1 minute read
Where the living waters flow
THIS week marked World Water Day (22 March), which each year raises awareness of the billions of people who don’t have access to clean water. Supporting those communities is the focus of this year’s Helping-Hand Appeal, which you can donate to – and fundraise for – throughout the year.
The global water crisis and the climate crisis are intrinsically linked, with climate change exacerbating the problem for people around the world. As Christians, our responsibility to help people achieve fullness of life goes hand in hand with our mission to do so in a sustainable way. As we think of clean water and sanitation, we’re reminded of the state of the planet’s oceans, which have become disastrously polluted by humankind. We’re also inspired by the work of Hadleigh Temple to become an Eco Church, joining many corps seeking to care for creation where they are.
Our responsibilities to be stewards of this Earth, its resources and each other all stem from the same source: God’s lovea current that compels us to serve others and bring them spiritually to the place where the living waters flow. This week, pray that people not only have access to safe water, but are also inspired to seek out the water that only Jesus can provide.