Adam Sambuco Architecture Portfolio

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Adam J. Sambuco

2017 Architecture Portfolio

Bachelor of Science in Architecture, Master of Architecture Student | University of Cincinnati

Adam J. Sambuco

M. Arch Student

In both my designs and my life, I am motivated by a drive to enrich and provoke those around me. With every design opportunity I strive to make something that would interrupt the quotidian experience and cause the affected to reflect on this, spurring opinions and conversation. At every possible occasion I seek to edify those around me through teaching and constructive feedback. This portfolio includes projects I have worked on at school, in the workplace, and during my elusive moments of spare time. It demonstrates my analysis, approach, execution, and presentation of several projects of varying scale, from furniture to urban planning.

I must also mention that this was not all done on my own. Innumerable colleagues, professors, classmates, and books have pushed and educated me along the way, profoundly influencing my values and philosophies.

2 | Adam Sambuco

Education University of Cincinnati (2011 - Present)

Bachelor of Science in Architecture (2015) Master of Architecture (Expected 2018)

St. Clairsville High School (2007 - 2011)


Corgan - Dallas, TX (Spring, Autumn 2016)

Aviation Studio - Architectural Intern Designed and drafted all interior and exterior plans, elevations, and details of a Seattle gate addition project. Drafted construction details and plans for an Admirals Club in DFW International Airport. Collaborated with owners, MEP, and structural consultants on the Seattle and DFW projects. Researched, designed, and documented a series of proposals for a Hong Kong parking garage competition. Participated in several fast-paced design charrettes, working directly with Delta Airlines and other clients. Created photorealistic renders for multiple projects.

FRCH Design Worldwide - Cincinnati, OH (Summer 2015)

Retail Studio - Freelance Project Coordinator Managed multiple simultaneous, fast-moving retail projects. Focused on Construction Documents and Construction Administration using AutoCAD. Worked with clients and on-site contractors to find solutions to design and construction problems.

GBBN Architects - Beijing, China (Summer 2014)

Design Team - Architectural Intern Designed initial project schemes for a variety of program from mountain resort to mixed use developments. Progressed designs in further structural detail using SketchUp and Rhinoceros. Diagrammed project schemes, compiled client presentation material. Conducted site analysis on new projects and participated in site visits.

GBBN Architects - Cincinnati, OH (Autumn 2013)

Healthcare Special Projects Team - Architectural Intern Led multiple company-wide meetings and lessons on new software and efficiency. Worked primarily in Revit on interior renovations for Cincinnati Children’s Hospitals. Updated furniture standards with SketchUp dynamic components.

Skills Software:

Revit, A360, AutoCAD, Rhinoceros 3D, Grasshopper, V-Ray, SketchUp, Unreal Engine 4, Unity, Bluebeam Revu, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, LibreOffice


Sketching, Diagramming, Model-Making, Drafting, Researching


Organizations and Service

AIAS - American Institute of Architecture Students AIA Architecture by Children - Helped gifted children learn the design process and make models. Habitat for Humanity - Renovated houses in Cincinnati and gained hands-on construction experience. Resume | 3

06 - 17 4 | Table of Contents

18 - 29

30 - 41

42 - 51

52 - 63

64 - 71

72 - 81

82 - 89 Fall 2011 - Spring 2015 | 5

International Study Center of Cincinnati

2014 Studio

The goal of the ISCC is to promote interdisciplinary thinking that complements the areas of study on campus, particularly global, urban, and visual studies, along with applied mathematics and art. This building aims provide space for 30 scholars and artists for one to three semesters.

Creating opportunities for casual interactions among the fellows is of critical importance to the project, as the goal is to engender observations (across disciplines) that have the potential to lead to new collaborations and new insights into contemporary problems and issues.

This program includes about 35,500 square feet for the ISCC, 37,500 square feet of general Cincinnati housing, and 48,000 square feet of outdoor landscape, each subdivided further with specific needs from cross-ventilation to natural lighting.

6 | International Study Center of Cincinnati

Spring 2014 | 7

8 | International Study Center of Cincinnati

Site Strategy 1

1 The studies center is located closest to the university activities. The market housing is placed in the south near the other housing developments of the Cincinnati uptown region. Lastly, the eastern block represents a “welcome sign” idea, as a large amount of university traffic arrives from the east. 2 The “welcome sign” is pulled back at its north edge in order to draw the eye inward.


3 The “welcome sign” becomes a part of the studies center, creating a west-east path across the site.

4 Curves are removed to better facilitate construction, and the market housing is split in two in order to create a path between the new bus stop and the farthest corner.



