Graphic Standards
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The SAMANIEGOMORGAN Corporate Identity Samaniego Morgan is an International Design Consultancy based in The Philippines, with Branch Offices in the United Kingdom and United Arab Emirates. Projects are undertaken in all three Branch Catchments. Despite differing levels of Language and Technical Standards, a Consistent Presentation Approach is to be used. This not only ensures an implied level of Consistency and Quality, but also permits an Interchange of Information between one location and another, with a minimal amount of Editing and Reworking.
Ownership Ownership of the SAMANIEGOMORGAN Brand rests with the Head Office Function in Manila. No other formats exist, except for specific identities in Arabic, Mandarin and Cyrillic. (Appendix 2) The Brand Identity has been devised to meet the demands of various media types, from Simple Documents, through Drawings, to Internet, Video and Large Format Signage. Any Adjustments to the Brand Identity, or Drawing Sheet Design shall be made through the IN2PRINT Team in Manila.
Above the Line The Brand Identity is Simple. It is composed of Bespoke TTF Fonts, a Corporate Logotype, and a Logo, using three colours. All Above the Line (ATL) Documentation for Client and External Consumption shall use the Colour Format. Colour Mix Specifications are given below for externally sourced documentation. Note that Paper Stock is of a Higher Quality.
Below the Line All Below the Line (BTL) Documentation (Internal) shall follow the Monochrome Format, although there are important exceptions, such as Financial Documents. Standard 80 GSM Copier Bond is the Standard Stock. (A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 & A0)
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YOUR DRAWINGS ARE YOUR AMBASSADORS! Professor Oscar Naddermier (Birmingham School of Architecture 1978)
How right he was! Upon many occasions, it is impossible to give a 'Live Presentation!' Drawings and other Project Documentation has to arrive 'Cold' either with a Client or a Contractor! – You are 'Judged' upon what you present, and how it is presented. Every Drawing that you produce, and every Page of each Document, is a reflection of YOU and your own Abilities, Capabilities and Standards. It also reflects Practice Standards! Therefore, No Document or Drawing should be permitted to leave The Studio unless it is Perfect! – And, has been ‘Peer Reviewed’ beforehand! The Practice is able to win work from the UK and Middle East Clients due to its High Standards of Drawing and Documentation Production! – Yes, sometimes things 'Slip through the Cracks!' – However, we are involved with a 'Human Process,' which does have its shortcomings, from time to time! – Our 'Secret' is to Remedy Errors, Defects and Faults as soon as they occur; or even deal with them before they become an issue! We strive for a Level of Excellence with our Buildings and Architecture. We are uncompromising with our Standards of Construction. Therefore, the same tenets should apply to the manner in which we produce all of our documentation – Whether for internal use of Client presentation. The Graphics Team at IN2PRINTare available for further help and assistance.
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Vertical Text should always run from Top to Bottom, and be orientated towards the Right Margin! This is an accepted Graphics Standard, albeit at odds with BS 1198. Bottom to Top Orientations shall not be used! BS 1198 although intended as a 'Launchpad' for CAD Standards, is still entrenched in Manual Drawing Practice – Assuming that everyone is ‘Right-Handed!’ If you have further doubt, just check how ‘Spine Titles’ are orientated on Library Bookshelves!.
SAMANIEGOMORGAN The SAMANIEGOMORGAN Logotype has been based upon the Gill Sans Typeface. However, Gill Sans can be quite unforgiving with certain Glyphs and Characters. For this reason the Typeface 'Lato' has been used as the Genus for the Brand. Lato can be regarded as an 'Updated and Refined Gill Sans!' The example above is the Standard Presentation. Examples of acceptable orientations are given below. No other layouts, orientations or colours are to be used.
