Cellmate to Candidate: One Salvationist’s Journey
Army’s Tornado Response in Ottawa-Gatineau
General Brian Peddle’s Christmas Message
December 2018
Ringing in the Christmas Season How The Salvation Army makes spirits bright
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Salvationist December 2018 • Volume 13, Number 12
Brave New World: Territory Welcomes New Dangers of Gene Editing Chief Secretary and TSWM
5 Frontlines
• When it comes to equality versus equity, how do we level the playing field?
Onward, Christian Soldier Lt.-Col. Jeff Spitzig wears his faith as proudly as his Canadian Forces uniform.
Territory Welcomes Messengers of the Kingdom
Just for Kids November 2018
Fifteen new cadets enter College for Officer Training in Winnipeg.
Wood Search
What did the tree wear to the pool party?
10 Differences
They log in
How can you tell that a tree is a dogwood tree?
Hi kids! If you look on the back of any Canadian coin, you’ll see the same face. Do you know who it is? It’s Queen Elizabeth II. You may know her as the Queen of England—and she is. But she’s also queen of Canada and Bermuda.
This Month: • Meet Gideon, a mighty warrior. • Take time to remember the sacrifices of our armed forces.
Being queen or king for a day would be fun—just think of the nice clothes and jewels! But the position also comes with a lot of responsibility. In this issue of Just for Kids, you’ll read about a queen from the Bible named Esther. Queen Esther was the wife of King Xerxes, who ruled Persia hundreds of years ago. Queen Esther had the chance to do something really important on behalf of her people, the Jews. But she had to be brave and trust God.
• Find out how Queen Esther saved her people.
Your friend, Kristin
By its bark
How do trees get on the Internet?
Join the Just for Kids Birthday Club!
Just for Kids wants to wish YOU a Happy Birthday! Join our birthday club and get a message on your special day. Just fill in the coupon below and mail it to Just for Kids, 2 Overlea Blvd., Toronto, ON, Canada M4H 1P4. Or you can email justforkids@can.salvationarmy.org.
Name: ����������������������������������������������������������� Corps/church attending: �������������������� Birth date: �������������� month/day/ year
Mailing address: ��������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������� Signed: ����������������������������������������������������������
• Learn how to be a disciple of Jesus. • Plus stories, puzzles, colouring, jokes and more!
Keep Connected
Features 8 A World-Changing Relationship
30 Salvation Stories
• What happens when our prayers are not being answered?
Can you find all the trees listed below?
Our hope this Christmas is found in Jesus, our Mighty God and Prince of Peace. by General Brian Peddle
On the Move by Lieutenant Erin Metcalf
Who We Are The Salvation Army builds relationship with Indigenous community through celebration.
27 People & Places
25 Grace Notes
Faith & Friends November 2018
• NBA star Jonathan Bender thought his career was over, until God pointed him in a new direction.
Reckoning With #ChurchToo by Cadet Lynn Torrens
Christmas Spirit by Commissioner Susan McMillan
This month on Salvationist.ca, Major Brenda Allen reminds us that we are more than blue dots on the Google map to God, and we can trust him to guide us.
24 Ethically Speaking
10 Onward
Ke e p Connected
Wartime Letters
A Santa Claus parade changed Elizabeth Leduke’s life.
Meet the Hills Introducing the new chief secretary and territorial secretary for women’s ministries.
The Writing on the Wall by Ken Ramstead
Comfort and Joy by Geoff Moulton
Life-Changing Encounter
Cavalcade of Faith
17 Not Called?
4 Editorial
Indigenous traditions celebrated at second annual Salvation Army pow wow
This Month:
Agents of Change by Major Shari Russell
Internet Adventure
Onward, Christian Soldier
• Kenora Salvation Army takes recycling to the next level—with the help of some animal friends.
16 Live Justly
Keeping the Faith by Cadet Brandon Keeping
Ke e p Connected
Salvationist November 2018
Journey of Reconciliation Continues
26 Cross Culture
Messengers of the Kingdom Ready for Training
November 2018
Swimming trunks
11 A Salvation Army Christmas Officers, employees and volunteers are the hands and feet of Christ during the holidays. by Kristin Ostensen with Shelly McCready, Major Sean Furey, Colleen Holden, Maggie Baker and Major Lorraine Abrahamse
14 Whole Again
Want to highlight Army ministry at your worship meetings? Take advantage of our “Keep Connected” promotional materials. They include PowerPoint slides for on-screen announcements and bulletin inserts that summarize all the great articles in Salvationist, Faith & Friends, Foi & Vie (French version of Faith & Friends) and Just for Kids. Download the materials at salvationist.ca/editorial/ promotional-material or write to ada_leung@can. salvationarmy.org. Cover photo: © zhukovsky/ depositphotos.com
When he didn’t have a roof over his head, William Jeddore found a home at The Salvation Army. by Kristin Ostensen
Read and share it!
18 The Righteous Branch
What can we learn from Matthew and Luke about Jesus’ family tree? by Captain Laura Van Schaick, Lieutenant Crystal Porter, Donald E. Burke, Captain Brian Bobolo and Giselle Randall
Reasons to Give
New Christmas Movie
A Man Named Joseph
21 The Jesse Tree Setting the stage for the drama of Christ’s birth. by Giselle Randall
22 The Calm After the Storm The Salvation Army offers help and hope after tornadoes hit Gatineau, Que., and Ottawa. by Kristin Ostensen
Salvationist December 2018 3
Comfort and Joy
hose who have stood on a Salvation Army kettle know that, on a cold winter’s night, a kind word from an appreciative passerby can warm you right up. People give for a variety of reasons. Perhaps someone they love was one of the 1.9 million people that the Army assisted last year. Many give because their parents remember us from our war service and know the Army is a charity that can be trusted. Others have a heart for those that the Army helps at Christmastime and year round—families in need, people without a roof over their heads, those who have fallen on hard times. They just want to spread a little Christmas cheer. I got a taste of the public’s goodwill a little early this year. Let me explain. For the last five years, the editorial department has worked with Commissioner Susan McMillan, territorial commander, to produce a video of her Christmas message to the territory. Watch for it on Salvationist.ca as Christmas approaches. This year, the territorial headquarters team visited the Peel Family Shelter to share a meal with residents and capture the good work that is happening on the front lines. At the time, more than 330 people, including young children, were being housed in a converted motel on a busy strip in Mississauga, Ont. The
is a monthly publication of The Salvation Army Canada and Bermuda Territory Brian Peddle General Commissioner Susan McMillan Territorial Commander Lt-Colonel John P. Murray Secretary for Communications Geoff Moulton Editor-in-Chief and Literary Secretary Giselle Randall Features Editor (416-467-3185) Pamela Richardson News Editor, Copy Editor and Production Co-ordinator (416-422-6112) Kristin Ostensen Associate Editor and Staff Writer 4 December 2018 Salvationist
director estimated that by Christmas the numbers would increase dramatically. I was inspired by the way in which the staff embraced the residents and gave them a sense of community during a difficult time. To add interest to the video, we partnered with the music and gospel arts department to stage a mock kettle stand at an adjacent retail mall. As soon as the band started playing Joy to the World, cars started pulling up and people offered donations. “Excuse me, I can’t pass by without putting something in the kettle.” “Thank you for the good work that you do.” “We love to hear the band.” The grass was green, the weather was mild, but people didn’t care. They were already in the holiday spirit. In this issue of Salvationist, we profile just a few of the front-line workers who are bringing hope at Christmas (page 11). From toy drives to hampers to community meals, The Salvation Army is providing comfort and joy to those in need. Of course, our motivation is no secret. We, too, are the beneficiaries of amazing grace, and make time during this season to celebrate the birth of our Saviour. As General Brian Peddle writes, hope is found in “our Prince of Peace, who comes in love, provid-
Timothy Cheng Senior Graphic Designer Brandon Laird Design and Media Specialist Ada Leung Circulation Co-ordinator Ken Ramstead Contributor Agreement No. 40064794, ISSN 1718-5769. Member, The Canadian Church Press. All Scripture references from the Holy Bible, New International Version (NIV) © 2011. All articles are copyright The Salvation Army Canada and Bermuda Territory and can be reprinted only with written permission.
ing rest for the weary and comfort for the troubled” (page 8). Lastly, I invite you to read our Bible study on the implications of Jesus’ lineage (page 18). If you think you’ve got a few dysfunctional family members, take a look at Jesus’ family tree! Wherever you find yourself this holiday—singing carols, enjoying time with family or standing on kettles—I pray that you will experience the love of Christ. Merry Christmas! GEOFF MOULTON EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
Annual: Canada $30 (includes GST/ HST); U.S. $36; foreign $41. Available from: The Salvation Army, 2 Overlea Blvd, Toronto ON M4H 1P4. Phone: 416-422-6119; fax: 416-422-6120; email: circulation@can.salvationarmy.org.
Inquire by email for rates at salvationist@can.salvationarmy.org.
News, Events and Submissions Editorial lead time is seven weeks prior to an issue’s publication date. No responsibility is assumed to publish, preserve or return unsolicited material. Write to salvationist@can.salvationarmy.org or Salvationist, 2 Overlea Blvd, Toronto ON M4H 1P4.