Spring 2014 | 9

Crime and Visibility As the previous spread showed, the site for the project is prone to crime. In the past year there have been countless thefts and robberies, along with five assaults on or near the site.

Located to the right is an array of site sections. Due to the extreme slope of the site, there are many areas concealed from the eye on and off the site. Believing this to be related to all the adjacent crime, I set about trying to increase this visibility in my design.

10 | International Study Center of Cincinnati

To the left are studies of where a fracturing of the facade might take place, chosen to release light into previously dark and hardto-see places. For instance, upper levels need to release light in order to reach the park over the hill.

Spring 2014 | 11

12 | International Study Center of Cincinnati

Landscape and Vision The landscape aspect of the project was designed to support the strength of external circulation, to enhance and draw attention to the fracturing motif, and of course to create functional spaces. External circulation is supported through a hierarchy of sidewalk, grass, and trees. Fracturing is revealed to the occupants by having the negative spaces be the only things that break the grid. Public spaces are created in various sizes and locations so there are spots for everything from studying to eating to frisbee. In short, the aim of this project’s style was to bring about change in the realm of deconstructivist architecture, showing that a building can be more sensible if it only deconstructed in appropriate locations.

Spring 2014 | 13

14 | International Study Center of Cincinnati

Spring 2014 | 15

16 | International Study Center of Cincinnati

Spring 2014 | 17

IT Solution Center Renovation

2016 MetroLAB Studio

MetroLAB is a University of Cincinnati program which aims to “design, construct, research and evaluate innovative projects that support the infrastructure and development of the built environment.�

The ITSC renovation had a real client and design constraints, with the goal of completion (design and build) within three months. This includes spatial partitions, an intricate standing table, space-making wall covers, and a conference table.

After an in-studio competition, design iterations, and constructed prototypes, the final installation was a great success by the standards of both studio and client.

18 | IT Solution Center Renovation

Summer 2016 | 19

Existing Conditions The process of renovating the space begins with an analysis of the existing location. The Information Technology Solution Center is not a typical IT center where computer and networking issues are solved. Rather, it is a facility of primarily student workers where web applications are developed for a number of clients. These programmers worked within a large mobile office trailer with very little natural light, surrounded by drab, neutral colors. Despite the tendency to host international visitors, they had no conference table, no presentation space, and no branding to tell the visitors what the ITSC program represents.

20 | IT Solution Center Renovation

Planning The clients asked for a “creative, open, engaging space” and a “modern, innovative technology environment,” with wood as a unifying design motif. They sought the ability to give short tours to visitors, and they wanted some old furniture to be reused in some way.

At left are projects that inspired my team’s initial design, which the client chose to move forward with after our internal competition. Above is the plan of the space the clients settled on. It consists of (A) articulated wall covers, (B) spatial partitions, (C) a standing “solution table”, and (D) a conference table. I was the leader of the furniture team, which was tasked with designing and constructing both (C) and (D). Summer 2016 | 21

Prototype Design The design of the table is meant to be a synthesis of primitive and futuristic, human and machine. The material treatment gives it warmth, while the form is reminiscent of polygonal computer models.

An important facet of the design was its ability to be applied to any shape, any height, and any location, all while remaining stable amid both gravity and lateral forces generated by it being sat on or leaned against. This was accomplished by designing a Grasshopper script which created triangulated legs based on any given tabletop height and shape.

22 | IT Solution Center Renovation

The prototype was a smaller, standalone design with the same script, designed to test every issue of the full-scale design.

Construction The sketch at left shows the load distribution of each leg. Gravity travels from the tabletop into the legs, which are attached to the foot but not the top. However, the foot is attached to the top with a threaded metal rod in tension. This rod does not hold any weight; it simply pulls the foot upward, wedging the legs in between and solidifying the whole. Of course, the prototype was wrought with issues. The feet did not properly force correct alignment of each polygon, and the tabletop’s flat bottom did not rest securely on the legs.

Summer 2016 | 23

Final Design After many iterations, the final design solved all of the issues of the prototype. To ensure accuracy during construction, small ledges were added to the feet for each polygon to rest on, and a recession was added under the tabletop to hold the top of each polygon stable. Also, a section of wood was added within each leg, adding rigidity and regulating the polygon placement even more.

24 | IT Solution Center Renovation

The rod system was slightly changed as well, as we cut the rods shorter and added coupling nuts on top, allowing us some height tolerance and uniformity between the bolts that connect to the feet and those than hold the tabletop segments together.

