SAMAA News Issue 1 of 2020

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SAMAAnews Issue 1 of 2020

Our Mission: To add value to your flying experience through communication, information, promotion, education, and the support of dialogue.

Chairman’s Report Marthinus Potgieter

As delivered at the 2020 SAMAA Annual General Meeting, on 12 March On Thursday, 8 May 2014, I accepted the nomination as Chairman of the South African Model Aircraft Association (SAMAA) at a Special General Meeting. I was met with a barrage of issues to deal with from the outset. The first - and still fresh in my memory - was a disgruntled ex-newsletter editor who was sowing discord in all quarters due to the fact that the SAMAA Management Committee (SMC) had discontinued the printed newsletter. Printing was costing the SAMAA, at that stage, approximately a quarter of a million rand annually. It did not matter how I looked at it or calculated the cost to the SAMAA, it could not be justified. The printed version was promptly replaced with an electronic version which has excelled, improving in quality of content with every publication. The editing of the electronic newsletter is also handled in-house at a fraction of the cost.

Namakwaland Aero Sport

My next experience was attending a meeting at the Aero Club of South Africa (AeCSA) where, I have to say, the reception was not very warm. The General Manager at the time, Mr Kev Storie, suggested that I make an appointment with him so that he could “educate” Van Zyl did Koegelenberg me on how things function and the tone of sarcasm still rings in my ears. Little he know Federation Fly-in Fischer that he would be doing just that for the next six years and in thePhotos processby weVan haveWyk become very dear friends. He has subsequently moved on and is currently the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the Commercial Aviation Association of South Africa (CAASA).

Over the last six years, I have attended approximately one hundred and twenty meetings, varying from Part101, Rpas workshops, Recreational Aviation Administration of South Africa Industry Liaison Forums (RAASA ILF), AeCSA Council, Civil Aviation Regulatory Committee (CarCom), Aviation Safety Operations Sub Committee (ASO SubCom), National Air Space Committee (NasCom), Air Traffic Navigation Services (ATNS), and last but not least SMC and Special Interest Groups (SIG) Committee meetings. I thoroughly enjoyed the portfolio and gathered a wealth of knowledge regarding the recreational aviation sector. One of the first objectives was to investigate the possibility of reducing the annual insurance premium that in 2014 was R80 000.00. I was told on many occasions that we should not meddle with the insurance as it is the only company in South Africa that would underwrite us! It was not difficult at all to find an alternative underwriter that offered us more comprehensive cover for less than a quarter of the previous underwriter. The saving this brought about was about R60 000.00 per annum. Over the last six years the premium has escalated and is currently on approximately R25 000.00. I shudder to think where the old policy would have been after six years of escalation. In the early days, some individuals on the SMC made it rather clear that they did not have any intention of serving the interests of the SMC but rather the interests of some individuals that were no longer eligible to serve on the SMC and were trying to influence the outcomes of issues without actually having any true understanding of the issues at hand. Charges were filed against me by these individuals at the AeCSA and RAASA on two occasions and were dismissed both times. Fortunately, these individuals resigned from the SMC and stability prevailed and the remaining members could take the organisation forward. This is a classic example of individuals accepting nominations not to serve the organisation but rather for their own selfish interests. I have never seen that work out amicably. With the help of Danie Potgieter and Burt Botha, the SMC embarked on reinstating the Combined Power Nationals in 2015 at the PC Pelzer full size airport in Klerksdorp. With excellent support from the office staff and SIGS, it was hailed a success and we had over a hundred entries last year. The SMC has also moved the event to Henley Model Flying Club two years ago which resulted in a big cost saving. I believe this will continue to be one of the RC highlights of the year. In 2017, the SMC, with the support of Johan Sieling, resurrected the National Model Fun Fly Championships and over the last three years we have seen it grow and attract some juniors who seem to be a dying breed in RC flying. This year it seems that there is more interest than ever before and some new clubs are joining in the series.

SAMAA News Contents of Issue 1 of 2020 SAMAA Chairman’s Report - Marthinus Potgieter 2019 FAI Drone Racing W Championship - J Henn, L Churchman SAMAA Historical Magazine stock Large Scale Extravaganza - Justin Gomersall & Stan Fincham From the office - General Manager’s report

1&3 4-6 6 7-8 9-10

Club News, Atlantic Flying Club - Simon Photenhauer


Folded Wings Memorial Jet Fly-in at Gariep - Boet Denysschen


Membership subscription rates for 2021


Buddy Wright Memorial Vintage Fly-in


SAMAA Activity Calendar


Urgent notice regarding national lock-down


SAMAA information, contact details, and SAMAA News information 13 Smitties Hobbies


Small advert for methanol and Castor oil


Your Local Dealer adverts

SAMAA News Issue 1 of 2020 - Page 1


SAMAA News Issue 1 of 2020 - Page 2

Late in 2017 the SMC also started the process of bringing proposals to CarCom to change three of the aviation Acts in order to enable members to operate aircraft over 25kg. In November 2018 all three of the amendments were approved for promulgation and publication. Subsequently, only the amendment to CATS24 was published and it became very clear that the SACAA departments working with the proposals are rather dysfunctional and have been making some serious mistakes. We have been keeping a very close eye on this matter as we were assured that the last two amendments would appear in Amendment 23 of the Civil Aviation Act that should appear in the Government Gazette soon. At the last SMC meeting it was approved that a further amendment be brought to the CATS 24 that will give modelers a second form of compliance to operate models over 25kg. In December 2018 the SMC gave notice to the AeCSA that we would like to re-negotiate the terms of reference between the two organisations as we were no longer prepared to pay the previously negotiated fees as the SMC did not believe that modelers were enjoying the same benefits that full size pilots were. I must mention that at that stage we already only paid 20% of the full AeCSA fee but it totalled approximately R240 000.00 per annum. In the second quarter of 2018 Danie, Bob and I engaged with the AeCSA Exco and negotiated an affiliation of approximately R60 000.00 per annum which brought a saving of R180 000.00. It was agreed that no SAMAA member would be a member of the AeCSA except in the event that members participated in international competitions. Then they would become fully paid up members of the AeCSA and so obtain their FAI licenses. The full subscription for these members will be paid by the SAMAA. I would like to make it very clear that I do not see this as a victory for the SAMAA but rather as a tribute to a very sympathetic AeCSA that intends to turn things around and support its sections as the National Sporting Federation for Aviation in rather difficult economic times. Last year also saw the SMC hosting a thirty-strong, high profile delegation from SACAA for a day. This was requested by SACAA so that they could have insight into our organisation and activities. The day kicked off at our offices with presentations on different aspects of our administration. The second half was hosted at Barnstormers where several members demonstrated the different disciplines we participate in. All members and delegates enjoyed lunch together after which they departed. I received incredibly positive feedback from senior managers at SACAA and we are very often used as a positive example in meetings and seminars. For the first time in six years I have noticed a rather significant impact on the SAMAA finances due to a slow economy. We had a decrease in Regular and Junior members and an increase in Senior members. I am also aware - and believe it is an international dilemma - that the younger generation is no longer interested in RC modelling but rather seek instant gratification via electronic devices. The latter does not bode well in the long term. Currently, the SAMAA reserves are in a healthy state. Six years ago we started with approximately R450k in reserve and managed to increase it to R2.5m which it is today. The reserves also contribute approximately R150k in interest to our accounts. There have been many people during my tenure as chairman who have played a significant role assisting in many ways and I am very grateful for their support. From SACAA, I have to thank Neil de Lange and Pierre Loubsher who were always available and willing to assist in numerous ways. Lately, I have enjoyed support from Mmenare Mamabolo at SACAA Legal trying to fast track our regulation amendments that fell behind the drag curve and I am very grateful for her support. Thank you to all the members who spent many hours in SMC meetings with me. It is a rather selfless task that attracts sometimes venomous criticism, but I know that, in all cases when decisions were made, the best interests of our organisation were at heart. I appreciate your support, advise and friendship - it is deeply valued. I have to single out Bob and Linda in the office as they were always willing to assist and very often went beyond the normal call of duty. The incumbent committee will have to face new challenges and respond to different demands. Once SACAA have decided where they want to go with recreational aviation and promulgate amendments in this regard, the SMC will have to arrange compliance with such regulations. Unfortunately, it seems that more and more rules are being made by the authorities in the name of safety as airspace is getting more congested. Attention will have to be paid to the SAMAA Manual of Procedures as many of the processes are outdated and need to be brought in line with current demands. With a struggling economy and a decline in revenue, careful consideration will have to be given to overhead costs as they will have to be relevant to the income so that reserves are not used to fund overhead costs. Over the last year, I have been actively trying to secure a smooth hand-over to some of the incumbent SMC members and have worked side by side with them so I believe the transition to a new Chairman will be smooth and not disturb the workings of the organisation. I wish the new committee everything of the best and believe that they will take the SAMAA to new heights. New and younger blood is always healthy in organisations. I am in my fifteenth year of model administration which started as an event organiser at my resident model flying club. It progressed to event organiser for the South African Model Jet Association and later chairman thereof. I was appointed chairman of the SAMAA Special Interest Groups and two years later became the Chairman of the SAMAA. I have thoroughly enjoyed my journey and met some amazing individuals. I will not retire completely from recreational aviation administration as I have for the last year represented the AeCSA on all advocacy matters at SACAA and will continue to do that. Last, but most importantly, I have to thank all the SAMAA members for their loyal support over the years and wish everybody well. I am sure we will meet next to some flying fields and enjoy our wonderful hobby. Best wishes and safe flying.

