problem, not to look for or recommend an answer to it. That is far too big a subject to explore than we can today. However, we can contrast our own vulnerability in this respect to the constancy of God. H:#( 9:#9"6%( +"7,'( -6( +"( 6%%( +;,+( 6:1;( 7-!81:&+-%6( 7"( *"+( affect the Lord! Not being bound by human frailties and needs, God is always alert, always watchful, always vigilant. Note how verse 3 moves seamlessly into verse 4 – the God who watches over the individual also watches over the nation. An unfaltering God indeed! There are numerous hymns which have been written with reference to Psalm 121, but to help our thinking today, here is a verse penned by Timothy Dudley-Smith,18 a retired Bishop of the Church of England:

SASB 764 v 3

I lift my eyes to the quiet hills, with a prayer as I turn to sleep; By day, by night, through the dark and light, my Shepherd will guard his sheep. )!(+;%6%(?"#76(+#:&'(#%<%1+('":#(%L9%#-%*1%M(#%I"-1%3()!(+;%'( 7"(*"+M(9#,'(+;,+('":(?-&&(8*7(this assurance.

PRAYER In the times when I feel alone, help me to remember that you, Lord, are always alert to my situation and feelings. As '":(?,+1;("@%#($%M(;%&9($%(+"(/%(1"*87%*+(-*('":#(1,#%(,*7( unfailing guarding of my soul. Bless those today who feel alone or tired of life, those who are struggling and feeling @:&*%#,/&%(?;%#%(+;%'(8*7(+;%$6%&@%6(-*(+;%(?"#&73(46(,(N"7( who never sleeps and who knows no boundaries, bless them in their difficulties. 104



Wisdom and revelation I keep asking that the God of our LORD Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better (v 17)

THIS writing is generally accepted to be a letter circulated to a number of 1;:#1;%6(!":*7%7(-*(+;%(#%5-"*("!(46-,(O-*"#3()+(-6(*"+(*%1%66,#-&'(69%1-81( only to the church at Ephesus. For us, this passage contains two prayers to consider this weekend. These are, therefore, prayers intended for the encouragement of fellowships in different areas and which are encountering different challenges – and that embraces us and our situations too. Today, a glorious expression of praise begins this chapter. In my imagination I see this as a beautifully illustrated manuscript, full of rich colour and vitality. From verses 3 to 14 we have an expression of praise to God that takes us through the gift of spiritual blessings, forgiveness and freedom through Christ. We are then encouraged to see our identity in Christ and a future of hope. It is ‘in Christ’ that our life is given wonderful richness and colour and we are affirmed! As we read the prayer from today’s key verse, we cannot read it in isolation !#"$(+;%(8#6+(9,66,5%("!(+;-6(&%++%#3()+(-6(9&,1%7(?-+;-*(+;%(1"*+%L+("!(?;,+( has already been written. ‘For this reason,’ Paul has said, which gives us the background of his prayer for those who read his words. It surely is the prayer of each one of us that we too would receive ‘the Spirit of wisdom and revelation’. Then we can better know the God as described by Paul: the God who has given so much to us, so that our life can be lived in all fullness. This also brings us the hope that, through us, others can come to know this amazing Creator and Saviour God. Wherever we are, whatever our fellowship and community, whatever our joys and challenges, this desire as expressed in today’s verse can embed in our own hearts.

REFLECTION What will knowing God better mean for your daily life? Blessèd Lord, to see thee truly, then to tell as I have seen, This shall rule my life supremely, this shall be the sacred gleam. (Albert Orsborn, SASB 766 v 3)

PRAYER Lord, may I receive wisdom and revelation to know you better, and may my brothers and sisters in Christ receive wisdom and revelation to know you better too. 105



Spontaneity For this reason … (v 14)

CAN we imagine if Paul had been able to communicate his thinking with the churches he wrote to through today’s technology? There are so many possibilities available to us now, including Zoom, FaceTime, Skype. What if these had been available to Paul? How exciting it would have been to see and hear from the missionary himself, the founder of the churches; a man whose thinking and relationship with Christ was an example to those who had come under his influence. If this letter had been presented as a seminar, there would have been crescendos and quiet moments; explanations passionately given and carefully listened to – and responses made. Thoughts would have been developed, received and contemplated. And, interspersed with the #%,6"*-*56(,*7(1&,#-81,+-"*6(?":&7(1"$%(+;%(9#,'%#6M(6:77%*&'(%$%#5-*5( from the thinking and teaching – a moment of breaking off to exclaim ‘For +;-6(#%,6"*333D(?-+;(+;%(9#,'%#(+;,+(!"&&"?63( 0%%(,&6"PQRQS32(>;%(9,1%(?":&7( change and the prayer develop out of all that has been declared. How does today’s prayer do that? It has been summed up this way: ‘Paul prays that the young churches may discover the heart of what it means to be followers of Jesus. It means knowing God as the all-loving, all-powerful father, putting down roots into that love…’19 )( "*1%( 6;,#%7( ,*( "!81%( ?-+;( ,( 0,&@,+-"*( 4#$'( "!81%#( ?;"( 1"*6-7%#%7( every phone call an opportunity for ministry and support. As I would be working at my computer or reading a document I would hear her suddenly 6,'M(CT%+D6(9#,'(,/":+(+;,+UD(,*7(+;%(9,1%(?":&7(1;,*5%M(+;%("!81%(/%1"$%(,( mercy seat, and prayer be given according to whatever the conversation had been beforehand. Those spontaneous prayers can be very powerful. Paul’s prayer seems spontaneous but it is also thoughtful, powerful and lavish in its hope. As ours can be, too.

REFLECTION What are the reasons for our response in prayer? What is our hope for those we are praying for? Are we ready to make spontaneous prayer today, responding by saying, ‘Let’s pray about that’? Are we willing to change the pace of life in that moment – for ourselves, for others – and pray a prayer lavish in its optimism of knowing an allloving, all-powerful Father? ?Q8


MATTHEW 5:1-12

From the mouth of Jesus R)>$>'!3$ !"#"$"->$&'!$2*)>+"/$'!$>!3&$#H$)3$-$,)#3&-<3"<+!$-3+$"-&$+)>3:$ F<"$+<"2<H4!"$2-,!$&)$'<,/$-3+$'!$I!1-3$&)$&!-2'$&'!,$755$?D@9

TWENTY- FIRST century living has many wonderful, modern advances for us to enjoy. The Internet allows us immediate 1"*+,1+(,#":*7(+;%(?"#&73(.""G6(,*7(8&$6(,#%(%,6-&'(,@,-&,/&%V( -*!"#$,+-"*(-6(&-+%#,&&'(,+(":#(8*5%#+-963(>;%#%(-6($:1;(5""7( to be found in this and it’s a reality that the world is more of a global village than ever before. Yet, we remember there are still many people in places where this provision is not available and we cannot assume +;,+(%@%#'"*%(;,6(,11%66(+"(+;-6(/%*%8+3(B%(,&6"(,1G*"?&%75%( that it has not solved all the problems the world faces. Environment, poverty, violence are real issues across the globe. As this is being written, world leaders are gathering in Glasgow, Scotland, for COP26 – to talk about the vulnerability "!(":#(9&,*%+(,*7(+#'(+"(8*7(,11%9+,/&%(-*+%#*,+-"*,&(6"&:+-"*6( to the global problems we face. With different approaches and attitudes to this, we must continue praying for positive ways forward which do not disadvantage the poorest areas of our world community. When this is read, we will know what decisions and, hopefully, agreements were made. Continuing with our theme of being vulnerable before God, we will look at words of Jesus in Matthew and Luke’s Gospels, consider his teaching and ask ourselves how relevant it is for us as individuals and for our world. Philip Yancey has asked: ‘What meaning can the Beatitudes ;,@%(!"#(,(6"1-%+'(+;,+(;"*":#6(+;%(6%&!J,66%#+-@%M(1"*87%*+( and rich?’20 In the next few days we will consider some of these sayings and how our understanding of them can impact our place within our local community and our personal coming to God.