Construction Construction of the solution table was very smooth the second time around, taking less time to build than the prototype despite being more than double its size.

First, the polygons and feet are made in a CNC milling machine, and the polygon edges are stained a dark color to match the aesthetic of the prototype, which was laser cut. The dark edges enhance the surreal, “3D Model� look of the piece by adding crisp edges and making the piano hinges recede visually. Each polygon is lined up with its appropriate location on the foot, and the foot design lets the builder know precisely where it must be placed. Still, it must be held by one person and affixed by another. After a few polygons are in place, the tabletop is added, forcing each following piece into the appropriate location. It must be removed for the last piece, as the hinges are screwed in from the inside. Lastly, the rods and coupling nuts are added, the tabletop is placed above, and the bolts which tie it all together are screwed into place.

Summer 2016 | 25

Installation The day of the review, our studio walked in to find a group of students already putting the table to use for an informal meeting. The client was giddy, as the working environment was made warmer and healthier thanks to the addition of a large standing table. With the visual addition of the end walls and the utilitarian addition of partitions to conceal the storage area, the project feels like one cohesive whole. The conference table, made from recycled furniture, is detailed at right. In the end, we spent approximately $6,500 of the $10,000 budget, and the client is very interested in pursuing further improvements with the help of our design team.

26 | IT Solution Center Renovation

Conference Table The aim of the conference table, beyond its utilitarian purpose, was to speak the same design language as the taller, more prominent Solution Table without stealing the spotlight. This table was designed primarily by my classmate Jonathan Tomko, with simplicity in mind. Like the Solution Table, it is two layers of plywood with filleted corners, rounded edges, and seams articulated with bolts. However, the tabletop is permanently laminated to achieve the single seam. Its legs were salvaged from four smaller tables that were no longer used by the University, adding an aspect of sustainability to the design. The conference table is extremely robust: impossible to break but easy to move. Summer 2016 | 27

28 | IT Solution Center Renovation

Summer 2016 | 29

Urban Harmony in Shenzhen

2014-2015 GSA Competition The disconnected nature of the 2.5 square kilometers of the Sungang and Qingshuihe districts of Shenzhen creates a formidable design challenge, as they are dissected by a railway to the east and a highway and mountains in the center. A superblock layout, urban villages, and isolated green spaces add to the lack of integration, necessitating redevelopment.

Team: Adam Sambuco (L) Ben Tamarkin Steffen Pawlosky Yiren Weng

30 | Urban Harmony in Shenzhen

In urban design, architects typically make the mistake of trying to solve all problems with one oversimplified scheme. The Urban Harmony solution avoids this by accommodating all possible lifestyles with solutions at all scales, solving the social issues along with the physical.

Fall 2014 - Winter 2015 | 31

Preliminary Sketches A few of many quick diagrams on trace to analyze the existing site as well as to plan the redevelopment.

Investigating urban edges and landmarks

Nodes and Axes

Strategies for pedestrian site circulation

Getting Around

Traffic varies based on time of day

Traffic Congestion

32 | Urban Harmony in Shenzhen

Parti Development The project brief called for a redevelopment of the site with a focus on urban mobility. Our team used every possible resource to fully analyze the site so as to reveal the optimal design solutions.

At its simplest, the parti represents an integration of the east park to the Sungang and Qingshuihe districts, along with the implementation of a large marketplace. These two alterations to the site form a symbiotic relationship wherein visitors to the site arrive at the marketplace and are drawn throughout the site by the permeating parks. Conversely, visitors to the enhanced park are drawn to the shopping center, increasing SQ’s profitability and facilitating further development.

Mixed Use Residential Office Recreation

Retail Office Residential Industrial

Autumn 2014 - Winter 2015 | 33

Qingshuihe Market

Sunken Highway

Furong Bridge Sungang Market

34 | Urban Harmony in Shenzhen

Nodal System and Phasing




Despite the apparent organic strategy, the Urban Harmony approach maintains a rigid hierarchy and organization by employing a nodal scheme made up of the Sunken Highway, north and south Marketplaces, and the Park. The Sunken Highway is the most drastic proposed alteration to the site. After an exit ramp, the highway continues below grade for about 3/4 of the site’s total width, creating a harmonious place for pedestrians, cyclists, automobile, and the light rail. The Sungang Marketplace is the largest attraction to the site, and the Park is a recreation hub as well as a unifying element. These nodes, as well as smaller satellite nodes, are designed with dynamic destinations, adding incentive to take the beautiful permeating parks and skywalks. Autumn 2014 - Winter 2015 | 35

Mobility Modules Like any good design, our Mobility Modules solve multiple problems simultaneously. Superficially, they enhance site navigation, but more importantly, they also serve to increase social mobility.