Subscription fees for 2021 After lengthy deliberation at the SAMAA Annual General Meeting on 12 March, the members approved a modified proposal by the SAMAA Management Committee, for an increase in membership subscription fees, effective 1 January 2021. It has been known for a while that our junior membership component has steadily declined over the last few years, and in an effort to hopefully attract young aeromodellers to the SAMAA, a decision was taken to retain the current junior membership subscription rate at R250 per member. This of course is a rolling membership rate, and a member may join at any time of the year (without any joining fee), and become due again for renewal, twelve months later. A junior member is considered to be any person of 18 years and younger. Senior Citizen membership is available to any person attaining 60 years of age, and older. Regular adult members are those persons between 18 and 60 years of age. Members are strongly discouraged from making cash deposits, either over the counter at a bank, or at the SAMAA office for that matter. All cash deposits attract a cash handling fee, and this has risen significantly over the last year. It is more convenient to make an EFT to the SAMAA account, and for those members who prefer to visit the SAMAA office and walk out with their membership cards, to consider using cellphone banking to make the transfer of their fees, right in the office. We are investigating several options of card machines, but almost all of these carry a service fee. (See page 13 for the subscription rates for 2021). SAMAA News Issue 1 of 2020 - Page 3

FAI Drone Racing World Championship

Jaco Henn and Lance Churchman The SA Team prior to departure, at the OR Tambo Airport.

Here in their sponsored clothing.

Ningbo, China 11 – 14 December 2019. The run up to the Drone Racing World Championships Grand Final was short in comparison to the 2018 event: 6 months in 2018; 3 months in 2019. The FAI changed the format of the competitions in 2019, running various qualifiers for individuals during the year (called Challenger and Master Series) with a grand final event that included National Teams in December. FlyFPVSA only became aware of the World Championships Grand Final event when the entries opened in late August 2019. FlyFPVSA then sought clarity from the FAI as to whether this was a Category 1 or Category 2 event. This clarification came though on 11 September. The results of the National League are used to verify team selection. The team was Devon Barnett, Jadon Churchman (Jnr), Ruivan Branco and Stephen Gore. Luke Bakke was 1st reserve and the position of 2nd reserve was tied between Roberto Jardim and Joe Venter. Preliminary entry forms had to be in by 15 September and pilots had to be 100% self-funding. The anticipated cost of the trip was R30 000 per person. This criterion removed Ruivan Branco, Luke Bakke, as well as Joe Venter and Roberto Jardim from the team selection. As a result, an incomplete team was entered – only two seniors and one junior. On 12 September, Jaco Henn asked the team for nominations for the role of Team Manager. Devon Barnett nominated Lance Churchman due to a) his prior experience as a helper at Worlds 2018 b) he would be attending with Jadon anyway c) Lance is very involved with organising, growing and promoting the sport in the Western Cape. Stephen Gore seconded the nomination and Jadon concurred. Lance accepted the responsibility. With limited time we I tried to raise some funds to lessen the individual financial burden: Red Bull indicated an interest in supporting the sport at grassroots level in a very minimal way as and when opportunities allow, but will not invest cash directly at this time. Pratley's South Africa expressed an interest in the sport and wished the team well, but were not in a position to commit any finances. Appletizer redirected to CocaCola and our sport does not meet their criteria for sponsorship (mainly mass market appeal). Wedgewood South Africa offered us a 30% discount on any of their products that we could purchase and use to raise funds but the decision was made that insufficient time would not do justice to this offer and that we would re-visit it at a later date. FastWay Couriers forwarded the request to the board after expressing interest, but no feedback was forthcoming. Various other leads were followed but the timeline did not allow for any to come to fruition. An invitation was extended to all members of the FPV community (via various WhatsApp groups) inviting those who were interested and could afford to, to join the team either as helpers or supporters. In the end there were three helpers that travelled with the team – Tobias Overbeck, JP Bredenhann and Makhosonke Kwaza. Makhosonke Kwaza was paid for by 4iri and this is seen as a step in their long-term involvement with FPV Drone racing. The final team entry was done by Jaco on 13 November. Thank you to Linda at SAMAA for assisting with the FAI licenses so efficiently. The plan had been to get the team together for a week in the run up to World's to practice together but the lack of funding made this difficult. Instead, the Nelson Mandela Bay event was earmarked as a time to fly together and do final tests of equipment. All team members and helpers except Tobias Overbeck were at the event. Tobias could not get additional leave to attend. Unlike 2018, the FAI did not release a simulator track before the 2019 event. Our team practiced on a LiftOff version of the track created by Jadon after the official track was released on 8 November. Each pilot practised on their own but they were in constant contact with each other. Individual input from each team member as follows: Devon: I practiced on the simulator. Jadon created the track on it. I also practised in the park after work. Jadon: Before the track was released, I was flying some of the other World Cup tracks on the EreaDrone simulator. I practised on the LiftOff simulator after we got the track. Once we had the track, I built the obstacles I thought I would battle with as best I could in the garden and practised them. Stephen: Prep for Worlds was quite difficult. Had to set up small impromptu tracks where I could, as I don't have a field nearby, nor the equipment to really train with (like gates and flags). I did eventually find an open field on a farm nearby. The SAMAA field we normally fly at is in Hillcrest, over an hour's drive for me, at a school, so was only allowed to fly there every other Sunday it wasn't being used. So mostly simulator time, as I could fly for a couple of hours each night, flying tracks with obstacles I knew were being used by the track designers. I can't stress enough how much a simulator helps with this hobby, especially for guys in my position. The team secured some sponsorship from 4IRI, BoyzToys, and 3D Technology. The team did secure a battery sponsorship from GNB via Flying Robot. This was spearheaded by Devon Barnett after Tattu declined a sponsorship request. Individual pilots were assisted as follows: Devon: BoyzToyz, 3D Technology, T Motor, FridayFPV, Rush, Caddx, Azure Jadon: BoyzToys, 3D Technology, Curro Stephen: Ballito Agencies