PRAYER ‘Father God, who alone knows the stresses and strains, the joys and delights of my day to day living; grant me peace in +;%( G*"?&%75%( +;,+( 6:!81-%*+( 6+#%*5+;( !"#( +"7,'D6( *%%76( -6( ,&?,'6($-*%(-*('":#(5#,1%3(O,'(%,1;(7,'(/%(8&&%7(+"(+;%(!:&&( with abundant living, for Christ’s sake.’ – Philip Yancey 107

MATTHEW 5:1-12


Already blessed! ST4!""!+$-*!$&'!$H))*$<3$"H<*<&/$6)*$&'!<*"$<"$&'!$U<31+),$)6$'!-5!3:$T4!""!+$-*!$ &')"!$>')$,)#*3/$6)*$&'!0$><44$I!$2),6)*&!+C$755$JDV9

PERHAPS you could select different translations today and tomorrow as we read through the Bible passage again and look in more depth at the Beatitudes. We see the word ‘blessed’ being used throughout. This is not to be blessed in the future, not begin praying to be blessed, but a present state of blessedness. What encouragement for followers of Jesus; certainly something to be celebrated and rejoiced over. This state of blessing is not something everyone enjoys and it is not determined by wealth or power, possessions or oppression of others. So, we shall not despair! For even as Jesus brings into his sermon the reality of life, he also offers a place to take our vulnerabilities and stresses. In speaking to his chosen, committed followers, he makes startling statements about all manner of both threats and attitudes which will sweep up those listening as they – and we – realise how within the Kingdom of Heaven there are ?"*7%#!:&(69-#-+:,&(/%*%8+6(,*7(@,&:%6(+"(be experienced: !


That it is the poor in spirit who are blessed would be 6-5*-81,*+(!"#(+;"6%(;%,#-*5(W%6:6D(?"#763(>;-6(-6(!"#( those who realise how much they fall short of all they could be, those who come to God knowing they are so dependent on the Spirit of God to guide, teach and support them. This is not for the judgemental or the bigot. It is not for those who declare religion loudly. This is for the humble and the one who kneels with expectation before the Lord with faith. That it is those who mourn who will be comforted takes this heart-wrenching emotion and declares it is in this response that God gives his comfort:$For those who are touched in their soul by the suffering of others; those who see the storm surrounding another person and grieve for it; those who suffer their own anguish and place it at the foot of the Lord, there can be blessing in allowing God to be part of it all.

If we are able to count ourselves among the blessed, then the Kingdom of Heaven is seen through our life. A wonderful comfort, a wonderful witness.


MATTHEW 5:1-12


The blessings continue ST4!""!+$ -*!$ &'!$ ,!!U/$ 6)*$ &'!0$ ><44$ <3'!*<&$ &'!$ !-*&':$ T4!""!+$ -*!$ &')"!$ >')$ '#31!*$-3+$&'<*"&$6)*$*<1'&!)#"3!""/$6)*$&'!0$><44$I!$W44!+C$755$XD89

THE poor in spirit, those who mourn – these, Jesus has declared, are the ones who can claim the Kingdom of Heaven ,*7( ?;"( ?-&&( 8*7( 6%1:#-+'( ,*7( #%,66:#,*1%3( =%( ;,6( $,7%( -+( clear that we should see the words ‘poor’ and ‘mourn’ in this context, not as referring to things which diminish us, but as attitudes which elevate us. Jesus now moves on in similar vein, referring to those who are meek and those who hunger and thirst. This is not a way of life which is respected by those with worldly values. Meekness can be seen as weakness, righteousness as unproductive. Heard from the lips of Jesus, these words take on a powerful meaning. Vulnerability in the eyes of the world becomes strength ,*7(1"*87%*1%(?;%*(6%%*(?-+;(+;%(%'%6("!(,(I:6+(,*7(loving Lord. How do we ensure that we come before God with both boldness and timidity – but keep these in perfect balance? It is(9"66-/&%(?;%*(+;%(5%*+&%*%66("!($%%G*%66(#%<%1+6(,*(-**%#( calmness and informs our responses and attitudes. The meek are not to be ‘walked over’, because the meek are strong in their relationship with God. Physical hunger and thirst are dangerous and debilitating. We can take the picture these words put in our minds and learn +;,+(#%1"5*-6-*5(":#(*%%7("!(#-5;+%":6*%66(-6(&-!%J5-@-*5M(8&&-*5( and healthy. When this aspect of our life is fed and watered as it should be, under God’s guidance, then his justness, faithfulness and truthfulness become our guide in life. Read these verses in light of today’s thoughts: Gentle Jesus, meek and mild, look upon a little child, Pity my simplicity, suffer me to come to thee.

SASB 583 v 1

(Charles Wesley)

I dare to live the life of faith, the life of challenge God has planned: Of holiness and victory, for truth and righteousness to stand.

(Harry Read)

SASB 321 v 1

T%+( :6( 7,#%( +"( /%( +;%( "*%6( ?;"( ,#%( 7-!!%#%*+M( ?;"( 8*7( our place in God’s Kingdom, who recognise the strength of attitudes the world often finds weak.



LUKE 4:14-21

Mission and vision F!$I!1-3$I0$"-0<31$&)$&'!,/$S;)+-0$&'<"$"2*<H&#*!$<"$6#4W44!+$<3$0)#*$'!-*<31C$75=@?9


