A. Milchamah - Warfare
B. Upcoming Feast Dates
C. Zazzle T-Shirts
D. Why Elijah? Opinions Pt. 1
E. Warfare Series from Blogtalkradio
F. ASk the Mureh
G. How is your garden? Achot Malcah
H. Selfishness
I. Fall Feast Pics
J. The Song of Mosheh
The theme for our reboot of Beth YHWH Camp ISSU magazine is WARFARE. As the stage is being set for end time events, it is imperative for Israel to make ready for the battles that lie ahead.
We’re not referring to battles with firearms & artillery, but, as Bro Shaul taught,
We all must overcome our human nature, as
The next battle we must prepare for are doctrinal, which have slowly been building in the world today. Yahushua taught,
There are two battles we’re all engaged in. The first battle is an inner battle, as we’re taught,
and we know the sword to which He is referring is THE WORD OF YAH! Whether it be a better understanding of the Whole Armor of Powers, Eph. 6:10-20, or, a better understanding of our true enemy, 1 Pet. 5:8, 2Cor. 11:14-15, Rev. 12:9,
We all must make ready, for our Savior & Redeemer
He said, “Yah has sworn: ‘Yahweh will have war with Amalek from generation to generation.’”
Projected Fall Feasts 2023
Yom Teruah – September 15th 2023
Yom Kippur - September 24th 2023
Sukkot 1st Day – September 29th 2023
Shemini Atzeret – October 6th 2023
All dates are subject to change as we continue to Keep Our Heads to the Sky and Watch for the Signs of the Season.
WHAT IS AN OPINION? Collins English Dictionary defines it as follows: opinion (əˈpɪnjən) n
1. judgment or belief NOT founded on cer tainty or proof
2. the PREVAILING or POPULAR feeling or view: public opinion.
3. evaluation, impression, or estimation of the value or worth of a person or thing
4.an evaluation or judgment GIVEN BY A N EXPERT: a medical opinion.
5. (Law) the advice given by a barrister or counsel on a case submitted to him o r her for a view on the legal points involv ed
6. a matter of opinion a point open to qu estion
7.be of the opinion that to believe that
The term comes from Old French, from Latin opinio [belief], from opinari [to think]. With the rise of social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram & Tik Tok, along with individual podcasts, every person has been given their own proverbial soapbox to stand on & share with the world their viewpoints about any & every subject you can name. In the USA this has even more significance, because of what’s etched in The Bill of Rights, The First Amendment to The Constitution, which states:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Although the idea of freedom gives one the impression of something commendable & favorable, it is often misleading; more on that in an upcoming article ‘IS FREEDOM REALLY FREE?’.
When it comes to opinions, as is stated in our opening quote by Simone Elkeles, an American author of teen romance novels, “…everyone’s got one & everyone thinks everyone else’s stinks.” In a blog found on withtoughlove.net, a blogger named Kate wrote the following about Miss Elkeles’ quote:
This has to be one of my favorite quotes becauseitreallyhitsthenailonthehead. WE ALL HAVE OPINIONS ABOUT EVERYTHING. They can be as small as the best place to get a coffee or the best types of soda, to something as large as political and religious issues. OUR OPINIONS ARE SHAPED THROUGHOUT OUR LIVES BY THE PEOPLE WE INTERACT WITH, SITUATIONS WE ENCOUNTER AND THE PLACES WE SEE, so it should be no surprise that we do not all view things thesameway. WE ALL LIVE VERYDIFFERENT LIVES, INTERACT WITH DIFFERENT TYPES OF PEOPLE, AND GROWTHROUGHOURUNIQUEEXPERIENCES.Butfor some reason we all feel like we need everyone to agree with us and get annoyed when someone’s opinion doesn’t align with our own. HOW CAN WE EXPECT EVERYONE TO THINK THE SAME WAY WHEN WE ALL GROW UP IN DIFFERENT HOUSEHOLDS, AROUND DIFFERENT PEOPLE, AND IN DIFFERENT PLACES? It seems a little silly when it is laid out like that doesn’t it? Therefore, EVEN IF YOU DON’T AGREE WITH ANOTHER PERSON’S OPINION, YOU SHOULD VALUE THEIR THOUGHTS BECAUSE THEY ARE COMING FROM A DIFFERENT PLACE THAN YOU…
Specific parts of this blog have been highlighted because a vast majority of society feels the same way about the validity of their opinions, hence, the rise of social media platforms & podcasts. HOW CAN WE EXPECT EVERYONE TO THINK THE SAME WAY WHEN WE ALL GROW UP IN DIFFERENT HOUSEHOLDS, AROUND DIFFERENT PEOPLE, AND IN
Opinions are like "expletive" everyone has one, but they think each others stink." ~ S.E.
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DIFFERENT PLACES?” This example has led many to develop stereotypes about people from a different race, ethnicity or nationality. As we all can agree, stereotypes, although they derive from one’s experience, are not alwaystrue. In other words, it’sa FAULTY OPINION Considering this, SHOULD PERSONAL OPINIONS ABOUT THE WORD OF YHWH BE VALUED, SIMPLYBECAUSETHEPERSONSHARINGISCOMINGFROM
Let’s go back to our narrative about ELIYAHU & THE BATTLE AT MOUNT CARMEL:
1Co 10:1 Now I would not have you ignorant, brothers, that our fathers were all under the cloud, and all passed through the sea;
1Co 10:2 and were all baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea;
1Co 10:3 and all ate the same spiritual food;
1Co 10:4 and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank of a spiritual rock that followed them, and the rock was [Messiah].
1Co 10:5 However with most of them, Alahiym was not well pleased, for they were overthrown in the wilderness.
1Ki 18:20 So Ahab sent to all the sons of Israel, and gathered the prophets together to Mount Carmel.
1Ki 18:21 Elijah came near to all the people, and said, “HOW LONG WILL YOU WAVER BETWEEN THE TWO SIDES? If Yahweh is [The Mighty Ones], follow him; but if the Baal, then follow him.” The people didn’t say a word. (WEBA)
1Co 10:6 NOW THESE THINGS WERE OUR EXAMPLES, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted.
In the KJV this question appears as, “HOW LONG HALT YE BETWEEN TWO OPINIONS?” The Hebrew word translated “halt” means to ‘hop’ but has the implication of ‘being hesitant’ & even ‘to dance’, in the context of someone being accused of avoiding or evading. Several points need to be made regarding this question put forth by EliYahu. The first point being, EliYahu is asking the House of Israel this question, as they were the people who were hesitant & avoiding making a concrete decision as to who they serve. WHAT DOES THIS QUESTION MEAN FOR US TODAY? OR, SINCE THIS WAS ASKED DURING A PAST EVENT, SHOULD WE NO LONGER BE CONCERNED WITH IT? Bro Shaul, in our next passage, makes an important declaration regarding YHWH’s Word:
Rom 15:4 For whatever things were written before WERE WRITTEN FOR OUR LEARNING, that through perseverance and through encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.
What we are being taught from the Tanakh (OT) has been written to teach us, by the examples of our forefathers, whatwe should or should not do today. In this case, Israel is caught between the worship of Ba’al & the worship of YHWH, two prevailing OPINIONS during that time.
