Brief of The General's Visit to IET 2023 2 | Page
visiting India Eastern Territory
Peddle & Commissioner
Peddle World President of Women’s Ministries 29
Brief of The International Leaders
General Brian
January - 6 February 2023
A. Travel Arrangements
B. Accommodations andVenues
C. General Information
D. Personnel
E. Daily Schedule of Events
F. Meeting Programme
G. Profile
i. The General & Commissioner Rosalie Peddle
ii. Private Secretary to The General
iii. Hon'ble Chief Minister of Mizoram
iv. India Eastern Territory
H. Songs of Praise
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StateGovernmentofMizoramwillaccordthestatusof‘State Guest’ to the General. The State Government (Government of Mizoram)willprovideaspecialpilotvehicleforTheGeneralfromthe airporttotheCitytoandfro.
Government Officials and the Territorial Leaders will make arrangement at the airport to proceed with the custom, handle baggageofTheGeneralandhisteam.
The State Government will provide a special pilot vehicle for The General & Team with security which will help in clearing the trafficandquickertravellingbetweenvenuesduringthisvisit.
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Brief of The General's Visit to IET 2023
Depart Chennai 18:05 FlightNo.6E606 Arrival Kolkata 20:20
Depart Kolkata 13:00 FlightNo.AI711 Arrival Aizawl 14:00 06.02.2023 Depart Aizawl 14:55 FlightNo.AI712
Kolkata 16:20
Accommodation will be arranged at the ‘Hotel Regency’. The ‘HotelRegency’isabout30-35minutesdrivefromthemainvenue.
Experience the 3 star hotel in Mizoram, Hotel Regency. Located in the heart of the city, Hotel Regency provides an ideal accommodation for holidaying and conference business. In the history of Mizoram as three star hotel, Hotel Regency is the first to make its mark. Luxurious suites, Presidential as well as Executive are available. The hotel has adequate parking facilities. Restaurant, extensive conference/banquet hall for events, marriages and reception to seminars providing sound systems; business centre; transportfacilities,24x7Wifiinternet.
A restaurant mind-blowing cuisine of Indian, Chinese and Continental. The rooms at Hotel Regency are extremely well appointed and planned meticulously with the comfort in mind and is equippedwithallmodernamenities.
HotelRegencyB/49, ZarkawtMainStreet,Aizawl
Ph :+9103892349334 +91 03892344234
* Food preparation well according to the order from the menuVegetarianandNon-vegetarianareavailable.
FreshFruitinSeason,Tea,Coffee,bottlesealedwaterandfruitjuices areavailable.
Brief of The General's Visit to IET 2023 5 | Page
1. Main Venue at R Dengthuama Indoor Stadium
Most of the meetings will be held at R Dengthuama Indoor Stadium, Salem Veng, Mualpui situated at the Eastern part of the City. The location is next to the Officers’ Training College ‘Centennial Meadows’ and Salvation Army Boys Home 'Muanna In'. The Indoor Stadium is named after a local politician who donated this land.
2. Officers meeting - Aizawl Temple Corps
Aizawl Temple Corps is situated right in the central of the City, Aizawl Temple Corps was established in February 1981. The Corps is presently attending by 1350 member from 277 families. The Corps supports 220 missionaries, contributed by individuals, family, group of friends, and different section. The Corps formed an Outreach committee which output is remarkable, constructing 22 Salvation Army Churches in different Villages. Aizawl Temple Corps is well-known by the people for organizing charity Event ‘Coffee Nite’ at Christmas eve continuously for 22 years.
3. Men L.O's & Mens Fellowship Meeting - Bethlehem Corps
Bethlehem Corps is situated in the Western part of the City. Bethlehem Corps was established in 1st February 1964. The Corps is presently attended by 1093 member from 220 families. The Corps supports 117 missionaries, contributed by individuals, family, group of friends, and different section. The Corps formed an Outreach committee whose output is remarkable, helping Salvation Army Churches in different Villages.
4. Opening of New Prayer Hall - Vaivakawn Corps
Vaivakawn Corps was started in the year 1982 and now having 355 soldiers. It is located within Aizawl city area 1 km away from THQ, the size of Prayer Hall is 60ftx30ft, construction work is done by THQ granted fund with soldiers’ contribution such as monthly tithes and special Fund for building construction. Almost half of the total members of the Corps are Youth and Children numbering 172 including 52 Junior Soldiers. Youth& children play
Brief of The General's Visit to IET 2023 6 | Page
vital role in Corps activities such as public meeting, social work and financial support for well being of the Corps.
5. Opening of New Prayer Hall - Phunchawng Corps
Phunchawng Corps started in the year 2002 and now having 153 soldiers. The Hall is located within the Aizawl city area 10kms far from the THQ, the Prayer hall size of 56ft x 30ft, construction work has done by soldiers contribution such as monthly tithes and special Funds for building construction. Phunchawng Corps has 59 SAY members and 72 Junior Soldiers.
6. Opening of New Prayer Hall - Hunthar Corps
Hunthar Corps was formally established as an Outpost on 08.03.1998 and was elevated to a Corps status on 01.10.2000. At present there are 373 soldiers, SAY member 90, 47 Junior Soldiers, Caradle roll 39 members. The Prayer Hall is located within Aizawl city area 1.5kms far from THQ, the capacity of Prayer Hall is 448 seats, construction work is done through bank loan and by soldiers’ contribution such as monthly tithes and special Fund for building construction.
Professional Sound will be rented in all the meeting with readyfixedmicrophonesaswellaslapelmicrophone.
All the Meetings in the Main Venues will be LIVESTREAMED throughourYouTubeChannel SalvationArmyIET andwillalsobeLIVE Telecast through two leading TV cables Network - LPS and ZONET in Mizoram.AllothermeetingswillberecordedbySACNET.
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The seat arrangement in the main venue - R.Dengthuama
A bottle sealed fresh water with a drinking glass will always be arrangedneartheseatofTheLeadersinallthemeetings.
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PhoneNo +913892322290
Instagram ietsarmy
Twitter SArmyIET
Facebook SalvationArmyIET
YouTube SalvationArmyIET
ColonelLalhmingliana TerritorialCommander
PhoneNo. +913892322879
MobilePhoneNo. +917439403438
Lt.ColonelPCPradhan ChiefSecretary
MobilePhoneNo. +919899386701
Lt.ColonelLalhriatpuia SecretaryforBusinessAdministration
MobilePhoneNo. +919436354508
Lt.ColonelLalliankunga SecretaryforProgramme
MobilePhoneNo. +918794589080
Lt.ColonelLalramlianaHnamte SecretaryforPersonnel
MobilePhoneNo. +919007871423
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Brief of The General's Visit to IET
NavyBlueFullUniform forMen
NavyBlueorWhiteUniform forWomen
BritishPoundSterling = 99.49IndianRupees
USDollar = 82.27IndianRupees
Usually Aizawl experiences good weather with a moderate winter conditionsandthetemperaturegenerallyremainsbetween16°Cand 24°C during January to February. It is usually sunny during the day andcoldduringthenightthroughoutthesemonths.
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Brief of The General's Visit to IET
Local Driver Mizoram Government will provide a vehicle with a driver which will carry The General & WPWM; ADC to The General willaccomodateinT.C.'cvehicle.
1. Major K Vanlalsawmthanga TFS (For The General) : (Sawma)
Major.K.Vanlalsawmthanga has been brought up by the Salvation Army officer's parents and has been appointed as Territorial Financial Secretary for India Eastern Territory w.e.f 4th January 2019. He was commissioned in 1999 - Builders of the Kingdom Session and has served in the rank of Officer for 23 years. He has three children - two sons and one daughter, all of them are grownupnow.HisQualificationisB.Com(Hons),M.Div, B.T.S,P.B.A.
2. Major Rosy Lalnunpuii CO (For WPWM) : (Rosy)
MajorRosyLalnunpuiihasbeenappointedasCorpsOfficerin Bethlehem Area for India Eastern Territory w.e.f 7th June 2020. She was commissioned in 2005 Preparers of the Way Session and has servedinthe rank of Officer for 17 years . She has four childrentwo sonsandtwodaughters.Theeldestamongthemisstudyingineleven standard and the youngest in pre-school. Her Qualification is BA, Bth.