Isaiah 61


IN 1912 William Booth, the Founder of The Salvation Army, delivered an address to Salvationists gathered at the Royal Albert Hall in London. In it he voiced his own mission and vision statement, expressing something of the mission of The Salvation Army too: CB;-&%(?"$%*(?%%9(,6(+;%'(7"(*"?M()D&&(85;+V(?;-&%(&-++&%( 1;-&7#%*(5"(;:*5#'(,6(+;%'(7"(*"?M()D&&(85;+V(?;-&%($%*(5"(+"( 9#-6"*M(-*(,*7(":+M(-*(,*7(":+M(,6(+;%'(7"(*"?M()D&&(85;+V(?;-&%( there is a drunkard left, while there is a poor lost girl upon the streets, while there remains one dark soul without the light of N"7M()D&&(85;+(A()D&&(85;+(+"(+;%(very end!’ William Booth was in many ways echoing the words of Jesus, recognising that when Jesus declared Scripture is !:&8&&%7M(+;%*(;-6(!"&&"?%#6($:6+(,&6"(1,+1;(+;%(@-6-"*("!(?;,+( the ‘good news’ means. Disciples of Jesus can make his words a reality in their own lives and in the message they take into their communities. As we read our passage today, we see that having been baptised by John and already in public ministry throughout Galilee, Jesus now makes a very public declaration of his mission. He puts his manifesto out there. Everyone at the synagogue that day heard what he was saying: Scripture is /%-*5(!:&8&&%7M(?;,+(+;%'(,*7(5%*%#,+-"*6("!(+;%-#(,*1%6+"#6( have been waiting for is happening. The Messiah is here! By using Scripture – which we now refer to as Old Testament A(W%6:6(5#":*76(;-6(,6+"*-6;-*5(1&,-$(-*(@%#6%(XQ(8#$&'(-*(,( Scripture his hearers would know well. This would resonate with them, and we are able to see a continuing and unfolding of God’s work in his world. You and I are invited to serve the marginalised and disadvantaged, embrace the knowledge that Jesus is Lord, and partner in the Holy Spirit’s work in and through our lives – giving the certain message: ‘God cares!’ Y"#( !:#+;%#( #%<%1+-"*M( '":( $-5;+( &-G%( +"( 1;%1G( ":+( a YouTube video which is an international Salvation Army pandemic response to the Founder’s original speech: %&'(')*+,&-./0(,123456!77)89:'#


LUKE 4:22-30

Where God works ‘Truly I tell you,’ he continued, ‘no prophet is accepted in his home town’ (v 24)

JESUS refers here to two stories recorded in 1 Kings and 2 Kings. Each is an incident of God responding through the prophets Elijah and Elisha to the desperate situations experienced by a widow living where Baal was worshipped and a commander-in-chief of the Syrian army. These stories from Hebrew Scripture illustrate to those &-6+%*-*5(+"(W%6:6(+;,+(N"7(?-&&(?"#G(?;%#%(;%(8*76(,*("9%*-*5M( not necessarily where there is groundless expectation. The starving widow who fed the prophet and a man of position in society who responded to a prophet have their needs met. The implication that these two people were more worthy of help and healing than those who should have been following the ways of the Lord sparks outrage – and there is intent to kill Jesus. This was not the message they hoped or expected to hear! The mob fails. Jesus walks on to continue his ministry ?;-1;P ?-&&( -$9,1+( ,1#"66( +;%( ?"#&7( -*( 1%*+:#-%6( +"( 1"$%3( W%6:6PG*%?(?;%*(+"(69%,G(,*7(?;%*(+"(walk away. There are times when the very position of being a Christian brings danger. It may be physical danger or spiritual danger. For example, the girl at school who faces ridicule because she has been seen walking to church on a Sunday and is tempted to abandon her faith; the boy who cannot get the employment ;%(-6(,/6"&:+%&'(E:,&-8%7(!"#(/%1,:6%(;%(!"&&"?6(Z;#-6+-,*-+'M( which is a minority religion in his country; the pastor who is persecuted for putting into practice his beliefs and enraging the town’s political elite. Only with God’s wisdom allowed to move in our hearts can we know when it is right to challenge and when it is right to walk away. Whatever our response, faith must always be held at the centre. Jesus knows what it is to be confronted, to be vulnerable, and what it is to stand firm.

17:1-16 5:1-14

PRAYER ‘God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.’ – attributed to Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971)



1 CHRONICLES 29:1-13

P)+C"$<3.#!32! ‘Yours, LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and &'!$ "H4!3+)#*/$ 6)*$ !5!*0&'<31$ <3$ '!-5!3$ -3+$ !-*&'$ <"$0)#*":$O)#*"/$ LORD, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all’ (v 11)

WE &-@%(-*(+;%(,5%("!(+;%()*+%#*%+(C6+,#D3(>;%'(,#%(+;%(-*<:%*1%#6M(+;%(!#"*+J#""$( observers, those who comment on everything and anything and seemingly have a worldwide platform to do so. Some have a genuine and useful message to give regarding society, but many are living in the moment, absorbed with their own image and voice. We must be careful who we listen to and are influenced by. )*( ,(@%#'( 7-!!%#%*+( 6"1-,&( &,*761,9%M( [,@-7( ;,6( ;,7( 5#%,+( -*<:%*1%( ,*7( held great power: ‘David son of Jesse was king over all Israel. He ruled over Israel for forty years’ (verses 26-27). Despite many mistakes, the reign of David was to be seen as a highlight of Israel’s history. It is now time to hand over that position – to a son who has not yet had time to gain experience ,*7( ?;"6%( -*<:%*1%( -6( ,6( '%+( :*+%6+%7( ,*7( :*G*"?*3( >;%#%( 1,*( /%( #%,&( danger in someone having the power of position without the acquiring of understanding. David has recognised this and stated it. In making his prayer of adoration and recognition to God, he also acknowledges this risk and puts it in the context of our verse for today. Inexperience and untested decision-making must be brought under the ?-67"$( "!( N"7( ,*7( ,11%9+%7( "*&'( ?;%*( -*<:%*1%7( /'( +;%( 1;,#,1+%#( ,*7( over-arching power of God himself. Where greatness, power and glory are sought and desired by humankind, they can so easily become dangerous, self-serving attributes. What is splendour in human terms? Charisma, knowledge, eloquence? When these things are given over to the Lord, they can become a powerful tool for God’s Kingdom. Solomon was chosen by God and so David knew it was time to hand over to his son. He does so in the absolute declaration that all belongs to God.

REFLECTION ! What does the absolute majesty of God mean for your life today? ! B;"(,#%('":(&-6+%*-*5(+"(,*7(-*<:%*1%7(/'F(4#%(+;%'(69%,G-*5(?-+;( authority which comes from acknowledging God as being ‘exalted as head over all’? ! Is there any aspect of your life where power and glory have become important to you and where in that aspect of living you do not exalt God as head over your own heart? ! Make your prayer today with your responses to these questions in your heart and mind. 112


1 CHRONICLES 29:14-20

Being authentic ‘I know, my God, that you test the heart and are pleased with integrity’ (v 17)

DAVID’S integrity has brought about a response in the people. He has given with sincerity and therefore they have also been inspired to give. However, David’s life has not always shown integrity; in fact, he has been as far from it as is possible to contemplate. Adultery, effective assassination, the ruin of others’ lives – that’s quite a catalogue showing lack of integrity. Yet, and take heart from this, he has been restored to God’s favour, and he has been used by the Lord himself to build up the community before God. In considering these words of David, there may be some who feel rather overwhelmed by the responsibility of being the person with complete integrity in all aspects of life, every day of the week. John Powell’s words 1,*(%*1":#,5%(:63(=,@-*5(&-6+%7(Q\(+;-*56(?;-1;(7%8*%(,(9%#6"*M(-*1&:7-*5( honour, love, hate, fear, he writes: C>;%6%( ,#%( +;%( +;-*56( +;,+( 7%8*%( $'( 9%#6"*M( ,*7( +;%'( ,#%( 1"*6+,*+&'( in process, in the process of change. … If you knew me yesterday, please do not think that it is the same person that you are meeting today. I have experienced more of life, I have encountered new depths in those I love, I have suffered and prayed, and I am different.’21 B%( $:6+( ,&?,'6( /%( 9%"9&%( ?;"( ,#%( 5#"?-*5M( 7%@%&"9-*5M( 8*7-*5( *%?( 7%9+;6(-*(Z;#-6+3(>;-6(-6(;"?(?%(/%1"$%($"#%(!:&8&&%7M($"#%(%!!%1+-@%(,*7( more grounded in all that God makes available to us.

