One Army Youth Book - Introduction

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Note to youth leaders This material can be delivered in a single session. However, by using the additional resources listed at the end, or those recommended on the website, it can be extended over more sessions. We haven’t included suggested timings because much will depend on the age, understanding and size of each group. For some of the activities in the series, advanced preparation and materials are required. See also the Leader’s Manual for other ideas that could be adapted.



ONELIFETOLIVE ONE LIFE – it is the same for all of us. We are each given one life – just one (see page 06 of the Introduction in this booklet).

think about these questions with the others in your group: What one thing would you like to have achieved by the end of your life? What career would you like to have – or how would you like to support yourself and your family – when you are older? to make it fun – you may like to mime your answers and see if other members of the group can work them out. Then talk together about the similarities or differences between you. We’re all different – no two lives are the same. Each of us is unique. And each of us has only one life to live.

one life

– to live one

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ONELIFEWILLIAMBOOTH The story of WILLIAM BOOTH is an inspiring one (see page 08 of the Introduction). How much do you know about his life? Try this true or false quiz. William Booth’s achievements turned out to be spectacular. As a teenager he would never have imagined that! Although he was just one man, millions of people around the world thank God for his life. In twos or threes try to imagine what could happen if God had ‘all there is of you’.

TRUE OR FALSE? 1. 2. 3. 4.

William Booth was born in 1829. He was married to Catherine Dadford. His favourite drink was tea. After he married Catherine he became a Baptist minister. 5. He felt God’s call to preach to the poor of London’s East End outside the famous St Paul’s Cathedral. 6. When William Booth heard that men were living homeless in London his response was, ‘that is very sad but there’s nothing we can do to help’. 7. William and Catherine had nine children. 8. The Salvation Army was established in 28 countries at the time of his death. 9. His memorial service at Olympia was attended by 35,000 people. 10. He was in his teens when he wrote in his diary: ‘God shall have all there is of William Booth’.

Answers to Quiz: 1.True – his birthday was 10 April. 2.False – Catherine Mumford and William Booth married in 1855. 3.True – he was said to like it hot! 4.False – he became a Methodist minister. 5.False – it was outside The Blind Beggar public house, which is still in Whitechapel today. 6.False – in fact he told his son Bramwell ‘to go and do something’ about it! 7.True – two of them eventually became Generals of The Salvation Army: Bramwell and Evangeline. 8.False – when he died in 1912 the Army had spread to 58 countries. 9.True – in fact 65,000 people also passed by his coffin in 1912. 10.True. one life

– william booth one

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ONELIFEJESUSCHRIST There is ONE LIFE that stands above all others – the life of Jesus (see page 10 of the Introduction). No one else even comes close to comparing with him. He was full of love, justice, compassion, selflessness and wisdom. He gave his life to save the world. When we put Jesus’ one life at the centre of our one life then we, too, can achieve spectacular things! Before you open the Bible, think about what you already know about Jesus. Stand in a circle and throw an object from personto-person (a ball would be ideal). When you receive the object it is your turn to say something about Jesus that inspires you.

Now take a look at the following Bible verses: Luke 9:23, 24; John 3:16, 17; John 10:10; Philippians 2:5-11. After you’ve read each one, ask these questions in your group: What do these verses tell us about Jesus? How can these verses guide the way you live your one life?

one life

– jesus christ one

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ONELIFEONECHURCH ONE CHURCH – those who put Jesus at the centre of their life have the joy of being part of a worldwide Christian family – the Church (see page 12 of the Introduction). This family extends across national borders, culture, ethnicity, age and gender – to the very ends of the earth. Our one life is now bound together with millions of other lives. As a symbol of being connected with others who put Jesus at the centre of their lives, make a ‘one Church’ bracelet. Discuss with your group how you want to make it. You will need to decide what material to use, what will make it look good and how it symbolises your commitment to God together. One suggestion is to have three different coloured strands of material woven together (you could use the yellow, red and blue colours of The Salvation Army!). One could represent your one life, another Jesus and the third the worldwide Christian family. Be as creative as you can. When you have made your bracelet put it on and wear it with pride! one life

– one church one

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Imagine if young people all around The Salvation Army world made bracelets like this. What might the bracelets look like in different countries and different places? There is a way we can find out the answer to this! If you are able to, take a photo of yourself or group wearing your bracelets and ask your leader to upload them on to the ‘One Army’ website at: youth or send the photo to: One Army Youth, The Salvation Army, International Headquarters, 101 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4V 4EH.