1Ki 18:21 “…If Yahweh is [The Mighty Ones], follow him; but if the Baal, then follow him…” (WEBA)
These two OPINIONS can also be categorized by The Seed of the Serpent (Ba’al) versus The Seed of Alahiym (YHWH) , representing the two groups of people in the world today; the two prevailing mindsets defined by OBEDIENCE or DISOBEDIENCE to Torah. Now consider the Hebrew term translated as “OPINIONS”;
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From H5586; divided (in mind), that is, (abstractly) a sentiment: - opinion.
Here Ya’aqov (James) is teaching us that doubt is a contributing factor to being double minded, consider this next passage by Bro Shaul:
Eph 4:11 HE GAVE SOME TO BE apostles; and some,prophets;and some,evangelists; and some, shepherds and teachers;
Eph 4:12 for the perfecting of the saints, to the work of serving, to the building up of the body of Messiah;
Eph 4:13 until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Messiah;
Regarding the divided mind, Holy Scripture teaches:
Jas 1:5 But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of [Mighty One], who gives to all liberally and without reproach; and it will be given to him.
Jas 1:7 For that man shouldn’t think that he will receive anything from the Master.
Jas 1:8 HE IS A DOUBLE-MINDED MAN, unstable in all his ways.
δίψυχος dipsuchos
From G1364 and G5590; two spirited, that is, vacillating (in opinion or purpose): - double minded.
Eph 4:14 THAT WE MAY NO LONGER BE CHILDREN, TOSSED BACK AND FORTH AND CARRIED ABOUT WITH EVERY WIND OF DOCTRINE, by the trickery of men, in craftiness, after the wiles of error;
Building onto what James is teaching, Paul acknowledges the purpose of prophets & priests, who are called to teach Israel the Word of YAH. As a result of “…every wind of doctrine…” a divided in mind is the result, which causes instability. Let’s go back to the root of our original term for further comparison: H5586
A primitive root; properly to divide up; but used only as denominative from H5585, to disbranch (a tree): - top.
Disbranch means to cut or break a branch from a tree. Since Israel are the people referred to as “halting between two opinions, ” it’s safe to say that the doctrine surrounding Baal serve the purpose of breaking them away from the tree.
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Jer 11:16 Yahweh called your name, “A GREENOLIVETREE,beautifulwith goodlyfruit.” With the noise of a great roar, he has kindled fire on it, and its branches are broken.
Rom 11:17 BUT IF SOME OF THE BRANCHES WERE BROKEN OFF,andyou,beingawild olive,were grafted in among them, and became partaker with them of the root and of the richness of the olive tree…
Rom 11:20 …True; BY THEIR UNBELIEF THEY WERE BROKEN OFF, and you stand by your faith. Don’t be conceited, but fear;
factions. Comparing the rock to the foundation of Israel’s way of life prescribed by YHWH, that being Torah, WHAT CAN WE GLEAN FROM THE TERM ‘SAIYPH’? In our next example, we learn of the division that existed among Israel during the time of Yahushua Ha’Mashiyach:
Mat 16:5 The disciples came to the other side and had forgotten to take bread.
Mat 16:6 Yahushua said to them, “Take heed and beware of the yeast of the Pharisees [Perushiym] and Sadducees [Tzadokiym].”
Mat 16:7 They reasoned among themselves, saying, “We brought no bread.”
Mat 16:8 Yahushua, perceiving it, said, “Why do you reason among yourselves, you of little faith, ‘because you have brought no bread?’
Mat 16:9 Don’t you yet perceive, neither remember the five loaves for the five thousand, and how many baskets you took up?
Mat16:10 Nor theseven loavesfor thefour thousand, and how many baskets you took up?
Bro Shaul attests to the fact that some of Israel were separated from YHWH DUE TO THEIR UNBELIEF & unbelief leads to disobedience when we no longer believe the voice of YHWH. BUT WHY DID THEY NO LONGER BELIEVE IN YHWH?
Mat 16:11 How is it that you don’t perceive that I didn’t speak to you concerning bread? But beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.”
Mat 16:12 Then they understood that he didn’t tell them to beware of the yeast of bread, BUT OF THE TEACHING OF THE PHARISEES AND SADDUCEES.
From H5586; a fissure (of rocks); also a bough (as subdivided): - (outmost), branch, clift, top.
A fissure is a crack or cleft in a rock; but can also be used to indicate a separation into groups or
Although the addition of sects within Israel called Pharisees, Sadducees & Essenes came years after the battle on Mount Carmel, nevertheless, they are still the results of OPINIONS disseminated by The Opponent, “…that old serpent called the devil & satan,” Rev. 12:9. The divide & conquer tactic has been used by The Opponent since the garden, as even Chauah [Eve] was separated from her husband when she was beguiled by that old serpent, Gen. 3ff. Josephus
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gives us some background information about the three prevailing sects in Israel at the time Yahushua entered the scene:
are unwillingly and by force sometimes obliged to be, they addict themselves to the notions of the Pharisees, because the multitude would not otherwise bear them.
Antiquities of the Jews, Book 18, Chapter 1:
3. Now, for the Pharisees, they live meanly, and despise delicacies in diet; and they follow the conduct of reason; and what that prescribestothemasgoodforthemtheydo; and they think they ought earnestly to strive to observe reason’s dictates for practice They also pay a respect to such as are in years; nor are they so bold as to contradict them in anything which they have introduced; and when they determine that all things are done by fate, they do not take away the freedom from men of acting as they think fit; since their notion is, that it hath pleased God to make a temperament, whereby what he wills is done, but so that the will of man can act virtuously or viciously. They also believe that souls have an immortal rigor in them, and that under the earth there will be rewards or punishments, according as they have lived virtuously or viciously in this life; and the latter are to be detained in an everlasting prison, but that the former shall have power to revive and live again; on account of which doctrines they are able greatly to persuade thebodyofthepeople;andwhatsoeverthey do about Divine worship, prayers, and sacrifices, they perform them according to their direction; insomuch that the cities give great attestations to them on account of their entire virtuous conduct, both in the actions of their lives and their discourses also.
4. But the doctrine of the Sadducees is this: That souls die with the bodies; nor do they regard the observation of anything besides what the law enjoins them; for they think it an instance of virtue to dispute with those teachers of philosophy whom they frequent: but thisdoctrineisreceived but by a few, yet by thosestill ofthe greatest dignity.But they are able to do almost nothing of themselves; for when they become magistrates, as they
5. The doctrine of the Essenes is this: That all things are best ascribed to God. They teach the immortality of souls, and esteem that the rewards of righteousness are to be earnestly striven for; and when they send what they have dedicated to God into the temple, they do not offer sacrifices (3) because they have more pure lustrations of their own; on which account they are excluded from the common court of the temple, but offertheir sacrificesthemselves; yet is their course of life better than that of other men; and they entirely addict themselves to husbandry. It also deserves our admiration, how much they exceed all other men that addict themselves to virtue, and this in righteousness; and indeed, to suchadegree,thatasithathneverappeared among any other men, neither Greeks nor barbarians, no, not fora little time, so hath it endured a long while among them. This is demonstrated by that institution of theirs, whichwillnotsufferanythingtohinderthem from having all things in common; so that a rich man enjoys no more of his own wealth than he who hath nothing at all. There are about four thousand men that live in this way, and neither marry wives, nor are desirous to keep servants; as thinking the latter tempts men to be unjust, and the former gives the handle to domestic quarrels;butastheylivebythemselves,they minister one to another. They also appoint certain stewards to receive the incomes of their revenues, and of the fruits of the ground; such as are good men and priests, who are to get their corn and their food ready for them. They none of them differ from others of the Essenes in their way of living,butdothemostresemblethoseDacae who are called Polistae (4) [dwellers in cities].
