I have a confession to make. I am not a fast runner. In fact, I’m not a very good runner at all. My knees hurt and it’s hard to breathe, and after a few minutes I start to feel like I’m running through thick pudding. When I ran in races at school, I was much slower than my friends. How did they do it without getting tired?
I once ran a race with other kids at school and while they all sprinted ahead, I dragged behind feeling exhausted and slow. But I took a deep breath and thought, I can do this. God made me strong. I made it to the finish line.
Let us keep looking to Jesus. He is the One who started this journey of faith. And He is the One who completes the journey of faith. He paid no attention to the shame of the cross. He suffered there because of the joy He was looking forward to. Then He sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. He made it through these attacks by sinners. So think about Him. Then you won’t get tired. You won’t lose hope. —Hebrews 12:2-3
Eventually I learned that it’s OK if I’m not
a good runner. I’m good at other things! I can read fast and spell long words. I can sing and draw. I am a good friend. God gave me many talents and skills that I can be proud of. And all those things that I am not so good at, such as running, I can trust God to help me with. He will give me the strength to reach the end of the race (and He did!).
So next time you’re feeling tired or like you can’t achieve something, look to Jesus. He is always there for you.
Your friend, Abby
Colour Me
What does this mean?
The Bible encourages us to run the race of life with perseverance, meaning we don’t give up, even when it gets hard. When Jesus was on the cross, He did not give up. He was brave and strong, and He understands our struggles and can help us get through them. Just like a runner keeps going even when they’re tired, we need to keep following Jesus, no matter what.
Solve the Scripture
Complete the math problems, then match the numbers and words to read 1 Corinthians 13:13.
1 to 4 three 7 love 10 important
2 The 5 hope 8 most 11 are 3 and 6 things 9 have 12 faith
Having Faith
What do you think it means to have faith? Write your answer below.
What does a runner lose when they win a race? Their breath
Why was the snowman sore after the race?
He didn’t warm up
Who will win the race?
8 Differences
Hi kids!
This Sunday, which is called Palm Sunday, we remember the day Jesus arrived in Jerusalem before His death and Resurrection. Imagine how excited the people must have been. They clapped and shouted, “Hosanna in the highest heaven!” The word “hosanna” means “save us.”
However, some people in the crowd didn’t like Jesus. They told Him to tell His followers to stop. But Jesus said to them, “I tell you, if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out” (see Luke 19:39-40).
As you prepare to celebrate Easter next Sunday, take time to praise the God who saves us.
Your friend, Abby
Easter Crossword
As Jesus approached Jerusalem, He sent out two disciples to go ahead of Him to the village. “When you get there you will find a donkey and her colt tied up,” He said. “Untie them and bring them to Me. If anyone asks what you are doing, say that the Lord needs them.”
1. A baby chicken
5. When we celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection
7. An Easter flower
9. Animal that delivers Easter goodies
2. Symbol of the Crucifixion of Jesus
3. Chocolate and sweets are types of _ _ _ _ _
4. An Easter kind of bean
6. You do this when you are gathering eggs on Easter
8. A young sheep
The disciples did what Jesus told them to do. They brought the donkey and the colt and put their coats on them. Then Jesus sat on the coats.
As Jesus entered the city, many people put their coats on the road. Others cut branches from palm trees and spread them on the road. They praised God and shouted, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.”
Hi kids!
Do you know why Easter is so important? Hint: it isn’t because of the chocolate eggs or Easter Bunny, even though they are lots of fun!
We celebrate Easter because of Jesus and what He did for us. On Good Friday, the Friday before Easter, Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins. It’s normal to feel sad when we think about how Jesus suffered for us.
But after three days, on Easter, He rose again. It is a happy day! The Bible tells us that Jesus “has destroyed death” (2 Timothy 1:10 NIV ). If we believe in Jesus, we can have everlasting life (see John 3:16).
I hope you have a wonderful Easter celebrating the new life we have in Jesus.
Your friend, Abby
What two eggs are the same?
Bunnies and chocolate are fun at Easter, but there is something more important than that. Beginning at the letter
Write the answer in the spaces
He Is Risen
Hi kids!
What would you do if you saw Jesus? When Jesus first appeared to a group of His followers after His Resurrection, they were afraid. They thought He might be a ghost. Jesus proved He was alive because He had a physical body.
But Thomas, one of Jesus’ followers, wasn’t with the group when Jesus appeared. When they told Thomas that Jesus was alive, he didn’t believe them. He had doubts.
A week later, Jesus appeared to Thomas. When he touched Jesus, he knew that Jesus was real. Thomas’ doubts were gone.
It’s OK to have doubts and questions, as Thomas did.
Jesus wasn’t upset with Thomas for having doubts. Jesus held out His hands and answered Thomas’ questions.
Whatever happens, remember that God is bigger than your questions. God loves each and every one of us—we never have to question that!
Your friend, Abby
Jesus Appears to His Friends
Find 5 Differences
Double Puzzle
Find the words from the Bible story, then write the first 12 leftover letters on the blanks below to read the secret message.
Just for Kids is a Ready to Explore resource, published weekly by The Salvation Army, Canada and Bermuda, 2 Overlea Blvd, Toronto, ON, M4H 1P4. Phone: (416) 422-6153; fax: (416) 422-6217; email: justforkids@salvationarmy.ca. Lyndon Buckingham General; Commissioner Lee Graves, territorial commander; Geoff Moulton, editor-in-chief; Abbigail Oliver, editor; Rivonny Luchas, designer. International Headquarters, 101 Queen Victoria Street, London, England, EC4P 4EP. Subscription for one year, Canada $12 (includes GST/HST); USA $15; foreign $17. Agreement No 40064794. All Scripture references from the Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version, unless otherwise stated. Illustrations: stock.Adobe.com and gettyimages.ca unless otherwise stated. ISSN 2368- 626X