FAITH IN ACTION 04 SEPTEMBER 2021 | Issue 6775 | $1.50
Weaving Together Culture and Faith Northern Division Have a Blast at Youth Councils Go and Hear the Hearts of your Community
Building Awesome Mātua in Porirua
The Salvation Army responds to International Crises
WAR CRY The Salvation Army
New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa Territory TERRITORIAL LEADERS Commissioners Julie & Mark Campbell | GENERAL Brian Peddle | FOUNDERS Catherine
& William Booth
The Salvation Army’s message is based on the Bible. Our ministry is motivated by love for God. Our mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and meet human need in his name without discrimination. War Cry exists to support and advance The Salvation Army’s message, ministry and mission. EDITOR Vivienne Hill | GRAPHIC DESIGN Sam Coates, Nicole Gesmundo, Lauren Millington | STAFF WRITERS Holly Morton, Louise Parry, Bethany Slaughter | PROOF READING Major Colleen Marshall | COVER PHOTO Kevin and Sabrina David OFFICE Territorial Headquarters, 204 Cuba Street,
PO Box 6015, Marion Square, Wellington 6141, Phone (04) 384 5649, Email, SUBSCRIPTIONS Salvationist Resources Department, Phone
(04) 382 0768, Email, $75 per year within NZ PRINT MANAGEMENT | PAPER Sumo Offset
is an environmentally responsible paper produced using Elemental Chlorine Free (ECF) FSC® certified Mixed Source pulp from responsible sources and manufactured under the strict ISO14001 Environmental Management System. Member of the Australasian Religious Press Association. All Bible references from the Holy Bible, New International Version, unless otherwise stated. Articles are copyrighted to The Salvation Army, except where indicated, and may be reprinted only with permission. Publishing for 138 years | Issue 6775 ISSN 0043-0242 (print), ISSN 2537-7442 (online)
Many Facets of Ministry These recent weeks are once again a reminder that we live in uncertain and unpredictable times as we navigate the current pandemic. The title of this edition is ‘Stronger Together’ and the stories we present encompass our bi-cultural relationship as New Zealanders, our unity as Christians in Christ and also the outworking of ministry within The Salvation Army. The feature in this edition, written by Envoy Anihera Carroll, tells us of an earlier pandemic, the Spanish flu, and the devastation this brought to her grandmother’s family and following generations. Anihera also writes about the intersection of faith and culture as she stands in a place embracing both her Māoridom and her Christianity. We also celebrate Father’s Day in this edition, with a news article on the Building Awesome Mātua programme, recently offered for the first time from Porirua Corps. You will read of the success of this programme as it encourages men to further develop themselves into awesome fathers. I also recommend the heartwarming testimony of Petrina Sullivan, from Whangārei Corps, as she rolls up her sleeves and ministers to her wider community through waiata and manaakitanga (hospitality). Then there is Lisa Johnston, from Glenfield Corps, sharing her testimony of overcoming a life-threatening brain haemorrhage. I hope you will be blessed and encouraged by the inspiring stories of the people within our movement, and that you will find your spot in the waka and join us as we bring the life-giving message of salvation to the people in New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa. Vivienne Hill Editor
The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.
Albert Einstein
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2 WarCry 04 SEPTEMBER 2021
Psalm 3:8 From the Lord comes deliverance. May your blessing be on your people. Ngā Waiata 3:8 Nā Ihowā te whakaoranga: kei runga i tāu iwi tau manaaki.
t 11:27pm, on 22 January 2009, my life changed and would never be the same again. This was the exact time and date my daughter, Cholae, was born. It’s funny because no amount of planning or antenatal classes fully prepared me for this experience. Immediately after Cholae was born (after a short cuddle with Mum) they put her in a wheelie capsule and took the two of us to the hospital room, while they monitored my wife Karen for the next hour. On entering the room, the nurse proceeded to tell me that they were short-staffed that night, to keep an eye on Cholae for a while and if I needed help to push the red button. As I stood there looking at this beautiful baby that God had created, I felt an uneasy sense of responsibility—on a huge scale. I spent the next hour admiring this miniature human being but never once did that red button leave my line of sight. In that moment, I not only felt unqualified, but I also felt that enormous weight of responsibility settle on my shoulders. Twelve years on and we now have an 8-year-old and a 10-year-old as well as our 12-year-old, and you know what? I still feel unqualified, and that weight of responsibility hasn’t left me, it’s just not as heavy as it used to be. Why? Because I’m learning to let Jesus carry the bulk of the weight.
Being a father is not easy. There are moments when I get things wrong, when I get frustrated, when I react rather than respond and, if I’m not careful, the weight of fatherhood can sit uncomfortably on my shoulders. Jesus says in Matthew 11:28–30: ‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.’ Jesus not only offers to help with this load, but he also desires to help. I find my role as a father much easier when I’m doing this in partnership with Jesus. As soon as I try to take the load and responsibility on my own, I always drop something. Like most things, fatherhood requires a lifetime of learning. That said, I sit with the knowledge and comfort of knowing that Jesus is there every step of this journey, carrying this weight with me. I don’t know how this story will end, where my children will be in 15 or 20 years’ time or what they’ll be doing. What I do know is that Jesus offers all the help I’ll ever need, I simply need to accept that help and trust him one hundred percent. BY CAPTAIN SHAUN BAKER
04 SEPTEMBER 2021 WarCry 3
Beef and Paprika Meatballs 500g beef mince
1 tsp finely grated lemon rind
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp ground coriander
Salt and pepper, to season
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
2 ½ Tbsp olive oil
1 tsp smoked paprika ½ tsp dried oregano
Lemon zest, to garnish Mint, to garnish 200g cucumber and mint dip
In a large bowl, combine mince, cumin, coriander, garlic, paprika, oregano, lemon rind and juice. Season with salt and pepper. Roll mixture into teaspoon-sized balls. In a large frying pan, heat oil and cook meatballs in batches until golden and cooked through. Drain on a paper towel. To serve, pile onto a serving platter and garnish with lemon zest and mint. Serve with cucumber and mint dip on the side. Tip: You can use lamb mince instead of beef. Source:
It’s Father’s Day AND Māori Language Week, so here are five te reo verbs which you could use to describe what your dad does: 1. Mohimohi—to tend, nurse, care for or take care of 2. Whakakata/ whakakatakata— to amuse, make laugh 3. Mateoha—to be loving, affectionate, fond of 4. Hākinakina—to play sport, enjoy oneself 5. Moeroa—to oversleep, sleep in. 4 WarCry 04 SEPTEMBER 2021
Action, comedy, adventure Free Guy (PG) Directed by Shawn Levy Guy is a blue-shirt bank teller in Free City who discovers he’s also a background character in a video game. There is nothing particularly special about him, until one day a chance encounter sends him on a path of wild adventure. It’s hard not to enjoy the action or laughs as Guy explores his bright and colourful world, with a new perspective. While including modern themes of technology, meme culture and loads of CGI (computergenerated imagery), it doesn’t get in the way of the cast’s chemistry. This teenage popcorn flick has heart, and pokes lightly at the concept of what is real in life. The inevitable championing of positivity, encouragement, friendship and love will be too shallow to satisfy the critics, but at least it feels genuinely heartwarming. If viewers leave the movie having been both entertained and inspired to be better humans, job done. (Reviewed by Matt Gillon)
1 Duroc, Berkshire and Mangalica are breeds of which type of animal? 2 Which is the most northerly capital city in Europe? 3 In what year did Ghana become a republic? 4 In the TV series Cagney & Lacey, what were Cagney and Lacey’s first names? 5 In the Book of Acts in the Bible, who was Peter addressing when he spoke of Jesus as the cornerstone? Answers on page 22
Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn’t know you left open. John Barrymore
WHAT LOCKDOWN MEANS FOR YOUR 2021 ALTAR SERVICE GIFT Due to sudden New Zealand lockdown protocols, the 2021 Self Denial Appeal altar services, on 22 August, could not go ahead as originally scheduled. Corps will have the option to extend their altar service date for a further four weeks, to 19 September. People can also donate safely and securely online by following this link (identify your corps or centre via the dropdown box to contribute towards its total):
Women’s Ministries Brunch in Auckland On a beautiful, sunny, winter Saturday in Auckland, just over 70 women from around the region met together at the Albany Bays Corps for our divisional Women’s Ministries brunch. There were women of all ages from all corners of Auckland, including at least six mother and daughter pairings. SalvationArmySelfDenial/DonateSecure.aspx
Territorial Secretary for Overseas Development and Support Lt-Colonel Milton Collins thanks everybody who has already donated, and encourages continued prayer for the people and places eagerly awaiting these much-needed resources.