Media Officers - Editor&Team
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of The General's
Lalhmingliana Rank Colonel Appointment TerritorialCommander D.O.B 29.09.1971 Dateofenteringappointment 01.11.2021 Lalhlimpuii Rank Colonel Appointment TPWM D.O.B 28.10.1971 Dateofenteringappointment 01.11.2021 P.C. Pradhan Rank Lieut-Colonel Appointment ChiefSecretary D.O.B 14.07.1972 Dateofenteringappointment 01.11.2021 Rani P.Pradhan Rank Lieut-Colonel Appointment TSWM D.O.B 01.09.1974 Dateofenteringappointment 01.11.2021 Lalhriatpuia Rank Lieut-Colonel Appointment Secretary for Business Administration D.O.B 01.06.1962 Dateofenteringappointment 14.01.2019 Lalliankunga Rank Lieut-Colonel Appointment Secretary for Programme D.O.B 03.01.1969 Dateofenteringappointment 01.06.2020 Lalramliana Rank Lieut-Colonel Hnamte Appointment Secretary for Personnel D.O.B 03.01.1967 Dateofenteringappointment 01.05.2022
Brief of The General's Visit to IET 2023 13 | Page
30 January 2023 Monday 07:00AM Breakfast 10:00AM ProceedtoKolkataAirport forcheck-in&Security 01:00PM Depart KolkatabyFlightNo.AI711 02:00PM ArrivalAizawl 03:00PM WelcomebyIETatLengpuiAirport 04:00PM ProceedtoAizawl 07:00PM Dinner Noengagement 31 January 2023 Tuesday 07:00AM Breakfast 10:00AM MizoramEntryclearanceatHotel (OnlyPassport&Visaarerequired.It willbedoneintheHotelitself) 12:00PM Lunch@HotelRegency 01:00PM DepartforBoothMansion,THQ 01:30PM i)PressConference ii)InterviewwithSACNET,IET Both@BoothMansion,THQ 04:30PM BacktoHotel 06:00PM TC'sDinner @HotelRegency (LeadershipTeam,Cabinet& Translators will be present, Uniform notrequired)
Brief of The General's Visit to IET 2023 14 | Page 01 February 2023 Wednesday 07:00AM Breakfast 09:20AM DepartfromHotelRegency 10:00AM Officers'CouncilSession1 @AizawlTempleCorps 12:00PM LunchatTC'sResidence 01:30PM Officers'CouncilSession2 @AizawlTempleCorps 04:00PM BacktoHotelRegency 05:30PM DepartforCM'sBungalow 06:00PM CM'sDinner @CM'sBungalow (Uniformwillberequired) 09:00PM BacktoHotelRegency
Brief of The General's Visit to IET 2023 15 | Page 02 February 2023 Thursday 07:00AM Breakfast 09:00AM DepartfromHotel 10:00AM InaugurationofPrayerHall VaivakawnCorps 11:30PM BacktoHotel 12:00PM Lunch@HotelRegency 01:00PM DepartfromHotel 01:30PM InaugurationofPrayerHall HuntharCorps 03:30PM BacktoHotelRegency 05:00PM Dinner@HotelRegency 05:40PM DepartfromHotel 06:30PM FestivalofPraise @R.DengthuamaIndoorStadium 08:30PM BacktoHotel
Brief of The General's Visit to IET 2023 16 | Page 03 February 2023 Friday 07:00AM Breakfast 09:00AM DepartfromHotel 10:00AM InaugurationofPrayerHall PhunchawngCorps 11:30PM BacktoHotel 12:00PM Lunch@HotelRegency 12:50PM DepartfromHotel 01:30PM Women'sCongress(WPWM) @R.DengthuamaIndoorStadium LO&Men'sFellowship(TheGeneral) @BethlehemCorps 04:20PM BacktoHotel 05:00PM Dinner@HotelRegency 05:40PM DepartfromHotel 06:30PM YouthMeeting @R.DengthuamaIndoorStadium 08:30PM BacktoHotel
Brief of The General's Visit to IET 2023 17 | Page 04 February 2023 Saturday 07:00AM Breakfast 09:00AM DepartfromHotel 10:00AM CorpsCadetMeeting @R.DengthuamaIndoorStadium 12:00PM Lunch@OTC 01:30PM YoungPeopleCorpsMeeting @R.DengthuamaIndoorStadium 04:20PM BacktoHotel 05:00PM Dinner@HotelRegency 05:40PM DepartfromHotel 06:30PM PublicMeeting @R.DengthuamaIndoorStadium 08:30PM BacktoHotel
Brief of The General's Visit to IET 2023 18 | Page 05 February 2023 Sunday 07:00AM Breakfast 09:00AM DepartfromHotel 10:00AM PublicMeeting @R.DengthuamaIndoorStadium 12:00PM Lunch@OTC 01:30PM MarchofWitness& OpenAirMeeting 04:20PM BacktoHotel 05:00PM Dinner@HotelRegency 05:40PM DepartfromHotel 06:30PM PublicMeeting @R.DengthuamaIndoorStadium 08:30PM BacktoHotel 06 February 2023 Monday 08:00AM Breakfast@HotelRegency 12:00 Noon Depart to Lengpui Airport
30 January 2023 (Monday)
Welcome at Lengpui Airport
BandMusic: TerritorialStaffBand
Welcome&Prayer: ColonelLalhminglianaTC
SongsterPraise: TerritorialStaffSongsters
Response: The General & WPWM
BandMusic: TerritorialStaffBand
Benediction: Lieut.ColonelPCPradhanCS
31 January 2023 (Tuesday)
Press Conference
AtBoothMansionConferenceHall,THQ (01:30PM–02:15PM)
Interview with SACNET
AtBoothMansionConferenceHall,THQ (02:30PM–03:00PM)
TC’s Dinner
AtHotelRegency (06:00PM–08:00PM)
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01 February 2023 (Wednesday)
Officer’s Council Conducted by The General at Aizawl Temple Session 1 (10:00AM to 11:45AM)
WorshipTeam: CaptainSingers
Leader: ColonelLalhlimpuiiTPWM
Song&PrayerChorus: SAH209Meitirla
Prayer: Lieut.ColonelPCPradhanCS
International Snapshot : The General & WPWM
Solo: CaptainDorothyLaldingzeliCO
Testimony: CaptainZorempuii,COChawlhhmunCObial
GroupSinging: TheLieutenantSingers
Biblereading: MajorLalsanglianaDO
Spiritual Challenge: Commissioner Rosalie Peddle WPWM
Song: SAH445KanPathianSipaiholungrualin
Prayer&Benediction: CommissionerLalngaihawmi
PHOTO Session : Arrangement will be made beforehand for all Officers to be seated for taking Photographs right after the session concludes.
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Brief of The General's Visit to IET 2023
Officer’s Council Conducted by The General at Aizawl Temple Session 2 (01:30PM to 03:30PM)
WorshipTeam : LieutenantSingers
Leader: ColonelLalhminglianaTC
Prayer: Lieut.ColonelRaniPhulaPradhanTSWM
Remarks: ColonelLalhlimpuiiTPWM
Solo: Lieut.JudithLalremruatiCO
Testimony: MajorLalsangpuii,EONepal
GroupSinging: TheCaptainSingers
Biblereading: MajorVanlaltluangaPachuauDC
Bible Message: The General
Prayer&Benediction: CommissionerNu-i
01 February 2023 (Wednesday) 06:00PM–08:00PM
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Brief of The General's Visit to IET 2023
02 February 2023 (Thursday)
Opening & Dedication of Vaivakawn Corps Biak In (10:00AM – 11:45AM)
Opening&Dedication: TheGeneral&WPWM
Leader: ColonelLalhminglianaTC
Song&Prayer: MajorChhuanlianaCO
Report: CSakhawlianaCT
SongsterPraise: VaivakawnCorpsSongster
Response: Commissioner Rosalie Peddle WPWM
Band: VaivakawnCorpsBand
Timbrels: VaivakawnCorpsTimbrel
BibleReading: KVanlalhruaiiHLT
Bible Message: The General
Song: RCDanielaCSM
Prayer&Benediction: MajorRomawiaDC,CentralNorth
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Brief of The General's Visit to IET 2023
02 February 2023 (Thursday)
Opening & Dedication of Hunthar Corps Biak In (01:30PM – 03:30PM)
Opening&Dedication: TheGeneral&WPWM
Leader: ColonelLalhminglianaTC
Song&Prayer: CaptainKLalrammawiaCO
Report: LalhminglianaCT
Duet: Zothanpuii(2019YouthIcon) &TVanlalhmangaihi(2022MizoIdol)
Response: Commissioner Rosalie Peddle WPWM
HuntharCorpsZaipawl HuntharCorpsTimbrel
BibleReading: LalramengiHLVS
Bible Message: The General
Song: RosangzualaCSM
Prayer&Benediction: MajorMosesSairengpuiaSailo,Property Secretary,THQ
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Brief of The General's Visit to IET
02 February 2023 (Thursday)
Festival of Praise at R Dengthuama IndoorStadium (06:30PM – 09:00PM)
WorshipTeam: SalvationistsArtists
Leader: Lieut.ColonelLalhriatpuiaSBA
Opening: AizawlTempleCorps
Short Message: Commissioner Rosalie Peddle WPWM
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Brief of The General's Visit to IET 2023
03 February 2023 (Friday)
Opening & Dedication of Phunchawng Corps Biak In (10:00AM – 11:45AM)
Opening&Dedication: TheGeneral&WPWM
(Indoor) Leader: ColonelLalhminglianaTC
Song&Prayer: MajorImmanuelMahapatraCO Report: LalchungnungaCSM
Response: Commissioner Rosalie Peddle WPWM
AizawlBazarCorpsBand Songsters–CNDivision
BibleReading: LallawmpuiiYPRS
Bible Message: The General
Song: LalbiakthangaCT
Prayer&Benediction: MajorVanlalhumaDC,CentralSouthDiv.
