Samaritan's Purse Gift Catalog 2015

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to Share the GOSPEL

Heart GIVING from the

With God, nothing is impossible S

iblings Gabe and Livvy Feinn picked

up the mail for their family in Louisville, Kentucky and found a Samaritan’s Purse Gift

Catalog addressed to their grandmother, who lives with them. Intrigued, the 13-yearold boy and 9-year-old girl decided they wanted to raise $14 to buy chickens for an impoverished family overseas. Selling cupcakes

at a garage sale, they made more than twice their goal. Encouraged by their success, they decided to put their money toward a goat, which took them just two days to raise the money. Then Gabe told his mom, “We want to do something that takes a lot of faith.” They looked at several possibilities and set their hearts on a far bigger goal: $35,000 to renovate a mission hospital. Gabe posted on his Facebook page that he would give a cake to anyone who donated to the cause, using skills he learned in a homeschool class in cake decorating. “I make the cakes

and Gabe decorates the cakes,” Livvy said. He became known as “Gabe the Cake Man,” and donations came pouring in. Many of the gifts came from other children, including some who asked their parents to give to the hospital instead of buying them birthday or Christmas presents. The Lord blessed their efforts, and Gabe and Livvy reached their Godsized goal. Samaritan’s Purse used their funds to rebuild the maternity ward at Nyankunde Hospital in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which serves hundreds of moms and babies each year. As Gabe said, “Anyone can do big things for God.”

1 Nyankunde Hospital, Democratic Republic of Congo


ultitudes around the world would have no access to medical care if not for Christian hospitals built by missionaries at desert crossroads, jungle clearings, and other remote locations. These hospitals

have become widely respected for compassionate, high-quality care and are beacons for the Gospel. The buildings themselves, however, are often rundown or overcrowded. Every year, Samaritan’s Purse sends construction teams and technicians overseas to repair and expand mission hospitals. For about $35,000, we can upgrade surgical or maternity facilities, expand wards, build an outpatient clinic, or make other improvements to minister to the sick and the lost in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Hospital Construction and Upgrades 013805 SUGGESTED GIFT $35,000 SHARE THE COST $35

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Dear Friend, Christmas is one of the best times of the year! We get together as a family and celebrate God’s greatest gift to all of us—the birth of His Son and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The Samaritan’s Purse gift catalog includes exciting and practical ways that you can be a part of sharing this Good News with hurting people around the world. In everything we do, we want to lift up the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16). On behalf of millions of men, women, and children around the world who need our help, thank you for your faithful prayers and generous support. May God richly bless you.


Franklin Graham President

Make YOUR GIFT in honor or in memory of a loved one


ive through this catalog, and Samaritan’s Purse can send personalized honor or memory cards directly to your family and friends. Each card includes the name of ❄ the loved one ❆ UR IN YO being honored, R O the person’s HON ❄ name making to Share the GOSPEL the gift, and a description of the impact your chosen PERSONALIZED Samaritan’s Purse Honor and project will make. See Memory Card order form for details.

gift A

CO N T E N T S 4 Crisis & Disaster Response 8 Children’s Ministries 12 Women’s Projects




SMILING Like Never Before

to Disasters

13 The Greatest Journey 14 Operation Heal Our Patriots


16 Gifts Under $15

No GIFT is Too Small

18 Evangelism & Discipleship 20 Construction Projects 22 Water Projects 24 Farm Projects 28 Medical Ministries 32 Operation Christmas Child

Items shown in this catalog are for the sole purpose of illustrating goods and services used in ministry projects. All contributions designated for specific projects will be applied to those projects, and up to 10 percent may be used for administering the gift. Occasionally, if we receive more contributions for a given project than can wisely be applied to that project, we use those funds to meet a similar pressing need. Contributions are solicited with the understanding that Samaritan’s Purse has complete control over the use of all donated funds.

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ouses that have stood for centuries can collapse without warning during a fierce storm or earthquake. Samaritan’s Purse has provided tens of

thousands of families in devastated countries such as Nepal, the Philippines, and Haiti with emergency housing wrapped in weatherproof blue plastic. These shelters go up quickly, last long enough for families to rebuild, and open doors for us to share the Gospel and the hope of a heavenly home.

As Paul, a tent-maker by trade, wrote, “For we know that if our earthly house, this tent, is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens”

(2 Corinthians 5:1).

Materials for an emergency shelter cost $300. That’s $60 per

person for a family of five.

