Exeter Salvation Army Bulletin Sunday 5th May ‘The heartbeat of God’ Genesis 12:1-9 Sunday 12th May ‘The arm of God’ Psalm 136:12
Sunday programme 9.40am Prayer meeting (open to all – please feel free to join us at any time) 10.30am – 12 noon Morning Worship Crèche facility for the under 3’s available Primary (3 -5) Lovin’ It (6-11) and Livin’ It (12-17) age-related Bible-based activities in the community hall as announced You are invited to stay for refreshments & fellowship after worship 12.30 – 1pm Community Meal for those in need served in our community hall (helpers please note – no entry to the community hall before 12.15)
Our Core Values Experience - God through our worship Embrace - a discipleship lifestyle Extend - God's kingdom through mission Engage - in authentic Christian Fellowship Encourage - everyone in their ministry Express - Christian love through service to others
Commanding officers:
Majors Alan and Carol Young ‘The Salvation Army in Exeter exists to please God and make Jesus known’ Copies of sermon notes can be viewed at http://rehoboth-old-wells.blogspot.co.uk
May Corps Flower Rota Sunday 5th ~ Alison & Jonathon Symonds Sunday 12th ~ Nicholas Walton (TBC) Sunday 19th ~ Jo & Ken Bovey Sunday 26th ~ Chris & Brett Turvey
Planned preaching - May 2013
19th Pentecost led by CMS Andrew Cutler 26th The eyes of God (various readings)
Weekday Activities Monday 10am Craft Group - coffee lounge 10am Little Treasures - community hall Tuesday 2.15pm Home League - main hall 7pm Songster rehearsal - main hall 8.15pm Band rehearsal - main hall Wednesday 10am Little Treasures - community hall 2.45pm Women’s Fellowship (2nd Wednesday of the month) 6pm Kingdom Kids rehearsal - main hall Friday Rainbows, Brownies and Guides 7.30pm Response rehearsal - main hall 8.30pm Youth Club - community hall Saturday Soul Exeter (Ecumenical Youth Event open to all teenagers) 2nd Saturday of each month. Please note we have no access to hall between 1.30 - 10.30pm
Registered Charity Numbers: 215174 and 214779 (England and Wales); SC009359 and SC037691 (Scotland); and CHY6399 (Republic of Ireland)
May Corps Diary
Prayer Focus
Mon 6th ~ Afternoon walk/cycle in Exmouth Listen for details, or contact Peter or Ruth Wed 8th ~ Women’s Fellowship 2.45pm Thu 9th ~ Corps Council 7.30pm coffee lounge Fri 10th ~ Day of Prayer 9am – 9pm th Sun 12 ~ Band at Okehampton (afternoon) Thu 16th ~ Visit of North York Temple Band* th Fri 17 ~Hall kept free for Band (Morning only) 17th - 19th Majors Alan and Carol away Sun 19th ~ Worship led by CMS Andrew Cutler 24th/25th ~ Collecting at Sainsburys Pinhoe
Major Alan recuperating from recent minor surgery and signed off work for two weeks
Diary date th
Sunday 30 June - Children & Youth Ministries Anniversary Weekend and Church Parade
Notice Board Thank you so much to all who supported ‘Raise the Roof’ last Friday. The total raised on the night was £1035.27 (donations £915.27 plus Gabby's stall £120) and donations are still coming in! Gabby and the family have been overwhelmed by your support and would like to say a very BIG THANK YOU to all *Thursday 16th May - Visit of North York Temple Band (Toronto Canada) Tickets: £8.00 balcony, £5.00 downstairs from 01392 433906 or e-mail margaret.pope@sky.com Please see Ruth Woolway if you can offer bed & breakfast for band members Divisional Men’s Fellowship five-a-side football day Saturday 15th June 10.30am4.00pm. If you can make up a 5-a-side team, that is great, but if only one or two men would like to go teams can be made up. Either way the important thing is to book places (over 18’s only). For full details see the poster on the notice board in the foyer Dartmoor Classic 65 miles Cycle - 23rd June. Ralph Foster is taking part and asks for your support. If you would like to sponsor Ralph please see Graham (CSM) who has a sponsor form. Proceeds to Cancer Research UK Page 2
Mac McGowan who was admitted to hospital last weekend and for Sandra at this time The people in St Ives, blessed and challenged by the ministry of our Band last weekend, the leaders and members of the Corps as they prepare the way for new leadership All those linked with our fellowship that are unwell, in hospital or in need of our special prayer support just now Copies of the corps prayer list are available in the foyer. Prayer requests can also be placed in the prayer room, which is open to all for reflection
Day of Prayer Friday 10th May 9am – 9pm ‘Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful’ Col 4:2 Please sign up to pray for an hour in the Prayer Room
Special announcement Retired Corps Treasurer Ken and Mrs Jo Bovey have received an invitation to a Buckingham Palace garden party 30th May. We wish them both a wonderful day
Exeter Salvation Army Friars Gate Exeter EX2 4AZ Phone: 01392 216553 Mobile: 07743 019407 View or download copies of this Bulletin at www.salvationarmy.org.uk/swe/Exeter_Temple
We try to ensure the information is as accurate and up to date as possible. Please email items for the next edition to SABulletin@aol.com before Tuesday 14th May