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Brief of The General's Visit to IET 2023
03 February 2023 (Friday)
Men L.O.'s & Men’s Fellowship
Joint Session at Bethlehem Corps (01:30PM – 03:30PM)
Cheraw: ChaltlangCObialMF
Sarlamkai: GilgalCObialMF
Chheihlam: ZemabawkCObialMF
Hladochham: SalemCObialMF
Leader: Lieut.ColonelLalliankungaSPA
Song&Prayer: AHuanmawia,Secretary,TMFC
TimbrelDisplay: CentralNorthDivisionMF
Band: BethlehemCorpsBand
SouvenirPresentation: TMFC&LocalOfficer
TMFReport: MajorKLalbiaktluangaAsst.Leader,TMFC
Songster: CentralSouthDivisionMF
BibleReading: VanlalhruaiaCSM,BethlehemCorps
Bible Message: The General
Prayer&Benediction: MajorTCThangaDC,NorthernDiv.
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Brief of The General's Visit to
03 February 2023 (Friday)
Women’s Congress at R Dengthuama IndoorStadium (01:30PM – 03:30PM)
Leader: ColonelLalhlimpuiiTPWM
CostumeParade: CentralSouthDivision
Song&Prayer: Lieut.ColLalchhuanmawiiTLOMS
WomenSinger: CentralNorthDivision
TripuraDistrict: CreativeArts
SouthernDivision: Zaipawl
TimbrelDisplay: IETWomen
WesternDivision: Zaipawl
EasternDivision: CreativeWorship
Offerings: MajorRamhmuzauviWDO
NepalExtension: TraditionalDance
HimalayanDivision: Worshipdance
SkitRiceCollection: NorthernDivision
RiceCollection: Lieut.ColonelLalhriatpuiiTHLS
BibleReading: Lieut.ColonelZonunsangiSLDS
Message: Commissioner Rosalie Peddle WPWM
CongregationalSong: MajorAichhungiFanaiSAMFS
Benediction: Lieut.ColRaniPhullaPradhanTSWM
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Brief of The General's Visit to
03 February 2023 (Friday)
Youth Meeting at R Dengthuama IndoorStadium (06:30PM – 09:00PM)
WorshipTeam: PraiseTeam-TSAY
Leader: Lieut.ColonelLalramlianaHnamte,SPA
Song&Prayer: MajorRichardVanlalnghaka,DYSSouthern
WorshipDance: NorthernDivision
CorpsCombinedSongsters:CentralSouthDivision, SouthernDivision
Timbrel: AizawlCityAreaCombinedTimbrel
ShortReport: HenryLalhmingmawiaGS,TSAYC
LiveBand: VariousArtists
SpecialItem: TripuraDistrict
BibleReading: ChhingkhumaAsstLeader,TSAYC
Message: The General & Commissioner Rosalie Peddle WPWM
Song&Benediction: Capt.CharlesChalrimawia, ADC to the General
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Brief of The General's Visit to IET 2023
04 February 2023 (Saturday)
Corps Cadet Congress at R Dengthuama IndoorStadium (10:00AM – 12:00 AM)
Praise&Worship: CorpsCadetsCentral‘S’Division
OpeningParade: CorpsCadetsCentral‘N’Division
Leader: MajorK.Rohlupuia,TYS
Song&Prayer: MajorLalrinsangi,DCCO, Central‘S’Division
TimbrelDisplay : CombinedCorpsCadets, Central‘S’Division
Songster: CorpsCadet,Central‘N’Division.
Presentation: CCGLalbiaknii,Secretary,TCCC
Groupsinging: CorpsCadet,SouthernDivision
SpecialItem: CorpsCadets,TripuraDistricts
Badge Of Merit
Presentation: The General & WPWM
BibleReading: CCGLalchharliani, FinancialSecretary,TCCC
Bible Message: Commissioner Rosalie Peddle WPWM
Band: CCCombinedCSD&CND
Closing: MajorK.Lalnuntluangi, DCCOWesternDivision
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Brief of The General's Visit to IET
04 February 2023 (Saturday)
Young People Congress at R Dengthuama IndoorStadium (01:30PM – 03:30PM)
PraiseTeam: YPCND&CSD
Host: ChhuanhlupuiiYPSM
Song&Prayer: ZachuailoviYPSM FinancialSecretary,TYPC
SpecialItem: Combined YP,WesternDivision.
Songster: CombinedYP,CentralSouth
Presentation: PuZonunsangaYPSM,Secretary-TYPC
TimbrelDisplay : CombinedYP,CentralNorth
GroupRecitation: Beginner&PrimaryDepartment, CentralSouthDivision.
WorshipDance: CombinedYP,SouthernDivision
MusicalInstrumental: CombinedYP,CSD&CND
WorshipDance: CombinedYP,NorthernDivision,
Praise&Worship: 15minsPraiseTeam.
GroupDance: CombinedYP,CentralNorthDivision
BibleReading: C.VanlalnghakiYPSM,Asst.Fin.Secretary
BibleMessage: The General & Commissioner Rosalie Peddle WPWM
Closing: CaptainLalthanpuiaRalteDYS,CND
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Brief of The General's Visit to IET 2023
04 February 2023 (Saturday)
PublicMeeting(MissionFocus)atRDengthuamaIndoorStadium (06:30PMto09:30PM)
WorshipTeam: CaptainSingers
Leader: Lieut.ColonelPCPradhanCS
Song&Prayer: H.LalawmpuiiHLS,TMBMember
Offertory: CaptainLalhruaitluanga
Welcome & Introduction: ColonelLalhminglianaTC
Response: Commissioner Rosalie Peddle WPWM
BibleReading: MajorKLalrinpuiaDC,HimalayanDiv.
Bible Message: The General
Prayer&Benediction: MajorJohnRohminglianaSocialSecy.
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Brief of The General's Visit to IET 2023
05 February 2023 (Sunday)
Public Meeting (Holiness Meeting) at R Dengthuama IndoorStadium (10:00AM to 12:00Noon)
WorshipTeam: LieutenantSingers
Leader: ColonelLalhlimpuiiTPWM
Song&Prayer: FLalmalsawmaCVS,TGCMember
Offertory: MajorLalmuanpuiaFanaiPrincipal,OTC
Remarks: ColonelLalhminglianaTC
Response: The General
Divisional Songsters(CentralNorth)
BibleReading: MajorLalmuanchhanaDC
Bible Message: Commissioner Rosalie Peddle WPWM
Prayer&Benediction: MajorReubenLalnuntharaEditor
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Brief of The General's Visit to IET 2023
05 February 2023 (Sunday)
March of Witness (01:30PM to 03:30PM)
From R Dengthuama Indoor Stadium to Zero Point, Mualpui
ParadeCommander: MajorSTDula
THQ:FlagBearer,THQPlacard, Territorial Staff Band,TerritorialStaffSongstersandTHQOfficers&Staffs
OTC:FlagBearer,OTCPlacard,Officers, Staffs&Cadets
Contingentno.3 Institutions.FlagBearer,Placards,Officers, Staffs,others
Contingentno.4 CentralNorthDivision.
4A:FlagBearer(DYS) DivisionPlacard, Bazar Corps Band, Chanmari Corps Band, Dawrpui Vengthar Corps Band,Officers, Staffs,DivisionSongsters
4B:FlagBearer Women Ministries Placard, HL & LOM members
4C:FlagBearer SAYPlacard,SAYmembers
4D:FlagBearer YPPlacard,YPmembers
4E:FlagBearer CCPlacard,CCmembers
4F:FlagBearer MFPlacard,MFmembers
4G:FlagBearer SC,ET,AllSoldiers,LOs,RetiredOfficersetc.
Contingentno.5 CentralSouthDivision
5A:FlagBearer(DYS) Division Placard, Temple Corps Band, Ebenezer Corps Band, Khatla Corps Band, Officers, Staffs, Division Songsters
5B:FlagBearer WomenMinistriesPlacard,HL&LOM members
5C:FlagBearer SAYPlacard,SAYmembers
5D:FlagBearer YPPlacard,YPmembers
5E:FlagBearer CCPlacard,CCmembers
5F:FlagBearer MFPlacard,MFmembers
5G:FlagBearer SC,ET,AllSoldiers,LOs,RetiredOfficersetc.
Contingentno.6 EasternDivision.