Emergency Shelter 013685 SUGGESTED GIFT $60

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And there will be…a place of refuge… a shelter from storm and rain –Isaiah 4:6

Shelter from the Storms


he earthquake that devastated Nepal struck while churches were in the middle of worship. “I was in the third point of my sermon when the building started shaking,” a local pastor in Kathmandu told us. One wall collapsed and blocked the main entrance to his church. Miraculously, the congregation was able to escape through a narrow opening. “We were able to get out before the building collapsed,” he said. Across Nepal, countless communities faced scenes of overwhelming devastation. Hundreds of thousands of families lost their homes. Many of them lived in villages high in the Himalayas that are accessible only on foot. Samaritan’s Purse immediately airlifted hundreds of tons of emergency supplies and sent in medical teams to help the wounded and sick. As monsoon rains approached, we provided 25,000 families with kits to build

Dr. Lee McCluskey and Dr. Richard Furman (co-founder of World Medical Mis sion) in Nepal

sturdy Quonset huts where they can live while they rebuild. Among them was the family of Padam Kumari (pictured). “You have done all of these things for us,” she said, alongside her son, granddaughter, and greatgranddaughter. “We are happy and appreciate you.” The housing kits included corrugated metal roofing, prefabricated framing, and other items that could be carried by hand and easily assembled in remote villages. Men, women, and even small children walked for hours down rugged paths, across rivers, and along landslide-prone roads to get the materials. For Padam’s family, it took a full day to transport the shelter kit back up to their land, tucked away

on the side of a steep mountain. Padam said they expect to live in their new shelter for years to come. It’s families like hers that our teams and church partners want to reach—both to meet their daily needs and also to demonstrate how much God loves them. Christians are a tiny minority in Nepal, but they are working hard to show their neighbors the compassion of Christ. Pray for the people of Nepal and ask God to use our relief work to open doors for the Gospel.


he physician Luke was with Paul for much of his ministry as the


apostle was whipped, beaten, shipwrecked, and imprisoned. Paul

endured it all for the sake of the Gospel, knowing that he could trust in “the God of all comfort, who comforts us in our tribulations, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble” (2 Corinthians 1:3-4). Today, Christian doctors and nurses are still agents of God’s comfort in the aftermath of disasters and in the midst of epidemic diseases. Samaritan’s Purse flies medical teams and supplies into regions where there may be no other care available, so we can compassionately treat crippling or life-threatening injuries and help prevent the spread of sickness. Your gift of $50 can provide emergency surgical supplies or help to restock a village clinic.

Emergency Medicine 013759 SUGGESTED GIFT $50




he robbery victim in the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) was

saved by a stranger who treated him like a neighbor—bandaging his wounds, getting him to safety, and providing generously


for his recovery. Following this biblical example, Samaritan’s Purse responds immediately to global crises and helps desperate families, many of whom have lost everything. After a cyclone devastated the small island nation of Vanuatu, we provided thousands of families with survival kits that included basic kitchen utensils, soap and hygiene items to prevent the spread of disease, and other essentials. For just $45, we can supply a hurting family with a kit or other emergency supplies that will meet their needs today, give them hope for tomorrow, and reach out to them with the love of Christ.

International Emergency Relief 013310 SUGGESTED GIFT $45

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LIFE-SAVING FOOD W hen God sent a drought to

punish Israel, He provided for

His prophet Elijah at a brook where ravens brought him bread and meat twice a day. When the brook dried up, the Lord led him to a starving widow and her son and miraculously refilled her pot of flour and jar of oil to sustain them until the famine ended. Today, there are millions who are desperate for food because of drought, disaster, war, and other calamities. In South Sudan, we provide lentils, sorghum and other staples to feed up to 200,000 refugees from Sudan, some of whom arrive so famished that they must resort to eating bark and insects. For $35, we can deliver enough food to meet the monthly needs of a hungry family in Africa and other


ince the days of the Exodus, people in the Middle East have

often had to flee from tyrants. Today, ISIS death squads have driven


global hotspots in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Emergency Food 013562 SUGGESTED GIFT $35


thousands of Christians, Yazidis, and others into refugee camps or into Europe, where they face the likelihood that they will never return home. Your gift of $125 can help us provide a displaced family in the Middle East or elsewhere with a heater, food parcels, or other vital assistance. After all these refugees have lost, we want to help them find eternal hope in Jesus Christ and someday rejoice like the Israelites: “The Lord is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation” (Exodus 15:2).

Cyclone Pam relief, Vanuatu

Refugee Relief 012190 SUGGESTED GIFT $125


ldren LIFTING Up Chi



oel is a fourth-grader who excels in math and wants to become a doctor.

That might be an impossible dream for most children trapped in the poverty of Haiti, but Noel has an opportunity to make it come true. He and his sister are among dozens of children from the town of Leogane who attend classes at the Greta Home and Academy, operated by Samaritan’s Purse and named for Fox News journalist Greta Van Susteren and her work on behalf of the people of Haiti. Not only are over a hundred children like Noel getting a top-quality education, but many orphans and others are also being given a Christian home. The children study the truths of the Bible every day. As they hear the Gospel, many of them accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and are baptized. In just a few years, many will be graduating. We pray they will become the kind of godly leaders that Haiti desperately needs. Your gift will enable Christian caregivers at the Greta Home and Academy to “train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it”

(Proverbs 22:8).