SAMAA News Issue 1 of 2020 - Page 4

Ningbo is cold in December, so the team opted for hoodies and shirts as team clothing. Hoodies were procured from Crystal Graphics and custom designed sublimated shirts were obtained from Tiger Clothing. Clothing was handed over at the NMB event. Initially the team was booked on SAA but the strike action in South Africa and protest action in Hong Kong resulted in the flights being cancelled. New flights were booked on Emirates (departing) and Cathay Pacific (return). This change in flights however resulted in penalties for the Hong Kong Ningbo leg of the journey. Accommodation was in the Ningbo Worker's Sanatorium as one of the recommended hotels for the event. Breakfast was included in the package. The team met for breakfast every morning and proceeded together to the event (10 minutes away by shuttle). Food at the event was very traditional Chinese food and was not enjoyed by many. Being far from the nearest town, taxi fare to get alternatives amounted to R400 each night. This was shared between the teams that made use of this. An oversight in the organising of the event was that on the evening of the Drone Expo / conference, the proceedings finished at 21:00 but the hotel's restaurant closed at 20:00 so no one could get anything to eat. Last year's World Championships were flown on 4S Quads as the FAI had not yet made allowances for 6S quads. This year 6S was allowed and the team had to ensure that their 6S set-ups were working correctly. Locally 6S was only permitted from the new season (after Nats in April). Jadon and Devon had migrated to 6s before the team announcement, but Stephen had not. Direct feedback from Stephen “Had to practically buy all new gear since all my quads were quite old. Wanted everything to be just right. So two new quads, extra VTX's, receivers, and batteries. Tried my utmost to train with what I had, but was under the impression going to 6cell would be the way forward. No stock of anything in SA leading up to the event, until the week before”. Tattu declined a request to sponsor batteries for the team. GNB was an alternative and with the assistance of Flying Robot this sponsorship was secured. Regrettably the batteries (which were sent directly to the team in China) were not up to standard and alternatives were purchased from Tattu at the event. The pilots were not required to carry HD cameras on their quads this year (a requirement in 2018) but LED's were mandatory. There was a shortage of stock in South Africa ahead of the event. At the event both Devon and Jadon battled with the Crossfire modules – the mobile frequency in China seemed to be interfering. An upgrade was made but the additional rounds were cancelled so neither had the opportunity to improve their standing after the problems were solved. In comparison to the Shenzhen event in 2018, this event was far more 'low key' and not as well run. The track was a highlight and the pilots loved flying it. The track was multi-level and this is becoming the norm at international events. There were 112 drone racing pilots from all over the world participating, including 40 junior competitors and nine female pilots. Just over 100 of those taking part will race as part of the competition's 31 national teams, with a further six competing individually based on their FAI Drone Racing World Cup rankings, and three Chinese pilots using Wild Card entries. The schedule for the event was: ·11 December: Model processing and practice flights ·12 December: Opening ceremony and qualifying rounds ·13 December: Elimination rounds ·14 December: Elimination rounds, finals, medal and closing ceremony One of the major frustrations was that there was nowhere to test quads as the Faraday cage built for the purpose did not work and with the Chinese military in the mountains around Ningbo, no quads could be flown anywhere in the vicinity of the event. The timing system was not operating properly and back up timing was being done by stopwatch for some part of the competition. This resulted in an official complaint being made because dvr of Jadon's one lap showed that he completed it in 37 seconds but the stopwatch time he was given was 42 seconds. Jadon's dvr time was awarded as the correct time after an investigation. With the technical difficulties that the event was experiencing, things were running six and a half hours late. In order to catch up, all the second chance rounds were cancelled which meant that the pilots that did not make the 64 cut-off were denied the opportunity to improve their placements and times. This was very disappointing for all concerned. Despite allowing for spectators, no spectators were present and there was no seating provided in the spectator area. The pilots all commented on the pit area which had the usual FPV atmosphere and was almost the saving grace of the competition. The organisers did provide each entrant with a very nice FAI hoodie and caps were also given. The team was more cohesive this year. Travelled as a group and moved between hotel and venue as a group. Jadon: organising oversights made the event frustrating eg. the night of the drone conference, when the conference was scheduled to finish at 21:00 but the restaurant closed at 20:00 so no one could get supper. The changing programme (necessitated by the need to try to catch up time) meant the time slots for flying changed every morning. It was very frustrating not being able to fly half our races. Other than that, the event itself was awesome. Devon: Everyone will probably give the same feedback as we discussed it as a team. But despite the frustrations, I can't wait for the next one. JP: (helper) from my perspective the team was handled well before during and after the event. Lance did an excellent job. The even itself was poorly run organization wise, but track and facilities were awesome. Stephen: Although the World Cup was a serious disappointment for myself, it was a massive learning experience. Walking into the event and realizing we've had zero time on the track with the potential of only flying four batteries the whole week was incredibly humbling. The other issues I had were basically with the event organizers, and not being able to use our spare quads on the line. Lost a complete round because of it. Having the team helpers was fantastic, and Tobi really came through for a lot of us, even though they didn't really have much to do. In a hobby where testing gear at an event, or nearby, is paramount, don't hold the event in an area where you're absolutely not allowed to fly drones outside of the event. I was gob-smacked to hear we couldn't fly anywhere because of a military base nearby. Very peculiar decision to hold the event at Ningbo.

Buddy Wright Memorial

Vintage Aircraft Fly-in

Sun 24 May 2020

at Benoni Heliport 07:00 - 13:00 Contact Juanita Smith 083-630-8975

SAMAA News Issue 1 of 2020 - Page 5

Overall the team placed on par with 2018 (23rd) even though they were a team member short. Individual places were lower compared to 2018, with Jadon placing best of the team. Jadon missed the cut-off by 0.661 seconds. The top 64 pilots were split by 9 seconds. Jadon completed 8 laps out of a possible 9 during qualifying with an average time of 37.228 seconds. Devon completed 4 qualifying laps with an average time of 43.139 seconds. Stephen only managed to complete 2 qualifying laps. Our pilots are definitely on par with the international pilots but lack exposure to international events. Many of the pilots at Worlds, fly against each other regularly at events in either Europe or Asia. Geographically it is not possible for our pilots to compete as regularly but if more 'national' type events were created in SA so that the fastest pilots fly against each other more regularly this would be a step in the right direction. Track design locally could also need attention. Although we had all hoped for better results, a lot of very positive things came out of the event. Good relationships were built with international pilots, sponsors and officials. All of this paves the way for a better approach to the next Worlds.

The team members received their clothing at the NMB event.

Here is a layout of the interesting, multi-level track.

