12 May 2013

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FOR OUR PRAYERS … .        

For the Pressland Family, at the Promotion to Glory of Francis. For the family of Eric Jupp, whose funeral will be on Tues.23 May, St. Paul’s Church, Boxley Rd.,and was known to members of our corps. For John Martin and his daughter, Ruth, both injured in a road accident. For the Christians of LIBYA facing opposition and persecution For all those far from well, or are recovering from illness, and those in homes for the elderly. For the families of the girls released from captivity in Cleveland, Ohio. The claiming of the ‘SQUARE MILE’ around our hall in prayer over the next weeks and months. DON’T FORGET – to use the Prayer Network – see Audrey Beeching or Jo Gaskin.

THE BULLETIN Sun. 12 MAY 2013 Welcome! Please join us for coffee after the Morning Meeting in the Community Lounge. TODAY: Candidates Sun. 10.15am led by Officer Cadets from William Booth College 4pm Community Gospel Choir Practice

‘PRAYER FOR THIS WEEK – Foster Care Fortnight’ ‘Gracious Lord, thank You for adopting us into Your family. Please grant Your wisdom, compassion and material provision to every family, especially those that include adopted and fostered children. AMEN.’

Prayer Meeting now 7pm on 1st & 3rd Mondays before ‘Living Word’. 6pm led by Officer Cadets

Cut Here > ………………………………………………………………………. VISITOR’S REPLY SLIP (Please place in Offering Plate or hand in before leaving) I/we visited today and would like to be contacted by an Officer: Name(s) …………………………………………………………………………..

NEXT SUNDAY: PENTECOST 10.15am led by our Youth 6pm led by Corps Officers

MAIDSTONE CORPS 74-80 Union Street ME14 1ED Corps Officers Majors Grayson & Janice Williams Captain Lynne Clifton (Family Ministries Officer) Administrator Mrs. Lorraine Munn Tel. Numbers Hall: 01622-681808 Quarters: 01622-752232 Family Ministries: 01622-677834 E-Mail grayson.williams@ salvationarmy.org.uk janice.williams@ salvationarmy.org.uk lynne.clifton@ salvationarmy.org.uk lorraine.munn@ salvationarmy.org.uk maidstone@ salvationarmy.org.uk (will reach all above) Websites www.salvationarmy.org.uk/maidstone www.maidstonesaband.org.uk


Address …………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… Tel. No: ……………………….. E-mail address: ……………………………….

‘To reach everyone living within One Square Mile of Maidstone Corps with the Good News over the next five years with the aim of making disciples of Jesus Christ’


10am SAM’s Tots


9.30am ‘Women of Worth’ 1.30pm Home League



9.30am ‘Prayertime for Family Ministries’ 2pm Parkwood Home League 7.30pm Ladies Fellowship

SPECIAL EVENTS Fortnightly Rehearsals ‘JESUS FOLK’ The Musical, to be staged at The Hazlitt Theatre (November 5, 6, 7) All are welcome Next rehearsal: 19 May

1.30pm Over 60 Club



10am SAM’s Tots 7pm Youth Club 10am CONTACT Centre

‘WOMEN of WORTH’ A six week course of encouragement for women beginning Tues. 16 April, 9.30am to 12pm.


Sun 19 May – PENTECOST: Morning Meeting led by our Youth.

Fri. 24th MAY at 2pm - Andy Peddle, who is on a WALKATHON to raise funds for The Salvation Army’s work with the Homeless and Victims of Trafficking. Overnight billets required for Andy and his support driver – offers to the CO’s (see poster).

YP Events: Sat. 29 June, Trip to Joss Bay, 10am-4pm, for transport see Gill Paxton; Sat 20 July, ‘Coffee Concert’, 11am2pm, stalls in aid of the Watershed Project (for stalls see Gill Paxton)

THANK YOU …    

Welcome – Ron & Jaqui (19th Dave B & Chris Horton) Coffee – Volunteers (19th Anneleis & Malcolm) Altar Flowers – Lisa Boyle (19th Valerie & Nigel) MESSY Church team!

FOOD FOR THOUGHT ‘There is hope – there is God.’ (www.Net-burst.Net)

MAIDSTONE BIBLE WEEK In this Hall 13 – 16 May 7.30pm each evening with guest speakers from Maidstone Churches

requests for prayer, and keep praying yourself!

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS COMMISSIONING Sat. 13 JULY, 2pm & 6pm For those who have ordered tickets and require transport a coach is now booked at £12 per head. Monies for tickets and coach - to the Office during the week. Thank you. PARENTING COURSE Willowbrook Place Begins Tuesday 9.30-11am. Please pray for Maureen Ross and Capt. Lynne as they commence this ministry with young mums. JOINT SERVICE With Union Street Methodist Church, Sunday 7th July, 10.30am on the lawn in front of the Methodist Church. Next Corps Council Meeting: 8 JULY, 7.45pm

The COMMUNITY SURVEY … continues 6.15 – 7.30pm on Tuesday 14th May. If you would like to be involved see one of the Officer Team. Also see the notice board in the foyer for

Next Pastoral Care Council Meeting: 5 JUNE, 7.45pm PASTORAL CARE COUNCIL MEMBERS Corps Officers, Paul Deacon, Shirley O’Leary, Audrey Beeching, Maria Kwoka, Margaret Rose, Eunice Hardman, Major Wesley Dinsmore, Michael Cousins, Matthew Walters, Jaqui Hall,

Pamela Thomas, Terry Wakefield. Please let them know if you are aware of pastoral needs in our fellowship.

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