Salvationist 13 April 2019

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BECOMING GENEROUS DISCIPLES The Give to Grow programme is changing to become Generous Discipleship. But it’s more than just a new name, as Generous Discipleship Co-ordinator Denise Wilkinson (THQ) explains to Salvationist WHAT WAS GIVE TO GROW AND WHY IS IT CHANGING? Give to Grow has been running since 2008, after having been introduced as Planned Giving in the 1990s. It is a biblical resource to help people understand the importance of giving generously and sacrificially. Over the past five years around sixty corps have taken part at some point, and it has definitely made a difference, helping people to consider their monetary giving. One corps is undertaking its tenth renewal this year, which is an excellent achievement as the corps family has taken ownership to ensure that giving remains an essential part of its spiritual development. However, comments from corps across the territory highlighted the need for change, so some corps leaders met with a group from THQ to discuss what was working well and what needed to be changed to make the teaching more relevant. WHAT WAS THE OUTCOME? U CO Traditionally, when we talked about giving, it was about giving our money. In ng ourselves back to reality it’s about giving God so that he can use everything we ort our corps. As have to offer to support e should talk about followers of Christ we giving in terms of ourr time, skills and ur money. That’s abilities as well as our e discussions. what came out of the ard from still wanted The people we heard the four principles of Give to Grow: -to-lay teaching, biblical teaching; lay-to-lay which means getting people within the

corps to talk to others in the corps; an act of hospitality that brings people together, usually a meal; and an act of commitment or pledge. However, it was felt that the emphasis should be broadened so that all areas of giving were included. This new emphasis is reflected in the new name, Generous Discipleship. While the theme of the teaching will be under the banner of ‘Generous Living – Generous Giving’, exploring what it means to use the ‘currencies’ God has given us – our time, skills, abilities and money – we still need to remember that being generous in other ways does not negate the need to be faithful in the giving of our financial resources. Just think about God’s creation and how he has provided everything we have. His generosity sets the example we should reflect in our own giving. WILL IT BE RUN IN A NEW WAY? We will still invite corps to do a threeyear cycle, as it’s about the journey of developing and growing in our understanding of what God expects from us. We now suggest that the whole corps community should be involved, as we have people connected to our corps who might not be part of the worshipping community. Some of our most generous people, particularly with time and skills, are those that are not there on a Sunday, yet they come and share with us by volunteering, helping with foodbanks or serving in a café. There is much that we

can learn from their generous natures. The advisers now work in a much more flexible way with corps. This enables us to tailor what is required to meet the specific needs of a corps, thus negating ‘one approach fits all’. In most cases the conversation doesn’t start with a question about money, it starts with: ‘Tell me about what you do here and why you’re doing it.’ It’s a missional conversation not a financial conversation, and it opens up all the different areas that corps might need to look at. Sometimes that will be about money, but we hope it will include other areas of mission and interaction with the community. WHAT RESOURCES ARE AVAILABLE? We already have a number of resources on the Enabling Mission website and are looking to include additional Bible studies and links through to other resources that corps can download and use. WHEN IS GENEROUS DISCIPLESHIP BEGINNING? It’s available now! We’re already in conversation with corps, the divisional mission enablers are getting the word out and we’re going to introduce it at a number of divisional events. Over the past couple of years I have regularly returned to the words of Paul, writing about the Macedonian churches: ‘They gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability’ (2 Corinthians Co t a s8 8:3). They gave everything they had, des despite having very little, because they had placed themselves completely in God’s hands and allowed him to direct their lives and their giving – even then tthey didn’t think it was enough! It wo would be great if we could follow the Ma Macedonians’ example and become the g generous church that God wants us to b be. For more in information about Generous Discipleship vvisit uk or call Denise De on 020 7367 4935


Salvationist 13 April 2019 S


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