Colour Logotypes
14 Point Lato Left Justified Continuous
14 Point Lato Right Justified Continuous
SAMANIEGO MORGAN 14 Point Lato Left Justified Stacked
SAMANIEGO MORGAN 14 Point Lato Right Justified Stacked
Monochrome Logotypes
14 Point Lato Left Justified Continuous
14 Point Lato Right Justified Continuous
SAMANIEGO MORGAN 14 Point Lato Left Justified Stacked
SAMANIEGO MORGAN 14 Point Lato Right Justified Stacked
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The Tuko Logo
SAMANIEGOMORGAN The Tuko Logo appears as 70% Black in Documents (Sent to Front), and 50% Black as Watermarks (Sent to Back) in Drawing Files. Various orientations exist, reflecting Document Type. The size shall be regulated to the width of the Title SAMANIEGOMORGAN as in the example above. The scaling of the X and Y Axes shall be consistent, and the logo will NOT be disproportionately scaled. The Logo can also appear as RED and DARK BLUE Rotation is Anti-Clockwise in 90° Increments.
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SAMANIEGOMORGAN Irrespective of Orientation and Rotation, the Tuko Logo should be sized according to the overall Track of the logotype SAMANIEGOMORGAN
The Tuko Logo exists in both Vector and Bitmap Forms. As far as possible, Vector Formats shall be used at all times. Bitmap JPEG Images may be used for basic A4 Documentation. Note that even the Vectored Images have Pixelated Edges. This is deliberate and is used as a Security Device. The example above is for Assets/Collaterals and NOT for Documentation. SMA-CORPIDENT-EDIT.DOC 20157-14082801-P04
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Colour & Monochrome ATL
MS Office
8 20
P179-11-U P18-8-U
RGB 114,114,113 228,33,45
Monochrome Specifications BTL
MS Office
50% BLACK 100% BLACK
Pantone 8 7
P179-7-U P18-8-U
RGB 164,164,164 228,33,45
Only the colours specified above shall be used, together with AutoCAD Blue 160 for Title Lines on Document Cover Sheets, or when used with VOLVO Broad on specific documents. Further guidance is given in Appendix 1.
Body Text SM-Univers Condensed Light is used as a Universal Body Text. It is not to be substituted with Arial Narrow, or Helvetica Condensed. SM-Univers Condensed Light is used as 11/13 (Eleven over Thirteen) in Standard Documentation. Headings are Capitalised Lato in 14 or 12 Point, or Sentence Text Lato in 14 or 12 Point.
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Typographic and Layout Rules 1. No other Typefaces should be used apart from LATO REGULAR and SMUNIVERS Except as may be defined in Appendix 1 2. Lato Regular is used as 11 12 14 and 18 Points. It is NEVER Emboldened, Underlined or Italicised. It may be used as Dark Blue, or Red. 3. SM-Univers-COND is used as 11 and 12 Points. It MAY be Emboldened (Capitals Only), but is NEVER Underlined or Italicised. It always appears as Black, except fo Copyright and Caveats on Drawing Sheets. 4. Fonts and Graphics are NEITHER Stretched NOR Compressed to Fit! 5. Logos of Clients, Contractors, and Other Consultants shall NOT be incorporated within documentation! The Larger Format Drawing Sheets have the facility to include Names and Addresses ONLY. Our work is NOT an Advertising Hoarding for others! 6. Notes on Drawings shall NOT be 'Boxed or Bordered!' 7. NO other Colours shall be used, other than those mentioned in this Document, and the AutoCAD Colours defined in the Plotter CTB Files.
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Drawing Text Heights Standard AutoCAD Style Sheets contain Preset Text Heights reflecting Drawing Conventions (Related to Scale), of 1.8mm 2.5mm 3.5mm 5.0mm and 7.0mm. Body Text (SM-Univers) NEVER exceeds 2.5mm on Drawings, and is always BLACK (Colour 7). Headings and other Titles shall be DARK BLUE Lato Regular.
