Dilution Chart
Dilution Chart .5 %
2.5 %
10 %
children, baths pregnancy compromis ed immune system directly on face
air misters body oils or lotions general care
injury of muscle tendons bone
wounds body butter salves
chest congestion acute pain serious injury spasm bruising
1 drop
2 drops
3 drops
5 drops
10 drops
2 drops
5 drops
6 drops
10 drops
20 drops
infants frail elderly
10 ml.
touch with tooth pick 1 drop
1 Tbs.
1-2 drops
3 drops
7-8 drops
9 drops
15 drops
30 drops
1 oz.
2-4 drops
6 drops
18 drops
30 drops
60 drops
2 oz.
4-8 drops
12 drops
36 drops
60 drops
120 drops
4 oz.
8-16 drops
24 drops
14-16 drops 28-32 drops 56 drops
72 drops
120 drops
240 drops
1 tsp.
The Dilution Chart was put together as a guide. Once again, go with your gut feeling as the bottom line. Here’s how I use this chart: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Consider the condition of the person and find it under one of the dilution % columns. Select the amount or carrier oil (or other medium) desired from the left-hand column. Sometimes a bottle or container size may help determine that decision. Find the amount of total drops of essential oils needed under the dilution % column and across from amount of carrier oil selected. Using the 50/30/20 ratio, figure how many drops to use for each. For example, for 60 drops total, 50% is 30 drops, 30% is 18 drops, and 20% is 12 drops. Make a small test sample for testing using the same 50/30/20 ratio—3 drops, 2 drops, 1 drop; smell it. Make the synergy. a. Put all the drops in a bottle and shake them 100 times and let rest. b. Smell, and adjust if needed. If adjusted, repeat shaking and resting. Blend the synergy with the carrier oil. a. Put half the carrier oil in the bottle. b. Add all the drops of essential oils. c. Shake it up, about 100 times, against palm. d. Add remaining half of carrier oil, and shake again. e. Let the oil rest, about 3 minutes. f. Smell the blend; adjust as needed, and repeat shaking, resting, and smelling. Use the blend.