The food was fantastic—who doesn’t love a selection of pancakes, bacon, fresh fruit, cereals and toast? The décor divine—simple but beautiful table settings. The music marvellous—Mao, Xarya and Dom from Waitakere Corps sang a variety of songs as background music throughout the morning, which blessed everyone. The guest speaker—who was sensational—was Kerrie Palma, centre manager of Manukau Salvation Army Community Ministries. She brought a challenging message titled ‘Changing the World, One Choice at a Time’. Kerrie shared stories from her four years working in Kolkata, India, with Social Enterprise groups Freeset and Connexions, as well as drawing from her time working with Tearfund New Zealand. She encouraged us to consider how decisions we make every day, particularly around purchases, can affect two of God’s most amazing creations: the earth and its people, especially the most vulnerable people of the world. Another feature of the morning was the pop-up Family Store and Family Store fashion parade. To highlight ways in which we can all shop ethically, three local Family Stores provided clothes for sale. The fashion parade was a hit, with some amazing outfits, courageous models and a lot of laughs. It was a great morning of fellowship, challenge and, of course, food!
Weird of the Week: Toasters were banned in Havana, Cuba until 2008.
This photograph shows the Te Ope Whakaora flag being presented to Adjutant Rapata Parauhi at the time of his being appointed to oversee the ‘Māori Work’ on the East Coast. It was printed in the 6 January 1945 edition of War Cry. Source: The Heritage Centre & Archives at the Plowman Resource Centre, Booth College of Mission.
04 SEPTEMBER 2021 WarCry 5
Anihera's grandmother's kete.
Envoy Anihera Carroll shares her story of traversing her identity as a wahine Māori (Māori woman) and her identity as a child of God. She challenges each of us to not let the ‘culture’ in us prevent Christ from being fully expressed and outworked through us.
ow do we align faith and culture, especially when there can be vastly differing perspectives, beliefs and practices? How does one skillfully weave together the fragile strands of ancestral customs, beliefs and practices, with those of whakapono (faith) in Īo-nui (God Almighty)? Are we responsible for bringing together each of the strands that represent who we uniquely are? Or do we surrender our ‘strands’ to a Master Weaver and allow him to do the weaving? It says in Isaiah 64:8, ‘Yet you Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand’. In this context, replacing the words clay and potter with flax and master weaver, provides another illustration of the Master at work. The end of the verse remains unchanged, we (each of us) are all the work of his hand.
My early life I was raised in the warmth of my pā (marae), surrounded by my elders and family, enriched by the teachings of old. Our lived experienced was one of aroha (love), manaaki (hospitality), tribal lore and custom. As children, we were treated like we were the rangatira (leaders) of tomorrow. Our elders knew the roles we would eventually play and we were nurtured in that understanding. At the age of 17, I was to give voice to my first karanga (ceremonial call) at my pā, urged on by my elders, in the presence of my people. Wānanga (specific learning opportunities) were still practised in the wee small hours of the morning. Karakia (prayers) were recited several times a day seeking protection, wisdom and guidance. Waiata tawhito (ancient songs) were chanted repetitively to enable them to be learned, and waiata korikori (playful songs) were sung with much humour, joy and laughter. Each member of our hapū (tribal grouping) knew their place and purpose to benefit the whole. Every member with their different skills, talents and abilities
came together and functioned in unity. We all knew which of the kuia (female elders) did the karanga, and waiata kīnaki (the relish) to go with the main course of whaikōrero (formal speech) which was served up by the kaumātua (male elders) who sat on the paepae tapu (sacred seat) of orators. Our reo (language) was allowed to flow freely and unencumbered in this place. It was expressed in oratory, karanga, waiata, karakia and rich conversation. We were allowed to be who we were created to be. Synergy was achieved naturally and organically. These were some of the happiest days of my life.
THOSE WHO MANAGED TO SURVIVE THE SPANISH FLU WERE SUBJECTED TO THE FURTHER TRAUMA OF BEING TREATED AS LESS THAN SECOND-CLASS CITIZENS IN THEIR OWN LAND. Spanish flu pandemic As children, we were shielded from other realities experienced by the older generations. They carried the trauma of the devastation of the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918. Our urupā (burial ground) has two clearly divisible sections: the lower, where my parents lie; and the upper level, a mass, unmarked grave where our dead were buried upright in great numbers. As children, we were always told ‘don’t go up there’. So being obedient little people, we never did. My grandmother was the sole survivor of her generation. Her brothers are in that mass grave along with our family name. Those who managed to survive the Spanish flu were subjected to the further trauma of being treated as less than second-class citizens in their own land. My mother recalls how in those days meat was delivered to homes. Although our hardearned money was the same colour as everyone else’s, the meat my grandmother received was often tinged green, and was a far stretch of the imagination to be the prime cut of meat for which she had paid. 8 WarCry 04 SEPTEMBER 2021
Understanding generational trauma These are samples of the context the wider church needs to understand and consider when we minister to, walk with, disciple and love one another. Generational trauma is fed by tragedy and loss suffered by those we work with and those we are called to. I have many good reasons to be angry with the world for the trauma inflicted upon and endured by my elders—trauma that has been carried through successive generations. I inwardly grieve the loss of my granduncles and those other family members who perished with the Spanish flu, and even more I mourn the loss of our reo, our whenua (land) and our family name from that part of my whakapapa (genealogy). So how do I as a wāhine Māori with a rich tapestry of whakapapa (genealogy), and I as a ransomed redeemed child of God and co-heir with Jesus Christ, reconcile these diametrically opposed aspects of my identity?
