Lose Weight, Gain Balance
Corrections Clients Spread Artistic Wings
Politician’s Rape Comments Spark Anger
Salvationist The Voice of the Army
Healing After Elliot Lake Mall Collapse EarthquakeRavaged Haiti Rebuilds
January 2013
Relief in the wake of hurricane Sandy Salvationist I April 2012 I 1
The Leadership Gap
One would think that if our mission is relevant (and it is) and people believe in our work (and they do), then there should be more people signing up for full-time ministry. There are many people who are passionate about the Army and would like to be involved in it full time. In fact, many are, but as employees, not officers. I think that our appointment system and unique compensation package play a significant role in this. If officers were paid market value for the positions they held and the level of responsibility they assumed, we might see more candidates for officership. If officers could apply to positions when they wanted to and where they wanted to, there would likely be more signing up. I know there are people in our congregations across the territory who are called to officership and have resisted this call because they have counted the cost too high. Is our structure hindering people from stepping up into leadership at the corps level? Yes. We need to find ways to run our corps without expecting so much from those who are willing to give to leadership. As far as recruiting officers, our structure is also hindering people from stepping up. Should we change? Can we change? Can we be who we are if we change our structure? These are the questions we need to explore more fully to determine the cost of change versus the cost of staying the same. One thing I do know is that society is not going to adapt to our structure.
The Army needs leaders, but we’re struggling to develop enough of them. Is the cost of commitment too high?
Yes, leadership in the Army’s culture and structure comes at a price many are not willing to pay.
Photo: © iStockphoto.com/DNY59
BY CAPTAIN ROB KERR THERE ARE VERY few people who would argue that the work we do as an Army is not worth doing. So, if the Army’s mission still resonates with people, then there must be something else that is holding people back from joining our ranks. From where I sit, I can see that there is a tension between western culture and the Army’s culture and structure. This has amplified over the years as societal norms have changed and the Army’s structure has remained essentially the same. Tension between society and the church is nothing new—the church has been counter cultural since day one—but our denominational structure is certainly becoming more distinct. The question at hand is not whether our structure is right or wrong, but whether it is impacting the recruitment and development of leaders. Over the last 30 years, the local church has become a consumer product. As church attendance began to decline, churches started advertising and marketing campaigns, promoting programs, creating seeker-friendly services and building churches that are ergonomically designed. In an attempt to draw people back into the church, we pushed the church into the consumer market. It changed the mindset of the person in the pew from “How can I contribute to the work of the church?” to “What does this church have that I want?” This paradigm shift has greatly impacted how the church functions. I can’t count the number of times a new person or family has come into one of our corps and said, “We are looking for a church home. Can you tell me what programs you offer?” If the answer is not what they are looking for, we won’t see them again. Contrast this with our corps structure that is designed around the idea that attendees become soldiers and soldiers become leaders. Corps sergeant-major, young people’s sergeantmajor, songster leader, bandmaster, corps treasurer, corps secretary … the list goes on. It’s not that these positions aren’t relevant; I believe they serve a necessary and fundamental purpose in the life of the corps. But the expectations put upon these leaders (either implied or explicit) tend to add a great deal of additional duties into which most don’t want to be drawn. My experience has been that people will do things that they are passionate about and find worthwhile, but they don’t want the extra “stuff” that comes with the position. I also think that in many places there is still the fear that once a person fills a position they may be stuck in it for a very long
time. This structure and the written and unwritten expectations surrounding these positions require a commitment of time and energy that few can or are willing to give. Let’s not forget that our corps structure comes from a different age. Dual income households are now the norm with both adults commuting longer distances to work. This means dinner happens later and household chores happen in the evenings or, more likely, on weekends. Children are involved in all sorts of extra activities that are outside the church. Single-parent families don’t have the option to leave the kids with the spouse while he or she runs down to the corps. With this chaotic life, family time is rare. I wrestle with the fact that corps leadership consumes what precious time people have to give. Is it right to take people away from their family in order to fill a role in the corps? Shouldn’t the local corps be encouraging family values and supporting the family unit rather than putting added stress on it? Corps that can afford it hire employees to fill some of the leadership responsibilities. There are many who want to be involved in ministry but need to earn income. They can’t work full time and take on a leadership role in the corps as well. I think this is a valid and realistic response to the current situation, but it certainly isn’t a financially viable option for many corps.
20 I November 2012 I Salvationist
Captain Rob Kerr is the corps officer at Toronto’s Scarborough Citadel.
No, our leadership structure remains an effective method of recruitment. The problem is that too many people have rejected it in an attempt to resemble other churches. BY MAJOR STEPHEN COURT IT’S NOT TRENDY. And for some, the Army system, with its unique vocabulary and peculiar traditions, might even be regarded as defunct. Corps sergeant-majors? Recruiting sergeants? Quarter masters? I mean, come on! But our discipleship and leader training system, from junior soldiers through corps cadets, into senior soldier training and local officership and corps council, complete with orders and regulations and followed by options in candidateship and officer training, still works well today. Part of the problem is that we’ve forgotten what we are. As Major Harold Hill explains: “The Army’s own history, the history and doctrine of the church, the pattern of sociology, the Word of Scripture, all testify against any great need to be ‘a church.’ Our own history provides us with a clear precedent for retaining our identity without resorting to denominationalism; the history and doctrine of the church provide an ecclesiological and theo-
logical base, the sociology of religious movements provides a rationale, and Scripture provides a mandate.” We are not a social agency only. We are not a church. We are not a denomination. We are an order. And we have orders and regulations, not suggestions and recommendations. “Obedience to properly constituted authority is the foundation of all moral excellence,” wrote Catherine Booth. That is fine in regard to ethics. But Florence Booth takes it further when she testifies: “Looking back over 44 years of officership, it seems to me impossible to speak too highly of the value and importance of Salvation Army discipline…. I realized very clearly that if all leaders had a truer idea, a stricter ideal, of obedience to rules and regulations, a much greater advance would be made throughout the Army world.” This isn’t popular today. But the issue is not that obedience to orders and regulations has been tried and found wanting but rather perceived as irrelevant and obsolete (and maybe a little too hard) and so not even tried. Our desperation for success has sometimes led us far astray from Salvationism. You can possibly identify corps in your division that are more or less imitating the Baptists, Pentecostals, Anglicans and others (including poor substitutions of church for corps, service for meeting, pastor for officer, offering for collection, member for soldier, etc.). The problem is that most of these methods and terms don’t work very well when clothed in Salvationism. We are not free to make things up on the fly. We’re part of an Army. We’re actually obligated to apply the Army system. If you aren’t applying it, you are compromising The Salvation Army and limiting the pace of advance of the salvation war. Applying other methods and programs and non-Army doctrines and theology in attempts to mimic their success while we play the role of pastor and church, is doomed to failure. Strategically, it is mistaken. The significant majority of Canadians have voted with their feet that church is irrelevant. Why would we pretend to be a church? Biblically, it is near-sighted. There are all kinds of biblical metaphors for the people of God—body, temple, vineyard, building, flock, etc. But the Army of God is not a metaphor—it is not compared to something it is not. We are engaged in actual spiritual warfare. Biblically, we are on solid ground. So, to present ourselves as a church is neither accurate nor effective. What goes for church goes for its leaders. In the NIV translation of the Bible, pastor turns up once in Ephesians 4:11, though the Greek word poimen appears 18 times in the New Testament, 17 times being translated as shepherd. Pastor is a biblically rare synonym for the much more popular shepherd, so it makes much more strategic and biblical sense to use shepherd instead of the term pastor, packed as it is with negative connotations today. Oh wait, except that shepherd relates to flock—a metaphor—in contrast with Army, in a very real spiritual war against the forces of evil. So, let’s agree that the term pastor is another term we should avoid. Let’s stop pretending. Let’s embrace The Salvation Army. Let’s embrace Salvationism, its leadership system and structure. Major Stephen Court is the corps officer at Crossroads in Edmonton. Salvationist I November 2012 I 21
Cost of Commitment I agree with the positions of both Major Stephen Court and Captain Rob Kerr (The Leadership Gap, November 2012). Can we embrace the spirit of Salvationism while finding ways to make our unique way of ministering to the lost relevant to a new generation? Or should we cling desperately to the traditions of the past while the world around us moves forward? We cannot afford to let our traditions, as lovely and dear to us as they are, become the idols that separate us from pursuing the God-given vision our Founders staked their entire lives on. The vision is not what we wear, what we sing or how we minister. The vision is for the lost, the broken and the damaged of our society. Do we care more for the former than the latter? As for recruiting officers, what is holding us back in that effort? Is it possible our officer model needs to change? When so many reject it, you have to wonder if it’s relevant for people today. The authoritarian leadership structure is seen as archaic and out of touch with more modern methods of leadership. I agree with Captain Kerr in this respect. People today are not willing to surrender their future to an organization’s leadership that dictates and controls most aspects of their lives. Is there another Christian organization besides the Catholic church that operates this way? We need to change. Can we embrace change and see it as gaining something new and exciting rather than losing something precious and comforting? The public and even members on our advisory boards may love how we look, but are they signing up as soldiers? If our corps/ churches die, will there be anyone left to lead our ministries? I pray for our leaders to be brave and embrace new ideas, and for wisdom to not throw the baby out with the bath water. Yes, you’re right Major Court, we don’t have to look and be like the other churches, but we don’t have to cling to the past either. Let’s be who God wants us to be and creatively fulfil the vision he has for us. Major Kathie Chiu I am a youth leader in The Salvation Army. Many of the young people I work with are considering God’s call to be an officer. It is the complete surrender of all control, comfort and power required from officers in the late 19th century and the Army today (although officership has more perks now than back then) that motivates me to consider officership myself. If we have to make more and more concessions to increase the stability, control and comfort of our officers and, equally, our soldiers, will we ever be who God wants us to be? Will we ever be able to do more than simply sing the words of I Surrender All or just read the Apostle 2 I January 2013 I Salvationist
Paul’s heartfelt prayer to know Christ and fellowship in his sufferings? Have we forgotten about the crosses we should gladly bear that give the message of Jesus Christ such countercultural power? If so, we will cease to be the Army God raised up. It is those officers who are truly giving everything they have with little or no concern for themselves who are pulling off the best officer recruitment plan there is—visible holiness and passion for serving Jesus no matter the cost. Heidi Adams As someone who has grown up in the Army, and considered officership on and off over the years, I have to agree with Captain Kerr on this one. Major Court’s argument that our leadership structure is effective and that the problem is that “too many people have rejected it in an attempt to resemble other churches” is a misguided statement. If we do not change to meet people where they’re at, then I am not convinced that we will grow. From an organizational standpoint, this makes sense. No other organization can avoid changing its practices and survive. I believe God can sustain us if it his will, but I also believe that we have a responsibility to adjust to the context in which we live. We do not live in 1865 anymore. This doesn’t mean we can’t have the same drive, vision and mission, but it does mean that we can do it in a different way without compromising our core doctrines and values. Remember that it’s not about The Salvation Army, it’s about God’s grace sent through Christ Jesus, and sharing that message should be our priority. The recruitment of new officers and leaders needs to look different. If people aren’t coming, we need to ask ourselves why. Our current leaders are faced with the daunting task of looking at the next generation of people coming up, who are vastly different from the other generations, and really try to understand them. Open your eyes and ears and you will learn that passion is great, but it looks a lot different than you expect and it might need to be teased out a bit. Jeremy Thompson In my readings and my devotional life I have been increasingly convicted about a core gospel message: that our lives are not about ourselves. A well-centred life places a primary focus on who God is, what he is doing in our world, joining him in his redemptive work and loving others. I am concerned that we have become too influenced by our consumer-driven society and that we increasingly struggle with the sacrifices that discipleship demands of us. If this is true, then we must be very careful in considering changes to our standards for leadership, particularly what has been expected of our local officers and commissioned officers. Our self-focused society is not a biblical worldview and if we are to be a people raised up and led by God, then we must centre our leadership on biblical holiness, which is a demonstrated willingness to forego our freedoms and desires to serve God and others. Abandoning personal freedoms and rights does not appear relevant in a modern context, and it will not attract many into leadership; those who have felt the convictions of the Holy Spirit on their hearts and truly desire to serve will be compelled to relinquish control to God and trust in the leadership he has raised up because their hearts will burn for the lost. God will provide when we focus less on leadership and address the heart of the issue—holy living—which will compel those whom God is calling into service. Jason Waters
than is required.
