Message from the International Personnel Liaison Officer
Greetings from the International Personnel Office. Thank you for your ongoing support of our personnel from Canada & Bermuda serving outside of their home territory.
Much has happened in the last few months: Alyshia Van Kannel finally received her visa in December and is now serving as the Director of Schools (Early Education & Literacy) in the Papua New Guinea & Solomon Islands Territory. Major Wendy Mouland arrived at International Headquarters in January and is now serving as the Private Secretary to the Chief of the Staff. There was great concern for Lt.-Colonel Grant Effer who encountered both a health event that affected his heart and then a stroke. You can read further details in his praise report and prayer requests found in page 7
Territorial Missionary Focus Facebook Page
Once per week we continue to post the most recent prayer requests received from our sisters and brothers serving far away from home. It provides a well-timed reminder to intercede for them each Wednesday at 8AM Eastern Standard Time. You can help increase this prayer support by following, liking, commenting, and sharing this page. Here is the link:
Territorial Missionary Focus Facebook
Major Royal Senter who had the rare experience of having an international appointment while his wife continued to serve in Canada has now been transferred back to our territory as of January 2024. I should explain Royal was based in Canada, connecting online with his team at IHQ and travelling to various territories as an IFAS training and deployment officer.
Commissioners Deborah & Wayne Bungay have just returned for appointments in Canada after over 9 years of international service - at IHQ, as territorial leaders in Tanzania and in the Zimbabwe & Botswana Territory.
Donation Site
We will be sending our international personnel a small monetary Easter gift this month. If you wish to contribute toward it, please note the dedicated online Territorial Missionary Focus Offering site has been updated. This will enable you to continue your financial support and track the progress towards our goal. The Mission goes on, the need for support is even greater. Feel free to share this link with anyone you know who may be interested in supporting our international personnel. Here is the link:
Territorial Missionary Focus - Offering
Below you will find the latest updates, thank you notes, an updated list and mailing addresses of those serving internationally, ending with the prayer requests from each of our colleagues
Ministry Highlights
About her walk with Jesus
After years of tenderly drawing me closer, I responded to Jesus’ call to be his committed follower as a teenager. Soon thereafter, I found a home at the Salvation Army Church in Alberta where I felt fully welcomed. I have always wanted to be a teacher, but after becoming a Christian, I shortly thereafter felt called into international educational ministry. After university I taught in Nicaragua at a non-denominational school for three years. It was a challenging and rewarding experience, but I felt the need for more experience and education to faithfully participate in the types of policies, training, and church planting work I was getting involved in while there.

I have always wanted to work directly within my own denomination of the Salvation Army and after gaining more experience teaching (in the Yukon), finishing seminary and my Master of Education, I prayed and applied with the Army, leaving the country of preference open and blank. While I felt God nudging me to Papua New Guinea, I didn’t want to restrict any options or misinterpret where God may be leading. Of course, He knows better! When, after waiting for a position for nine months, the first suitable one was a position in Papua New Guinea, I marveled at His goodness, thanked Him for His promise, and confessed my doubt. I love seeing how God is working around the world, and what He does in me wherever I go. In places I’ve been that can have reduced resources, language differences, fewer familiarities, many challenges, and so much more, I find myself much more aware of His hand at work, my dependence on Him, and a deepening trust in who He says He is.
I am most looking forward to meeting the people already invested in Papua New Guinea’s precious children – the communities, families, and educators. I am looking forward to learning about their diversely unique languages, cultures, and hopes for brighter futures. I get to participate in that in a small way - what a gift!
Prayer Requests
For me to have a gentle, open, and humble posture of listening as I learn, and discernment in decisions to have lasting, positive impact
For us to keep Jesus and the students’ relationships with Him our central focus in the midst of daily pragmatics of schooling and education.
The transition to a new country, language, lifestyle, etc.
Recent update
Alyshia arrived in Papua New Guinea mid December 2023 to begin her service as Director of Schools (Early Education & Literacy). A police strike led to widespread riots. Personnel had to remain in the Army compound for safety for a week but had enough food supplies on hand. In a recent email in February Alyshia shared: “the northern tribal violence doesn’t have much of a daily impact on us here in Port Moresby, but it certainly does for those in the area. There are several Corps Officers living at DHQ for the last few months because their whole villages were burnt to the ground in retributive justice, for example. We had a bus strike here last week because a police officer shot a bus driver. The fuel shortage hasn’t been terrible (yet?) other than fueling up as early in the morning as possible to beat the lines and making sure the tanks are always full just in case. Where it’s really affected is the planes. Puma was the only importer of jet fuel so in-country flights are significantly impacted, which is hard because flying is really the only way to get to many places. I was scheduled to attend a Churches of PNG Partnership Conference next week to learn more and collaborate as well as visit our street school, an elementary, the other Director of Schools, and village literacy programmes. But it had to be postponed until June.”
