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Appendix C: Definitions

Comprehensive Health Impact Assessment - in-depth project that requires literature review and Project specific primary data collection. It also includes steps from

Desktop and Intermediate Health Impact Assessments. (Golder Associates. 2025. Pg. 3) Desktop Health Impact Assessment - A quick desk based exercise that’s based on information through existing secondary sources. It’s the least detailed approach, does not include primary interview or targeted consultation, but can help identify areas for further research should an intermediate or comprehensive HIA be required. (Golder Associates. 2025. Pg. 3) Intermediate Health Impact Assessment - Completed with a small group of stakeholders and is primarily based on secondary data and includes information provided by specific people with knowledge about the project or community. (Golder Associates. 2025. Pg. 3) Land trust - A land trust are usually non profit organizations that own and manage land, and work to protect landowners and create separation between personal finances and property. Leasehold Property - A leasehold property means that the owner owns the house/ townhouse/condo itself but not the land it is built on. That land is leased to the homeowner by the Land Stewards. Mezuzah - the Mezuzah is a Jewish traditional object affixed to door frames that provides protection from physical or spiritual harm to those who enter the home or space.


The mezuzah holds a scroll with the Shema prayer inside. Having mezuzahs in one’s home is required as commanded in the Torah. Net Zero - Net-zero refers to greenhouse gas emissions, particularly when a building, economy, city, country, etc. either offsets the amount of emissions they produce (by planting trees for example) or emits no greenhouse gas emissions at all.

PCB - A polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) is an organic chlorine compound. They were once widely deployed as dielectric and coolant fluids in electrical apparatus, carbonless copy paper and in heat transfer fluids. Rain garden - A rain garden is a small depression often planted with native plants that temporarily hold or soak in rainwater. Planted rain gardens are effective in removing chemicals and sediments from water that runs off from roofs or driveways, and also slowing the amount of water that enters the underground system. Remediation - Remediation is a process that employs either engineering or natural (or both) techniques to remove pollution from the soil, groundwater, or surface water. Rental Homes - A rental home is a residential home, apartment building, etc. that is either owned by an individual or investor, and is leased out to tenants who live in said home. Sukkah - A sukkah is a temporary outdoor hut constructed for the week-long celebration of Sukkot. The huts represent the tent-like structures the Jews dwelled in during their 40 year journey through the desert after being enslaved in Egypt. It is tradition to eat, celebrate, and sometimes even sleep in the Sukkah which would be decorated with fruits and fragrant plants inside. Single Room Occupancy (SRO) - A form of housing that rents out single rooms with minimal furniture and shared utilities, primarily for low-income individuals. Redlining: “Redlining occurs where institutional mortgage lending is the norm and where lenders decline to loan in specific areas” (Harris, 2003) Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) - VOCs are chemicals that are often found in building materials. Once in our buildings, they may emit harmful gases that can be harmful to health.

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