Pick Out Patch
irthday Happy Bir to You!
ure issue birthday printed in a fut d an me na ur yo e se To of birth me, address and date of KA! email your full na y.org.uk. Remember to type arm to kidsalive@salvation ct box. u!’ in the email’s subje Yo to ay thd Bir py ‘Hap
I love disney! i am going to wear my mickey mouse ears all week! See if you can spot this version of me on ANOTHER PAGE IN THIS WEEK’S ISSUE.
12 March Madeleine Squi res – age 10
13 March le – age 1 2 Lucy Entwis
15 March Nico Robinson – age 7
16 March ows – age 9 Ralph Mead
18 March Madeline Dowli ng – age 11 Ruby Redstone – age 12
Guess the Group to name A collective noun is a word used gs. thin or ls a group of people, anima
Circus of puffins
s Convoy of lorrie
Here’s some alphabetical fun with crazy collective nouns beginning with the letter C…
Clutch of motorcyclists Constellation of stars
Unscramble this anagram
Colony of fungi
Cluck of chickens
to find the collective noun for a group of worshippers. Clue: It starts with the letter C.
Answer on page 2
7 KA - p7 - 12 March.indd 1
04/03/2022 14:41