SAMAA Historical magazine stock

Over a period of 35 years, the SAMAA has received many donations of model aircraft magazines, mostly from members who were cleaning out their homes or workshops. At some point, I realized that the nearly 5 000 magazines, some packed in boxes, and others in folders, or loose, many gathering dust on the shelves of the storage facility that the SAMAA rents. We have kept a record of donors, and these are: (if we have missed anyone, we apologise, but let us know so that we can update the donor list). Ken Findlay (Dave Norman). Pierre du Plessis. John Gomersall. Hugh Edmunds. Ds Johan Botha. Merle/Stan Jackson. John Godwin. Bossie Bosman. Neil Allen. Pieter Frylinck. Brendan Gunnell. Lionel; Smith (Charlie Planoudis). Allan Hamilton. Gerald Nagel. Ashley van Vuuren. Keith Nicolls/Vic de Vries. Lars Persson. Jan Steyn. Late last year, I had a visit from Ken Malherbe, eldest son of aeromodelling pioneer Monte Malherbe. He and a friend showed great interest in the collection of old RC sets, engines, and historical models hanging from the ceiling of the three offices that SAMAA occupy on the Denel Kempton Park campus. Ken is a retired Anglo American helicopter and Gulfstream jet pilot, and he offered to help with the sorting of the thousands of magazines, some going back to 1938. This meant transporting the many boxes and loose magazines from our storage facility in Germiston, to the SAMAA offices, where they were sorted in batches of, titles, decades, years, and months. We realised that there were many, many doubles, triples, quadruples, etc. and we decided to keep one set of the best specimens, pack them securely, and label the boxes with the contents. This now makes it easy to find, exactly, a single magazine of any of the titles, by year, and by specific month. This left us with a large stock of the extras; doubles, triples, etc. We naturally discarded the copies that were in very poor condition, or those that were water-damaged, or without covers. Some of the very old aeromodelling magazines of the 1930s, 40s, and 50s that are not in good shape, were retained for their historical value, and they are now carefully boxed to prevent further damage. We would like to make an offer to SAMAA members, to take some of those older magazines, on condition that they are collected from our offices in Bonaero Park. There is also a fair amount of full-size magazines which we do not intend keeping, so if anyone is interested in having some of these, please contact us. Take-off. Aeroplane Monthly. Air Pictorial. Flying. Private Pilot. Air Extra. Wings. Aeroplane. Sport Aviation (EAA). And other smaller quantities of full-size aviation magazines. SAMAA News Issue 1 of 2020 - Page 6

Large Scale Aerobatics Extravaganza

Justin Gomersall and Stan Fincham

The concept to host a cross-regional event at Henley Model Airfield and Family Entertainment, was first mooted by Clive McInnes in Sept 2019.The idea was to have as many Large Scale pilots come together at the venue, to promote and grow interest in the Special Interest Group, as well as use the event to have some orientation flights for the out-of-town pilots ahead of the upcoming Nationals. The programme was formulated to introduce newcomers to some form of competitive flying as well as use the time to assist pilots with tutoring in the Aerobatic environment. Pilots started to arrive on Friday morning and started to set up camp base at the excellent camping facilities offered at Henley. Alec Groenewald, David Potgieter, and Barry van der Vyver had taken the trouble to travel all the way from Nelspruit and had no sooner arrived when they had planes in the sky with the characteristic roar of the large petrol engines mounted in these wonderful scale like models. The afternoon was cut short by a sudden downpour. No sooner had the rain stopped and the pilots were lining up to start flying once more. The whole weekend was characterised by immense enthusiasm. Despite rain on Friday and the whole of Saturday afternoon and winds of up to 50km per hour, none of the pilots, including the Basic pilots, flinched. Rained wet, blown away, cold and flooded hanger could not dampen the spirit of all who attended Friday evening was most pleasant with all the early arrivals settling in for a bring and braai which lasted till the early hours of Saturday morning. Saturday morning reveille was sounded at 05:30 with the LSA representative Justin flying his 170cc over the campsite. Breakfasts were soon served and flying took place in between the munching prepared by the pilots. Batteries were charged in anticipation for the pilots briefing and the start of the day. Saturday started with a mass start-up of all aeroplane engines and rev-up at the signal of the Flight line coordinator with a signal to cut engines, and brought 22 planes to a deathly silence once cut. What a thrilling experience to hear 16 engines roar at full tilt. Throughout the day the pilots participated in take-off as well as landing competition. The take-off became more and more scale but the spot landing proved to be the better of even the most seasoned pilots. Pilots who wished to do so could also participate in the best four-point roll competition and the best smoke-on display. Many pilots were assisted by the more seasoned pilots with set up and flying tips. Many of the basic pilots expressed their gratitude for these interventions. At 11:30 the heavens opened up once more and the rain lasted until 18:00. The pilots still took this time to catch up with acquaintances, and in some cases made some new ones. The Saturday evening was celebrated in style with a sit-down meal catered and served by caterers from Vereeniging. The dinner was preceded by a prize giving, with the following prizes awarded: Best Take-off Steven Black Most accurate landing Abram Grobler Best Four-Point roll Abram Grobler Person who enjoyed himself the most Alec Groenewald Biggest cowboy Ger-Drie De Beer Best Farming award Gerrit Van Deventer Best Smoke-on display Daniel Finch Most scale-like aeroplane Geoff Dale

Camping was popular at the event.

Aeries snug in the hangar!

Wet runway did not dampen spirits!

Convivial braai in the Henley lapa.

Welcoming sign at the entrance.

Hans Grobler surveying the puddles.

Gerrit moving Geoff Dale’s monster into position.

SAMAA News Issue 1 of 2020 - Page 7

Justin’s trailer with models.

The LSA gazebo close to the flight line, for the judges.

Ger-Drie waiting for starters orders to wake up the campers!

Every pilot who participated also received a participation medal and certificate. On the menu for the evening dinner was roast chicken and lamb on the spit, with salads and a delicious malva pudding to follow. Coffee and drinks were enjoyed until late that evening. Young Ger-Drie de Beer, only 9 years of age was awake at 5 o’clock on Sunday morning and was eagerly awaiting the opportunity to repeat Justin Gomersall’s antics of the previous day by flying over the campsite to wake-up the pilots. Eventually at 05:45 we allowed him to wake all the campers. With Ger-Drie being the youngest we also had Ian Edwards grace the Sunday by participating in the IMAC competition in the Advanced class. Ian is all of 78 years young and still flies a mean 75 % score in Advanced class. On Sunday morning a new group of pilots arrived in time to assemble aircraft and attend the pilots briefing at 08:30 for the LSA competition. The wind was howling and so were the pilots in flight. The conditions did not help the sequences much but the pilots certainly pulled out all the stops to fly some really good scores. The IMAC competition was concluded by 12:30.This was followed by three pilots participating in a free style competition. The scores are listed below. Prize giving was done with a boerie -roll in the hand. A most successful weekend and a most enjoyable one at that, was the feedback from most of the pilots who attended. A very big thank you must go to all the pilots who made the effort to attend and to those who helped their fellow pilots. Check the SAMAA News for the next Large Scale Extravaganza; it will be held on an annual basis.

Judges doing their best.

Charl Jnr and Snr getting ready.

Ian Edwards and Justin Gomersall. On-field prize-giving enjoyed with a boerie-roll in hand. Results - 2020 LSA Extravaganza competition Basic F1





1. 2.

Pos. Name

Pieter Herbst Alec Groenewald

766,1 1000

1000 965,4

1000 936

1000 987,9

1000 984,4

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Myles Hasenbroek Daniel Finch David Potgieter Chris Parker Ger-Drie de Beer Johan Bothma

993,2 931,3 925,8 1000 704,6 713,9

1000 986,3 899,6 760,8 714,5 0

1000 900,2 964,6 918,7 762,2 0

1000 965,4 930,0 927,3 727,1 469,4


Justin Gomersall




1000 0

1000 0

1000 590,0

1000 936,1

950,1 1000

1000 980,7

1000 958,9 723,3

1000 958,9 723,3

Sportsman 1000 978,5 700,1 863,0 692,9 694,2

Intermediate 1000


Advanced 1. 2.

Ian Edwards Stan Fincham

988,8 1000

1. 2.

Joshua Twomey Danie Potgieter

1000 946,5

1. 2. 3.

Joshua Twomey Ger-Drie de Beer Daniel Finch

1000 770,1

Unlimited 1000 995,7


Wet runway did not dampen spirits! SAMAA News Issue 1 of 2020 - Page 8

G M’s report


Bob Skinner

This report was delivered to the AGM of the SAMAA, on Thursday 12 March 2020. This report covers the activities of the SAMAA administration office, the General Manager and the Assistant General Manager, for the reporting period March 2019 to March 2020.