Inside This Issue Cert no. XXX-XXX-XXXX
January 2013 No. 81 www.salvationist.ca E-mail: salvationist@can.salvationarmy.org
Departments 3 4 Editorial
When Disaster Strikes
by Major Jim Champ
5 Around the Territory 12 Mission Matters
Charting the Course
22 Cross Culture 4 25 Celebrate Community
Features 8 An Army on the March
29 Faith Works
10 Finding Hope in the Rubble
Enrolments and recognition, tributes, gazette, calendar Cert no. XXX-XXX-XXXX
Salvationists rally with General Linda Bond in St. John’s and Toronto by Pamela Richardson
by Major Kathie Chiu
Since the roof collapsed at the Elliot Lake shopping mall, The Salvation Army has been helping residents cope by Kristin Fryer
13 After the Storm
Unbridled Enthusiasm
20 Ministry in Action
God-Sanctioned Brutality?
The Salvation Army responds in wake of hurricane Sandy
by Major Juan Burry
16 Healthy Transformation
Art “Work”
by Ken Ramstead
God helped me find balance in my mind, body and spirit. He can do the same for you by Captain Lisa Macpherson
18 Rebuilding Haiti
Three years after the earthquake, The Salvation Army’s Integrated Family Support Project is helping Haiti’s most vulnerable An interview with Jodel Pierre
24 What Does God Require of Us?
January 18-25 is the 2013 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity by Rev. Karen Hamilton
25 Journey to Holiness Cover photo: Courtesy of Good News!
Officers experience spiritual renewal at Brengle Institute
Inside Faith & Friends Home Field Advantage NFL wide receiver Greg Jennings proves you can win ’em all
Snatch and Grab
Thirteen dwarves, a wizard and a hobbit attempt the ultimate heist in The Hobbit, prequel to The Lord of the Rings
Sewing Seeds of Hope
Thanks to caring members of The Salvation Army in
Cornwall, Ont., little girls in South Africa now have new dresses to wear
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Share Your Faith When you finish reading Faith & Friends in the centre of this issue, pull it FAITH & out and give it to someone GAME who needs to CHANGER hear about Christ’s lifechanging + power
Sharing the Vision
General Linda Bond’s letters to Salvationists around the world can be read at salvationist.ca/ tag/sharing-the-vision
January 2013
Inspiration for Living
NFL Wide Receiver Greg Jennings Proves Nice Guys Can Finish First
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World Watch
Keep up to date on what the Army is doing internationally. Visit salvationist.ca/ worldwatch Salvationist Salvationist I September I January 2013 2012 I 3
When Disaster Strikes
ens of thousands came for help from The Salvation Army as hurricane Sandy left a trail of destruction along the eastern seaboard of the United States at the end of October last year. More than 100 deaths were blamed on what was described as a super storm. Many lost their homes and all of their possessions. Others endured days without power and water. Included in the number seeking assistance was Magalys Cuevas. “I have three children and it’s just so cold and dark at night in my house,” she said. “Next week my children are supposed to return to school but I don’t know how that can happen the way we’re living.” Shannon Foster was also in the queue that day. Shannon had moved into her Staten Island home three days before the hurricane destroyed it. Ten days later, she stood with her mother and her dog, Baxter, shivering in the cold at the Army’s distribution centre. “It’s the overwhelming feeling of frustration that’s probably the worst for the victims of hurricane Sandy,” said Major Scott Kelly on Staten Island. “I see that on people’s faces every day. They just don’t know what to expect next. In this month’s issue, you’ll find articles on three major disasters where The
Salvation Army was called into action. News editor Pamela Richardson compiles international reports about the Army’s response in the wake of hurricane Sandy. Staff writer Kristin Fryer records the experience of Mary Hiley who was grocery shopping when the roof of the Algo Centre mall collapsed in Elliot Lake, Ont. And three years after the earthquake in Haiti, Fryer interviews Jodel Pierre about the ongoing efforts to rebuild this impoverished country. While the Army is often called to take a lead role in providing practical support and counselling services to disaster victims and first responders, we do not act alone. Donations of cash, food, clothing and furniture accompanied by willing workers—many from other Christian denominations—who give freely of their time and expertise all contribute to bring hope to those most affected by disaster. Rev. Karen Hamilton, general secretary of the Canadian Council of Churches, writes about the importance of Christian unity (see page 12), citing the challenge of the prophet, “What does the Lord require of us?” To stand in the gap and provide sustenance and solace to those in need is both a privilege and a responsibility. The recognition that we do not stand alone underscores the importance of partnerships and the need to be a part of the community where we live. To every Salvationist and our many friends outside the Army who give so generously in service to others when disaster strikes, we say, “Thank you!” Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.—Hebrews 13:16 ESV MAJOR JIM CHAMP Editor-in-Chief
is a monthly publication of The Salvation Army Canada and Bermuda Territory Linda Bond General Commissioner Brian Peddle Territorial Commander Major Jim Champ Editor-in-Chief Geoff Moulton Assistant Editor-in-Chief John McAlister Features Editor (416-467-3185) Pamela Richardson News Editor, Production Co-ordinator, Copy Editor (416-422-6112) Timothy Cheng Art Director Ada Leung Circulation Co-ordinator Kristin Fryer, Ken Ramstead Contributors Agreement No. 40064794, ISSN 1718-5769. Member, The Canadian Church Press. All Scripture references from the Holy Bible, Today’s New International Version (TNIV) © 2001, 2005 International Bible Society. Used by permission of International Bible Society. All rights reserved worldwide. All articles are copyright The Salvation Army Canada and Bermuda Territory and can be reprinted only with written permission.
Annual: Canada $30 (includes GST/HST); U.S. $36; foreign $41. Available from: The Salvation Army, 2 Overlea Blvd, Toronto ON M4H 1P4. Phone: 416-422-6119; fax: 416-422-6120; e-mail: circulation@can.salvationarmy.org.
Inquire by e-mail for rates at salvationist@ can.salvationarmy.org.
News, Events and Submissions
Editorial lead time is seven weeks prior to an issue’s publication date. No responsibility is assumed to publish, preserve or return unsolicited material. Write to salvationist@ can.salvationarmy.org or Salvationist, 2 Overlea Blvd, Toronto ON M4H 1P4.
The Salvation Army exists to share the love of Jesus Christ, meet human needs and be a transforming influence in the communities of our world. Salvationist informs readers about the mission and ministry of The Salvation Army in Canada and Bermuda. salvationist.ca salvationist@can.salvationarmy.org facebook.com/salvationistmagazine twitter.com/salvationist 4 I January 2013 I Salvationist
50 Delegates Attend Officership Weekend FIFTY DELEGATES REPRESENTING every division across the Canada and Bermuda Territory joined together for the officer information weekend held in October at the College for Officer Training (CFOT) in Winnipeg. The weekend opened with a welcome dinner, followed by a time of worship led by Major Shona Pike, secretary for candidates, and a message from Major Jamie Braund, principal, CFOT. The evening concluded with a fellowship time with the cadets currently in training at the college. On Saturday, delegates attended information sessions that offered an overview of Salvation Army officership,
as well as insight into the current training model at CFOT. Following these sessions, the cadets led a time of worship and Cadet Colleen Gleadall shared her testimony, highlighting her personal call to officership. Major Glenys Pilgrim, director of personnel, CFOT, spoke from John 6, the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000. Major Pilgrim urged delegates to offer all that they had, as the boy in the story did, knowing that God would use all that was given for his kingdom. The weekend concluded with a covenant service led by Commissioners Brian and Rosalie Peddle, territorial leaders. As the service commenced, delegates were reminded that God uses ordinary
Faculty and delegates gather at CFOT
people to accomplish great things for his kingdom. Testimonies were given by delegates Stephanie Sawchuk, Prairie Division, and Jeremy Hennessay, Ontario Great Lakes Division, who both shared how God had moved in a miraculous way in their lives and revealed his plan for them to serve as Salvation Army officers. Commissioner Brian Peddle encouraged delegates to take time and listen to God whispering their names. He reminded everyone present that we will only hear God if we know him and that we know him by being in a relationship with him. He then invited delegates to reflect on and respond to God’s call as it had been revealed to them over the weekend. Delegates responded by signing covenant cards, committing themselves to be obedient to God’s will for their lives.
Delegates enjoy a meal together at the officership information weekend
Project Comp-U-Give Teaches Computer Skills THE SALVATION ARMY, Western University and a London, Ont., family teamed up in October for the kick-off of Project Comp-U-Give. Spearheaded by Colin Toth, Project CompU-Give facilitates the teaching of basic computer skills to families and then provides them with a recently refurbished computer. The computers, loaded with many basic programs, are provided by Western University. Six families participated in the first session of Project CompU-Give. Toth, a former IT technician, guided them through a tutorial on the work he and his family had completed on the computers, and made sure the participants were comfortable with basic computer operations. “Computers are an important part of today’s society,” says Perron Goodyear, divisional emergency services director, Ontario Great Lakes Division. “Children need them to do homework, young adults need them for post-secondary studies, families need them to access resources in their community. They are an invaluable tool and Project Comp-U-Give wants to make sure every household in the community has one available to them.
“We are extremely excited to be able to work with our partners in this very valuable and worthwhile initiative,” adds Goodyear. Organizers hope that this will be the first of many more sessions of Project Comp-U-Give.
Colin Toth teaches families basic computer skills in London, Ont. Salvationist I January 2013 I 5
Rally Encourages Ontario Seniors MORE THAN 270 seniors from across the Ontario Great Lakes Division gathered at the Hellenic Centre in London, Ont., in October for the 2012 Experienced Generation Rally. The Ontario Great Lakes Jubilee Brass treated guests to a prelude of rousing music, followed by some hand-clapping numbers from Sonlit, a male quartet from the Owen Sound Corps, Ont., who performed several times throughout the day. Lt-Colonel Deborah Graves, divisional director of women’s ministries, Ontario Great Lakes Division, welcomed the delegates and introduced the guests, Colonels Robert and Gwenyth Redhead and Major Wendy Waters, territorial adult ministries secretary. Colonels Redhead shared a message on the themes The Legacy We Inherit and The Legacy We Leave. In a moving dramatic presentation, Colonel Gwenyth Redhead portrayed the character of Rahab, a prostitute who protected Joshua’s two spies in Jericho, and noted that, in spite of her questionable profession, Rahab is part of the lineage of Jesus. Colonel Gwenyth Redhead then shared a number of practical suggestions for leaving a legacy of faith to children and grandchildren. As part of the program, Colonel Robert Redhead introduced
To the Glory and Praise of God, a composition he and his wife wrote for North York Temple’s anniversary. At the invitation of Bandmaster Jim Gordon, Colonel Robert Redhead conducted the band during the congregational singing of this number, which was also the finale of the rally.
New Ad Campaign Reaches Youth
Museum Acquires Empress of Ireland Artifacts
6 I January 2013 I Salvationist
May 29, 1914, is remembered as a day of great tragedy for The Salvation Army. On that day, the Canadian Pacific liner Empress of Ireland capsized and sank in the St. Lawrence River with 200 Salvationists, including the Canadian Staff Band, on board. Of these travellers, who were on their way to the International Congress in London, England, 167 were lost. This story is not widely known among Canadians today, but the Canadian Museum of History in Ottawa is hoping to the change that. The museum recently acquired nearly 500 artifacts recovered from the site of the sinking, including the ship’s large bell. The artifacts will be showcased in a special exhibition in 2014 to coincide with the centenary of the disaster. Following that, the exhibition will tour the country.