The cross and culture If you and I have met, I hope that you met the gracious, humble ‘me’. I have to be careful not to allow the trauma of the past, punctuated by great pain and other aspects of my culture, to become an altar that I revisit from time to time to re-mourn and re-energise with my sorrow and anger. This does not mean that I condone the atrocities and losses suffered by my people. It means that I must be vigilant to ensure that it doesn’t become an altar where I sacrifice my Godliness for my Māoriness, or my Māoriness for my Godliness. That I place the sorrow and anger not on a self-constructed altar, but at the foot of the cross. If I can be forgiven for my sin, then I too am compelled by the selfless act of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ to also forgive. Do I sacrifice my being Māori for my Godliness? The short answer is yes, some aspects. But I do so willingly, knowing and with understanding why. Pāpa (Father God) reveals what needs to be pruned away, and that which lines up with his Word. An example of this pruning is evidenced in my karanga. I have had to change some of the things that were conveyed through karanga. I still enjoy a rich, vibrant cultural life, but the Holy Spirit informs, guides and inspires my direction. This means that generational grudges end with me, and no new grudges, or the outworking of them, are given life because of me. It means I choose forgiveness, instead of revenge. It means I will endeavour to place a guard over my
THE INTENTIONALITY OF NO LONGER GIVING PERMISSION TO THE OLD WAYS BROUGHT FORGIVENESS, REDEMPTION AND LIFE AND MADE ROOM FOR A NEW WAY OF LIVING. mouth and speak words of encouragement, instead of words that tear down and destroy. We are cautioned in Romans 12.2 (TPT), ‘Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes.’
Catalyst for change I pause to reflect upon the story of a young 12-year-old girl of Tainui-Ngāti Hauā descent, named Tārore. As a young girl in the early half of the 1800s, she treasured a small copy of Te Pukapuka ā Ruka (the Book of Luke) housed in a small kete (basket) around her neck. Her tragic death served as a catalyst for change amongst Māori of her day. Her people who would normally have sought revenge, resulting in the loss of more lives, chose instead to apply forgiveness because of the writings within the pages of her beloved little book. The ramifications of her life and death brought transformation. The intentionality of no longer giving permission to the old ways brought forgiveness, redemption and life and made room for a new way of living. Her example informs us as to how we should treat each other in a cultural context—with forgiveness, love, at times correction and with lashings of grace.
It says in Matthew 25:37–40 (TPT), ‘Then the godly will answer him, “Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty and give you food and something to drink? When did we see you with no place to stay and invite you in? When did we see you poorly clothed and cover you? When did we see you sick and tenderly care for you, or in prison and visit you?” And the King will answer them, “Don’t you know? When you cared for one of the least of these, my little ones, my true brothers and sisters, you demonstrated love for me”.’
The master weaver I began this article with the metaphor of weaving something together. The process of creating the strands to be woven requires taking raw material (in this case, flax) through a procedure of transformation, which includes careful selection, cutting, scraping, manipulating, soaking, rolling and drying. The cutting and scraping stages require a very sharp object and results in the removal of the hardened outer layer and the ‘bits that are no longer required’. This is not an overnight process. Time is required as the flax moves through each preparatory stage. Does this sound like a metaphor for life? In the skillful hands of a master weaver, whose craft has been honed and perfected across time, the prepared strands undergo the next phase of transformation: the creation of a woven, fit-for-purpose object or garment. My prayer is that we will learn to surrender all that does not serve the kingdom of God as we seek to fully be all that he has called us to be. The flax yields itself to the process of transformation, and is in turn crafted into a thing of beauty, purpose and pride in the heart and hands of the master. 04 SEPTEMBER 2021 WarCry 9
Modelling Healthy Living for Kids Teaching kids to live a healthy lifestyle can be a balancing act. There’s a necessity to impress upon them the importance of staying physically active and eating well. But, at the same time, you don’t want them to develop unhealthy thinking patterns towards exercise and food. It can feel especially difficult if you grew up struggling with poor body image, lacking confidence in your sporting or cooking abilities and/or never feeling as if you had great role models for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Every child is different, and there are so many external factors at play which will influence the way they act, but here are some ways you can model the actions and attitudes you want your children to embody towards healthy living. Encouraging kids to eat well • Practise good hygiene by washing your hands before meals and snacks. • Drink plenty of water. If you have a water bottle, show and tell your kids how much you have consumed each day. • Don’t eat while you are watching television or playing computer games. • Set consistent mealtimes and snack times. • Eat together as a family. Include at least one healthy component in every meal or snack (aim for five vegetables and two fruits each day). • Never force anybody to clear their plate if they are full. • Encourage your kids to try new foods, and experiment with new recipes alongside them. • Don’t talk negatively about food options, especially healthy ones. • Where possible, limit unhealthy snacks and treats, but never make anyone feel guilty for enjoying these foods. • Avoid using food items as a reward for good behaviour (or as a punishment for bad behaviour). Encouraging kids to be active
TEACHING KIDS TO LIVE A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE CAN BE A BALANCING ACT. • Create a safe environment for them to try new things. Show them it’s about getting involved rather than winning or excelling. Build them up when they do something well. • Find an activity you can do together that is right for their age group; for example, you may be passionate about long-distance running, but your six-year-old can’t join in. • Model the importance of getting a good night’s sleep. • Teach them that exercise and outdoor play is about being healthy, not about weight, appearance or strength. • Above all, make it fun for both of you.
• Encourage them to try new activities and join teams. Get excited with them when they find something they enjoy.
Even if you are not so keen on getting outdoors on your day off or learning how to cook, take advantage of this time. Spend time with your kids in the kitchen and out at the park. Kick a soccer ball with them. Make homemade sushi together—even if it falls apart. Encourage them to eat a balanced diet by demonstrating this yourself. Find the fun in living a healthy life!
• Don’t complain about exercise (whether it’s about participating or taking them to a basketball game).
Source: Creating Healthy Schools: Modeling Healthy Behaviors—Children’s Mercy (
• Aim to be outside for 30 to 60 minutes every day. • Replace some of your own screen time with activity, to teach them to do the same.
