SpotLight Magazine

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Definition of


pg. 6

Who’s Number One? pg. 10 Single,Saved,Serving pg. 14 Passionate Pursuit of our Savior pg. 18

February 2013

A Word of Encouragement I want to take a minute to thank all the people who helped make SpotLight possible. I have an amazing support system around me and am constantly encouraged by their walks with the Lord but also by their words of affirmation about my projects. I am thankful that they were willing to spend an afternoon taking pictures and time out of their schedules to write articles that are proclaiming the Lord and the victory He has in our lives. Each of these girls were asked to write on things that are close to their hearts and I know that their testimonies are used to influence others. I am so thankful for their willingness to obey what the Lord asked them to write, and even if this is only seen by a few people; I want them to know that it meant a lot to me as I read each article. Elli Jane: Thank you for allowing me to use your wonderful photos! You are extremely talented and this magazine would look boring without vibrant photos all over the place! Thank you for challenging me to continue in this project and for always pushing me when I didn’t think it was possible. I love you! Lauren: Thank you for being vulnerable and for using your story to encourage others. I know that the Lord will bless you for what you are doing. Continue to encourage others in creating a healthy lifestyle that keeps our temples ready to serve our Lord. I am thankful for how you encourage me in every aspect of my life! I love you! Mary Beth: I am thankful for our new friendship. The Lord has taught me a lot through you the past few months. Thank you for being someone that I can share struggles with, but also victories! I love seeing how passionate the Lord has made you for service! He is molding your heart and let me tell you, it’s beautiful! Thank you for sharing your heart in this magazine and for encouraging us to keep our eyes on the Lord no matter our circumstances. I love you!

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you Lord for placing passions in our hearts and for giving creativity when it seemed to have run dry. You are the One who made all of this possible and my desire is to make Your Name known! I give this project to You! Take it and make it what You would have it be. –Amen.

pg. 2

A Closer look at... About SpotLight Magazine

pg. 3

SpotLight Writers

pg. 4

These are a few of our favorite things!

pg. 5

Quote Page

SpotLight Beauty: reflecting who He is pg. 6-9

Definition of Radiance.

SpotLight Lifestyle: taking care of His temple pg. 10-13

Who’s Number One?

SpotLight Relationships: being His hands and feet pg. 14-17

Single, Saved, Serving

SpotLight Journey: embracing His grace pg. 18-20

Passionate Pursuit of our Savior

As I was learning and observing magazine styles I looked at many different ideas and setapartgirl was the one that ministered to me the most and also gave me some inspiration to draw from as I had no idea what I was doing. Sincerely, Samantha Bates


About SpotLight

Say Hello to our... SpotLight Writers! Elli Jane Edwards

Samantha Bates

Theme Verse: “You will make known to me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; in Your right hand there are pleasures forever.” -Psalm 16:11 What’s in the name SpotLight? My passion is to challenge and encourage young women who are striving to grow in their relationship with the Lord. My intention for this magazine is to give single, young women something that they can claim as their own. I feel like sometimes women in this category find it difficult to identify with the “major topics” (marriage, kids, jobs, etc.) So I want this to be a magazine that focuses on how the Lord is constantly putting you in the spot light and calling you out to be His daughters. You are so special to Him, and sometimes in our society it’s easy to slip through the cracks. I challenge you to allow the Lord to shine His light on your life and become the women that God has called you to be. First and foremost, you need to seek the Lord with all that you have and in His perfect time you may get the spot light in the “major issues” but for now; I want you to delight in the fact that the Lord is jealous for you and desires your attention! I promise that if you give Jesus your time, and recognize that He is focused on you despite the lack of “major issues”; you will feel rewarded far beyond what you thought was possible. No matter where you are in life, the Lord has a plan for you and you simply have to be still, patient, and wait for Him to move.

“As iron sharpens iron so one person sharpens another.” -Proverbs 27:17 Lauren Veitch

Mary Beth Dingus

Enjoy! Samantha Bates

To be encouraged and challenged on a regular basis; visit the SpotLight blog!