FlagBearer(DYS) DivisionPlacard, Bethlehem Corps Band,
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Enna Corps Band, ITI Corps Band, Salem Corps Band,Officers,SC,ET, LOs,Staffs,Div.Songsters,allSeniorandJuniorSoldier,etc.etc
Contingentno.7 HimalayanDivision.
FlagBearer(DYS) DivisionPlacard, Chanmari W Corps Band, Armed Veng Corps Band, Kanaan Corps Band, Officers,SC,ET,LOs, Staffs,Div.Songsters,allSeniorandJuniorSoldier,etc.etc
Contingentno.8 NorthernDivision.
FlagBearer(DYS) DivisionPlacard, Chaltlang Corps Band, Lily Veng Corps Band, Durtlang Corps Band, Officers,SC,ET,LOs,Staffs, Div.Songsters,allSeniorandJuniorSoldier,etc.etc
Contingentno.9 SouthernDivision.
FlagBearer(DYS) Division Placard, Southern Division Band, Officers, SC, ET, LOs, Staffs, Div. Songsters, all Senior and Junior Soldier, etc. Contingentno.10 WesternDivision.
FlagBearer(DYS) DivisionPlacard, Bawngkawn Corps Band, Zemabawk Corps Band, Officers,SC,ET,LOs,Staffs,Div.Songsters, allSeniorandJuniorSoldier,etc.etc
Contingentno.11 TripuraDistrict.
FlagBearer(DYS) DistrictPlacard, Vaivakawn Corps Band, Dinthar Corps Band, Zotlang Corps Band, Officers,SC,ET,LOs,Staffs, allSeniorandJuniorSoldier,etc.etc
Contingentno.12 Nepal.
FlagBearer(CONepal) Placard, Bethel Corps Band, Ramhlun Corps Band, Ramthar Corps Band, Officers,SC,ET,LOs,Staffs,allSenior andJuniorSoldier,etc.etc
FlagBearer Placard,Speakersandallteammembers
Open air Meeting (TerritorialStaffBand)
Leader: MajorSaitluangaLDO
Solo1:C.Lalnunsanga,Vaivakawn Solo2:LilyLalthakimi,Zotlang
Message: Colonel Lalhmingliana Territorial Commander
Prayer&Benediction: MajorSTDula
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Brief of The General's Visit to IET 2023
05 February 2023 (Sunday)
Public Meeting (Salvation Meeting) at R Dengthuama Indoor Stadium (06:30 to 09:00PM)
WorshipTeam: TheCaptainSingers
Leader: ColonelLalhminglianaTC
Song&Prayer: DrDanielChianghnunaQM,Secy.T.Council
Offertory: Lt.ColonelShamuMeiteiAuditor
Voteofthanks: DavidThannguraSecy.,Org.Committee
Response: Commissioner Rosalie Peddle WPWM
BibleReading: MajorNgurthansangaSailoChiefAcct.
Bible Message: The General
FinalSong: SAH442Ngaitehu!
Prayer&Benediction: CommissionerLalkiamlova
06 February 2023 (Monday)
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i. The General & Commissioner Rosalie Peddle – biographical information
The General and Commissioner Rosalie are officers of the Canada and Bermuda Territory, originating from the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
The General was a cadet of the Companions of Christ session (19751977) and Commissioner Rosalie the Overcomers Session (1974-1976). Having married in 1978, they have shared ministry in various appointments in corps, divisional headquarters and training college in their homeland of Canada.
Their first international service came in 2007 when the then Majors Peddle were appointed to the Northern Division in the New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa Territory. Promotion to Colonel and a change of country came in 2009 as the Peddles were appointed as Chief Secretary and Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministries in the United Kingdom and Ireland Territory.
July 2011 provided an opportunity to return to Canada, as Territorial Leaders. Commissioner Brian Peddle was appointed as Territorial Commander, and Commissioner Rosalie held simultaneous appointments as Territorial President of Women’s Ministries and Territorial Secretary for Spiritual Life Development.
An opportunity to serve at International Headquarters came in September 2014, with Commissioner Brian Peddle appointed as International Secretary and Commissioner Rosalie appointed as Zonal Secretary for Women’s Ministries for the Americas and Caribbean zone. It was 01 November 2015 when Commissioner Brian Peddle was
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appointed as Chief of the Staff, with Commissioner Rosalie appointed as World Secretary for Women’s Ministries.
Such international service has helped prepare them for the international leadership of The Salvation Army as General and World President of Women’s Ministries, which they have undertaken since 03 August 2018.
Commissioner Rosalie received her BA Biblical and Theological Studies in October 2007 from the William and Catherine Booth Bible College in Winnipeg. Both The General and Commissioner Rosalie are graduates of The Salvation Army’s Executive Leaders Programme from Simon Fraser University in Canada.
Outside of their ministry, The General and Commissioner Rosalie have a variety of interests. The General enjoys kayaking, cycling, hiking and fishing, while Commissioner Rosalie enjoys reading, cycling and hiking. Personal conversation with family and friends remains a priority, even in the midst of busy lives.
The General and Commissioner Rosalie share a strong sense of calling as Salvation Army officers, fuelled by their conviction that God continues to use The Salvation Army to impact our world. They are convinced of their responsibility to preach the gospel, encourage the saints and serve those in need. They fully embrace and celebrate the diversity of The Salvation Army, while sensing deeply the joy of leading an international Army that is unified through its calling to mission.
The General and Commissioner Rosalie have two daughters, Stephanie and Krista. Stephanie and her husband, Adam, are actively involved in the Sauble Christian Fellowship Community Church in Ontario. Krista and her husband, Tim, are Salvation Army officers, serving in Canada. Both The General and Commissioner Rosalie are delighted to have five grandchildren.
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ii. Biography – Captain Charles Chalrimawia, Private Secretary to The General
Captain Charles Chalrimawia is an officer of the India Eastern Territory. The captain was invited to complete his training college experience in the Canada and Bermuda Territory and was commissioned in 2011 as a member of the Ambassadors of Holiness Session. Following his return to the India Eastern Territory, he was appointed corps officer of Ebenezer Corps, with an additional appointment as Territorial Children’s Officer, Event and Hospitality, Public Relations and Projects Assistant at territorial headquarters.
In 2020, he was briefly Divisional Youth Secretary of the Southern Division until being appointed to International Headquarters in January 2021, where he served as Assistant Under Secretary for the South Asia Zonal Department. In July 2022, The General appointed Captain Chalrimawia to be his Private Secretary.
Born and brought up in a Salvation Army family in Mizoram (India Eastern Territory), Captain Chalrimawia has faithfully worked to prepare himself to serve whatever purposes God has laid out for his life. His deep love for Jesus finds him helping and ministering to people wherever he goes. He believes himself to be a simple instrument in the hands of a mighty God who uses him to share the love of Christ with others.
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iii. Hon'ble Chief Minister of Mizoram - Pu ZORAMTHANGA – biographical information
1. Father's Name: Darphunga(L)
2.Date&PlaceofBirth:Samthang, 13thJuly,1944
3. Present Address: Ramhlun Venglai, Aizawl
4. Permanent Address: Ramhlun Venglai
5. Educational Qualification: B.A(English Hons)
6 (a) Wife: Roneihsangi
(b) Children: 2 ( 1 son & 1 daughter)
7. Political Party Affiliation: Mizo National Front (MNF)
8. Position held: 1) MLA, 1987 – 1988 - Minister
2) MLA, 1989 – 1993
3) MLA, 1993 – 1998
4) MLA, 1998 – 2003 - Chief Minister
5) MLA, 2003 – 2008 - Chief Minister
9. Hobby: Badminton
10. Countries Visited: Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Germany, China, Pakistan, Iran, Italy, Switzerland, Afghanistan, Turkey
11. Date on which elected to the 8th Assembly: 28.11.2018
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Perching on the high hills of North Eastern corner India, Mizoram is a storehouse of natural beauty with its endless variety of landscape, hilly terrains, meandering streams deep gorges, rich wealth of flora and fauna. Flanked by Bangladesh on the west and Myanmar on the east and south. World-renowned for their hospitality, Mizos are a close-knit society with no class distinction andno discriminationongrounds ofsex.Theentiresociety isknitted together by a peculiar code of ethics ‘Tlawmngaihna’ an untranslatable term meaning on the part of everyone to be hospitablekind,unselfishandhelpfultoothers.
HistorianbelievesthattheMizosareapartthegreatwaveof the Mongolian race spilling over into the eastern and southern India centuries ago. Their sojourn in Western Burma, into which they eventually around seventh century, is estimated to last about two centuries. They came under the influence of the British Missionaries in the 9th century, and now most of the Mizos are Christians. The Missionaries introduced the Roman script for the Mizo language and formal education. The cumulative result is high percentage 95 % (as per National Sample Survey 1997-98) which is considered to be highestinIndia.