10 WarCry 04 SEPTEMBER 2021
TESTIFY! On Christmas Day in 1978, Lisa Johnston, from Glenfield Corps, suffered a brain aneurysm and died, before she was miraculously brought back to life. The morning of Christmas Day 1978 went as much like any other, the afternoon not so much. Sometime in the late afternoon, I died. I hit the floor unconscious, very much lights out, nobody home. I was trundled off to Auckland Hospital in an ambulance, where they connected me up to life support. I had an aneurysm in my head which had burst and I had suffered a massive brain haemorrhage. They told my parents that there was nothing left to work with—I was completely incapable of human thought. They said that when they turned off the life support, I would pass away, so, if my parents wanted, they could call in the hospital chaplain to have me blessed. I was initially blessed by Sister Bridie, and then Reverend Kidd gave me what is known in the Anglican Church as the ‘last rites’. I was blessed and sent to heaven. They turned off the life support equipment, but I did not pass away. Again, they told my parents that, nevertheless, it was only a matter of time. I was trundled into a side room, covered with a square piece of towelling. Sometime later, a doctor who was on his way to the airport stopped in the doorway to say goodbye to someone. In the corner of his eye, he saw a movement in my room and, when he turned to look, my arm moved to pull the piece of towelling back into place. If that doctor had left five minutes earlier, or later, or been looking the other way … that was the moment God saved my life. I was heading on the path of re-birth. During this time, I was uplifted in prayer. It was one thing for someone to realise that there was something
I CARRY THE MARK OF A SURVIVOR—A TRACHEOTOMY SCAR—AS A REMINDER OF GOD’S TREMENDOUS BLESSING. to work with, and another to actually do something. Most people, if not all, who have had an aneurism quite literally drop dead. 1978 was the first year CAT scans were put in Auckland Hospital and there was a waiting list. They explained to my parents that if I went through the scans, it would be at the expense of other life or death cases. They had to know that I had a quality of life worth saving—blunt, but true. On 18 January 1979, I underwent a four-hour-long operation where neurosurgeon Phillip Wrightson put a small metal clip around the damaged artery. It was my twenty-first birthday; my mother took a cake in for the ICU staff. After the operation, they kept me under until early April. They still weren’t sure how badly damaged I might have been and were prepared for me to be paralysed. It took a long road back, like learning to talk again. I went
through various tests and seemed to be forever crawling around on the floor doing jigsaws. It was May when I left the hospital for good. An ICU nurse asked that I go down to see them before I left. She explained that the doctors there see so very few of their patients survive, particularly in my condition. She called down the corridor, ‘Dr Spence, there’s someone here to see you … do you remember Lisa Johnston with the aneurism? This is her.’ ‘She lives?’ He asked. The nurse prodded me to walk and say something, and the doctor said, ‘She walks and talks’, and he burst into tears. I carry the mark of a survivor—a tracheotomy scar—as a reminder of God’s tremendous blessing. I was twenty when it happened; I’m sixty-two now, so I have had forty years given to me. 04 SEPTEMBER 2021 WarCry 11
N R E H T R NOUTH COUNCILS In-set photos by Sabrina and Kevin David. Camper group photo by Josh Burns.
Winter is not the most alluring time of year to head away to camp, but with the appeal of a weekend full of friends, fun, time with God and the promise of indoor bathrooms this year, just over 100 rangatahi and their awesome leaders headed to CYC (Christian Youth Camps) in Ngāruawāhia for Northern Youth Councils. CYC is a new venue for Northern Youth Councils and is located in the Midland Division. We received a beautiful welcome from Midland Division Māori Ministry Director Envoy Anihera Carroll along with a group of Salvation Army young people from Hamilton. A beautiful campsite provided ample opportunity for fun: a muddy field where a soccer game became all about sliding in the mud; a riveting game of mini-golf in the rain; an intense competition on the basketball court; boats on the lake; archery on the hill and swimming for those courageous enough to brave the cold pool. Others learnt
12 WarCry 04 SEPTEMBER 2021
a new skill, heading to the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or West Coast swing dancing workshops. Northern Youth Councils 2021 carried the theme Your Story. Throughout the weekend there was the opportunity for young people to learn the importance of their story and how to share it through workshops, such as How to Testimony, Your Pepeha and Spoken Word. It all came together on Saturday night with an evening of sharing together. Some of our Northern rangatahi presented their stories through dance, testimony, music, haka and art. Woven throughout their stories, Divisional Youth Secretary Captain Nathan Holt shared his own story. On Sunday morning a team of youth from Whangārei and Waitakere led us in beautiful worship and Nathan shared Jesus’ story. We were reminded that Jesus’ story means that we can know God—the greatest story of all time.
Father’s Day Facebook Giveaway Winner As it’s Father’s Day this week, we put the callout on Facebook and asked people to answer the prompt: ‘I look up to my dad/father figure because…’ This was our winning response!
on rp g s
I look up to my dad because he never fails to make me smile and has a contagious joy in every situation! He’s such a kind and loving man of God who teaches me every day to be a light to others and look on the bright side of life.
T yla Co a K le d vil an son u St ohn J
Kayla and her dad have won TeeHQ T-Shirts and a movie voucher. Thanks to everyone who entered our Father’s Day giveaway and keep an eye out on the Salvation Army Youth NZFTS Facebook page for any future giveaways.
04 SEPTEMBER 2021 WarCry 13
Petrina Sullivan (centre) at Whakaora Dargaville.
Go Hear the Hearts of Your Community BY BETHANY SLAUGHTER
The communities of Dargaville, Te Kōpuru and several small towns within reach of Whangārei have been put on Petrina Sullivan’s heart. She shares how God has used her past experiences to fuel her heart towards this ministry. ‘I believe I’m built for community,’ says Petrina, a soldier at Whangārei Corps. She wears many hats at the corps, including cleaning Emergency Housing, running soldiership classes, worship team duties, leading, preaching and outreach. Petrina and her family moved to Whangārei six and a half years ago. Upon their arrival, Petrina felt called to serve her surrounding community. ‘To get to know the community that we were living in, I did an outreach,’ she explains. ‘It became quite popular, and then we started doing outreaches in all the little towns—like Moerewa, Kawakawa, Dargaville, Pipiwai—and we were going there more or less just feeding the people. Sometimes there was an influx of bread or flour or stuff like that in the Foodbank, so we were able to take a bit extra as well.’ In the early months of ministry in Dargaville, Petrina had a vision of a sledgehammer cracking into concrete. That symbolised their early focus on breaking ground and establishing trust with the community. 14 WarCry 04 SEPTEMBER 2021
Expanding outreach Six years on, this has paved the way for a long-term community outreach, Whakaora Dargaville, where they now rent a hall for whakawhanaungatanga (relationship building). A community has been well and truly established, which continues to grow. ‘We started off with about seven people going; we now get up to 50. It hasn’t even been 12 months.’ They run the Twelve Steps programme to teach Te Whare Tapa Whā for coping skills and resilience. For a touch of fun and exercise, they also host Zumba classes. ‘Not everybody participates, but the ones that do … everyone’s giggling and laughing.’ Their largest turnout occurs on the last week of the month, when the kaumātua (male elders) and kuia (female elders) of the community come along for a special group. ‘It’s a way for the people with addictions or the ones who are lonely to give back to the community.’ Recently, they have been doing mau rākau (Māori fighting art) and learning the taiaha (long wooden weapon), and kakahu korowai (a type of cloak).
IT’S ALSO A PLACE WHERE PETRINA FINDS HERSELF LEARNING. ‘THEY’RE NOT THE ONLY ONES GROWING. I’M GROWING WITH THEM, TOO.’ ‘When we started in Dargaville, about four years ago, we were just doing sausage sizzles, and in the winter we were doing big pots of soup with whatever bread was left over in the Foodbank,’ she says. ‘But I felt God say they needed more.’ Five months ago, another focused outreach ministry began in Te Kōpuru, a town ten minutes away from Dargaville. ‘We started off with about four of us … now we’re up to fifteen or sixteen people.’
