The Change Manifesto

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THE CHANGE MANIFESTO nickels dimes & quarters


nickels dimes & quarters

Change is important, needed, and should be desired. /Pence

1. Change bring contrast. Without it, things become repetitive and mundane.

I’m thinking I might conduct a little experiment. I’ll change one thing in the studio everyday for a while. Document it with photographs and maybe some written thoughts. Lets see how much change can go unnoticed.

here we go. damn. Change helps you to appreciate things that may have gone unnoticed before. -Dime

five. I used to think that I hated reading. Recently, I learned that I love reading. I just hate reading about things I did not care for. Sometime, change are natural.

Act on impulse—the regret of not doing is greater than the regret of doing


Change is FUN!

I chan I thought it over and decided not to deliberately change the studio. its a shared space and i don’t want to negatively alter the way we work there. i’ll think of something else to change though. i like idea of changing things in a purposeful way and seeing the effects. maybe i just need to find an innocent way of doing it though.

nged my mind.

Change is

the art of looking sideways

the art of looking sideways

Change is

According to there are 7 dictionary results for the word change, and a total of 38 definitions. -Dime

lack of motivation

Change isn’t always physically, it can also be mental or emotional. For example, a change in perception, opinion, emotion, thinking, beliefs, ideas ect. -Dime

changing Change is the only thing that never change. -sexynickle69

Sometimes change is necessary to better things. As a group we decided to remove the postings of screenshots. We felt this created a more cohesive and visually pleasing blog. -Dime


Change is about perception. Pence + Dime + AnthonyBSusan + sexy_nickel69

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nts = OST OME


I regret nothing.

Thank you BJ. -Dime

inspiring us.

detach –ment

Be open to getting to

You never know if the change your life.

o new people

ey may /Pence

Change can be a slow process but build up to something amazing.

Evolving with change is about knowing when to accept circumstances whether they are welcomed or not. The acceptance is not necessarily giving in, but accepting the fight against it. That struggle brings about another change— one that will help you evolve, grow. /Pence

know when to with the flow you have no c

o go when control

“Every truth passes through three stages before it is recognized. In the first it is ridiculed, in the second it is opposed, in the third it is regarded as self-evident�

the ideaArthur Schopenhauer

be able to recognize when it is fear stopping you



when it is unnecessary for change to occur

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