Library and Archives Canada / PA-116389
THE SALVATION ARMY has embarked on an innovative, hard-hitting advertising campaign to address issues facing Canada’s youth. Creative wall posters in more than 10 universities across the country and print ads in university or similar urban publications aim to capture the attention of youth, while illustrating the types of services the Army offers. The ads are based on real stories of people who have received support from the Army and turned their lives around. For example, one poster has the outline of a bottle with text embedded in the framework that tells the story of one person’s battle with alcoholism. The tag line reads: “That’s the war on alcoholism The Salvation Army helped me win.” Other posters share the stories of individuals who have escaped a life of crime and overcome drug addiction.
Col Gwenyth Redhead portrays Rahab during a dramatic presentation
The Empress of Ireland
100 Years of Ministry in Red Deer
From left, Mjrs Larry and Marilyn Bridger, Commissioners Rosalie and Brian Peddle, and Mjrs Donna and Ron Millar participate in the Red Deer anniversary celebrations
CONTINUING TO SERVE with Heart to God and Hand to Man was the theme for the celebrations marking the 100th anniversary of the Army’s work in Red Deer, Alta. Weekend events were led by Commissioners Brian and Rosalie Peddle, territorial commander and territorial president of women’s ministries, supported by Majors Ron and Donna Millar, divisional commander and divisional director of women’s ministries, Alberta and Northern Territories Division, and Majors Larry and Marilyn Bridger, corps officers. A banquet celebrated an Army on Fire for God with various dignitaries in attendance, including Mayor Morris Flewwelling, MLA Mary Anne Jablonski, MP Earl Dreeshen and Rev. George Bradley, president of the local Ministerial Association. Commissioner Rosalie Peddle reminded those in attendance that God had been blessing, using and transforming people through the ministry of The Salvation Army in Red Deer. “We celebrate because we know his blessings do not end. We rejoice in knowing that his anointing will be upon what is to come,” she said. Nearly 500 people attended a concert at the Red Deer Memorial Centre that featured the Canadian Staff Band, musical guests for the weekend. Commissioner Brian Peddle addressed the crowd and reminded them that the phrase Heart to God and Hand to Man is more than a slogan—it is action on behalf of believers to do service in the name of Jesus. On Sunday morning, the territorial commander challenged the congregation to share the gospel by their actions so others can see Christ in them. In the concluding moments of the weekend, people knelt for a time of recommitment and dedication.
For more Army news, visit us online at
Fashion Show Fights Hunger in Quebec SHERBROOKE COMMUNITY CHURCH, Que., held a fashion show in October to raise money for the corps’ soup kitchen. The event was the brainchild of Sylvie Genesse, a volunteer who organized the show. The collection of clothing presented at the fashion show was as varied as it was creative, using new and gently used clothing from The Salvation Army’s thrift store in Sherbrooke. “This event highlighted our recycled products,” says Lieutenant Anne-Marie Racicot, corps officer. “As our organizing team was able to show, the clothes we accept at the thrift store are in good condition and wear well.” This popular community event raised $1,625, which will be used to provide food to individuals and families in need in the region. “Beyond raising money, the fashion show bolstered the pride and self-esteem of our volunteers and young people who participated in the event,” says Lieutenant Claude Dagenais, corps officer.
A fashion show held at Sherbrooke CC raised $1,625 for the corps’ soup kitchen
Did you know …
… The Salvation Army has partnered with other churches in Estevan, Sask., to open the city’s first homeless shelter? … Andrew Eason, assistant professor of religion at Booth University College, Winnipeg, recently presented a paper at the 13th Quadrennial Conference of the International Association for Mission Studies at the University of Toronto? … The Salvation Army distributed roughly $1.7 million to more than 1,300 families affected by hurricane Igor, which devastated Newfoundland and Labrador in 2010? … Foi & Vie, the French version of Faith & Friends, is used across Canada in corps, social services centres and prison ministry? Contact circulation@can.salvationarmy.org to find out how you can receive them for your outreach efforts … The Salvation Army will hold an International Conference on the Training of Cadets in April in London, England? Conferences of this nature were previously held in 1925, 1951, 1974 and 2001 Salvationist I January 2013 I 7
An Army on the March Salvationists rally with General Linda Bond in St. John’s and Toronto
Salvationists gather to worship in St. John’s and welcome the General 8 I January 2013 I Salvationist
Toronto photos: Timothy Cheng
od’s word was uplifted and people responded to the prompting of the Holy Spirit when General Linda Bond returned to her home country of Canada to lead rallies in St. John’s, N.L., and Toronto. On October 31, Salvationists in the Newfoundland and Labrador Division greeted the Army’s international leader during a public rally. More than 700 people crowded into Mary Queen of Peace Church to welcome the General. The international leader was supported by Commissioners Brian and Rosalie Peddle, territorial leaders, who received a warm welcome home to their native province, and Lt-Colonels Wayne and Myra Pritchett, divisional leaders. Lending musical assistance were the St. John’s Temple Band, the Trinity Bay South Corps Worship Team and the St. John’s Citadel Songsters. Testimonies by George Skeard of Grand Falls Citadel and Joanne Pardy of Mount Pearl Citadel bore witness to the General’s vision of One Army, One Mission, One Message. In her sermon, General Bond demonstrated the inspirational and motivational gifts that have characterized her ministry and leadership. The evening was crowned with many seekers accepting the challenge of God’s Word. Excitement and anticipation filled the John Bassett Theatre
General Linda Bond addresses Salvationists
at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre two days later as hundreds gathered for a Salvationists’ rally with General Linda Bond. “With the warmth of our hearts we welcome you home,” said Commissioner Brian Peddle as he introduced the General, making reference to her Canadian heritage. Joined by Commissioner Rosalie Peddle and Colonels Floyd and Tracey Tidd, chief secretary and territorial secretary for women’s ministries, the congregation greeted General Linda Bond with a standing ovation and a heartfelt round of applause. At the General’s request, a video promoting the Army’s Worldwide Prayer Meeting was shown. In her response, General Linda Bond encouraged all Salvationists to participate in this global initiative to cover the Army world in prayer between 5
General Linda Bond receives flowers at the St. John’s rally
General Linda Bond shares a moment with Commissioners Rosalie and Brian Peddle following receipt of her honorary doctor of divinity degree
Oshawa Temple Band presents a musical selection under the baton of BM Andrew Burditt
a.m. and 8 a.m. every Thursday morning. “I believe an Army on the march must first be an Army on its knees,” she said. The rally featured representative Salvationists from the Ontario Central-East Division and the Ontario Great Lakes Division, including Toronto’s Yorkminster Songsters and the North York Temple Singing Company, Oshawa Temple Band and vocal soloist Karen Gross. A highlight of the program was the Ontario Central-East Junior Timbrelists, more than 30 strong, as they performed to Erik Leidzen’s The Invincible Army. Rebecca Bailey Minaker testified to her life-changing experi-
ship represented by graduates of the institution. “She is committed to the history, theology and mission of The Salvation Army,” he said. Following the conferring of the honorary doctorate by Stephanie Ling, college chancellor, the General addressed those gathered. “I receive this honour as the General of The Salvation Army,” she said. “The glory belongs to God.” General Linda Bond’s visit included a time of sharing with fellow officers at officers’ councils in St. John’s and Toronto. To view the Toronto rally online, visit salvationarmy.ca/ ontariocentraleast.
“Love for God is a response. Love for God is obedience. Love for God is service” —General Linda Bond ence as a delegate to the first International College for Soldiers held in London, England, and thanked the General for her support of this new venture. Gabriela Cravioto shared how she dedicated her life to Jesus Christ during the Hispanic family camp held in Jackson’s Point, Ont. During her message, the General outlined what a love for God means for his followers. “Love for God is a response. Love for God is obedience. Love for God is service,” she said. She reminded those in attendance that the work they do as Salvationists is not done for the Army but for God. “He is worthy of our service,” she said. In response to the General’s invitation, officers and Salvationists went forward to rededicate their lives to the service of God. The next day, General Linda Bond received an honorary doctor of divinity degree from Tyndale University College in Toronto during their fall graduation ceremony. Entering the Bayview Campus Chapel to the congregational singing of Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee with members of the graduating class and college faculty, the General took her place on the platform. Lending musical support was an ensemble from North York Temple Band. An alumnus of the college, General Linda Bond was introduced by Gary Nelson, college president and vice chancellor, who stated she had been chosen to be honoured in this way because she exemplifies the values, commitment and leader-
Members of the North York Temple Singing Company enter into praise and worship
Ontario Central-East Junior Timbrelists delight the congregation with their performance Salvationist I January 2013 I 9
Finding Hope in the Rubble Since the roof collapsed at the Elliot Lake shopping mall, The Salvation Army has been helping residents cope with their loss BY KRISTIN FRYER, STAFF WRITER
Photo: Erica Hildebrand
“I had people coming in for counselling and debriefing—so many, I lost track,” Captain Stanger recalls. “The collapse traumatized everyone.” She was also on call at the local hospital, where she provided pastoral care to families who had been affected by the disaster. At the thrift store, co-ordinator Barb Vincent was fielding requests for immediate assistance. “When the roof collapsed, the people who were staying at the hotel in the mall had to leave everything,” she says. “A person from the hotel came in and explained the situation, and I said, ‘Just take what you need for them and don’t worry about it,’ because they only had what they were wearing on their backs.”
ix months after the roof of the Algo Centre mall collapsed in Elliot Lake, Ont., Mary Hiley still jumps when she hears a loud noise. It was 2:20 p.m. on Saturday, June 23, 2012. Hiley had just finished a shift at the Salvation Army thrift store and was at the mall to buy groceries when the roof caved in, killing two and injuring many others. “There was this huge crash. It sounded like the whole building was coming down,” she remembers. “I turned around the corner and the staircase I was walking to wasn’t there anymore. There was dust and debris all over the place, and people were yelling, ‘Get out! Get out!’ ” Her mind racing as she made her way to the nearest exit, Hiley wondered how many people had been hurt. “The day before, my friend and I were 10 I January 2013 I Salvationist
Thrift store volunteer William Guppy stands by a memorial near the Algo Centre mall
having a cup of coffee exactly at that same spot, at that same time,” she says. “It could have been us.” Ready to Respond While emergency workers searched for missing persons, family and friends kept vigil by the mall for days, prompting The Salvation Army’s Hope Church to send in a response team. “We walked the streets for hours each day, giving out hundreds of bottles of water and about 500 sandwiches,” says Captain Pamela Stanger, corps officer. An emergency response vehicle came from Sudbury, Ont., to bolster the Army’s efforts, and the corps’ drop-in centre was open every day the week following the disaster, offering people food and a place to gather and talk about what had happened.
Filling the Void By Wednesday, the city’s search and rescue efforts were complete, and The Salvation Army’s work shifted from the mall to its ministry unit. The unit houses both the drop-in centre and thrift store, which have seen a dramatic increase in visitors since the mall shut down. Before the disaster, the drop-in centre, which is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday, served lunch to approximately 40 guests. Today, they average 150, as more people need food assistance and a place to connect with friends. For Elliot Lake, a town with 11,400 residents, located about two hours west of Sudbury, the mall closure has created a significant void. “I don’t feel as connected to the town anymore,” says Hiley, “because I’d go to the mall, and I’d always see people that I knew.” “People used to go to the mall and sit in the food court and talk,” says Vincent. “Now, a lot of people are coming to us.” Singles and families, old and young, the drop-in centre serves “anyone and everyone,” says Captain Stanger. Keeping up with the increased demand has been no small task, but the number of volunteers at the drop-in centre has also increased since the disaster. The kitchen team is led by chef Barry
Tuomi, who also provides training for volunteers. With his help, the corps is looking to start a community kitchen program to teach people with low incomes how to cook healthy meals on a budget. Shopping Centre Programs for low-income individuals are needed more than ever in Elliot Lake, as many people have lost their jobs because of the mall closure. With less money to spend and fewer places to shop, residents are flocking to the thrift store to buy clothes, toys and household items. “Our sales and work have gone up threefold,” says Vincent. “We have to get the clothing out faster and we have to find things to sell faster.” The higher volume has created some strain for the thrift store, but the increased sales are contributing to the funding of meals at the drop-in centre. The store is assisted by a team of 23 volunteers, some of whom used to work at the mall. “That has worked out really well,” says Vincent, “because they have experience, and some of them get paid by their company for volunteering.” The store sees customers from all walks of life, but the mall closure has been particularly hard on people with low and fixed incomes. “Before, people could shop at the dollar store or Zellers and make do,” says Captain Stanger. “Now, you have to drive at least 45 minutes out of town just to buy socks and underwear, and that’s not an option for most of the people we see.” Not everyone who comes to the thrift store is looking for clothes. With the closure of the town’s library, which was part of the mall, books are also flying off the shelves. With demand so high, the store
sometimes runs out of popular items. But donations have been steady, and the store receives assistance from other thrift stores when needed. Heading into the winter season, the store was particularly low on warm coats. It put out a call for help and the Sault Ste. Marie Corps, Ont., answered with 50 coats. The store aims to provide customers with whatever items they need, but it’s more than just a place to shop.
