Bulletin 9 june 2013

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FOR OUR PRAYERS … . For the Pressland Family – Francis’ Memorial Service will be on Sunday 16 June at 6pm For the QUEEN and Prince Philip – celebrating 60 years of faithful service to God and the nation. For Capt. Lynne as she goes into Maidstone G. S. (Yr.9) to speak with pupils about faith and life. What an opportunity! For the peoples of SYRIA where efforts are being made to secure peace. For the Christians of NIGERIA facing opposition and persecution For all those far from well, or are recovering from illness, and those in homes for the elderly. The claiming of the ‘SQUARE MILE’ around our hall in prayer over the next weeks and months. DON’T FORGET – to use the Prayer Network – see Audrey Beeching or Jo Gaskin. ‘PRAYER FOR THIS WEEK – Carers’ ‘God of compassion, thank You for the kindness, patience and skill of the 6.5 million people in Britain who voluntarily care at home for those who are disabled, ill, frail or elderly. Please draw near to them, and to others who support vulnerable children and adults. AMEN.’

THE BULLETIN Sun. 9 JUNE 2013 Welcome! Please join us for coffee after the Morning Meeting in the Community Lounge. TODAY: 10.15am led by Capt. Lynne Clifton 3.00pm Band at Vinters Park Remembrance Service 4pm Gospel Choir Practice 6pm led by Canterbury YP Band

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VISITOR’S REPLY SLIP (Please place in Offering Plate or hand in before leaving)

10.15am led by Majors G & J Williams 6pm Thanksgiving Service for the life of Francis Pressland

I/we visited today and would like to be contacted by an Officer: Name(s) ………………………………………………………………………….. Address …………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… Tel. No: ……………………….. E-mail address: ……………………………….

MAIDSTONE CORPS 74-80 Union Street ME14 1ED Corps Officers Majors Grayson & Janice Williams Captain Lynne Clifton (Family Ministries Officer) Administrator Mrs. Lorraine Munn Tel. Numbers Hall: 01622-681808 Quarters: 01622-752232 Family Ministries: 01622-677834 E-Mail grayson.williams@ salvationarmy.org.uk janice.williams@ salvationarmy.org.uk lynne.clifton@ salvationarmy.org.uk lorraine.munn@ salvationarmy.org.uk maidstone@ salvationarmy.org.uk (will reach all above) Websites www.salvationarmy.org.uk/maidstone www.maidstonesaband.org.uk

OUR VISION ‘To reach everyone living within One Square Mile of Maidstone Corps with the Good News over the next five years with the aim of making disciples of Jesus Christ’



10am SAM’s Tots


1.30pm Home League


9.30am Prayer for Family Ministries 10am CAMEO Coffee & Crafts 2pm Parkwood Home League


1.30pm Over 60 Club


10am SAM’s Tots


10am CONTACT Centre


Fortnightly Rehearsals ‘JESUS FOLK’ The Musical, to be staged at The Hazlitt Theatre (November 6, 7) Next rehearsal: June 16th

Sat/Sun 29/30 JUNE Young People’s Anniversary Special Guests on Sunday: Cadets Rodney & Lillian Bean Meetings 10.15am & 4pm Information letters in the foyer.

Sat 15 June Band and Songsters at Snodland Parish Church, 7pm. Fri. 29 June ‘All-Age’ Youth Club Fundraiser – 6-7pm Under 11’s & family; 7-9pm Everyone! Fun for all – tuck shop, board games, nerf guns, darts, tennis; £1.50 entrance.

JOINT SERVICE With Union Street Methodist th Church, Sunday 7 July, 10.30am on the lawn in front of the Methodist Church.

YP Events: Sat. 29 June, Trip to Joss Bay, 10am-4pm, for transport see Gill Paxton; Sat 20 July, ‘Coffee Concert’, 11am2pm, stalls in aid of the Watershed Project (for stalls see Gill Paxton) Sun. 1 Sept., 6pm, Divisional Candidates Farewell at Maidstone. THANK YOU … th

Welcome – Michael & Martha (9 David & Lorraine Wakefield) th Coffee – Amanda & Valerie (9 Grace Hall) th Altar Flowers – Gina Buckley (9 Vi & Frnaces) Those who helped with supporting Andy Peddle’s WALKATHON.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT The greatest loss … loss of SELF RESPECT.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS COMMISSIONING Sat. 13 JULY, 2pm & 6pm For those who have ordered tickets and require transport a coach is now booked at £12 per head. Outstanding monies for tickets and coach - to the Office during the week. Thank you.

SAFE & SOUND FOR ALL This important course will be run on FRIDAY 19 JULY at 7.30pm Majors G & J Williams will be th on furlough from Sat. 8 to Sat. 15 JUNE.

Next Corps Council Meeting: 8 JULY, 7.45pm Next Pastoral Care Council Meeting: 26 JUNE, 7.45pm

The COMMUNITY SURVEY … continues 6.15 – 7.30pm on Tuesday 18th June. If you would like to be involved see one of the Officer Team. Also see the notice board in the foyer for requests for prayer, and keep praying yourself!

PASTORAL CARE COUNCIL MEMBERS Corps Officers, Paul Deacon, Shirley O’Leary, Audrey Beeching, Maria Kwoka, Margaret Rose, Eunice Hardman, Major Wesley Dinsmore, Michael Cousins, Matthew Walters, Jaqui Hall, Pamela Thomas, Terry Wakefield. Please let them know if you are aware of pastoral needs in our fellowship.

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