• 180 litres of refined castor oil (in 210l drum) with hand pump. • 60 litres of methanol (3 x 20l drums) • Many model aircraft, accessories, spares Contact Johan de Klerk, 082 891 3912, or

2019 was not much different from the previous year, as far as the administration of the SAMAA went. There were the usual competitive and non-competitive events, activities, tasks, and responsibilities. The bulk of the administrative functions are handled by Linda Dold, and memberships and proficiencies are handled with accuracy and speed. In addition, Linda handles all the club registrations and renewals, event applications, and permits, closely liaising with the CAA (formerly RAASA) and the Aero Club. During the year we continued an awareness campaign to advise and educate clubs and members on the importance of comprehensive submissions for event applications, and in many cases we have to request additional information before the SMC can consider approval. I know we've had a year with a record number of events: 37 fly-ins, and seven airshows, and a few other events for a total number of permits of 51. The SAMAA office is manned by two staff members, some fixtures, and a bunch of equipment. Linda has regular contact with the management of clubs, to ascertain the accuracy of information, and the date of the clubs' AGMs. There are of course a few “sites” on our club register, where there is no formal committee structure, but at least a responsible person as a contact. There was a decision by the SMC that SAMAA will no longer register “sites”, where there is no oversight, or committee in place. We have an obligation to our members, to ensure that our airspace is protected and carefully managed, so that members may continue to fly safely at our SAMAA-registered clubs. Much of this responsibility lies with the club managements, and indeed every individual member, to ensure safe, responsible operation of our hobby and sport. The cooperation with the relevant authorities has been great in the past. The managements of aeromodelling associations in some countries experience frustration at the attitude of their civil aviation bodies, with regards to airspace use. We must consider ourselves extremely fortunate at the freedom that we enjoy, in spite of the opinion of some local modellers who persist in criticizing the SAMAA for its responsible attitude. It is exactly this responsible, self-managing attitude that earns us the respect of the SA Civil Aviation Authority. Unfortunately, the detractors do not take the trouble to carefully read the information that is disseminated, for their own benefit; it's easier to criticize. Our hosts, Denel Aviation, continue to sail in stormy waters, and we are careful to not abuse the privileges were allowed. We have the use of three offices, parking, facilities like this meeting room, no charge for electricity/water and other services, access passes, all for free. In return, we occasionally provide help and services to Denel divisions and individuals. We did receive notice to vacate our offices, but other tenants in the building had valid issues for not wanting to move, like accreditation of training facilities, etc. so, we stay! The current membership trend continues to be a cause for concern, and this appears to be worldwide. The junior membership count is reducing, and our senior citizen count is increasing. The adult membership count has also been on the decline. I know that other sporting codes are also suffering, since it is becoming increasingly difficult to promote a noble activity like aeromodelling in the new era of fast-moving technology, and instant gratification. Membership renewals and new applications are daily processed, speedily and efficiently, and membership cards sent the very same day. We experience many complaints of non-delivery of membership cards. We print duplicate cards on request and e-mail a scanned copy to the member, and our quest is ongoing to find a practical alternative. Some members even are prepared to pay an extra R100 to have their membership cards sent by courier. Members are encouraged to visit the new SAMAA website, at It is in a continuous state of improvement and upgrade, by a new host, Easyweb. It has relevant content, easy navigation, and we are able to manage our own content placement and updates. I wish to take this opportunity to thank Johan de Klerk, for looking after our needs for the last fourteen years, by provided free hosting of our membership portal, upgrades, and bulk email renewals and welcome messages. This is a service which we would ordinarily have had to pay for. The members of the SAMAA management committee have had their hands full with many activities: meetings with authorities, oversight, communication, compliance, competition, development, promotion, and much more. The SMC is tasked to lead the association and to provide guidance. The actual art of flying happens on a regular basis at our 180 clubs, and the SAMAA office staff, together with the SMC, look forward to serving this vital sector of our hobby. Of course we also have interaction with some suppliers, hobby shops, dealers, etc. A significant amount of queries, some of them from visitors to our country, are entertained, and it mostly involves “can I bring my drone to your beautiful country?” Proficiency testing is a regular, ongoing club activity, and some clubs are more active and structured on this front. A member ought to be proud of his proficiency qualifications, and it sets an example to others in his club. The SAMAA took a decision to regulate the testing of Gold and Instructor proficiency ratings; there was a perception that some of these were “given away” by examiners who were less stringent on the processes and quality of flying. Many clubs and groups have arranged events like fly-ins, demonstrations, airshows, competitions, and Special Air Events. Permission must be obtained in all cases, either from landowners, and certainly from the authorities, especially where there is a change to airspace. There are other users of the air that need to be considered, consulted, and informed of our intended activities. Applications for permits for simple fly-in events, are managed in-house. RAASA/CAA has provided good support where shared use of airspace is involved for Special Air Events. Flyins and Airshows require particular attention, since there may be a heightened presence of spectators, and an increased risk. Pilots who are not comfortable with flying in the presence of spectators, no matter what their proficiency rating may be, are advised to sit out, and rather exhibit their aircraft for the public to admire. The SAMAA has an impeccable safety record, and we need to continue demonstrating to the regulator that we intend to keep it this way. SAMAA News Issue 1 of 2020 - Page 9

The Combined Nationals of 2019 continued to improve. The facilities of the Henley Model Airfield and Family Entertainment proved more than adequate, and I offer my thanks to the owners, Marius and Susan Vosloo, all participants, officials, staff, sponsors, suppliers et al, who pitched in to help make the Nats a success. Danie Potgieter, as chairman of the SIGs, played a key role in this success. The Nats usually serve as a last event in team selection processes, and the SAMAA had a few participants in world championship events, as Marthinus reported earlier. My congratulations go to these stalwarts, whose efforts are often not recognized. Linda and I would also like to thank the members of the management committee. All of them are volunteers, and they give freely of their available time to provide assistance. The new members of the SMC take office at this AGM, and they will soon find their feet. My personal thanks to Marthinus Potgieter, the outgoing chairman of the SAMAA, who brought a new level of professionalism to the SAMAA. His calculated, reasoned approach has ensured that the SAMAA is on a sound footing. Thank you, Boss! Our flying activities are comprehensively covered by third party liability insurance. A few incidents did occur, but no claims were lodged. It is the responsibility of all club managements to report accidents and incidents, even if there is not a claim on the insurance. This can help to educate and inform the membership how to avoid the minor, everyday mishaps, as well as mitigate the potentially catastrophic ones, and the case file can serve as guidance for operations, and where we can improve our safety regulations. The SAMAA History Preservation Project is an ongoing endeavour, and some of the items are on display in the SAMAA offices. Members are encouraged to donate historically significant items to the SAMAA, so that we may preserve the history of our proud Association. This could be model aircraft, radio and other equipment, engines, newspaper clippings, newsletters, photographs, CDs, or other items. The Association was constituted in August of 1937, but there are huge gaps in our history. Currently, Ken Malherbe, son of the late pioneer Monte Malherbe, is helping to sort the thousands of magazines, to find how many doubles, triples, and quadruples there are! We retain the best specimens, with the intention of swopping with other enthusiasts and collectors. The production of SAMAA News is in-house, and clubs and individuals, are encouraged to contribute articles of interest. Advertising rates are very affordable, and the SAMAA management may consider a further reduction in the near future, since the production of the newsletter, although not free, is certainly not what it used to be six years ago. The SAMAA News is a great vehicle for dealers to communicate their messages and to build their brands. Let us remember many of our fellow members, who departed this life during this reporting period. They contributed much to the improvement of our hobby and our Association. In closing, please use your time at the club, or at the hobby shop, or at events to promote aeromodelling, to promote your club, to promote the SAMAA, and its activities. We all share a responsibility to grow the hobby, so that our Association can become stronger. If you recognize a genuine problem that needs attention, please follow the correct channels of reporting and let us find a solution, together. Anonymous complaints will not be entertained, and offers of help are greatly appreciated…the SAMAA staff and the management committee do the best they can under sometimes difficult conditions, and often with unwarranted criticism. The SAMAA is a respected association, with organized and structured activities. We conduct our activities in a responsible, accountable, transparent, professional, and self-managed way. We have a duty to our Association, its members, our clubs, the public, and our hobby/sport.