The Salvation Army exists to share the love of Jesus Christ, meet human needs and be a transforming influence in the communities of our world. Salvationist informs readers about the mission and ministry of The Salvation Army in Canada and Bermuda. salvationist.ca facebook.com/salvationistmagazine twitter.com/salvationist youtube.com/salvationistmagazine instagram.com/salvationistmagazine
General Brian Peddle Issues Call to Action at Welcome Meeting
eneral Brian Peddle set out a clear but challenging vision for The Salvation Army at his welcome meeting at William Booth College in London, England, in September. He called on the congregation of more than 400 people—and in excess of 10,000 viewers watching the livestream—to “be The Salvation Army that God needs us to be in this 21st century.” The meeting began in lively fashion, with members of Croydon Citadel Singing Company racing down the aisle, cheering and waving f lags. They were followed by International Headquarters flag-bearers and then Commissioner Lyndon Buckingham, Chief of the Staff, and Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham, World Secretary for Women’s Ministries. Finally, the General and Commissioner Rosalie Peddle, World President of Women’s Ministries, marched to the front, greeted by prolonged applause. The General spoke briefly about the “keen sense of privilege” he felt to be asked to be the 21st General of The Salvation Army. He recalled that one person had told him the Army was “in good hands,” explaining that he answered straight away: “As long as it’s in God’s hands.” Bringing words of welcome on behalf of officers around the world, Commissioner Devon Haughton, territorial commander, Caribbean Territory, told the General and Commissioner Peddle: “We are proud to call you our international leaders.” He encouraged them to remain “enthusiastically
dedicated” to the mission. Offering a welcome on behalf of soldiers, Dr. Marjory Kerr, president of Booth University College, recognized that while some soldiers live and worship freely, there are others for whom “every day is a challenge.” She called on the General to engage with his soldiers and to “be prepared to test everything— with us.” Commissioner Peddle responded to the words of welcome by expressing her thanks for the large number of cards and emails she and the General had received since his election. Referring to her role as
Dr. Marjory Kerr welcomes the Peddles on behalf of the Army’s soldiers
Commissioner Rosalie Peddle shares her vision for women’s ministries
General Brian Peddle addresses the congregation
World President of Women’s Ministries, the commissioner spoke of the huge challenges faced by women and girls around the world. She vowed to “future-proof” The Salvation Army’s women’s ministries work, ensuring it was “relevant, ready and resourceful.” Her words were followed by a song, He Leadeth Me, presented by their daughters, Captain Krista Andrews and Stephanie Forystek. The General began his Bible message by asserting his certainty that God’s blessing is on The Salvation Army. Using the themes “Be Ready,” “Be Engaged” and “Take Responsibility,” he told the congregation, “God is calling us to be ready for his mission … Engaged right where he has placed us—or where he is calling us” and that Salvationists and friends need to take responsibility for fulfilling God’s mission, “even at personal cost.” The General went on to say, “I hear the simple call to ‘do something.’ ” But he added that it wasn’t enough for the General to do this alone. “This will take a whole army,” he said. “Imagine that—we have one!” The meeting finished with a rousing rendition of Storm the Forts of Darkness, followed by a time of fellowship with the international leaders. Salvationist December 2018 5
Back to School Fair in Maple Ridge
he Salvation Army’s Ridge Meadows Ministries in Maple Ridge, B.C., made sure that hundreds of children would get a good start to the academic year with a back-to-
Volunteers and staff are ready to hand out backpacks at The Salvation Army’s back-to-school fair
school fair at the end of August. More than 500 people attended the event, which was organized in partnership with Staples and the Friends In Need Food Bank, with support from many other businesses, churches, organizations and volunteers from the community. The fair featured a carnival with live entertainment, free food and treats for children, as well as games, a bouncy castle and a pair of llamas, courtesy of the local 4H club. Along with fun for the whole family, the fair provided an occasion for The Salvation Army to distribute backpacks, filled with school supplies, to children in need. “Because of this program, 469 students got what they needed to start the school year prepared for success,” says Darrell Pilgrim, executive director, Ridge Meadows Ministries. As part of the fair, children were welcome to receive a free back-to-school haircut, thanks to Denise Anderson’s Hair Studio, while the Friends In Need Food Bank handed out bags of food.
Drumheller Celebrates 100 Years, Opens New Facility
he Salvation Army in Drumheller, Alta., celebrated the grand opening of its new Community Services Centre in October, during a weekend of events that honoured the Army’s 100 years of service to the community. The Glenmore Temple Band from Calgary kicked off the festivities as community members, former corps officers who had served in Drumheller, leadership from divisional and territorial headquarters, Salvation Army officers from throughout Alberta, and local dignitaries took part in dedicating and touring the new facilities. The Drumheller Salvation Army currently operates a corps, community and family services, and a thrift store. The new building includes a chapel, offices, kitchens, food bank storage, a common room and a thrift store. With all of these ministries now operating under one roof, rather than in different locations around town, The Salvation Army will be able to more effectively serve the community. “It is amazing,” says Captain Ben Lippers, corps officer, along with Captain Isobel Lippers. “The building looks fantastic and the community is very supportive.” The Salvation Army began its mission in Drumheller in 1918 when two officers, Captains Elsie Day and Rhoda Sampson, “opened fire.” “It has taken us 100 years to get here,” says Captain Ben Lippers. “We started off in a small house, and just grew and grew. We are finally here and it is a wonderful feeling.” “As we reflect on our history we also project our thoughts to the future and acknowledge opportunities in the days ahead to continue to preach the gospel message of Jesus Christ, provide basic human needs and be a transforming influence in Drumheller and the surrounding community,” concludes Major Margaret McLeod, divisional commander, Alberta and Northern Territories Division. 6 December 2018 Salvationist
Cpts Ben and Isobel Lippers; Mjr Margaret McLeod; and Lt-Col Fred Waters, TSBA, cut the ribbon at the opening of the new Salvation Army facility in Drumheller, Alta.
The Glenmore Temple Band welcomes Salvationists and friends to the grand opening event
U.S. Ambassador to Canada Speaks to National Advisory Board
Salvation Army leaders meet Ambassador Kelly Craft. Front, from left, Andrew Lennox, National Advisory Board, chair; Alexandra Lennox; Ambassador Craft; Commissioner Susan McMillan; and Lt-Col John Murray, secretary for communications. Back, Colonels Lee and Deborah Graves
.S. Ambassador to Canada Kelly Craft spoke to members of The Salvation Army’s National Advisory Board (NAB) at a reception held at the historic O’Brien House in Chelsea, Que., in September. A former advisory board member in Kentucky,
Ambassador Craft expressed her appreciation for the many ways in which the Army “lifts people up” and treats them with love and dignity. Reflecting on the support given to U.S. citizens requiring shelter in Newfoundland and Labrador following
the 9/11 attacks, she also highlighted how in the midst of challenging situations, “the Army is always ready to help and in no hurry to leave.” When asked how she felt the Army could be more effective, Ambassador Craft suggested that providing more opportunities for people to volunteer at all levels would encourage greater community support. “Everyone has different talents and treasures,” she said. “Create opportunities for youth and families to give back and help.” Earlier in the day, NAB members visited three ministry units in the Ottawa region. The tours of the Booth Centre, Grace Manor and Bethany Hope Centre demonstrated the rich diversity and impact of The Salvation Army’s activities in Ottawa. These visits to local units are foundational to helping NAB members better understand the Army’s mission and ministry. Commissioner Susan McMillan, territorial commander, Colonels Lee and Deborah Graves, then chief secretary and territorial secretary for women’s ministries, and Andrew Lennox, chair of the NAB, accompanied by Lt-Colonel Sandra Rice, divisional commander, Ontario Central-East Division, also had the opportunity to witness how the Army was providing spiritual, emotional and practical assistance to the Ottawa and Gatineau communities impacted by the recent tornadoes (page 22).
Partners in Mission Campaign Sets New Record
he Canada and Bermuda Territory’s annual Partners in Mission campaign had its most successful year to date in 2018. Thanks to the dedication and fundraising efforts of Salvationists across the territory, the campaign raised $2,241,049, nearly reaching the $2.3-million goal. The money raised will be sent to International Headquarters, which will distribute it to territories in need. These funds ensure that the Army flag keeps flying in all 131 countries where it is active. “We thank everyone for their extra efforts in supporting the international work of The Salvation Army,” says Lt-Colonel Brenda Murray, director of world missions. “The tag line for this year’s campaign was ‘The World for God’—with the support of Salvationists in Canada and Bermuda, we are bringing God’s love to the world.”
Lt-Col Brenda Murray with Lt Kungani and women who are participating in the Army’s Village Savings and Loan Association in Kela, Malawi
Salvationist December 2018 7
A World-Changing Relationship Our hope this Christmas is found in Jesus, our Mighty God and Prince of Peace. BY GENERAL BRIAN PEDDLE
t’s a privilege to greet you this Christmas, my first as the General of The Salvation Army. Throughout 131 countries around the world, The Salvation Army is bringing a message of hope as we seek to work for justice, righteousness and the extension of God’s kingdom—not in our own strength, you understand, only through his power. Shattering Darkness Our hope this Christmas is founded in the person of Christ Jesus who is our Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace and Everlasting Father. The titles are first found in the early verses of Isaiah 9 (2, 6-7), which contain a message of hope to a people living in darkness and death—hope of light and life which are only found in the promised Saviour. Into this situation comes not a theory or a method, but a person. A living, breathing human—born as a vulnerable baby. Hope is found in relationship with Jesus—the Light of the World who shatters the darkness. Hope is found not in dead ritualistic religion, but in vibrant, life-giving relationship with God. God With Us Who is this Jesus? He is God in human form—no longer distant and unreachable, but right here with us. He is our Wonderful Counsellor, who speaks words of wisdom and guides us into truth. He is our Mighty God for whom nothing is impossible—he forgives sins, heals diseases and raises the dead. He is our Prince of Peace, who comes in love, providing rest for the weary and comfort for the troubled. He is our Everlasting Father, offering a familial relationship that can last for eternity, including protection and provision in the here and now. This is the Jesus who was born 8 December 2018 Salvationist
in the manger, hangs on the cross and bursts out of the grave! You can know this Jesus today. A New Perspective Jesus is all about justice, righteousness and salvation. The people who heard Isaiah’s prophecy, the people who lived at the time of Jesus and we who are alive today are all too familiar with a broken world where injustices are prevalent and which is blighted by lack of morality. The person, message and method found in Jesus bring a countercultural perspective that transforms the dark and lifeless falsehood of the kingdom of this world into the gloriously bright, vivacious reality of the kingdom of God. You and I can experience this transformation and share the same with others when we live in relationship with Jesus. Light and Life It may sound like an idealistic vision or too good to be true. We can’t achieve this on our own—if we could, humankind would have figured it out by now! As the words from Isaiah remind us, it can only be accomplished through the power of God—“The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this” (Isaiah 9:7). So this Christmas, let us trust God, rely on his power, live in relationship with him and partner with him to bring life, light and hope to our world. M ay G o d bless you.
General Brian Peddle is the international leader of The Salvation Army.