Although Josephus’s writings are subjective, we can at least get a perspective of how these sects were viewed by some, if not all people, during
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their era. The points that have been underlined should be considered in light of what Holy Scripture teaches. Consider what Yahushua had to say about them:
Mat 15:1 Then Pharisees and scribes came to Yahushua from Jerusalem, saying,
Mat 15:2 “Why do your disciples disobey the tradition of the elders? For they don’t wash their hands when they eat bread.”
Mat 15:4 For [Mighty One] commanded, ‘Honor your father and your mother,’ and, ‘He who speaks evil of father or mother, let him be put to death.’
Mat 15:5 But you say, ‘Whoever may tell his father or his mother, “Whatever help you might otherwise have gotten from me is a gift devoted to [Mighty One],”
Mat 15:6 he shall not honor his father or mother.’ You have made the commandment of God void because of your tradition.
Mat 15:7 YOU HYPOCRITES! Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, saying,
Mat 15:8 ‘These people draw near to me with their mouth, and honor me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.
Mat 16:5 The disciples came to the other side and had forgotten to take bread.
Mat 16:12 …Then they understood that he didn’t tell them to beware of the yeast of bread, BUT OF THE TEACHING OF THE PHARISEES AND SADDUCEES.
The teachings of the Pharisees & Sadducees are still being taught in many congregations today. Yuchanan (John) had this to say about them:
Mat 3:4 Now John himself wore clothing made of camel’s hair, with a leather belt around his waist. His food was locusts and wild honey.
Mat 3:5 Then people from Jerusalem, all of Judea, and all the region around the Jordan went out to him.
Mat 3:6 They were baptized by him in the Jordan, confessing their sins.
Mat 3:7 But when he saw many of THE PHARISEES AND SADDUCEES coming for his baptism, he said to them, “YOU OFFSPRING OF VIPERS, who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?
As we can see, division was running rampant among Israel, the people of the book chosen to bear ABBA’s Word for the world, but even they had been infiltrated by The Opponent. HOW DID THEY GET TO THAT POINT BACK THEN? And, this state of division continued through the time of the early assembly. Consider what Bro Shaul wrote to the Corinthian assembly:
1Co 1:10 Now I beg you, brothers, through the name of our Master, Yahushua the Messiah, THAT YOU ALL SPEAK THE SAME THING, AND THAT THERE BE NO DIVISIONS AMONG YOU, but
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that you be perfected together IN THE SAME MIND AND IN THE SAME JUDGMENT.
1Co 3:1 Brothers, I couldn’t speak to you as to spiritual, but as to fleshly, as to babies in Christ.
1Co 3:2 I fed you with milk, not with meat; for you weren’t yet ready. Indeed, not even now are you ready,
1Co 3:3 for you are still fleshly. For insofar as there is jealousy, strife, AND FACTIONS
Simply put, when we are divided in what Holy Scripture teaches, we are walking according to our carnal nature, which is in opposition to ABBA, as Bro Shaul teaches in Rom. 8:7. But again, the question remains, HOW DID ISRAEL GET THIS WAY? HOW IS IT THAT THE PEOPLE TO WHOM ABBA CHOSE TO REVEAL HIS TORAH ARE SO DIVIDED? Let’s go back to the Battle at Mount Carmel. Historically speaking, WHO IS BA’AL & WHAT DID BA’AL WORSHIP CONSIST OF? To answer this, we need to go back even further, so we return to B’reshiyth (Genesis) to learn about the early history of humanity.
Adam & Chauah (Eve) had several children:
Gen 5:4 The days of Adam after he became the father of Seth were eight hundred years, AND HE BECAME THE FATHER OF OTHER SONS AND DAUGHTERS.
This narrative draws our attention to two of their children specifically, Qayin (Cain) & Chevel (Abel), as their relationship lends to a greater narrative told throughout Holy Scripture. Offerings were made to YHWH, Abel’s was accepted, but Cain’s rejected. Instead of offering an acceptable sacrifice, Cain retaliated against his brother & killed him. Afterward he was banished from the portion of land where Adam & Eve dwelled &
became a wanderer. Where we pick up is after this occurred:
Gen 4:25 Adam knew his wife again. She gave birth to a son, and named him Seth, saying, “for God has given me another child instead of Abel, for Cain killed him.”
Gen 4:26 A son was also born to Seth, and he named him Enosh. AT THAT TIME MEN BEGAN TO CALL ON YAHWEH’S NAME.
WHAT HAPPENED THAT “men began to call on YHWH’s name” AT THIS POINT IN OUR HISTORY? WERE THEY NOT CALLING ON YHWH’S NAME PRIOR TO THE BIRTH OF SETH? Yes, YHWH was & is the only deity, so there was a time when He was worshipped exclusively, but, as humanity’s population began to increase, The Opponent began to corrupt them. Consequently, men began to worship idols, leading to a distinction between those who worshipped false deities & those who called on the name YHWH. Consider Bro Shaul’s letter to the Romans:
Rom 1:20 For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity; that they may be without excuse.
Rom 1:21 Because, knowing [Mighty One], they didn’t glorify him as [Mighty One], neither gave thanks, BUT BECAME VAIN IN THEIR REASONING, AND THEIR SENSELESS HEART WAS DARKENED.
Rom 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
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Rom 1:23 and traded the glory of the incorruptible [Mighty One] FOR THE LIKENESS OF AN IMAGE OF CORRUPTIBLE MAN, and of birds, and four-footed animals, and creeping things.
Humanity, at different points in our history, turned away from what they knew to be the truth, to their own ways.
Gen 6:5 Yahweh saw that thewickedness of man was great in the earth, AND THAT EVERY IMAGINATION OF THE THOUGHTS OF MAN’S HEART WAS CONTINUALLY ONLY EVIL…
Gen 6:11 …The earth was corrupt before [Mighty One], and the earth was filled with violence.
Gen 6:12 [Mighty One] saw the earth, and saw that it was corrupt, FOR ALL FLESH HAD CORRUPTED THEIR WAY ON THE EARTH.
Shortly after the rise of idolatry, humanity became more corrupt, which eventually led to the Great Flood during the time of Noach (Noah), a beautiful picture of salvation:
Gen 6:13 [Mighty One] said to Noah, “I will bring an end to all flesh, FOR THE EARTH IS FILLED WITH VIOLENCE THROUGH THEM. Behold, I will destroy them and the earth…
Gen 6:18 But I will establish my covenant with you. YOU SHALL COME INTO THE SHIP, YOU, YOUR SONS, YOUR WIFE, AND YOUR SONS’ WIVES WITH YOU.
