387099 Jiaying Le 377534 Melissa Tsang 374119 Samantha Loo
“Architetecture ought to be seen as discourse.”
THE CASE FOR INNOVATION * week 1 conclusion:
-Architecture and Visual Culture, Richard Williams
According to the brief by Wyndham city, the installation has to be ‘exciting, eyecatching’ and would ‘inspire and enrich’ the municipility.
01 Lou Ruvo's Center Architect: Frank Gehry
In relation to the Gateway project, this architecture design shows us many different approaches and ideas that can be used in our project, Such as the notion of creating an impactful structure- through its facade, to capture the attention of the public yet still perform as an effective building for use.
Wooden Pavilion
Fun Cloud Pavilion
Location: Las Vegas
The Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health was designed to spread public awareness of Alzheimer. Like most of Gehry’s buildings, the centre appears almost unruly, unfinshed and chaotic (Hawthorne 2010). The building strongly demonstrates the use of advance technology through the form of its facade- the idea of fluidity. As shown in the picture, this design incorporate with the use of natural sunlight with the windows to allow it to work more effectively.
04 Architect: D. Stefanescu, P. Bedarf, B. Hambasan Location: Cluj Romania
Architect: Ecologic Studio
The Fun Cloud Pavilion is a project that is formed by computational archietctural. “ where intuitions, material definations, programmatric requirements, local processes of interaction, fabrication techologies and chance are resigtered, processed and fed back at various levels in a continuous chain of loop” The design concept and approach that this project uses can be applied in our design of the Gatewat Project. The use of the new technology - para-metric CAD system, in this design allows each part to be “coded, charted, geometrically re-described” and “prepared for direct fabrication”. Moreover, it enables the various components to change and adapt accordingly to the scenarios faced. Similarily, in this project, it utilizes artificial lighting, which is used done through computer controlled system. In the context of the Gateway project, this concept of lighting can be considered for our design structure.
Like the Fun Cloud Pavilion, this parametric project boasts a strong representational power to achieve the main goal of attracting passers-by to the design. Uniquely constructed, this pavilion is designed to enable it to integrate “ into its historically-charges context”. Through its tectonic characteristics, the design exhibits the use of the new digital approach of computational architecture and the illustration of design processes through digital tools. This project relates strongly to a few of the design purposes of the Gateway project such as the adjective of the design being both interesting and eye catching and a representation of a place.
Architecture should firstly be forward looking. This is because architecture is about creating a suitable space for people to live, work and interact in. Architecture is a also about overcoming limitations and restrictions to achieve a new and exciting form. For instance in Tokyo, circular towers are not commonplace because of earthquakes. The Mode Gakuen Tower is a good example of a design trying to overcome obsticles, to strive for a new form, making it the first circular tower ever built in Tokyo. Similarly for the Gateway project, we would try to stretch and overcome our limitations. For the gateway project, it is our intent to use the latest in design technology. This is because having the proficiency to utilize the software would not only help with experimenting and exploring suitable design options, it can also aid the designer in realising their design.
Our Approach Matrixes allowed us to explore different options, by experimenting with different permutations and combinations. According to Burry, scripting culture is that of a ‘voyage of discovery’ (2011: 32). It opens up a whole new way to explore design. Different combinations can actually generate the same result.
02 Mode Gukeun Tower Architect: Tango Architects
Location: Shin Juku, Tokyo
The cocoon Tower was a winning design for an educational building. The concept of building is to promote the idea of interaction between nature and public. With an unique facade- similar to the notion of the cocoon, this building strongly exhibits the use of technological advancement. The design approach of this building has demonstrated how local environmental constrains does not restrict yet forces one to think beyond their ideas for more new and innovative design. The design structure of the building consists of an elliptical diagrid and inner core frames. In relation to our approach to the Gateway Project, the Mode Gukeun Tower’s facade is similar to the idea that we are incorporating in our structure. Moreover, as displayed by the building, it has caught many attention and impact on the public - which is the one of the main aim of our Gateway project design.