Simple Document Template Files TEMPLATE Letter Practice Policy Memorandum Practice Technical Memorandum Fee Account Report (Landscape) Report (Portrait) Business Cards CD Jewel Box & Labels Drawing Cover Sheets
Note that Document Templates can be either Generic or Project Specific. Separate README Files are provided for guidance.
Large Format Graphics Graphics for Signage, Vehicles and Posters, etc., will use Vectored Logos in order to eliminate edges and lines becoming Pixelated.
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Orientation & Grid Layout Both the Landscape and Portrait Templates for Reports contain a substantial left margin. This has been incorporated in order to improve 'Readability' when using a Condensed Font; and also to provide space in order to include Graphics and Illustrations, as depicted here. Pay attention to the way in which the Graphics are sized and positioned. MoirĂŠe Patterns can occur, when an image is included at a small scale (Side Wall in Figure 1) The Figure References are added using the Reference Tab in MS Word. These can also be combined into one Document Index Section. Figure 1 A Gibberd Designed BISF Type A Shown in a Street Scene Context. The image is Typical of the Post WW2 Design, being incorporated into areas of established housing. Note that the Baseline of the Figure Reference aligns with the Body Text opposite.
There should be at least 5mm between the Figure and the Body Text. The Left Margin of the Page should take account of the Binding Method. (25mm Minimum) Ensure that the Caption Text aligns with the Text in the Body Panel. Captions should be in 11 Point SM-Univers (Fully Justified).
Unnecessary Ornament Unnecessary features such as Dropped Capitals, Additional Ornamental Fonts, and Irrelevant Illustrations should be avoided at all costs. Every Document will undergo a QMS Check before issue. Therefore, to avoid unnecessary reworking, adhere to the Corporate Standards and Guidelines!
HEADINGS Headings and/or Titles should be Capitalised in Lato Normal 14Pt (Dark Blue) in Documents (MS Office) and Colour 166 (AutoCAD) 3.5mm and 5.00mm (Height)
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Serialised Paragraph Numbers Generally, the Graphics Standard does not advocate the numbering of Sections, Subsections and Paragraphs. However, as an Organisational Standard a Classic Format of Sections, Subsections, and Paragraphs shall be used, as in the example below.
CHAPTER IV: CHAPTER HEADING 1 MAIN SECTION (Left Justify in Bold Capitals) (a) Subsection (Left Justify Regular) (i) Paragraph Text (No Heading Required) The text flows naturally from one line to the next. Single Spacing, with Paragraph Space between Sections. (Fully Justify) (ii) As depicted here. All Level Indices to the Left are RIGHT Justified. (iii) References and Hyperlinks should be added as Hyperlink 102 in BLUE Bold Text (No Underscore and No Protracted Paths. Source Files should be contained within the same folder as the Main Document)
Table & Spreadsheet Formats Generally, all tables in MS-Excel and MS-Word shall not have 'Rulings' between cells. However, to improve clarity on large tables, alternate rows may be solid shaded with RGB 219,229,241 (Light Blue), as show below. Table Titles are highlighted with RGB 0,112,192 with White Bold Text.