Salvationist December 2018 9
Photo: © Image 1:27/Lightstock.com
Christmas Spirit It wouldn’t be the same without the music. BY COMMISSIONER SUSAN McMILLAN
10 December 2018 Salvationist
Photo: June Li
Salvation Army band members march during the Santa Claus parade. From left: Steve Brown, Amanda Westover, Jennifer Vos and Bill Way
Photo: Steve Nelson
n 2019, the Canadian Staff Band (CSB) will mark its 50th anniversary. As we celebrate the CSB’s ministry over the years, I can’t help but think of the sacrificial service of so many Salvation Army musicians, especially at Christmastime. They spend countless hours playing at kettles, bringing cheer to health-care facilities, marching in Santa Claus parades and putting us all in the Christmas spirit. Christmas just wouldn’t be the same without the music, would it? Somehow, the music inspires us to remember the story of God’s love—how he sent his Son to be born as a baby in a manger. It shouldn’t be lost on us that he was born in poverty and became a refugee in the early years of his life. In Jesus, God gave us a tremendous gift. That Jesus was born in a difficult time, under difficult circumstances, compels us to be more generous at this time of year, and music is often the catalyst. People passing our kettles are moved to donate when they hear the strains of Christmas music in the air. I’m often moved when I hear the wonderful carol Good King Wenceslas, the story of a Bohemian king who sets out through the winter weather to bring food and firewood to a poor man. According to the lyrics, the king was celebrating the Feast of Stephen, or the second day of Christmas (December 26), a day when Stephen is remembered as the first martyr of the Christian faith. Acts 6:5 tells us that Stephen was chosen to help with the distribution of food to the poor—the first social services worker in the early Christian church. (Perhaps that’s why the story of King Wenceslas begins on the Feast of Stephen.) As a Salvation Army, we have become associated with Christmas for our service to the poor. But this service isn’t just something we do at Christmas, and it shouldn’t be something we do for attention. Holiness means living justly in the world, and that means taking care of those who are in need whenever necessary. Our service should be a natural
The Canadian Staff Band performs at the gala “Christmas With The Salvation Army”
outcome of our relationship with Christ. In Luke 11, Jesus was invited to dinner at the home of a religious leader. He accepted the invitation, arrived and sat down at the table (or reclined, in true Middle Eastern tradition). The host was insulted that Jesus didn’t go through the ceremonial washing before sitting down to the meal. Jesus had harsh words in return. “Now then, you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside you are full of greed and wickedness. You foolish people! Did not the one who made the outside make the inside also? But now as for what is inside you—be generous to the poor, and everything will be clean for you” (Luke 11:39-41). Generosity is part of being Christlike.
Serving others is part of holiness. Loving your neighbour is sharing God’s heart with the world. “Therefore, Christian men, be sure Wealth or rank possessing Ye, who now will bless the poor Shall yourselves find blessing.” —Good King Wenceslas Commissioner Susan McMillan is the territorial commander of the Canada and Bermuda Territory. Follow her at facebook.com/ susanmcmillantc and twitter.com/ salvationarmytc.
A Salvation Army Christmas
Officers, employees and volunteers are the hands and feet of Christ during the holidays. BY KRISTIN OSTENSEN
Photo: © zhukovsky/depositphotos.com
s December 25 approaches, celebration is in the air— it’s a time of great joy for many people. But for those who are experiencing poverty, homelessness, health concerns or other challenges, the season is not always so merry. At the Grand Valley correctional institution for women in Kitchener, Ont., Christmas can be particularly blue. That’s why staff from The Salvation Army’s Ellen Osler Home in Dundas, Ont., make a special holiday visit. They bring small gifts—something the women may want, instead of just something they need. They sing Christmas carols led by a Salvation Army band, who are always more than willing to take requests. “The power of these moments can be seen in the joy reflected on the faces of everyone involved,” says Cassandra Pollard, director of operations and residential services. “This experience teaches us, year after year, that at the end of the day we are all just people being people together.” This ministry is only one example of how The Salvation Army is making spirits bright across the Canada and Bermuda Territory each Christmas. Here are five more:
Christmas List
BY SHELLY McCREADY Community ministries co-ordinator, Saint John, N.B.
ast November, during Christmas registration, a Kenyan woman named Keziah came to us for the first time. She was apologetic about even accessing our services. She and her husband were university students, taking business programs. They were planning
to stay in Saint John, N.B., with their children, after they graduated. Darlene Jones, our family services worker, put Keziah at ease and prayed with her that God would provide for her family’s needs. Later, Keziah told
us that she was stunned that someone would stop and pray with her. “I came for toothpaste and I received prayer,” she said. Shortly after, I was approached by an accounting firm that wanted to sponsor Salvationist December 2018 11
a family for Christmas. We immediately thought of Keziah’s family. This was their second year in Canada but the children had all outgrown their winter clothing from the year before and they were in real need. In the end, the company delivered the gifts and food themselves. Our contact at the firm told us, “I hope they are ready to be blessed—I can’t even fit it all in my SUV!” After Christmas, Keziah came back to The Salvation Army to thank us. She told us that a few months before the Christmas season, she had prayed that God would take care of them. Money was getting tight. She saw that her children’s clothing was too small and she was worried. But when the sponsor came, it was as if they had walked through their home and made a list of what they needed—the specific items the accounting firm provided were the ones they needed most. Keziah said her faith had grown through the way God answered her prayers. We couldn’t let her leave without praying with her once again. We asked that God would be their provider, that he would protect and guide them, and that 2018 would be a year of prosperity for them. Keziah thanked us again as she left and told us, “This was the happiest Christmas we’ve ever had. I even Googled how to cook a turkey in the Canadian way!”
a doctor willing to take on her hopeless case. My volunteers and I spent that week finding her an apartment and all the things she would need to fill it. We made arrangements for her to get the pain medication she needed, and people at the corps even paid for the prescriptions. Next, we found a lawyer who helped her make her final arrangements so that her daughter would be looked after when she passed away. After Christmas, I went to visit her, but she was no longer living in the apartment we found her and I assumed that the cancer had won. I said a prayer for her daughter when I returned to my vehicle.
“Do You Remember Me?”
—Major Sean Furey
Sault Ste. Marie Corps and Elliot Lake Hope Church, Ont.
few years ago, I was on kettle duty at a Canadian Tire in Dartmouth, N.S. I was right next to the exit and a bitter wind was blowing. Feeling cold and miserable, I hoped my replacement would arrive soon. The next person who approached the kettle was a beautiful blond woman. She pulled out her wallet to find some change, but then she stopped, looked at me and asked, “Do you remember me?” I couldn’t recall meeting her so she filled me in. Three years prior, she had been living in a Dodge Caravan with her 12-yearold daughter when she came to The Salvation Army to see if we could wash her clothes for her. Diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, she was travelling from province to province in search of 12 December 2018 Salvationist
“That’s why we do the kettles. We’re raising money so that one less person has to live in their car, so that one more person can have a chance at a new life.” But here she was. Long blond hair instead of a bandana covering her bald head. Vital and healthy instead of haggard and exhausted. Dressed immaculately instead of wearing unwashed clothes. Managing an apartment complex in Halifax instead of living in her car. Full of hope and potential. Cancer three years in remission. She showed me her engagement ring and asked if I would perform her marriage in the summer. “You’ve come a long way since I saw you last,” I said. “I wouldn’t be here without the people at The Salvation Army,” she answered. She put $20 in the kettle, said a bright “Merry Christmas,” hugged me and ran to her car. That’s why we do the kettles, I thought to myself. We’re raising money so that one less person has to live in their car, so that one more person can have a chance at a new life.
Family services supervisor and caseworker, Cornerstone Community and Family Services, Courtenay, B.C.
bout 10 years ago, a retired couple approached us about sponsoring a family at Christmas. After experiencing the joy of the season in this way, they decided to extend the act of giving by sponsoring a family year round. Every month for the past 10 years, they’ve made an anonymous donation of a $50 gift card through our community and family services. They would drop by to meet with me, and I would then arrange for the young mother to come in and pick up the donation. How special it was for that single mom to know that someone in her community cared about her and her family, not only during the Christmas season, but also throughout the year. In addition to the responsibilities of raising her daughter, this mother struggled with major health concerns, marital separation and her own schooling. It has been a blessing for me to meet regularly with both families, to be a part of their lives for the past decade and see how those lives have been transformed. We have just celebrated the graduation of the mother (from college) and the daughter (from high school), both of whom are contributing to their community. The retired couple is now sponsoring another family, hoping that others would consider doing likewise at Christmas and throughout the year.
What Is Most Important BY MAGGIE BAKER
Mat shelter supervisor, Community Services Centre, Fort McMurray, Alta.
t was a chilly morning on Christmas Day, although we didn’t really feel it, having warm thoughts about giving our patrons their Christmas gifts. I pictured the 35 men and women still sleeping as we took the elevator down to the floor that houses the mat program at The Salvation Army’s Community Services Centre in Fort McMurray, Alta. This program supports those who come each day to have their basic needs met: respect, food, clothing, a bed and support for their struggle with mental illness, addictions and more. We hoped they would like their gifts and were excited to
Comfort at the Kettle
BY MAJOR LORRAINE ABRAHAMSE Divisional integrated mission secretary, Newfoundland and Labrador Division
n 1994, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Surgery was followed by six months of intense chemotherapy, which was completed in December 1994. I was cancer-free for 13 years but in November 2007, the cancer returned in my lungs, my lymph nodes and down my chest cavity. In January 2008, I had more surgery and started taking medication. When I had a scan three months later, my oncologist couldn’t believe the results. The cancer was reduced to zero in one lung, reduced in the other lung and there was less cancer in the lymph nodes. I said to my oncologist, “I don’t know if you believe in God but I do, and I truly believe that he performed a miracle!” Since 2007, the cancer in my lung has metastasized to my second lung and liver. I have a CT scan every three months. Over the years that I have been on this cancer journey, there have been many times when I hated having this disease. But there was one day last Christmas that I was actually glad I had cancer. Let me explain. While I was manning the Christmas kettle, a woman came up to me and started a conversation. Noticing my head was covered with a red scarf, she asked me if I was undergoing chemotherapy treatments. I replied that I had just finished. She proceeded to tell me that her daughter had been diagnosed with can-
cer a few months before but, sadly, had passed away in October. We had a brief conversation before she continued on with her shopping. After she left I started praying for her. (With my eyes open, of course— after all, I was on the kettle!) A short while later, the same woman came back to the kettle. As she gave a donation, she said to me, “Christmas will be difficult for me this year.” We had another brief conversation after which I told her I would pray for her. She thanked me and gave me a hug. I couldn’t help thinking later that if I wasn’t living with cancer, I would not have had this particular conversation with this particular woman on that day. My having cancer drew her to me. Perhaps she felt I would somehow understand something of what she was feeling. As I reflected on that day, I was humbled at how God can use a cancer patient to bring comfort and encouragement to someone else who has been deeply touched by this dreaded disease. He can bring good out of a bad situation—at Christmastime or any time. “Dear Lord,” I prayed later that evening, “you know this woman and her heartache. Please speak into her life bringing comfort. And, if I was able to speak into her pain and loss as a means of giving comfort and encouragement to her, then, yes, I am glad I have cancer on this day.”
Photo: © jacoblund/iStock.com
be involved with the gift giving again this year. For many of our patrons, Christmas is a difficult time of year. We always try to make it as special and personal as possible. First, we laid a Christmas stocking next to each person for them to find when they woke up. Then, as we served them a hot breakfast, we called each of their names to come and get their gifts. I gave a gift to a man who was new to our shelter. He smiled at me and said, “Merry Christmas and thank you.” When he looked at the gift he became emotional and started to cry. I approached him and asked if he was OK. It was a few minutes before he could speak. Finally, he revealed the reason behind his response: “I’ve never had a gift with my name on it before.” He took a few steps away, then turned and said, “Thank you for blessing me today.” As with other Salvation Army ministry units, the Community Services Centre is extremely busy during the Christmas season. But even in our busiest moments, God has a way of reminding us of what is most important. Encounters like the one I had with that man are like whispers from God that reveal the true meaning of Christmas.