The Mizos area distinct community and the social unit was the village. Mizo Village is usually set on the top of a hill with the chief’s house at the centre and the bachelor’s dormitory called Zawlbuk, prominently. In a way the focal point in the village was the Zawlbuk where all young bachelors of the village slept. Zawlbuk was the training ground, and indeed, the cradle wherein the Mizo youth was shaped into a responsibility adult member of the society. Mizos practice what is known as ‘Jhum Cultivation’. They slash down the jungle,burnthetrunksandleavesandcultivatetheland.
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NortheastIndiaistheeastern-mostregionofIndiaconnected to East India via a narrow corridor squeezed between Nepal and Bangladesh. It comprises the contiguous Seven Sister States— Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland andTripura—andthe Himalayanstateof Sikkim. TheSiliguri Corridor in West Bengal, with an average width of 21 to 40 kilometres (13 to 25 mi), connects the North Eastern region with the mainland Indian sub-continent. The region shares more than 4,500 kilometres (2,800 mi) of international border (about 90 per cent of its entire border area) with China (South Tibet) in the north, Myanmar in the east, Bangladeshinthesouthwest,andBhutantothenorthwest.
The earliest settlers were Austro-Asiatic speakers, followed by Tibeto-Burmese and then by Indo-Aryans. Due to the bio- and crop diversity of the region the focus of current archaeological research has been on domestication of several important plants by early settlers. The 39 million people of Northeast India constitute about 3.8 per cent of the total population of the country (2001 census).Over68percentofthispopulation(26.64million)liveinthe stateofAssamaloneAccordingto2001census,thetotalliteracyrate of the population in the region at 68.5 per cent, with female literacy rateat61.5percent,ishigherthanthecountry’saverageof64.8per cent and 53.7 per cent respectively. There are variations in the literacy rates among different states with Assam, Arunachal Pradesh andMeghalayabelowthenationalaverage.
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iv. The Salvation Army in India Eastern Territory
Back in the early twentieth century Mr Kawlkhuma and a few close associates started a movement in their own peculiar fashion which resembles The Salvation Army. Mr Kawlkhuma was a God fearing man who zealously proclaimed the Good News, he found a true friendship in Mr Chalchhuna and together they undertook the ministryofwitnessingtoothersasmuchastheycould.Theybelieved they could form a group of ‘True Believers’. They have a kind of uniform army-greencoloredshirt having2 pockets inthe breast with red trimmings. They abstain from all intoxicants and tobaccos; they will not wear any trinkets. They uphold simple dress and purity.
Kawlkhuma used to say to his friends, ‘wherever we maybe, through ourbehaviourandactionpeopleshouldknowwearetruebelievers’.
It was the year 1915, Mr Dohnuna and Mr Leta, the first Mizo Matriculate helped and gave the Salvation ArmyDoctrine & Order & Regulations for Soldiers. They studied and found it very good.
KawlkhumawrotetoBoothTucker(FakirSingh),whoatthetimewas the leader of Salvation Army in India and they received a quick response from him. The letter says, ‘Send someone who can speak English, then we can have a talk’ which was a positive sign.
Kawlkhuma and Chalchhuna were selected to go in search of the Salvation Army in Simla. Mr Vanhlira, a plantation owner in Sairang village, the first donor in their quest, gave them Rs.60/- for their travelling.
MrKawlkhumaandMrChalchhunaleftforSimlaon18May1916and reached Simla on 28 May 1916, the summer headquarters of the then, Major Frederick deLatour Tucker (Fakir Singh), the leader of The Army in India in those days. They had discussion with The Salvation Army leaders and come to a good understanding. Unfortunately, after staying only two days in Simla, Mr Chalchhuna caught high-fever. He suffered for 16 days and was Promoted to
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Glory on 15 June 1916. While dying, he whispered, “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. May thy kingdom come in LushaiHills.”Thiswashislastspeech,asheardbyKawlkhuma.
Mr Kawlkhuma signed the Articles of War on 16 June 1916 at Simla THQ and became a Senior Soldier. He entered training college in Bombay and was commissioned on 12 December 1916. As the government could not give permission to the Salvation Army to start their work in Assam and nearby areas, Bombay Headquarters appointedhimtoworkinaCriminalSettlementinGorakpurU.P.and served there. But keeping in mind his call to work for Mizoram, he wrote to Commissioner Fakir Singh, ‘If I am kept away from working for my Mizoram, it will be against the will of God’, then, he was granted permission to return to Mizoram. He quickly packed and happilyheadedforMizoram.
He reached Aizawl on 26April 1917 (which is marked as the commencement of the Army works in Mizoram, IET), the very same day hundreds of young Mizos, recruited to fight alongside the British in the First World War, were to depart from Aizawl. Lt. Kawlkhuma enteredwithacapinwhich‘TheSalvationArmy’waswritten,worea red tunic, yellow lungi (wrap), yellow scarf. People of all sorts were gathering in the military ground at that time, and he encountered severe abuse from them. “Lord, thank you for equipping me with yourpowerandbringingmetoMizoramtoproclaimyourmessageto the people of Mizoram”, Kawlkhuma murmured a prayer, ‘Lord, I am thankful to know that, because of you I am encountering all this sham and laughter, all these mocking have put me closer to you. It makes me proud as you are going to use me to heal the whole of Mizoram’. He was then joined by his former associates who shared his beliefs andpractical Christianlifestyles. The groupcomposedof8 familiestotaling46members.on18April1919wheretheynumbered 52. In 1920, 6 soldiers were sent to Officer’s Training College including Mr Lalkaithanga whose Leadership role was prominent at
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the time of withdrawal of the Army works in Mizoram from the International Headquarters during 1923-1928. It was a hard time for the Salvation Army in Mizoram as Officers were called back by the Headquarters. Their strength has turned up to 670 at this time and survived the darkest period through the zeal of four members naming ‘Visitors Brigade’ who visited around anywhere to revive the ArmySpirit.
Four Mizo chiefs – Thuamluaia Sailo – Sawleng chief, Lalhleia Sailo –Ratu chief, Lalthima Sailo – Tlangpui chief and Thanzama Sailo –Thiltlang chief, each wrote a letter to General Bramwell Booth requestinghimtore-establishconnectionswiththeSalvationArmyin Mizoram. The General then, evoke the Headquarters in India to enquire the status of Salvationists in Mizoram and learned that they kept to their fight and were no hindrances for the other denominations. Even during this dark period, Self Denial Appeal was made and submitted to Headquarters every year. A connection was thenmadeagainwiththeCalcuttaHeadquartersin1928.
The Army continues to grow and expand to neighboring states amid hardships and oppressions. Work in Cachar District, Assam commencedinMarch26,1950,ManipurinMay23,1952,Meghalaya in January 25, 1979, Tripura in April 28, 1981, Sikkim in January 18, 1989,NagalandinNovember11,1992,ArunachalPradeshinJune17, 2002. It further expands to neighboring country Nepal which was officiallyopenedinApril26,2009andBhutaninJanuary5,2013.The Army in India Eastern became a District in 1928, Division in 1945, Province in 1973, Command in 1978, Region in 1985. The Salvation ArmyIndiaEasternbecameaseparateCommandinJune1,1991and elevatedtoaTerritoryinMarch28,1993.
The other significant programme which brought the territory to growth and development is the Outreach Mission Department. The Territorial Evangelical Ministry form evangelistic team under the
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Spiritual Life Development Office and brings Good News to every corner of the Territory. The Social Work endeavor is well known by the public through CHAN (Community Health Action Network) concentrating in community empowerment and vulnerable. The Territory has Staff Songsters andStaff Bandandalso running William Booth Memorial School of Music affiliated to Royal School of Music, London. Street Mission is running at full swing depicting a mobilized Army.
Since the beginning, pioneer officers have strived to become self support and from 1995, the Territory strives towards Self Support and various measures have been explored and implemented. India Eastern Territory marked the Centennial year 2017 to become fully SelfSupportTerritory.PlanandBudgetinghavebeendonetoachieve this and has been accepted by every Division Council and approved bytheTerritorialCouncil.
2022 Disposition shows a total membership of 60,799, 238 Corps, 146Societiesand19Outposts.Itisagiantleapfrom670membersin 1923. Praise be to the Almighty God who is ever present with the peopleandtheworkoftheSalvationArmyinIndiaEasternTerritory.
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1. Chhandamna tuipui th<k leh hmangaihna z^u (O Boundless Salvation)
1. Chhandamna tuipui th<k leh hmangaihna z^u, Krista’n v^n a\angin a rawn thlen ta a; Khawv>l pum tlan nan a thl^wnin a pe ta, T<nah a luang m>k e, min lo bual ve la.
2. Ka sual a tam a, a kai dum a th<k si, Inchhira ka \ahna mittui a tam si; |ah mai a s^wt lo, i thisen tuipui chuan, Tunah min bual la, chuan ka fai thei ngei ang.
3. Ka thinchhiatna leh ka ch^kna sualte hian, Ka thlarau phuarin a tihsual luihtir fan; Chhandamna ka hmu, mals^wmna tuipuian, Tuipui th<k, lo kal la, min bual fai ve la.