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Page Width
Page Height
297 420 594 840 1188
210 297 420 594 840
267 390 564 790 1158
Page Width
Page Height
297 420 594 840 1188
210 297 420 594 840
267 390 564 790 1158
VPORT Height 190 277 400 574 820
VPORT Height 190 277 400 574 820
Page Width
Page Height
297 420 594 840 1188
210 297 420 594 840
267 390 564 790 1158
VPORT Height 190 277 400 574 820
Note that ‘Gap Lines’ are Half of ‘Data Lines!’ In MS WORD the Heading is 12 Point (SM-Univers-COND) The ‘Gap Lines’ are set at 2.5mm (Fixes) and 5 Point Text. The Main Sheet is then Formatted with 11 Point SM-Univers-COND
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English and Literary Style All Documents shall use UK English as the Default Language Setting. Although certain American Spellings are permitted in MS-Word, Open Office, CorelDRAW and AutoCAD, correct English Spellings shall be used, even if they appear as an ‘Error!’ The Literary Style shall be 'Formal,' with Correct Grammar, Punctuation, Hyphenation and Capitalisation. 'Open Punctuation' is NOT to be used! Sentences should be 'Structured,' and kept relatively short. Sentences may be broken with Commas and Semi-Colons. Unnecessary Punctuation, such as 'Oxford Commas' should be removed. All Names and Titles shall be 'Capitalised,' and should NOT follow the norms of Newspaper Copy. Foreign Names and Titles shall carry all Native Accent Characters on Lower Case only. Avoid using the Apostrophe to truncate certain words, and expressions. The same applies to ‘Clichées,’ that should always fall within Single Quotation Marks. Double Quotation Marks are reserved for Quoted Speech. The use of Acronyms should be restricted, and always 'Qualified' before being proliferated. For Instance: The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) Tables offer a greater level of clarity, rather than incorporating long strings of References within a Sentence. References to Facts should always be Qualified by citing the Source of Information. Dates shall ALWAYS be written as 05 December 2014. Americanised Date Formats (12/5/14) shall NOT be used! Check, and Check again! – Then get someone else to Check it for Spelling, Typographical, Grammar and Spelling Errors. SMA-CORPIDENT-EDIT.DOC 20157-14082801-P04
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Security and Copyright The Copyright of ALL Documentation prepared under the SAMANIEGOMORGAN Brand is held Copyright! – Copyright does not mean the 'Right to Copy!' Although quite simple in its approach, the Corporate Identity Standards contain several security devices, similar to those used in the production of Banknotes and Coins (Figure 2) The Typefaces used on all Corporate Documentation have been adapted from Standard 'Royalty Free' Models. In short, subtle inferences have been added in order to make the Typeface 'Unique.' Should a Live Document be opened on a user's machine, who has not been ‘Assigned Rights,’ Standard Substitutions will be made and the document will appear instantly as being 'Erroneous.' (Figure. 3) The Tuko Logo also contains similar devices.
Figure 2
Colour is also used as a further mechanism to avoid copying. The Colour Mixes are all based around Standard Pantone and RGB Definitions, both for Screen and Printed Definitions.
Note that although the Logo has been Vectored, certain 'Standard Pixelated Traits' remain, for security purposes.
An 'Invisible Device' is also incorporated into each Template File. This is only visible under UV Light when printed, and contains the Printer Description File, together with other information. It cannot be removed!
The Quick Brown Fox Jumped over the Lazy Dog! The Quick Brown Fox Jumped over the Lazy Dog!
Cover Stock Sheets
Figure 3 The first line of text above is in the correct style of SM-Univers Light Condensed. The Second line has been added as Arial Narrow. The Non-Conformity is apparent immediately. The second line of text (Arial Narrow) appears to be BOLD, and Uncondensed by comparison. It also occupies more space!
Pre-Printed Card Covers are available in Red and White, A3 and A4 Formats. The Covers are 'Overprinted' and can be used either in Landscape or Portrait Formats. Balancing Sheets for the Rear Covers are available in Plain Stock without the Tuko Logo. Red Stock is overprinted in Grey/Black and is used for Above the Line External Output. White Stock is overprinted in Grey/Red/Black and is used for Below the Line Internal Documentation.
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As shown here, both the Red and White Stock Sheets can be orientated for either Portrait or Landscape. Titles are Over-Printed, using either Ink Jet or Laser Printers within the Studio.
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Compact Discs & Jewel Box Covers Most of our Production Output is of a Digital Format, with CD ROMs being issued for drawings. Template Files (Figure 4) are provided in AutoCAD, CorelDRAW, MS Office and Open Office WPS. The AutoCAD Templates are loaded with Attributes, and must NOT be 'Exploded.' This ensures that the information is presented consistently, and with a minimum amount of delay. Note that the Document Controller is responsible for all CD and Folder/Binder Labelling.