Salvationist December 2018 13
Whole Again
When he didn’t have a roof over his head, William Jeddore found a home at The Salvation Army. BY KRISTIN OSTENSEN
Choices Jeddore is a member of the Eskasoni First Nation of Nova Scotia, the largest Mi’kmaq community in the world, and grew up on the reserve, about 40 kilometres from Sydney. As a boy, he was close with his great-grandfather, who taught him to speak and write Mi’kmaq. But he passed away when Jeddore was eight years old. Four years later, he fell into the wrong crowd and began using drugs and alcohol. “When I was on the reserve, I had what I call ‘substance acquaintances,’ ” Jeddore says. “The only time we hung out was when we were using substances. Otherwise, our relationship was pretty much nothing.” Throughout his teens and 20s, Jeddore’s drug and alcohol addiction took a toll. “I got beaten up and robbed more than once. I went to jail a few times, 14 December 2018 Salvationist
Photos: Kristin Ostensen
xperiencing homelessness at any time of year is difficult. But as William Jeddore discovered, it is especially so during the winter on Cape Breton Island, N.S., where temperatures can stay below freezing for months. When he became homeless about two years ago, his only refuge was the local shelter in Sydney, N.S. And while he was grateful to have a roof over his head, unfortunately, he could only stay there at night. During the day, all guests had to leave the shelter, and Jeddore found himself wandering the streets of Sydney with nowhere to go. Until he discovered The Salvation Army. “I was walking by the church one Sunday and thought I should come—the thought just automatically came to my mind,” Jeddore recalls. “So I decided to walk in and I’ve been coming ever since.”
“I’m proud to call him a member of my church, but I’m also proud to call him my friend,” says Mjr Corey Vincent of William Jeddore, a member of Sydney CC, N.S.
and I overdosed twice,” he shares. “The second time, I almost died. That’s when I gave it up.” On the night of that second overdose, Jeddore also got into a fight, which landed him in jail. “They were going to put me in prison for four years, so I had to straighten up or get in more trouble.” Jeddore has been sober since that day in August 2014. Instead of going to prison, he was placed on house arrest for two years and then probation for the following two years. During that time, he stayed with his father in Eskasoni, but the living arrangement had its own difficulties. “I had a rough relationship with my father,” says Jeddore. “At that time, I wasn’t on anything, but he was, and that was hard on me.” The situation came to a head one night when his father attacked him in his sleep. “That’s how I became homeless,” Jeddore says. “It was either keep taking
that type of abuse, or go stay at a shelter. I chose the shelter.” Warm Welcome Jeddore moved to Sydney and began to live at the men’s Community Homeless Shelter. He had been staying there about three months when he came to a Sunday meeting at Sydney Community Church and met Major Corey Vincent, corps officer. “It was great,” says Jeddore. “I felt really comfortable coming here. It’s a welcoming atmosphere. Anywhere else you go, it’s not as welcoming as it is here.” Along with the corps’ Sunday services, Jeddore started attending Messy Church, movie nights, community café and more. “I came to the church all the time when I was at the shelter,” he says. “Any program that we could get him involved in, he’s been a part of it,” says Major Vincent. “When he was living at the shelter, he was completely broken,” he continues.
“He felt all alone, like nobody cared or loved him. It was heartwarming to see how the congregation embraced him and welcomed him as part of our church family.” In addition to church programs, Jeddore often came to the corps to simply spend time with Major Vincent. “I was at Corey’s office almost every day,” he says with a smile. “I’m proud to call him a member of my church, but I’m also proud to call him my friend,” says Major Vincent. Working with the shelter and other community partners, Major Vincent helped Jeddore find an apartment, which he moved into shortly before Christmas last year. The Army’s thrift store provided vouchers for furniture, clothing and household items such as pots and pans. Individual corps members also contributed, giving him a Nintendo Wii system and a DVD player with movies. And when Christmas came, Major Vincent and his family made sure Jeddore would not spend the holiday alone, inviting him to their home for Christmas dinner and sharing Christmas presents. Looking back on that time, Jeddore is grateful for the corps’ kindness and
Jeddore was enrolled as an adherent last year
assistance. “Between The Salvation Army and the shelter, I got a lot of help,” he says. Transformation Along with the practical difficulties of homelessness, Jeddore’s time in the shelter was emotionally and spiritually challenging. During that period, the corps provided the spiritual home he needed, while writing provided a creative outlet. Jeddore writes poetry and songs in both of his languages, and was involved in a Wycliffe Bible Translators
project a few years ago, translating parts of the Christmas story from English into Mi’kmaq. One short spiritual reflection, which he wrote on a card and gave to Major Vincent, says, in English and Mi’kmaq, “I may be homeless, without a home, but Jesus lives in my heart.” “It’s a prayer that was in my heart at the time,” Jeddore explains. “It’s all about the heart and soul. It’s where Jesus keeps you whole. That’s the way I’ve always looked at it.” Since coming to the corps, Jeddore has forgiven his father and re-established a relationship with him, and in November 2017, he was enrolled as an adherent. “It felt good,” he says of his enrolment. “I don’t know how to explain it—it just felt right in the spirit, and I’m the type of person who believes that when my spirit tells me it’s right, it’s right. “Being a part of The Salvation Army means a lot to me,” he goes on to say. “I could talk for hours and hours because there’d never be enough words to explain how good I feel when I come here.” “It’s been amazing to see the transformation in him since he first came,” concludes Major Vincent. “God is doing a great work in his life.”
Goats are easy to care for and can provide milk, cheese and protein-rich meat for families. When a family has a small herd of goats, school fees, medical bills and basic living costs can be met.
Give the gift of hope this Christmas! salvationarmy.ca/giftsofhope
Salvationist December 2018 15
Agents of Change Are you an ally, advocate or accomplice? BY MAJOR SHARI RUSSELL
n the fight against injustice, well-intentioned individuals seeking to be allies can sometimes find themselves frustrated or baffled. They are taking advantage of us. They don’t seem to want to change. We were just trying to help. Unfortunately, these individuals may be perpetuating the very systems of oppression they are trying to eradicate. What does it mean to be an ally? It’s a vast concept, and the terminology has been limited. But distinguishing between allies, advocates and accomplices may help those who wish to be effective agents of change evaluate where they are in the process and articulate their next steps. Allies are often motivated by personal reasons. They want to protect an individual and intervene on their behalf. They may not see the overarching systems of injustice, or their own place of privilege, since they focus on maintaining peace. Speaking up for an employee when someone has made a racist comment is one example. Advocates or altruistic allies move beyond the level of protection as they seek to empower victims of injustice. They are more cognizant of their place of privilege and may respond from altruistic motivations or guilt in an attempt to bring reconciliation. Recognizing that oppression has an impact not only on individuals but whole groups or communities prompts the advocate to engage in organizational responses. The advocate will use their power and influence to challenge the injustice, but still benefit personally from the system. Many organizations engaged in social action today fall within this category as they employ advocates who receive a salary and benefits. When advocates make a mistake or are challenged to move beyond this phase, however, they may become defensive as they see themselves 16 December 2018 Salvationist
as the exception or outside the systems of oppression. Accomplices or effective allies work together with all to not only address an issue, but to change the systems of injustice. They recognize the impact of injustice on everyone and the need to establish new systems of justice, whether that be in education, health care, law or governance. Their increasing awareness of the connection between personal experience and systemic oppression leads to the realization that their liberation is entwined with the liberation of others. Accomplices engage everyone in dismantling oppressive systems of power and reframing or creating more equitable systems. Here are the key factors in being an effective accomplice: 1. Learning to listen well: Seek out and absorb the stories and experiences of those affected by social injustice. Within the dominant culture, we are often blind to the challenges of others because we do not experience them. Listening requires openness without defensiveness or offering quick solutions or remedies. 2. Genuine dialogue: Rather than the dominant culture advocating for an issue, there is genuine dialogue between
those oppressed and those advocating. Being invited to “sit at the table” is essential, with the goal of empowering leadership from among those experiencing injustice. This requires encouragement as dreams and possibilities are forged. 3. Recognizing the systems of injustice: This requires identifying the challenges people face and proactively seeking ways to change or dismantle the systems of injustice. Proactive planning envisions a “new table” of justice being established. Accountability is essential in this process and it is achieved only through genuine dialogue and honest feedback with those with whom we are engaged. 4. Community engagement: It is critical to engage the participation and leadership of the community at the grassroots level. “If a person is genuinely working on behalf of the community, then the community will also be part of the whole process, not simply be passive recipients of a grand ‘plan’ developed outside themselves,” says Graham Hingangaroa Smith in Reclaiming Indigenous Voice and Vision. 5. Empowering self-determination: Philosopher Paulo Freire says those affected by injustice or oppression must “name the world for ourselves,” rather than being limited by the names and perceptions of others. Self-determination is about identifying who we are, our experiences and our potential plans for the future. Questions for reflection: 1. What systems and processes would help facilitate Salvationists and The Salvation Army to listen well to those who may be experiencing injustice? 2. H ow might we engage in genuine dialogue and honest feedback from those for whom we are advocating? 3. W hat are some of the barriers in empowering self-determination that may be encountered within our organization? How might we address these? Major Shari Russell is the territorial Indigenous ministries consultant in the Canada and Bermuda Territory.