Community and relationships Petrina is thrilled that through these outreaches people are growing in relationships and establishing roles within the community. ‘When we turn up there now, we’ve got somebody setting up the place, we’ve got somebody setting up the food, we’ve got someone doing the welcoming, we’ve got someone else getting the songs ready. And that’s like, yay, God is in control!’ Johnny has been coming along since day one and is now a Salvation Army adherent. ‘He loves finding out about his spirituality. He never thought that mattered to him, but now he’s really focused on that and it helps in his daily living. ‘He always starts us off with the Lord’s Prayer in English, and he always finishes us off with the Serenity Prayer in English,’ Petrina says. ‘Kevin and Diane Baker, who are now soldiers in The Salvation Army, then do it in te reo Māori.’ Another woman, who was part of the Mormon Church for years, told Petrina how she has felt the presence of the Holy Spirit more than ever since coming to Whakaora Dargaville. It’s also a place where Petrina finds herself learning. ‘They’re not the only ones growing. I’m growing with them, too.’
Using the bad for good When Petrina was a child, her nan pointed out a star. ‘If you ever need me,’ she told her, ‘I’m the biggest, brightest star in the sky—Te Ariki Nui’. And so, throughout her life, whenever she faced challenges, Petrina used to talk to this star. She grew up in a violent home, born into the cycle of dealing and using drugs. She left home when she was 12 years old and then was raped. ‘I became the youngest Christchurch City street kid, and I just abused anything and everything, then I never came down. I was always trying to find a high because I couldn’t deal with me.’ She was in a relationship with a gang member, who was mentally and physically abusive, for 13 years, but she loved him. They had two children together, with one on the way when he was shot in a drive-by shooting in Christchurch. Petrina was left with close to nothing, in the grip of addiction and trauma, and yet she believes it was the beginning of God renewing her mind. ‘It was all in his timing, how things all worked out.’
She first encountered The Salvation Army when she walked into Hutt City Corps. ‘I couldn’t understand why people were holding up their hands and praising someone who you couldn’t see,’ she says. ‘But there was one Māori family that was in our church, and it was Peter and Jenny Koia.’ Coincidentally, (Captains) Peter Koia and Jenny Ratana-Koia are now Petrina’s corps officers at Whangārei Corps. At the time, she was struck by how authentic and happy they were. ‘Every time I used to go to church, I would look at them. I wouldn’t even listen to what the preacher was saying at times— it was them and the worship that brought me in,’ she remembers. ‘I longed to be happy and their smiles didn’t seem fake.’
Encountering Christ Leah Perkins was part of the worship team, and it was the power of her testimony, which she shared after church with Petrina, that made her want to know Jesus. Before long, Petrina learned about who Jesus was and accepted him into her life. When she became a Christian, she took up studying literacy and numeracy. She came across a Māori dictionary. She found the name her nan had given to that star and the listed definition: Lord. ‘I ran down to The Salvation Army, I was like “Everybody, my nan set me up!”.’ It has become a personal mission for Petrina to use her past to bring people to know Jesus. When she felt God calling her to serve these towns where she had a deep love for the people, even though she felt unqualified, she jumped straight in. ‘I just step into it, believing my God is going to do it for me. And he does.’ Petrina and her husband, Craig, have been doing this mission together. He stopped paid work to awhi (embrace) her to do this mission as one, which makes it extra special for her. The proof of these outreaches’ success is in the relationships formed—not only between individuals, but also between them and Jesus. In less than a year, Whangārei Corps has gained eight soldiers and two adherents (one soldier and two adherents from Te Kopuru, four soldiers from Dargaville and two more soldiers on the next enrolment). ‘I felt God said to me, “Go and hear the hearts of your community” and that’s what it is about.’
IN THE EARLY MONTHS OF MINISTRY IN DARGAVILLE, PETRINA HAD A VISION OF A SLEDGEHAMMER CRACKING INTO CONCRETE. Tungia te ururua, kia tupu whakaritorito te tupu o te harakeke. Clear the undergrowth so that the new shoots of the flax will grow.
04 SEPTEMBER 2021 WarCry 15
Open for Business Invercargill Corps, along with Corps Officers Majors Dave and Judith Bennett, celebrated the official opening of the relocated CBD Family Store on Saturday 31 July. The shop is only a few doors away from the old one, but is a real step up. Instead of a cavernous and cold space with very little street appeal, staff, volunteers and customers now enjoy a bright, airy, stylish and warm store. There is also a large area out the back that will be used for sorting stock and as the base for the Sala-Rag team, who prepare and sell cloths to workshops and other businesses. Local Ngāi Tahu kaumatua and Anglican Church elder Peggy Peek blessed the shop, before Invercargill Member of Parliament (MP) Penny Simmonds (National) and Invercargill-based Labour list MP Dr Liz Craig both spoke and thanked The Salvation Army for its continuing work caring for the community. Regional Family Store Manager Amanda Wearing and National Family Store Manager Gareth Marshall, who had assisted shop manager Jayne McWilliams set up the new store, also attended. Major Dave Bennett thanked the people of Invercargill and the surrounding area who donated items for making it possible for the Army to provide services for those in need in the community. ‘It is our desire that the people in our community will not only
Band and visitors (standing, from left): Regional Family Store Manager Amanda Wearing, National Family Store Manager Gareth Marshall, Invercargill MP Penny Simmonds, Invercargill-based Labour list MP Dr Liz Craig, Invercargill CBD Family Store Manager Jayne McWilliams. Photography: Dot Mullay.
have the things they need but will also be assisted to live a full and satisfying life—a life with purpose. We always want them to know The Salvation Army is a church, we have a faith in God.’ The corps band entertained with marches and hymns before everyone dispersed to inspect (and buy) items and enjoy a sausage sizzle. BY ALLISON BECKHAM
Building Awesome Mātua in Porirua
Porirua Corps has celebrated the graduation of their first Building Awesome Mātua programme. Building Awesome Mātua is a ten-week-long programme where men learn and are encouraged to be great fathers and role models in their communities. Participants invited their families, support workers and stakeholders to the celebration, and they had an important role in deciding what they wanted as part of the ceremony—whether it was a mihi whakatau (formal speech of welcome), waiata (song) or sharing their favourite video clip. Conversation and dialogue were important aspects of the Building Awesome Mātua journey, so this was naturally reflected in the celebration through sharing and a hot-seat panel. One story came from a father who was in a bad place when he came to the first session and his son had just run away. ‘Now, at the end of the programme, everything’s in place for him and he feels a bit more equipped,’ says Programme Facilitator Lusa Washburn. ‘He’s learnt how to let things go and simply spend time with him and let the conversations flow organically, rather than trying to be all sergeant major on his kids.’ 16 WarCry 04 SEPTEMBER 2021
At the end of the service each man received a certificate, t-shirt, ula lole (necklace made of sweets) and a bag printed with the word ‘faamalosi’ (be strong). This was followed by a shared lunch. Lusa cites the high rates of poverty amongst Pasifika and Māori families, as well as the presence of gangs in the area, as factors towards the need for a men’s programme in Porirua. ‘We need better men in our community to support our kids,’ he says. They intentionally influenced the course with Pasifika and Māori traditions—such as the ‘Talanoa (conversation/discussion/ kōrero) Check-in’. ‘The Talanoa Check-in was a chance for the fathers to have a voice around highlights that they’ve learnt or things that they’re going through,’ he says. ‘We were able to learn from each other’s experiences.’ They would speak about the things they each learned growing up and reflect together, using the concept of a traditional Samoan mat made by four different grandmothers. ‘They’ve all been taught how to weave the mat from their own background and from their own upbringing, but when they weave it and it comes together, it forms a really nice mat,’ Lusa explains. ‘That was the point of our conversations, that we all come from different backgrounds but our korero/talanoa creates this beautiful space where we’re able to offload.’ Some of the topics they enjoyed discovering together were about brain development and how the stigma and perception of men’s roles within the family has changed over time. Porirua Corps is already taking referrals for the next course and they hope that Building Awesome Mātua will soon reach beyond Porirua to the greater Wellington region.