These are a few of our favorite things... SamanthaFavorite Song: “Love Shines” by: Austin Stone Favorite Discipleship Book: “Sacred Singleness” by: Leslie Ludy Elli JaneFavorite Song: “Redeemed” by: Big Daddy Weave Favorite Discipleship Book: “Practice the Presence of God” by: Andrew Murray Mary BethFavorite Song: “How He Loves” by: David Crowder Band Favorite Discipleship Book: “Radical” by: David Platt

“Self is a tight lock. I see many decent sinners who are in spiritual prison because their self is on the throne of their hearts, and Jesus is on the cross. What liberation comes when Jesus Christ cleanses their hearts with His blood and comes to the throne, and self goes on the cross.” –Corrie ten Boom from “Each New Day”

LaurenFavorite Song: “Tell the World” by: Lecrae Favorite Discipleship Book: “The Cost of Discipleship” by: Dietrich Bonhoeffer 4


Definition of


sending out light; shining or glowing brightly; clearly emanating great joy, love or health. By: Elli Jane Edwards





beauty to be in her radiance of the Lord because

looks like, not only does my sweet sister I knew He was speaking straight to me with come to mind but also the word radiant. each word she spoke. “Elli, I want you! went

This to

past a



Molly, Please come and dive in after me, that I may


school fill every word that pours out of your mouth.”



called Ellerslie in Windsor, Colorado. It

At the beginning of this semester I began

was an intense study of who God is and to have this desire from the Lord to learn how what sharing the gospel really looks like. to truly meet with my God and then share with

I had not seen her for 4 months and I others

remember the first time of being back around






One morning as I read in Exodus 34:29-

her. I was intimidated by her, and not in a 30,33, God began to share with me what this sense of her body or personality but simply looked like through the life of Moses. In this because of her un-staggering confidence in passage the Lord instructed Moses to go onto the Lord. She loved him passionately! the top of Mount Sinai and cut out two tablets Her eyes poured out grace and with each for the Ten Commandments. “So he was there sentence she spoke, if it didn’t include the Lord’s with the Lord forty days and forty nights; he did name it did include an essence of who He was. not eat bread or drink water. And he wrote on

When I would speak with Molly about the tablets the words of the covenant, the Ten

anything, it would draw her every conversation Commandments” (Ex. 34:28 NASB) Moses back to something she learned at Ellerslie, invested in his time with the Lord and was obedient or what she was reading in the Word, or a to the instructions given him. How often do we book by Charles Spurgeon or Andrew Murray. spend time alone on our Mount Sinai, engrossed 6

Oh my, was I convicted and intimidated in God’s Word and being washed by it? 7

This is key to being radiant. We must meet with our

God, turn a listening ear toward Him and be obedient. Then without even knowing it He will shine forth.

“It came about when Moses was coming down from

Mount Sinai (and the two tablets of the testimony were in Moses’ hand as he was coming down from the mountain), that Moses did not know that the skin of his face shown because of his speaking with Him. So when Aaron and all the sons of Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face shone, and they were afraid to come near him. “ (vs. 2930) Beloved, when you meet with God daily and obey His commands He will radiate from you. Ultimately, everything that goes into your body, through what you hear and speak will eventually pour back out and if you are constantly taking in the Words of God than He must shine forth. Jesus told his disciples, “Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart…”(Matt. 15:17-18 NIV)

A woman seeking after the Lord, laying all things

aside, especially herself and being filled with God and His Word will shine a radiance and beauty more precious than anything this world has to offer. She will shine like Moses who walked forth from Mount Sinai, intimidating all who saw him because they knew he had been with God. “They looked to Him and were radiant, and their faces will never be ashamed.” (Psalm 34:5 NASB) Look to your God beloved and you will radiate beauty more than you ever thought possible!


How often do we spend time alone on our Mount Sinai, engrossed in God’s Word and being washed by it?


Who’s Number ONE... Making God First in a Food-Saturated Society

stick with a regular exercise plan if you enjoy it.

isn’t difficult for you. Maybe you’re like I was

food—it’s everywhere! From billboards and •Write down what you eat. It’ll help you we are constantly bombarded by food. As you


the that

eating need


habits be



a result, our society is made up of people •Use a website to calculate about how from two extremes, from the morbidly obese many calories you need per day based on to the anorexic, and everything in between. your body size. A great resource to use is

and have the opposite problem. Are you

By: Lauren Veitch

obsessed with your diet and exercise plan?

We live in a culture that is consumed by I’ve got some tips to get you started:

commercials to parties and coffee dates, recognize

But maybe eating well and exercising

Perhaps you’re wondering what this ‘s SuperTracker.

has to do with being a Christian and why it is •Increase your fruit and vegetable intake, important. Well, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says eat lean meats, and eat whole grains that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit instead of refined grains whenever possible.