Haiti-Greta Home & Academy 013962 SUGGESTED GIFT $150 SHARE THE COST $15

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hen families fleeing for their lives reach safety in the mountains of northern Iraq,

many of them arrive with nothing but the clothes on their backs. They are unprepared for the bitter winter and the hardships to come. Samaritan’s Purse has helped thousands of these children and adults with warm coats, properly fitted shoes, and fresh clothing. We want to do whatever we can to meet their needs, comfort their hearts, and earn a hearing for the Gospel. As the prophet Isaiah said, “I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, My soul shall be joyful in my God; For He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness” (Isaiah 61:10). For $25 we can furnish shoes and clothing for refugee families, disaster survivors, and impoverished children.

Clothing Needs 013651 SUGGESTED GIFT $25


Suggested Gift

FEED A HUNGRY BABY FOR A WEEK W hen two-year-old Nafissa arrived at a Samaritan’s Purse

feeding center in Niger, she weighed less than 12 pounds,

was unable to crawl, and was blinded by scar tissue that formed on her corneas. These are extreme symptoms of malnutrition, which afflicts two out of every five children in the famine-prone nation of Niger and millions more worldwide. When children are starving, they need specially formulated food to save their lives. Tens of thousands of girls and boys like Nafissa are thriving, thanks to therapeutic and supplementary feeding programs

made possible through Samaritan’s Purse. In the case of Nafissa— whose name means “precious” in Arabic—there is even hope that surgeons may be able to partially restore her eyesight. As we care for the famished, God gives us opportunities to share the Gospel


of Jesus Christ. “For he satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness” (Psalm 107:9).

Child Feeding Projects 013710 SUGGESTED GIFT $9


ldren LIFTING Up Chi


Suggested Gift

LOVING CARE FOR AN ORPHAN I n some parts of the world,

parents want sons so much that

they abandon baby girls to die. In India, a Christian orphanage

supported by Samaritan’s Purse has rescued dozens of these little girls from infanticide and is raising them to love and follow the Lord. Samaritan’s Purse supports orphanages like this in more than a dozen countries that provide loving Christian care for children and teach them what it means to follow Christ. These are grassroots ministries that operate on faith that God will provide their funds. Your $35 gift to the Samaritan Children’s Fund can help make it possible for them to continue to provide food, housing, healthcare, education and other necessities in the Name of Jesus.

Samaritan Children’s Fund 013386 SUGGESTED GIFT $35

10 HOT MEALS FOR A CHILD D aniel and his young friends rejected King


Nebuchadnezzar’s rich royal food that would have

defiled them and instead asked for wholesome meals (Daniel 1). In many impoverished parts of the world, children rarely get the balanced meals they need to thrive. Samaritan’s Purse sponsors lunch programs in dozens of schools and orphanages around the world to ensure that children can give thanks to God for a heaping helping of tasty food. For just $7, we can provide a boy or girl with a week’s worth of hot meals.

Hot Meals & Feeding Programs 013801 SUGGESTED GIFT $7

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For the Lord takes pleasure in His people; He will beautify the humble with salvation. – Psalm 149:4


lind children in Vietnam who attend special classes sponsored by Samaritan’s Purse have memorized the parable of the Good

Samaritan and are able to recite it to friends and family members who otherwise might never read the Bible. Many of these children have also become accomplished musicians and are learning vocational skills that will prepare them to be productive members of society as they continue to grow in God’s love. Your gift can help provide prosthetic limbs, wheelchairs, specialized schooling, therapy, or other care in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Children with Disabilities 013731 SUGGESTED GIFT $250 SHARE THE COST $25




fter Dr. Bob Pierce witnessed the plight of orphans and other suffering

children in Korea in 1947, he wrote in his Bible, “Let my heart be broken with the things that break the heart of God.” That prayer eventually led to the founding of Samaritan’s Purse, and three generations later we are still working worldwide to rescue boys and girls from abuse, exploitation, poverty, and danger. Countless boys and girls who have been neglected by their families are essentially living on their own. Samaritan’s Purse supports churches and Christian partners who reach out to these little ones, get them off the streets, meet their needs, and show them how much Jesus loves them. Your gift of $75 can help provide a vulnerable child with daily necessities, safe shelter, godly guidance, and the wonderful message of salvation in Christ.

Children in Crisis 013508 SUGGESTED GIFT $75


Le CARING for ‘The

a s t Of T h e s e ’


fter her husband and sons died, Naomi felt so hopeless that she didn’t even


answer to her own name. She told friends in Bethlehem, “Call me Mara, for the Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me”

(Ruth 1:20).