Let’s Talk About… Racism The Salvation Army’s International Social Justice Commission has recently developed and released a resource called: ‘Let’s Talk About…Racism’ to engage the Army in discussions about the harm racism causes God’s children ‘through the lens of Scripture, church history and world history’. The Salvation Army’s International Positional Statement on racism defines it as: ‘The belief that races have distinctive cultural characteristics determined by hereditary factors and that this endows some races with an intrinsic superiority over others. “Racism” also refers to political or social programmes built on that belief. The use of the term “race” itself is contested, but is generally used to refer to a distinct group sharing a common ethnicity, national origin, descent and/or skin colour. The Salvation Army denounces racism in all forms.’ The resource consists of five sessions of content to either be engaged with in groups or individually, with the intention of helping participants learn about the
definitions of race and racism and the effect of these on the church and wider society. Although the resource is written within the context of the United States, there is an imperative for the global Army to have these conversations and make concrete plans towards becoming personally and corporately anti-racist. The hope is that as people work through the resource, there will be space for prayer, lamentation and repentance, as well as personal transformational change and action for those taking part. The Salvation Army believes that racism is fundamentally incompatible with Imago Dei, the Christian belief that all people are created in the image of God and are equal in value. We are called to meet human need, and that involves standing against the sin and oppression that leads to a lack of fullness of life for those in need. MORE INFO | To access this resource, visit
The Salvation Army in Haiti to Support Nine Earthquake-Hit Communities A Salvation Army assessment team in the south of Haiti has sent reports that communities are working together to deal with the devastating after-effects of the 7.2-magnitude earthquake that struck on Saturday 14 August. The Salvation Army’s initial approach will be to target its response in nine locations. In eight of these, 250 families— more than 1,000 people—will be provided with a tarpaulin, blankets, hygiene kits (including soap, diapers/nappies, sanitary items, toothbrushes and toothpaste, disinfectant and hand sanitiser), drinking water and basic food items such as rice, peas and cooking oil. In the city of Aquin, which has been particularly badly affected, the response will be provided to an even larger number of families. So far, six locations have been confirmed: Aquin, L’Azile, Duverger, PetiteRivière, Saint-Louis-du-Sud and Vieux-Bourg-d’Aquin, with a further three still under consideration. The area is well known to A destroyed building in Aquin Salvation Army emergency City. Photo by Mondesir responders who provided food and shelter after Henderson.
Hurricane Matthew tore through in October 2016. In Aquin, a city of more than 100,000 people, at least 860 houses collapsed completely, with around 3,500 other houses showing signs of significant damage. Thirteen people lost their lives and another 100 were injured. Almost 5,000 families are reported by the local authorities to be ‘in difficulty’, which equates to up to a quarter of the entire city. Most churches and municipal buildings have been destroyed or damaged, including the police station, hospital and schools. A member of the assessment team, Mondesir Henderson, reports: ‘We were able to visit Aquin 24 hours after the earthquake. In this community, almost all the buildings are damaged. ‘Our visit allowed us to notice the state in which people are living since the earthquake happened. They make shelters with sheets and coconut straw. Some take refuge under trees. But the majority of the people sleep in the street.’ After earthquakes, it is not unusual for people to avoid sleeping indoors, even if their houses are still intact. Significant aftershocks are common—sometimes they can be stronger or longer than the original quake—and people can feel safer outdoors. Despite the difficult situation, Mondesir saw signs of hope, especially from the way that people are pulling together. ‘People put barricades of rocks and debris to prevent vehicles from entering the perimeters,’ he explained. ‘It is out of solidarity that people are trying to overcome the challenges, each one sharing with others.’ BY IHQ COMMUNICATIONS 04 SEPTEMBER 2021 WarCry 17
Salvation Army Responds to Wildfire Crises As more than 260 wildfires continue to sweep across Canada’s British Columbia province, bringing destruction and unthinkable loss, Salvation Army staff and volunteers are providing assistance to evacuees and first responders in multiple communities. Thousands of miles away, The Salvation Army is also responding to similar wildfires in Greece. As of mid-August, more than 800,000 hectares of land in British Columbia had been engulfed by flames and nearly 8,300 homes ordered to evacuate. A further 22,700 homes are on evacuation alert. Salvation Army emergency disaster services (EDS) workers were initially deployed after a fire destroyed the village of Lytton at the end of June. The Salvation Army’s Kelowna Community Church was transformed into an evacuation centre for Lytton residents fleeing the flames. In partnership with Food Banks BC, The Salvation Army has an ongoing operation in the area, delivering food and supplies to more than 500 people in six Indigenous communities located around Lytton. The Army is on standby to support Lytton’s reentry plan when details are released. Four hours east of Lytton, The Salvation Army is feeding evacuees at the reception centre in Vernon. It is also supplying drinks and snacks to staff and volunteers at the provincial donations warehouse, as well as staff and volunteers from the Canadian Disaster Animal Response Team. In Kamloops, The Salvation Army is providing weekly feeding relief to the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation as they host wildfire evacuees and Indigenous firefighters. As well, the Army’s EDS has been activated to feed up to 100 evacuees at an Emergency Support Services group lodging site in the city. EDS crews have also been deployed to provide food to hundreds of firefighters battling blazes near Logan Lake and West Kelowna. As of 16 August, The Salvation Army had provided 6,000 meals, 10,000 drinks and 5,500 snacks, and helped 27 people with emotional and spiritual care. ‘It’s a devastating situation,’ says Perron Goodyear, Territorial Director of Emergency Disaster Services for Canada and Bermuda. ‘We are committed to providing support for as long as we’re needed.’ Meanwhile, fires continue to rage just north of the Greek capital, Athens. These have triggered numerous evacuation orders for villages in the predicted path of the blaze, as firefighters struggle to contain the fire. Evacuees are being temporarily housed by hotels in a safe area of Varympompi, in the northern suburbs. Salvation Army officers have been in dialogue with accommodation providers to ensure that evacuees are not left on their own. Support, a listening ear and the provision of care packages have been offered. Clothing has been provided where people had to leave their homes at short notice. Lieutenant Leveniotis, leader of The Salvation Army in Athens, has headed a team of volunteers who have been dispensing cold drinks and bags of personal hygiene items such as soap and shampoo from a street distribution point. Teams have also been in action in nearby Agios Stefanos and Afidnes, areas which have also been affected. Speaking on the Newsroom programme on the Greek national SKAÏ TV network, the lieutenant explained: ‘We have 18 WarCry 04 SEPTEMBER 2021
Above: Part of The Salvation Army's emergency response to the wildfires in Greece. Below: Some of the Greek wildfire damage. Photography by Eirini Leveniotis, from IHQ Flickr photostream.