While taking care of our bodies by eating

well and exercising frequently is extremely For exercise:

important, so is eating adequate amounts of

•Strive to get at least 150 minutes of moderate food and allowing our bodies to rest. That’s activity per week. This doesn’t have to be what I struggled with after I began to take my boring! Think sports, yard work, playing with

health seriously. I allowed myself to become

the dog, etc.

consumed by health foods, exercising daily

•Do some strength training twice a week. (even multiple times a day), and calories in There are abundant exercises and videos general. online that can teach you how to use weights. •Remember, make it fun! You’re more likely to

and calls us to glorify God with our bodies. •Limit the amount of sugar you eat. But be We don’t put junk in our churches; rather, we careful! Sugar can be in seemingly innocent keep them clean, decorate them well, and foods







maintain their appearance. Similarly, we should such as corn syrup, cane sugar, dextrose, take care of our bodies by eating well and fructose, and even fruit juice concentrate. exercising, since we are indeed temples of God. •Watch your portion sizes. Just because it’s

Living in a culture that is consumed in one bag doesn’t mean it’s one serving.

by food can make this quite difficult, but not •Plan ahead. It’s easier to make wise food decisions if you’ve thought about what you


If you have poor eating and exercise are going to eat beforehand. Or, you can

habits, I highly encourage you to dedicate take meals with you to prevent having to your body to the Lord (Romans 12:1) and to eat out or resort to a vending machine. implement








However, Exodus 20:3 says, “You shall have no other gods before me.” Then, in 1 John 5:21 we are told to keep ourselves from “idols.” One of Merriam-Webster’s definitions for idol is “an object of extreme devotion.” I had an idol in my life; I was extremely devoted to my body and attaining a perfect level of health (or what I thought was health).

“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” -1 Corinthians 10:31

Girls, this too is dishonoring to the

Lord. Honor God with your body, but do not let your body become your god.

If you struggle with an obsession









disorder, I first encourage you to pray. God’s strength is made perfect in our weaknesses (2 Corinthians 12:9). I also highly encourage you to talk to someone. Tell a friend, a mentor, or even a counselor. Talking about what you’re struggling with can make a world of difference.

Living in a culture that is consumed by food can make this

quite difficult, but not impossible.


In this crazy food-driven society that

we are part of, remember that you belong to the Lord. Your body is a temple that has been blessed to house God’s Holy Spirit.


Single, Saved, Searching Serving

By: Mary Beth Dingus

So, I’m in college and ready to

I started the new school year, my last, not

graduate. I feel like I have the plan God has sure where my life was headed. The only thing for me all figured out. I’m going to be a teacher I knew for certain was that God had control and I’m dating a wonderful man whom I feel and I could not take the next step in the dance is “the one.” However, as we all know God without His lead. So I waited… I felt God takes our understanding and comfort and calling me to seminary so that I can learn to be a trades it for pain and confusion in an attempt better writer and more educated in the ministry, to forcefully grow us into greater servants. Well, but not sure of anything else beyond that. he did that with my life. My relationship ended

So I waited… Eventually this waiting

and the teaching didn’t work out. All that I was became much harder than I had ever imagined. confident in was stripped from me and I felt I was waiting, sometimes patiently, for my prince God saying, “Okay, now I have your attention.” to come. I am a woman about to graduate

You see I was making an idol out of college and it’s time for my prince to show up,

planning my life. I found no greater joy than right? This was my mindset and even if it wasn’t planning my life out as I saw fit. God took the that simple, I was still feeling the urge for that things from me that blinded me to Him. Seeing special man to come into my life. I felt it was Him in the light of my necessity was time for that, but it wasn’t, not for me it wasn’t. almost overwhelming. I was a child again This was like a knife to the chest. The hurt from looking up to Christ for every step. It almost the loneliness could easily be worse than that of felt as if I was beginning this new dance and my worst breakup. I was tired of allowing God instead of me being in control, He knew to have control in this dance, it was my turn. all of the steps. Embarking on this new The hunt was on! journey was exciting and refreshing at first,

I was single, saved, and searching for my

and then came the loneliness. I will not prince to come. Every day I woke up dressing sugarcoat things but instead be transparent. and acting my best. Like a peacock looking for 14


a mate I put on a big show for those around

this one. Many women are future thinkers.

me. I even did this at the church. I viewed

We think about what the five year plan looks

coming to church as an opportunity to meet

like while overlooking the next 5 minutes.

a “real” man of God, not like the hood rats

When we are in relationships it forces us to

at school. Sermon after sermon I struggled to

live in the here and now, to really appreciate

remember what the pastor talked about but I

God’s blessings in this moment. I didn’t realize

could tell you the 4 boys that were on my radar.

that this same fulfillment that comes from

I felt in control of the dance once again.

relationships is also found in Christ. We get

I was the fool because, in fact, I was dancing

lost in service and forget to search for that man,

alone. My Father was no longer my

forget the pain, and forget ourselves. What starts

partner but instead the date I stood

out as a selfish motive turns into a self-less act.