But her daughter-in-law Ruth

never abandoned her in her despair and eventually blessed Naomi with a grandson who became the grandfather of King David. Just as the Lord restored Naomi’s joy, He is still working to sustain and redeem the lives of women who have been bitterly oppressed, marginalized or impoverished. Our projects around the world support, protect, and bless vulnerable women in the Name of Jesus Christ. Your gift of $30 can help provide nutritional classes for mothers caring for their babies, or an outreach to protect women from abuse and exploitation, or vocational training for those who are determined to give their families a better life.

Women’s Projects 013977 SUGGESTED GIFT $30


hen the Hebrews left the drought-stricken land of Canaan seeking food in Egypt, they had no idea that they were headed into centuries

of slavery. The same is true for thousands today who are lured from their

Cissie Graham Ly nch, Ca


homelands by false promises of better paychecks and brighter futures, only to fall into the clutches of human traffickers who exploit and abuse them and make it all but impossible to escape. To stop this modern-day slave trade, we are working in the Name of Jesus to prevent trafficking and create job opportunities where people live. Your gift will help provide vocational training and warn laborers about the dangers of crossing international borders, while opening doors for the Gospel.

Human Trafficking/Exploitation 013964 SUGGESTED GIFT $100

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Power of the Gospel: A family restored

Each graduate of The Greatest Journey receive sa New Testament in the local langua ge.


rowing up in the African island nation of Madagascar, Tsilavina often went hungry because his mother was an alcoholic who spent all her money drinking. A Christian family who was aware of his plight offered Tsilavina a place to stay. They brought him to church and as a 9-year-old he received a giftfilled shoebox through Operation Christmas Child. Then they invited him to join The Greatest Journey, the 12-lesson discipleship course developed by Samaritan’s Purse for shoebox recipients. “These are the most important stories I have ever heard,” Tsilavina said. During the fourth lesson, he asked Jesus into his heart as Lord and Savior. He was delighted to learn that Jesus loved him and could use him even as a child to spread the Gospel. When he graduated from The Greatest Journey, he

received a New Testament and was soon baptized. Putting into practice what he had been taught in The Greatest Journey, Tsilavina began praying for his mother. Soon he had an opportunity to share his faith and asked her, “Couldn’t you stop your drinking?” Moved by her son’s plea, she confessed that she had been wrong and asked Christ to forgive her sins. She has since given up alcohol, and now Tsilavina is back home with her. They both attend church and pray together. “We live in a happy and peaceful home now because we have Jesus who is merciful and who has forgiven our sins,” he said.

16 THE GREATEST JOURNEY J esus told his followers to “Go therefore and

make disciples of all nations”

(Matthew 28:19).

We praise the Lord for how He is working through The Greatest Journey to make disciples in over 100 countries. Millions of children have already made decisions to follow Christ, have their own New Testaments to read, and know how to share the Gospel with their friends and

22 33

family. Samaritan’s Purse offers The Greatest Journey lessons in 66 languages and has trained over 250,000 volunteer teachers. We want to enroll 3.5 million children in the coming year. The Greatest Journey costs just $6 per child— including lesson materials, teacher training, and a New Testament.

OCC—The Greatest Journey ® 013943 SUGGESTED GIFT $72 FOR 12 CHILDREN


eroes H r u o G N I HONOR

‘Thank you for saving my life’ A

rmy Corporal Jeremy Cabaniss was knocked unconscious by an armor-piercing improvised explosive device (IED) that ripped across the turret of his Humvee in Baghdad in July 2006. As the vehicle’s gunner, he would have been decapitated had he not bent down to talk to his fellow soldiers below. A few months later, a second IED again rendered him unconscious—this time for about an hour. When Jeremy returned home to his wife, Deanna, he began many months of treatment for traumatic brain injury (TBI). In 2008, he was medically retired by the Army after four years of service. Today, he still suffers terrible headaches, short-term memory loss, and other debilitating effects of TBI. And it’s not just Jeremy who struggles—his wife, Deanna, and two sons share the burden. The couple was desperate for help when they arrived in Port Alsworth, Alaska, to participate in Operation Heal Our Patriots, a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse designed to strengthen the marriages of couples as they

Deanna and Army Corp. Jeremy Cabaniss deal with combat wounds. “Our marriage was in bad shape,” Jeremy said. The couple enjoyed fishing and hiking together and learned practical ways to strengthen their

Marine Sgt. Dexter Hocutt and Lance Corp. Tiffany Hocutt about to be baptized

marriage in daily Bible-based classes. One night while speaking with one of our retired military chaplains, Jeremy found relief from doubts that had plagued him for years. “I was raised in a Christian household,” Jeremy said. “Ever since then, I’ve always believed in God and prayed, but there was always this doubt.” Before they left Alaska, Jeremy and Deanna surrendered their lives to the Lord. They were baptized in Lake Clark and rededicated their marriage. Jeremy no longer has any doubts about his faith. “I know I have Christ in my heart. I feel so much better. It’s a weight lifted off my shoulders.” Jeremy tearfully shared with our staff and other couples that he had contemplated suicide in the past. He said he had thought of himself “as a failing father, a failing husband.” Yet, through the care of our chaplains and staff, as well as fellow military couples, he had found hope and a new relationship with Christ. “Everybody was just so loving,” he said. “I want to thank you all for saving my life. Thank you for saving my family, my children, and my wife.”