Binding Presentation Documentation to Clients will be 'Perfect Bound.' Documents for other Consultants will be 'Wiro Bound,' and Internal Documents will be 'Comb Bound.' Sufficient Space should be left on the Binding Margin, given the method used, and the thickness of the document.
Figure 4 Template files are available in AutoCAD for CD Label Printing, together with a variety of Jewel Box Templates.
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Practice Portfolio & Document Families We do not have a Standard Portfolio. Each presentation is edited according to the Nature of the Project, and Client. For example, a submission for an Industrial Project would contain previous projects in this field, together with a few highlights of other work. A Master Portfolio is maintained with all projects. Project Portfolio Sheets are 123 x 180mm (Portrait) and are Loose Bound/Assembled into a Super Jewel Box of the same size. A second Super Jewel Box with a PDF CD is also presented. For Emailed Portfolios SMPORT02 can be edited. This should be seen as a 'Generic Document' that requires a high level of Editorial Control. Volume 5 of THEWORKS contains many 2D and 3D Elements, Assemblies and Components for Revit, AutoCAD and SketchUP. Volume 4 of THEWORKS deals with Corporate Graphics and Documentation.
Note the consistency from one volume to the next (when printed), and from one medium to another.
ARCHITECTURAL GRAPHICS ISO 9001:2008 Management System
Figure 5 Serialised Documents such as THEWORKS follow a Common Format, and occur as several media types. SMA-CORPIDENT-EDIT.DOC 20157-14082801-P04
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Drawing Sheet Style Several formats of Drawing Sheets exist for Presentation and Working Drawings. The Studio or Project Architect will decide the Sheet Formats, which shall remain consistent throughout the duration of the Project. Both Presentation Drawings and Production Drawings do not have Borders. DO NOT apply any Borders to a drawing. Sheet formats should not be mixed. The Project Architect and Studio Manager will decide as to the Sheet Format for each project. The Logo is used as Grey for the Watermark, and the SAMANIEGOMORGAN Logotype as a Duo-Tone (Red & Grey) for the Title Block. Do not change the geometry of the Logotype, or use different colours, other than those used in the AutoCAD CTB File. The Logotype exists as an AutoCAD Solid Hatch, and cannot, therefore be edited. No other Logos or Graphical Devices should appear on the drawing sheet, unless directed by the Studio or Project Manager. If other Logos are to be incorporated then they should be Vector Graphics using AutoCAD Primitives, and not loaded as Bitmap Graphics. Do not mix Detail Drawings, and General Arrangement information on the same sheet. All Detail, Assembly and Component Details should be reserved for inclusion in a Separate Portfolio in A3 Format. This will be a compendium of Standard Details, and Project Specific Details. Due to the Unwieldy Nature of A0 Drawings, and a reluctance for people to open them, A1 should be seen as the Maximum Sheet Size. A0 will only be used in exceptional circumstances.
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Standard Sheet Formats PRESENTATION DRAWINGS (Standard) Portrait Landscape
A3 A2 A1 A0 A3 A2 A1 A0
PRESENTATION DRAWINGS (Minimalist) Portrait Landscape
A3 A2 A1 A0 A3 A2 A1 A0
Figure 6 Project Logos are carried on larger projects in order to achieve a level of commonality across a range of document types. Here a Duocolour Resist based upon the UK InterCITY 125 Locomotive has been used for a series Railway Station Refurbishment Projects
TTR (Portrait) TTB (Landscape) TTB (Portrait) TTR (Landscape)
A3 A2 A1 A0 A3 A2 A1 A0 A3 A2 A1 A0 A3 A2 A1 A0
Project Logos Certain Projects will carry a Project Logo. These tend to be larger commissions that require a level of commonality between a variety of documents. The Principals and Team Leaders will define the form and design of the Logo. Logos will be prepared as Vector and Bitmap Images, and will carry their own Formatting Instructions, and Rules of Layout. All Project Logos will be prepared by the IN2PRINT Team, and will be made available for AutoCAD, CorelDRAW, and MS OFFICE, etc.