Elevator Bike Storage Retail Bus Stop Bike Share

36 | Urban Harmony in Shenzhen

Module Locations Walking/Cycling

Subway Luohu District

Existing Planned Proposed

Urban Mobility Scheme Because the aforementioned Mobility Modules have space reserved for small-scale retail, opportunities are created for a family in poverty to steadily grow their business, relocating to wealthier areas, as they make money and climb the social ladder.

The street grid and public transit are two more factors that contribute to a better SQ District. The primary, functional streets are maintained, while more are added to break up the superblocks. Our group’s proposal also calls for a new light rail track with six stops to navigate the site, stopping in the centers of the marketplaces, the transit hubs, and two spots in the park. The light rail even delves underground in the area of the sunken highway so as not to disturb traffic. Autumn 2014 - Winter 2015 | 37

38 | Urban Harmony in Shenzhen

Autumn 2014 - Winter 2015 | 39

40 | Urban Harmony in Shenzhen

Autumn 2014 - Winter 2015 | 41

The Boardwalk Spa

2013 Studio

Inspired by the idea of a boardwalk, the directional geometry of this project creates axes that parallel the river, and the varying size and program of each module creates privacy in open spaces.

The spa is composed of a wide “wave� which rises from the ground as one and then splits up at various heights dependent upon the quantity of light needed within its spaces. In plan, each module has a proportion of 1:2, and ends with a steep angle back into the ground to add shaded spaces beneath them and also to add to the overall dynamism of the project. Overall, the intention is not so much to be a teenage hangout or a place to bring children. The pool house is designed to feel intimate and primordial, being made of simple materials and being set in a location that can not be reached without first experiencing the nature that surrounds it.

42 | The Boardwalk Spa

Summer 2013 | 43

Circulation Sketches At first treating the program as modules, these iterations look at possible methods of navigating the program.

Creating a dynamic walkway

In + Out

Facilitating the sequence typical of a spa

Passing Through

Creating privacy without obstacles

Distributed Circulation

44 | The Boardwalk Spa

Section Sketches How does the project become just as engaging in section as in plan? These early explorations seek to answer that.

Every module strictly supports its program

Functional Purity

Height and angle manipulate light in and out

Natural Use of Light

Systems in place improve form and function

Activating the Boardwalk

Summer 2013 | 45

Site Strategy Placement on the site is dictated by the surrounding natural area. It runs in parallel with the nearby creek, and it is far enough from the road to necessitate an immersion in nature before finally arriving at the spa.

46 | The Boardwalk Spa

Program Strategy The Boardwalk Spa is laid out according to circulation. This ensures that someone with no prior spa experience can easily follow the correct process, as well as naturally making certain areas more or less private. The circulation’s concept ensures that every space is simultaneously easy to access and pleasant to inhabit. One small detail of how this is accomplished is that each space wholly encompasses its program and no more. For instance, the space with the hot tub, shown below, must be walked around, not through.

Summer 2013 | 47

Sequential Perspectives The rising planes resemble a tumbling wave

View from the Street

The three most public programs are visible

Apparent Program Hierarchy

Naturally guided to the proper space

Spaces Reaching Out

View of plunge pool and sauna area

Leaving the Changing Room

48 | The Boardwalk Spa

Summer 2013 | 49

50 | The Boardwalk Spa

Summer 2013 | 51

Gilbert Avenue Transit Hub

2014 Studio

The Gilbert Avenue Transit Hub is a studio project that lasted half of one semester. It served as an intense introduction to parametric design. The program was comprised of a 7,000 square foot Greyhound station and administration, a 2,000 square foot city bus stop, 2,000 square feet of social/civic space, and an additional 16,000 square feet of a combination of entertainment space, a food court, restaurants, and cafes. The parametric modeling techniques used were primarily executed using Grasshopper 3D, with Autodesk Maya being used for path optimization, and Space Syntax simulations run to determine aspects of visibility, agent testing, and street level path integration. The design focused on optimizing pedestrian and cyclist circulation throughout the site while creating a new landmark for Cincinnati.