Alyshia’s joy in service is unabated despite these challenges. Her love for the Lord and for those with whom she ministers is evident. Thank you for ongoing prayer support!

Photos: (1) Alyshia with recipients of Child Protection Training Certificate and birth to age five childhood development & play-based learning Certificate. (2) “A Future and a Hope” marathon trainees - a leadership development, educational credits opportunity, mentorship program. They run three times a week training for a marathon in Australia in July. I only join them Saturday mornings. Weekday afternoon runs are too hot for me! Haha!

Birth Announcement
Lieutenants April Barthau and Marco Herrera-Lopizic had a beautiful, healthy baby boy on December 2, 2023. The family had to come to Canada for the birth and now are awaiting Caleb’s entry permit to be able to return to Papua New Guinea. While waiting they have continued fulfilling their responsibilities remotely, frequently participating in board meetings, consultations, staff interviews at 1 or 2AM due to the time difference.
Thank You Notes
Here are a couple of the Thank You notes from our international personnel upon receiving the TMF Christmas Gifts:
Thank you for the Christmas gift received from the Canada and Bermuda Territory. It is more than generous and received as a true blessing. We are intentional about using the gift for something that will nurture the well-being of ourselves and also those around us. We want our ministry team to be fit relationally with God and each other, and to be joyful and careful in ministry. Thank you for the gift of your care for us that will overflow to those we minister with. God bless you! Dio vi benedica!
Andrew & Darlene Morgan, Lt.-Colonels
Thank you very much for being in touch and for the Christmas greetings. Deborah and I are astounded by the continued generosity of our friends and colleagues in Canada who continue to remember us in this manner during the festive season. It is overwhelming and so helpful to us during our service outside the country.
Wayne Bungay, Commissioner
Please thank the fellowship for their continued generosity in thought and prayer – never taken for granted. We have known plenty and in need and the truth of Philippians 4:11-13 has and continues to be true for our lives. The Lord is faithful in ALL things.
Wendy Swan, Colonel
International Personnel
Name Appointment Territory Mailing Address
Major Brenda Learning Pathways Coordinator International Headquarters 4 Tara Court 6 Court Downs Road Beckenham, BR3 6TG UNITED KINGDOM
ALLEN Major David Secretary for Leader Development
Majors Colin & Maureen Lurgan Corps, Northern Ireland Division United Kingdom & Ireland Territory
Lieutenant April
14 Cherryhill Waringstown Craigavon Northern Ireland BT66 7UG UNITED KINGDOM
Lieutenant Marco
With Haddy, Elijah & Caleb
Territorial Development Officer & Social Justice Officer Papua New Guinea With Solomon Islands Territory Angau Drive, Boroko, PO 1323
Territorial Director for Health Services& Associate development Officer
Lt-Colonels David & Marsha-Jean
Captains Chad & Lisa
With Ginny & Connor
Lt-Colonel Grant
Lt-Colonel Lauren
Lt-Colonel Andrew
Lt-Colonel Darlene
Corps Officers – Berlin South-West Corps
Germany, Lithuania & Poland Territory
Corps Officers –Brimbank Corps –Victoria Division Australia Territory
Chief International Auditor International Headquarters
IHQ Chaplain & City of London Liaison
IHQ Head of Finance (UK Operations) International Headquarters
Territorial Commander
Territorial President of Women’s Ministries & Territorial Secretary for Spiritual Life Development
Major Wendy
Colonel Ian
Colonel Wendy
Colonel Eddie
Colonel Genevera
Fregestrasse 13-14 12159
15 Ondella Way Sydenham, VIC 3037 AUSTRALIA
20 Manor Road West Wickham BR4 9PS UNITED KINGDOM
10 Silverwood Close Beckenham, Kent, BR3 1RN UNITED KINGDOM
Italy & Greece Territory
Private Secretary to the Chief of the Staff International Headquarters
Esercito della Salvezza Via degli Apuli, 41 00185 Roma, ITALY
9, St Pauls Court, 18, Brackley Road, Beckenham. BR3 1RA, UNITED KINGDOM
Territorial Commander Bangladesh Territory House 365/2, Lane 6 (West) DOHS Baridhara Dhaka, 1206, Bangladesh
International Social Justice Commission – Director
International Social Justice Commission - Director Chair of the International Moral & Social Issues Council
Director of Schools (Early Education & Literacy
Chief Secretary
Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministries
International Headquarters
Apt 3B - 60 West 57th Street
New York NY 10019-3953
Papua New Guinea & Slomon Islands Territory
Angau Drive, Boroko, PO 1323 Port Moresby, NCD PAPUA NEW GUINEA
USA Western Territory 23 Coral Tree Lane
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 U.S.A.
Prayer Requests
Major Brenda Allen - serving at IHQ as Learning Pathways Coordinator
☐ For the continued development of the newly designed EQUIP platform, offering worldwide learning, through International Headquarters Programme Resources.
☐ Simple ways of letting my light shine in my neighbourhood and with those I meet.
Major David Allen - serving at IHQ as Secretary for Leader Development.
☐ Added responsibilities - Ministry with Training Colleges around the world.
☐ Investing further in Leadership Development for Officers around the world.
☐ involvement in local ministry with young adults at the Bromley Corps
☐ Joy in the journey
Majors Colin & Maureen Bain - Corps Officers of Lurgan Corps in Northern Ireland, United Kingdom and Ireland Territory.
☐ Our prayers are for our Corps who have managed well without officers for some time; for the post pandemic regathering; for the youth of the Corps; for the divided context of ministry; for our family; for the healing of the divided nation.
Lt April Barthau - serving as Territorial Development Officer & Social Justice Officer in the Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands Territory
☐ Health and a smooth transition for the children as they settle into this time in Canada and to the new baby in the family.
☐ For me to intentionally carve out sacred space to continue to hear the Holy Spirit and discern the direction for God’s ministry in 2024 within my appointment areas.
☐ For God’s precious creation to choose to turn to God, to live in peace, and to grow deeper in relationship with our Lord.
Lt Marco Herrera-Lopizic - serving as Territorial Director for Health Services & Associate Development Officer
☐ Prayer for a restful time while on furlough with family.
☐ Prayer for different health projects around the country. Specifically, for Onamuga and Misapi rural hospitals that need housing for staff.
☐ Prayer for growth and development of local leadership for PNGSI Territory.
Lt.-Colonel David Bowles - serving as the Corps Officers of the Berlin South-West Corps in the Germany, Lithuania & Poland Territory.
☐ Growth in the joy of my salvation.
☐ Our Family (Kids, 4+4 & Grandkids, 5 ½); Leipzig GER, Manchester UK, Mayne Island BC
☐ Bringing unsaved into the Kingdom.
Lt.-Colonel Marsha-Jean Bowles - serving as the Corps Officers of the Berlin South-West Corps in the Germany, Lithuania & Poland Territory
☐ Healing for our son Luke; thanks to God for the Church family who are praying and supporting and for the positive change we are seeing; for our family as we each cope with his illness individually.
☐ Deepening relationships with new families attending family-oriented activities; that the unsaved will find the joy of salvation in Christ.
☐ As our congregation grows, the enemy (the devil) is trying to cause havoc. Pray for protection against his schemes Investing further in Leadership Development for Officers around the world.
Captains Chad & Lisa Cole - serving as Corps Officer at Brimbank Corps Officer, Brimbank Corps, Victoria Division, Australia Territory
☐ Continued good health and spiritual fortitude.
☐ God's guidance, direction, and vision for Brimbank in the years to come.
Lt.-Colonels Grant & Lauren Effer - Chief International Auditor, IHQ and IHQ Chaplain & City of London Liaison Officer
☐ I offer praise for Gods guidance, wisdom, safety and presence with me & my team in 2023 as we ministered around the globe within the framework of TSA international audits.
☐ I praise God for strong spiritual focus of the audit team and the way they each bring the passion for Christ to be central, into their connections with Officers and Leaders on the territorial teams we audited whether in person or virtually
☐ I shout a loud Hallelujah as I am blessed by family and friends who are always praying for me while I’m on the road, in the air or relaxing at home in London with Lauren.