Unfortunately, years later, the corruption of humanity would rise again:
Gen 10:1 Now this is the history of the generations of the sons of Noah and of Shem, Ham, and Japheth. SONS WERE BORN TO THEM AFTER THE FLOOD…
Gen 10:6 THE SONS OF HAM WERE: CUSH, Mizraim, Put, and Canaan…
Consider what Josephus has recorded about the man who confronted YHWH after the Great Flood:
2. Now it was Nimrod who excited them to such an affront and contempt of God. He was the grandson of Ham, the son of Noah, a bold man, and of great strength of hand. He persuaded them not to ascribe it to God, as if it was through his means they were happy, but to believe that it was their own courage which procured that happiness. He also gradually changed the government into tyranny, seeing no other way of turning men from the fear of God, but to bring them into a constant dependence on his power. He also said he would be revenged on God, if he should have a mind to drown the world again; for that he would build a tower too high for the waters to be able to reach! and that he would avenge himself on God for destroying their forefathers!
3. Now the multitude were very ready to follow the determination of Nimrod, and to esteem it a piece of cowardice to submit to God; and they built a tower, neither sparing any pains, nor being in any degree negligent about the work: and, by reason of the multitude of hands employed in it, it grew very high, sooner than anyone could expect; but the thickness of it was so great, and it was so strongly built, that thereby its great height seemed, upon the view, to be less than it really was. It was built of burnt brick, cemented together with mortar, made of bitumen, that it might not be liable to admit water. When God saw that they acted so madly, he did not resolve to destroy them utterly, since they were not grown wiser by the destruction of the former sinners; but he caused a tumult among them, by producing in them divers languages, and causing that, through the multitude of those languages, they should not be able to understand one another. The place wherein they built the tower is now called Babylon, because of the
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confusion of that language which they readily understood before; for the Hebrews mean by the word Babel, confusion THE SIBYL also makes mention of this tower, and of the confusion of the language, when she says thus: "When all men were of one language, some of them built a high tower, as if they would thereby ascend up to heaven, but the gods sent storms of wind and overthrew the tower, and gave everyone his peculiar language; and for this reason it was that the city was called Babylon." But as to the plan of Shinar, in the country of Babylonia, Hestiaeus mentions it, when he says thus: "Such of the priests as were saved, took the sacred vessels of Jupiter Enyalius, and came to Shinar of Babylonia."
Nineveh, according to Dr. Alexander Hislop’s research on the subject, has been defined as “habitation of Ninus,” BUT WHO IS NINUS?
Gen 10:9 He was a mighty hunter before Yahweh. Therefore it is said, “like Nimrod, a mighty hunter before Yahweh”.
Plural (but always used as a singular) of an unused noun (הֶנָׂפ pâneh, paw-neh'; from 6437); the face (as the part that turns); used in a great variety of applications (literally and figuratively); also (with prepositional prefix) as a preposition (before, etc.):
The implication of this term being used, is that Nimrod withstood YHWH face to face, as in standing before Him.
Gen 10:10 THE BEGINNING OF HIS KINGDOM WAS BABEL, Erech, Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.
Gen 10:11 OUT OF THAT LAND HE WENT INTO ASSYRIA, AND BUILT NINEVEH, Rehoboth Ir, Calah, Gen10:12 andResenbetweenNinevehand the great city Calah.
Ninus, in Greek mythology, king of Assyria and the eponymous founder of the city of Nineveh, which itself is sometimes called Ninus. He was said to have been the son of Belos, or Bel, and to have conquered in 17 years all of western Asia with the help of Ariaeus, king of Arabia. During the siege of Bactra he met Semiramis, the wife of one of his officers, Onnes; he then took her from Onnes and married her. The fruit of the marriage was Ninyas i.e., the Ninevite.
www.britannica.com ‘Ninus’
Ninus, according to Greek historians writing in the Hellenistic period and later, was accepted as the eponymous founder of Nineveh, Ancient capital of Assyria, although he does not seem to represent any one personage known to modern history, and is more likely a conflation of several real and/or fictional figures of antiquity, as seen to the Greeks through the mists of time. Many early accomplishments are attributed to him, such as training the first hunting dogs, and taming horses for riding. For this accomplishment, he is sometimes represented in Greek mythology as a centaur.ThefiguresofKingNinusandQueen
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Semiramis first appear in the history of Persia written by Ctesias of Cnidus, who claimed, as court physician to Artaxerxes II, to haveaccessto theroyal historicalrecords. Ctesias' account was later expanded on by Diodorus Siculus. Ninus continued to be mentioned by European historians, even up until knowledge of cuneiform enabled a more precise reconstruction of Assyrian history in the 19th century. He was said to have been the son of Belus or Bel, A NAME THAT MAY REPRESENT A SEMITIC TITLE SUCH AS BA'AL, "lord". According to Castor of Rhodes, his reign lasted 52 years, its commencement falling in 2189 BC according to Ctesias. He was reputed to have conquered the whole of western Asia in 17 yearswiththehelpofAriaeus,kingofArabia, and to have founded the first empire, defeating the legendary kings Barzanes of Armenia and Pharnus of Medea.
www.definitions.net ‘What does Ninus mean?’
These claims are similar to what Dr. Hislop discovered & wrote about in his book The Two Babylons But before we interject those claims, another important point must be made regarding our ancestors.
Gen 11:1 The whole earth was of ONE LANGUAGE and of ONE SPEECH.
This is important to note, because when it comes to the founding of ancient mystery religions, there is a common source, but due to the confusion of the languages, names have been changed & details may differ in minute points, but the foundational belief remains the same.
On page 25, under ‘The Child in Assyria,’ Dr. Hislop writes:
“Now, assuming that Ninus is Nimrod, the way in which that assumption explains what is otherwise inexplicable in the statements of ancient history greatly confirms the truth of that assumption itself. Ninus is said to have been the son of Belus or Bel, and Bel is said to have been the founder of Babylon. If Ninus was in reality the first king of Babylon, how could Belus or Bel, his father, be said to be the founder of it? Both might very well be, as will appear if we consider who was Bel, and what we can trace of his doings. If Ninus was Nimrod, who was the historical Bel? He must have been Cush; for “Cush begat Nimrod” (Gen. x. 8); and Cush is generally represented as having been a ring leader in THE GREAT APOSTASY.”
When it comes to truth, the further back you go, the closer you get to what the truth of any matter is, especially if being led by YHWH through His Holy Spirit. The idea of Cush being a ringleader in what was known as the great apostacy, is cosigned by Gregorius Turonensis (Gregory of Tours), a Gallo-Roman historian and political commentator during the Merovingian period. He is said to have attributed;
“…to Cush what was said more generally to have befallen his son; but his statement shows the belief in his day, which is amply confirmed from other sources, that Cush had a pre-eminent share in leading mankind away from the true worship
Why Elijah? Pt. 4
of God,” De rerum Franc, lib. 1., apud, Bryant, vol. 2, pp. 403, 404.
Holy Scripture gives some allusion to this when we consider Cush’s Father, Cham (Ham) & the incident involving Noah when he was drunk, Gen. 9:18-22, which was an indication of his character in comparison to his brothers, which evidences his corruption.
WHAT’S THE POINT OF MENTIONING ALL OF THIS? WHAT DOES ANY OF THIS HAVE TO DO WITH OPINIONS? First, this goes to our original question, WHO IS BAAL? The identification of Baal sheds light on, not only the battle on Mount Carmel between EliYahu & the false prophets, but is a microcosm of the condition of our world today. Which leads to the second question; when it comes to our OPINIONS, they’re actually impacted by false information represented by Baal, which is why identifying this entity is important to our study. The existence of two specific ways of life, two ways of thinking & two ways of behavior is represented in this great battle as well. Consider these prophetic messages to Babylon:
Isa 46:1 BEL BOWS DOWN. Nebo stoops. Their idols are carried by animals, and on the livestock. The things that you carried around are heavy loads, a burden for the weary.