“There was dust and debris all over the place, and people were yelling, ‘Get out! Get out!’ ” “When the mall collapsed, a lot of people came into the store and wanted to talk about it,” says Vincent. “We have always had people, especially women and widows, coming in, who need to talk. We know them by their first names and we try to help them as much as possible.” The store also provides emergency food aid when the local food bank and the drop-in centre are not open. In addition, The Salvation Army helps families who are turned down at the food bank, for example, because they do not reside in Elliot Lake. “There are a lot of families falling through the cracks,” says Vincent. Hope and Healing Beyond the economic hardship imposed on the town by the mall collapse, the psychological impact has also been severe. “It was devastating,” says Hiley. “I
still dream about it sometimes, the roof crashing down, and then I can’t get back to sleep. It was months before I went inside a mall again.” Captain Stanger says the disaster has been especially hard on those who are already struggling with mental illness. “It was a trigger for some people, bringing to mind other traumatic experiences,” she says. “For them, it’s not just the mall collapse—the world is no longer a safe place.” Captain Stanger is a member of the social and wellness committee, which is part of the rehabilitation committee for the city of Elliot Lake. She recently took trauma resilience training to better equip her to counsel hurting residents. “We’re all going through the grief process,” says Captain Stanger. “I think it’s going to take a year or two to help some of the people who’ve turned to us.” As well as counselling residents, Captain Stanger has had opportunities to provide spiritual guidance. “People are coming to our drop-in centre and they want to know about God,” she says. “They’re asking questions and, to the best of our ability, we’re trying to answer them. “We’re seeing a lot of suffering humanity at this point in time, and we’re meeting people at their point of need,” she continues. “But we’d also like to be there to help them grow spiritually, to start on a spiritual path, and to continue to help them grow and develop on that path.” With the launch of an official inquiry into the roof collapse and construction of the new mall in progress, Captain Stanger believes that the town is on its way to recovery. “I’m hoping that we’ll heal,” she says. “And in the meantime, we’ll help.”
Photo: Catherine Groh
Photo: Erica Hildebrand
From left, volunteers assist chef Barry Tuomi in preparing lunch at the drop-in centre; Cpts William and Pamela Stanger, COs, visit the Algo Centre mall
Salvationist I January 2013 I 11
Charting the Course
As we journey into unknown waters, we need to rely on God to direct our path BY COMMISSIONER BRIAN PEDDLE
ariners who can safely navigate the oceans of the world by charts and stars have always fascinated me. My grandfather was such a man, but he lived in an age before the sophistication of modern technology. I loved hearing him tell about his adventures sailing the North Atlantic and the warm waters of the Caribbean. The set of the sail determined his success and the wind became his means to an end. One of his stories describes several days without the wind. He called it a dead calm that left the crew uneasy and, as the days wore on, uncertain about their fate. As far as they were concerned they were motionless and had not moved for days. As there 12 I January 2013 I Salvationist
was no movement of the ship, they were unable to measure their position. When the wind finally breathed into the massive sails of the ship, they were horrified to find that they were closer to the United Kingdom than to the East Coast of Canada. The lesson learned was that there is no such thing as being motionless on the ocean. The currents had pulled them more than halfway across the Atlantic. As I begin this new year I want to emphasize the importance of the intentionality of life and ministry. The Canada and Bermuda Territory should be wary of Satan’s whisper that being OK is just fine. It’s not enough to receive public
acclaim for our good works or to accept the signs of modest growth. Neither is sufficient as we gauge our involvement in the great cause to which we have been called. Of course, any consideration of these matters is both a personal and corporate activity; through our association, we get to explore “our journey” as the Army. As I look out over the uncharted waters of 2013, I recognize that although my schedule is predetermined and my course is set, I must still choose daily the height of my desire to serve God and the depth of my longing for his guidance over my life. I can always be a good officer and leader, but by his grace why not be a great one for the sake of the kingdom? I am challenged by the fact that every choice will have an influence on my destiny. Where I end up in my personal journey is my responsibility. I understand that it is important to set goals in the context of vocation, economic well-being and providing for those in your care. The challenge is to pursue this covered by the umbrella of God’s grace and with determination that above all else, God’s purpose for your life is clear and your will is tuned with his intentionality for you. This is what the Apostle Paul is driving at when he writes “I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me…. I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus” (see Philippians 3:12-14). If I could stand in front of every Salvationist, I would say, “You have been redeemed for a reason and you must be committed to his cause.” If choice determines destiny, and inaction is still action, what is your goal as you set your course for this new year? I am not a futurist, but
when asked what my vision is for The Salvation Army in Canada and Bermuda, I quickly respond that my God-inspired vision, spurred on by what is now an informed reality, evokes a faith-filled, God-dependent, prayer-filtered statement that I speak into the uncharted waters of 2013: I see a Salvation Army that is spiritually on fire, where each Salvationist, fuelled by the Holy Spirit, engages in God’s mission in the world as an outcome of an expressed obedient faith (obedience, spiritual renewal). I see the kingdom of God on earth flourishing because kingdom outcomes are the only goals of our corps and centres (souls saved, soldiers enrolled, saints engaged). I see an Army mobilized in its mission, sharing the central message of salvation, providing living testimonies of transformation, witnessing faith to the whole world (stories, celebration, kingdom growth). I see the body of Christ, the Army, as the church triumphant, marching forward, becoming, by God’s grace, his church, against which the gates of hell cannot prevail (victory, moving forward). I believe in a God who continues to give evidence of his hand of blessing upon us. I repeat daily—and invite you to join me—Ephesians 3:20: “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us….” We may journey toward uncharted waters, but we move forward with the One who directs our path. Commissioner Brian Peddle is the territorial commander of the Canada and Bermuda Territory.
After the Storm
The Salvation Army responds in wake of hurricane Sandy
Photos: Courtesy of Good News! and Salvationist.org
he pain of a woman standing at a Salvation Army distribution site on Long Island, N.Y., in the days following hurricane Sandy, together with her mother and dog, Baxter, was clearly visible. Shannon Foster had moved into her new house just three days before it was destroyed. Like Foster, Magalys Cuevas was one of thousands who turned to the Army for assistance. “I have three children and it’s just so cold and dark at night in my house,” she shared at a relief centre on Long Island. “Next week my children are supposed to return to school but I don’t know how that can happen the way we’re living.” Hurricane Sandy made history as one of the largest storms the Caribbean and the east coast of the United States has ever experienced. In the midst of the devastating damage left in the storm’s wake, Salvation Army emergency teams Salvationist I January 2013 I 13
From the Front Lines
In Hoboken, New Jersey, a woman approached the Army’s mobile canteen with her disabled parents and broke into tears. She explained that she had visited a local store to buy basic food items but discovered that the price for a loaf of bread had been raised to $7. The Army volunteer made sure the woman had not only a loaf of bread, but dinner for her and her parents as well. In the city of New York, the Army used thrift store trucks to deliver emergency products to impacted areas and to move spontaneous clothing donations that were blocking city streets. Over a 10-day period, working in collaboration with such organizations as the New York Police Department and National Guard, The Salvation Army provided more than two million meals and 700,000 bottles of water throughout the city. In New Jersey, as the storm hit, first responders and survivors entered 15 shelters where they received meals, a change of clothes and emotional and spiritual support from Army personnel. Two men from Delaware used Facebook to ask people to donate water. Within a few hours, 500 cases of bottled water were delivered to The Salvation Army for distribution.
14 I January 2013 I Salvationist
provided relief with shelter, food, water and counselling. Throughout the Caribbean, the storm decimated homes and structures as fallen trees and utility power lines made roads impassable and destroyed crops, livestock and farmlands. In Haiti, this latest disaster stretched the resources of local Salvation Army personnel who are still serving those impacted by the 2010 earthquake and hurricane Isaac. In the Bahamas, hurricane Sandy’s driving rains and heavy winds knocked out power, flooded roads and cut off inter-island communication. In Cuba, The Salvation Army supplied food, shelter and water to those who were displaced by the storm. Salvation Army properties also suffered damage, such as Jamaica’s School for the Blind which lost dormitory roofs and its entire banana and plantain crops. But even in moments of distress, Salvationist teams set aside their own problems to assist others. During the eye of the storm, Army officers and volunteers were out on the streets transporting homeless people to shelters, serving food to evacuees and providing pastoral care and counselling. From the Caribbean and Cuba, the hurricane moved violently along the east coast of the United States. Even before it arrived, The Salvation Army prepared for a long-term disaster response and recovery operation. Feeding of displaced people commenced immediately at shelters in the north-east and mid-Atlantic regions and mobile canteen units were deployed to the areas of greatest need. Crews provided food, hydration and clean-up kits as well as emotional and spiritual care. City officials from the New York Office of Emergency Management appointed The Salvation Army as the lead agency for the city’s food access plan which co-ordinated feeding programs at city shelters. The Army also provided food and shelter in several U.S. states, including Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Maryland, West Virginia, Ohio, New Hampshire, North Carolina and Virginia. In New Jersey, the Army established an innovative relief program—a charging station—to allow
people to charge phones, computers or other electronic devices. “It’s clear that hurricane Sandy was a major storm impacting millions of people,” says Major George Hood, national community relations secretary for The Salvation Army in the United States. “Residents of the impacted areas can rest assured that The Salvation Army will be with them for the long-haul—providing practical, physical and spiritual support at the areas of greatest need.”