Photo: © jacoblund/iStock.com
The Writing on the Wall A whisper from God in a prison cell changed the course of Donny Melanson’s life. BY KEN RAMSTEAD Last month, Salvationist profiled Jenea Gomez’s journey toward officership. This month, we look at that of her husband, Donny Melanson:
lated it to: ‘Turn your life around. Stop going in circles like the Israelites and go in the direction you should go.’ “This was my defining moment. I either believed in my faith—this is happening, God’s real—or rejected it.”
nlike his wife, Jenea Gomez, who grew up in The Salvation Army, Donny Melanson was raised without faith, and in a rough part of town. “I got into a lot of trouble,” he says now. When he was 27, Melanson hit rock bottom, spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. “I was done with life,” he says. Melanson decided he needed a “geographical cure,” a change of venue to get him out of the rut he was in. “But the problem with a geographical cure is that you also bring yourself along with you,” he smiles. “Wherever you go, there you are!” Melanson left Toronto and moved to Vancouver and, indeed, nothing changed. If anything, things got worse. “I was walking the streets one night and I came across a Salvation Army shelter, where I ran into a shelter worker who knew me from Toronto,” he recalls. “Donny, what are you doing here? You look awful!” he told him. Melanson reluctantly agreed. “Do you want to go into detox?” “Sure,” he replied. “It’s not like I have any other plans right now.” “That’s how the journey began for me,” Melanson continues. “This Salvation Army worker saw me in my brokenness and helped.” Defining Moment Melanson had tried detox centres in Toronto, without success, but The Salvation Army was different. He learned about faith, Jesus and the path to rehabilitation. Melanson stayed at the treatment centre for a year “to learn how to get a life,” as he puts it. But after three years of
Donny Melanson
recovery, he relapsed. Soon, he was back on the street and was arrested. Melanson had been in and out of similar institutions many times, but this incarceration was different. What in the world am I doing back in here? he asked himself. Melanson was sharing a cell with a Christian who spent his time reading the Bible. “I knew about God but just hadn’t met him personally,” says Melanson. So one night, he decided to pray. It was simple and heartfelt: “God, if you’re real, you need to show me who you are.” Two nights later, he was awoken by a voice that whispered in his ear over and over: “Deuteronomy 2:3. Deuteronomy 2:3.” Melanson asked his cellmate if he could borrow his Bible and looked up the quotation. It read: “You have circled around this mountain long enough; now turn north.” “I wasn’t high or hallucinating,” he says. “God was clearly speaking to me through Scripture. Paraphrased, I trans-
Making Sense Melanson wound up in the same Salvation Army treatment centre he’d been in three years before, but this time it was different. “Jesus was transforming my heart,” he says. From there, Melanson attended the War College, The Salvation Army’s residential gap-year training program in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. He met Jenea Gomez, who was in her second year. The two fell in love and were married. By then, Melanson had stopped drinking and using drugs. “As I began to admire The Salvation Army, its beliefs and its structure, it only made sense that I submit my life to soldiership because that was the culmination of everything I was living at the War College.” The decision to become a candidate for officership took longer. “I’m a thinker. I didn’t want to go into something blindly,” he says. “Soldiership made sense but officership seemed like a bigger commitment.” But Melanson reasoned that if he was truly following Jesus, if he agreed to the standards set by the Army and to be accountable, if he agreed to God, then it came down to obeying the calling from Jesus, supported by a loving community of faith. “That just made sense,” he says. “The writing was on the wall. I just had to read it for what it was.” Donny Melanson and Jenea Gomez are planning to enter the College for Officer Training in Winnipeg in 2019. Salvationist December 2018 17
Illustration: © Zuki/iStock.com
18 December 2018 Salvationist
The Righteous Branch
What can we learn from Matthew and Luke about Jesus’ family tree?
iscover your family’s history. Uncover your ethnic origins. See your story emerge. In recent years, websites that help people explore their family trees, even offering DNA testing—such as Ancestry. com, 23andMe.com and MyHeritage. com—have exploded in popularity. We all want to know who we are and where we come from. The Bible includes Jesus’ family tree in two places: Matthew 1:1-17 and Luke 3:23-38. These genealogies remind us of the great mystery that Jesus is truly and properly human while also being the Son of God. These lists of names have some striking differences. Matthew starts with Abraham, and moves forward to Jesus. Luke starts with Jesus, and moves backwards to Adam. From Abraham to David, the lists are identical, but from David to Jesus, they’re different. And why does Matthew list Joseph’s father as Jacob, but Luke lists him as Heli? If these genealogies contradict each other, how can we trust them? It helps to remember that Matthew and Luke are writing to different audiences, and have different purposes. Matthew is writing to a Jewish audience, and wants to show that Jesus is the long-awaited Messiah, who fulfils the promises God made to Abraham and David. Luke, on the other hand, is writing to a gentile audience, and wants to show that Jesus belongs to all of humanity, that he is the Saviour of the world, the promised redeemer who would “crush the serpent’s head” (see Genesis 3:15) for all of Adam’s children. The Apostle Paul often called Jesus the “second Adam.” While highlighting Jesus’ humanity, this also points to
what he will accomplish as Saviour. Jesus became human, like Adam, so that he could succeed where Adam failed. Like Adam, Jesus was tempted to abandon God’s will when he was in the wilderness. Unlike Adam, Jesus overcame the temptation to sin and set the stage for the final defeat on the cross. In Romans 5, we read that “Adam is a symbol, a representation of Christ, who was yet to come. But there is a great difference between Adam’s sin and God’s gracious gift. For the sin of this one man, Adam, brought death to many. But even greater is God’s wonderful grace and his gift of forgiveness to many through this other man, Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:14-15 NLT).
was 18 when I left home, with big plans to become a math teacher. But after an encounter with God at youth councils, I found myself questioning this path. God opened my eyes to a new opportunity, a new place and a new future. In September 2005, instead of attending university, I packed my belongings into a suitcase and set out from Green’s Harbour, N.L., for Winnipeg, where I eventually entered the College for Officer Training. I traded a small town and familiar faces for a big city and strangers; the comforts of home and the security of knowing that Mom and Dad were just a quick drive away for an unknown place and an uncertain future. But God was clear—this was where he wanted me to go. I tell you this story because I am not the first person to take such a journey, leaving everything behind. In Genesis 12, God called Abram to leave his country, his people and his father’s household to
go to a new land, promising to bless him and make him into a great nation, so that “all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (Genesis 12:3). Abram went, trusting that God would be faithful to his promises. And he was. A few chapters later, God changes Abram’s name to Abraham, which means “father of many.” God’s covenant with Abraham is a major turning point in redemptive history. God calls out a people, not to escape from the world, but to be part of his mission to restore the world. Matthew begins his genealogy of Jesus by calling him “the son of David, the son of Abraham,” emphasizing that Jesus belongs to the people of Israel. The story of the Old Testament continues in Christ. God promised to bless the world through Abraham, and Jesus, his descendant, is the fulfilment of this promise. This Christmas season, as we reflect on the birth of Jesus, we remember a Creator who never breaks a promise. And we are part of that promise to bless the world—we are all called to be part of God’s mission.
Tamar, Rahab, Ruth and Bathsheba DONALD E. BURKE
he genealogy of Jesus in Matthew cont a i n s s ome su r pr i s e s . Astonishingly, among the men who dominate the list of Jesus’ ancestors, we find four women. We might expect women such as Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel or Leah to be included. Instead, we find Tamar, Rahab, Ruth and the wife of Uriah. What’s surprising is not simply that four women are included in the genealogy, but that these four women made the list. For each of them, in her own way, was an outsider. Tamar had to pretend to be a prosSalvationist December 2018 19
titute in order to fulfil her obligations to her deceased husband and his family (see Genesis 38). Then there’s Rahab, a Canaanite prostitute from Jericho (see Joshua 2 and 6). She was an outsider both because she was a Canaanite and because she was a prostitute. Next there’s Ruth, the Moabite woman who married into the Israelite community and became the great-grandmother of King David. Finally, there’s the “wife of Uriah” who is not even mentioned in the genealogy by her name, Bathsheba. Her inclusion recalls David’s exploitative and abusive treatment of her and the murder of her husband (see 2 Samuel 11-12). Surely it would be better to keep Bathsheba out of sight. Yet here she is. The fact that these four women show up in the genealogy of Jesus causes me to wonder, what was Matthew trying to say about Jesus by including these women? It seems to me he was reminding us that the mission and message of Jesus embraces those who are socially, economically, ethnically and even religiously marginalized. The gospel transforms society, breaking down uncrossable barriers to establish a new people of God. The church does not follow in the way of Jesus when it builds walls to keep out the weak, the poor, the scandalous or the sinner. To our surprise— and perhaps even to our chagrin—they have a place in the genealogy of Jesus and they have a place in the kingdom of God.
prophet Nathan that he wants to build a house for God, so the Ark will no longer be in a tent. After gently reminding him that his success comes from God, God promises David an even better house: “Your house and your kingdom will endure forever before me; your throne will be established forever” (2 Samuel 7:16). Although David was deeply flawed, and his sin had far-reaching conse-
connected to the life of David. It shows the immense and redeeming love that God has for us. No person, no worldly power or tumultuous circumstance could dissuade God from his redemptive promise to us. From the line of David our Saviour is born. He is a faithful presence and redemptive reassurance in the midst of even our greatest burdens. He is divine love and immeasurable joy at Christmas.
More than just boring lists of names, the genealogies show us that God is a covenant-keeping God, faithful to his promises.
hristmas reminds us of God’s redemptive activity in the world and his desire for relationship with us. This divine invitation to relationship began in the Old Testament as God calls out a people for himself, promises to bless the world through them and brings them into a good land. When the people ask for a king, he gives them David—a man after God’s own heart, who sings God’s praises and leads them to victory against their enemies. From his palace, David tells the 20 December 2018 Salvationist
quences—idolatrous kings, a divided kingdom, exile—God is faithful to his promise. Matthew shows that Jesus is the “son of David,” of royal origin, the one who fulfils all messianic expectations (see Jeremiah 23:5-6; Psalm 89:3-4). He is the true King of Kings whose throne will last forever, as the angel Gabriel tells Mary (see Luke 1:26-38). He is also the one we encounter today in a deeply personal way. I find it comforting that the birth of our Lord is so
nd so we come to Mary a nd Joseph, Jesu s’ earthly parents. The most straightforward explanation for why the two genealogies are different is that Matthew is tracing Joseph’s line, while Luke is tracing Mary’s—with Joseph, as Heli’s son-in-law and adoptive heir, standing in for Mary. Another explanation is the tradition of levirate marriage—Joseph may have had a biological and an adoptive father. But in both genealogies, Jesus is a descendant of King David. What can we learn from these oft-overlooked passages of Scripture? More than just boring lists of names, they show us that God is a covenant-keeping God, faithful to his promises. They show us that God is in control of history, and that his purposes will be fulfilled—and that he can use imperfect people to accomplish them. They show us that salvation is for everyone, not just one group of people. Jesus is the Messiah and the Saviour of the world, “the climax of Israel’s history, the fulfilment of Israel’s hopes and the promises of the prophets,” writes New Testament professor Craig Keener. The genealogies in Matthew and Luke show us who Jesus is and where he comes from—and that the story God is writing is far from over. As believers in Christ Jesus, we are part of this story and the work God is doing to redeem and restore the world. As you consider the birth of Jesus this Christmas, add your name to the list.