Jer 51:44 I WILL EXECUTE JUDGMENT ON BEL IN BABYLON, and I will bring out of his mouth that which he has swallowed up. The nations will not flow any more to him. Yes, the wall of Babylon will fall.
If Baal is Bel & Bel is Cush, what we’ve deduced so far is that BAAL IS THE DEIFICATION OF A MAN, now go back to what Bro Shaul wrote in Romans:
Rom 1:23 and traded the glory of the incorruptible [Mighty One] FOR THE LIKENESS OF AN IMAGE OF CORRUPTIBLE MAN…
The man being deified was then lifted up & worshipped. Since the sun was the primary object of worship among the ancients, people were deified as sun gods / goddesses; additionally, they were venerated as moon gods / goddesses, as well as being represented among the stars. Simply put, THE SEED OF THE SERPENT being the majority in our world today, has had massive influence on the world & how the world thinks.
Isa 60:1 “Arise, shine; for your light has come, and Yahweh’s glory has risen on you.
Isa 60:2 For, behold, DARKNESS WILL COVER THE EARTH, AND THICK DARKNESS THE PEOPLES; but Yahweh will arise on you, and his glory shall be seen on you.
Jer 50:1 The word that Yahweh spoke concerning Babylon, concerning the land of the Chaldeans, by Jeremiah the prophet.
Jer 50:2 “Declare among the nations and publish, and set up a standard; publish, and don’t conceal: say, ‘Babylon has been taken, BEL IS DISAPPOINTED, Merodach is dismayed! Her images are disappointed. Her idols are dismayed.’
Rev 12:9 The great dragon was thrown down, the old serpent, he who is called the devil and Satan, THE DECEIVER OF THE WHOLE WORLD. He was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.
Why Elijah? Pt. 4
Rev 13:4 THEY WORSHIPED THE DRAGON, because hegave his authority to the beast… Based on these few passages, the entire world population has been affected by The Opponent & our thinking has been altered to think contrarily to YHWH. This is why we are being taught the following:
Rom 12:2 Don’t be conformed to this world, BUT BE TRANSFORMED BY THE RENEWING OF YOUR MIND, so that you may prove what is the good, well-pleasing, and perfect will of God.
In Yechezqel’s (Ezekiel’s) statement about the new covenant, compare what he says to what we’re taught in the foregoing passages:
To be continued…
Eze 36:25 I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean. I will cleanse you from all your filthiness, and from all your idols.
Eze 36:26 I WILL ALSO GIVE YOU A NEW HEART, AND I WILL PUT A NEW SPIRIT WITHIN YOU. I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh.
It’s as if the answer to Dauiyd’s (David’s) prayer was accepted in Ezekiel, then, further expounded in Bro Paul’s letter to the assembly in Rome.
Praying that all is well with each member of the House of Iyshra’Al, both near & far, b’shem Yahushua Ha’Mashiyach!
To ABBA be all praises! This section of our ISSU Magazine will be dedicated to questions YOU have pertaining to this walk of life. The thought that ABBA is giving me however, is to make this section a monthly, rather
annual section, as questions may be numerous. Although we will still have a section dedicated to questions in our bi-annual issue as well. Questions may range from practical to spiritual & as ABBA reveals, will be answered according to the order they are received. All questions may be submitted to raybag@comcast.net for review. Questions will be disbursed among the teachers of Beth YHWH Camp, answered & included in the next months ISSU Magazine, specifically for this purpose. When submitting questions, please include Ask the Mureh in the topic area of your email.
By Achot Malcahthought about the needs for healthy conditions when we sow or receive the Word. In the parable there is a good soil.
During Covid I became a plant enthusiast. At first I purchased plants based on how they looked. There were some plants that were just so beautiful that I had to have them in the house. The oxalis’ triangular shaped leaves became one of my favorites. The leaves follow the sun throughout the day. It is amazing to watch them change directions throughout the day. Another favorite of mine became the prayer plant which during the day the leaves would hang down but as the sun set their leaves would raise up like hands being raised in praise.
I ventured into propagating plants so I could have more of the same plants. When you get into propagation you have to learn what kind of soil is going to work best for your new plant. For example orchids do not actually grow in soil they grow in bark like material. My prayer plant was the most finicky because I couldn’t even use regular tap water, it only could use distilled water. Even in the humidifier I would have to use distilled water because they are very sensitive to mineral imbalances.
The parable of the sower comes to mind in Matt. 13:3-30. In the parable Yahushua compared the soil to the heart and the seed to the Word. As I reflected on the importance of having the right soil, watering times, fertilizer, sunlight and humidity for healthy plants, I
Prov. 11:30 says, “…He that wins souls is wise.” Rabbi GBD taught that a reason Yahushua chose fishermen was because fishermen knew what type of bait to catch what fish. As sowers of the word of Elohim we, too, have to have wisdom in sowing the word of Elohim in the hearts of people. We have to know whether their soil is ready to receive the seed. Does it need to be amended before putting the seed in? Does it need to be refreshed with new soil? Has their hearts become hardened and in need of moisture?
The answers to these questions may not be answered in a quick interaction, but if there’s an opportunity to disciple someone and a relationship is being built, the answers may become easily evident. However, no matter what the heart condition is, every heart needs the seed of salvation planted within them. Knowing that there is a living Power that made a way out of eternal death and inviting us to have an eternity with Him and Messiah is a blessing to anyone’s heart!
I don’t think you heard me; I HATE MY LIFE! For those reading this, it may seem strange hearing a declaration such as this from a self-proclaimed Bible student & Bible believer. For those who do know me, you may think I’m referring to what has occurred these past few years of my life. No, I literally mean MY LIFE. During times of loneliness & being alone, you have more than enough time to think. During these past few years, I’ve been thinking about this existence called Leonard Darrell Hall, which came about on a beautiful summer day in July 1968. Sure, I know what you may be thinking, WE ALL HAVE INCIDENTS THAT HAVE A NEGATIVE IMPACT ON YOUR LIFEATTHATMOMENT, BUT YOUR ENTIRE LIFE? No, that’s not the case. To some degree, I CAN AGREE WITH THAT, but in regard to me personally, I’ve been carefully considering it & have concluded that I fall into the category of those who can be used as an example to say, “hey, I KNOW THINGS MAY NOT BE GREAT, BUT LOOK AT WHAT THIS GUY HAD TO DEAL WITH,” yes, I’m “THIS GUY,” unfortunately.