4. Thl>mna leh hlauhawmin tunah min hual v>l, Engmah lovin chu chen ka lo inhman chu; Vawikhat tal tuikhur hlua min bual ve chuan, Mathei lovin \hatna ka hmu ngei ang chu.
5. Aw zahngaihna tuipui, ngaiin ka thlir che, I nunna tui mak tak luipui kamah chuan; Aw faina tuipui, tunah ka thleng leh che, Min khuh hma chuanin aw, ka kirsan tawh lo’ng.
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6. Tunah a lo luangin tuif^wn ka thleng a, Chhandamtu chak tiin au aw ka hria a; Ka rin a \hang lian, chhandam ka lo ni a, Tui chh<ngah ka bual a, min lo tl>ng ta a.
7. Tunah halleluiah! ka hun la awm chu, L^wm takin a hming fak nan ka hmang tawh ang; Mals^wmna tuipui th<k a rawn thlen t^k chu, Chhandamna t^wp thei lo, i tan leh ka tan.
2. Mei tir la (Send the Fire)
1. Nang Krista k^ng fai thianghlimtu, mei t$r la; I chhandamna thl^wn p>k kan ng>n, mei t$r la. Ngh^ktute hi min rawn en la, Thlarau Thianghlim tiam min pe rawh; Penticost n$ thlen leh kan duh, mei t$r la.
2. Elija Pathian kan au che, mei t$r la; Thih thlenga min hruai dik t<rin, mei t$r la, Sualna zawng zawng k^ng f^i t<r leh, Ênna ropui rawn thlen t<rin; Siam thar lehna chu \an t<rin, mei t$r la.
3. V^n Mei ngei chu kan ngai, kan d$l, mei t$r la; Chu chuan kan mamawh zawng a pe, mei t$r la, Kan chak theih n^n tidik t<r leh, Indona min hnehsak turin. Nun thianghlima kan nun theih n^n, mei t$r la.
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4. Min tichaka tihuai t<rin, mei t$r la; Khawv>l thi m>k chhandam t<rin, mei t$r la.
I maich^mah hian kan inhl^n, T<nah ngei hian min hmu ang che; Inhlanna hi nemnghet t<rin, mei t$r la.
1. Nang Krista k^ng fai thianghlimtu, Mei rawn t$r la;
I chhandamna thl^wn p>k kan ng>n, Mei rawn t$r ang che. Ngh^ktute hi min rawn en la, Thlarau Thianghlim tiam min pe rawh;
Penticost n$ thlen leh kan duh, Mei rawn t$r ang che, Vawiin ngeiah hian.
2. Elija Pathian kan au che, Mei rawn t$r la;
Thih thlenga min hruai dik t<rin, Mei rawn t$r ang che.
Sualna zawng zawng k^ng f^i t<r leh, Ênna ropui rawn thlen t<rin;
Siam thar lehna chu \an t<rin, Mei rawn t$r ang che, Vawiin ngeiah hian.
3. V^n Mei ngei chu kan ngai, kan d$l, Mei rawn t$r la;
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Chu chuan kan mamawh zawng a pe, Mei rawn t$r ang che.
Kan chak theih n^n tidik t<r leh, Indona min hnehsak turin. Nun thianghlima kan nun theih n^n, Mei rawn t$r ang che, Vawiin ngeiah hian.
4. Min tichaka tihuai t<rin, Mei rawn t$r ang che.
Khawv>l thi m>k chhandam t<rin, Mei rawn t$r ang che.
I maich^mah hian kan inhl^n, T<nah ngei hian min hmu ang che; Inhlanna hi nemnghet t<rin, Mei rawn t$r ang che, Vawiin ngeiah hian.
3. Ngaiteh u! ram tin (Hark hark my soul)
1. Ngaiteh u! ram tin, in tin, hmun tinah chuan, Do ch^kna aw a thang v>l e, ngai r’u; Thu dik ropui a ni, an puandarhte chu, Indona lian sual hneh hlen theihna chu.
Chhandamna sipai, Pathian sipai, Hneh t<rin kal r’u, thisen leh mei nenin. (2)
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2. Hmalam kan pan, khawv>lin kan ^w ngai r’u, Isuan a ko che u, lo kal rawh u; Thim hnuaia \hute chuan, a aw ngaithla r’u, V^kv^ite chu in nuamah a hruai ang.
3. Hla takah chuan, khawpui r$ angin min ko, |hatna a khat zal>nna puang t<rin; An chhuak ang, nun s^ng tam tak i ke bulah, An k<nna t<r, aw, ka Lalpa duhtak.
4. Indona rei mah sela, hnehtute chu, Thim a kiang ang, ri l^wmawm a chhuak ang; Chhandamnain indona kan zo ang a; A tl^wm tawh ang a, setana ram chu.
4. Ka Lalpa n>na ram la t<rin (Victory is mine)
1. Ka Lalpa n>na ram la t<rin, R^l k^p t<rin hma lam ka pan; Hm>lmate chu tam hle mah sela, Lalpa ka chakna a ni.
R^l k^p t<rin hma lam ka pan z>l d^wn, Mi tam tak z^m mah sela; Ka lamah Pathian a \ang tih ka hria, Chu chu ka huai chhan.
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2. Krista sipaia inpe t<rin, Tu mah tling lo r>ng an awm lo; Rinawm taka amah pawmtu chu, Krista pasal\ha a ni.
3. Pathianin a sipai rinawm t<r, A ram la t<rin min ko ve; Huai taka r^l dotu ka nih chuan, Chawimawina ka chang ngei ang.
4. Nangni lal sipaite hlau suh u, In hmahruaitu chu a rinawm; Hm>lmate chu hr^ng hle mah sela, Hnehna chu in ta a ni.
5. Haleluiah! aw, haleluiah! Haleluiah! haleluiah!
Hnehna ka chang ta, Lalpa z^rah, Lalpa l^wmthu ka hrilh che
5. Dote hneh t<ra p^wl siam kan ni (We shall win)
1. Dote hneh t<ra p^wl siam kan ni, Lalber chaknain kan do phawt chuan; Thlarau ng<nhn^m kan hman chuan kan hria, Mi sualte Isua hn>n kan thlen ang.
Kan hneh ngei ang ka ring, Lalber chaknain kan do phawt chuan.
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2. Hun kal tawhah te kan hneh tawh bawk, Tin, hm>lma chu kan <m darh tawh bawk; Lal t^n t^wp thlengin kan do ngei ang, Thlarau ng<nhn^m chu kan hmang ngei ang.
3. Kan dote an chakin an huai thei, R^l thu a zualin a hlauhawm thei; Mahse Lalbere chuan a hneh vek thei, Mangan n$ah kan kiangah a awm.
4. Lalber Isua hmingin kan do vang, Kan puanz^rte kan thing pharh ang a; Thildik leh Pathian t^n kan do vang, Tin, Setana ram kan p^wng l^k ang.
6. Nang leh kei leh Krista an ngai (They need me, they need you, they need Christ)
1. Khawv>l tuarna hnuaiah mi tam tak an awm, Nang leh kei leh Krista an ngai a!
Naupang \ap m>k thl>mtu neilo te an awm, Nang leh kei leh Krista an ngai a!
Hrehawm tuarin khawv>lah an kal z>l a, Beiseina nung nei lovin an liam z>l a; Kan \anpui loh chuan tuarin an liam z>l ang, Nang leh kei leh Krista chu an ngai.
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2. Mi tam tak nun aia thih thlangtu an awm, Nang leh kei leh Krista an ngai a!
An v>la Kristian ten an kalp>l z>l a, Nang leh kei leh Krista an ngai a!
An beiseina chhangtu reng an awm si lo, Nat leh ril\am tuarin hnutchhiahin an awm, Mahni nun inla, chhan hriatloh an pung z>l, Nang leh kei leh Krista chu an ngai!
3. Nawhchizuar leh lungin t^ng pawh an awm m>k, Nang leh kei leh Krista an ngai a!
Hmangaihna dawng lovin tam tak an \hanglian, Nang leh kei leh Krista an ngai a!
Pawisa khelh hmang hausak mangphantu an awm, Rawlthar ruihhlo ngai thil r<k hrehlo te leh
Tleit$r humsual d^i, inthup, pawisak awm lo, Nang leh kei leh Krista chu an ngai!
4. Tl^nbo m>k kalna tur hrelo te an awm, Nang leh kei leh Krista an ngai a!
Ruihhlo ngaih vanga hriatna hlauhtu an awm, Nang leh kei leh Krista an ngai a!
Kawngbo m>k Lalpa nei si lo tam tak ten, Min hriattir ngam lo Lalpa an mamawhzia, Keini kan ngawihreng chuan an bo kumkhua ang, Krista chhandamna chu nei lo-in!!