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BLESS THE MARRIAGE OF A MILITARY COUPLE A merica owes a great debt to the heroic men and women


who have been wounded in the war on terror. One way we can

show our gratitude is by making it possible for them to participate in Operation Heal Our Patriots, a ministry developed by Samaritan’s Purse to meet the unique needs of military couples as they cope with life-changing injuries. Through your gifts, we cover all the costs— including transportation, lodging, and activities—so that these couples can enjoy a refreshing

Chaplains James Fisher and Dan Stephens baptize Army Sgt. Andrew Berry.

week in Alaska, learn how to strengthen their marriages, and grow closer to the Lord.

Operation Heal Our Patriots 013960 COVER THE COSTS FOR ONE COUPLE $6,000 SHARE THE COST $60

Marine Sgt. Dana Abudayeh and Marine Staff Sgt. Adel Abudayeh

Army Corp. Josh McCart

Franklin and Jane Graham welcome Melissa and Mich ael Figueroa to Ala ska.


G I F TS u n d e r $ 1 5

Great in God’s Eyes W

hen Jesus’ disciples were arguing about which of them would be greatest, Jesus summoned a little child and taught them a priceless lesson: “He who is least among you all will be great.” (Luke 9:48). In a similar way, even the smallest gifts can make an eternal difference when you give them in Jesus’ Name.

18 ‘JESUS LOVES ME’ LAMBS A fter Franklin Graham told his mother Ruth about a lonely orphan in Africa singing

“Jesus Loves Me,” she came up with the idea of

giving out fuzzy little lambs that play this sweet tune when you cuddle them. For 20 years, these musical lambs have comforted children around the world and reminded them how much God loves them. For $10, you can brighten the lives of five children with these adorable gifts.

OCC-Musical Toy Lambs 013548 SUGGESTED GIFT $10



he Bible says, “If anyone competes in athletics, he is not crowned

unless he competes according to the rules”



od’s compassions “are new every morning” (Lamentations 3:23). So are fresh eggs, for families who raise chickens supplied by Samaritan’s Purse. Your gift of $14

will provide 12 chicks or other poultry that will soon lay enough protein-rich eggs to

(2 Timothy 2:5).

As boys and girls play fun

sports, Christian coaches can also teach them about the importance of obeying God’s laws and how they can have victory in Jesus. For $8, you can provide a soccer ball or other sports equipment to help kick

feed a family, with enough left over to sell or trade at market.

off a Gospel ministry to eager children.

Chicken and Poultry Projects 013656 SUGGESTED GIFT $14

Balls and Recreational Items 013658 SUGGESTED GIFT $8

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Unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of Heaven. –Matthew 18:5



illions of boys and girls around the world never have the chance to go to school. Their

countries don’t offer free education, and their parents cannot afford to pay for it. Samaritan’s Purse works with churches, orphanages, and other ministries in places like these to equip Christians to teach children to read and write. Most importantly, we want them to be able to read the Word of God. For $14, you can help provide school supplies or a month of school tuition.

Teach a Child to Read and Write 013700 SUGGESTED GIFT $14


GOSPEL BOOKLETS 23 T he Bible tells us that when Jesus was 12, his parents found Him

in the Temple, “sitting in the midst of

t’s hard for us to even imagine what it’s

the teachers, both listening to them

like for children and families who have to

and asking them questions.”

(Luke 2:46).

sleep outside after a storm, earthquake, or

Children everywhere need to know how

other disaster. When it’s shivering cold and

much God loves them. That’s why we

pitch dark, a snug blanket can help you get

include “Greatest Gift” booklets with

through the scariest night. For $6, you can

Operation Christmas Child shoebox

give a warm blanket that is a wonderful

gifts. For just $5, we can supply

way to show how God’s love enfolds those

booklets for 10 children to read the

who are hurting.

Gospel in their very own language.

