Architecture Studio Air Journal Week 2

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JOURNAL Architecture Studio Air Xi Ting Samantha Loo 347119


Week 2

generally be more creative with how we use them. In the Petabyte Age we can ‘view data mathematically first and establish a context for it later’.9 We can incorporate data from many sources, including aesthetics and the sociocultural, political and historical dimensions because massive data is the new meaning. Rather than necessitating the mere reduction of the qualitative into the quantitative, this approach actually creates the conditions for the optimistic potential of emergence: the cumulative effects of complexity and multiplicity may themselves result in the production of new qualities, which in turn allow new relationships between architecture and culture to emerge.10

Such an approach implies that the architect’s role should reconceptualised from that of romantic genius or technolo that of multidisciplinary strategist. The new architect is st responsible for design intent and needs to be able to look picture to decide which factors to parameterise, to give lim parameters, assign a weight to each factor and determine method of the information modelling process: in summary which factors and methods will be used, how they will be generated, and to judge what they contribute. But, just as softer science’, algorithms assume the burden of rigorous methodology and the mind is left ‘free to move around the most creative way’.11 Technically this implies a broader u creative scripting in the initial stages of design, one that i

Parametric Design

Parametric cell facade study for the slab There are large amounts of data available today and when used with mathematics it supersedes every other tool. Traditional scientific methodology is lacking when the data gets too big or complicated to document. Therefore since the tools are already available, today, one can calculate a lot of data and with it produce very concrete results in fields such as science and technology. This could be the zeitgeist of this age. Therefore it is logical that one should incorporate modern technologies into building design (Ottchen 2009). For this study done in 2008, OMA research team wanted to obtain data on the social and cultural context of the site and using the data to articulate the building’s internal public zones and external urban pattern. In order to translate the data into analog format, they ran the slab through a series of steps. Firstly, they wanted to obtain data of the existing buildings. Hence they conceptually ‘flipped’ the slab on top of the buildings. This calculated the height and location of the building. The data was then recorded and put onto an excel spreadsheet where each number corresponded with a feature of the building on the site. 25

By using this process there were able to fabricate different patterns by altering and using special transformation scripts in order to increase the articulation level. This process allowed for the input of cultural data of the site which helps develop the relationship between culture and architecture.

OMA Research and Parametrics Cell, Fa the Slab, 2008 A number of data-dr the facade were gen different internal an sociocultural source degrees (low to high several directional ty (one, two or three di range of functional, material parameters. iterations, besides ar external contextual u also indicated the tw floors through a diffe deformation process randomly ‘shook’ the these two horizontal utilised special trans to increase the level extra mutation (diffe at sky lobby zones, e openings at the lobb thickness deformatio lower sky lobby.

Parametric Design

The One North Master plan The One North Master plan by Zaha Hadid Architects used parametric modeling as a method of attempting to modify the urban architect in Singapore. Parametric modeling is a style that was rooted in digital animation techniques in the mid-1995. However today it is more prominent (Schumacher 2008). Parametric building tends to enhance the overall feeling of being integrated in organically as opposed to being forced to conform. It is considered part of a contemporary avant-gared design culture where all forms would be parametrically malleable and it tends to avoid rigid geometric primitives like squares and circles. The One North Master plan (2001 - 2025 still under construction) is a good example of adapting parametric modeling in an urban context. The concept being that of creating an artificial natural landscape across an urban quarter because Singapore has very little natural landscapes to begin with(Zaha Hadid Architects). It would do so by trying to create a strong sense of identity and achieving unity in difference, such as adapting and exploiting urban mega forms to create spatial coherence that is usually lost in an urban megapolis. The form would be ‘free’ and therefore more malleable. However, it would take on a curvilinear pattern which would make the buildings appear more uniform. The intent being to achieve a sence of identity in a uniform and natural environment.

Photo taken from Zaha Hadid Architects

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