REFLECTION Integrity and authenticity in our own life may well inspire others in their own life-choices, and we should recognise that we have some responsibility in this. However, do you put yourself under too much pressure to be a perfect example of honour to others around you without acknowledging that you are a person in process? How can the God who sees our heart but also our struggles respond to this? Consider the words of Paul from The Message paraphrase: ‘The moment I decide to do good, sin is there to trip me up … I’ve tried everything and nothing helps. I’m at the end of my rope. Is there no one who can do anything for me? ... The answer, thank God, is that Jesus Christ can and does’ ]"$,*6P^RXQJXS2([my italics].



RUTH 1:1-6

Feelings are important …= both Mahlon and Kilion also died, and Naomi was left without her two sons and her husband (v 5)

IN 1899, in Wisconsin, USA, John H. Nicholson and Samuel E. Hill, both travelling salesmen, considered the formation of an association which would enable others in their profession to undertake evangelism. By 1908, now named The Gideons, members began to distribute free Bibles. Copies were initially left in the rooms of one hotel; now this organisation is known worldwide for placing Bibles in hotels, motels and lodging houses, among other places. Testimonies have been given by many people that picking up a Bible and reading it brought +;%$(+"(!,-+;("#(;%&9%7(+;%$(,+(,(9,#+-1:&,#&'(7-!81:&+(+-$%( in their lives. When we open our copy of Scripture, God is able to meet us through the stories and words when we are ready to hear him speak through the texts. Such is the power of God’s Word. We now consider lessons we can learn from Ruth. Studying her life we will also see how she interacted with others from ?;"$(?%(1,*(,&6"(&%,#*3(46(?%(#%<%1+("*(+;%(@:&*%#,/-&-+-%6( we face in life, we will also be led to other verses which can direct our thinking and speak to our hearts. Our passage today highlights great loss for both Ruth and her mother-in-law. Elimilek, Mahlon and Kilion have all died, leaving three women to fend for themselves without the protection and provision of their husbands. Loss can result in very deep emotions. There is the loss of loved ones or friends, loss of employment or reliable income, loss of health, loss of security or stability. The change happening around us affects our minds and our hearts. It can leave us feeling abandoned and unprotected. Even a seemingly small loss can throw us off balance. We should not minimise our feelings but allow God to speak into them. In Naomi’s case, she comes to know that the Lord was providing food back in Judah – and prepares for her future.

PRAYER T"#7M(6:99"#+($%(,6()(7%,&(?-+;(+;%(7-!81:&+-%6()(!,1%(-*($'( feelings today. Show me your provision. 114


RUTH 1:7-14

Decisions are important ;'!3$ R-),<$ "-<+$ &)$ '!*$ &>)$ +-#1'&!*"D<3D4->/$SP)$ I-2U/$ !-2'$ )6$ 0)#/$ &)$ 0)#*$ ,)&'!*C"$'),!:$E-0$&'!=LORD="')>$0)#$U<3+3!""/$-"$0)#$'-5!$"')>3$U<3+3!""$&)$ your dead husbands and to me’ (v 8)

DECISIONS had been taken, plans drawn up and preparations made. The journeys had begun, back to Bethlehem for Naomi and towards a new place for Orpah and Ruth. Is Naomi then suddenly struck by a realisation about this – that there will be a better future for the younger women if they remain in Moab? Despite leaving a land of famine for a land with food, Naomi feels there are more prospects for happiness and provision in a place they know and understand. There are times in life when decisions will affect our future or the lives of those we love. How do we make those decisions? Naomi made her assessments as she worked through the dilemma for all three of them. She weighed up the situation in Moab against the situation in Judah and initially thought they would be better off journeying to her homeland: ! A journey gives thinking time. Orpah and Ruth have left behind their home – perhaps Naomi thought she was /%-*5(6%&86;(!"#(G%%9-*5(+;%("+;%#(?"$%*(?-+;(;%#3( They were company and comfort for her, but was this the best option for them? ! She recognises that the future they were expecting and hoping for has been taken from all of them, but that they have better prospects by staying in their homeland. When we are unsure of the future and wondering if we have made the right decision regarding it, we could follow a similar pattern to Naomi’s thought processes: ! Think back on any decisions you have made. Has God had his say in it, or has your decision been based only on your own observations? ! Take some time for thought and prayer. ! Ask where God is leading you in this matter: The future is just that – something that has not happened yet and will never be absolutely clear to us. That can be 7-!81:&+(!"#(+;"6%(?;"(&-G%(+"(;,@%(,(9&,*(,*7(6+,'(with it! As we move toward our future, let us allow God to be part of all decision-making.



RUTH 1:15-22

When despair and trust meet SA$>!3&$->-0$6#44/$I#&$&'!=LORD='-"$I*)#1'&$,!$I-2U$!,H&0:$('0$2-44$,!$R-),<Z$ ;'!=LORD='-"$-6.<2&!+$,!B$&'!$G4,<1'&0$'-"$I*)#1'&$,<"6)*&#3!$#H)3$,!C$75$@?9

‘LIFE happens’ is a phrase sometimes used in resignation of a particular happening and sometimes to look back on changes and events that have occurred over many years. Naomi #%<%1+6("*(,(&-!%(?;-1;(;,6(/%%*(5""7(-*(+;%(9,6+(/:+(-6(*"?( a disappointment to her. There is bleakness in her words. Life has happened – and it has not all been good. In the grip of despair she blames God for her misfortune, and now Naomi speaks to her former neighbours of her bitterness and loss. She asks for her beautiful name, which means ‘pleasure’ or ‘pleasant’, to be changed to ‘bitter’. She does not seem to be able to see a way forward. At this point in her life, trust in God is not strong – although her actions have proved it is present. Z,*(?%(7%69,-#(,*7(+#:6+(,+(+;%(6,$%(+-$%(?;%*(?%(8*7( ourselves in miserable circumstances? The life story of George Matheson may have something to say to us about this. A clever university graduate, in love with another student, George discovered at the age of 19 that his sight was failing and he would soon be blind. He spoke with ;-6(8,*1_%(,*7(,6G%7(-!(6;%(?":&7(6+-&&($,##'(;-$3(=%#(#%9&'( was that she would not be the wife of a blind man. It was not for 20 years that he found himself able to pen the following words, but he did eventually write them:

SASB 616 v 3



O Joy that seekest me through pain, I cannot close my heart to thee; I trace the rainbow through the rain And feel the promise is not vain, That morn shall tearless be. These words were the fruit of his working through his suffering to a point when he could write of the ‘love that wilt not let me go’. He had known dark times yet recognised God’s hand on his life despite the circumstances. His trust in God brought peace. Be encouraged by knowing the God who promises to hold us at all times – even when we do not realise or acknowledge it.