Blankets and Bedding 013436 SUGGESTED GIFT $6

OCC-Evangelistic Materials 013568 SUGGESTED GIFT $5




n his letter to the Romans, Paul wrote, “It has always been my ambition to

preach the Gospel where Christ was not


known” (Romans 15:20). Many evangelists in underdeveloped countries follow in his footsteps as they go from town to town. To enable them to travel farther and faster, Samaritan’s Purse provides them with sturdy bicycles or other transportation so they can bring the Gospel to remote settlements. Your gift of $100 can enable one of these faithful preachers to go the extra mile to proclaim the way of salvation to those who have never known Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Vehicles for Missions 013827 SUGGESTED GIFT $100

BIBLES & CHRISTIAN LITERATURE A 25 s Samaritan’s Purse helps victims of persecution,

disaster, and war, God gives us

opportunities to distribute Bibles and Christian literature to bring the Light of Christ into some of the darkest corners of the world. Your gift of $15 can provide five New Testaments, three Bibles, or other Gospel materials to strengthen believers and guide the lost to saving faith in Jesus. Isaiah 55:11 tells us, “So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please.”

Bibles and Christian Literature 012025 SUGGESTED GIFT $15

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Samaritan’s Purse sponsors portable Bible schools (above and left) to train church leaders in remote corners of the Democratic Republic of Congo. We also support evangelists who are taking the Gospel to places like the streets of the Philippines (right).


hurch leaders need to be well-versed in God’s truth, but many who live in isolated towns and villages have never had the opportunity to attend Bible school. To meet this need in the vast Democratic Republic of

Congo, Samaritan’s Purse has launched a portable Bible school that moves from town to town and offers three months of intensive classes in preaching the Bible, sharing the Gospel, dealing with cults, and other ministry challenges. One pastor who traveled 30 miles from a pygmy settlement applied his evangelistic training and soon led 26 of his neighbors to saving faith in Christ. A gift of $35 can enable us to train an evangelist or equip a church with resources to reach those who are lost.

Evangelistic Tools and Training 013015 SUGGESTED GIFT $35

26 19

e Future BUILDING for th

,, Burned churches show us how to love your enemies M

uslims in Niger attacked Christian churches in a violent response to a cartoon of Muhammad that appeared in the satirical French magazine Charlie Hebdo. In a period of two days in January, they burned 70 churches. What happened the next Sunday was remarkable. Many churches met in the ashes and rubble and sang praises to God. Pastors asked their parishioners to forgive those who had caused the damage, reminding them of what Christ taught

us: “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you” (Luke 6:27). “They thought they burned the church, but they only burned the building. The church is in the heart,” said Pastor Jacques Houeto, who leads a Baptist

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They thought they burned the church, but they only burned the buildings. The church is in the heart.



church built by missionaries in 1929. Churches began looking for ways to show God’s love to their attackers. “What they did should not be a reason for us to stop loving them, so we’re working on how to show more love to those people,” said another pastor. Niger is one of the world’s poorest countries. These churches are strong in faith but need our support and prayers. Samaritan’s Purse works with persecuted Christians in Africa, the Middle East, and around the world. Pray that God will protect them and use them to build up His kingdom.


n many of the places Samaritan’s Purse works, children never have

the opportunity to reach their

God-given potential because their schools are crumbling, dilapidated, or destroyed. Some dedicated Christian teachers even hold classes under the shade of trees. When we build a school, God gives us opportunities to show the local village how much Jesus loves them. Your gift can help build, expand, or renovate a classroom that may serve a thousand students over the next generation. That’s just $20 per child.

School Construction and Upgrades 013752 SUGGESTED GIFT $20,000 SHARE THE COST $20



hristians in many parts of the world put their lives at risk when they gather for worship

or try to share the Gospel. Your gift will help

Samaritan’s Purse to repair burned sanctuaries, support underground churches, or meet the needs of courageous believers who lose their homes or jobs because of their faith. “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:10).

Persecuted Christians 013654 SUGGESTED GIFT $50



n Water

I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts. – Revelation 21:6


ater may be abundant in tropical regions, but that doesn’t mean it is

safe to drink. Over 2,000 children die daily from water-borne diseases that might have been prevented if they didn’t have to drink out of polluted streams or ponds. We have provided hundreds of thousands of families with a better alternative— household filters that use a natural process to strain out bacteria and other impurities. These simple filters work for decades, need no chemicals or electricity, and can be manufactured locally for $100. As we install filters in homes, the Lord opens doors for us to tell families how they can experience His cleansing power, and many


come to saving faith in Jesus Christ.

