Please complete and return your booking form to: The Salvation Army Adult and Family Ministries 101 Newington Causeway LONDON SE1 6BN
Tel: 020 7367 4956 Venue The Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick, Alfreton DE55 1AU. Telephone 01773 526000 Email hayes@cct.org.uk Arrival and Departure The conference will commence with registration at 5pm on Friday 21 June and conclude after lunch on Sunday 23 June. Travel Travel details will be sent to you with the receipt for your payment and other conference details. Cancellation Bookings cancelled up to 7 June 2013 will be refunded after a deduction of a £25 administration fee, subject to the place being filled. After this date no refund can be made.
Corps Division For office use only - Account No. A14033 SNA1120
Women And God Conference
21–23 June 2013 The Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick A Christian Church and registered charity – No 214779, and in Scotland SC009359
(Adult and Family Ministries)
WAG Weekend
COMMISSIONER MARIANNE ADAMS We welcome Commissioner Marianne Adams to the WAG weekend. Commissioners Clive and Marianne Adams were installed as Territorial Commander and Territorial President of Women’s Ministries respectively in February. The Adams have served together as corps leaders, divisional youth secretaries, training college officers and in divisional leadership. Marianne has experience as the Territorial Home and Families Secretary in the Norway, Iceland & Færoes Territory alongside her other territorial leadership responsibilities. Her officership has taken her to the Faeroe Islands, South Africa, Norway and the United Kingdom. Marianne has a passion for the marginalised, and a heart for women’s ministries.
COMMISSIONER LYN PEARCE As a Salvation Army Officer, Lyn had a variety of appointments including Training College, Corps, & Divisional work. Her ministry has taken her from her homeland of Australia right around the world having spent some time on International Heaadquarters and and at the International College for Officers both in the UK. Lyn comes to us following her appointment (from retirement) as Principal of the ICO and will share with us her God-given gift of teaching. Lyn’s great interest has particularly been in prayer and spirituality and in more recent years, retreats.
TANIA BRIGHT-COOK Tania and her husband Muz are currently foster carers who are awaiting the arrival of two permanent additions to their family home. Tania is a passionate cross-denominational leader whose primary focus is on community renewal through relationships, reform and innovation.
Please send payment with booking form
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£135 Weekend Conference £125 Early Bird Discount (until 5 April 2013) £45 Day Ticket (Saturday, 9am–4pm includes morning coffee, lunch,
afternoon tea and evening meal)
Title: Full Name: Address: Postcode: Tel: Email:
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Ann lives in the beautiful city of Cambridge. She works partly as a Regional Training and Development Officer for the Methodist Church and also as a freelance facilitator and graphic recorder.
I enclose a cheque made payable to The Salvation Army for:
Ann is a member of The Salvation Army in Cambridge where she leads the Songsters and also a lively Community Gospel Choir.
Group Booking Name:
MAJOR VAL MYLECHREEST Val was appointed to head up the Adult and Familily Ministries Unit in 2012, following 25 years of ministry in social, corps and headquarters work here in the UK and including six years in Australia. Val is passionate about communicating the love of God wherever and to whoever and has a real heart for ministry to women.
Do you have any dietary needs? Do you require a room with wheelchair access? Signature: Date: