SALVATORE ANDREA BILARDO ARCHITECT Italian nationality 11 July 1988 | Asti, Italy
via Monsignor Nicola Cavanna n. 62 (AT) 14100 ITALY +39 3476754528
education sep 2013 | sep 2016
Polytecnic of Turin | Turin, Italy |
sep 2015 | jan 2016
Xi’an Jiaotong - Liverpool University | Suzhou, China |
sep 2009 | july 2013
Polytecnic of Turin | Turin, Italy |
Master Degree of Architecture | Architecture Construction City 104/110 Thesis | A Urban Vision for Xiang Men: An Architectural Design Project in the old town Suzhou
1 st semester of master of Architecture as exchange student followed class: • ARC403 Applied Technology in Architecture • ARC405 Design Studio 1 • ARC407 Architectural Theory and Criticism
Bachelor Degree of Architecture | Science of Architecture 100/110
experience architect
aug 2012 | mar 2013
Aidue Studio | Asti, Italy | architectural firm
skills operating systems
BIM softwares
3d modeling & rendering
2d drawing graphics
microsoft office
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .....
Windows Mac Revit ArchiCAD Sketchup Revit Rhinoceros 3d Grasshopper Rhino AutoCAD Photoshop InDesign Illustrator Sketchbook Pro Word Power Point Excel
languages italian
mother language
professional competence
basic skills
basic skills
IELTS 6.0 | July 2016
formation oct 2014
Lectio Magistralis Mario Cucinella | Asti, Italy |
nov 2014
Lectio Magistralis Alessandro Melis | Asti, Italy |
dec 2014
Lectio Magistralis Gonçalo Byrne & Joao Nunes | Asti, Italy |
may 2016
Visual Marketing | Comunicare uno studio di architettura come brand | Asti, Italy |
| Fall 2015 Lecture Series | INDIPENDENT & INQUISITIVE
Architetture Sottili | Piccoli interventi di Agopuntura Urbana
Architetture Sottili | Piccoli interventi di Agopuntura Urbana
Architetture Sottili | Piccoli interventi di Agopuntura Urbana | Asti meet Lisbon by Paolo Schianchi & Christiane Bürklein
Department of Architecture | Xi’an Jiaotong - Liverpool University | Suzhou, China | Recent Works & Ideas by Chinese Architects
oct 2015
Tong Ming | TM Studio, Shanghai |
nov 2015
Chen Haoru | Atelier Chen Haoru, Hangzhou |
nov 2015
He Jianxiang | O-Office Architects, Guangzhou |
nov 2015
Fung Philip | elsedesign, Shenzen |
nov 2015
Li Xiangning | Tongji University, Shanghai |
Associate Professor Department of Urban Planning | Tongji University, Shanghai
Professor College of Architecture and Urban Planning | Tongji University, Shanghai
workshop oct 2014 | may 2015
Architetture Sottili | Small Actions of Urban “Acupuncture” Urban Requalification Design of Primo Maggio square, Asti
Big Dig House
A “Bicigrill” on structural masonry
A Urban Vision for XiangMen Master Degree Thesis
Architetture Sottili
Temporary Exhibition
A “BICIGRILL” OF STRUCTURAL MASONRY The role of construction between project and territory ACCADEMIC SCHEDULE “Project Unit - Constructive form and Structure” Polytechnic of Turin | July 2014
The project manages the area in the north suburb of Novara, Italy. The meeting between the main vehicular street, the pedestrian path and the bike-way alongside the Cavour Canal had to be solved. The city authorities asked a design which gave a new continuity to the bike-way. It goes through the whole Piedmont and it is an important part of the way for bicycle that connects all the Europe, from south to north. The aim for the module was to design a biker residence both for
long-time and short-time stop. A linear design alongside the Cavour Canal was preferred in order to respect the old continuity of the canal and of the bike-way. Furthermore the municipality asked for a different height level meeting of the paths. Moreover a design with structural masonry was required, so structural calculation and study has been done. The project proposal provides a mix of dormitory and double rooms for the users and a range of services for bikers.
Biker Long Stop Residence
East Faรงade
West Faรงade
Section A-A Biker Short Stop Residence
East Faรงade
West Faรงade
Section B-B
Biker Long Stop Residence
The designed project provides a range of services for bikers, bike-tourists and all the other users. On the ground floor of the long-stop residence it is possible to find shops, info-point with wi-fi, cafè and restaurant, hire-bike service and so on. While on the second floor the reception, relax area, laundries, bathrooms, dormitory, double rooms with inner bathroom are assured.
West Façade
TAVOLA 03 - SOLUZIONE AL PROBLEMA STRUTTURALE Fig. A Portico in muratura con volta a botte su arcate, Castello del Valentino (Torino). Fig. B Basilica Ulpia-ricostruzione, Foro di Traiano (Roma - 110 d.C.). Fig. C Sezione assonometrica struttura di progetto.
Fig. D Studio della geometria e delle spinte orizzontali nella volta. Fig. C
Fig. A Portico in muratura con volta a botte su arcate, Castello del Valentino (Torino). Fig. B Basilica Ulpia-ricostruzione, Foro di Traiano (Roma - 110 d.C.). Fig. C Sezione assonometrica struttura di progetto. Fig. D Fig. A Studio della geometria e delle spinte orizzontali nella volta.
Brick Portico with Barrel Vault on arches Valentino Castel | Turin | Italy
Fig. B
Fig. D
Fig. C
Fig. B
Fig. D
Ulpia Church | Trajan’s Forum | Rome | Italy
alentino (Torino).
lentino (Torino). Fig. C
Fig. C
Project Structural Axonometric Section
Fig. B
Fig. D
Fig. B
Fig. D
Project force study of the vault POLITECNICO DI TORINO - DIPARTIMENTO DI ARCHITETTURA E DESIGN - CORSO DI LAUREA MAGISTRALE IN ARCHITETTURA COSTRUZIONE CITTA’ - A.A. 2013/2014 Prof. Riccardo Palma (Composizione architettonica e urbana), Mario Sassone (Tecnica delle costruzioni), Chiara Occelli (Restauro) - Collab. Arch, Noela Benenval 01PRK - 3 Unità di Progetto “Struttura e forma costruttiva”: Un bicigrill sul Canale Cavour in muratura strutturale. Il ruolo della costruzione tra progeto e territorio
Studenti : Salvatore Bilardo 205535, Luca Giamesio 205546, Valentino Pileggi 191362 “Una città lineare lungo il Canale Cavour”
ARCHITETTURE SOTTILI Small Actions of Urban “Acupuncture” WORKSHOP FOR YOUNG ARCHITECTS Ordine degli Architetti di Asti Asti | May 2015
The task of the workshop was the requalification of few critical points of the city of Asti. These points are focal areas of the city; they don’t have a clear functional destination or they have a mixed and critical one. The municipality of the city, with the help of the Order of Architects of Asti that leads the work, promoted the workshop also to demonstrate that a focused (acupuncture) design from the bottom could be carry to a good requalification of the city
with really low budget. The area of the design is in the east boundary of the city, the respective east gate of its. Among the years an old square has been conformed to a rotary cause of the high number of flows meeting in. My project tries to give the old functions of square to the area without forget the rotary identity. With the new design pedestrian have his priority again with also the introducing of a urban forest. The concept idea is to create a new homogeneous space.
LEGENDA Green areas do not used Areas without clear functions
High speed viability Medium speed viability Slow speed viability Areas of interest Green areas Parking areas Gas station
The reference for the new square was Place Massenà of Nice (France). In the French square the level of pedestrians and vehicles is just one. There aren’t different heights of going and the space becomes just a homogeneous one. The design follows this idea and it creates one singular “platform”, only 20 cm over the surrounding street level. “The platform” becomes the podium of the new square where the pedestrians are the owners. There aren’t vertical division in the space and the people can move through the square without limitations. The different ground materials indicate the way for the vehicles. They have to move up the 20 cm of the platform and they feel like intruders in a space for the people. This change of level inspires the cars to reduce the speed. In the middle of the square a huge forest gives the space to the residents and no more to the vehicles. Inside the urban forest an installation with its point of view, inspired from Luigi Ghirri’s opera in Marina of Ravenna, frames the Baptistery of Saint Peter, a really important presence for the neighbourhood.
SSD Architecture | Lexington, Massachussets | 2006 ACCADEMIC SCHEDULE “Digital Paramentric Modeling� Polytechnic of Turin | July 2013
The aim of the class was to represent a built architecture with the parametric software BIM Revit Architecture. All the drawings had to produced using the software starting from plans and sections of the house. The reached knowledge of Revit makes me able to manage all the steps of the design process, from the concept to the architectural drawings. I can draw plans, sections, 3d visualization and renders in order to represent the project in the best way as possible.
The choiced project is the Big Dig House of SSD Architecture Studio. The house is a villa for one family which shows how it is possible to use residual infrastructural materials for a new project. This house open a great view on the strategic sustainable design, because all the materials come from other build processes or the disassembly of old infrastructure. The built-up took just three days because of the pre-fabricated elements of the house.
Only the pics in this page represent the real house, all the others drawings and 3d visualizations have been produced with Revit Architecture.
TEMPORARY EXHIBITION Porta Palazzo Residence | Turin, Italy | 2013 ACCADEMIC SCHEDULE “Interiors Architecture and Exhibit” Polytechnic of Turin | January 2014
The task of the work was to design a temporary exhibition in a restored house in the centre of Turin. The aim of the class was also to study all the parts of the exhibit, from the distribution of the spaces to the showed elements going through the design of the supports which hosted the elements of the exhibition. The subject of the exhibit was the “Recycle”. Lot of materials could have new life and use, they can be very helpful and economically sustainable. The chosen material
was the cardboard, so I designed the elements on which the objects could be showed. The exhibition uses cardboard with different thickness and geometrical forms, in order to highlight the “concept” of re-cycle and re-use. Furthermore a study on the artificial lights has been done to find the right position a power to illuminate each object showed in the best way as possible. The 3d visualizations, done by Revit Architecture, show the feeling of the exhibit.
A URBAN VISION FOR XIANGMEN An Architectural Design Project in the old town Suzhou MASTER DEGREE THESIS | look the whole thesis on | Polytechnic of Turin | Turin & Xi’An Jiaotong - Liverpool University | Suzhou September 2016
This thesis figures out from the intention to go for a different culture and architecture. I have attended all the first semester modules in the Master of Architectural Design programme of the Xi’An Jiaotong - Liverpool University of Suzhou (China) from September 2015 to January 2016, as if i were a student of the Polytechnic of Turin, using the project of Design Studio1 as the project for my master degree thesis. The aim for the studio was to give urban and architectural form to the redevelopment of the Xiang Men area in the historical city of Suzhou. The task was to make urban
design proposals, and architectural designs. As for the urban design students were allowed to work in international teams in the first few weeks, learning from the different students background. In particular the core of my thesis is about courtyard houses, specifically about a different way to use the courtyard as a housing space, keeping its identity, utility and Chinese character. As for the urban design the project tries to answer the commercial and housing requests, whereas the architectural design tries to explore the concept of the courtyard, in particular about its use and location.
AXES The courtyard houses have a north-south orientation, the main entrance is always on the south side of the house so the inside movement goes from south to north. The north part is the private space of the house, only for the family and has a secondary access that is directly north-bound to the street or canal. It is possible to recognize two important axes, the main one going through the courtyards and the internal spaces. The second axis goes through the main corridor that connects the spaces from south to north and is lateral. The north-south orientation also defines the traditional Suzhou house sequence of “courtyard-built-courtyard-built�.
Analyses on the traditional courtyard houses has been done in order to understand the traditional atmosphere, form and space uses of the houses in the old town of Suzhou Plan of Chen’s residence at Dongbei Street. HIERARCHY The axes define the level of privacy. Starting from the south the public and semi-public spaces make up the house. This part consists of meeting spaces, study rooms, guest rooms or courtyards to have a rest. The second part of the dwelling hosts more private spaces as the bedrooms. Finally the service sector, on the north side of the house, is the most private part. This is the location for the kitchen, the service rooms and the secondary entrance.
COURTYARD The courtyards could have different functions in relation with their uses and size. In the past the courtyards were private because the house belonged to one sole family. Nowadays courtyards have become collective because the houses are shared between more families. So right now courtyards could have more users which change their function and fruition. It’s possible to recognize the “lighting and ventilation” courtyard with small dimensions just to provide inner spaces with light and air circulation. Secondly the “service” courtyard is used to add spaces. At present the housing needs are very high so these courtyards are used to add rooms, small kitchens and bathrooms. The big one is also used to grow little plants to eat or enjoy a green space. The last one is the “meeting” courtyard; it is usually at the front of the house (so on the southern part) and provides space to meet the neighbours and to have a rest. These courtyards are the biggest as for the dimensions. The courtyards, in plan and section, is always behind a built-up space, following the north-south orientation and giving the typical spatial feeling to be easily recognizable in the section on the left.
To improve the knowledge of the urban environment and to master the skills in order to develop the urban and architectural design in a coherent and new way, a urban analysis has been carried out in order to understand the building scenario. The task is to produce urban design proposals starting from some research, analysis and ruminations on the Ping Jiang Historical District, to the studying of buildings under conservation of this area. It is important to understand the internal house division and the use of space of classical Chinese courtyard houses. The Ping Jiang district has several buildings under conservation and the next pages are going to introduce sketches and diagrams which show the built and un-built parts of these houses, the familiy division, the circulation, the passages inside the houses, the different types of courtyard, the spaces added later on and the sequence from the exterior public spaces to the inner private ones.