Salvationist I January 2013 I 15
Healthy Transformation
God helped me find balance in my mind, body and spirit BY CAPTAIN LISA MACPHERSON
ast year I made choices in my life that were transformational. Physically, I look different (I’ve lost 65 pounds!), but the major changes occurred in my heart and the way I think. The impact has been so positive that I believe God has called me to start a new program at our church called Healthy Transformations (see sidebar). My husband, David, and I are the corps officers of New Westminster Citadel in British Columbia. Our ministry includes pastoring a church and supervising a family and community services program, daycare, shelter, men’s transition house, bed program and a back-to-work initiative called Holy Rollers. We feel blessed to have been part of this busy ministry for more than nine years. Over the last few years, however, I have struggled with my overall health, battling chronic back and stomach pains and headaches. When I shared these complaints with my doctor, he put me through numerous tests. My blood pressure was high, thyroid levels were out of whack and I was diagnosed with a “fatty” liver. I was also overweight. Well, not just overweight, but obese. It was the doctor’s comment of “you have a fatty liver” that made me take a closer look at myself. How did I get this way? I had been overweight for a long time. Although I had tried numerous diets, every time I lost some weight, I gained it back. I realized that things needed to change, but didn’t know what I could do differently this time that would make a difference. Being a corps officer is demanding. We are asked to do all sorts of things in our ministry and though gratifying, it can also be exhausting. For seven years I managed to be a pastor and adminis16 I January 2013 I Salvationist
Cpt Lisa Macpherson has learned the importance of having balance in her life
trator, but then started to notice a lack of energy and empathy on my part. I couldn’t function as I wanted to and was frequently short-tempered and sad. I came to a point where I needed to reach out for some pastoral care for myself. When my doctor diagnosed me with compassion fatigue, I decided that some changes needed to happen and I started on a new journey. I began meeting with a Christian counsellor who helped me understand the importance of healthy boundaries. I realized that in order to be the pastor that God called me to be, I needed to recognize that he also called me to rest. It was OK for me to sit at Jesus’ feet to listen and wait. As my mind and spirit healed, I also recognized that my body needed healing. While seeking Jesus’ guidance with this physical healing, I decided to see a naturopath to get my diet under control. She worked with me and put me on a very restrictive diet where all refined sugars were eliminated. For 40 days, I was allowed fruits, vegetables and protein and then I moved to the next phase of adding more foods into my diet. God showed me that I could not do this on my own. Only he could sustain me through this process. I needed to depend on him. Every morning I started my day off by praying and meditating on
God’s Word. I asked God to continue to strengthen me throughout the day. As I began to eat the proper foods, I started to feel better and lose weight. In addition to changing my diet, I also started a fitness routine that encouraged me to
Healing needed to happen in my body, mind and soul. I could not improve physically until I had surrendered my need for God’s healing over my mind and soul first push myself physically. He placed the right people in my path and I finally recognized that I was not in control. Healing needed to happen in my body, mind and soul. I realized I could not improve physically until I had surren-
dered my need for God’s healing over my mind and soul first. I still have days where I don’t pay attention to my body as I should. The difference now is that I have been given the knowledge and tools to recognize what I need. It may be that I have not spent enough quality time with God, need to give my body some exercise or must watch what I eat. Throughout this stage of my journey, I recognized that I need balance in my life. I know that there must be others who have come to this same conclusion for their own lives. Since I lost significant weight and very obvious changes were made, many people have wanted to know what I did. People long to find a healthy balance in their lives. They struggle to experience this for many reasons—lack of rest, unresolved pain, stress in the workplace, poor diet, lack of physical fitness, insufficient spiritual direction. The inability to face these tough things in life can throw us into turmoil. I’m grateful to the people who came alongside me on this journey of healing. God placed them in my life at just the right time. Above all, I thank God for the transforming work that he has done in my life. Captain Lisa Macpherson is the corps officer of New Westminster Citadel, B.C.
Body, Mind and Spirit
New Westminster Citadel has initiated a program called Healthy Transformations. The program involves lifestyle workshops (such as conflict resolution, budgeting, boundaries and nutrition). On Tuesday evenings, the corps offers a Bible study that is geared toward healthy living. One of the resources used is Rick Warren’s Daniel Plan (available for free at Danielplan.com). The Bible study is then followed by a fitness class for men and women led by a trained fitness instructor. On Thursdays, a second class for women is held along with a functional training class for seniors and people with mobility challenges.
Salvationist I January 2013 I 17
Rebuilding Haiti
Three years after the earthquake, The Salvation Army’s Integrated Family Support Project is helping Haiti’s most vulnerable Odierce Louis, technical co-ordinator for agriculture, conducts a training session on business plans for small and medium enterprises
n January 12, 2010, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti, leaving thousands dead and one million homeless. Since then, The Salvation Army has been providing relief and support to vulnerable Haitians, helping them to rebuild their lives and their country. In March 2012, the Army expanded its services in Haiti, launching a five-year $3.6-million Integrated Family Support Project (IFSP), which is funded entirely by The Salvation Army in Canada and Bermuda. Kristin Fryer, staff writer, spoke to Jodel Pierre, project manager of the IFSP in Delmas, Haiti, about the project’s goals and the progress it has made so far. On a personal level, how did the earthquake affect you and your family? It was a difficult time for my family. Immediately after, communication was impossible because the phones were down. For the first few days, we did not know whether our family members were alive or dead. Because of the earthquake, gas stations were not open, so we had to walk long distances to check on family and friends. 18 I January 2013 I Salvationist
All around us, it felt like the end of life itself because all of the infrastructure had collapsed. We did not have electricity and food was very scarce. Everywhere you went, you saw bodies in the streets and people crying because they had lost their homes, jobs or family members. I lost my nephew in the earthquake. He was in a building that collapsed and we were told that everyone in the building died. We never saw his body. How would you describe the situation in Haiti today? We are rebuilding. Even though life is more difficult now, and the economic situation is worsening, we are trying to move forward and have hope for the future. The Salvation Army’s Integrated Family Support Project (IFSP) has four components: housing, vocational training, livelihood support and agricultural support. Tell us about the permanent housing project. We plan to build 260 houses in total, each housing a minimum of four people. We started building houses at the end of November 2012.
This component is important because many families lost their homes in the earthquake and now live in tents. Even now, three years after the earthquake, though millions of dollars have been spent in the housing sector in Haiti, we still have around 100,000 people living in tents. The living conditions in the tents are poor. Tent cities do not have basic sanitation or electricity, and the people who live there are exposed to all kinds of violence, including sexual assault. In each area of Haiti where The Salvation Army is active, we have collaborated with the local corps and conducted assessments to identify the most vulnerable people in the community. Those people will be the beneficiaries of the housing project. This project will be completed in collaboration with the beneficiaries, who will participate in the design and construction of the homes. If possible, they will also provide some financial resources. What kind of vocational training does The Salvation Army provide? The vocational training is targeted for vulnerable young adults aged 18-35 who are not receiving any support from their family. They are in a situation where they cannot pay school fees, but want training so that they can support their family in the future. We offer two levels of training: formal, which will take place at a vocational training school, and informal, such as training from NGOs that are working in a specific sector. For example, we are working with Architecture for Humanity, an NGO that provides training in construction. Both are short term—nine months for the formal, four to six months for the
informal. The training will be mostly hands-on so that the young adults will be able to enter the workforce immediately after finishing the program. The majority of these training programs are construction-related—building, sanitation, electricity, renewable energy—because that is the main sector in Haiti providing people with jobs. How many people will be assisted? Our goal is to help 1,000 young adults. We have started with 150 because we want to monitor the process and learn from it. After that, we’ll increase the number. Currently, about 120 young adults are in the formal training program; the rest are doing informal training with Architecture for Humanity. Those in formal training will receive a professional certificate that is recognized by the state. This is beneficial because all employers in Haiti recognize this certification. If they have this on their resumé, they will be prioritized when they apply for jobs. What is the goal of the livelihood support program? For this component, we have prioritized woman-headed households because, as we say in Haiti, women are the engine of our economy. There are women in every kind of business. Yet, woman-headed households are among the most vulnerable. Without a husband to provide support, these
women struggle to make enough money to buy food, pay rent and educate their children. And without any support, they are also more exposed to assault and other types of social violence. The Salvation Army will provide these women with loans so that they can start businesses. But they won’t be working alone; they will be organized into solidarity groups. What kind of businesses will the beneficiaries operate? It will depend on the opportunities available in the area. One example might be making and selling mamba [Haitian peanut butter]. With the loan, the women would be able to buy peanuts and bottles, make the peanut butter, package it and then sell it at the market. The women will analyze the opportunities in their area and then prepare a business plan together. We will support them in creating and implementing this plan, and will monitor the progress of their business. There may be some overlap between the livelihood support component and the vocational training component. For example, if we train someone in auto repair and then see that the individual does not have sufficient support to open their own repair shop, we will refer the person to the livelihood support program so that they can obtain a loan to buy tools and materials and start their own business.
How has this component been implemented? At this point, we have provided loans to 50 people, but we have identified and trained more than 200 beneficiaries. We teach the beneficiaries how to conduct their business in a sustainable way so that after the loan period ends, they can continue their businesses. Once the businesses become profitable, they will be obliged to repay the loan. The agricultural support component is similar to livelihood support, but for farmers. We will provide the most vulnerable farmers with loans, and they will invest the money in agricultural production and livestock. Why does the IFSP have a separate livelihood support program for the agricultural sector? Agriculture is one of the most important sectors in Haiti. By supporting poor farmers, we will improve their quality of life, but we will also support the Haitian economy and that will strengthen our autonomy as a nation. It is important for us to be a selfsupporting country. Haiti used to sell mangoes, rice and other things in the international market. Now, we are buying our basics from countries such as the United States, Japan and China. This is partly why the exchange rate is very high. If we support the agricultural sector, we will also be supporting the country as a whole, our currency and the government of Haiti.
Photo: Pandora James
What do you hope this project will achieve? By the end of the project, I hope we will be able to say that The Salvation Army identified the most vulnerable people and provided them with appropriate services. At the IFSP, we take into account not only the needs of the people, but the individual persons, their background and their right to live in a different way and to receive support in a manner that does not affect their dignity. They are receiving support because they are in need and they are children of God.
Approximately 100,000 people in Haiti live in tents Salvationist I January 2013 I 19
Art “Work”
The Salvation Army’s correctional and justice services enable clients sentenced to community service to spread their artistic wings BY KEN RAMSTEAD, EDITOR, FAITH & FRIENDS AND FOI & VIE
20 I January 2013 I Salvationist
Photos: Timothy Cheng
s the external affairs co-ordinator who handles community service orders for Toronto’s correctional and justice services, Ontario Central-East Division, Davida Curtis had become frustrated in her job. “We were sending out clients to places such as Salvation Army thrift stores and kitchens, where they sorted clothes or mopped floors,” Curtis says. This was important work but the 25-year veteran of the corrections department dreamed of doing more. “I wanted something more impactful for my clients to do for their community service hours,” she says, “something that would build their self-esteem as well as provide something outstanding and special for our placements.” To that end, five years ago, Curtis started to look at the “grass-roots” skills of what her clients had to offer. Barbers and hairstylists, for instance, were “sentenced” to ply their trade on clients from Salvation Army hostels. From there, she decided to look at other artistic skills that might be used. “I try to ‘hand carve’ placements,” she smiles. “I look at a person and ask myself, if I was in their shoes, what would I want to do? It is still punitive from society’s standpoint in the sense that they have to do the community hours and are not
“I wanted something more impactful for my clients to do for their community service hours, something that would build their self-esteem” paid, but why shouldn’t they use their talents constructively? “It’s all about building self-confidence,” she continues, “because that’s where people soar. If they feel good about
themselves they will produce something wonderful.” The first beneficiary in Curtis’ pilot project was Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children. Artwork created by a client was placed in a silent auction that generated money for the institution. Since then, artwork has been donated to The Salvation Army’s Broadview Village, human-trafficking endeavours and breast-cancer initiatives, the Yonge Street Mission and many others. Curtis’ cluttered office sometimes resembles an art gallery, with paintings and hand-carved objects scattered throughout. But she wouldn’t have it any other way. “As fast as they come in, they are sent out to the institutions that need them,” says Curtis. “And there’s always a demand. Now, everyone wins.”
MINISTRY IN ACTION (LEFT) Giraffe for Davida “This beautiful painting came from a young man who had been arrested on drug charges,” says Davida Curtis, shown with the artwork. “He’d painted another picture of a giraffe as part of his 240 hours of community service and had noticed a couple of giraffe figurines on my desk. Even though he had completely served out his hours, he delivered this to me as a token of appreciation. ‘Each day that you work with people in transition,’ he said, ‘you move them on to greater heights.’ ”
(RIGHT) Toronto Cityscape “The young man who painted this was convicted of fraud,” says Davida Curtis. “While in university, he fell on hard times and concocted a scheme to divert money from unsuspecting clients into his own account. When he was apprehended and convicted, he showed genuine remorse and took on extra jobs to spare his family the legal costs connected with his case. He has since completed his degree and is on his way to securing employment.”
Stallions “This woman went through some addictions and participated in an art-therapy program as part of her counselling, which is how she got back into painting. When her community service came up, she used it as an opportunity to paint. She’s really excelling now,” shares Davida Curtis.
Untitled “This piece was done by a young girl who became mixed up in an altercation in her high school. She elected to work two parttime jobs in addition to having a full-time course load to pay off her legal costs,” Davida Curtis says. “As a result, her time was limited when it came to community service. In this particular case, the probation officer requested a home project and we were able to come up with a way for her to fulfil her obligations.”