Water Filters 013923 SUGGESTED GIFT $100


he Bible says, “A righteous man who falters before the wicked is like a murky spring and a polluted well” (Proverbs 25:26). In the days following a disaster,

sources of water that people desperately need can’t be trusted. The salt-water surge of a typhoon or tsunami can contaminate thousands of wells. Earthquakes destroy reservoirs and clog springs. When we respond to an international disaster, clean water is one of our first priorities. Community filters can be set up in a few hours to supply up to 3,000 people per day with water for drinking, cooking, and washing. Your gift of $20 will help us to supply clean water for an entire family. As we work, God gives us opportunities to tell them about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Clean Water Projects 013659 SUGGESTED GIFT $20

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Suggested Gift



he first time the Samaritan woman heard Jesus offer “living water,” she was puzzled. “Sir, You have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep” (John 4:11). Residents of a Kenyan village called Kaaki

might have expressed similar concerns—their only well was too deep to pump by hand, and when their generator wore out, they were left high and dry. They had to haul water in jugs on donkeys from eight miles away. The trips were exhausting and dangerous, but they could not afford repairs. Samaritan’s Purse rehabilitated the well last year with a solar-powered pump that not only supplies enough fresh water for 500 families but also gives us opportunities to tell them how deeply God loves them. We can drill or rehabilitate a village well for as little as $40 per family. Freshwater Wells 013924 SUGGESTED GIFT $40

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I N C R E AS I N G t h

e Harvest


amilies returning home after years of civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo were excited about planting their gardens and growing their own food. Samaritan’s Purse provided them with the seed for cabbage and other healthy crops, cultivating opportunities for us to share the Gospel. A cabbage farmer named Alfonsina told us, “Hearing God’s Word encourages us.”

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Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. —Galatians 6:9



am going fishing,” Simon Peter said in John 21:3. He and the other disciples

had no luck until they heard someone on the shore saying, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some” (21:6).

John recognized the voice and said,

“It is the Lord!” (21:7). Today, Samaritan’s


he Bible promises the diligent herdsman, “You shall have enough goats’ milk for your food, for the food of your household”

(Proverbs 27:27).

Goats can

devour almost anything and turn it into wholesome milk. When we provide

Purse has projects around the world that

families with dairy animals, we give them a daily source of milk rich with protein,

help fishermen increase their catch in ways

calcium, and vitamins that are especially important to growing children. As

that also earn a hearing for the Gospel and

herds grow, they can be sold for income or given to neighbors in need. Most

bring people to Jesus. A gift of $50 can

importantly, as our teams offer training and basic veterinary care, we build

help supply sturdy boats and nets or stock

relationships so we can tell them how they can have eternal life in Jesus Christ.

a pond with enough tilapia or other fish to

Your gift of $70 will enable us to provide a goat or other dairy animal to a family

bless an entire community.

in need.

Fish Farms and Aquaculture Projects 013755 SUGGESTED GIFT $50

Goats and Dairy Animals 013754 SUGGESTED GIFT $70


arvest H e h t G N I S INCREA


xen and donkeys were common in Biblical times, and thousands of years

later they still do the work of tractors and trucks in many parts of the world. Countless farmers depend on draft animals for plowing, threshing, and hauling. Your gift of $350 can help us provide an ox, donkey, or other livestock as a strong testimony to a struggling family. “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find



owly shepherds watching their flocks by night were the first to hear the Good News that

Christ the Savior was born. They immediately

shared their excitement with others: “Now when they had seen Him, they made widely known the saying which was told to them concerning this Child. And all those who heard it marveled at those things which were told them by the shepherds”

(Luke 2:17-18).

As we help poor families

start their flocks, we are able to introduce them to the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ. For $80, Samaritan’s Purse can provide a sheep, alpaca, or other wool-bearing animal, and train families how to care for their flocks.

Sheep Projects 013956 SUGGESTED GIFT $80

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rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:29).

Livestock Projects 013831 SUGGESTED GIFT $350 SHARE THE COST $35



hen the Lord God planted His original garden, He

“took the man and put him in the


garden of Eden to tend and keep it” (Gen. 2:15). Ever since the fall

Suggested Gift

of Adam, however, farmers have had to sweat out their harvests. What if the rains fail? Or disaster strikes? Or enemies drive them from their lands? That’s when Samaritan’s Purse can help, by providing drought-resistant plants and techniques, or tools and seeds for those who are starting over. Your gift of $55 can enable a hard-working farmer to feed his family for the coming year, while also helping our teams on the ground sow seeds for the Gospel. Farm and Garden Projects 013657 SUGGESTED GIFT $55



SAVING L i v e s


hen a killer plague like Ebola strikes, Samaritan’s Purse and

our missionary hospital partners meet the challenge head-on and provide expert and compassionate care for those who are sick. As our teams courageously battled the deadly Ebola outbreak in Liberia, we were able to lead 1,200 people to saving faith in Jesus. It is critical to be ready to respond to the next outbreak. Your gift of $50 can help cover the cost of protective suits to keep health-care workers safe from infection, or help treat epidemic diseases such as malaria, cholera, tuberculosis, or HIV/AIDS.