Figure 7 We can also Re-Engineer Logos and Brand Identities, as with Persimmon above. Colours may need to be adjusted as 'Red and Green should Never be Seen!'
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AutoCAD Text and Dimension Styles The Model Space and Paper Space Drawings contain Preset Font Descriptions, for both Text and Dimensions. All annotation should follow the Preset Fonts. Subject to the following rules. Viz.,
This is an example of Sentence Text (Using SM-Univers-COND) It should be used for Drawing Annotation. Note that for emphasis, certain letters have been Capitalised. DO NOT change the geometry of the font in any of the drawings. DO NOT use Bold or Italicised Text in Drawing Annotation. NEVER underline text, or surround annotation with boxes. Sentence Text can be Left or Right Justified. DO NOT Centre Justify Sentence Text. Sentence Text should be 2.5mm High when printed as a Final Drawing. SM-Univers Condensed Light is the Typeface.
THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF TITLE (Using SM-Univers-COND Bold) It is used for Titles. Each Leading Character is Capitalised (with typographical exceptions). DO NOT change the geometry of the font in any of the drawings. DO NOT use Bold or Italicised Text in Drawing Titles. NEVER Underline text, or surround annotation with boxes. Title Text can be Left or Right Justified. Do not Centre Justify Title Text. Title Text should be either 3.5mm 5mm or 7mm High when printed as a Final Drawing. SM-Univers Condensed Light is the Typeface.
THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF LABEL TEXT (Lato Regular) Each Character is Capitalised (with typographical exceptions). DO NOT change the geometry of the font in any of the drawings. DO NOT use Bold or Italicised Text in Drawing Annotation. NEVER Underline text, or surround annotation with boxes. Label Text can be Left or Right Justified.
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Do not Centre Justify Label Text. Label Text should be either 5.0mm or 7.0mm High when printed as a Final Drawing. Lato Regular is the Typeface.
Dimension Styles on Drawings Note that All Dimension Styles have been assembled in DIMSALL.DIM which can be installed into a 2D Model Drawing using the AutoCAD Express Tools Utility. The Dimension Style are Preset and MUST NOT be changed! Vertical Dimensions are read from Top to Bottom, rather than the Draughting Convention of Bottom to Top. This is not to be either Irksome or Non-Conformist. The Draughting Convention harks back to the days of Manual Drawings, where it was easier for a Right Handed Person to apply dimensions from Bottom to Top, without removing a drawing from the Drawing Board. However, we have moved-on! Just take a look at most Graphical Standards for Books and Magazines, and you will see that most will follow the Top to Bottom Convention. This is particularly relevant, when viewing Spine Titles of Books on a Library Shelf! For certain UK Projects a Utility (BRICK.LSP) should be used as the AutoCAD Alternative Dimension Set. This applies the Count of Bricks (Horizontally) together with Joints, to accord with the Decimal Millimetre Dimension. Imperial Dimensions should be avoided as far as possible. However, with certain US Commissions, their use will be unavoidable. Procedures for US Draughting Standards are given in a separate document. American Commissions also require a revised Drawing Sheet Format. The US is one of the few remaining countries using Imperial Measure, Imperial Units and Imperial Paper. That represents only 0.001% of the World Population! – Surely it is time for North America to join the rest of the world! Detailed Instructions are contained in Volume 5 of THEWORKS
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Drawing Sheets A variety of Standard Drawing Sheets exist for a variety of uses. Two forms of Presentation Sheet exist, both in a Standard Format, and in Minimalist Format. Portrait and Landscape versions of each are also available. Note, that the sheets are Preloaded with Project Attributes and should be inserted into an empty Drawing file as an AutoCAD Block. Working Drawing Sheets exist in three layout formats; Title to Bottom, Title to Side, and Rack Title Format. The latter is used where large quantities of drawings are stored in a Vertical Plan Chest, so that the details can be read from the top of the sheet. A 10mm Binding Strip has been added to the top of the sheet, and the profile is consistently PORTRAIT At the outset of a Project, or a particular work stage, The Studio Manager, or Practice Manager will decide on the Presentation Format, and the details to be displayed. All Drawing Sheet Formats exist as Raw Drawing Files and contain MDF (Model Drawing File) in the Title Mnemonic. The MDF File is then adapted to suit the circumstances of use, and is devolved to the Project Team as a WDF (World Definition File) in Paper Space. None of the attributes are to be changed, and the Block must NOT be exploded. Note that a separate Viewport Drawing exists for each format.