RUTH 2:1-9

Loss, life and love S(-&2'$ &'!$ W!4+$ >'!*!$ &'!$ ,!3$ -*!$ '-*5!"&<31/$ -3+$ 6)44)>$ -4)31$ -6&!*$ &'!$ >),!3:$A$'-5!$&)4+$&'!$,!3$3)&$&)$4-0$-$'-3+$)3$0)#:$G3+$>'!3!5!*$0)#$-*!$ &'<*"&0/$1)$-3+$1!&$-$+*<3U$6*),$&'!$>-&!*$[-*"$&'!$,!3$'-5!$W44!+C$75$\9

IT will become obvious that Ruth made a wise choice in deciding to stay with Naomi. Even though it would have been very understandable if she had remained in the place she had known all her life and it is the choice Orpah made, Ruth has a different approach to life. Hers are choices born out of loyalty to the family she married into. This means she decided not only to stay with her motherin-law, but also to accept her people and the God of her people. This is of vital importance in the way the future will :*!"&73(>;-6( 8#6+( %*1":*+%#( ?-+;( .",`( -6( +;%( /%5-**-*5( "!( ,( better life for her. Ruth could not have anticipated that Boaz, owner of property and manager of people, would take a personal interest in her at a most vulnerable time in her life. She is in an unknown place with no history or long-term friendships. She is a widow and a foreigner. That Boaz notices her and speaks up for her is all part of this rich story of loss, love and 8*7-*5(&-!%(+;,+(#%6:&+6(!#"$(;%#(1;""6-*5(Naomi’s God. Our faith-life is not always an even, uncomplicated experience. There are times when physical experiences affect our spiritual experience too. Then we can feel at risk, exposed, unprotected. As with Ruth, God can work through these circumstances /%1,:6%("!(":#(+#:6+(,*7(6+%99-*5(":+(-*(!,-+;3(a&,1-*5(8#6+&'( Naomi and then Boaz in her life, things became brighter for Ruth. Can you see where God has placed others around you – perhaps in your church community, family, place of work? It may be in the most unexpected of places. 4( 8*,&( +;":5;+U( 4( 9%,#&( 1,*( "*&'( !"#$( -*6-7%( ,*( "'6+%#( as the result of an irritant making its way inside the shell. The reaction to the foreign body means that a beautiful pearl results. That is a wonderful happening within nature. When God is allowed to get involved in our life, irritants and 7-!81:&+-%6(1,*(/%(+:#*%7(-*+"(6"$%+;-*5(&"@%&'(and precious.



RUTH 2:10-14

Finding worth G&$&'<"/$"'!$I)>!+$+)>3$><&'$'!*$6-2!$&)$&'!$1*)#3+:$K'!$-"U!+$'<,/$S('0$'-5!$A$ 6)#3+$"#2'$6-5)#*$<3$0)#*$!0!"$&'-&$0)#$3)&<2!$,!=%$-$6)*!<13!*ZC$75$?Q9

IN her new home among new people, surrounded by a new faith, Ruth has thrown herself into making a place for herself and supporting Naomi. She is working long hours in backbreaking toil. Ruth’s task perhaps did not make use of her whole capabilities (we have seen her to be an independentminded, loyal person), but it was necessary for survival. And she catches the eye of Boaz! When Boaz shows real favour to the newcomer, Ruth’s response is to question why he would want to do so. She even points out her status: she is from another country; she cannot see why this landowner, respected and with many others working for him, would take an interest in her. She does not seem to recognise her own qualities. Yet Boaz most certainly does and makes that very clear in his response to her. The inability to see in ourselves the qualities that others do can be what keeps us humble – or it might become a limiting outlook, affecting life and diminishing a person who sees nothing that makes them of worth to others. The capable, intelligent, respected head of her department would say to close friends, ‘I often ask myself when a grownup will come and sort out the problem!’ Everyone else saw her ?"#+;(,*7(9&,1%7(+;%-#(1"*87%*1%(-*(;%#3(4&+;":5;(,1;-%@-*5( much, she had feelings of self-doubt. A child who is told all through their childhood that they are worthless, stupid, a failure, may well harbour feelings of inadequacy throughout their life and never achieve their full potential. In a world where so much emphasis and value are placed on achievement, may we as Christians remember it is not what we do that gives us worth, but who we are in Christ. It was Ruth’s loyalty which kept her true to Naomi and her faithfulness(?;-1;(+""G(;%#(+"(+;%(8%&76(,*7(-*+"(+;%(9#"+%1+-"*( of Boaz, where she was assured of her worth.

PRAYER Lord, remind me today that my worth is in you and help me to be loyal and faithful to all that you are. 118



Prayer partnerships As for other matters, brothers and sisters, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honoured, just as it was with you (v 1)

‘BROTHERS and sisters…’ (The Message paraphrase has ‘friends’, which perhaps reads more inclusively for our era in terms of everyday speech). These words remind us that when a church is functioning as it is called and expected to function, then that church as a family will be as it should be – interdependent and supportive, loving and missional. The Thessalonians are fellow-Christians who are sharing life together within the love of God and the salvation of Jesus Christ, and who have ?%&1"$%7( N"7D6( B"#7( ?-+;-*( +;%-#( !%&&"?6;-93( a,:&( -6( 1"*87%*+( "!( +;%-#( desire for that message to reach and be accepted by others too. Paul turns to them as prayer partners. He has many such around his own explored world in places where he has established churches. These are twoway relationships. Paul might be the great thinker, but he recognises his need of support in prayer from those he has shared with and taught, just as he so often writes of his prayers for them. His prayer here is for the message of the Lord to be heard, spread and known where he is now, just as it took hold among his friends. The church in Thessalonica has had its problems and misunderstandings, but Paul’s request shows that he feels he can rely on their prayerful response. He writes about what he needs and has every expectation that the church members will respond. There are some principles here in this reading which are helpful for us today: !



It is good and helpful to share with other Christians what is in our hearts and minds. Having people in our life who we can rely on to respond to our requests for prayer is a precious and effective thing. When we express what we need in prayer, others can often pray out of their own personal experience too.

REFLECTION )!('":(;,@%(,(9#,'%#(9,#+*%#M(?;'(*"+(,6G(!"#(69%1-81(9#,'%#(+;,+(+;%(5"69%&( of Christ will ‘spread rapidly and be honoured’ where you are. This will focus your own mind too on the ways you can be part of that mission. Who is a prayer partner ‘friend’ to you? Who are you a prayer partner ‘friend’ to? What other prayer requests might you make at this point in your life, and what does your ‘friend’ need just now? 119



Hopeful ending The grace of our LORD Jesus Christ be with you all (v 18)

IT can be hard to say goodbye! My husband Geoff and I were privileged to be given a Salvation Army appointment which meant we lived for a time among some beautiful Christians in Bangladesh. When it was time to leave, "*%("!(":#(1,7%+6(,+(+;%("!81%#(+#,-*-*5(1"&&%5%(5,@%(,(!,#%?%&&(69%%1;(,*7()( have a copy of it in both Bangla and, fortunately, English. Written out, rather beautifully, almost as a poem, part of it reads: ‘Dear brother and sister in Christ, Wishing you all the best with Christ, This farewell day is also welcome.’ The words go on to say that in going, we will also begin ministry in a new place. The cadets wanted us to know we are loved and held in prayer by them for that future ministry. The sorrow of parting was also a welcome for the future. How uplifting that was. What generous and thoughtful words! When Paul concludes his letter to the followers of Christ at Thessalonica, a seemingly simple benediction for them contains some beautiful expressions of his hope for his friends there. He prays they will receive grace – hopeful that this will be a means of rejoicing for them; he prays that the Lord, the One with incomparable authority, will be with them, known within their fellowship. B;-&%( a,:&( -6( *"+( 69%1-81,&&'( 6,'-*5( C5""7/'%D( +"( +;%( /%&-%@%#6( -*( >;%66,&"*-1,M( +;-6( -6( +;%( %*7( "!( ,( &%++%#( ?;-1;( ;,6( #%<%1+%7( ;-6( ;%,#+( !"#( them. His concern has been to encourage them in the growing persecution they faced (1:3-10); to remind them of what they had been taught and not to deviate from this (2:5); to stress that their calling is to share in the glory of Christ (2:14). Paul wants these new-to-faith believers to do well, to know they are not alone and that their work for the Lord in Thessalonica is recognised and valued.