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7. Aw, khawngaihtu Pathianin (My life shall praise the Lord)
1. Aw, khawngaihtu Pathianin, Kan thinlung chh<ngah hian; Thlarau min p>k l^wmna hi, Khawv>l finin a zo lo ve.
Mifing mihrinna hianin, A ngaihtuah chhuak zo lo va che, Ka Chhandamtu, i thur<k hi.
2. A th<kin a va s^ng em, Khawv>l fin zawng aiin! Pathian hmangaihna thu hi, V^n leh khawv>lan a khat e.
3. Aw, kei mi sual bo hnu hi, A khawngaihna z^rah; Thlarau min pe, nunna hi, Aw, ka nunna, Lalpa fak rawh.
8. Thlarau Thianghlim rawn t$r ang che (Send the Holy Spirit)
1. Thlarau Thianghlim rawn t$r ang che, Lalpa Isua hmingin; Kan rilruah ch>ng reng rawh se, A thiltih mei angin.
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2. Pentikos n$a a thlenin, Unaute a \anpui; Chutin an sual chhun ang hriain, Mipui an lo pakai.
3. Chutichuan, i rawng b^wl theih n^n, Thlarau hi kan ng>n chiam; Min p^wl, zirt$r, min thlamuan ang, V^n a thlen hma loh chuan.
4. Thil dang kim hmu mah ilangin, Hei hi kan la ch^kkhai; Sual ent$r n^n min pui t<rin, Thlarau chauh a \angkai.
9. Aw fak r’u, Pathian Ber^mno (Praise ye the Lamb of God)
1. Aw fak r’u, Pathian Ber^mno, Kalvari-a thi kha; Nangmah leh keimah min tlan n^n, A thisen a chhuak ta.
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Thisenin, thisenin, Min tlan ta, Ber^mno thisenin; Min tlan ta, min tlan ta, Ber^mno, haleluiahh! fak r’u.
2. Aw, Lalpa hmangaih ropui chu, A hausak ren rual loh;
S^ng tam tak a pe tawh, kei pawh Mals^wmna chu min pe.
3. Haleluiahh! ropuina chu, Am^n nei kumkhua se;
Khawv>l sual leh kei chu Kristan
Thisen hlu chuan min tlan.
10. Hming dang zawng zawng aiin (The sweetest name)
1. Hming dang zawng zawng aiin, A mawi ber, Lal Isu-a; Sual z$ng ata min tlan, En rawh v^n lal\hutthlengah Ro a r>l m>k e.
Rinin han thl$r ila, L^wmna p^r leh a hmangaihna z^m v>lah, Aw, lungduh zawng tual l>ng ang maw?
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2. Aw, ka thlarau v^kv^i, I Lal i hmu lo vem ni?
En rawh Zion fate, Chatuan ram ropui panin
An la kal m>k e.
3. Sual thim hian ram ropui
Leh ka Lalpa hm>l a hliah; Pialr^l kalna ka bo, Thlarau, min hruai rawh lungngaih
Na a f^wn v>l e.
11. Ni ropui a lo thleng d^wn ta (The day is arriving)
1. Ni ropui a lo thleng d^wn ta, Kan nghah Lal Imanuel; Sual leh ramhuai tl^wmna n$ chu, Chhandam fate kan zal>nna t<r chu.
Chumi hunah chuan hlimin ka z^i ang, Lal ram buatsaih chatuan hmun ka chang ve ang a; Aw, a va nuam d^wn >m! aw, a va hlimawm d^wn >m! Hlim t^wp hlau lovin ka l>ng ang.
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2. Engtikah nge ni ang Lalpa, Hnehna n$ kan hmuh hun t<r? Thl^wkin Jordan ka lo k^i a, I t^n v^n arsi angin ka >n ang?
3. A ni tak e, chatuan Lalpa, I khawpui siamtharah chuan; I thisena i lei tawh te, ‘Ka hn>nah lo kal r’u,’ i tih \hin kha.
4. Aw khawpui thar, i mawi mang e, I chh<ngah hnehtu an l>ng; An hnehna hla thar sak t<r chu, Khawv>l ral hun at^n an dah ta e.
12. N$ tin Isua ka thinlungin (I love Jesus more)
1. N$ tin Isua ka thinlungin ka hmangaih deuh deuh va, Amah chu ni >ng ai pawhin a mawi z^wk >m >m a; Amah chu ka t^na mawina ropui ber a lo ni, N$ tin a hma aiin a lo mawi deuh deuh z>l a ni.
A \hen pawh kan hre thei lo, He lui kam a\ang hian; Aw, tah chuan a hma aiin, A mawi zual z>l t<r a ni.
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2. Hla taka ka hmuhin a ropuinain min >n a, Lili p^r mawi leh v^rparh arsi aia >ng a ni; Ka duhnate a tikhatin a til^wm deuh deuh va, N$ tin a hma aiin a lo mawi deuh deuh z>l a ni.
3. Ka rilru a lo chauh hunin aman min \anpui \h$n, Ka hrehawm laiin aman a ^ngchh<ngah min pawm \h$n; Krista, ka sual zawng zawng phurtu kha ka hmangaih a ni, N$ tin a hma aiin a lo mawi deuh deuh z>l a ni.
13. Lal Isua chaknaa innghatin (Lean upon His arms)
1. Lal Isua chaknaa innghatin, A \anpui ang che, a pui ang che; A hmangaih thl^wn lo i rin tlat chuan A z^i hlimt$r ang che.
A chakna leh a hmangaih ring la,
A chakna leh a hmangaih a lang;
A chakna leh v^n in khi en la, Chhandamtu chu i hmu ang.
2. Lal Isua chaknaa innghatin, Kawng a ti>ng ang, a ti>ng ang; A hruainaah che l^wma zuiin, A aw n>m ^wih z>l la.
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3. Lal Isua chaknaa inghatin, I buaina pe rawh, amah pe rawh; I phur chu rit >m mah selangin, Lal hn>nah \awng\ai rawh.
4. Lal Isua chaknaah inghat la, I engkim pe la, engkim pe la; Hmangaih leh khawngaihin a khat e, A ensan lo vang che.
5. Lal Isua chaknaah inghat la, Kan mamawh a pe, mamawh a pe; Tu pawh Chhandamtua neite t^n, |hian takzet a lo ni.
14. Nitin hian (Everyday)
1. Ka nunna I tlan a Boralna lak ata, Hlima kan awm min kalsan lo, Thinlung na a rum pawh Hmangaihtu thian tha ber chu.
Ka tan I thatna leh malsawmna Chiangte’n ka dawn hianin, Nang fak lo hian ka mawi silo maw Nang hmangaih zual zelin Nitin hian, Nitin hian…
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2. Ka thinlung duhzawngte, Min pek I thulh silo, A dawhthleng zawk min siam remin
Chu chu ka tan hianin, A tha si, a tha ber si…
3. Vanhnuai thil engkim hi, Silhpuan chulhnu ang hian, Thlakin ala awm dawn ani, Nang erawh pangngai reng, Ropui ber, Aw ropui ber…
15. Kan thinlung kan hlan a che (We give our Heart to You)
1. He khawvel zawng leh a ropuina te, Vana arsi zawng zawngte nen;
Mita hmuh theih leh hmuh phak lo te nen, A kut chhuak an lo ni vek si; Tui thuk tak chhungah te, Lei hnuai ril berah a ropuina a in phum si!
Engvang hian nge maw aw; Hringmi hmangaih a, Kan tan a nun a rawn hlan le?
Aw I hmaah kan lo kun e, kan rawn hlan a che, Kan thiamna zawng zawng te hi, Aw, I hnenah, I hnenah chauh; Kan thinlung hi kan rawn hlan a che, Kan thinlung hi kan rawn hlan a che.
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2. Hringmi’n ropuina a tih zawng te leh, A ngaihlut thil tinrengte hi;
Thil hlu a tih leh a ngaihsan thil te;
Mawina leh sanna zawng zawng te;
Kan Pathian hmangaihna chhanletna turin, Thil hlu tawk reng a awm lo ve;
Kan thiam kan theihna leh
Kan nunna zawng pawh
Hlan zo ila a hen si lo.
16. Min hmangaih loh i thei lo (You cannot stop loving me)
1. Awm thei lo, I awm lohna hmun
Awm lohna I nei silo; Nangmahah engkim intanin, Hun leh ni I thuhnuaiah; Rorelna I kut a awmin, I hriatpui loh engmah a awmlo; Engkim chungah meuh leng mah la; Min hmangaih I thulh thei lo.
Engkimtithei, Aw Ropui ber, Engkim chungah leng mah ila; Hei hi erawh I thei mawlh silo, Min hmangaih loh I thei lo; Hmangaihtu mak, Hmangaihtu ril ber I ni.
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2. Chunglam khian an tarlang fo thin, I roipui namen loh zia; Hnuailam hian an tarlang fo thin, I themthiam ril ropui zia; Hringmi theihna lo san zual leh, A siamtu ropui an tarlang; Engkim hmangin puang tawh mah la, Tunah kan fiah seng mawlh lo.