brought necessities, shampoo, lotion, toothpaste … special masks to protect people from the smoke, and so on. We are here, people can pass by and take a small bag. We [also] have food here, there are croissants, water. We do what we can for the people. One helps another; [people tell us to] give to those who need things most, and do not take items themselves if it would deprive someone more in need.’ Regional leader Major Beat Rieder-Pell added: ‘The next few weeks will direct the amount of help that will be dispatched from The Salvation Army in Greece in this tragic crisis, as we also anticipate and plan for the impact of thousands of newlyarriving refugees from Afghanistan.’ FROM REPORTS BY KRISTIN OSTENSEN AND MAJOR BEAT RIEDER-PELL, IHQ COMMUNICATIONS, INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS
THE TEAM WINS WHEN WE WORK TOGETHER… As I have travelled to corps within the Southern Division, I have used a prayer tool—‘The Daily Prayer’— that I was introduced to from As the prayer unfolds, it invites you to move from clenched fists or folded arms with prayers of confession, to hands open and up in surrender to receive and be open to God’s directing. How often do we come to prayer with full hands? Full of the things we are doing, full of ourselves, full of plans and desires, and we really haven’t got space to receive anything from God. We also don’t particularly want anything taken away either. Many of us have spiritual practices that help us create space in our minds and thinking when we are alone with God, but we don’t necessarily come to prayer together having prepared ourselves in the same way. Our time is so busy that we end up rushing to get to a shared prayer time without being late. Then we find ourselves watching the clock so that we don’t run over time and be late to our next appointment or activity. I have been challenged to learn how to come to prayer with others in an attitude of readiness—empty hands, open heart, receptive ears, ready to hear from God, together with others. Having my hands open to receive what he places in them, a prepared heart to hear his voice and a willing spirit to share and walk in his way. BY MAJOR SUSAN GOLDSACK
The first time I experienced the outworking of ‘Team: Together Everyone Achieves More’, was at a team-building day for a unit trust company I worked for in Australia. It was the mantra for the three days of outdoor exercises focussed on achieving a set of goals—building trust and working on strategy, design and implementation while creating relationships to enhance our work practice. My team were fit, strong and determined to win. I was the smallest and lightest, so when it came to the game of ‘rope spider web’—ropes strung between two very tall trees—I was selected to be lifted through the highest part of the web without touching or disturbing the rope—you can imagine how delighted I was by the prospect! Happily, the task was achieved without too much drama, and our team took out the challenge. The aim of the exercise was to reinforce ‘there is no “I” in team’, though I admit it took me a while to get on board with this—I think we all have a space that wants to see our individual contribution acknowledged, validated and even occasionally pre-eminent. This concept of ‘team’ is often discussed. We in New Zealand are being encouraged right now to remember that we are the team of 5 million. We see this concept of teamwork reflected in our own territorial strategy: He Waka eke Noa—All of us Together. We are all reminded, including those we are called to serve, that we are Te Ope Whakaora, the Army that Brings Life. It’s a bold commitment to work alongside and with each other to bring life to our communities; to seek and embrace our personal and corporate understanding of culture and kingdom values to achieve God’s purposes; to bring honour and and lasting change that serves the needs of others, and places the love of Jesus at the centre of all we do. Scripture teaches that we are gifted individually to do the work of the church as the Body of Christ. God, through his Spirit, gifts us for service and places us in alignment so that the whole body is lifted up. In 1 Corinthians 12 we are reminded that all parts of the body are of equal value and importance. The team wins when we work together, grounded in love for each other and the world that God loves. In Romans 12:10 it says, ‘Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honour one another above yourselves’. I read this as both a demonstration of sincere team and a personal challenge that as I contribute to the team, I must not overlook the contribution of others, but seek to understand differing perspectives and respect other’s giftings so that the team together achieves God’s purposes. I am hopeful that I will never again be asked to climb through a rope spider web at height, but I suspect there will be other spider web team challenges that God places before me. I’m praying to be equal to the task and a committed member of the team who loves, appreciates and values others. Lt-Colonel Michelle Collins Territorial Secretary for Communications 04 SEPTEMBER 2021 WarCry 19
Divine Multiplication Carla Lindsey reminds us that no matter what we have, if we offer it to the Lord, not only can he multiply it but he can bring increases that have value. Have you ever felt that you had nothing to give? That you couldn’t offer anything meaningful or wise? Like you barely had the energy to do the basics for yourself, and no way you could do anything for anyone else? Like you had no skills, no experience, no knowledge that could make a difference? 20 WarCry 04 SEPTEMBER 2021
Have you ever felt like you had nothing? Sometimes life leaves us feeling like this … tired … drained … over it! Many of us have felt this way, thanks to Covid-19. Many of us have felt this way due to pressure from others, and sometimes even due to pressure we place on ourselves. In Mark 6:30–44, the feeding of the five thousand, we find Jesus’ disciples feeling under pressure to give, but they couldn’t … they had nothing. You see, a large crowd had gathered. They wanted to hear Jesus and so Jesus taught. The people listened, the time flew by and before
the disciples knew it, the day was nearly over. The people were hungry and the place was remote. The troubled disciples suggested that they send the crowd off to nearby villages to buy some food, but Jesus didn’t like that approach. Jesus said to his disciples, ‘you give them something to eat’ (vs 37). What an unhelpful response! With what, Jesus? How on earth were the disciples supposed to feed the crowd, which was huge, by the way—5000 men, plus women and children. There
were no coffee carts hidden out of sight, no drive-through takeaways or supermarkets around the corner. The disciples had nothing.
Few provisions We know the disciples had no physical resources on them that they could share, as just prior to these verses, Jesus had sent the disciples out in pairs into the nearby villages. When he sent them off, he specifically told them to take nothing—no bread, no money, not even a spare shirt! So they had nothing physical they could give, but not only that, just before Jesus started teaching the crowd, he was in the middle of taking the disciples away to a quiet spot so that they could get some rest. Mark tells us that they hadn’t even had the chance to eat. They were tired. They were hungry. They had nothing left for themselves, let alone anything to give anyone else. Yet Jesus asked them to feed the crowd. What could they possibly do to feed this huge crowd? It would have been easy for the disciples to give up at this point. But they didn’t. Instead they took stock of what they did have. It seemed like nothing, but actually, they discovered that they did have five loaves and two fishes—hardly worth even mentioning. That wouldn’t feed one family, let alone a crowd of thousands. But thanks to the boy who gave up his picnic lunch, the disciples were at least able to offer Jesus that puny little offering. Five loaves, two fish, that was it.