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ONELIFEONEARMY THE SALVATION ARMY operates in more than 125 countries around the world. Whilst each country has its own culture and way of doing things, there are many uniting factors that bring us together as ‘one Army’ (see page 14 of the Introduction). One particular feature is our commitment to ‘others’. We do not exist simply for ourselves but for all people, as an army of peace, justice and love. Write the word ‘others’ on a large piece of paper and have it placed in the centre of your group. Have a moment of quiet where you stand around the paper and then, when you are ready, write on the paper – or speak out loud – the names of people you know who are not connected with The Salvation Army but whom you would like to bring before God in prayer. You could mention individuals and families by name or particular groups of people in need. Finish this time by praying together for the people mentioned and ask God to help us to be ‘one Army – for all’. one life

– one army one

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If you have space where you meet, you may like to pin the piece of paper on the wall as a reminder to keep praying for others. As this series develops, there will be further opportunities to build up a ‘prayer wall’, session-by-session. MATERIALS NEEDED A LARGE SHEET OF PAPER SEVERAL COLOURED PENS

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Use this space for notes made from page 12.


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HOMEWORK Set yourself a task to be completed by the time your group meets again. Ask everyone in the group to join in so that next time you meet you can all talk about it and find out how you got on. Decide on one of these three ideas: 1. Do some research into William Booth’s life. Find out some more interesting facts about him and then test the others in your group to see how much they know. See the Additional Resources opposite for some suggestions of a DVD and books to get you started. 2. Show and explain your ‘one Church’ bracelet to five friends this week. Tell them why you made it and what it represents. Listen carefully to their reactions and be ready to share these with the group next time. 3. Write down a list of ‘others’ who you would like to pray for. Update the list as new names and people come into your mind. Remember to pray for them regularly. CREATIVE WORSHIP IDEA Write down on a piece of paper one word that describes what you are most thankful to God for in your life. Place the paper on the floor, along with those of other members of your group, and spread them around the room. Move from one paper to another, pausing to thank and praise God for what has been written down as you step on each one. You could even have music playing and pause it when it is time to move to another piece of paper! FURTHER BIBLE STUDY MATERIAL Here are some Bible verses that describe Jesus and his mission: Matthew 9:9-12; Luke 4:14-19; John 8:12; John 17:20-26. Compile a list of single words taken from these verses that illustrate Jesus’ character and purpose. Then discuss with others how these words could be incorporated into the way we live our lives today.



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RECOMMENDED RESOURCES FOR THE SERIES BOOKS The Bible The Salvation Army Year Book, Salvation Books, IHQ What and Why We Believe, Harry Dean, Salvation Books, IHQ From Generation to Generation, Robert and Janet Street, Salvation Books, IHQ The Life and Ministry of William Booth, Roger Green, Abingdon Press Never the Same Again, Shaw Clifton, Crest Books The Common People’s Gospel, Gunpei Yamamuro, Salvation Books, IHQ Holiness Unwrapped, Robert Street, Australia Eastern Territory Born Again In The Spirit, Kapela Ntoya, Salvation Books, IHQ DVD Our People – The Remarkable Story of William and Catherine Booth and The Salvation Army, Australia Eastern Territory



RECOMMENDED RESOURCES FOR THIS UNIT BOOKS They Gave Their Lives, Alan Bateman, Salvation Books, IHQ Unsung Heroes, Derek Elvin, Salvation Books, IHQ DVD A Life Worth Living – from Drug Addict to Salvation Army Officer, Australia Eastern Territory Check with your own territorial or command headquarters for youth resources to add to this list. What resources would you add? Let us know by emailing or visit onearmy/resources Don’t forget that more ideas are in the Leader’s Manual. Some books are available in different languages. Please ask. additional resources

one rmy youth book

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