Apology I wish to tender an apology to the outgoing chairman, and members of the Association. In my report to the AGM, I added that simple events of a social nature between clubs, do not need a permit or sanction from the SAMAA management committee. This statement is incorrect, as our MOP is clear that events of this nature, if it were not a simply club-only event, do require a permit. The risk of this inter-club gathering may be higher, since members who are attending, may be from another club, and the visitors may not be au fait with the visiting club, its layout, flying areas, no-fly zones, etc. I apologise unconditionally for this incorrect statement, and I will be mindful of public utterances which may be in conflict with the SAMAA standard procedures and policies.

Club news

Simon Pfotenhauer

The Atlantic Flying Club (AFC) consists of a like-minded bunch of chaps. The club normally meets on the edge of a cliff or mountain face, and the usual flying spots are Signal Hill in Cape Town city during winter, and Hoogekraal Farm during the summer South Easterly conditions. The Club originated with enthusiast Anton Benning, Martin Venn (commercial pilot), Dietmar Wesemann, the late Adriaan Hepburn, and modelling enthusiast Andrew Basson. Anton Benning has been known as one of the pioneers of PSS in SA.

The AFC club have been holding meetings at Ysterplaat Airforce Base, and you’re welcome to contact one of them to spend an evening / afternoon flying with them: Treasurer: Dion Thompson 083-640-0093 Vice-Chairman: Paul Kruger 083-643-5365 Chairman: Simon Pfotenhauer 082-436-9882

The AFC host the largest annual slope fest in the country, held in November, in Hermanus, which has become an event not to miss. The event has had some epic flying of large models, in 45 knots of wind, up to 23kg, and sometimes 7m wing spans. Prize giving is held at the Hermanus Cricket Club where some electric planes are tossed about the sky. The AFC is closely affiliated with TOSS (Two Ocean Slope Soarers) who always participate and hugely contribute to the Hermanus Slope event, by means of The Black Eagle PSS competition. This group of great fellows are often seen together with the AFC members at Signal Hill, gazing into the sky. TOSS are avid glider builders, and hold a very professional slope aerobatic competition each January.

View from the slope at Signal Hill, looking out over the Atlantic ocean.

SAMAA News Issue 1 of 2020 - Page 10

Folded Wings Memorial

Boet Denysschen Free State sunsets are always spectacular.

Aeries and pilots seeking shade from the warm sunny conditions.

The Folded Wings Memorial Jet weekend was held from 23rd to 27th October at the Gariep Dam airfield. This event is held in honour of fellow jet modellers who were involved in the early years of jets and who are no longer with us. The event took place from Wednesday to Saturday. Pilots from all over the country attended this annual event. This year we celebrated the 10th anniversary. We had 26 pre-registered pilots, most of them attending some of the previous events, and the only newcomer this year was Eric Klopper who will soon get to fly his own jet. On the first day pilots normally arrive early to stake out their claim of where they would like to park their trailer and erect their shade for the flying days ahead. This year the weather was so good, people started flying from early on the Wednesday. The weather forecast for the weekend did not look so good as the wind was predicted to be quite strong during the latter part of the day. Early Wednesday afternoon all aircraft were packed in the hangar are all met at the local watering hole for some refreshments. Due to the predicted weather forecast for the remainder of flying days, pilots decided to start flying very early in the morning when the weather conditions were much more favourable, The wind started picking up around 10am and got progressively worse, most of the flying stopped around 14h00. More than enough flying was done by all pilots throughout the weekend with great professionalism. Saturday evening all pilots, friends and family were treated to a sit-down dinner and some refreshments at the local bowling club. Special thanks to the ladies of the community for looking after us every year. We are looking forward to seeing all at next year’s event Special thanks to all who help make this event so special every year. A big thank you to the Aventura Resort for the use of their water cart. A thank you goes to our sponsors: Jets-r-Us, Dennys Electrical, Sanjay Kana, Marko Sweiswerke, SAMJA.

Boet standing by, with Anton van Wyk, Brian Smith’;s big Avanti at rest. Norman Kemsley, and Dominator L

Danie relaxing between flights.

Darryl Legg busy with another of his aviation art masterpieces.

Futura of Jan van Soest in the box, supported by Norman and Anton.

Hand of a master...Darryl Legg busy with a depiction of a Hawk.

Anton, Norman, and Caryn Smith, at the well-supported social evening.

Johan Powell and Kevin Rehse under starters orders!

SAMAA News Issue 1 of 2020 - Page 11

The SAMAA Activity Calendar March

Rand Model Aeronautic Club Barnstormers Maritzburg Model Aircraft Club

South Johannesburg Kempton Park Pietermaritzburg

SAMPRA Pre-Nats Pylon Racing CLASA C Line Aerobatics, Team Racing, Combat KZN Large Scale Aerobatics

Matthys Botha Theo Kleynhans Clive McInnes

073-895-9909 083-725-9279 073-500-7177

April 2020

3-5 4-5 5 5 11 19 19 24-26 26 24-26 27-1/5

Wynland Modelvligklub Warthog Radio Flyers Rand Model Aeronautic Club Maritzburg Model Aircraft Club TBA Helderberg Radio Flyers Rand Model Aeronautic Club Karkloof Barnstormers Barnstormers Henley Model Airfield & Fam Ent.

Worcester Paardefontein, Pretoria South Johannesburg Lion Park, Pmaritzburg TBA Somerset West South Johannesburg Karkloof, KZN Kempton Park/Bapsfontein Kempton Park Henley-on-Klip

Jet Weekend Warthog Mudbath Gauteng Large Scale Pilots and Judges Clinic Proficiency Day KZN Large Scale Aerobatics MAASA Western Province Aerobatics monthly RMAC Glider Day MGA Glider Nationals Vintage Aircraft Fly-in Control Line Nationals - SA Power Nationals Power Nationals postponed

Michael Basson Paul Smit Justin Gomersall Keith Kirkham Clive McInnes Stuart Nix Elaine Allsopp Brett Lewis Juanita Smith Theo Kleynhans SAMAA office

072-266-7199 083-273-4895 084-465-1000 082-895-7290 073-500-7177 082-855-4920

9-10 17 17 22-23 24 24 24 24 29-31 31

Central Radio Flyers Stellenbosch Mod Aircraft Academy Rand Model Aeronautic Club Robertson Maritzburg Model Aircraft Club Benoni Heliport TBC Zwartkop AFB Area 51 Barnstormers

Bloemfontein south Wild Clover Farm South Johannesburg Robertson airfield Lion Par, P Maritzburg Benoni TBC Valhalla Polokwane Civil Airport Kempton Park

Central Fly-in MAASA Western Province Aerobatics League 3 RMAC Stik Day Robertson Fly-in Fun Fly Series Round 2 Buddy Wright Memorial Vintage Aircraft Fly-in MGA F3K League & Team Qualifier 2 - HL Gliders SAMJA Jet Day BAOBAB Fly-in CLASA C.Line Aerobatics, Team Racing, Combat

Nico van den Berg Stuart Nix Elaine Allsopp Michael Basson Keith Kirkham Juanita Smith Brett Lewis Dean Grobbelaar Johan van der Merwe Keith Renecle

7 7 15-18 17 17 28 24 24 27 28 28 28

Maritzburg Model Aircraft Club Rand Model Aeronautic Club Namakwaland Aerosport Assoc. Stellenbosch Mod Aircraft Academy Rand Model Aeronautic Club Benoni Heliport TBC Zwartkop AFB Barnstormers JOMAC Howick Model Aircraft Club Irene Radio Flyers