Divine multiplication
But Jesus can do amazing things when we give him our puny little offerings— when we give him our ‘nothing’. In his hands, ‘nothing’ can become ‘something’. ‘Nothing’ can go a long way. ‘Nothing’ can impact people way beyond what we can imagine. In the US, in 1952, five women approached Audrey Weatherell Johnson (Miss Johnson) and asked her if she would teach them the Bible. She said, yes. That was a small yes. Nothing too significant about it. But in God’s hands that offering given to him became something amazing. Millions of people all around the globe, including myself,
WE MAY FEEL LIKE WE HAVE NOTHING, BUT INSTEAD OF GIVING UP, LET’S CHECK OUT WHAT WE DO HAVE. have had their lives changed by being part of the Bible study classes that grew out of that small thing offered to God. Today, every week, Miss Johnson’s Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) runs thousands of in-depth Bible study classes in 140 countries. Wow! God took Miss Johnson’s small offering … he multiplied it. Jesus took the small picnic … he multiplied it. He took the bread, blessed the bread, broke the bread and then he enabled it to go further and feed more people than the disciples could have ever imagined. In fact, it went so far that after everyone had eaten all they wanted, there were twelve basketfuls left over!
Our small offerings God can take our small offerings and do things with them that we could never imagine. We may feel like we have nothing, but instead of giving up, let’s check out what we do have. Maybe it’s not great skills, maybe it’s not loads of time and energy, maybe it’s not physical resources. But what do we have? Maybe it’s just our story—the things we’ve learnt (possibly the hard way) through our lives. Maybe it’s just a small idea—one that seems quite ridiculous. Maybe it’s just ourselves—as we are, messy and broken. You do have something. It may seem small. It may seem so insignificant that it’s not even worth offering, but that is not the case. When we place those small somethings in the hands of God, who knows what amazing things he will do!
04 SEPTEMBER 2021 WarCry 21
OFFICIAL ENGAGEMENTS Commissioners Mark (Territorial Commander) and Julie Campbell (Territorial President of Women’s Ministries) 8 September: Spiritual Day BCM (may be held online)* 15–19 September: Northern Division visit* Colonel Gerry Walker (Chief Secretary) No engagements at this time Colonel Heather Rodwell (Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministries and Spiritual Life Development) 16 September: IHQ Spiritual Life Development, online * Dependent upon New Zealand Covid-19 alert level.
PRAY Blenheim Corps, Blue Mountain Adventure Centre, Book
Production Department, Booth College of Mission, Bridge Recovery Churches, Bridge Centres around the territory, The Salvation Army in Singapore, Malaysia and Myanmar.
ATTENTION NEW ZEALAND KIDS! WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE YOUR ARTWORK ON A CHRISTMAS CARD? The Open Home Foundation is running a nationwide art contest to win one of three chances for your original artwork to feature on their annual Christmas card.
Leaders: Have you filled out the survey yet? Go to your-voice-matters-survey-2021 or
The theme of the competition is ‘What Christmas means to me’ and entry to the competition is free. There are three age divisions: 5 and 6 years, 7 and 8 years and 9 and 10 years. All entries will be judged by a panel, and three grand prize winners will each receive a $60 voucher as well as 10 Christmas cards printed with their own original design to give to family and friends. One winner from each age division will receive a $30 voucher. Your entry must fit onto an A5 page, but otherwise you can let your imagination run wild with the theme.
Want to Know More? I would like: to learn about who Jesus is information about The Salvation Army The Salvation Army to contact me prayer for the following needs:
The Open Home Foundation is a Christian organisation which wants to see all tamariki and rangatahi (children and young people) grow up in loving, caring families. Two of their pillars are ‘Fun’ and ‘People’. They see this competition as one way to engage both of these values, by bringing joy to children and enabling them to connect with community. For this reason, they are super excited to see the hundreds of different creations from entrants all around New Zealand’s Christian schools and churches. Entries are open now and can be submitted via post or online until 8 October 2021.
Name Email Address Phone Send to: or War Cry, PO Box 6015, Marion Square, Wellington 6141
To read the entry rules, download a submission form or upload your entry online, visit All the best!
Quiz Answers: 1 Pig, 2 Reykjavik (Iceland), 3 1960, 4 Christine (Chris) Cagney and Mary Beth Lacey , 5 The Sanhedrin (Acts 4:11).
22 WarCry 04 SEPTEMBER 2021
Give your Dad a Secret Agent Identity!
‘There you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place.’
Most of the time our dads are pretty cool, right? Fill out these blanks and colour over this outline to draw your dad as his secret agent alter ego. His top-secret code name is…
Deuteronomy 1:31
But his real name is… His special secret talent is… But he’s most appreciated by his spy agency because he… The coolest mission he’s ever completed is… His favourite way to chill out after a tough assignment is… And his go-to meal is… I’m his spy assistant, called… And I’m in charge of helping him with…
Can you connect these fathers in the Bible with the book in which they appear?
Given it’s Māori Language Week, we’ve written the books in te reo! David Job Joseph (adoptive father of Jesus) Moses Noah Zechariah (father of John)
Kenehi (Genesis) Ekoruhe (Exodus) 1 Hamuera (1 Samuel) Hopa (Job) Matiu (Matthew) Ruka (Luke)
e What ’s the c n e r e iff d b ad b e t we e n dad d n a s e jok jokes? letter. The first
While we’re at it, can you guess these other te reo translations of Bible books? Nehemia Rōma Ngā Waiata Ihāia Raniera
Hapakuku Ngā Mahi Piripai 1 + 2 Pita
Has your dad ever carried you on his shoulders? It’s so much fun getting to see the world from up high while you enjoy the ride. But it wouldn’t be much fun if you didn’t know that your dad was clutching tight to your legs, making sure you didn’t fall off. This is a good illustration of how our dads look after us. They hang out with us, making life fun and adventurous, while at the same time, they are always holding on to us to keep us safe. Some of us do not have a dad present in our lives, but we all have a heavenly Father—God—who does this for us, all the time. He’s watching over us, guiding us gently and encouraging us so that we can become the best people we can be. He is always available to us and he guarantees that he hears all of our prayers. THINK ABOUT...
What’s one instance when your dad, or your heavenly Father, has supported or carried you through? Can you thank him for it this week? 04 SEPTEMBER 2021 WarCry 23
Quiz Answers: Nehemia = Nehemiah, Rōma = Romans, Ngā Waiata = Psalms, Ihāia = Isaiah, Raniera = Daniel, Hapakuku = Habakkuk, Ngā Mahi = Acts, Piripai = Philippians, 1 + 2 Pita = 1 + 2 Peter