Throughout history, Jordan’s capital Amman, while already having limited resources, has been affected due to the conflicts in neighboring countries. As a result, waves of refugees from Palestine, Iraq, and Syria rushed to Amman seeking stability, which transformed the urban structure of Amman and its socio-economics, as well as exerting pressure on the city’s infrastructure and housing development. This research aims to analyze the resilience of Amman and the adaptive capacity of its systems -such as its socio-economics, housing development, and infrastructure- towards the refugee crisis. How has Amman been coping since the 1950s? How far is its development from becoming sustainable? Is Amman adequately resilient to cope further in the future? The research will analyze the adequacy, sustainability, and integration level of housing, water, and sanitation services as per the socio-economic profile of millions of refugees.
#manchesterschoolofarchitecture #maaumsa #dissertation