I had a talk with one of my sons recently, about this exact same point & one thing I hate for people to do, IS TO POINT OUT SOMEONE IN WORST CONDITIONS THAN MYSELF. It invalidates my experience as if I shouldn’t feel the way I feel. Yes, I can agree that I am grateful for some things I have been allowed to possess; A PLACE TO DWELL, A VEHICLE TO GET BACK & FORTH, DAILY DIETARY SUSTENANCE & THE CLOTHES ON MY BACK FOR THOSE THINGS I AM EXTREMELY GRATEFUL, BUT IN REGARD TO EVERYTHING ELSE, I AM COMPLETELY DISSATISFIED, as the current state of my life, in spite of what I’m grateful for, is not what I thought it
would be. At this point, you may be asking, WHAT’S THE POINT OF SHARING SUCH NEGATIVE THOUGHTS ON A PLATFORM DESIGNATED FOR EDIFICATION, EXHORTATION & ENCOURAGEMENT? To which I’d also agree, however, in life & in Holy Scripture, we’re not only shown the good in our relationship with ABBA, we’re also shown the bad. Not only are we taught how to live FUNCTIONAL lives, we’re also shown what a DYSFUNCTIONAL life looks like. Consider my life, which as I’ve been told is an open book, AS AN EXAMPLE OF WHAT DYSFUNCTION LOOKS LIKE.
I AM A HATER. Yes, you heard that correctly, I AM A HATER! AM I PROUD OF IT, no, but it’s the truth. I’ve had to come to certain realities these past few years, being left to get into my own mind & discover the garbage that still exists there. It’s comparable to the pile up of a carnivore who overeats the flesh of dead animals, with no roughage to clean the colon. A VILE IMAGE, yes, I know, BUT IT DRIVES HOME THE POINT OF WHAT I’VE DISCOVERED RESIDING IN THE RECESSES OF MY MIND. HOW am I a hater, you may ask? Whenever I see an old couple, I ask, WHY COULDN’T THAT HAVE BEEN ME? Or, whenever I see or hear of someone’s child doing well in life & becoming successful, (although success may be subjective, nevertheless), I ask, WHY COULDN’T THAT HAVE BEEN MYCHILD, OR CHILDREN? And don’t let me hear about someone who has been successful in occupation or business ventures, yup, you guessed it, I ask WHY COULDN’T THAT HAVE BEEN ME?!? I AM A HATER. I don’t say this proudly, but I say this in an effort to be honest about what I’ve discovered lurking in the subconscious part of me, that has been dormant for some time now. It’s as if ABBA knew it was there & is now allowing various circumstances to arise in my life, to bring these realties & truths forth.
I HATE MY LIFE & I’M A HATER, yet I proclaim to be a Bible student & Bible believer, isn’t that classified as SWEET & BITTER WATERS? Isn’t that classified as STRADDLING THE FENCE? Isn’t this considered to be LUKEWARM & neither HOT nor COLD? NO! IT’S CONSIDERED BEING CARNALLY MINDED LEADING TO DEATH. This is my mindset. This is my human nature. The question is, WHY AM I NOW COMING TO THE AWARENESS OF HOW UTTERLY CORRUPT I AM IN THE WAY I’M THINKING? WHY DID IT TAKE THIS LONG? Well, allow me to share further HOW I was able to be deceived by my own persona.
Since as far back as I can remember, I’ve been considered by those around me to be “a good boy.” I’ve ran across people that knew me when I was younger & was told, on one occasion, “I knew you’d turn out good;” this was said because I became “A BELIEVER” at an early age in life (20yo). On a separate occasion I was told, “my mother always said you were the good one, that’s why she allowed YOU to come into our house.” When as an individual you hear this over & over, ESPECIALLY AS A CHILD, it’s easy to become deceived by it, as this is not something YOU have convinced yourself of, this is the testimony coming from others WHO AM I TO DISAGREE WITH THEIR PERSONAL ASSESSMENTS? Aren’t they watching me, observing me, seeing exactly how I move & MAKING THIS DECLARATION BASED ON EXPERIENCE? Surely, they’re correct in their personal view of me. THIS was the reality I’ve lived in & heard for much of my life; again, I HATE MY LIFE! I’ve been hoodwinked, bamboozled, run amuck, had, took, by those around me, who knew me best,yet lacked understanding of who I REALLY WAS?
To add insult to injury, as my grandfather told me, “YOU KNOW, YOU’RE SPOILED ROTTEN,” as he
proceeded to give me a 5-dollar bill for one of my birthdays; I was young, so I don’t remember which one, NEITHER DID I KNOW WHAT THAT MEANT So, not only was I being told that I was a “good boy,” growing up, simultaneously, I WAS BEING SPOILED! The term ‘spoil’ has several connotations, depending on the context of how it’s used. The primary definition means ‘to impair or destroy the quality of; ruin’. The term also means ‘to harm the character of a child by overindulgence or leniency’ . THIS WAS ME. I have been ruined as the result of being the first male child in a household of a husband & wife with three daughters. I was the first male child born & consequently I was treated “special.” Little did I know, at that age & during those times, that I was far from special, but a sinner like every other human being PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE. Herein lies the dichotomy; although I was treated the way I’ve described, I still didn’t have things THAT I WANTED
I grew up in an extended family with my mother, my sister (circa 1971), my two aunts, my grandmother & my grandfather. NOTICE ANYTHING MISSING? Although my grandfather was the head of household & “FATHER FIGURE” I never knew my biological father. Whereas all my friends, whether their father was in the household or not, had a relationship with their biological father. This was the first WANT that I lacked as a child. Little did I know the impact it would have on me growing up, both positive & negative. POSITIVELY SPEAKING, I vowed to always be part of my children’s lives, which up to now I think I’ve accomplished (my daughter has estranged herself from me at the time of this writing, but I understand her
reasoning). NEGATIVELY, it has become fuel to the ideology of not having the life THAT I WANTED. So, imagine going through life, without having a half of who you are. I felt incomplete. YES, I know that there are others who’ve experienced the same, some not even knowing either biological parent, BUT KNOWING THIS DOESN’T CHANGE HOW I FEEL ABOUT IT, NOR HOW IT HAS AFFECTED ME.
Growing up without a father, especially to a son, is only part of the problem. I also had a defect I was teased about throughout my life; MY TWO FRONT TEETH WERE CROOKED. Children can be very cruel & creative when thinking of taunts TO MAKE FUN OF YOU. I was a quiet person anyway, partly from being raised by my grandmother & being an only child for the first three years of my life. Having crooked teeth is the other component as to why I became quiet; thinking, if I didn’t open my mouth, no one would see this defect I was so ashamed to have. My family was unable to afford braces, so I had to wear retainers, which didn’t help my cause AT ALL! Imagine what it was like, having this defect & liking little girls, yet being
this created within me a sense of ENTITLEMENT. I felt that I DESERVED some good to happen in my life, I was eligible let me tell it, for things to turn around for me, as I HAD TO SURMOUNT the obstacles placed before me. Needless to say, I didn’t get WHAT I WANTED.
Let’s fast forward past my adolescent stage to when I met my childhood sweetheart, FOR THE SECOND TIME. We were initially introduced as children One of my aunts worked with her mother. We were “boyfriend & girlfriend” as preteens, but separated for several years until we met again at 18yo. ABBA revealed His truth to her prior to us meeting & when we did meet, she introduced me to this way of life (THE ABSOLUTE ONLY UPSIDE TO THIS MISERABLE EXISTENCE OF MINE, but back to my story). The year was 1986, I had just graduated from high school, had a bad run of relationships the past year & VOWED TO BECOME A WOMANIZER, (something I avoided being a hopeless romantic), but that changed because I’d been used by the teenage girls I dated. THAT’S WHEN SHE CAME INTO MY LIFE. When this happened, I thought things were looking up, maybe I’ll finally get SOMETHING I WANTED. So, we “dated” for three years & were married February 24, 1990.
ashamed to talk to them because of it. To say the least, I WAS NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT, rather, it was a major source of embarrassment to me. I have another defect, WHICH I WON’T MENTION HERE, but was pointed out by a neighbor; this caused additional stress & anxiety for me. Yup, THIS IS MY LIFE.