REFLECTION Bring to mind your own Christian friends and think about where they are 6%#@-*5(+;%(T"#7(+"7,'3(K":($,'(8*7(+;-6(9#,'%#(;%&9!:&(,6('":(+;-*G(of them: Lord, I pray that all my friends in Christ, wherever they are, will know joy in their hearts today because they belong to you. May your grace be with them all. 120


RUTH 2:15-23

Wise and thoughtful As she got up to glean, Boaz gave orders to his men, ‘Let her gather among the sheaves and don’t reprimand her’ (v 15)

THERE is an amusing story told of a man who scrambled "*+"( ;-6( #""!( ,6( <""7( ?,+%#( ;-+( ;-6( 6+#%%+3(>;%( ?,+%#6( ?%#%( rising and he prayed fervently to God to save him. A man in a small boat came by and told him to jump in, but the man said no – ‘God will save me.’ A raft drifted by and he was urged to get on. ‘No, God will save me.’ A lifeboat roared up to the house – ‘Get in!’ ‘No … God will save me!’ As the man drowned he asked God, ‘Why didn’t you save me?’ ‘Well,’ answered God, ‘I sent you a boat, a raft and a lifeboat – what more did you want?’ Humorous, perhaps, but a reminder that often God will use good people to support us in our needs. Boaz does just that from within his own culture. Subtly and thoughtfully he offers help to Ruth. An intelligent woman, it would be hard to believe Ruth did not know that Boaz was making it easier for her. He told her of his respect for her and declared his hope that God would protect her. Then today’s #%,7-*5(+%&&6(;"?(.",`(%L+%*76(;-6("?*(;%&9(,*7(8*76(?,'6( to protect Ruth’s feelings as well. At a time of her life when she is totally dependent on others, Boaz steps in and eases her way. Boaz gave help, thoughtfully and subtly. Yet if Ruth had not accepted that help, if she had allowed pride or embarrassment to take hold, her life would have turned out very differently. There is no shame in accepting help when it is needed. Everyone needs support, guidance, encouragement at times. There is an art in receiving it, as well as giving it. Both Boaz and Ruth shine in this story for different reasons.

v 11 v 12

PRAYER Help me to recognise the good, wise and thoughtful people you have placed in my life, Lord. Give me the humility to accept the help I need from them. Help me, too, to see where I can support others in kindness and thoughtfulness.



RUTH 3:1-9

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2:1 (MSG); (NLT)


THE ,1+-"*6(+;,+(b,"$-(#%1"$$%*76(+"(]:+;($-5;+(,+(8#6+( reading seem reckless and irresponsible. In some parts of the world today, such behaviour would be frowned on and seen as very forward if not totally unacceptable. We must see it in the context of its day and culture. Of course, Naomi knows the customs of her people and is sure of her advice to her daughter-in-law. Once again, Ruth trusts her. They have formed a loyal, loving partnership. According to the law of the land where she now lived, because Ruth is a widow with no sons, a relative must marry her in order for any property to be held in the family. So, +;%P1":#6%("!(,1+-"*(6:55%6+%7(/'(b,"$-(-6(*"+(6"(6+,#+&-*5( since Boaz is a relative, the ‘guardian-redeemer’, ‘covenant redeemer’ or ‘family redeemer’. Boldly, Ruth indicates that she would be happy to marry Boaz, even though there were other relatives who could be deemed more eligible. It is a brave move: she could have been rejected by this man; she could have been humiliated by him. It could have been a step too far. Yes, there is encouragement for Ruth in Boaz’s previous attitudes, in the way he has revealed his character so far, in the kindly attention he has given to her. They read the signs well and both Naomi and Ruth are proved right in their courage. Z,*(?%M(+""M(8*7(1":#,5%(,+(+-$%6(?;%*(,(1":#6%("!(,1+-"*( might be the right one, but at the same time has possibility for humiliation, rejection or hurt? It’s not easy to move out in faith, but the rewards can be life-enhancing. 46( !"&&"?%#6( "!( Z;#-6+M( ?%( ,&&"?( ;-$( +"( ;,@%( -*<:%*1%( -*( all areas of life. Sometimes the course of action the Lord asks us to take may be unsettling, confusing or even have the potential for our life to be fundamentally changed. B;,+($-5;+(,&&"?-*5(N"7(+"(-*<:%*1%('":#(,1+-"*6($%,*(+"( you today?


RUTH 3:12-13; 4:1-10

Foundation of faith K)$ &'!$ 1#-*+<-3D*!+!!,!*$ "-<+$ &)$ T)-^/$ST#0$ <&$ 0)#*"!46:C$G3+$ '!$ *!,)5!+$ '<"$ sandal (4:8)

THIS is the moment when Ruth’s future is assured – when +;%( G-*6$,*( ?;"( ;,7( 8#6+( 1&,-$( "*( ]:+;( ,*7( ;%#( !,$-&'( inheritance hands the privilege to Boaz. All her trust, actions and wisdom have culminated in this moment where the direction of her life changes. We will never know what might have happened to Ruth if Boaz had not been as honourable as he was, or if the ‘guardian-redeemer’ of today’s verse had responded differently. Speculation is not helpful, but we can note that up to this point the vulnerable woman was not guaranteed a happy outcome. It would be false positivity to expect that everything in life will turn out just as we hope. It would also be unrealistic and naive. Although it is sometimes helpful to be childlike, as we become adults experiences tell us that sometimes +;-*56(#%$,-*(7-!81:&+(,*7(?%($:6+(?"#G(+;#":5;(+;%$M(%@%*( accepting them. This does not mean God has abandoned us, but that he supports us as we work though our challenges. When we take responsibility for our own life, when we allow God full access to our heart and mind, when we take all that we hope for to him, he becomes involved at our invitation. Sometimes, circumstances will work through in our favour, as they did with Ruth. But what of those times when they don’t? When we are left feeling hurt, abandoned, confused? Such times are a reality of life. So let us today consider two things: !


Ruth took a measure of control over her own destiny. She had support from a trusted relative, Naomi. There is often opportunity to shape our own life and it is important to know where we should put our trust. Trusted friends, yes – but God, certainly! Are we spiritually prepared for disappointments? Are we building up our faith, strengthening our hope and having ultimate belief that God’s heart is for our salvation and goodness? Everything else falls under this. We can have a foundation of faith that rejoices in the good moments and trusts in the hard ones.