Lion Park, P Maritzburg south Johannesburg Springbok Wild Clover Farm South Johannesburg Benoni TBC Valhalla Kempton Park north Johannesburg Howick Centurion, Pretoria

MMAC Glider Day Gauteng Large Scale Aerobatics NASAFI (Fly-in) MAASA Western Province Aerobatics League 3 RMAC Stik Day Buddy Wright Memorial Vintage Aircraft Fly-in MGA F3K League & Team Qualifier 2 - HL Gliders SAMJA Jet Day CLASA C.Line Aerobatics, Team Racing, Combat Vintage Aircraft Fly-in KZN Large Scale Aerobatics Free Style SAMPE Model Skydiving

Keith Kirkham 082-895-7290 Justin Gomersall 084-465-1000 van Zyl Koegelenberg 083-659-4381 Stuart Nix 082-855-4920 Elaine Allsopp Juanita Smith 083-630-8975 Brett Lewis 076-191-5277 Dean Grobbelaar 082-338-9508 Keith Renecle 083-415-1409 Juanita Smith 083-630-8975 Clive McInnes 073-500-7177 Pieter Mulder 082-828-5719

1-5 5 12 17 25 26

Gariep Dam Maritzburg Model Aircraft Club TBA Stellenbosch Mod Aircraft Academy Barnstormers Rand Model Aeronautic Club

Gariep Lion Park, P Maritzburg TBA Wild Clover Farm Kempton Park south Johannesburg

Jets-R-Us Fly-In MMAC Scale Day KZN Large Scale Aerobatics Freestyle MAASA Western Province Aerobatics League 3 CLASA C.Line Aerobatics, Team Racing, Combat Vintage aircraft Memorial Fly-in

Boet Denysschen Keith Kirkham Clive McInnes Stuart Nix Keith Renecle Juanita Smith

082-449-4623 082-895-7290 073-500-7177 082-855-4920 083-415-1409 083-630-8975

2 2-7 8-15 15 16 23 23 29

White Hills Radio Flyers Tekovsky Hradok Wloclawek Maritzburg Model Aircraft Club Maritzburg Model Aircraft Club Barnstormers Pretoria Radio Flyers Barnstormers

Sunderland Ridge, PTA Slovakia Poland Lion Park, Pmaritzburg Lion Park, Pmaritzburg Kempton Park Rietvlei Dam Kempton Park

Gauteng Large Scale Aerobatics 2020 F3J RC Glider World Championship F2 Control Line World Championship MMAC Slope Soaring Day MMAC Fun Fly Series Round 3 Vintage Aircraft Fly-in SAMPE Model Skydiving CLASA C.Line Aerobatics, Team Racing, Combat

Justin Gomersall Brett Lewis Keith Renecle Keith Kirkham Keith Kirkham Juanita Smith Pieter Mulder Keith Renecle

084-465-1000 076-191-5277 083-415-1409 082-895-7290 082-895-7290 083-630-8975 082-828-5719 083-415-1409

6 13 27 27 27

Maritzburg Model Aircraft Club Maritzburg Model Aircraft Club Benoni Heliport Barnstormers TBA

Lion Park, P Maritzburg Lion Park, P Maritzburg Benoni Kempton Park TBA

MMAC Proficiency Day KZN Large Scale Aerobatics Vintage Aircraft Fly-in CLASA Sunday Club Funfly KZN Large Scale Aerobatics Freestyle

Keith Kirkham Clive McInnes Juanita Smith Keith Renecle Clive McInnes

082-895-7290 073-500-7177 083-630-8975 083-415-1409 073-500-7177

4 4 21-25 25 25 31

Maritzburg Model Aircraft Club Irene Radio Flyers Gariep Dam Johannesburg MAC Barnstormers Barnstormers

Lion Park, P Maritzburg Centurion, Pretoria Gariep north Johannesburg Kempton Park Kempton Park

MMAC Foamie Day Gauteng Large Scale Aerobatics comp Folded Wings Memorial event Vintage Aircraft Fly-in SAMPE Model Skydiving CLASA C.Line Aerobatics, Combat, Team Racing

Keith Kirkham Justin Gomersall Boet Denysschen Juanita Smith Pieter Mulder Keith Renecle

082-895-7290 084-465-1000 082-449-4623 083-630-8975 082-828-5719 083-415-1409

7-8 15 21 22 28

Bela Bela Valke Maritzburg Model Aircraft Club TBA Rand Model Aeronautic Club Barnstormers

Bela Bela (Warmbaths) Lion Park, P Maritzburg TBA south Johannesburg Kempton Park

SAFARI Cup International Pylon Racing MMAC Build-’n-Fly KZN Large Scale Aerobatics year-end function Vintage Aircraft Fly-in CLASA C.Line Aerobatics, Combat, Team Racing

Matthys Botha Keith Kirkham Clive McInnes Juanita Smith Theo Kleynhans

073-895-9909 082-895-7290 073-500-7177 083-630-8975 083-725-9279

13 13 13

Rand Model Aeronautic Club TBA Johannesburg MAC

south Johannesburg TBA Diepsloot, north Joburg

Vintage Aircraft Fly-in MGA Gliding Fun Day SAMPE Model Skydiving

Juanita Smith Brett Lewis Pieter Mulder

083-630-8975 076-191-5277 082-828-5719

May 2020

28 28 28

June 2020

e-mail address

July 2020


August 2020

Contact person

Sept 2020

Event name/description

October 2020


Nov 2020



Month & date/s



ow k-d

io per


076-191-5277 083-630-8975 083-725-9279 011-973-3679 079-690-9180 082-855-4920 072-266-7199 082-895-7290 083-630-8975 076-191-5277 082-338-9508 082-820-1234 083-415-1409

Now is the time for clubs and organisers of events to plan their calendar for 2020. Get your dates in early, to avoid clashes with other events. Are there really no events planned for some parts of the country? Nothing in the Eastern Cape, Free State, Mpumalanga, and North West?

Urgent notice! Urgent notice! In line with the lock-down promulgated by parliament and announced by the president of the country on 23 March 2020, the SAMAA Management Committee informs all members that all SAMAA-registered clubs and their facilities, must be closed for the duration of the lock-down, that will take effect on midnight Thursday the 26th March 2020, for a period of 21 days. We can only fight this invisible enemy if we all stand together, do our part, and adhere to the lock-down conditions. Furthermore, I urge all of our members and their families to be vigilant, and exercise great care in these difficult times. Danie Potgieter - SAMAA Chairman SAMAA News Issue 1 of 2020 - Page 12


The mission of the SAMAA is to add value to your flying experience through communication, dissemination of information, promotion, education, and the support of dialogue.