Base Model Title Sheet Viewport for Production Drawings World Drawing File
Detailed Instructions are contained in Volume 5 of THEWORKS
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Design Approach The Drawing Sheet Design is an integral part of each and every drawing. Every sheet should adhere to the Graphic Standards Policies. Every drawing should be planned in terms of layout to ensure maximum clarity and the transfer of information. The only Logo and Logotypes to be used are from the SAMANIEGOMORGAN Library, as defined within this document. Our Drawing Sheets are NOT an Advertising Hoarding for Clients, Contractors and other Consultants. The presentation style must also be economical in terms of its Content and File Sizes. All too frequently we deal with Project Drawing Sheets that are littered with unsympathetic fonts, and incompatible logos. Some authors also have a penchant for Bitmap Logos, which not only expand the file size, but can also create problems when the File Path is changed. Very often we see several changes of Drawing Sheets during the course of a project. Our Standards and Policies negate the need for this completely! – The Sheet Designs have been designed and developed to convey the correct level of information in the most economical manner. There are NO BORDERS to our drawings! To enable orientation and reference, a 5mm Grid is provided as an invisible layer, which can be activated by the end user, on the Soft Copy. Drawings with Borders take longer to plot, and are susceptible to small deviations in paper size, creating a waste of paper, ink/toner and time.
Drawing Pack Cover Sheets Cover Sheets will be prepared for each Drawing Set. Middle East and South-East Asian Practice also requires a Drawing Register to be provided in the form of a Drawing. These will NOT be prepared! Instead, a Current Drawing Issue Document will be appended to the Front Cover. Standard Covers exist and can be found in Volume 5 of THEWORKS
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Base Model Title Sheet This exists as a Model Space Drawing. It is the Base Title Sheet for any Project. Every Project will have different demands and requirements. The Project Manager, and Studio Manager will agree the Content of the sheet for each project. It should be simple in format, and contain the essential information of the Project. Note that the Standard Drawing Sheet should NOT be changed during the course of a project.
Viewport for Production Drawings The Viewport Drawing is exactly the same size as the Viewport in the Standard Sheet, and exists in Model Space. It is loaded (as a block), into Production Drawings, at a Scale dictated by the drawing. For instance, if your final drawing is to be at 1:50 Scale, then the Viewport should be loaded at 50x
World Drawing File This is a the Final Format for all Production Drawings. It exists in Paper Space, and contains the Base Model Title Sheet, loaded as a Block at 1:1 Note that this Block should never be exploded. The Block has Editable Attributes, making the completion of the Title Panel extremely fast. There is no need to edit each individual line of text. It can also be read by External Applications for the purposes of Document Control. This Drawing also contains other information, each on a Unique Layer. By turning Layers Off and On, Scale Bars, Qiblah Direction, and Issue Status can be shown. This negates the need for overtyping information on the Model Space Drawing.
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Model Space Template File This drawing has been predefined with Text, Dimension, Line and Layer Styles. Dimension Styles for Standard Scales are defined, and should under no circumstances should they be changed. Layer Names, and Colours are predefined, and should not be changed. Layers can be added or deleted in accordance with the Layer Manager Manual. All lines are defined BYLAYER Do not change either the Colour or the Style of a Line. The Linetype Colour Reference Card shows the Preset Linetypes and Colours. Note that some colours are reserved, and when used with the correct CTB File, they will print ‘In Colour,’ on a colour printer.