52 | Cincinnati Transit Hub

Autumn 2014 | 53

Site Analysis I began with a site analysis at multiple scales, investigating characteristics such as landmarks, transportation routes, social aspects, and adjacencies. The project’s site is located on what was previously a parking lot for the adjacent Horseshoe Casino. To the immediate west is the Pendleton neighborhood, an impoverished locality just south of the bustling Over-The-Rhine neighborhood. To the southeast is Mount Adams, a beautiful neighborhood perched on a hill looking down on the city, but which is difficult to access. Because of the location, during the work day there will be an even distribution of access from the southwest and northeast, but later in the day it will be primarily accessed from the northeast.

54 | Cincinnati Transit Hub

Site Strategy Based on the landmarks from which patrons will approach, and the locations throughout the city that have an inherent connection to the new transit hub, lines were projected across the site as paths of varying importance. These paths were then optimized by running a hair simulation in Maya, assigning each one a “gravity� to pull them together and reduce the overall amount of necessary paving.

It is these paths that formed the basis of the site layout. The program was logically placed in each space with an emphasis on visibility and accessibility. Also, an elevated pedestrian/cycling path was added, serving those moving to and through the site.

Autumn 2014 | 55

56 | Cincinnati Transit Hub

Form Generation The form and structure of the Transit Hub are generated through a parametric process that can be applied to different sites sharing similar characteristics. After experimenting with what the most effective strategy would be, I decided to use Grasshopper to model masses on each of the plots.

The form’s generative process begins with an extrusion to optimal height based on program, and in the case of one building, becoming a landmark. The buildings then have the top rotated outward to optimally capture sun and views. Lastly, they taper toward the sky for two reasons: To create a forced perspective making them seem taller, and, more importantly, to open up the view to and from Mount Adams on the hill, especially from the elevated viewing deck.

Autumn 2014 | 57

58 | Cincinnati Transit Hub

Experience The Gilbert Avenue Transit Hub creates a powerful linear motion through its central axis, running alongside all of its public program. Its distinctive structure reinforces the opposing axes, and its louver system shelters the interior from the sun, particularly during the summer. The elevated walking path serves as a thoroughfare between opposite corners of the site, and more importantly it adds a second level of storefront space. For passengers waiting on their buses, the Transit Hub provides more than enough food and entertainment to get them through, and the south end serves as an efficient central area for ticketing, waiting, and pickup.

Autumn 2014 | 59

60 | Cincinnati Transit Hub

Autumn 2014 | 61

62 | Cincinnati Transit Hub

Autumn 2014 | 63

Le Congrès International d’Architecture Moderne

2014 Two-Day Charrette

Le Congrès International d’Architecture Moderne, founded in the late 20’s in Switzerland, was organized in large part to formalize the architectural principles of the Modernist Movement. It acted as both a professional and social congress working toward the relatively common goal of solving problems through futuristic technologies. In response to the CIAM, a present-day take on architectural research must not only understand where it has been, but also continue moving forward using progressive technologies.

Team: Adam Sambuco Kyle Winston Tyler Kimmel Yu Kono

64 | Le Congrès International d’Architecture Moderne

The new Architectural Congress of Ohio, located near Kent State University, is the first step toward achieving this better future. Its form and function focus primarily on the architects who will orchestrate the groundbreaking solutions to the problems facing the world today. The dichotomy of old vs. new aids in expressing this focus.

Spring 2014 | 65

66 | Le Congrès International d’Architecture Moderne

The parti for the project is a “glass box� within a solid enclosure made of concrete. The third piece of the puzzle is the undulating wood structure which permeates both the glass and the concrete sections, adding appropriate shading and spacial subdivisions.

Because exhibitions will only take place occasionally, the gallery space will generally be used by the researchers to pin up work and discuss and evaluate results. It is for this reason that the studio work areas are perched above the exhibition space looking down. This also adds the benefit of natural ventilation. The resource area, for things like plotting and gathering materials, splits up the two work areas. The floor heights reflect the intent of circulation, with steps down into the doubleheight exhibition space, the gallery raised a small amount, and the work space on top.

Spring 2014 | 67

68 | Le Congrès International d’Architecture Moderne

Spring 2014 | 69

70 | Le Congrès International d’Architecture Moderne

Spring 2014 | 71

SEA-TAC Airport Gate Reconfiguration

2016-2017 Corgan Project

In the wake of Seattle-Tacoma International Airport’s rapid growth, the Gate Reconfiguration project was conceived as a way of dealing with a concourse that is struggling to deal with increasing passenger numbers. The goal was to add two new gates to Concourse B, reconfiguring the interior spaces as required. This is the first project I ever managed in large part by myself, designing, drafting, and annotating all plans, elevations, and details. Because of this, I frequently collaborated with Delta Airlines, MEP, the owners, and structural consultants to determine solutions to design and logistic problems. The Gate Reconfiguration taught me much about how architecture projects are conducted, as I managed it from conception to 100% completion while solving issues ranging from seating logistics to exterior and structural details.