The SAMAA organisation, and the management committee Danie Potgieter Burt Botha Alec Groenewald Linda Dold

Chairman Vice-chairman Committee member Secretary

082-875-8228 082-771-3485 082-456-5587 011-973-3679

Who leades our organisation, and provides guidance? Johan Blom Committee member 083-269-3603 To be appointed Special Interest Groups chair (currently Danie Potgieter, until other appointment) Juanita Smith Treasurer 083-630-8975 Bob Skinner General Manager 083-283-1681

SAMAA administration and office Where do you find the SAMAA office, and who handles the administration, membership, and provides assistance? PO Box 7116, Bonaero Park 1622. Tel/fax 011-973-3679. Fax-to-email 086-607-8733. Office 24/25, Building R4, Denel Technical Academy, 131 Atlas Road (Denel north entry), Bonaero Park. GPS Coordinates: S26o 08' 41.80" E028o 15' 59.04" (co-ordinates for the main entrance to building R4 on the campus) Bob Skinner General Manager. 011-973-3679, 083-283-1681. Linda Dold Assistant to the GM, and SAMAA secretary. 011-973-3679. The Special Interest Groups of the SAMAA (SIGs) Danie Potgieter Theo Kleynhans Grant Brook Brett Lewis Carlo Steyn Jaco Henn Matthys Botha Koos Pretorius Dean Grobbelaar Bruce Clark Wayne Urquhart Pieter Mulder

Who manages the competitive activities of the SAMAA? Chairman of the Special Interest Group committee Control Line Association of South Africa (CLASA) - Control Line flying Model Aerobatic Association of South Africa (MAASA) - RC PrecisionAerobatics Model Gliding Association (MGA).- All forms of RC soaring Model Helicopters South Africa (MHSA) - RC Helicopter flying Fly-FPV-SA - Multi-rotor and First Person View Drone Racing South African Miniature Pylon Racing Association (SAMPRA) - RC Pylon Racing National Association of Scale Aeromodellers (NASA) - Scale flying South African Model Jet Association (SAMJA) - Turbine Jet activity Large Scale Aerobatics (LSA) - Scale Aerobatics National Model Fun Fly Association (NMFFA) - Competition Fun Flying South African Model Parachute Enthusiasts - Model Skydiving

082-875-8228 083-725-9279 082-888-0670 076-191-5277 083-292-2145 083-271-5991 073-895-9909 082-928-0368 082-338-9508 076-421-7859 082-418-3456 082-828-5719

How do I become a member of the SAMAA? Request an application form the SAMAA office staff at 011-973-3679. Or, visit for a fillable MS Word form, under “Information”, then “Membership”. An on-line application process is displayed on Or simply submit your details by e-mail: typically we require your name, ID number, address, telephone, fax, cell number, and club. Send this to: Subscription fees for membership to the SAMAA From 1 January to 31 December 2020 From 1 January 2021 • Regular/adult members (19 to 60 years of age) R450 R475 • Junior members (18 years old and younger) R250 R250 • Senior Citizens/Retirees (60 years and older) R295 R310

Change of address or contact details? Please visit the website and sign in with your log-in and password. If you do not have a log-in and password, you may request this automatically, if you have a correct e-mail address on the membership programme. No internet? Contact the SAMAA office on 011-973-3679 to change your address.

One of the SAMAAs main functions and responsibilities, is to protect and serve your interests The SAMAA needs your help, to ensure that your rights and flying privileges are protected. Through the SAMAA, its Special Interest Groups, and numerous registered clubs throughout the country, you can experience the protection of your rights, and enjoy the real benefits in all aspects of model aviation. • Advice On the building and flying of model aircraft, competition activities, airshow planning, club layouts, displays, special air events, illegal flying, regulations, airspace, advocacy, etc. • Clubs Enjoyment of your activity in a group context. All SAMAA clubs are approved and registered with the SAMAA, and the South African Civil Aviation Authority. • Insurance Cover of R20m per claim for damage to property, or injury or death to third parties (and member-to-member cover), for accidents or incidents that may arise from model flying activities. • Proficiencies Recognition for our members’ flying proficiency, at all levels, and all disciplines. • Guidelines On starting and registering a new club. For frequency operations, interaction with full-size aviation, Manuals of Operation, local operating procedures. • SAMAA News To inform, communicate, educate, advise, and promote. This is your mouthpiece/forum as a member. Great promotional value for clubs, dealers, distributors. • Rules Local and international, specifications of model aircraft, frequencies, safe flying practices, team selections, competitions. • Web pages Good aeromodelling content, great links, regular updates, diary of events. Excellent membership site for self-maintenance. • Representation The SIGs represent all competitive branches of aeromodelling. The SAMAA represents all members and clubs at a higher level of governance and regulation. • Affiliations To the Aero Club of South Africa, and the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale. Also to other institutions, like the Civil Aviation Authority, SA Air Force, ATNS, Denel, etc. • Frequencies Protection by ICASA of frequencies in the national spectrum, which are allocated to radio control operations. • Airspace Managing of airspace at registered model flying sites, through the CAA. The SAMAA is the only CAA-approved Aviation Recreation Organisation (ARO) for aeromodelling. • CIAM Direct link with the CIAM (Commission for International Aeromodelling), which governs all world-wide competitive aeromodelling activities, competitions, and records. These are just a few of the services that the SAMAA is able to offer its members. Benefit from these services, and let our combined membership add to the voice and strength of SAMAA.

Get a non-member to join today, and let’s make the SAMAA stronger!


The SAMAA News: its publication, submission of material, advertising

The SAMAA News is composed and published digitally, and distributed electronically to SAMAA members. It is produced in-house, until the position of an editor is advertised and filled. The SAMAA GM has been tasked to compile, edit, and produce the newsletter, and the office staff distribute the SAMAA News by e-mail to members, and interested parties. PO Box 7116, Bonaero Park 1622. Tel 011-973-3679. Fax 086-607-8733. The views and opinions expressed in the SAMAA News, and the advertisements placed, do not necessarily represent the views of the SAMAA, its members, or its Management Committee. These are published for the interest and comments of our members and readers, and are not specifically endorsed, or verified for accuracy. Check with the editor for the closing dates of submission of material. Photographs (conventional & electronic), are welcome. Long articles must be computer-generated, and must be in either MS Word, or editable text. Limit articles to 1 000 words - which is about a page-and-a-half in SAMAA News. You may e-mail your contributions, including graphics and pictures to: Ensure that captions accompany all pictures, and that the pictures are of reasonable resolution, not e-mail resolution.

To advertise: Contact the SAMAA office. You must supply finished artwork in JPG format, to at least 300 dpi at the final size. Terms for all advertising is payment on receipt of invoice, as per the rate card below. The SAMAAs bank details are: Nedbank, Menlyn Pretoria, branch code 1605 45, current account 1605 126 772.

The SAMAA News advertising rate card Description/size (rates valid until further notice) Full page (A4) 210mm x 297mm (with a 10mm clear border all-round) Half page (landscape or portrait) 148 x 210mm or 297 x 92mm Quarter page 148 x 92mm or 74 x 210mm Eighth page 74 x 92mm or 37 x 210mm Your Local Dealer advert, per insertion Swops & Smalls, “laundry list” for a reasonable number of items advertised (call SAMAA office for more details)

Full-colour R400 R250 R150 R75 R30 R30

SAMAA News Issue 1 of 2010 - Page 13

Boksburg South


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Cnr South & Heuwel Streets, Centurion, Gauteng Shop 11, Doornkloof Mall, Protea Str., Doornkloof

Tel. 012-667-5757 e-mail


Tel 012-663-3895 Fax 012-663-5570

Garsfontein Pretoria


Danie: 083-501-8756 Hilton, Pietermaritzburg

CMC Hobbies

RADIO CONTROL REPAIR CENTRE Peter Frost for personal service 731 Great Dane Street, Garsfontein East

Fax 012-998-3049 Cell 082-854-0012 Specialized in JR/Spektrum radios. Repairs to aircraft, jets, boats, cars.


Kempton Park

Garsfontein Pretoria

Shop 24, Airborne Park, 7 Taljaard Street, Bartlett, Boksburg

011-972-9134 083-269-6785 076-858-8363

Pretoria North

Port Elizabeth

BRIAN’S HOBBIES 55 Fourth Avenue, Newton Park, PE

This could be 041-365-1371 082-651-8665 your advert! 041 368 7544

012-543-0123 081-330-4119


Pretoria North

Shelly Beach

Arts & Crafts. Hobbies & Toys 012-546-1210 082-800-0879 082-442-7455 Springbok




SAMAA News Issue 1 of 2019 - Page 6

Somerset West

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