So, what you’ve learned about my upbringing thus far is that I was labeled as BEING GOOD, which was fostered by BEING SPOILED. Now, coupled with MY DEFECT & LACK OF A FATHER, AMONG OTHER DRAWBACKS,
To this day, even at the writing of this letter, THIS WAS BY FAR THE HAPPIEST DAY OF MY LIFE. The reason being, both of our families came together for a reason other than a funeral, a happy day indeed. We were married for 31 years, 6 months, 11 days, prior to her passing on September 5, 2021. THIS BECAME ONE OF THE SADDEST DAYS OF MY LIFE, alongside the murder of my youngest son August 22, 2017 & the deaths of my extended family members, beginning with my grandfather (1980), then my grandmother (1993), closely followed by my mother (1993) & one of my aunts (2005); prayerfully ABBA blesses
my mother’s youngest sister to stick around until my son comes home, I’M SO LOOKING FORWARD TO TAKING HIM TO VISIT HER
By fast forwarding, I skipped past other drawbacks I’ve experienced during what I’m labeling, MY MISERABLE EXISTENCE & why I HATE MY LIFE.
WHY COULDN’T MY MOTHER STILL BE ALIVE, other people still have their mothers? WHYDID MY SON HAVE TO BE INCARCERATED, other peoples’ sons weren’t incarcerated? WHY DID MY SON HAVE TO BE KILLED, other people still have their sons? WHY DOES MY SON HAVE TO SUFFER FROM MENTAL ILLNESS, other peoples’ sons don’t have these problems?
DO YOU SEE WHERE I’M GOING WITH THIS? I asked ABBA WHY one day, His response to me, as clear as day, “WHY NOT YOU?!?” In other words, WHY SHOULD YOUR LIFE BE SHIELDED FROM THE CALAMITIES THAT OTHER PEOPLE HAVE SUFFERED & OVERCAME? But that’s NOT what I heard; WHAT I HEARD WAS, “NO, I’m not going to allow YOU to keep YOUR job, just because I allowed the OTHERS to keep theirs. NO, I’m not going to allow you to be successful in these investments, just because I’ve allowed OTHERS to be successful in theirs. NO, I’m not going to allow you to remarry, just because I’ve let OTHERS find love again. So, over & over I began to hear NO, NO, NO & that translated to me, that I’m still not worthy to get THINGS I WANT This led me to becoming depressed & I’ve been battling this spirit for several years, unbeknownst to me.
There’s much more I can add to paint the picture of WHY I HATE MY LIFE & WHY I’M A HATER, but some things are best left unsaid. Nevertheless, this is where I am currently in my walk with ABBA, IF YOU CAN EVEN CALL THIS A WALK STILL. But all this is being said & confessed even, to share with whomever chooses to read, NOT for your empathy, NEITHER FOR your sympathy, NOR anything from anyone to be perfectly honest. These pages from my life are being shared to shed light on how THE OPPONENT moves against humanity, by showing HOW he’s SUCCESSFULLY MOVED AGAINST ME. ABBA had me go through Qoheleth (Ecclesiastes) for the purpose of making
me aware of my current stage of life. Ecclesiastes is King Solomon’s analysis of the occurrences experienced in life, be it good or evil. Hard truths were revealed during his analysis, such as:
Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity.
~Ecclesiastes 1:2
Here Solomon begins his treatise with the reality that all that this life has to offer is vanity. Vanity meaning emptiness, something transitory unsatisfactory. He goes on to delve further into our life experiences to share gems such as these:
For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven:
~Ecclesiastes 3:1
In life, all people will experience a range of GOOD & EVIL; some will experience one more than the other, but nevertheless, ALL EXPERIENCE BOTH. This is a fact, but when you’re on the side where it seems that you’re ALWAYS getting the proverbial “short end of the stick,” it can be overwhelming, AS IN MY CASE. It brings to mind a song by DJ Khaled called Shining, featuring Beyonce & Jay-Z. In the lyrics, Beyonce sings, “all of this winnin’ I’ve been losing my mind,” implying that “All I do is Win,” echoing the hook to another song by DJ Khaled. So, you can imagine the thoughts of A HATER like me when I hear those lyrics. But not only that, to see the people singing those lyrics APPEARING as if they have not a care in the world, while I’m out here
giving up on life, to be what ABBA wants me to be. Even though Holy Scripture teaches:
“Why do the wicked live, become old, yes, AND GROW MIGHTY IN POWER?
~Job 21:7
For I was envious of the arrogant, WHEN I SAW THE PROSPERITY OF THE WICKED.
~Psalms 73:3
You are righteous, Yahweh, when I contend with you; yet I would like to reason the cause with you. WHY DOES THE WAY OF THE WICKED PROSPER? WHY ARE THEY ALL AT EASE WHO DEAL VERY TREACHEROUSLY? You have planted them. Yes, they have taken root. They grow. Yes, they produce fruit. You are near in their mouth, and far from their heart.
~Jeremiah 12:1-2
All this I have seen in my days of vanity: there is a righteous man who perishes in his righteousness, AND THERE IS A WICKED MAN WHO LIVES LONG IN HIS EVILDOING.
~ Ecclesiastes 7:15
When I see people of the world prosperous IN THINGS THEY WANT, I AM DECEIVED INTO BELIEVING I SHOULD GET THE SAME, especially being a Bible student & Bible believer. But, as I’ve learned from experience & Holy Scripture, this is not the case.
There is a vanity which is done on the earth, that there are righteous men to whom it happens according to the work of the wicked. Again, THERE ARE WICKED MEN TO WHOM IT HAPPENS ACCORDING TO THE WORK OF THE RIGHTEOUS. I said that this also is vanity.
~ Ecclesiastes 8:14
Again, in our world today, things will not occur as we assume they will. The question we as Bible students & Bible Believers must answer is, HAVE WE LEARNED TO BE CONTENT IN EVERY STATE WE’RE IN? Additionally, some will interject the following passage of Holy Scripture:
We know that ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD FOR THOSE WHO LOVE G-D, to those who are called according to his purpose.
~Romans 8:28
These passages express exactly how I felt & continue to feel & WHY I AM A HATER. Now, some may think I have aspirations to be a multimillionaire, BUT THIS IS NOT THE CASE. I don’t aspire to be rich in finances, but rather, to have THINGS I WANT, which doesn’t equate with monetary gain.
Now, upon reading this, many will say YES, when we go through these difficulties in life, it works to our good! ALTHOUGH THIS IS TRUE, sometimes what may be for our good, DOES NOT COMPLY WITH WHAT WE WANT, which still makes life SEEM difficult, IN SPITE OF ABBA’S WILL BEING ACCOMPLISHED. This is currently the case for me. No, things have yet to work for MY GOOD, according to my personal view, but, I’m hopeful that someday it will, AND, I must also be willing to accept, that my good may not coincide with WHAT I WANT. Hence my dilemma. AND WHAT IS ANYONE TO LEARN FROM ANY OF THIS? The exact same thing ABBA taught me, just how SELFISH I was & still am, in spite of the bountiful blessings in my life. I WANT WHAT I WANT & nothing more, or nothing less. When I don’t get
WHAT I WANT, WHEN I WANT IT & HOW I WANT IT, I react. This is SELFISHNESS in its finest form. This is the reality that ABBA has brought me to regarding all that I’ve been suffering throughout my life, it was & is due to SELFISHNESS. The state of ‘being concerned chiefly or excessively with oneself & having little regard for others.’