We are going to introduce the site project area as follows, marking the elements which will influence the urban and architectural design. The project area is located on the east side of the old city of Suzhou (on the left), on the north of the ancient West-East axis of the city and immediately north of the rebuilt Xiang Men (gate). Actually the whole area is abandoned and empty, just a few old buildings are still on site on the western part. The area needs a new urban concept and development in order to maintain and improve the changing contemporary urban scene of Suzhou. In this sense this area has to be considered as the extension to the east of the Ping Jiang Historical District, with a special attention to touristic, commercial, cultural and residential facilities. Ping Jiang Road is the centre of the cultural life of the city; it is lined with bookshops, teahouses, local opera theaters. Punt-style boats run on the Gran Canal. The site project has a north-south length of about 640 meters and about 180 meters on the west-east axis, with an extra 70-meters on the north-south axis and 220-meters on the west-east axis on the north-west corner. The total surface is 125000 square meters.
The site borders to the north with Daxinqiao Alley which it is a pedestrian way, by a Unesco World Heritage Garden and the Suzhou Zoo. On the east the rebuilt City Wall marks the project area with its City Wall Museum and the nearest New Xiang Men (gate). On the east side runs the popular Waicheng River which surrounds the whole old city with a width of 90 meters near the gate. The south limit of the site corresponds to Gan Jiang Street, the west-east street way axis of the city. This is a remarkable feature to be considered in the future design (like the City Wall) because it is a main street with public transportation and underground service. In fact the Xiang Men Underground Station on the southwest corner of the site is also important. By the way it is currently closed (the line 1 is still under construction) but it must be considered for the future people flow. The Soochow University on the south side of Gan Jiang Street, which hosts about 39000 students, is important, too . Finally the west boundary is Cang Street, i.e a vehicular road which cuts the site project in the northern part. Ping Jiang Road is also highlighted for the many tourists. Lindun Road marks the west boundary of the Ping Jiang District.
The final architectural design comes out from the deep analysis carried out on the Pingjiang District houses and the design concept tries to re-use the rigid north-south urban block orientation. The first step of the process was to rotate the block orientation. The analysis showed a strict sequence of built-up and courtyard spaces from south to north. So the design tried to re-interpret this sequence dealing with the new division. The architectural program provided a sequence of space with two different dimensions as for depth which match the traditional built and courtyard depth. Furthermore the possibility to add covered space in the “courtyard area” or remove “closed areas” in the built-up space made the program suitable to fit any size of the urban block. This was one of the key points of the design because it tried to answer the high housing requests without altering the atmosphere of the old town. The sequence is marked by walls which are one of the most important elements of
the traditional Suzhou architecture. Step by step it is possible to go through the building courtyard by courtyard, going past the gates which connect every open space on the ground floor. The movement on the ground floor matches the urban design concept. The sequence of courtyards and gates looks up to the zig-zag movement through the traditional Suzhou houses. Every courtyard is a semi-public space from which you can go the next one by a gate. From each courtyard it is possible to access both to the bussiness activities and to the house by a staircase either on the right or on the left.
Legenda Commercial Space Staircase to upper floor Commercial access Staicase access
Housing Space Opening Orientation
Visualization about projected private elevated courtyard.
Legenda: GROUND FLOOR 1 - Secondary Commercial Entrance 2 - Secondary Commercial Entrance 3 - House Entrance 4 - Commercial Space 5 - Commercial Space 6 - Commercial Space 7 - Primary Commercial Entrance 8 - Primary Commercial Entrance
FIRST FLOOR 9 - Private Elevated Courtyard 10 - Bedroom 11 - Bedroom 12 - Bathroom 13 - Bathroom 14 - Private Elevated Courtyard 15 - Bedroom
SECOND FLOOR 16 - Living 17 - Dining 18 - Kitchen 19 - Bathroom 20 - Private Elevated Courtyard
New Wall of the city near Xiang Men Gate | Old Town of Suzhou | China
Service courtyard in Xiang Men| Old Town of Suzhou | China
Canal sections | Old Town of Suzhou | China
Passage in the courtyard house | Old Town of Suzhou | China
Public Courtyard | A Urban Vision for XiangMen | Old Town Suzhou | China
Centro de Innovaciòn UC Anacleto Angelini | Santiago | Chile