72 | Corgan: SEA-TAC Airport Gate Reconfiguration

Autumn 2016 | 73

74 | Corgan: SEA-TAC Airport Gate Reconfiguration

New Gates B5A and B7A As mentioned previously, the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport is operating over capacity, so the gate reconfiguration is a metaphorical band-aid over the problem. While the project is massive with all things considered, architecturally it is somewhat small. At the request of the Port of Seattle, I created the render page opposite once the design issues were solved. It shows the new gate B5A, which was the more troublesome of the two new gates due to existing plumbing conflicts and demolition of the vending and storage spaces. Gate B7A was a much simpler addition, requiring only the removal of seats and the obvious work on the exterior wall.

Autumn 2016 | 75

Interior Details The protocol for the interior design was to stick to the precedents. B7A required virtually no interior work, but B5A was a new space. It therefore drew inspiration from three nearby gates which varied in age, technology, and geometry. The details on this spread focus on two of the more complex issues: column covers and wall panels.

76 | Corgan: SEA-TAC Airport Gate Reconfiguration

Autumn 2016 | 77

Exterior Details The following drawings detail the demolition of exterior walls and installation of new structure, doors, and cladding.

78 | Corgan: SEA-TAC Airport Gate Reconfiguration

Autumn 2016 | 79

80 | Corgan: SEA-TAC Airport Gate Reconfiguration

Autumn 2016 | 81

Baiyun Mountain Resort Artist Village

2014 GBBN Asia Project

Located in the Baiyun (“White Cloud”) Mountain near the city of Guangzhou, China, the Mountain Resort includes a lot more than its name entails. It includes a boutique hotel, a hostel, many restaurants and shops, bicycling and hiking trails, photography and jockey clubs, livestock, and more. The area of the mountain which is the site is covered in beautiful tea farms. Using this as an opportunity, the team decided to use tea as a unifying theme to resolve the disparate program. Because of the project’s massive scale, I spent the majority of my time in certain locations, namely the logistics area (parking and entry), activities area (bicycles, horses, and sheep), and the artist village, which is what I will be highlighting here.

The artist village includes studio housing for 5 artists, a clubhouse for hiking and photography, and a courtyard for socializing and selling goods.

82 | GBBN: Yichang Baiyun Mountain Resort

Summer 2014 | 83

Site Analysis Extensive site studies created the final layout, located page opposite. One major challenge posed by the site is the slope. The slope analysis at right was created using Rhino, and the other informational diagrams above were completed using a combination of land survey information and site visitation. The overall organization of the program creates a journey throughout, with easily comprehensible wayfinding and program united by tea farm terraces.

84 | GBBN: Yichang Baiyun Mountain Resort

Macro Programming Main road ascending the mountains

Development Backbone

Perpendicular to the development backbone

Zoning Splines

Primary program areas

Final Zone Locations

More detailed program to be built in P1

Specific Zones (Phase 1)

Summer 2014 | 85

Location on Site The artist village is located on one of the most visible peaks of the site, second only to the hotel. Therefore it also has a gorgeous view over both the development and the surrounding mountain.

Access is generally from the south, from either a secondary road or the hostel below. It is also accessible by hiking trails coming from the west. While far from the primary source of income for the development, the artist village draws attention to itself by being a sort of gem on the hill, and that is both for the views and to attract more hikers and customers.

86 | GBBN: Yichang Baiyun Mountain Resort

Artist Village Layout One unique aspect of the artist village is that it is strongly experiential on the outside in addition to the interior. It consists of six buildings surrounding an active courtyard of exhibits, music, vegetation, and sales.

Each artist house is a loft which contains a massive studio area in addition to the bed, bath, and kitchen. The placement of the artist houses optimizes northern light for the artists. They are also designed to take advantage of the abundant views and sunlight, so even the top floors, which do not span the entire expanse of the structure, provide views outward from every location. At the far north of the site is the clubhouse, which is the central hub for hiking and photography at the resort.

Summer 2014 | 87

88 | GBBN: Yichang Baiyun Mountain Resort

Summer 2014 | 89

Adam J. Sambuco

Thank you | 740.310.0910

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