Architect: Alisa Andrasek, Biothing
This design is an interactive ceiling prototype for the New York Museum, frabicated in 2005. It was programmed using “plusing lighting patterns”, based on a similar mathematics’ wave interference applied to the geometry of the ceiling. This unique design approach can be applied to the Gateway project as it allows us to “produce infinite number of variation” through unfolding fabrication drawings.
Parametric Cell Facade Study Architect: OMA Research Team
The Parametric cell facade study is a good example of the idea of incorporating the environment into the a design pattern of a facade. In this study, the date of the height and placement of the surrounding buildings were collaborated into an excel spreadsheet which was then translated into a design of a facade. This concept can be further expanded to include cultural and historical data. This approach is applicable to the gateway project as it is an interesting method of incorporating the cultural aspect of Wyndham City
The design approach of layering creates more exciting shadows and represents the diversity of Wyndam city. It is also important that we experimented and utilized a vast array of materials to determine the material most suitable for the project.
387099 Jiaying Le 377534 Melissa Tsang 374119 Samantha Loo
“ digital technoloies have enabled new methods of design, which has led to a re-examination of current theories and edcational design concepts... “
387099 Jiaying Le 377534 Melissa Tsang 374119 Samantha Loo
01 BANQ RESTURANT Architect: Office dA, Inc.
Location: Boston, USA
The construction of the restaurant was developed by the concept of the striated wood-slatted system. It allows the sight of the mechanical, plumbing and lighting systems to be conceal from the public’s eyes. Designed similarly to the structure of a canopy, the design approach, used in this project,allows the facade to appear seamless. This design concept - creating a seamless idea, is explored through our matrix and the the design that we are preparing for fabrication.
Wyndham city is a vibrant and growing city. In fact, it has experienced the largest and fastest growth among the areas managed by the local Victorian local government. It is predicted that an estimation of 245,000 number of people will be living there by 2021 (Wyndham website). Unlike others, Wyndham city is incredibly diverse. Besides having a strong industrial and technology district, it also consists of many major retail precincts, vegetation growing areas and even a tourist destination - featuring an Open Range Zoo (Wyndham website.
Architect: Faulders Studio Location: Tokyo, Japan
Airspace Tokyo is strongly displays the design approach of mixing voronoi, layering and lighting. Built of laser-cut aluminum and plastic composite , the facade produces an unique outlook as light travels through the detailed openings , drawing attentions of the passerby as they walked by. In relation to the Gateway project, this building explores one of the design requirements of our design to be eye-catching and unique. This idea will be further looked into , in the fabrication of our current design concept.
"experimenting with the idea of voronoi, layering & lighting"
03 DIOR BUILDING GINZA Architect Kumiko Inui
The concept of new technology is one of the main aspect that Wyndham city is working towards. This can be shown by the various existing centers that had been built there. Thus, in relation to our idea of our design, our group had decided to focus on the notion of creating an innovative parametric facade, which incorporates with the new design technologies through the approaches and materials that we had reserach on. As proposed, the facade of the building is constructed by multi layers to signify the diversity of Wyndham city. At the same time, this serves as an effective marketing strategy of promoting the various city’s technological centers. Moreover, this approach shows how Wyndham city is forward looking and at the same time, open to new changes. In conclusion, our proposed design would effectively serve as a visual representation of Wyndham city to the multitude of vehicles passing through daily. Moreover, it would be an innovative, interesting, diverse and fresh design that will serve as a significant landmark structure to the city.
Location: Tokyo, Japan
The Dior building explores the concept of form patterning through the design of the facade and lighting. It is one of the main design approaches that we are focusing and exploring in our Gateway Project design. As shown by the Dior building, the perforated patterns achieve a subtle aesthetic appearance through the facade detailing.
The goal of our Group is to design and construct a gateway that strongly represents and features the city’s strong concept of diversity and culture. As stated on the brief, the ‘gateway’ would be situated on a busy highway. Therefore, it is important that the design of the gateway is eye catching and interesting. Moreover, it needs to act as a presentation and exhibits how Wyndham city aspires to be.