Epidemic Diseases Fund 013901 SUGGESTED GIFT $50

37 EQUIP A MISSION HOSPITAL TO SAVE LIVES S amaritan’s Purse works worldwide to make sure Christian doctors and

hospitals always have the equipment, medicines, and supplies they need to

care for the sick. Technicians at our medical warehouse receive and recondition donated equipment that we provide free to mission hospitals. Your gift of $150 will enable us to ship infant incubators, oxygen concentrators, or other essential items overseas. Even in the most remote jungle hospital, missionary doctors always have one powerful tool: “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul

Dr. Kent Brantly (above) of Samaritan’s Purse treated Ebola patients in Liberia, contracted and survived the killer virus, and was recognized by TIME Magazine as one of the Persons of the Year.

and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12).

Medical Equipment & Supplies 013365 SUGGESTED GIFT $150

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t was a bittersweet moment last year when Jason and Susan Smith sat

down to read to a 4-year-old girl from Mongolia named Nomin (pictured). The Smiths made it possible for Nomin to have life-saving cardiac surgery in Minnesota through a generous gift to our Children’s Heart Project in memory of their daughter Emerson Rose, who lived just 76 days in 2011 after being


born with a heart condition. “We’re grateful that God continues to let her little life bring Him glory,” Jason said. Since 1997, the Children’s Heart Project has provided life-saving surgery for over 1,100 children like Nomin who were

hen God was seeking a prophet to call Israel to repentance and proclaim

born in countries where the operations

the coming of the Lord, Isaiah answered: “Here am I! Send me” (Isaiah 6:8).

they needed were not available. You

Today, many young Christian doctors respond the same way as God calls them

can help save the life of a child by

to dedicate their careers to medical missions. They often give up lucrative

sharing the cost of the international

careers to respond in obedience and faith. We established our Post-Residency

airfare, which averages $2,200 from

Program to help missionary doctors get started with two-year assignments

places like Uganda and Mongolia. If you

overseas while they begin to raise their own funds. It costs about $165 a day

would like to make your gift in honor or

to support a doctor and family on the mission field. That’s about $8 for each

memory of a loved one, you can order

patient they see and each life they touch in the Name of Jesus.

cards on the enclosed form or online.

New Missionary Doctors 013946 SUGGESTED GIFT $165 SHARE THE COST $8

Children’s Heart Project 013687 SUGGESTED GIFT $2,200 SHARE THE COST $22




‘I feel like I have a new life’ I

n South Sudan, children born with a cleft lip are often considered cursed. Taunts of “ugly” and “deformed” follow them from an early age.

When James and Adwok’s son, Yohannes and his mother from their Yohannes, was born with a cleft lip remote home to the national capital of nine years ago, they turned to God. Juba, where we had a team of medical “Since he was young, I have always volunteers who specialized in cleft lip persisted in prayer,” Adwok said. surgery. The surgeons did an amazing Yohannes was able to have an job, and the family was glowing after operation but it did not go well. His Yohannes’ operation. smile was still not right. Other children “I’m very happy,” Adwok said. “I feel teased him. like I have a new life, like he has a new Adwok continued to pray for life. I return all the glory to God.” an answer and he soon Many other children have heard the news about the experienced the joy of no “Christ has Samaritan’s Purse cleft longer being an outcast. redeemed us lip project. We flew A 9-year-old boy

from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us.” Galatians 3:13

named Teng withdrew from school because other children made fun of him. Now that his lip is healed, he is no longer shunned, and he is happily back in school. The transformation is so dramatic that many children change their name after surgery. For example, an eight-year-old refugee from the Nuba Mountains was named Shiana, which means “useless” in her native language. After her successful surgery, chaplains gave her a new name—Mary, which in Hebrew means “wished-for child.”


ing David describes people glowing with gratitude for what God has done. “They looked

to Him and were radiant, and their faces were not ashamed” (Psalm 34:5). That’s a beautiful description of how the Lord can transform a person’s outlook through cleft-lip surgery, preparing the way for our teams to share the Gospel and explain the far greater blessings that come from faith in Jesus. Samaritan’s Purse is planning to offer cleft-lip surgery to more than 100 children and adults in 2016. Our medical teams volunteer their time and expertise, and our aviation ministry in Africa provides transportation, so we can cover the cost of

41 Yohannes with Dr. Co dy Carpenter

surgery (including medicines and other supplies) for as little as $250.

Cleft Lip/Palate Surgery 013979 SUGGESTED GIFT $250 SHARE THE COST $25

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This is God’s answer to my prayer since birth.


– LEUDINA, cleft lip patient


Suggested Gift



42 BUILD A SHOEBOX ONLINE FOR A CLOSED COUNTRY W ant to share the true meaning of Christmas with children in countries that are closed

to the Gospel? That’s how we use shoeboxes

packed online for Operation Christmas Child®. With a computer or mobile device, anyone can conveniently pack a personalized shoebox gift on the Samaritan’s Purse website. These gifts will go to children in some of the hardest-to-reach countries. A suggested donation of $25 per box covers a shoebox full of gifts as well as shipping and other costs. Pack yours today by going to:

P.0. Box 3000 Boone, NC 28607-3000


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