SIGN PLEDGE TO MAKE 2022 A YEAR OF CHRISTIAN HOSPITALITY, SAYS CHARITY FOUNDER Christians are being urged to sign up to a pledge committing to offering hospitality to a stranger this year. The charity co-ordinator and director of Afghan Welcome, Dr Krish Kandiah, is pioneering a new way of encouraging practical action in the spirit of the gospel… The Hospitality Pledge (hospitalitypledge.org) encourages people to take three simple but meaningful actions each week to show welcome, including to those who are experiencing loneliness, homelessness or who are seeking asylum. Dr Kandiah has been speaking to Premier about the idea: ‘I believe hospitality is one of the discerning and defining features of what it means to be a Christian… Offering kindness, compassion and welcome to people in need, that’s what it means to follow in Jesus’ footsteps… ‘So we came up with this suggestion of making 2022 a year of hospitality and encouraging Christians … to think about what they can do to make their families and their churches more welcoming to other people.’ Premier
IN-WORK POVERTY BLIGHTING YOUNG LIVES, SAYS SVP In-work poverty is having a devastating effect on children, according to a report by the St Vincent de Paul Society. The report, Stealing Futures – In-Work Poverty and Its Impact on Children and Young People … draws on a recent study from the Institute for Public Policy Research, which found that rates of poverty in working households increased to a new high of 17 per cent in the first quarter of 2021, equivalent to more than one in six households… The report says that … rising housing costs, low wages, unaffordable childcare costs, compounded by growing inflation, and the pandemic are leaving a rapidly growing number of working households in poverty… ‘Growing up in a household experiencing in-work poverty has a deep and lasting impact on children,’ said SVP National President Helen O’Shea... ‘We need a strong commitment from the government to tackle this hidden crisis, including policies to tackle insecure work, the high cost of childcare and low wages.’
The Archbishop of Canterbury has called for a new ‘covenant’ on social care between the state and the people, similar to the provision of the NHS and education, which makes ‘absolute value and dignity’ the top priority… [Justin] Welby was speaking out before a parliamentary battle over the funding of social care. A new tax and a cap on care costs to prevent most people from having to sell their homes are at the heart of the government’s proposed reforms of the sector, which affect 11 million people in the UK as carers or care recipients… Welby is pressing for a more profound reform. ‘You have to have a covenantal approach which says regardless of who you are, of your economic value, of your utility, society covenants to give you the best possible care it can as you approach the end of your life,’ he said. That means making social care ‘a community obligation, not just a family obligation’.
The Tablet
The Guardian
NORTH LONDON CHURCH BECOMES FIRST HEALTHY HEALING HUB Christ Church, Southgate, in north London, has become the first Healthy Healing Hub, offering support for the health and wellbeing of the local community in a Christian context. The hubs are an initiative of the Guild of Health and St Raphael, which regards the ministry of healing as intrinsic to the Church’s mission. Its chief executive, the Rev Dr Gillian Straine, has said... ‘If you show people that you care, and that the Church can be a place of health and healing, then the Church will grow…’ Churches signing up have access to resources and training to deal with issues of mental health. The guild also … encourages leaders to go to their local GP surgeries, engage with public health and open up conversations about using church buildings for the purposes of community health. Church Times
SALVATIONIST salvationarmy.org.uk/salvationist Issue No 1842
CONTACT US 020 7367 4890 (main) / 020 7367 4901 (editor) salvationist@salvationarmy.org.uk
EDITOR Lieut-Colonel Jonathan Roberts
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MANAGING EDITOR Ivan Radford EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS Simon Hope, Melita Day-Lewis, Major Margaret Bovey ART DIRECTOR Hannah Holden GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Mark Knight, Louise Phillips PROOFREADER Chris Horne Published weekly by The Salvation Army and printed on paper from sustainable sources by CKN Print, Northampton. © The Salvation Army United Kingdom and Ireland Territory. ISSN 2516-5909.
Salvationist 22 January 2022
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FOUNDER William Booth GENERAL Brian Peddle TERRITORIAL COMMANDER Commissioner Anthony Cotterill EDITOR-IN-CHIEF AND PUBLISHING SECRETARY Major Mal Davies TERRITORIAL HEADQUARTERS 101 Newington Causeway, London SE1 6BN 0845 634 0101