I WANT a wife! I WANT financial freedom! I WANT to be happy in life! I, I, I, but the reality is, I may not get any of my wants, THEN WHAT? As Bro Shaul teaches,
But I rejoice in Adonai greatly, that now at length you have revived your thought for me; in which you did indeed take thought, but you lacked opportunity. Not that I speak because of lack, FOR I HAVE LEARNED IN WHATEVER STATE I AM, TO BE CONTENT IN IT.
~Philippians 4:10-11
I have yet to learn this lesson, to be content in whatever state that I am in. However, this is the goal of every Bible student & Bible believer. For now, I STILL HATE MY LIFE.
but this is MY lot in life, MY stake to bear. PRAYERFULLY, I’ll be equipped to bear it. YES, I’ve got work to do, even still, but enough about me,
ABBA’s will be done in your life & mine, B’SHEM YAHUSHUA HA’MASHIYACH
by Rav Iyaqiyr’AL![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/230531144041-9633b0b701bd8bcb89019f3149f1ed02/v1/5e8d3f78aefdb3d4a724a8bfa7268a34.jpeg)
22:35-40, 47-49
• to reveal YAH the Father to us (John 14:7-9)
• to provide us with an example of a set-apart life (John 13:15)
• to take away our sins (Hebrews 10:5-10)
• to serve as our sympathetic High Priest (Hebrews 4:14-16)
• to be a qualified Judge (John 5:22, 27)
• to fulfill the Davidic Covenant (Luke 1:31-33)
• and to rule over all creation (Psalm 8:3-8; Hebrews 2:5-9)
But there is another reason for this wondrous miracle. It was
• to destroy the works of the devil. (1 John 3:8)
The father of lies does not want the mind of man to contemplate the Truth of YAH, for if he does, he might understand It …then believe It ...and then obey It. To prevent this from happening,
1. “the evil one will” try to prevent YAH’s Word from being received
2. “the serpent of old” will try to corrupt YAH’s Word by means of false doctrine
3. “the god of this age” will try to impair one ability to understand YAH’s Word
4. “the devil” will try to discredit the integrity of YAH’s Word
1 Give ear, O heavens, and I will speak; hear, O earth, the words of my mouth.
2 Let my teaching fall like rain and my speech settle like dew, like gentle rain on new grass, like showers on tender plants.
3 For I will proclaim the name of YAHUEH. Ascribe greatness to our Mighty One!
4 He is the Rock, His work is perfect; all His ways are just. A Mighty One of faithfulness without injustice, righteous and upright is He.
5 His people have acted corruptly toward Him; the spot on them is not that of His children, but of a perverse and crooked generation.
6 Is this how you repay YHWH, O foolish and senseless people? Is He not your FATHER and CREATOR? Has He not made you and established you?
7 Remember the days of old; consider the years long past. Ask your father, and he will tell you, your elders, and they will inform you.
8 When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance, when He divided the sons of man, He set the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the sons of Alahiym.
9 But YHWH’s portion is His people, Jacob His allotted inheritance.
10 He found him in a desert land, in a barren, howling wilderness; He surrounded him, He instructed him, He guarded him as the apple of His eye.
11 As an eagle stirs up its nest and hovers over its young, He spread His wings to catch them and carried them on His pinions.
12 YHWH alone led him, and no foreign god was with him.
13 He made him ride on the heights of the land and fed him the produce of the field. He nourished him with honey from the rock and oil from the flinty crag,
14 with curds from the herd and milk from the flock, with the fat of lambs, with rams from Bashan, and goats, with the choicest grains of wheat. From the juice of the finest grapes you drank the wine.
15 But Yeshurun grew fat and kicked— becoming fat, bloated, and gorged. He abandoned the Mighty One who made him and scorned the Rock of his salvation.
16 They provoked His jealousy with foreign gods; they enraged Him with abominations.
17 They sacrificed to demons, not to Alahiym, to gods they had not known, to newly arrived gods, which your fathers did not fear.
18 You ignored the Rock who brought you forth; you forgot the Mighty One who gave you birth.
19 When YHWH saw this, He rejected them, provoked to anger by His sons and daughters.
20 He said: “I will hide MY face from them; I will see what will be their end. For they are a perverse generation— children of unfaithfulness.
21 They have provoked MY jealousy by that which is not Alahiym; they have enraged ME with their
worthless idols. So I will make them jealous by those who are not a people; I will make them angry by a nation without understanding.
22 For a fire has been kindled by MY anger, and it burns to the depths of Sheol; it consumes the earth and its produce, and scorches the foundations of the mountains.
23 I will heap disasters upon them; I will spend MY arrows against them.
24 They will be wasted from hunger and ravaged by pestilence and bitter plague; I will send the fangs of wild beasts against them, with the venom of vipers that slither in the dust.
25 Outside, the sword will take their children, and inside, terror will strike the young man and the young woman, the infant and the gray-haired man.
26 I would have said that I would cut them to pieces and blot out their memory from mankind,
27 if I had not dreaded the taunt of the enemy, lest their adversaries misunderstand and say: ‘Our own hand has prevailed; it was not YHWH who did all this.’ ”
Iyshra’Al is a nation devoid of counsel, with no understanding among them.
29 If only they were wise, they would understand it; they would comprehend their fate.
30 How could one man pursue a thousand, or two put ten thousand to flight, unless their Rock had sold them, unless YHWH had given them up?
31 For their rock is not like our Rock, even our enemies concede.
32 But their vine is from the vine of Sodom and from the fields of Gomorrah. Their grapes are poisonous; their clusters are bitter.
33 Their wine is the venom of serpents, the deadly poison of cobras.
34 “Have I not stored up these things, sealed up within MY vaults?
35 Vengeance is MINE; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; for their day of disaster is near, and their doom is coming quickly.”
36 For YHWH will vindicate His people and have compassion on His servants when He sees that their strength is gone and no one remains, slave or free.
37 He will say: “Where are their gods, the rock in which they took refuge,
38 which ate the fat of their sacrifices and drank the wine of their drink offerings? Let them rise up and help you; let them give you shelter!
39 See now that I am He; there is no Mighty One besides Me. I bring death and I give life; I wound and I heal, and there is no one who can deliver from MY hand.
40 For I lift up MY hand to heaven and declare: As surely as I live forever,
41 when I sharpen My flashing sword, and My hand grasps it in judgment, I will take vengeance on MY adversaries and repay those who hate Me.
42 I will make MY arrows drunk with blood, while MY sword devours flesh— the blood of the slain and captives, the heads of the enemy leaders.”
43 Rejoice, O heavens, with Him, and let all Alahiym’s angels worship Him. Rejoice, O nations, with His people; for He will avenge the blood of His children. He will take vengeance on His adversaries and repay those who hate Him; He will cleanse His land and His people.