Setting the stage for the drama of Christ’s birth. BY GISELLE RANDALL
Creation Symbol: world Scripture: Genesis 1:26-31 Adam and Eve Symbol: apple and snake Scripture: Genesis 3:1-19 Noah Symbol: ark and rainbow Scripture: Genesis 9:8-13
shers hand out programs and help people find their seats. The orchestra tunes their instruments. Performers wait in the wings. Then the lights go out, the music goes silent and a hush falls over the crowd, who wait in eager expectation for the drama to begin. The curtain slowly rises. Advent is the first season in the Christian year, a season of waiting and longing as we anticipate the birth of the Christ Child. But all too often, it rushes by in a blur of activity. How can we slow down and recover a sense of anticipation? How can we long, with Simeon, for the consolation of Israel? How can we set the stage for the dramatic turn in salvation history that Christmas morning brings? The tradition of the Jesse Tree can help. The idea comes from Isaiah’s prophecy, “A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a branch
Abraham Symbol: tent and camel Scripture: Genesis 12:1-7 will bear fruit” (Isaiah 11:1). In keeping with our reflections on the genealogies of Jesus in Matthew and Luke (page 18), this family tree shows us a God who is faithful to his promises. Jesus, from the line of Jesse and David, is the righteous branch, the long-awaited Messiah. Every day of Advent, read a passage of Scripture from the Old Testament and hang an ornament symbolizing the passage on a small tree or branch. As the symbols are added to the tree, they tell the unfolding story of God’s plan to redeem and restore the world. Making a Jesse Tree This is something you can do with your family or congregation. Making the tree and ornaments is a great Sunday school project, but it would also be a meaningful intergenerational event. Place the tree in the sanctuary on the first Sunday of Advent, or a central spot in your home,
Moses Symbol: stone tablets Scripture: Deuteronomy 5:1-22 David Symbol: crown Scripture: 2 Samuel 5:1-5 Isaiah Symbol: rose Scripture: Isaiah 9:2-7; 35:1-2
Further Resources The Jesse Tree, by Geraldine McCaughrean The Advent Jesse Tree: Devotions for Children and Adults to Prepare for the Coming of the Christ Child at Christmas, by Dean Lambert Smith The Jesse Tree: Stories and Symbols of Advent, by Raymond and Georgene Anderson Salvationist December 2018 21
Illustrations: © bubaone/iStock.com; © jason-yang/Lightstock.com
The Jesse Tree
and incorporate Scripture passages or readings that explain each symbol as they are added to the tree. •• Start with a dry tree branch, without leaves, about 60-90 centimetres high. Place the branch in a bucket and weight it with dirt or rocks. Cover the bucket with brown fabric, felt or paper. •• The Internet has abundant resources for making ornaments, with step-by-step instructions or printables you can download. Try bit. ly/2OWLqM2 or bit.ly/2qhJhvE. •• The 24 stories of the beautifully illustrated The Jesus Storybook Bible, by Sally Lloyd-Jones, make perfect readings for a Jesse Tree Advent devotional. Here are some other common symbols and Scripture passages you could use:
The Calm After the
The Salvation Army offers help and hope after tornadoes hit Gatineau, Que., and Ottawa. BY KRISTIN OSTENSEN
A Salvation Army canteen serves first responders in the immediate aftermath of the tornadoes
hen six tornadoes ripped through the Ottawa-Gatineau region on Friday, September 21, the devastation was unprecedented. Hundreds of homes damaged, thousands without power and two cities—two provinces—reeling. Thoug h t hese event s were unexpected, The Salvation Army was ready, sending out its first emergency disaster services (EDS) team within hours of the tornadoes and, over the following days, assisting thousands of people who were affected by the storm. “It’s Very Bad” The strongest of the tornadoes, an EF3 with winds reaching 265 kilometres per hour, swept through the community of 22 December 2018 Salvationist
Dunrobin in Ottawa and the Mont-Bleu neighbourhood in Gatineau. In the immediate aftermath, the Army sent a canteen truck to the scene in Dunrobin where volunteers and first responders were hard at work, as well as two reception centres in Dunrobin and the east end of Ottawa. As the weekend went on, Salvationists from the local corps joined the Army’s disaster response. “Ottawa Citadel and Barrhaven Church stepped up and provided support within their own communities without being asked to do it,” notes Perron Goodyear, territorial director of EDS. “They saw a need and started doing what needed to be done.” Ottawa Citadel expanded their planned Rally Day event to ensure that
community members would have meals and hydration, while Barrhaven Church provided food and drinks, as well as emotional and spiritual care, at Larkin Park in south Ottawa on Sunday afternoon. The meal in the park attracted many local residents, including Ken [last name withheld]. “We haven’t been able to cook so when we heard hot meals were being served, we decided to come down here to the park,” he said. “The Salvation Army is terrific; whenever you hear about a disaster, they always come out and help.” “In my neighbourhood they are selforganizing to help each other out with the damage, but I think The Salvation Army bringing out the food truck since we can’t cook anything is a nice gesture,” said C.K. Wong, another area resident who came to Larkin Park. “It’s very bad.
About one quarter of the houses lost shingles on their roof and you can see the plywood. A lot of the 30- to 40-year-old trees have been uprooted.” In addition to these events and assistance provided by the Ottawa Booth Centre and Bethany Hope Centre, EDS team members went door to door in various areas of Ottawa, checking in with people and offering support. “This provided opportunities to have one-on-one conversations with families,” says Goodyear. “In some cases, these were families who didn’t have to leave their homes, but didn’t have hydro or supports. So checking in with them, multiple times, and making sure that they had what they needed—I think that had a huge impact.” Finding Shelter In Gatineau, The Salvation Army’s response began early Saturday morning in two locations. The first was a distribution centre, housed in an old Sears store, where the Army was tasked with overseeing the management of donations, including non-perishable food items and clothing, working in conjunction with other organizations. “We sorted and distributed donations, and oversaw the whole process,” notes Goodyear. More than 1,000 people received assistance through this distribution centre. The second location was an emergency shelter at the Père-Arthur Guertin Community Centre, where The Salvation Army was responsible for food services. In the days following the tornado,
Brigitte St-Germain, DSPRD, Que. Div, sorts donations at a distribution centre in Gatineau, Que.
Commissioner Susan McMillan, territorial commander, and Salvation Army leaders meet EDS volunteers in Ottawa
Major Lauren Effer, divisional director of women’s ministries, Quebec Division, spoke to many local residents at the shelter. “So many people were numb,” Major Effer notes. “Everybody was saying, ‘I can’t believe this happened. I thought it was safe here.’ “One woman I spoke to came home to her apartment after the tornado hit
By the Numbers Ottawa
• 11 days (September 21-October 1)
• 17 days (September 22-October 8)
• 3,300 meals served
• 7,588 meals served
• 125 emotional and spiritual care connections while delivering packed lunches and water to residents in the hardest hit neighbourhood
• 6,400 cups of coffee supplied
• 2 canteens deployed (1 stationary and 1 roving) • 2 reception centres cared for with snacks and hydration • 84 families received emergency food from community and family services at the Booth Centre
• 128 emotional and spiritual care connections • 2 canteens deployed • 350 families served at the distribution centre (approximately 1,042 individuals) • 1,602 hours given by volunteers, employees and officers
and her bathroom ceiling had collapsed,” Major Effer shares. “There was water in the bedrooms and her windows were all blown out. She was stunned.” Drawing on EDS personnel from around the Quebec Division, as well as the Ontario Great Lakes Division, the Army’s response in Gatineau was both larger and longer than its response in Ottawa. “The same EF3 tornado hit both areas, but in Ottawa it was an affluent neighbourhood, while in Gatineau, it was a lower-income area,” explains Goodyear. “As a result, few people in Ottawa had to stay in a shelter. In Gatineau, there were significant numbers because there were 600 people displaced. Several apartment buildings were damaged, and there wasn’t anywhere for them to go.” As The Salvation Army concludes its tornado response, Goodyear says he appreciates all the volunteers who took part, and encourages all Salvationists to consider EDS training. “If you want to be able to help if something happens in your area or in another community, get the training now—don’t wait for something to happen.” With reporting by Caroline Franks. Salvationist December 2018 23
Reckoning With #ChurchToo
We are not immune from sexual harassment and abuse. BY CADET LYNN TORRENS
t has been just over a year since the beginning of the #MeToo movement, when actress Alyssa Milano, echoing earlier work by social activist Tarana Burke, encouraged people to speak out and draw attention to the prevalence of sexual harassment and assault. Within a day, more than half a million people had shared their stories across social media. A few weeks later, the hashtag #ChurchToo went viral, highlighting the fact that the church is not immune from such abuse and injustice. Since then, stories of gross offences within the church have continued to surface, including allegations of sexual misconduct against Bill Hybels, founding pastor of Willow Creek Community Church, and Andy Savage, a teaching pastor at a megachurch in Memphis, Tennessee. When Savage disclosed the “incident”— an assault on a teen when he was a youth pastor—to his congregation and asked for forgiveness, he received a standing ovation. Something is terribly awry in our churches. Analyzing all the reasons why— power dynamics in the church, a patriarchal approach to Scripture, our inability to speak freely about sexuality— is far beyond the scope of this article, but I firmly believe that awareness is the beginning of change. We need to start talking and keep talking about our experiences if we want to move forward together. Sometimes differing definitions can create a barrier to conversation. For 24 December 2018 Salvationist
clarity, sexual assault includes rape as well as any nonconsensual sexual touch. Recently, an exercise by social researcher Jackson Katz—in which he asks men and women what they do to prevent being sexually assaulted—went viral. Katz has been leading the exercise since the 1990s, and reports that the results are almost always the same: the men’s column is blank while the women’s column is full. While men are not exempt from sexual assault, this chart demonstrates the vast difference in the daily reality of men and women. Sexual assault is something most women think about every day, and act accordingly. For example, I always take my phone with me when going out, walk with company after dark, make assertive eye contact with male passersby and mentally log descriptions of those I pass. These steps taken to mitigate the risk of sexual assault do not stop catcalls, leering or being groped by a stranger while walking down the street. Nor has it stopped male friends, on occasion, from violating our friendship with unwelcome advances, touches or kisses. These more personal encounters were made more painful by their occurrence in my faith community—from men of faith at youth group, at camp or while attending a neighbouring church. Many other women could add to these experiences, including more violent encounters with people presumed to be safe. That this happens in the church is an
uncomfortable reality. We believe that we are a safe space and it can be unnerving to realize that this has not been true for everyone. However, with awareness and new perspective we can seek to address this in our own realm. We can listen without judgment to others’ stories, we can support survivors in their desire for justice and healing from trauma, we can take steps to ensure our own actions and words are appropriate, and we can speak up when we see or experience a boundary being crossed both inside and outside our doors. We can teach our children about consent, treating them as autonomous beings and instructing them to respect others’ boundaries as well. In The Salvation Army, accountability is not only about finances, but also applies to our conduct, culture and care for others. The Army has always been about being a place of safety for the vulnerable, a place where the love of Jesus can heal and transform lives. If we are serious about transforming our communities through Jesus’ love, we need to take the reality of sexual harassment and assault seriously, both in society and in our churches. We believe that the church should be a safe space. We have a responsibility to respond. What will we do to “be the change we want to see in the world”? Cadet Lynn Torrens is a member of the Messengers of Compassion Session at the College for Officer Training in Winnipeg.