up. This was when I began to be punched

by loneliness. It came like clockwork every

us. God can push and pull us in so many

week or so I would have a night of crying and

directions to make us stronger for Him.

asking God to send someone. My relationship

Serving can cause us to discover parts of

with Him was built off my asking and

ourselves we never thought possible. It is our


super power. If our God is with us






Third reason, He molds and grows

appreciation. You see, it’s not that God needs







my service to Him but rather I need my service are all called to the mission field or the pulpit but

to Him. This thought changed how I felt about service is found in everyday submission to Christ.

painful and many single adults are faced

things completely. I needed the service to We should serve because it is the will God has

with it. However, instead of focusing our

God. It was a way to tame the loneliness. for our lives.

energy on what we are searching for and

The closing is simple. Loneliness is

Secondly, it masks the feeling of loneliness.

when we are going to find it, we need to

I needed to see that God was calling me to This can sound like a selfish reason to serve but

focus on what God can use us for while we

do more than wait for “Prince Charming.” I’m many times our heart starts with selfish motives.

are the most free to do so. Being single is a

fighting the desire to search with The selfishness only serves to peak our interests

blessing; we just need to start seeing it as one.

While being a single woman today

I’m fighting the desire to search with the desire to serve.

the desire to serve. In doing this I have but as God uses us more and more that selfishness discovered three great reasons for service. changes. As a single woman I wanted and





calls desired to be fulfilled and I sought that in a man.

everyone to a life of service to His kingdom Sometimes we seek a relationship because it and His creations. This is not to say we forces us to live in the present. Stay with me on 16


Passionate Pursuit of our Savior

By: Samantha Bates

I was recently reminded of what had unclean and everything that she touched was

originally sparked my passion for this magazine unclean. There was no going out in public by helping my sweet friend Elli with a picture during






that portrays this story from scripture. I was communication with anyone. But this woman going through notes that I made the night I came was considered unclean for twelve years. up with the idea for SpotLight and this passage I can’t imagine! She was sick and had was right there, unable to avoid. I struggled no answers for why this was happening. with whether or not I should write anything for

This woman was unnamed and that

the magazine, but last night as I was finalizing makes her relatable to us all. She was not some details the two empty pages jumped out at me! important figure, but simply a woman who

The story of the unnamed women who found herself in desperate pursuit of the ultimate

bled for twelve years has become my favorite Healer. She took a risk going into the streets that woman of the Bible. The passage that I want day. At this point her need was to be healed to look at is in Luke 8:43-48. I love where this and no one else had been able to help her; story is located because it’s right in the middle Jesus was her last resort. I can’t imagine the of many other miracles happening, but Jesus discouragement that must have come from chose to take the time to notice this woman constantly being told there was nothing that who had gone unnoticed for a very long time. could be done for you. That I was destined to

A little background on the importance live in solitude and always considered unclean.

of this passage is vital to really understanding Thankfully the Lord has other plans for us! the power of Jesus. In Leviticus 15:25-30 it This woman came humbly on her knees in a discusses all the laws against uncleanness. She crowded street simply hoping to just touch was a woman who had been bleeding for the fringe of His cloak. That day her risk was twelve years! The law is clear in stating that well worth it. As she touched Jesus’ cloak, she during a woman’s time of bleeding she is was healed immediately (vs. 44)! But the story 18


doesn’t stop there. Jesus called her out and stopped what He was doing. He knew that someone had touched Him for He recognized that power had gone out of Him (vs. 46). She fell before Jesus trembling and explained her reason for touching Him. She proclaimed that once she touched Him; she was healed. Everyone was now aware of Jesus’ healing power. But my favorite part of the whole story is verse 48 where Jesus calls her daughter, because before she was just some unnamed woman but now she is claimed as a daughter of the King! And then He goes on to tell her that her faith in Him had made her well. Jesus does the healing, but first we have to acknowledge





are us

worth as






We are all just like this woman in many

ways. Our sin is what makes us unclean. We may not be bleeding continuously, but our sin continuously makes us dirty. Sin is uncomfortable to talk about and many times it is easier to sit completely covered in sin, guilt and shame than be vulnerable and reach out to touch the One who can and has washed your sins away. God deserves the glory, but “we first have to admit that we are unclean in order to proclaim that we are healed” (Beth Moore). Take your filthiness to where Jesus is and grab on to His cloak, because no amount of our uncleanness







“God has made us for Himself, and our hearts can never know rest and perfect satisfaction until they find it in Him.” –Hannah Hurnard

Human Trafficking STILL EXISTS Join the movement to end human slavery. What if this were someone you loved?

What are you going to do?

“You will make known to me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; in Your right hand there are pleasures forever.� -Psalm 16:11

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