LUKE 10:25-37

Loss and opportunity A3$*!H40$ !"#"$"-<+_=SG$,-3$>-"$1)<31$+)>3$6*),$ !*#"-4!,$&)$ !*<2')/$>'!3$'!$ >-"$-&&-2U!+$I0$*)II!*":$;'!0$"&*<HH!+$'<,$)6$'<"$24)&'!"/$I!-&$'<,$-3+$>!3&$ ->-0/$4!-5<31$'<,$'-46D+!-+C$75$JQ9

DO you ever hear someone use the phrase, ‘He/she deserved it; they brought it on themselves’? Well, some might have wanted to use those words in regard to the man who undertook the journey to Jericho. Leaving Jerusalem on his own, he made himself a target for the thugs who attacked him. But Jesus lays no blame in this story. The man is most 7%8*-+%&'(,(@-1+-$(,*7(-*(*%%7("!(+;%(G-*7&'(;%&9(,*7(1"$!"#+( of a passer-by. It is through this story that Jesus addresses the question of the lawyer: ‘What must I do to inherit eternal life?’ And in doing so he suggests that anyone deserves sympathy and respect, even if they have been the author of their own misfortune. There are sometimes life-changing consequences of poor decisions – perhaps employment lost, friends who ,#%( 7-!81:&+( +"( +#:6+( ,*'( $"#%M( 8*,*1-,&( 7-!81:&+-%6M( %@%*( imprisonment at the extreme. How do we deal with our own consequences, when a course of action has resulted in our own or others’ pain? Not all consequences are so dramatic, of course. There might be a simple, gradual withdrawing from attending worship, with or without reasoned thought behind it. Other activities encroach; we are tired after a long week at work; new relationships pull us away from church relationships. Suddenly there is no longer a God-focus or place for Christian -*<:%*1%3(b"+(6"(7#,$,+-1M(/:+(life-changing nevertheless. It is when the reality of what we have lost becomes apparent that the decision is made to do something about it. The man in the parable had no choice but to allow someone into his suffering and help. Often, we do have a choice but something holds us back. How short-sighted and self-defeating that is! Today, we can look for the ‘Samaritan’ in our life and allow God to work through them, knowing that he is the God of opportunity and respect.



LUKE 12:13-21

Change within ‘This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich towards God’ (v 21)

THE very things that may bring status and seeming security in society can be the very things that make us vulnerable spiritually. That is not to say that wealth and possessions are in themselves to be avoided, but that there needs to be caution when such things become the aim of life. We are all vulnerable to being absorbed into the values of "+;%#63(0"1-%+,&(+;-*G-*5(1,*(/%(,(9"?%#!:&(-*<:%*1%(-*(&-!%3( When the phrase ‘the rich get richer and the poor get poorer’ is heard, it is a criticism and a call for equality in opportunity and outcomes. Not many would argue with that goal. Yet it continues to happen and is a global reality. It may be that as you read this you know you have little wealth or possessions yourself. Perhaps we can ask the question, then, if there are other ‘things’ which can be gathered not for the good of anyone else, but for personal gain only. Are there things that are all about us rather than all about the Lord? When the focus of life is anything other than the worship, glorifying of and witnessing to God’s rule of love, then there is something missing and spiritually we are losing out on +;%(#%,&(#-1;*%66("!(&-!%3(0"$%("!(+;%($"6+(-*<:%*+-,&(9%"9&%( in history have been those who had very little in terms of belongings. Yet they were ‘rich towards God’ because their focus was on him. Jesus invites us in this parable to see things differently: to embrace a way of life that may run counter to the norms of the society we live in. In fact, this is the message that his words speak throughout the Gospels.

PRAYER 46()(9#,'(!"#(+;-*56(+"(1;,*5%M()(8#6+(9#,'(!"#(1;,*5%(?-+;-*( myself. Make clear to me, Lord, the parts of my life where I am storing things for myself but missing out on being rich towards you.



PSALM 139:1-16

Pressure or protection? You have searched me, LORD, and you know me (v 1)

AN important phrase now found across the world is ‘data protection’. Although these protections vary from region to region and country to 1":*+#'M(&,?6(;,@%(/%%*(-*+#"7:1%7(,#":*7(+;%$(,*7(8*%6(1,*(/%(-$9"6%7( !"#(/#%,1;%6("!(+;"6%(&,?63(>%1;*"&"5'M(+;%()*+%#*%+M(%&%1+#"*-1(8&-*5(,#%(,&&( subject to restrictions around how information about an individual is held and used. This has become a necessity in the world we live in at present. ‘Invasion of privacy’ has also become a phrase well used in some countries. Our psalm today begins with a declaration of fact – God has searched the author of this psalm. He has all the data on his life! We could also think of this searching in terms of a mining operation or +;%(%L9&"#,+-"*("!(,(1":*+#'M(?;-1;(#%<%1+6($"#%(,11:#,+%&'(+;%("#-5-*,&(+%L+( and word used. Depth and breadth are revealed; no corner is undiscovered. For some, the idea that God has searched the innermost heart would be intolerable and seen as an invasion of privacy. ‘How will God use the knowledge that he has about me?’ they could ask. However, the psalmist sees it differently. Yes, God has searched him. He knows it. He has not fought it. He accepts it. God not only sees what he does and how he does it, he also sees the motivations, thoughts and rationale behind his actions. This is a liberating understanding for the writer. With his complete knowledge and understanding of the psalmist, God offers guidance and protection. The psalmist does not view this with fear, but welcomes it.

REFLECTION Knowing that God sees all there is to see about you, how does that make you feel? Under pressure or protected and liberated? What does that reveal about your relationship with him? Bring that to him today. If you have the facility to listen, there is a rendition on YouTube of .%#*,7%++%( Y,##%&&D6(CH( N"7M( '":( 6%,#1;( $%( ,*7( '":( G*"?( $%D3( 0+P O,#+-*D6( Voices of St Martin-in-the-Fields Church, London, present these words in a serene and understated way to help us consider what it means when God has searched us and then know that we are never away from his loving interest. Enjoy the honest relationship that is begun when God sees the depths of your thoughts and heart.



PSALM 139:17-24

Strength in openness K!-*2'$,!/$P)+/$-3+$U3)>$,0$'!-*&B$&!"&$,!$-3+$U3)>$,0$-3a<)#"$&')#1'&":$K!!$ <6$&'!*!$<"$-30$)66!3"<5!$>-0$<3$,!/$-3+$4!-+$,!$<3$&'!$>-0$!5!*4-"&<31$755$@JD@V9

THE tree with the broadest crown is found in India and that crown is 180 metres in diameter. For perspective, the Taj Mahal is 55 metres on each long side. The tree is a banyan (;,'<= )*>:10?*><@<). However, you did not open this book today for a lesson on dendrology (the study of trees)! Yet the characteristic of trunk and branches is useful for our thinking as we consider the word the psalmist uses for ‘thoughts’. It is from the same root as in Ezekiel 31:5, where it’s said of the cedar tree ‘its branches grew long, spreading because of abundant waters’. The reaching out of thought means that where it begins is not where it ends. What is watering our thinking today? We are encouraged to give God the freedom to look at the whole network of our thinking – the way our thoughts develop, the way they cross over and have wider reach than where they began. Not a narrow searching, but a complete and far-reaching one. Beyond this, the desire needs to be for God himself to nourish those thoughts through the watering he is allowed to make in our life. Knowing that God has already searched, why the need for this request: C)*@%6+-5,+%($'(&-!%M(H(N"7M(8*7(":+(%@%#'+;-*5(,/":+($%DF( MSG) There is a subtle difference in this verse from the one we considered yesterday. Here is a declaration of intent, an invitation to God, a free opening-up. A desire that all thoughts – everything of the heart, however far-reaching – should be known to God. The psalmist has outlined all the things he knows of God, then from verse 17 we see the response that comes from the heart of the author. God’s thoughts are beyond understanding, but precious; God’s enemies are to be avoided. In the invitation for God to look deep, there is an agreement to grow and develop within the encompassing love and knowledge of God.