Photo: © RyanKing999/iStock.com
On the Move Christmas is a strange time to relocate, but Jesus did it. BY LIEUTENTANT ERIN METCALF
hristmas is often a time when we attempt to slow down, to welcome the season with peaceful hearts, to sit and be still as we wait for the Light of the World. It is not often a time we think about moving, but if we dig deep, that’s what Christmas is really all about. Our family has moved a handful of times, with the challenges of relocation falling not only on our shoulders, but on the delicate shoulders of our children as well. Part of the challenge of moving is the disorientation we feel being in a new place, with new people and a new culture. Old places are comfortable, known, explored and experienced. New places are strange, unknown, unexplored and can leave us feeling vulnerable as we fumble forward searching for the familiar. The people we encounter are also different. We are suddenly strangers— unknown to others. Sometimes this is accompanied by fear, sometimes by indifference and, hopefully, sometimes by warmth and best-intentioned curiosity. In our efforts to be known, we look
for mutual experiences and common ground. Cultures shift in subtle ways from city to city and town to town, noticeable in shared activities, restaurants, focal points and gathering spaces. All of it originates from conscious or unconscious decisions formed over generations that say, here in this place, this is who we are. We move for any number of reasons— work, family, health, retirement, cost of living. But as disorienting as moving can be, for the most part we are simply trading one comfortable living situation for another. With the exception of missionaries and those called to live in areas of extreme poverty, we do not often leave behind riches to inhabit places that are vastly different from what we know. Our experiences are limited to feeling “unsettled” until our head and heart catch up with our newly planted feet. Imagine, if you can, having to leave perfection and move to the place you created and yet never experienced. Imagine, if you can, arriving in this strange new place, and in a strange new body. There came a point in history when the world needed more than a distant
and unknown God. The world needed a Saviour. And so, as John 1:14 says: “The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighbourhood” (The Message). Jesus—God incarnate—gave up his throne, became human and relocated to our world, to our neighbourhood. The disorientation of barren and harsh surroundings became his new reality. He took on nakedness and hunger, and the uncomfortable skin of a newborn, outside the protection of a mother’s womb. He became dependent on a young boy and girl with little experience and only love-filled, obedient hearts to guide them. The experience of Emmanuel (God with us) was unique, unprecedented and strange. Because the world needed a Saviour who was like us, he came to earth in human form. And that came at great cost. His was not an exchange of comfort for comfort. It was abrupt and unadorned. He came as a stranger to a world that did not know him and would not receive him. This move from the perfection of God’s presence to the imperfection of a world in desperate need of a Saviour was no louder than a brave mother’s whisper, a tiny heartbeat in a dark stable. It was a small baby wrapped in what was available, the tears of a noble father haunted by the uncertainty of the future, disoriented and searching. It was a king moved from throne to manger. But this weird exchange—trading glory for lowliness and hardship, God walking the earth in human form capable of all range of human suffering and emotions, culminating in the cruellest and most humiliating of deaths—was a plan borne of such love we can hardly comprehend. Christmas is a strange time to reflect on moving, and yet, that’s exactly what happened on the night that Christ was born. God moved into the neighbourhood because there was no other way to save the world. The transformative effects of that love began with the cry of a newborn baby’s first breath in Bethlehem and ended with the final breath of a man on a cross. Emmanuel. God with us. Jesus. Lieutenant Erin Metcalf is the corps officer at Niagara Orchard Community Church in Niagara Falls, Ont. This is her last column. We thank her for her contributions. Salvationist December 2018 25
Photo: © Khamidulin1/iStock.com
IN REVIEW A Flower Bent
40 Days of Reflection BY CLAUDIA DAVISON This devotional book, written by Canadian Salvationist and singersongwriter Claudia Davison, offers 40 days of reflections based on 40 of Davison’s original songs. These songs come from four of her CDs: darkness into light, barely audible, a thousand singing birds and comfort, which will be released in 2019. Each chapter begins with two thought-provoking quotes, song lyrics, a related passage of Scripture, and a story or biblical reflection. The chapters conclude with a short prayer and space for the reader to write their own thoughts or prayers. Not your average devotional book, A Flower Bent is intended to wake up sleeping disciples and renew readers’ interest in reading the Bible.
On the Other Side BLUE EAST On the Other Side is the first studio album from Blue East, a group of six young Salvationists from St. John’s, N.L. Along with playing at Salvation Army events, Blue East were recently special guests at the Youth Collective Newfoundland and Labrador conference in October. Their new album features 12 tracks in the band’s signature folk-rock style, with a combination of upbeat songs and slower, contemplative worship-oriented tracks. With hopeful lyrics and a solid mix of acoustic guitar, electric guitar, keyboard and even the odd brass instrument, On the Other Side is an encouraging and enjoyable listen. Visit blueeast.ca to purchase On the Other Side. To read Salvationist’s profile of the band, visit salvationist.ca/articles/ blue-east-band.
The Ministry of Ordinary Places
Waking Up to God’s Goodness Around You BY SHANNAN MARTIN In a world that is often complicated and overwhelming, popular blogger Shannan Martin has a message for Christians who are longing for a simpler, more meaningful life: learn what it is to love and be loved right where God has placed you. “We were not made for the curated image of success and comfort,” she writes in her new book, The Ministry of Ordinary Places, “but for the grit and glory of heartbroken humans on trash day. In a world that pushes us toward bigger, better, more costly and refined, seeing the humble as radiant is an act of holy resistance.” With transparency, humour and heart-tugging storytelling, Martin shows readers that as we learn to be with people as Jesus was, we’ll find our very lives. 26 December 2018 Salvationist
IN THE NEWS Narnia Coming to Netflix
C.S. Lewis’ beloved Chronicles of Narnia series will be brought to life again through film thanks to a multi-year deal between Netflix and The C.S. Lewis Company. The streaming service announced in October that it had acquired the rights to develop new film projects based on the books. The deal marks the first time that rights to all seven books of the Narnia series have been held by the same company. “It is wonderful to know that folks from all over are looking forward to seeing more of Narnia, and that the advances in production and distribution technology have made it possible for us to make Narnian adventures come to life all over the world,” said Douglas Gresham, stepson of C.S. Lewis, in a news release. “Netflix seems to be the very best medium with which to achieve this aim, and I am looking forward to working with them toward this goal.” Netflix noted that their Narnia projects would include both feature-length and episodic programming.
Author Says “Goodbye” to His Bestselling Dating Book
When Joshua Harris published I Kissed Dating Goodbye 20 years ago, it became a bona fide phenomenon, selling more than 800,000 copies and influencing a generation of teens and young adults. As the title suggests, the book encourages Christians to forgo dating and embrace practices such as not kissing before marriage and public “purity” pledges. But in the intervening years, criticism has led Harris to reconsider his views, and in October, the author released a statement saying that the book would cease publication. “I no longer agree with its central idea that dating should be avoided. I now think dating can be a healthy part of a person developing relationally and learning the qualities that matter most in a partner,” Harris writes. His statement also included an apology to readers who were harmed by the book. “To those who read my book and were misdirected or unhelpfully influenced by it, I am sincerely sorry. I never intended to hurt you,” Harris writes. Along with issuing a public statement, Harris notes that he has created a documentary film capturing his conversations with people who reshaped his thinking about dating. This film will be released in 2019.
TORONTO—Emily Hibbs is enrolled as a senior soldier at Lakeshore CC. From left, Colin Sealy, colour sergeant; Cpt Geraldine Lindholm, CO; Emily Hibbs; and Cpt Hannu Lindholm, CO.
TRENTON, ONT.—Trenton CC celebrates as two adherents and one senior soldier are enrolled. From left, Janet Scriver, adherent; Hazel Howell, holding the flag; George Broe, senior soldier; Norma Blondin, adherent; and Cpt Micheline Hardy, CO.
WINNIPEG—Emily Cox, daughter of Jed and Robyn Cox, sits with her father at Living Hope CC of The Salvation Army and catches up on the latest Army news in the pages of Salvationist.
CORNER BROOK, N.L.—Mona West retires from her role as corps sergeantmajor at Corner Brook Citadel. Standing with her are Mjrs Luanne and Ed Barrow, COs.
CORNER BROOK, N.L.—Seven adherents are enrolled at Corner Brook Citadel. Front, from left, Mjr Luanne Barrow, CO; Shirley Hull; Corina Hiscock; Keith Hiscock; and Betty Hillyard. Back, from left, Mjr Ed Barrow, CO; Arthur Hull; Jerry Bartlett, holding the flag; Bride Melendy; Harold Melendy; and then CSM Mona West. TRAIL, B.C.—Two senior soldiers and one adherent are enrolled at Trail Corps. From left, Steven and Lucille Bradshaw, senior soldiers; Donna Cunningham, adherent; and Mjr Ginny Kristensen, then CO.
TORONTO—Proudly displaying their Junior Soldier Promises as they are enrolled at Lakeshore CC are, from left, Faith Noble, Cassidy Faulkner, Jordan Lewis and Aaron Cochrane. With them are, from left, Cpt Geraldine Lindholm, CO; Jennifer Hibbs; Colin Sealy, colour sergeant; and Cpt Hannu Lindholm, CO.
KITCHENER, ONT.—The Salvation Army’s Kitchener Parent-Child Resource Centre (PCRC) celebrates its 30th anniversary of service in the Region of Waterloo with a community carnival attended by more than 450 people, including Kitchener Mayor Berry Vrbanovic. Marking the occasion with the presentation of a commemorative certificate are, from left, Mjr Corinne Cameron, CO, Kitchener CC, and executive director, PCRC; Pamela Nickell, program co-ordinator, PCRC; and Mjrs Violet and Everett Barrow, DDWM and DC, Ont. GL Div. Salvationist December 2018 27
RENFREW, ONT.—The corps family at Renfrew CC celebrates as three adherents are enrolled. From left, Lts Randy and Cathy Shears, COs; Jane Forrest; Earl McNulty; Catherine DeGrandPre; Mjrs Sharon and Gary Cooper, ACs, Ont. CE Div.
BRACEBRIDGE, ONT.—Two junior soldiers are enrolled at Bracebridge CC. From left, Lts Ian and Kam Robinson, COs; Elijah Terry; Nick Bullock; and CSM Nancy Turley.