Ready for Liftoff “The astronaut with the shuttle was done by a 17-year-old who came from a family with financial struggles, personal dysfunction and addictions,” explains Davida Curtis. “He made some remarkable strides and this painting was his way of saying that he refused to let his addictions hold him back, and that inside every person is a rocket ship ready to take flight.” Salvationist I January 2013 I 21
Prayer Warrior
New Salvation Army Publications
Winnipeg police chief says prayer can help fight crime CAN PRAYER FIGHT crime? Winnipeg’s new Chief of Police Devon Clunis believes it has a role to play. In an interview with Christian Week, Clunis, a committed Christian, said, “I’m a little tired of us … being ‘[the] murder capital of Canada.’ People consistently say, ‘How are you going to solve that?’ It’s not simply going to be because we’re going to go out there and police it away. I truly believe that prayer will be a significant piece of that.” He added: “What would happen if we all just truly—I’m talking about all religious stripes here—started praying for the peace of this city and then actually started putting some action behind that? I believe something phenomenal is going to happen in our city.” Reactions to Clunis’ statements were mixed, with critics suggesting that he was using his position to promote his beliefs. Clunis later clarified his comments, assuring Winnipeggers that he had no intention of forcing religion on anyone, but he stood by his earlier statements, telling the CBC, “My faith is foundational to everything that I do.”
Ending Gendercide
New parliamentary motion condemns sex-selective abortions LANGLEY, B.C., MP Mark Warawa has brought forward a motion in Parliament that would condemn discrimination against women through sex-selective abortions. Warawa says this motion (M-408) is in response to numerous inquiries and concerns his office received after the CBC presented an MP Mark Warawa investigation on gender selection in June 2012. “Recent studies have shown that the practice of aborting females in favour of males is happening in Canada,” he notes. “Ninety-two percent of Canadians believe sex-selective pregnancy termination should be illegal.” Warawa believes that by passing this motion, “Parliament will send a strong message that will help to bring an end to this form of gender discrimination in Canada.” The motion will come up for debate in the House sometime this spring.
Bible Battle
Chilliwack school board rescinds regulation allowing Bible distribution 22 I January 2013 I Salvationist
The Chilliwack, B.C., school board has decided to eliminate a regulation that allowed Gideons International to distribute Bibles at local public schools to Grade 5 students with parental consent. This policy was called into question by a local parent after his daughter brought home a
Army On Its Knees:
The Dynamics of Great Commission Prayer Lt-Colonel Janet Munn and Major Stephen Court “Just as an earthly army cannot prevail without food, a spiritual army cannot prevail without prayer.” In Army On Its Knees, Lt-Colonel Munn and Major Court challenge Salvationists to “march on their knees” and make prayer central to their life and mission. The book examines topics such as intercession and fasting, offers practical counsel in areas such as “rhythms of prayer” (e.g. prayer walking, praying the Bible), and encourages readers to join in group activities such as 24-7 Prayer. Army On Its Knees also includes questions for discussion at the end of each chapter and a list of helpful resources.
Sermons for Special Occasions
Lt-Colonel Robert Chapman Drawing on more than 60 years of preaching experience, Lt-Colonel Chapman shares sermons for 16 special occasions spanning the year, from New Year’s Day to Christmas, with holidays such as Valentine’s Day and Thanksgiving in between. Sermons for Special Occasions is an edifying read for laypeople and a useful resource for preachers.
A Field for Exploits
Training Leaders for The Salvation Army General Eva Burrows (Rtd) and Major Stephen Court Four times in its history—1925, 1951, 1974 and 2001—The Salvation Army organized international training councils that gathered leader-trainers from around the world to discuss and learn about best practices for training leaders for the Army. The papers presented at these events were published, but for limited circulation. A Field for Exploits is a carefully selected and updated collection of these lectures, including chapters from several past generals and three new chapters by General Eva Burrows (Rtd). As a package, A Field for Exploits offers the combined wisdom of The Salvation Army on leadership over the decades, which will inspire and equip a new generation of leaders and leader-trainers. brochure and consent form offering a free Bible. Richard Ajabu argued that the brochure qualified as “religious marketing material.” When the complaint first came to the school board in October, it chose to uphold the regulation. However, after pressure from secularists, the
board changed course. The regulation may be gone, but the matter is not yet settled. Superintendent Evelyn Novak said that the board has asked staff to bring forward a policy regarding the distribution of materials in the district by March 31, 2013.
Will the Real “Biblical Woman” Please Stand Up?
A Year of Biblical Womanhood chronicles one woman’s attempt to take the Bible’s commands for women literally REVIEW BY KRISTIN FRYER, STAFF WRITER
hen I first heard about A Year of Biblical Womanhood, I was intrigued. The book chronicles Rachel Held Evans’ attempt to take all of the Bible’s instructions for women as literally as possible for a year, including not cutting her hair, calling her husband “master” and keeping silent in church. Beyond the novelty factor, the experiment is a significant undertaking. Biblical womanhood is a hotly debated topic, attracting a wide range of interpretations and opinions. How would Evans address this? As it turns out, with intelligence, humour and a sincere desire to understand God’s will for women. “There would be no picking and choosing,” writes Evans, who took all commands from Genesis to Revelation into account, while focusing on a particular virtue each month. It’s hard not to laugh when she describes trying to keep quiet while watching a football game during her month of gentleness or cook her first turkey dinner while focusing on domesticity.
The Purpose Driven Life (Expanded Edition)
by Rick Warren What on earth am I here for? That is the central question behind Rick Warren’s The Purpose Driven Life, which took the world by storm when it was published 10 years ago. It guides readers on a 40-day journey through some of life’s most important questions, with the aim of helping readers discover God’s purpose for their lives and then live them. In this new expanded edition, The Purpose Driven Life is targeting a younger generation of readers, going beyond the page with added web features. Each chapter includes a link to a video introduction and an audio lesson by Warren, which readers can access for no additional cost. The book also includes two bonus chapters that discuss common barriers to living a purpose driven life: the envy trap and the people-pleaser trap.
But in chapters that focus on virtues such as obedience and submission, the tone is more serious as Evans discusses stories and passages in the Bible that are difficult for many modern women to read. For example, Old Testament law states that a woman who has been raped must marry her rapist (see Deuteronomy 22:28-29); in the New Testament, women are instructed to submit to their husbands “in everything,” as they submit to Christ (see Ephesians 5:24). Evans doesn’t claim to have all the answers, but she does an admirable job of differentiating between culture-specific commands for women and timeless principles to live by. In doing so, she draws on a variety of sources as she explores the meaning of biblical womanhood, from theologians to ordinary people. One of the most fruitful relationships she develops over the course of the year is with an orthodox Jewish woman, Ahava, who offers insight into many Jewish laws and customs. For example, she explains that Proverbs 31 is not a to-do list for women, but a poem of praise that husbands sing to their wives every week at the Sabbath meal. “No matter what I do or don’t do, he praises me for blessing the family with my energy and creativity,” says Ahava. Everyone can be a “valorous woman” (see Proverbs 31:10) in their own way. Adding to Evans’ personal reflections are profiles at the end of each chapter, which showcase the diversity of women in the Bible—from warriors to mothers, prostitutes to apostles. “What makes these women’s stories leap from the page is not the fact that they all conform to some kind of universal ideal,” Evans writes, “but that, regardless of the culture or context in which they found themselves, they lived their lives with valour. They lived their lives with faith.” With so many heroines of the faith to learn from, perhaps it is no surprise that after 12 months of “biblical womanhood,” Evans reached a rather unconventional conclusion: that there is no such thing. For more on biblical womanhood, read our interview with author Rachel Held Evans at salvationist.ca/ biblical-womanhood.
Chasing Jupiter
by Rachel Coker Set in the summer of 1969, Chasing Jupiter follows 16-year-old Scarlett Blaine, who lives on a farm in Georgia with her family. Between her parents’ financial struggles and the fights surrounding her sister Juli’s hippie lifestyle, tensions are running high. Rounding out the family is her autistic brother, Cliff, who is often misunderstood and left out. Scarlett loves him more than anything, so when he wishes for a rocket to Jupiter, she agrees to make it happen. But when Cliff suffers an accident, the rocket plans are put on hold and Scarlett’s view of God is shaken. The story of a girl caught between childhood and adulthood, Chasing Jupiter is a coming-of-age novel, written by a teen for teens (like Scarlett, Coker is also 16 years old). While not preachy, it shows that satisfaction and peace come from full reliance on God. Salvationist I January 2013 I 23
What Does God Require of Us? January 18-25 is the 2013 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity BY REV. KAREN HAMILTON
24 I January 2013 I Salvationist
Photo: © iStockphoto.com/VikramRaghuvanshi
nd what does the Lord require of you?” (Micah 6:8). The question posed by the Old Testament prophet Micah is a familiar one to many of us. We quote it, sing hymns based on it and many of our Christian leaders have preached on it from time to time. We are often so sure that we know exactly what it means. The question (and the passage it’s taken from) is well-known to all of the 24 Christian denominations who are members of The Canadian Council of Churches, representing more than 85 percent of the Christians in Canada. The question is also used as the theme of the 2013 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. For more than 100 years, Christians from a variety of denominations have gathered to pray together at least once a year, which led to the creation of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Each year the materials for the week of prayer are put together by Christians in a specific area of the world. For 2013, they were prepared by Christians in India, so it was our Indian sisters and brothers who chose “What Does the Lord Require of Us?” as this year’s theme. Most of us could finish Micah 6:8 by memory: “To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” And in knowing this verse so well, we should not be surprised that the prayer materials focus in a number of creative ways on walking. But the resources also challenge us to explore more deeply the core of our faith. They focus on the Dalit of India, who are labelled as “untouchable” because they come from a particular caste or part of society that has been excluded as outcasts. Our Dalit sisters and brothers have not had the choice of humbling themselves; they have been forcibly humbled in ways that are humiliating and dehumanizing. I have had the privilege of travelling in India and of sending my two daughters to live there one summer. The situation of the Dalits in India can pose challenges to the interfaith relationships
of the country. Some believe that Dalits convert to Christianity not out of a deep faith in Christ but because they will be better treated in a faith tradition that doesn’t have much history with the caste system. Also challenging to the Western ways in which my personal faith has been shaped are the Dalit Christians’ visual portrayals of Jesus emerging from or resting on lotus flowers. Most of us are familiar enough with the New Testament to know that lotus flowers do not show up in either the Gospels or the letters of Paul. So, what does the Lord require of us? In our Christian tradition, I suspect that we often choose to answer this question in terms of service and social justice. But suppose from time to time we tried to answer it from the perspective of Christ’s will for the unity of his church, from the perspective of ecumenism? Can our services for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity for 2013 encompass not only our sisters and
brothers of India, but those of the Indian Mar Thoma Syrian Orthodox Church right here in Canada? Can our prayers for the unity of the church and the hurts of our world encompass the drums of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church in Canada, the Arabic chanting of our Coptic Orthodox sisters and brothers, the four-part harmony of the Mennonite Church of Canada and the incense of the Roman Catholic Church, of which half the Christians of Canada belong? What does the Lord require of us in order to have truly loving, ecumenical relationships with other Christians in this country? How will we visibly witness to our unity in diversity? The Rev. Dr. Karen Hamilton is the general secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches. The materials for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity are available on the website of The Canadian Council of Churches, www.councilofchurches.ca.