3. Kraws ai hian tlawm zawk awm se, Bawlhhlawh zawk, tenawm zawk se; Aw Lalpa, I thlang tho hian maw Ka ring thin kei min tlan nan; Kan hlu asin I tan hian aw, Lalpa a mak ka ti thin!
Kraws meuh hmangin puang tawh mah la, Min hmangaih fiah zo nem maw.
17. Ka thlang nawn zel fo vang che (I wil keep on choosing You)
1. Engkim kalsanin I kraws ka vuan a, Engkim chan huamin I hnung ka zui a; Engkim tawh huamin duhthlanna ka hlan che, Engpawh thleng sela I rawng chauh bawl turin.
Thlan nahawm ber, thiantha ber, Lal ropui ber, Lungchhirna reng ka nei lo aw I hnung zui hi; Engdang zawng aia thlan ngam ilo ni e, Aw Isu, ka thlang nawn zel fo ang che.
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2. Ka kalsan khawvel ro aia hlu zawk, Ka tan I hlan, ui chinlem nei lovin; Ka phak ngai loh ramnuam min chuan kai tirin, Ka tawn ngai loh nun hlimna min pe zawk si.
3. I vohbik duhsakna min hlan zawngte I malsawm ka dawn lei rohlu zawng nen; Inthawina nung hlan turin ka inpumpek, I lawm tlak rimtui an lo chang mawlh rawh se.
18. Ka inpumpek e (I surrender all)
1. I hnenah ka inpumpek e, Lawm takin ka pe a che; Hmangaihin nang ka ring che a, Ka phatsan tawp lo vang che.
Ka inpumpek e (2) Nangma hnenah aw Lal Isu; Ka inpumpek e.
2. I hnenah ka inpumpek e, I ke bulah bawkkhupin; Khawvel lawmna ka kalsan e, Aw Isu, min nei ang che.
3. I hnenah ka inpumpek e, I taah min siam ang che ; Thlarau Thianghlimin min thuam la, Chatuanin I ta ka ni.
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4. I hnenah ka inpumpek e, I taah min siam ang che; Hmangaihnain min chhungkhat la, Malsawmna min vur ang che.
5. Aw Lal Isu, mi dangte pawh, I ke bula hruai turin; Khawngaih takin min hmang ve rawh, Chu chu ka chak ber fo thin.
19. I temple thianghlim ka ni ang (I will be your holy Temple)
1. I temple thianghlim ka ni ang, I chenna hmun thianghlima'n Ka thutiam daltu an awm lo’ng I thupek thianghlim a ni. Lalpa, min nei rawh, Ka pumin ka inhlan e; Ka neih zawng nen ka rawn inpe, Aw Lalpa, min lo pawm rawh.
2. I ropuina chauh ka zawng ang, Min kohna thianghlim chhangin; Thutiamte tunah titharin, Ka pumin ka inhlan e.
3. Hun leh hriselna leh theihna A zain nei vek ang che; Thinlung leh duhna ka pe che, Ka ta an ni ngai tawh lo’ng.
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4. Khawngaihna thinlung min pe la, Hmangaihna tihnun ngei kha; I ke bula thlarau hruai a, I khawngaih ngahzia hmu-a’n.
20. I hun tithianghlim la (Take time to be holy)
1. I hun tithianghlim la, Lalpa pawl fo rawh, Amah chu kumkhuain ring tlat zel ang che; Pathian fate thian la, chak lo tanpuiin, Ama malsawmna chu I lo chan theih nan.
2. I hun tithianghlim la, khawvel a ral mek, I hun hlu zawng zawngte Isua tan hmang rawh; Amah I an theih nan Isua en fo rawh, I thiltih zawng zawngah Amah ang turin.
3. I hun tithianghlim la, I hruaitu ni se, A hnen atang chaunin vak bo tawh suh la; Lungngaih leh lawm laiin Amah chu zui la, Isua lam en fovin a thu ring tlat rawh.
4. I hun tithianghlim la, I rilru zawng nen, I ngaihtuah apiangte Ama thu thu in; Hmangaih tuikhur hluah Aman a hruai ang, Van lamah Ama rawng I bawl thei thuai ang.
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21. Lalpa ka pan che (Lord I come to you)
1. Lalpa ka pan che, thinlung thar min siam ang che; Khawngaihna lo luang I hnen atang khan, Lalpa ka pan che, ka chak lohna zawng zawngte hi; Min laksak dawn ka hria, I hmangaih ropui chuan.
Min pawmin hmangaihin min veng la, I kiangah min lo kai ang che, Ka duhsam ber mupui ang hian sang takah; I ruala thlawk chhovin Thlarauvin min hruai se, I hmangaih ropui chuan.
2. Ka mit tivar la, I hmel ngei min hmuhtir la; I hmangaih hriatna chu keimahah a nung. Rilru thar min pe la, I duh ang ngeiin ka nun hi, Langchhuak se nitinin, I hmangaih ropui chuan.
22. Thinglung Isua ka hlan (I bring my heart to Jesus)
1. Thinlung Isua ka hlan a, hlauhna nen, Buaina leh hriatnate mittui nen; Amah zawngin a hmu malsawmna; Hmangaih leh khawngaihin a chawl ta, Amah nen thinlunga inpawlin, Then lovin. (2)
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2. Ka nun Isua ka hlan a, buaina nen, A ke bulah dahin ka kalsan; A hlutna a thlawnin a chuai ta, Amah lovin dam man a awm lo; Amah hi hmangaih, nunna, muanna, Reh lovin (2)
3. Ka sual Isua ka pe a, dil chungin A thisenin sual zawng tleng turin; A ke bulah zahngaih ka dil a, Mittui nen ka dil nawn fo thin a; Isua a nung a, a ngaidam ta, Tih min hrilh (2)
4. Ka neih zawng nen ka kal a, a hnenah Sual tlenfai nih ka chak a hria a; Maicham hmaah engmah zep lovin, A kraws tuarna bulah ka tlan a, Tin, van mei lo kalin min chhuah ta, Ka dam ta! (2)
23. Isuan min hmangaih ka hria (Yes Jesus loves me)
1. Isuan min hmangaih ka hria, Baibulin min hrilh si a; Naupangte a ta kan ni, A ban chakin min pawm hi.
Isuan min hmangaih (3) Min hmangaih kumkhuain.
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2. Isuan min hmangaih a ni, Van kawng hawng turin a thi; Ka sualte a tleng fai ang, A ram nuamah min hruai ang.
3. Isuan min hmangaih si a, Damlo chak lo mah ila; Hlauhawma ka awm pawhin, Min vengin min thlamuan thin.
4. Isuan min hmangaih ka hria, Dam chhungin min awmpui ang; Amah ringin thi ila, Van inah min hruai chho vang.
24. Isuan naupangte a hmangaih (Jesus loves the little children)
1. Isuan naupangte a hmangaih, Thinlung hmangaihin a khat; Chhun leh zanin a veng fo va, A lalthutthleng atang chuan.
Isuan min hmangaih ka hria a, Amah ata chauh ka ni a; Isuan min hmangaih ka lawm a, Amahin min tlan a ni.
2. Engnge ka hlim chhan mi zawh chuan, Krista ka tana thi chu; Tin, Baibulin min hrilh bawk a, “Naupangte lo kal rawh u”.
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3. Isuan naupang dilna a hria, A lalthutthleng atang chuan
Lo kal rawh u, I fak ang u, Van ram phaiphulengte nen.
25. Hei hi Lalpa Ni ruat (This is the day)
Hei hi Lalpa, hei hi Lalpa
Ni ruat chu a ni, Ni ruat chu a ni.
Kan hlim ang a, kan hlim ang a
Kan lawm em em ang, kan lawm em em ang.
Hei hi Lalpa, Ni ruat chu a ni,
Kan hlim ang a, kan lawm em em ang
Hei hi Lalpa, hei hi Lalpa, Ni ruat chu a ni.
Hei hi Lalpa, hei hi Lalpa
Thawhleh Ni a ni, Thawhleh Ni a ni.
Kan hlim ang a, kan hlim ang a
Kan lawm em em ang, kan lawm em em ang.
Hei hi Lalpa, Thawhleh Ni a ni,
Kan hlim ang a, kan lawm em em ang
Hei hi Lalpa, hei hi Lalpa, Thawhleh Ni a ni.
Hei hi Lalpa, hei hi Lalpa
Thlarau thlenna Ni, Thlarau thlenna Ni.
Kan hlim ang a, kan hlim ang a
Kan lawm em em ang, kan lawm em em ang.
Hei hi Lalpa, Thlarau thlenna Ni,
Kan hlim ang a, kan lawm em em ang
Hei hi Lalpa, hei hi Lalpa, Thlarau thlenna Ni.
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