VICTORIA—John McEwan, divisional emergency disaster services (EDS) director, B.C. Div, presents certificates of appreciation to Ron Walker, Irene Humble and Ken Humble for their years of faithful service to EDS in Victoria. Shown during the presentation at Victoria Citadel are, from left, Ron Walker, John McEwan, Irene Humble and Ken Humble.
OAKVILLE, ONT.—These are exciting days at Oakville CC as five junior soldiers are enrolled. From left, Liam Allington; Mjr Donna Millar, then interim CO; Jack Greco; Gray Greco; Lukas Koreska; and Audrey Koreska.
Thank you for contributing to the 2018 Partners in Mission campaign. Together we raised over $2.2 million - our best year yet!
saworldmissions.ca 28 December 2018 Salvationist
Volunteers Honoured in Ottawa OTTAWA—In recognition of their volunteer work as canteen team leads with the Army’s emergency disaster services (EDS) in the nation’s capital, retired Ottawa firefighters Donald Smith and John McCarthy receive the St. Florian’s Award from the Ottawa Professional Firefighters Association (OPFFA). Named for the patron saint of firefighters, the award recognizes people of the community who have distinguished themselves in assisting members of the OPFFA. Under the direction of Craig Dunbar, co-ordinator of the EDS program in Ottawa, a dedicated team of volunteers offers practical assistance to first responders and those affected by fire and disaster. From left, Peter Kennedy, OPFFA president; Donald Smith; John McCarthy; and John Sobey, OPFFA vice-president.
GAZETTE INTERNATIONAL Appointments: Jan 1—Lt-Cols John Kumar/Mani Kumari Dasari, national executive officer/secretary for women’s development, India National Office, with rank of col; Lt-Cols S.P./Annamma Simon, CS/TSWM, India Eastern Tty; Feb 1—Lt-Cols Suresh/Martha Pawar, TC/TPWM, Sri Lanka Tty, with rank of col; Mjrs Stephen/Theresa Malins, CS/TSWM, Sri Lanka Tty, with rank of lt-col TERRITORIAL Birth: Lts Thomas/Kristie Marsh, daughter, Lennon, Sep 14; Lt Ryan/Theiah MacDonald, daughter, Adrielle Faith, Oct 6 Appointment: Mjr Beverly Ivany, pastoral services officer, THQ Retirement: Mjr Eileen Butler-Caughie Promoted to glory: Comr Dudley Coles, from Burlington, Ont., Sep 26; Mrs. Mjr Kathleen Randall, from Sarnia, Ont., Sep 26; Mjr Jean Brown, from Brantford, Ont., Oct 2; Mjr Rolf-Dietrich Guenther, from Leipzig, Germany, Oct 6; Mrs. Mjr Edith Clarke, from Toronto, Oct 9
CALENDAR Commissioner Susan McMillan: Dec 1 Christmas With The Salvation Army, Roy Thomson Hall, Toronto; Dec 3 retired officers’ Christmas luncheon, Toronto; Dec 4-5 Festival of Carols with the Canadian Staff Band and the Toronto Mendelssohn Choir, Yorkminster Park Baptist Church, Toronto; Dec 8 Toronto Star Christmas concerts with the Canadian Staff Band, St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Toronto; Dec 14 Christmas kettle public relations tour, Toronto; Dec 16-19 Christmas kettle public relations tour, Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg Colonels Edward and Shelley Hill: Dec 1 Christmas With The Salvation Army, Roy Thomson Hall, Toronto; Dec 3 retired officers’ Christmas luncheon, Toronto; Dec 14 Christmas kettle public relations tour, Hamilton, Ont.*; Dec 20-22 Christmas kettle public relations tour, Montreal, Halifax, St. John’s, N.L.* (*Colonel Edward Hill only) Canadian Staff Band: Dec 1 Christmas With The Salvation Army, Roy Thomson Hall, Toronto; Dec 4-5 Festival of Carols with Toronto Mendelssohn Choir, Yorkminster Park Baptist Church, Toronto; Dec 8 Toronto Star Christmas concerts, St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Toronto Canadian Staff Songsters: Dec 1 Christmas With The Salvation Army, Roy Thomson Hall, Toronto
TRIBUTES BURLINGTON, ONT.—Major Arthur Creighton was born in Toronto in 1929 to bandsman Wilfred and Violet Creighton. Arthur was the grandson of Major and Mrs. David and Bertha Creighton, immigration officers who were lost in the 1914 Empress of Ireland tragedy as they escorted the Territorial Staff Band to England. Arthur was a bandsman from an early age and later attended the College for Officer Training in Toronto. In 1955, he married Lieutenant Joyce Clapp. Their ministry together took them to corps appointments in Canada, Red Shield Services with NATO forces in Germany, public relations at territorial headquarters in Tokyo, and as regional commander for French and Dutch Guyana in Suriname. Arthur served for many years in the finance department at territorial headquarters in Toronto during which time he travelled from coast to coast in Canada and Bermuda as an auditor. A true and committed Salvationist and bandsman, he was always ready to play his cornet in many bands. Arthur is sadly missed by his loving and caring wife, Joyce; son, Bramwell (Katie); grandsons Sasha and Reece; sister, Wyn (Howard); and brother, Bill. BELLEVILLE, ONT.—Dorothy May Austin (nee Green) was born into an Army family in Maesteg, Wales, in 1927. She was the daughter of Bandmaster Jack Green and Emily Green, and came to Canada with her parents and sister, Glenys, as a young girl. The family settled in Belleville where Dorothy remained an active member of Belleville Citadel her entire life, with the exception of the years she spent in Watertown, New York, with her husband, Alan Austin. Dorothy took joy in serving the Lord through her ministries as a songster, home league member and Sunday school teacher. Her kindness, natural friendliness and positivity were wonderful tools of service as she visited the elderly in nursing homes. She also worked for many years as the secretary at divisional headquarters in Belleville. Dorothy loved to laugh, nurtured a beautiful garden, was famous for her delicious pies, took joy in travelling, and was fiercely proud of her family and her Army heritage. Dorothy is deeply missed by her loving husband of 69 years, Alan; son, Richard (Louise); daughter, Brenda (Brian) Woodley; grandchildren Alex (Cassie) Marchand-Austin, Sara (Michael) Penney, Matthew Woodley and Allison (Rodrigo) Diaz Mercado; and great-granddaughters Violet, Hannah and Lucy Penney. SARNIA, ONT.—Mrs. Major Kathleen Dorothy Randall was born in 1927 in Athens, Ont., to Gertrude and William Shackles. Kathleen began attending The Salvation Army at the invitation of her mother and made a personal commitment to Christ. As a young person, she became active in the Brockville Corps, Ont., as a corps cadet, songster and local officer. After marriage in 1948 to Donald Randall and several of his postings with the Canadian Armed Forces, they entered the College for Officer Training as members of the Shepherds Session (1953). Following their commissioning, Kathleen and Donald served in various corps appointments from Nova Scotia to British Columbia before retiring from their appointment at the Toronto Emergency Shelter in July 1989. Predeceased by her husband, Donald, Kathleen is survived by daughters Donna Bowles (Brian), Karen Mott (Michael) and Grace McKinley (Jeff); sons David Randall (Peggy) and Peter Randall (June); 15 grandchildren; and several great-grandchildren.
Salvationist December 2018 29
Keeping the Faith From police officer to Salvation Army officer. BY CADET BRANDON KEEPING
30 December 2018 Salvationist
Photo: Carson Samson
n August 2008, I began a career in policing, at the age of 21. Although it was full of the amazing things you might expect—saving lives, being the strength and positivity people needed on the worst day of their lives—it also introduced me to the reality of dirt and pain and suffering. I spent many long nights responding to service calls about noise complaints, fender-benders and bar fights. But it wasn’t long before I also found myself racing from suicides, to domestic violence, to drownings, to fatal collisions, to people struggling with mental illness in crisis. The stuff you don’t think about when you apply for the job. What does all this have to do with my faith? At church, I enjoyed playing on the worship team and in the band, but then I would sit with my young family and go home. Then do it again the next Sunday. There were times when I wasn’t sure if I was actually a Christian or not. I had faith, but it was weak and immature. When the stress of work mixed with the stress of parenthood, difficulties with my extended family and the pain of two miscarriages, my weak faith was no match for the weight. My personal and professional life began to suffer. I couldn’t sleep, and when I did sleep, I had horrible nightmares, flashbacks of the many serious incidents I had experienced at work. When I was awake, I was always on the lookout for danger and emotionally checked out with my family. In the summer of 2014, I hit my lowest point. I had a panic attack at work, was taken off the road and told I was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. I didn’t know it then, but God had been strategically putting people in my life, waiting for the moment when I was ready to ask for help. When I returned to work a few months later, I was surrounded by my dispatcher, who was a Catholic deacon; a platoon-mate, who was a fellow Salvationist; a psychologist, who was a Christian; and a corps member, who was a paramedic. And of course, my wife, April. They all could understand my faith and my war stories from work, and speak into my life. They helped me realize that I needed to make a change. I resolved to make my relationship with God a priority. I started saying “yes.” I started praying, reading and studying my Bible, speaking about my faith with others, and asking other Christians around me to help me learn and grow. In April 2017, our corps officer, Captain Kristen Gray, invited April to a leadership development weekend in London, Ont. About a week before the trip, our corps administrative assistant, Janice, called and said another space had become available, and that I should go, too. I waffled, until Janice bluntly told me, “Stop wasting time and get out there!” That was the best yes I’d said in a long time. That weekend, I was immersed in God’s presence, more than I had ever experienced. I met officers, corps leaders, youth workers, you name it—and they were all there for the same
Cdts April and Brandon Keeping with their sons Finley, Harrison and Theo
reason: to be fed spiritually. My heart and mind began to shift. Until Sunday morning, I still thought I had 20 years of policing left. But during an upbeat song, I sat down quietly, and God used one of his servants to whisper a prayer in my ear. I had an overwhelming feeling that a career change was coming, a feeling that God was pulling me hard toward ministry. I decided not to say anything to April, because, obviously, these were all silly coincidences. That Sunday evening, when we got home, April asked, “Can we talk about something?” I thought, She’s going to tell me she’s pregnant! But then she said she had felt strange all weekend, feeling that a major change was coming, a pull from God. She couldn’t stop thinking about officership. It was a couple of days before we talked to our corps officer about it, but here we are, at the College for Officer Training. We’re excited. We’re scared. But we are completely ready to be in service for Jesus, along with our kids, and our new sessionmates. This verse in Scripture goes with us: “In his kindness, God called you to share in his eternal glory, by means of Christ Jesus. So, after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation” (1 Peter 5:10 NLT). Cadet Brandon Keeping is a member of the Messengers of the Kingdom Session at the College for Officer Training in Winnipeg.
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