Journey to Holiness
Officers experience spiritual renewal at Brengle Institute Commissioner Samuel Logan Brengle, one of The Salvation Army’s greatest holiness teachers, knew that personal holiness is a big influence on ministry effectiveness. In his honour, a Brengle Institute takes place each year at the Jackson’s Point Conference Centre, Ont., giving 31 officers an opportunity to explore personal holiness and mission. Captain David McNeilly, corps officer at Kingston Citadel, Ont., notes, “This event was about developing a deeper personal relationship with God. I realized I needed to give attention to my personal holiness. No amount of professional development could equal my focus on this crucial element of my character and its impact on my ministry.” The weeklong institute was organized by the leadership development department under the direction of Major Mona Moore, leadership development secretary. Instructors included General Bramwell Tillsley (Rtd) (person and work of the Holy Spirit), Major Kevin Metcalf (doctrine of holiness), Major Wendy Swan (practical holiness), Major David Ivany (spiritual life development) and Majors Eddie and Genevera Vincent (nurturing holiness in community). Majors Brian and Lynn Armstrong of THQ pastoral services were on hand to lend support to delegates. Opportunities for corporate sharing and private reflection on the life of holiness were integral to the institute. “In the whirlwind of our daily lives, we are too busy to take sufficient time with God,” says Captain Ginny Kristensen, corps officer at Gladstone Community Church in Ottawa. “Brengle Institute gave me the opportunity to be still in the presence of God so that I could enter into that quiet place in my soul where God renews, restores and speaks.” Commissioners Brian and Rosalie Peddle, territorial commander and territorial president for women’s ministries, and Colonels Floyd and Tracey Tidd, chief secretary and territorial secretary for women’s ministries, reminded the officers in attendance that they are not alone in their day-today ministry. “We are on this journey of holiness together,” says Captain McNeilly. Captain Terence Hale, divisional youth secretary in the Ontario Great Lakes Division, was inspired by Brengle to promote holy living to the youth and youth workers to whom, and with whom, he ministers. “I am called to live a holy life on a daily basis,” he notes. “God’s provision for such a life in ministry comes full each day.” Throughout the years, the Brengle Institute has had a positive impact on officer delegates and by extension, on those they serve. “If I am serious about my personal life of holiness,” Captain McNeilly shares, “the members of my congregation will reap the benefits of better preaching and teaching, a more Christlike character and more God-centred leadership.” Captain Rose Canning, corps officer in Bonavista, N.L., agrees. “Reflecting on my experience at Brengle, I can say it was an enriching week of prayer, worship, meditation and teaching on holiness. It has been a time of refreshment for body and soul.”
OTTAWA—In November, Algonquin College held the grand opening of the Robert C. Gillette Student Commons building that offers services and study space to students. The Salvation Army is proud to be one of nine denominations that minister to students through the Spiritual Centre located in the new facility. Lending support to the opening celebration was the Army’s Legacy Band and Aux-Cpts Thomas and Tina Yoo, intercultural ministries and family services officers, Ottawa Citadel. From left, Aux-Cpt Thomas Yoo, Crystal Garcia, Ralph Verhey, Eric Dean, John Verhey, Gordon Smith, Carl Merkel, Geoffrey Linklater, Linda Colwell, Aux-Cpt Tina Yoo.
CAMBRIDGE, ONT.—Cambridge Citadel commissions Lt-Col Merv Leach as bandmaster and Gary Cameron as deputy bandmaster. From left, Mjr Scott Rideout, CO; Lt-Col Merv Leach; CSM Baxter Freake, holding the flag; Gary Cameron; Mjr Michelle Rideout, CO.
The Lindsay Salvation Army Community Church
130th Anniversary September 13-14, 2013 Special Guest:
Commissioner M. Christine MacMillan Greetings from former officers and friends can be sent to 51 Eglington Street, Lindsay ON K9V 3Z5; officeadmin@lindsaysalvationarmy.ca Salvationist I January 2013 I 25
WILLIAMS LAKE, B.C.—The corps in Williams Lake is expanding, with five junior soldiers, five senior soldiers and seven adherents welcomed. Junior soldiers: Teagan Silvey, Alysa Silvey, Lucas Daugherty, Daniel Daugherty, Michael Lebrune. Senior soldiers: Greg and Sabrina Silvey, Ross and Penny Daugherty, John Davey. Adherents: York Clarkson, Bernice Sheridan, Michael Smith, Lisa McKay, Lisa Ratz, Hazel and Melvin Thompson. Shown with some of the junior soldiers are Sabrina Silvey and Cpt Claudine Kadonaga, CO.
CALGARY—Forest Lawn Mission enrolls three senior soldiers. From left, Mjr Edith Dean, CO; Jeanette MacDonald; Cyril Lloyd, holding the flag; Terry Saby; Kimjowk Chol; Mjr David Dean, CO.
BOTWOOD, N.L.—The newly renovated Botwood Corps building was dedicated by Commissioner Brian Peddle, territorial commander, with the support of Lt-Col Wayne Pritchett, DC, N.L. Div, as Salvationists and friends of the Army gathered for a weekend celebration. Events included the unveiling of a plaque, which was followed by a special dinner and musical program organized by Paul Sceviour, bandmaster. “We are glad about our new facilities and excited that God is doing a marvelous work,” says Mjr Calvin Collins, CO. “During the Sunday service, many came forward and knelt in re-dedication and renewal.” From left, Ford Hancock, building project chair; Mjr Calvin Collins; Lt-Col Wayne Pritchett; Clayton Forsey, MHA Exploits Valley; Jerry Dean, mayor of Botwood; Commissioner Brian Peddle; Mjr Beryl Collins, CO.
LINDSAY, ONT.—Monique Black was presented with an appreciation certificate for her work in the shepherding program at the corps in Lindsay. From left, Mjr Miriam Stevens, CO; Monique Black; Mjr June Newbury, DCCMS and DSWM, Ont. CE Div.
MAPLE CREEK, SASK.—Sisters Kay Hansen and Karen Abramson have faithfully stood by each other over the years and being enrolled as senior soldiers was no exception. From left, Mjr Joanne Binner, AC, Prairie Div; Kay Hansen; Karen Abramson; Min Jackson, recruiting sergeant; Cpt Ed Dean, CO. 26 I January 2013 I Salvationist
OSHAWA, ONT.—Exciting things are happening in the songster brigade at Oshawa Temple. Jamie Carr, Christine Carr, Alice Patterson, Rachel Downey, Victoria Carr, Wayman Carson, Catherine Carson, Donna Downey and Kendra Thompson have been commissioned as songsters, Lori Armstrong has been commissioned as the songster treasurer and Louise Downey has been commissioned as the songster sergeant. From left, Louise Downey; Mjr Robert Reid, CO.
JACKSON’S POINT, ONT.—David Jackson is honoured for completing 15 years of employment with community and family services at Georgina CC. With him are Mjrs William and Barbara Pearce, COs.
Salvationists Receive Jubilee Medal Four Salvationists have been honoured with the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal. The medal commemorates the 60th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II’s accession to the throne and recognizes Canadians whose services and achievements have improved Canadian society.
EDMONTON—Mjr George Barber, a retired Salvation Army officer, was nominated for his service in the Royal Canadian Navy, ministry with The Salvation Army at home and overseas, prison ministry, community service with the military and chaplaincy service to the Royal Canadian Legion. His medal was presented by His Honour, Colonel (Retired) the Honourable Donald S. Ethell, lieutenant-governor of Alberta. From left, Lt.-Gov. Donald S. Ethell, Mjr George Barber and the Honourable Laurie Hawn, MP for Edmonton Centre. EDMONTON—Mjr Reimer Smith, a retired Salvation Army officer, was presented with his medal by His Honour, Colonel (Retired) the Honourable Donald S. Ethell, lieutenantgovernor of Alberta. The major was nominated for the support and guidance he gave to countless individuals through his service as senior provincial chaplain in the Alberta Solicitor General Department of Corrections and as an officer with The Salvation Army. He is highly respected for his lifetime of care and compassion offered to those in crisis.
DARTMOUTH, N.S.—Ken Sanders, corps sergeantmajor at Dartmouth CC, served in the Canadian Forces as an aircraft weapons technician and with the Military Intelligence Branch and is currently a civilian member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police as supervisor of the Atlantic Region Data Centre. Sanders participated in Salvation Army street ministry and coffee house programs in Ottawa, in Halifax’s feeding program and has been involved in disaster relief in situations such as the ice storm in 1998 and 9-11. Based on his military service, activities with The Salvation Army and with the RCMP, Sanders’ medal was presented to him by Brigadier-General (Retired) John James Grant, lieutenant-governor of Nova Scotia. From left, Lt.-Gov. John James Grant, Ken Sanders and RCMP Assistant Commissioner Alphonse MacNeil, commanding officer “H” Division. ST. JOHN’S, N.L.—Zita Butler, a valued member of the corps in Conception Bay South, N.L., has given leadership to the home league, Christmas kettle ministry and the local Red Shield campaign and is presently serving her second term as community care ministries co-ordinator. Butler visits and arranges church services at more than 30 personal care and retirement homes as well as ministering to sick and bereaved corps members. She is well known for her work with various organizations, including the Girl Guides of Canada, Canadian Cancer Society, Bliss Murphy Cancer Clinic, Canadian Bible Society and a school breakfast program. The presentation was made at Government House in St. John’s by the Honourable John Crosbie, lieutenant-governor of Newfoundland and Labrador, and Senator Elizabeth Marshall, who nominated Butler for the award.
CAMBRIDGE, ONT.— Keiauna Saunders and Lucas Baker proudly display their certificates as they are enrolled as the newest junior soldiers at Cambridge Citadel. With them are Mjrs Scott and Michelle Rideout, COs; Steve Baker, junior soldier teacher; YPSM Gloria Freake.