☐ More recently my heart offers praise to the Lord for the quick action of multiple health care teams over the month of December when I encountered both a health event that affected my heart and when I had a stroke.
☐ I am grateful to the great I AM who continues to rescue me in unique and inspiring ways.
☐ My heart is full of praise for the health care teams and especially to Lauren who realized I was having a stroke and took action.
☐ My prayer requests are that Lauren would receive support and Gods strength through this journey and that I would have continued healing.
☐ Keep praying for us as we enter 2024 with gratitude to our faithful God!
Commissioner Susan McMillan - IHQ Head of Finance (UK Operations
☐ That we will be able to adequately resource the different Territories around the world – both in terms of financial resources, and in other practical ways.
☐ For the recent changes in our staff here at IHQ – as you know our ISBA is leaving, and we will be welcoming Commissioner Garth Neimand into that appointment. Also, the changes of General and Chief of the Staff will involve changes here to our governance boards. Pray for those stepping into new roles.
☐ For my staff in the Finance Section of IHQ, that they will always know they are an integral part of the greater international mission of The Salvation Army.
Lt.-Colonel Andrew Morgan - serving as Territorial Commander of the Italy & Greece Territory.
☐ Thankfulness for joyful, dedicated officers.
☐ Implementation of the territorial mission, vision and values
☐ The Lord's provision in the continued development of territorial communications, public relations and fundraising.
☐ Boldness in new mission initiatives.
Lt.-Colonel Darlene Morgan - serving as Territorial President of Women's Ministries & Territorial Secretary for Spiritual Life Development of the Italy and Greece Territory.
☐ Thankfulness for joyful, dedicated officers.
☐ The Spirit’s guidance in the planning of territorial events.
☐ The Lord's provision in the continued development of territorial communications, public relations and fundraising.
☐ Boldness in new mission initiatives.
Major Wendy Mouland – Private Secretary to the Chief of the Staff, IHQ
☐ Spiritual enabling to adapt to a new ministry role, work environment, city, country, and way of life.
☐ God’s protection for family and friends in Canada.
☐ Transition to a new ministry role, new context, “new” culture Continual growth and development in my relationship with God – keeping it real, healthy and strong.
Lt.-Colonel Elizabeth Nelson - serving as the Territorial Commander of the Bangladesh Territory
☐ For God to give her His wisdom and discernment every day. The territory is facing some very challenging times, and we need His wisdom and courage to make some of the decisions that need to be made.
☐ For people to recognize their need of the Lord. Praying for the resources and opportunities to take them deeper in their understanding and experience with the Lord. Revival for our people and our territory is desperately needed.
☐ She says: I strongly believe that God will give us the resources that we need. I pray that we will be open to and content with what that will mean for us. Open to new ways of doing things. Open to new sources for supplying our funding, personnel, and any other resources. Open to new types of ministries that are relevant and needed. Open to new partnerships.
☐ Also, for the present and developing leadership. We need leaders who are men and women of integrity, humility and are Jesus-centered. Opportunities and resources to develop and train them is needed.
Colonels Ian & Wendy Swan – Directors International Social Justice Commission
☐ Discernment of God’s Purpose and Plan for ISJC over the next 5 to 15 years
☐ Preparations for the Commission on the Status of Women March 2024
☐ New staff recruitments and orientation
☐ Planning and Preparations for the Indigenous Forum Sept 2024
Alyshia Van Kannel - Director of Schools (Early Education & Literacy) in the Papua New Guinea & Solomon Islands Territory.
☐ For me to have a gentle, open, and humble posture of listening as I learn, and discernment in decisions to have lasting, positive impact.
☐ For us to keep Jesus and the students’ relationships with Him our central focus in the midst of daily pragmatics of schooling and education.
☐ The transition to a new country, language, lifestyle, and so on.
Colonel Eddie Vincent - serving as Chief Secretary, U.S. West Territory
☐ God’s wisdom and good health as we lead, minister, and travel over the coming months.
☐ Health concerns with mother who is living in Newfoundland.
☐ Gratitude for safe arrival of first grandchild.
Colonel Genevera Vincent – serving as Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministries, U.S. West Territory
☐ Continued creativity and wisdom for my role as TSWM.
☐ Protection and strength for a busy time of travel.
☐ Continued prayers for my mom and dad as they deal with health issues.