Working with 2D Models The Base Model Drawing is normally created by The Architect. This is then given to other disciplines, in order for them to prepare their work. The Architect’s Base Drawing, should be loaded into the Model Space Template File as an XREF In this way, and changes are immediately obvious. The Architect will then use this as a method of Cross Coordination between disciplines, in order to determine whether or not there are any physical conflicts. This method of working should be followed. Do not recreate Base Drawings, or a whole series of General Arrangement Plans, as this means that more drawings have to be edited at a later date. Detailed Instructions are contained in Volume 5 of THEWORKS
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Issue Format Each project will have its own requirements. However, the following procedure should be followed, where no other standards exist. Viz.,
N0 1 1 1 1 2 1
FORMAT A3 Paper Copy A3 Paper Copy CD (PDF) CD (DWG) A4 Paper Copy File (PDF)
DESCRIPTION To Accompany each CD (Labelled ‘Check Print’) To Office Copy File (Labelled with Issue Status) To Parties Nominated for Issue To Parties Nominated for Issue Drawing Issue Sheet to all Parties (One Copy for Receipt) Drawing Issue Sheet to all Parties (Include on CD)
One Copy of all Drawing Issue Sheets should be signed by the addressee, and returned for Record Tracking. Template Files exist (AutoCAD) for the production of CD Labels, etc.
PDF File Generation PDF 995 does not support Layering. PDF 995 is the only Print Driver to be used for the export of ALL documentation. Rights can be either Given or Restricted with the PDF Format. For Instance, some files can be For View Only, where others can be interrogated for dimensions, and can be printed. The Document Controller will have a Protocol Sheet for each Project, Issue Level and Client Organisation. This should be checked prior to the creation of the PDF. Alternatively hand the AutoCAD Files to the Document Controller, and he will produce the files to be issued. Upon NO CIRCUMSTANCES WHATSOEVER are Native AutoCAD Files to be issued, unless prior approval has been obtained from a Practice Principal in writing! Even if the files are granted approval for issue, a further Protocol exists in the use of CADlock! – This can be configured in the same way as the PDF Driver. SMA-CORPIDENT-EDIT.DOC 20157-14082801-P04
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Graphic Standards
WWWBISFHOUSEDOTCOM The Font VOLVOBROAD.TTF is sometimes used in our drawings. This is for a number of reasons, but is primarily to give Clients a level of Anonymity, as we often work under Confidentiality Agreements. Consequently, they nay not wish their Completed Project to be advertised in our Practice Portfolio. However, we can legitimately give a very different identity to both a Project and Client. The Practice Manager will at times issue an R Number, along with the Project Number. The R Number is reserved for Clients, and forms part of the Practice Management System. Rather than entering the Client name in the Drawing Sheet, enter R2015-C02 or whatever Mnemonic has been given. CLIENT
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Graphic Standards
Arabic Logos and Drawing Sheets exist for Middle East Projects. A Corporate View will be taken upon the use of Arabic. Its use is quite 'Sensitive' in parts of the Middle East, for various reasons. Firstly, in Saudi Arabia, together with the Emirates of Abu Dhabi and Sharjah in the UAE the Arabic Logotype MUST Predominate. As Arabic reads from Right to Left it can be balanced with the English. Other Countries and Emirates are far more forgiving, with some requiring no Arabic at all. Classical Arabic uses a Cursive (Handwritten) Font. More conservative regions may not accept the above version written in a Kufic Style. Again, much of this goes back to 'Drawing Sheets' and the endless debates that can occur. Russian, rather like Tagalog is 100% Phonetic. Some Roman Characters are used, together with adaptations (Cyrillic 'C' for an English 'S' etc.). There are also Unique Characters. Russian Grammar is also very complex as it uses 3 Genders.
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