MAPLE CREEK, SASK.—Markus Beveridge is enrolled as a senior soldier by Cpt Ed Dean, CO. The corps family in Maple Creek then said farewell to Beveridge as he travelled to Dresden, Germany, to volunteer with Die Heilsarmee (The Salvation Army) for eight months. Salvationist I January 2013 I 27
INTERNATIONAL Appointments Jan 1: Comrs Joash/Florence Malabi, international secretary/zonal secretary for women’s ministries for Africa; Comrs Kenneth/Jolene Hodder, TC/TPWM, Kenya West Tty; Comrs John/ Dorita Wainwright, international auditor in the business administration department/zonal secretary for women’s ministries—Europe; Comr Vinece Chigariro, TC and TPWM, Kenya East Tty; Cols Henry/ Catherine Nyagah, TC/TPWM, Zimbabwe Tty, with the rank of comr; Cols Moses/Sarah Wandulu, TC/TPWM, Malawi Tty; Cols Benjamin/ Grace Mnyampi, TC/TPWM, Uganda Tty; Mjrs Johnstone/Linnet Wolayo, CS/TSWM, Kenya West Tty, with the rank of lt-col; Lt-Cols Nahashon/Zipporah Njiru, CS/TSWM, Kenya East Tty; Cols Michael/ Joan Parker, TC/TPWM, Indonesia Tty, with the rank of comr; Lt-Cols Jones/Mariyam Kasaedja, CS/TSWM, Indonesia Tty. Feb 1: Comrs André/Silvia Cox, Chief of the Staff/World President of Women’s Ministries; Comrs Clive/Marianne Adams, TC/TPWM, United Kingdom Tty with the Republic of Ireland; Comrs Dick/Vibeke Krommenhoek, TC/TPWM, Iceland and the Færoes Tty; Comrs Barry/Sue Swanson, TC/TPWM, U.S.A. Eastern Tty; Cols Johnny/Eva Kleman, TC/TPWM, Finland and Estonia Tty; Lt-Cols Daniel/Rebecca Sjogren, CS/ TSWM, Sweden and Latvia Tty; Lt-Cols Kong Chew (Bob)/Teoh Gim Leng (Wendy) Lee, CS/TSWM, The Philippines Tty; Lt-Cols Lyndon/ Bronwyn Buckingham, CS/TSWM, Singapore, Malaysia and Myanmar Tty; Lt-Cols Neil/Christine Webb, TC/TPWM, Papua New Guinea Tty, with the rank of col; Lt-Col Miriam Gluyas, CS and TSWM, Papua New Guinea Tty; Mjr Hannelise Tvedt, CS and TSWM, The Netherlands and Czech Republic Tty, with the rank of col; Lt-Cols Gordon/Susan Daly, OC/CPWM, Spain and Portugal Command. Mar 1: Col Birgitte Brekke, international secretary for Europe, with the rank of comr; Lt-Cols Knud David/Lisbeth Welander, TC/TPWM, Denmark Tty, with the rank of col TERRITORIAL Appointments Mjr Brenda Murray, Ontario camping ministries director, Ont. CE Div; Mjrs David/Beverly Ivany, Corps 614, Toronto, Ont. CE Div*; Mjr Pauline Gruer-Caulfield, special assignment, THQ personnel department *Additional responsibility Birth Lt Nicholas/Cpt Heather Samuel, son, Jonathan, Oct 8 Long service—35 years Mjrs Dinzel/Kathleen Baggs Promoted to glory Mjr Frederick Watkin, from Toronto, Oct 23
Commissioners Brian and Rosalie Peddle Jan 4-7 Vancouver; Jan 8-11 divisional retreat, B.C. Div; Jan 16-18 CFOT, Winnipeg; Jan 20 corps retreat, Oshawa Temple, Ont.; Jan 23-24 leaders retreat, Canadian Council of Churches, Brantford, Ont.; Jan 24-25 National Advisory Board, Toronto; Jan 28–Feb 1 divisional retreat, N.L. Div Colonels Floyd and Tracey Tidd Jan 22-24 divisional retreat, Alta. and Northern Ttys Div; Jan 27 Edmonton Temple
Faith Without Borders
THE EVANGELICAL FELLOWSHIP of Canada (EFC) has published two new studies on the church in Canada. The first, Hemorrhaging Faith: Why and When Canadian Young Adults are Leaving, Staying and Returning to Church, is a groundbreaking study of 2,049 young people between the ages of 18 and 34. An Angus Reid Forum survey was commissioned by the EFC in 2011 along with 72 personal interviews with young people who spoke honestly about their often broken relationship with the church. A sample of the many findings in the report includes: • Only one in three Canadian young adults who attended church weekly as a child still do so today. 28 I January 2013 I Salvationist
PARKSVILLE, B.C.—Mrs. Major Harriet Lister Campbell was born in Gateshead, England, in 1920. Her mother and grandmother were members of The Salvation Army and, from a young age, Harriet shared their passion to show God’s love through acts of kindness and her testimony of faith. At 19, she entered training college in England and served throughout England and Scotland. In 1954, Harriet immigrated to Canada with her husband, Tom. In 1957, they began their work with the men’s social services department in Toronto and continued serving in appointments throughout Ontario, Nova Scotia and British Columbia. Retiring in 1986 to Vancouver Island, they helped establish the Army’s presence in Qualicum Beach and Parksville, B.C. Following Tom’s promotion to glory in 2005, Harriet continued to be involved in Bible study groups and was known as “Smiley” at Stanford Lodge, where she participated in the knitting group and sing-alongs. Known for her joyful spirit, bright smile, caring heart and steadfast love for the Lord, Harriet is remembered by children Colin (Patricia), Margaret (Steve), Chris (Deborah); daughter-in-law Sandra (Eric); eight grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; brother, Bert Storar (Doreen). HALIFAX—George Henry Struthers was born in Glace Bay, N.S., in 1944. Residing in Halifax for the past 50 years, he owned and operated Allen Print Ltd. George was a valued and much-loved member of Halifax Citadel Community Church and held various positions in its administration since 1973. During the past five years, George showed great strength and patience in the face of unrelenting illness, and blessed the lives of those he knew. He is survived by his wife of 43 years, Irene (Aulenback) Struthers; daughters Cynthia StruthersKerr (Terry), Charmaine Struthers (Clayton); son, Cameron Struthers; grandchildren Chad, Kristian, Dana, Samuel, Lisa, Cailean; sisters Pearl Quigg (Jim), Jeanette Jackson (Doug), Ruth Comer (Wayne); brother, Jim Struthers (Jean). DARTMOUTH, N.S.—Clarence Arnold Kennedy was born in Princeville, N.S., and was promoted to glory at the age of 93. He served as a military bandsman during the Second World War and was an employee with Canada Post for 39 years before retiring as supervisor in 1984. Clarence was past president of the Postal Employees Credit Union and served on the board for many years. He was a lifelong member of Halifax Citadel Community Church where he served as secretary, singing company leader and young people’s band leader for many years. Clarence was also a member of the songster brigade and the band. Remembering Clarence are sons Ronald (Beverley), Kenneth (Shirley), John (Joanne), David (Sharon); grandchildren Kimberley (John Todd), Greg (Tracey), Michael (Jennifer), Chad (Rhonda), Julie, Jeffrey, Ronald (Katie), Stephen, Josh; great-grandchildren Angela, Chad, Georgia Faith and Nolan.
• Of the young adults who no longer attend church, half have also stopped identifying with the Christian tradition in which they were raised. • There are four primary toxins that keep young people from engaging with the church: hypocrisy, judgment, exclusivity and failure. Hemorrhaging Faith was written by Canadian sociologist James Penner, together with Rachael Harder, Erika Anderson, Bruno Désorcy and the EFC’s Rick Hiemstra. It was funded by The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, The Great Commission Foundation, Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship of Canada, Stronger Together 2011
and Youth for Christ Canada. What is a healthy evangelical church? How do you measure church health? These are questions that Sam Reimer from Crandall University attempts to tackle in the second study, Congregational Vitality among Evangelical Churches in Canada. Drawing on research from the Church Growth movement of the 1960s through to the present day, the author provides a basis for what he believes are the top 10 predictors of healthy, vital congregations. Corps ministry mission boards could benefit from this work. Both studies can be found on the EFC website, evangelicalfellowship.ca. Reimer’s paper is available without charge. Hemorrhaging Faith can be downloaded at a cost of C$15.
Unbridled Enthusiasm
When faced with obstacles, leaders see the opportunity to try something different
hat do you want to do when you grow up? Ask a child this question and you will undoubtedly get a passionate response. Children are full of dreams and promise. Have you ever talked to a young person just embarking on their adult journey? They see the world full of opportunity and face it with an idealism that drives us crazy. When we try to talk to them about the realities of life, they don’t want to hear our negative talk. They only want to press forward, no matter the cost or the outrageousness of their ideas. It’s this unbridled enthusiasm that propels our youth into their future. Their dreams are the vision they need to achieve success. We all need to have vision. Especially leaders. The Bible tells us, “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18 KJV). Our vision is what drives us. We usually have one that surrounds our values, ideas and things we are passionate about. Some of the most successful people weren’t chasing after money and possessions; they pursued their passions. The Founders of The Salvation Army, William and Catherine Booth, had a vision. Their hearts were moved by compassion for the poor and marginalized in the East End of London. This vision informed all of their ideas, methods and actions—and it worked. Everyone who leads—whether a small band of youth or a large corporation—needs a dream, a vision to work toward. When faced with obstacles, leaders will see opportunities to try something different. A Sunday school without enough teachers is an opportunity to try
a vacation Bible school model. A leader in business with dwindling sales on a product sees an opportunity to redesign product packaging. In Thriving on Chaos, Tom Peters wrote that leaders, “must create new worlds. And then destroy them; and then create anew.” However, we all get older and sometimes our dreams begin to fade into the reality of our circumstances. The twists and turns in the road we walk, and the hardships we experience, threaten to drown our dreams. It’s tempting to fall into management mode when things don’t go well for us. It’s easy to retreat and stick to the familiar. We can become defensive about our methods and cling to them as
a comfort in difficult times. Why should we change it up? If it worked for us before, surely it can work for us again. We begin to believe that we just need to be more organized, more efficient. We just need to manage things better, get things under control. In Leaders, Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus write that, “Managers are people who do things right and leaders are people who do the right thing.” Can we be both a good manager and an effective leader? Yes, I believe we can. I believe we need to be both. There are times that call for good management while we’re pursuing the vision. The challenge is to keep the two in balance. We don’t want to let the management side of what we do rule our thinking. We need to always be looking for ways to pursue the vision before us. When we keep the dream alive and before us, we become leaders who inspire. As a leader it’s not enough just to tell people what our vision is. We need to maintain a sense of urgency as we tell the story of how the vision came to us and how it inspires us to keep striving toward the goal. The people we’re leading need to be convinced that the vision is real and that it’s for them. When that happens, we’re no longer alone in pursuing the dream. Our team will have a sense of purpose and a desire to achieve it. Is God still giving dreams and visions to his people? Does he give new vision to us for renewal? Yes, he does. The question is, Are we listening? Are our spiritual ears open to hear him? Major Kathie Chiu is the corps officer of Victoria’s High Point Community Church. Salvationist I January 2013 I 29
Photo: © iStockphoto.com/PLAINVIEW
God-Sanctioned Brutality? U.S. politician’s rape comments spark anger
Photo: © iStockphoto.com/Stockphoto4u
uring the recent elections in the United States, Indiana Senate candidate Richard Mourdock said that when a woman becomes pregnant during rape, “it is something that God intended.” Mourdock’s comments sparked uproar. He apologized for his statement and said it was misinterpreted. He affirmed that rape is a brutal act, but said that he still believes that life is precious. However, the damage was done. Salvationists would agree that life and children are gifts from God. They would also concur that rape is a criminally vicious act. So how would we respond to someone who asked us to weigh in on Mourdock’s original statement? First, let’s clear up one thing. This issue is not about the sanctity of life for Christians. It is political. Abortion is one of the primary wedge issues, especially in the United States, that divides conservatives from liberals. That wedge can drive the two sides so far apart that they end up having to stretch the truth or make outlandish statements to galvanize their positions. In this case, someone who felt they had to oppose abortion 30 I January 2013 I Salvationist
at any cost consequently felt the need to legitimize any form of impregnation—even the most horrible manner imaginable. Christians do not need to get sucked into this type of political faceoff. Salvationists may oppose abortion under all circumstances or they may allow consideration for termination of an unwanted pregnancy under certain circumstances, such as rape (see the Army’s international Position Statement on Abortion at bit.ly/XBuybQ). But they do not need to fall into the trap of taking a point of view so far that it leads them to make some ludicrous assertion like Mourdock did. Second, I think the key to articulating a clear message in response to this issue is to look at semantics. There are words and phrases that we use as believers that carry certain meanings. But I am not sure that we have always done a good job at explaining the theology behind those words. This leaves people to infer what those words mean. This is especially true when we talk about “God’s will.” Do most Salvationists have
a clear understanding of what it means to say, “God’s will is …”? Ultimately it all comes down to a fundamental understanding of how the world works and how much of what happens is what God imposes and how much is what humankind chooses for itself. When some Christians think of the will of God, they simply think of that which is preferable to God, “his good, pleasing and perfect will” (see Romans 12:2). Others, however, believe that God’s will is irresistible. They believe that God is behind everything that happens in the world and that anything that happens must have been in God’s will. The Salvation Army’s theology is Wesleyan-Arminian; therefore, we would tend to identify corporately with the God who has a perfect plan for the world but does not force his will on anyone. We do not deny God’s sovereignty, but we acknowledge that God has granted us free will and has made us co-creators in the ongoing progression of this world. God does not use us solely to carry out his own will. He allows us our own will. He desires that our will align with his, but he does not make it so. To Mourdock and those who heard him, we would say that rape is never in God’s will. We would also say that while each life is precious, and the ability to reproduce life is a gift from God, we would never state that a child was predestined to be born, especially through such a violent manner. Perhaps we need to be aware of our language and the meaning that our words carry. We all like to refer to children as a “gift from God,” but what do we mean by that? Do we believe that God wanted a particular child to be born so he made sure it happened, even if it meant by rape? Or are we simply acknowledging that the source of life is God and that without him nothing is created? As a free-will theist, I am much more comfortable with the second answer. What do you think? Major Juan Burry is the executive director of Victoria’s Addictions and Rehabilitation Centre.
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To all those who didn’t have to help, but did it anyway,
! s k n a h T
Perhaps all you expected for your effort was a cup of hot tea or coffee and a warm handshake. Or maybe you just did your bit and went quietly on your way. Chances are you wanted to help because you thought it was a job worth doing and you didn’t expect any recognition at all. But we want to thank you because without the work of thousands of volunteers at Christmas and throughout the year, The Salvation Army couldn’t meet the needs of so many struggling people. Thank you for your helpful and willing spirit. By volunteering with The Salvation Army, you’re giving hope today.
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