REFLECTION As you use the words of verses 23 and 24 as a prayer for today, you are showing your desire to align your thoughts with God’s and for him to guide, #%8*%( ,*7( 1&%,*6%( ?;%#%( +;%#%( -6( +;,+( *%%73( Z"*6"&-7,+%( +;,+( ,5#%%$%*+( with him. See this prayer today as strengthening and deepening the thought and prayer which began yesterday.



ISAIAH 6:1-3

Inner experience In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the LORD, high and exalted, seated on a &'*)3!B$-3+$&'!$&*-<3$)6$'<"$*)I!$W44!+$&'!$&!,H4!$75$?9

MANY church communities deliberately keep their buildings plain and unadorned to keep distractions at bay and as a reminder that any relationship with the Lord is a spiritual one. Other places of worship are so ornate they almost make an assault on the senses of those gathered. Smell, sight, sound are all-surrounding as a reminder of the splendour and allreaching nature of God. There are places where people gather for prayer and worship and the sense of God’s presence is so powerful that it feels an undeniable force. This could be in either of the above. Seeing the splendour of God is not reliant, however, on our surroundings, but on our heart-response. In 1987 Terry Waite, as envoy for the Church of England, travelled to Lebanon to negotiate the release of hostages, but was himself taken hostage and held for 1,763 days. Four years of that captivity ?%#%(69%*+(-*(6"&-+,#'(1"*8*%$%*+3(09%,G-*5(+"(..Z(b%?6(\c( years later, he recollected: ‘I was chained to the wall for 23 hours and 50 minutes ,(7,'3()(6&%9+("*(+;%(<""#3()(7-7*D+(;,@%(,*'(/""G6("#(9,9%#63( I was in a room where shutters were put in front of the window so no natural light came in, and of course there was no companionship so it was a fairly austere existence … But I recognised that I still had life and, although it was very limited, I was still able to live as fully as possible.’ He recalled that in his dark cell a chink of light used to come through the shutter in the window. ‘Gradually that light -&&:$-*,+%7(+;,+(#""$(,*7()(:6%7(+"(6,'(+"($'6%&!M(d["*D+(5-@%( up, remember light is stronger than darkness,” and somehow I was able to maintain hope in that situation.’ He added that he never questioned his faith. It is that inspirational claim of not questioning faith, despite the grimness of our surroundings, that helps us to see that the glory of God is not dependent on what is around us, but what is within us. Sacred space is helpful for our experience but does not define it.



ISAIAH 6:4-7

God’s provision S()!$&)$,!bC$A$2*<!+:$SA$-,$*#<3!+b$`)*$A$-,$-$,-3$)6$#324!-3$4<H"/$-3+$A$4<5!$-,)31$ -$H!)H4!$)6$#324!-3$4<H"/$-3+$,0$!0!"$'-5!$"!!3$&'!$c<31/$&'!=LORD=G4,<1'&0C$75$X9

IN the presence of the King realisation dawns! Whatever status we may enjoy in our life, however many people look up +"(:6M(?;,+%@%#(-*<:%*1%(?%($,'(;,@%(A(?%(!,&&(!,#(6;"#+("!( purity. Surrounded by God’s splendour, our own inadequacies seem huge in our eyes. There cannot have been one man or woman who has been used greatly by God who has not at some point in their life realised their lips were unclean. That their heart was not pure. That their life has been impacted by what surrounds them. When we allow the world to encroach, it affects our inner life and therefore what comes out of that life. It can be a slow, creeping encroaching – and we must guard against it. There is great wisdom in Paul’s words as written to the Philippians: ‘Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.’ The encouragement we can take from Isaiah, however, is that God knows this is a reality of life in the world and makes provision to counteract it. At his altar, cleansing may be found and received. CZ,#$-*,(N,7%&-1,DM(!":*7(-*(+;%(8#6+(@"&:$%("!(4&%L,*7%#( Carmichael’s Hymns and Incantations of 1900, is a lovely prayer which captures for us the paradox of God who requires purity, accepting our impurity, providing for it, and living with us. It is a prayer for the end of the day, but its message is relevant at whatever time you read this comment:


I am lying down tonight with God And God tonight will lie down with me; I will not lie down tonight with sin, Nor shall sin nor sin’s shadow lie down with me; I am lying down tonight with the Holy Spirit And the Holy Spirit this night will lie down with me; I will lie down tonight with the Three of my love And the Three of my love will lie down with me.



ISAIAH 6:8-13

The glory of God’s presence Then I heard the voice of the LORD saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go 6)*$#"ZC$G3+$A$"-<+/$SF!*!$-,$A:$K!3+$,!bC$75$d9

Numbers 6:24-26


AS ?%(1"$%(+"(+;%(8*,&(7,'("!(+;-6(6%#-%6(,#":*7(+;%(+;%$% ‘Approaching God’s Throne’, we remind ourselves that the throne room is a place of glory – God’s glory. We note in Isaiah’s vision an attempt to put into words what is surely -*7%61#-/,/&%3(B;,+(?%(1,*(6%%(-6(+;,+(+;%#%(-6($,5*-81%*1%( which inspires awe and demands some sort of response. We have considered over these months that we can come to the throne of God with attitudes that contrast, but which ,#%(,&&(9,#+("!(":#($,G%J:93(B%(;,@%(1"*87%*1%M(%L9%1+,+-"*M( humility and vulnerability. Within our heart we remain in that wonderful presence, but we also are called to make a response to all we see, feel, know and experience of God. We can note here that the voice of the Lord raises a question, not a demand. That is the nature of God, who does not force but presents opportunity. Isaiah, having earlier questioned ;-6( ,/-&-+'M( #%,7-*%66( ,*7( E:,&-81,+-"*( +"( %@%*( 6+,*7( /%!"#%( the Lord, now speaks up and declares his willingness to go and speak. As those who stand before God through Christ, we are called daily to ‘go’. We ‘go’ into our own family, our place of work, our school, our church and our community. We ‘go’ when we are on the bus or train, or when we sit in the library or walk around the shop. We ‘go’ because we carry the message within us. A message of God involved and interested in his world, interested in the life he has created. A message of God who has provided the means of salvation, the means of life with him – life in all its fullness. No wonder we approach the throne with boldness! We conclude with an ancient blessing, in the knowledge that the Lord will do all of this for those who come to him: ‘The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face &)>-*+"$0)#=-3+$1<5!$0)#$H!-2!:C

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